
Hanged Man's Epilogue

Oct 18th, 2015
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  1. >greetings i am one of the 22 beings that made up the one called Anonymous
  2. >we were all created when we defeated the chaos and were sent to the Velvet Room
  3. >there the bonds that we forged together appeared before us and transformed into keys
  4. >so all of us made a charge for the keys so we could see the ones we held most dear
  5. >i set my eyes on the first key i saw and grabbed it
  6. >as soon as my hand grasped the key i know exactly who it represented
  7. >my name is Hanged Man
  8. >after we all got back home everyone was surprised that one had turned into 22
  9. >when word got to Canterlont it was all "chaos" this and "anarchy" that
  10. >but as we got as we got accustomed to out new way of like that kinda fizzled and died
  11. >most of us decided to live life with the bond that made us
  12. >the same goes for me to
  13. >life with Sunset is.......... i guess complicated is a word i could use
  14. >sense she has her own life on the other side of the mirror i don't get to see her as often as id like
  15. >but twilight said i was welcome to use the book to contact her if i ever need to
  16. >when sunset got back to CHS she told her friends about everything
  17. >they were not as surprised as she thought they would be
  18. >most of the time we either discus her time at CHS what the others on this side are up to
  19. >on her off time she does come here to visit
  20. >as for myself, well i do take part in just about anything the gang comes up with
  23. ok, What did he do this time?
  27. ya ill be there in just a sec
  29. >i shut the book i was writing in and open the door of my home
  31. >well someone has to keep an eye on these guys might as well be me
  33. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. a few days after the Mary raid
  40. SchrŌdinger's outhouse, early morning
  43. I can't believe I'm doing this
  44. >I knock on the door in a precise manner, 5 fast knocks and 2 spaced knocks
  45. >seconds pass
  46. >then minutes
  47. >I go to knock again when the door swings open
  48. >"AH! hanged man my friend, what brings you out to my neck of the woods?"
  49. >he's giving his best shit eating grin
  50. you know why I'm here Mary cut the shit
  51. >"now why would you be here, I wonder?" he asks again
  52. >I just stare at him
  53. >"OH! But of course how could I have forgotten?"
  54. do you have them?
  55. >"but of course. I told you id get them and so I have. come in, come in"
  56. >I enter the portal to who knows where
  57. >the door shuts itself behind us
  58. >I see before me what can only be described as a space-time cluster fuck
  59. >things floating in mid air, gravity being reversed, time flowing backwards
  60. >I stop trying to wrap my head around it all
  61. >thankfully the path were walking on is stable enough
  62. >"like what I've done with the place?" Mary asks
  63. its very, how do I put it? you
  64. >"glad you think so" he says in a cheery tune
  65. >"he's loving this" I think to myself
  66. >after walking for what seemed like an eternity we finally reach his house
  67. >he opens the door
  68. >"after you" he says as he swings his hand as a gesture to enter
  69. >I enter and he follows soon after
  70. >"now where did I put them?"
  71. >"i remember, in my chest of mysteries"
  72. >the only thing I can think is "god damn it Mary"
  73. >he walks, no, dancing almost over to a chest in the corner of the room
  74. >he opens the chest and begins throwing out what I swear were edited .jpg's and .gif files
  75. >I"m not even going to question how that's is possible
  76. >"hm? I swear I put them in here"
  77. Mary
  78. >"they most certainly are elusive"
  79. Mary
  80. >"could they be at the bottom?"
  81. MARY!
  82. >ah, found it
  83. >he puts all the files back and walks over to me
  84. >"one map of Twilight's castle with guard posting's and times
  85. >"and two small boxes"
  86. >he hands the items over to me and and I double check their contents
  87. >"everything to your liking?" he asks
  88. perfect
  89. >"glad to hear cause there is one more pressing issue that needs to be addressed"
  90. >oh shit here it comes
  91. >"those items were not easy to get a hold of as you may know"
  92. >"so in return for those I need you to read this letter"
  93. >in a flash he pulls out a sealed letter
  94. >I know where this is going
  95. you couldn't be satisfied until you get everyone, huh?
  96. >I take the letter and open it
  99. >dear hanged man
  100. >I know weve had our disagreements in the past but im sure when this is all over you'll find it in you heart to forgive me, because in return for the items ive bestowed upon you i get to call in one favor from you of my choice at any time
  101. >P.S
  105. >love Mary
  107. >I try to contain my rage
  108. >Mary is on they floor dying form laughter
  109. >fucking Mary
  110. fine Mary, you win I agree to you terms
  111. >I turn around and walk out the house and leave that place hopeful never to return
  112. >when I exited the out house it suddenly donned on me
  113. i just made a deal with the devil didn't i?..............fuck me
  114. >I put the boxes in my pocket and open the map
  115. >got to hand it to Marry though this map is really detailed
  116. let me see, if I go now I should be able to get there before any guards show up
  117. >I roll up the map and head to Twilight's castle
  118. Twilight's castle, Morning
  120. >I approach the castle doors and am greeted by the door guards
  121. >ok I didn't think they would be a problem
  122. now for the real challenge
  123. >I open my map
  124. >ok if the information I get was right after we all came back she moved it to the second floor
  125. >damn it are the names for the rooms on this map meant for ants
  126. >after finally finding the room I was looking for
  127. found you
  128. >ok so down the right hallway until the first flight of stairs then head left
  129. >I roll up the map and look down the right hallway
  130. >good no ones down here
  131. >I walk down the hallway careful not to make much of a sound
  132. >the echo in here would be the end of me
  133. >I reach the stairs and climb up to the second floor
  134. >all things considered she could have moved it farther away
  135. >at the top of the stairs a guard should just walk right on by
  136. >I crouch down as not to be seen
  137. >when the guard walks by I wait for him to turn the corner
  138. >I check my map
  139. >ok so turn left and it should be the third, no forth door
  140. >I leave the stairwell and head left
  141. >one
  142. >two
  143. >three
  144. here
  145. >the sign above the door reads "Mirror Room"
  146. >and a sign bellow that reads "authorized access only"
  147. >well ive gone this far no backing out now
  148. >I open the door and quickly shut it behind me
  149. >I sigh with relief
  150. >"took you long enough"
  151. >i drop the map
  152. >I freeze in shock there shouldn't be anyone in here
  153. >I turn around and the one addressing me is Priestess
  154. >I try to play it off
  155. sup Priestess hows it going
  156. >silence
  157. I seem to have gotten lost this is so not the library could you lead me to it
  158. >"exactly how retarded do you think I am?"
  159. >"I know exactly why your here"
  160. >he walks out of the way to show me the mirror
  161. >"you are the first and the last person I expected to try this"
  162. >I look down
  163. mind explaining to me your thinking on that one?
  164. >"you are the last person I expected to pull this"
  165. >"because you try so hard to keep as many of us out of trouble as you can"
  166. ok ya that stung a bit but that's why I didn't want anyone to know
  167. >"let me finish"
  168. >"you are also the first one because you have the most reason to"
  169. I know, sorry for being so selfish. ill show my self out promise not to tell
  170. >that's when it hits me
  171. >literally
  172. >Priestess just hit me
  173. >I look up from the pain
  174. why?
  175. >"because your an idiot"
  176. >"you do know its ok to be selfish sometimes right?"
  177. >"especially in your current situation"
  178. >"If you don't make a change everything will fall apart around you"
  179. >"and anyway did I ever say I was going to stop you"
  180. beg your pardon
  181. >"you heard me"
  182. >"honestly I was just waiting to see how long it would take you to finally get off your ass"
  183. >"not bad time all things considered"
  184. >"what are you waiting for an invitation?"
  185. >"if anyone comes around asking about you i'll do my best to throw them off your trail NOW GO
  186. right"
  187. >I walk up to the mirror and place my hand on its surface
  188. >as the surface starts to ripple I push against the mirror and fall though
  189. >as im falling a thought occurs
  190. it would really suck if the mirror turned me into a pony....really didn't think that through
  193. ???, Morning?
  196. >the next thing I know I'm face planting onto concrete
  197. ow ow ow ok ow
  198. >I pull myself together
  199. ok body check
  200. >head
  201. check
  202. >hands
  203. check
  204. >feet
  205. Check
  206. >suit
  207. dusty but check
  208. >I take a moment to take in my surroundings
  209. this must be CHS, wish I had Mary prepare a map of this place now how to find Sunset
  210. >I could always check the perimeter for windows and see if I can find her
  211. no that's to creepy
  212. >how about pretending to be her long lost uncle or something
  213. again no to creepy
  214. >then how about just waiting out here for school to get out and find her then
  215. ok brain how about you come up with a plan that is not creepy or get me arrested ok
  216. >then how about posing as a student, Sunset seems to pull it off so why can't you
  217. that's........actually not a bad point. I'll give it a shot
  218. >that's what I'm talking about give me a high five
  219. >*smack*
  220. should I be concerned
  221. >why
  222. because I'm currently holding a conversation with myself
  223. >NAH
  224. NAH
  225. >I walk up the stairs and open the door to the school
  226. >now I should probably see the principal first thing
  227. >I see a lone student wondering the hall
  228. >that'll work
  229. excuse me
  230. >the student turns my direction
  231. >"yes may I help you" he asks
  232. i was just wondering where the principals office is at
  233. >"pasha ask me a hard one, turn right down this hall it'll be the last door at the end"
  234. thanks man
  235. >"no prob see ya around"
  236. >holy shit I think I can pull this off
  237. >I follow the students directions
  238. >eventually find myself at a door with the image of a sun over the frame
  239. >here we go
  240. >I knock on the door twice
  241. >a few moments pass
  242. >"just one moment" I hear from the other side
  243. >Its only now that that I realize that I can absolutely not fuck up
  244. >exactly where on the scale from 1 to prison rape would I be for impersonating a high schooler
  245. >"ok come in" I hear
  246. >I open the door
  247. >and in front of me I see......a human Tia
  248. >I hold back a snicker
  249. >I close the door behind me
  250. >"well yours isn't a face I've seen before. my name is Celestia the principal of this school, what brings you to Canterlot High today"
  251. >ok man this is it your big moment DON'T FUCK UP
  252. hello principal Celestia my name is HM and I was wondering if there was any possibility of becoming a student of this school today?
  253. >ok off to a good start
  254. >"hm? you seem a bit old for high school how old are you exactly"
  255. >DAMN think of a number
  256. 19
  257. >"so I was right you are to old for high school"
  258. just a moment miss I can explain I had to drop out of the last school I went to
  259. >"why?"
  260. because I had to help take care of my brothers
  261. >"why? you shouldn't your parents-"
  262. died
  263. >genius fucking backstory
  264. >"and so why are you here now?"
  265. because I figured if I obtained a higher learning I can help my brothers more
  266. >"how may brothers do you have if you don't mind me asking"
  267. 22 including myself
  268. >"oh my that's quite a lot of siblings"
  269. you see why I had to leave my last school I couldn't just leave them
  270. >"so you want to do this all for your brothers sake that's so commendable"
  271. >"it is with great pleasure to welcome you to CHS"
  273. >"would you like a tour of our school today"
  274. sure why not
  275. >"ok let me just get the one who has been giving the tours to new students lately"
  276. >she puts her hand on the button for the intercom
  277. >and I here something that almost made me die from holding back the laughter
  278. >"Sunset Shimmer the principal's office I repeat Sunset Shimmer to the principals office"
  279. >"she should be here shortly would you like to wait outside for her"
  280. >I couldn't speak so I just nodded a "yes"
  281. >I open the door and leave the office closing the door behind me
  282. >after regaining my composure I was finally able to talk again
  283. i wish I had a camera her face is going to be priceless
  284. >after waiting a few minutes I see a shadow around the corner of the hallway
  285. >this is it
  286. >the shadow creeps closer
  287. >Its happening
  288. >I see the red and yellow hair
  289. >yes yes yes
  290. >she turns the corner and it take her a moment to actually see me but when she does
  291. >her eyes go so wide I thought they were going to pop out and she just stands there
  292. >eventually I see her mouth something "oh my god"? or maybe "what the fuck" I don't know
  293. >but what I do know is that she was walking before now she's in a full on sprint
  294. >I thought she was going to collide into me but she stopped on a dime right in front of me
  295. >"what, how, when idonteven"
  296. easy Sunset easy lets walk ill explain
  297. >"alright"
  298. >as we walk down the hallway I make sure we are out of earshot of the principal
  299. ok ask away
  301. well I kinda got a hold of a recent map of the castle and snuck my way though if you can call it sneaking, to the room with the mirror
  302. >"so any one of you could just come here"
  303. not exactly the location of the mirror room has been changed and Priestess is guarding it from what I can tell
  304. >"and he just let you pass"
  305. ya pretty much
  306. >"ok question 2, why?"
  307. why Senpai I'm shocked you would even ask that I came here to see you of course
  308. >"I thought you were going to stop the whole Senpai thing"
  309. eh its 50/50 really
  310. >"and besides that's not what I meant"
  311. then what did you mean?
  312. >"why are you pretending to be a student here"
  313. well its not really pretending anymore
  314. >"what?"
  315. ya the principal welcomed me and everything that's why she called you to give me a tour
  316. >"you knew they were going to call me?"
  317. nope that was just the icing on the cake my dear
  318. >"wasn't there any other way to see me other than becoming a student was that your first choice"
  319. actually I had an argument with myself about that very thing but anything I came up with was either really creepy or would get me arrested
  320. >"tell me"
  321. what?
  322. >"tell me the alternatives you thought up before coming to this"
  323. well first was looking though the windows for the outside to try to find you, creepy right?
  324. >"ya"
  325. second was to fake being a long lost family member again creepy
  326. >"kinda"
  327. third was to just wait outside for you but that's just asking to be arrested
  328. >"I see"
  329. >she facepalms hard
  330. >"so let me get this straight"
  331. >"you snuck though twilight's castle and used the mirror with out permission"
  332. Correct
  333. >"no one other than Priestess knows you are here"
  334. nope
  335. >"you have 'officially' become a student at CHS"
  336. yup
  337. >"and you went though all of that just to see me"
  338. ding ding ding we have a winner
  339. >"you have got to be the biggest idiot I have ever met"
  340. >she leans against me while we walk
  341. >"but I guess your my idiot"
  342. by the way where are we going miss tour guide
  343. >she sighs
  344. >"well right now lunch just started, you hungry mr transfer student"
  345. >we both share in a laugh
  346. sure I haven't eaten anything today
  347. >"then follow me"
  349. CHS cafeteria, Afternoon
  351. >we walk down the hallway and turn down the hall across from the entrance
  352. >about halfway down the hall we reach a set of double doors
  353. >"well here it is"
  354. >she opens the doors to a large cafeteria bustling with students
  355. >"well what are you waiting for come on in and grab what you want"
  356. >I look around at whats being served it just screams standard lunch of standerdness
  357. >but at the end of the line I see a bubbling vat
  358. >fill with what I can only describe as a liquid for another dimension
  359. >"ya, don't eat that" Sunset speaks up from in front of me
  360. >In the end I just grab a salad
  361. >In the corner of the room I see a drink dispenser
  362. >I go through the labels
  363. you guys have everything here
  364. >I grab a cup from the side of the machine and find the drink I was looking for
  365. ah DR. PEPPER how I have missed you
  366. >I step away and walk to where Sunset is waiting for me
  367. >"that all you going to eat"
  368. it'll be enough
  369. >"alright then, follow me ill show you to our table it at the back"
  370. >we start walking down the cafeteria
  371. what do you mean by "our" table
  372. >"well not a whole lot has changed in this world after I came back"
  373. >"people are hesitant to talk to me sense the "incident" is still pretty fresh to them
  374. >"so I just sit with my friends from this side"
  375. i see
  376. >"don't worry you'll know who's who"
  377. >we continue walking to the end of the room
  378. >that's when I hear it, the wipers that prove that this is in fact a high school
  379. >"who's the new guy"
  380. >"why is he with her?"
  381. >"should someone tell him?"
  382. >"do you this hes brainwashed?"
  383. >"should we report this?"
  384. >from the looks of it Sunset hears them to
  385. if their trying to be quiet their not doing a very good job at it
  386. >"you know, it used to bug me but after I came back they didn't change but I did"
  387. that's the spirit
  388. >I look around for the table we are to sit at
  389. >that's when I see it a girl standing on a chair waving her arms like a maniac
  390. >with that pink cotton candy hair and the yell "SUNSET SHIMMER,OVER HERE"
  391. >Sunset looks up at me
  392. >I put my hand to my face
  393. yep that's pinkie alright
  394. >I take a seat at the table and Sunset sits next to me
  395. >I look around at everyone's expressions theirs are almost as good as Sunset's
  396. >ranging from confused to whatever Rarity is trying to convey eyes wide and mouth agape
  397. >Sunset breaks the silence
  398. >"well I guess introductions are in order"
  399. >"everyone this is Hanged Man but he just goes by HM
  400. >"HM this is Rainbow Dash"
  401. >"sup"
  402. >"Rarity"
  403. >"pleased to meat you darling"
  404. >"Fluttershy"
  405. >".......hi"
  406. >"Pinkie pie"
  407. >"great to meetcha"
  408. >"and Applejack"
  409. >"howdy"
  410. its great to meet you all
  411. >Sunset spoke up
  412. >"so you know how I gave you the short version of what happened on the other side"
  413. >"oh, oh i can answer this one" pinkie says
  414. >"you mean how the one Anon turned it to 22 people after you beat up the void"
  415. >"right" Sunset replies
  416. >"the others on that side live their own lives but this one decided to cling to me"
  417. >Sunset takes a drink of her soda
  418. >"you mean he's your boyfriend" rainbow says bluntly
  419. >Sunset spits out most of her drink
  420. >she's coughing pretty bad so I pat her on the back
  421. >"dang it rainbow, not so loud" sunset coughs out
  422. >"why?"
  423. because even though you know about sunsets age do you really think any one else does
  424. >"he's right"sunset says finally stop coughing
  425. >"i still have to keep up this form when I'm here"
  426. >"oh, yea that makes sense" Rainbow replies
  427. >"so if that's the case why are you here?" Rarity asks
  428. well I couldn't stand not seeing Sunset so I decided to come here and after debating how best to find her I decided that becoming a student here was the best option
  429. >"YOU DID WHAT?" they all yell
  430. haha ya, that was Sunset's reaction too. I mean I heard rumors abut how easy it was to become a student here but I had no idea.
  431. >"i never did get to ask you what story you told the principal to get you accepted"
  432. well the short version is that i'm 19, i left my old school to take care of my brothers and I'm pursuing a higher education to help them
  433. >Sunset just looks at me
  434. >"i-i cant believe that worked"
  435. i can't either but it did and now i go to school here
  436. >"weren't you the one how took it upon himself to keep the other arcanas out of trouble. and yet here you are in the very definition of trouble yourself"
  437. yes I did say I'd keep an eye out for them but I'm not all knowing i cant see everyone, anyone out of Ponyville is beyond me and besides they are a capable lot I'm sure they'll be fine for the half a day I'd be here
  438. >"you clearly have more faith in them than i do"
  439. >"well it doesn't do any good talking about it, lunch is almost over anyway and i still have to show him around the rest of the school. I'll see you girls Monday"
  440. >Sunset get up from her seat and heads to the exit
  441. >i say goodbye to everyone and follow after her
  442. >as soon as we leave the cafeteria sunset stops me
  443. what's wrong?
  444. >"your going to want to step to the side of the hall"
  445. ok
  446. >i do as she said and as i propped my self on the wall beside the cafeteria doors i heard the bell ring to signal the end of lunch
  447. >then a swarm of students leave the lunchroom and split apart going down the hallways going to their next class
  448. >but as fast as they appeared they were gone
  449. is that normal
  450. >"sense your attending here i might as well tell you if there is one thing you'll never get used to its that"
  451. >"every day, every class change, its always the same"
  452. that's kind of scary, is that why you left the room before the bell rang? to show me that
  453. >"well sense there is no turning back i should give you some help surviving high school. personally i'd rather be fighting shadows again"
  454. Sunset
  455. >"now before we continue on the tour there is one more thing i want to say"
  456. >"thank you for coming here for me"
  457. I'm just sorry it took me this long to do it
  458. >"well on with the tour"
  459. >she grabs my arm and pulls me across the school showing me when the library, gym, classrooms and before we know it the final bell rings and all the students flood out of the school to return home.
  460. >as we walk down the hall towards the entrance we pass principal Celestia
  461. >"have a good evening HM and have a good weekend see you Monday"
  462. >i stop
  463. >Sunset asks me whats wrong
  464. Sunset what day is today?
  465. >she gave me a worried look
  466. >"its Friday, why?"
  467. let's just keep walking
  468. >we walk out the doors and enter the courtyard
  469. >"What was that about?" she asks
  470. >i sigh
  471. now I know I'm retarded
  472. >"why?"
  473. >i look down
  474. i must have spent longer than i thought thinking up this plan because i didn't even know it was Friday
  475. >"you are right you must be retarded"
  476. anything else to say to that
  477. >"nope"
  478. >as we approach the statue i take a look around "ok good everyone has gone home there's no one around"
  479. on the subject of being retarded i have a question
  480. >"go on"
  481. >i reach into my pocket and take out one of the boxes i got from Mary and hand it over to Sunset
  482. i was just thinking that's not right
  483. maybe if you wouldn't mind to much.....damn it no
  485. >"HM, are you asking me what i think you are?"
  486. >i do my best to regain myself but i cant seem to get a grip
  487. open the box and see if that answers your question
  488. >she opens the lid and her eyes grow wide
  489. inside the box was a ring that adorned a small bright red, heart shaped gemstone
  490. >"is this a..."
  491. >i cut her off
  492. it's a fire ruby
  493. >"but how did you even get this, fire rubies are pretty rare and they never come this small"
  494. well actually i had some help i went to all the gem shops in town and nothing really clicked so i went to the first person i thought of for help on this subject
  495. >"Rarity?"
  496. not quite, if i had gone to get help from her the moment i mentioned i needed a ring it would be nothing but the third degree. thanks but no thanks
  497. >"then who?"
  498. i went to spike for help, he was kind enough to help me go through the entire gem encyclopedia and as soon as we reached the page on Fire Rubies the first thing i though was "that's the one" but to my dismay he informed me on the size issue
  501. >"sorry to burst your bubble but if anyone could get Fire Rubies small enough to embed it into rings it would cost more than all the royal castles combined and then some they just don't come that small"
  503. >"so back to my question, how did you get this?"
  504. well if something was impossible i had a solution for that. there is only one person i know that can make the impossible, possible i went to ask for Mary's help
  506. >"Mary? wasn't that the guy who....."
  507. YES, yes he is and believe me if i though there was any other way i would have taken it.
  509. oh come on Mary I'm begging you, look inside yourself and I'm sure you'll find a heart to help me
  510. >nope just not feeling it
  511. please Mary, please
  512. >you know what? fine ill help you one on some conditions
  513. What?
  514. >now where would the fun be in telling just come back in a few days and ill get them and tell you what ill even throw in a free map to Twi's castle absolutely free
  515. fine ill be back and you'd better not go back on your word
  516. >come now Hanged Man Who do you think i am?
  517. see you in a few days Mary
  519. >"so you got this from him then, what were the conditions?"
  520. i owe him a favor of his choosing
  521. >was it worth is
  522. well, whats your answer
  523. >"i don't recall being asked a question"
  524. Sunset, you don't play fair you know that
  525. >"you've calmed down now haven't you?"
  526. >she's right, alright i can do this
  527. i know I'm not the best with words so I'll just say whats on my mind. Sunset Shimmer, I love you more than anything in the world. if i can't see you i go insane, so would you make me the luckiest idiot in both words by being my bride?
  528. >"you know if we do this things would be difficult, i assume you are going to tell me how you intend to make it work"
  529. i was thinking me could have one wedding over there and once we all graduate from CHS we could have one over here.
  530. >"does every plan you come up with have to be complicated?"
  531. yea it seems to be a bad habit of mine
  532. >"Alright, we'll give your plan a try, on one condition though"
  533. anything, name it
  534. >"i going to do something really stupid and you cant tell anyone"
  535. sure but what are you going to------
  536. >she puts the ring on her finger and discards the box
  537. >she starts walking back to the doors to the school
  538. what is she doing?
  539. >she stops right before the steps and turns around
  540. >i realize what she intends to do
  541. >she charges right at me with no intent on stopping this time
  542. >all i can do is stand there and brace myself
  543. >she tackle hugs me
  544. >the force was strong enough it seamed to slow time
  545. >as we fall back into the portal i hear her say
  546. >"no, its you who doesn't play fair, as if i could say no to that"
  547. >we fall back into the portal
  549. Mirror Room, Evening?
  552. >when i come to i realize I'm on the floor
  553. oh that's right
  554. >i manage to sit up a bit to see Sunset still holding on to me
  555. >i notice that somehow the ring was on her horn now
  556. fucking magic, how do you work?
  557. >i lay back down and just laugh
  558. >i open my eyes and my laughter goes cold
  559. >i see that six or seven of my brothers are standing around us
  560. oh hi guys
  561. >Priestess walks beside where i lay and helps me up
  562. thanks man
  563. >don't thank me yet. they pretty much beat it out of me. Rarity went to go tell Twi you came back
  564. >its then i feel the rage in the air
  567. >as she marches into the room with Rarity in tow her rage subsides when she sees me
  568. >or to be more precise the pony currently glued to me
  569. >Twilight gives an exasperated sigh
  570. >"i do need to talk to you about the stunt you pulled so would you mind doing something about....this"
  571. >she waves her hoof in a circle
  572. I'll try, Sunset i need to talk to Twilight about what happened over there so could you let go of me for a bit
  573. >"alright"
  574. >she hops down
  575. >"i got to go somewhere first but i'll met you at you house later"
  576. >as she walks out the door she asks "Rarity would you come with me for a bit? i need your help with something"
  577. >"sure thing darling but where are we going?
  578. >the door shuts behind them
  579. alright Twi, happy now
  580. >"not really im still really mad about you sneaking in here"
  581. >"its my own fault for not putting the lock on this door sooner"
  582. >she turns around and hits the door with a beam of magic "there"
  583. >"now tell me what you did over there, the short version please"
  584. Right, well I'm a student at CHS now
  585. >her right eye twitches
  586. >"what?"
  587. you wanted the short version and that's it
  588. >"your right and i probably don't want to know any more, so i guess you'll be going over there pretty regularly"
  589. that's how it would work, yes
  590. >"Fine, but im trusting you to be responsible for your actions"
  591. >she hits me with the same beam of magic she used on the door
  592. trust me that's not the first time i've heard that
  593. >"now on to the other matter"
  594. other matter?
  595. >"you know what i mean don't play dumb. i'm talking about that little scene from earlier"
  596. oh that, well I'm not sure if I can tell
  597. >it was then that a scream of excitement rang though the halls of the castle
  598. >i chuckle
  599. well sounds like she told Rarity so i guess it ok
  600. >"go on"
  601. well funny story really as it turns out Sunset and I are engaged
  602. >she opens the door
  603. >"ok, everyone out, i cant take anymore today"
  604. >the lot of us leave the room and exit the castle
  605. >i head home
  608. Home, night
  611. >i open the door to find Sunset laying on my couch
  612. sorry to keep you waiting did you wait long
  613. >"not really getting away from Rarity was harder than i though"
  614. >i sit next to her
  615. where did you two go anyway
  616. >"that's a secret"
  617. i guess that fair
  618. >she wraps her hooves around me again
  619. >"i'm not letting go this time"
  620. sounds good to me
  621. >we spent a long time together
  623. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  627. a few days after the Mary raid
  629. SchrŌdinger's outhouse, early morning
  632. I can't believe I'm doing this
  633. >I knock on the door in a precise manner, 5 fast knocks and 2 spaced knocks
  634. >seconds pass
  635. >then minutes
  636. >I go to knock again when the door swings open
  637. >"AH! Hanged man my friend, what brings you out to my neck of the woods?"
  638. >he's giving his best shit eating grin
  639. you know why I'm here Mary cut the shit
  640. >"now why would you be here, I wonder?" he asks again
  641. >I just stare at him
  642. >"OH! But of course how could I have forgotten?"
  643. do you have it?
  644. >"but of course. I told you id get it and so I have. come in, come in"
  645. >I enter the portal to who knows where
  646. >the door shuts itself behind us
  648. >I see before me what can only be described as a space-time cluster fuck
  649. >things floating in mid air, gravity being reversed, time flowing backwards
  650. >I stop trying to wrap my head around it all
  651. >thankfully the path were walking on is stable enough
  652. >"like what I've done with the place?" Mary asks
  653. its very, how do I put it? you
  654. >"glad you think so" he says in a cheery tune
  655. >"he's loving this" I think to myself
  656. >after walking for what seemed like an eternity we finally reach his house
  657. >he opens the door
  658. >"after you" he says as he swings his hand as a gesture to enter
  659. >I enter and he follows soon after
  660. >"now where did I put it?"
  661. >"I remember, in my chest of mysteries"
  662. >the only thing I can think is "god damn it Mary"
  663. >he walks, no, dancing almost over to a chest in the corner of the room
  664. >he opens the chest and begins throwing out what I swear were edited .jpg's and .gif files
  665. >I"m not even going to question how that's is possible
  666. >"hm? I swear I put it in here"
  667. Mary
  668. >"it most certainly is elusive"
  669. Mary
  670. >"could it be at the bottom?"
  671. MARY!
  672. >"ah, found it"
  676. >love Mary
  678. >I try to contain my rage
  679. >Mary is on they floor dying form laughter
  680. >fucking Mary
  681. fine, Mary you win I agree to you terms
  682. >I turn around and walk out the house and leave that place hopeful never to return
  683. >when I exited the out house it suddenly donned on me
  684. I just made a deal with the devil didn't I?..............fuck me
  685. >I put the box in my pocket and make my way back home
  686. ive still got some time to kill anyways
  689. >on my way back I run into one of my brothers, Strength
  690. >"hay HM how you doing feeling any better now that its Friday"
  691. hi Strength, yea im doing better do you have time to talk
  692. >"I told you man if you need anything we are here"
  693. I know
  694. >we walk over to a bench and sit down
  695. >"so what do ya need to talk about"
  696. ok, sense you were the one who helped me realize something I needed to do im telling you first
  697. >"ok"
  698. im going to ask Sunset to marry me
  699. >"that's great man im rooting for you so you got the ring and everything right?"
  700. yep
  701. >"where did you get it, from Rarity?"
  702. not exactly
  703. >"why not"
  704. well you know how she is, say the word "ring" and she probably wouldn't let me go until I told her everything
  705. >"then where?"
  706. I kinda, sorta, got help from Mary
  707. >"ha, you do realize that was probably a bad idea, right?"
  708. yeah but I couldn't see any other way
  709. >"I don't follow"
  710. its the gemstone man, its really rare the shops here don't sell them
  711. >"how do you know?"
  712. I asked spike for a book on gems and he was bro enough to go through it with me and give me all the info on each gem in that book
  713. >"so which one did you end up picking?"
  714. its called a Fire ruby and according to spike they are "more expensive then all the royal castles combined"
  715. >"I think he was just exaggeration"
  716. if he was I don't think it was by much
  717. >"so how bad are you in dept to Mary?"
  718. he slammed me and I owe him a favor
  719. >"was it worth it"
  720. it depends on her answer
  721. >"well Senpai should be here soon so you should get going"
  722. right but before I do, I do have a problem I need help with
  723. >"what is it?"
  724. I don't know how to do it
  725. >"what?"
  726. im really bad with words and I don't know how to do this
  727. >"just tell her how you feel man"
  728. that's just the thing. I don't know how to put my feeling into words, its a weakness of mine
  729. >"then just do it in your own way, im sure she'll understand"
  730. maybe your right, well I got to get going
  731. >we stand up and he gives me a push
  732. >"now you get out there and propose to that pony"
  733. thanks Strength really for everything
  734. >"not a problem, see ya around"
  736. Twilight's castle, Afternoon
  738. >as I approach the castle I see Sunset walking out
  739. >I wave to her as she spots me
  740. >"hi Hanged Man, you miss me"
  741. >I kneel down and give her a hug
  742. more than you can know
  743. >"so where do you want to go?"
  744. I was thinking we could relax in the park for a bit
  745. >"sounds good to me"
  748. Park, evening
  750. >we sit under a tree and I put my back ageist it
  751. >"so why'd you pick here?"
  752. well this is my favorite spot, I get to see all the families, all the friends, everyone that passes through. and it reminds me that this is the world I live in and its filled with ones I love. My brothers, my friends and you. So saying that, I have a question I need to ask
  753. >"what is it?"
  754. >I sit up and turn to face her
  755. >I reach into my pocket and take out the box I got from Mary
  756. I know I'm not the best with words so I'll just say whats on my mind. Sunset Shimmer, I love you more than anything in the world. if I can't see you I go insane, so would you make me the luckiest idiot in this world and marry me?
  757. >I open the box and her eyes go wide
  758. >inside the box was a ring that adorned a small bright red, heart shaped gemstone
  759. >"you know I can't just stop going to CHS right?"
  760. I would never ask you to
  761. >"well as long as you know that. you know the old me would scoff at the idea of marrying someone. im glad I changed since then"
  762. >"of course i'll marry to you. I love you, you huge nerd"
  763. >she hugs me
  764. and I love you to you weeb
  765. >I spent a long time with Sunset Shimmer
  768. >"So what do you want to name the kids"
  769. what?
  770. >"kidding"
  771. >'maybe"
  772. OH MY
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