
Rust Soaked Winds Pt. 1

Feb 19th, 2016
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  1. NOTE: This is the first part of the RP, going up to when our third member had to leave for various reasons. The second part of this RP can be found as "Rust Soaked Winds Pt. 2".
  3. [2016-02-11 11:11:08 PM] *** Skilletz added Jason Pichu, (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román ***
  4. [2016-02-11 11:11:23 PM] Skilletz: [oh god skype stop this waving shit]
  5. [2016-02-11 11:12:12 PM | Edited 11:12:15 PM] Jason Pichu: [(wave) (wave) (wave) (wave) (wave) ]
  6. [2016-02-11 11:12:13 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: [wut]
  7. [2016-02-11 11:12:36 PM] Skilletz: [when you first make a convo it spams that shit]
  8. [2016-02-11 11:13:33 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: [D=]
  9. [2016-02-11 11:42:52 PM] Skilletz: *The smell of sea salt would overwhelm Samuel's senses as he came to, unfamiliar voices murmurring not too far away.If he were to open his eyes he would notice himself on a debris laiden pier, bits of wood and metal strewn across the surroundings. The modern metal warehouses, rusted from the salt water littered the shoreline, and if he were to look back to the water, metal sail less boats would obstruct his vision of the endless blue. The voices seemed to belong to a few men, an older sailor, a young police officer and, a long brown haired man that seemed to be over dressed for the weather...*
  11. Police Officer: We should move him right...? He'll get hypothermia if we don't dry him off
  13. Cop: He's a merman right...wouldn't putting him back in the drink be better?
  15. ???: This...isn't really my area of expertise old man, but if the boat was his then maybe he's something else...
  16. [2016-02-12 12:42:00 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Ngh... *groans as he gets up, reaching to rub his head as he looks around* ... Where in the ocean am I...?
  17. [2016-02-12 12:55:24 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *at the top of a nearby warehouse, sitting on the edge of the roof, a small fairy girl watched this turn of events with interest. she'd been passing by when a rest seemed in order and the fishman had just been coughed up by the ocean after that*
  19. Sonata: I spy, with my little eye! People finding the fish thing! Oh oh the fish thing's gonna get arrested for sure!
  21. *a slightly mischievous giggle escaped her while watching...*
  22. [2016-02-12 1:10:13 AM | Edited 1:16:03 AM] Skilletz: *The long haired one knelt and offered a hand to Samuel*
  24. ???: ...Well I guess, this is the city of new london, you washed up with what was left of your ship a while ago...What's your name?
  26. Sailor: O-oh well color me surprised, he speaks...
  28. Police: Uh... Are you alright Mister?
  29. [2016-02-12 1:19:50 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: New London, huh... *taking a proper look around him, a look of wonder crosses his face as he takes the long haired man's hand* Name's Samuel. I guess the monster wrecked me far harder than I thought.
  30. [2016-02-12 1:30:04 AM] Skilletz: Noa: Right...My name's Noa, Noa Taavi.... Where were you headed...or from that you got caught by a sea monster...? Is there someone we can contact?
  32. Sailor: *He gives Samuel a raised eye and shakes his head* Geeze lad, do you need a towel...?
  34. Police: I guess...well he's safe, and...(He's not a threat...and we're not really at sea so someone would have noticed the monster...) Well I need to call the fire boys so we can start cleaning up I guess...
  35. [2016-02-12 1:37:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right, Noa, got it. I was in the middle of travelling across the ocean... where is New London? I've... gotta admit, I've not heard of it before.
  36. [2016-02-12 1:42:48 AM] Skilletz: Noa: *He sighs* In the Federation, Europe, New England, eastern hemisphere, Planet Terra. I can get a bit more specific if you'd like but, you've missed my question on where you're from. That can help us get you home to start...
  38. Police:*he heads out and pulls a radio, calling in a code of somekind for the incident...*
  39. [2016-02-12 1:58:43 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *the fairy girl, watching this all unfold, would pout and cross her arms, indignant*
  41. Sonata: What?! No arrests! No police brutality even though it's a minority! This is nothing like TV, no fair!
  42. [2016-02-12 2:05:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I don't have anyone or anywhere to go back to, unfortunately. I came from Gehenna, though, it's most likely nowhere near here.
  43. [2016-02-12 2:06:30 AM] Skilletz: Noa: Gehenna... Jerusalem...? *He stares*....(That's land locked...)
  44. [2016-02-12 2:09:22 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: No, not 'Jaroosalem', wherever that is... I figured it's nowhere near here. I've been blown completely off-course, probably... *he slowly gets up, then quickly nods as he takes the towel from the sailor, beginning to dry himself off* And thanks.
  45. [2016-02-12 2:12:50 AM] Skilletz: Noa:...Samuel what year is it...? *his brow raises with concern*
  46. [2016-02-12 2:15:41 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... It was 2000 for me, but... *looks around* this is way too different for it to still be then, huh. (This definitely isn't Charon. Whatever foul trick the gods played on me now...)
  47. [2016-02-12 2:24:33 AM] Skilletz: Noa: It's...the 29th century friend. *He frowns and rubs his chin* I think...maybe I can direct you to someone if you'd like to try to get home but it may be slow going.
  48. [2016-02-12 2:36:04 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I get the feeling I'm in the middle of an elaborate prank anways. This is... so completely different from my home, though... that might be a good idea though, Noa. If nothing else, I can get familiar with where I am.
  49. [2016-02-12 2:49:09 AM] Skilletz: Noa: *He adjusts his neck, visible paneling along the side*... You and me both kid....Fine follow me then...
  51. *he heads off past the warehouses into the city, sky scrapers and shops coming into view as Samuel as they make it into town, people could be spotted talking on their phones and Sam would note beast men and some demons along the road going about their business...*
  53. Noa: What were you doing back home anyway?
  54. [2016-02-12 3:05:01 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I was... doing a request for a friend of mine. *he looks with interest and surprise at all the non-humans around him* W-what sorts of beings are those? The ones that don't really look like humans...
  55. [2016-02-12 3:10:11 AM] Skilletz: Noa: Well, you're one to talk right? Humans aren't especially common anymore so beast people are the majority these days, with my species following closely.(Maybe keeping quiet on demons for a while might be wise? I guess he'll find out...)
  56. [2016-02-12 3:19:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I guess so, but I'm not used to seeing these beast men or even my own kind... what do you mean by 'your species'?
  57. [2016-02-12 3:23:03 AM] Skilletz: Noa: I'm not sure how much you want me to go into it...I am an android, a metal man animated by magic and engineering...That's the gist of it at least.
  58. [2016-02-12 3:24:08 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... *blinks as he looks at Noa* An... droid...? I've... not heard of those.
  59. [2016-02-12 3:26:47 AM] Skilletz: Noa: Um..think....a more advanced machine or golem? I don't really know what you had back home.
  60. [2016-02-12 1:25:44 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *the fairy girl would fly away from the warehouse and towards town, taking care to stick to the roofs to avoid being seen my anybody not specifically looking for her. unable to really hear what was being said, moreso now that there were plenty of people, she'd stick to watching over the two from the pier*
  62. Sonata: Oh, oh! Maybe he's just fooling him and getting him towards the station by his own will! *she snickers* Sneaky sneaky detective, even wearing casual clothes to fool the simpleton fish thing! *having said so, she'd lie down and lean just a little over the edge to get a closer view and perhaps hear about what's happening*
  63. [2016-02-12 3:41:15 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: We have golems, but... this is technology, you say?
  64. [2016-02-12 4:08:05 PM] Skilletz: Noa: Yeah more or less...*he shrugged* I'm not really qualified to do the whole runabout on this stuff but I know someone who is.
  66. *Entering what would seem to be the main plaza, Noa lead them to a cafe, a tall blue haired girl in an officer's uniform, sitting just outside, nursing a cup of coffee with a scruffy looking blonde kid in cast and more casual wear. Sam would notice that like Noa, she had panneling along her points of articulation but it was less pronounced.*
  68. Kid: I mean it's fine, you've had a rough time, you can't always put things on hold...
  70. Girl: I-I know but even so...
  72. Noa: *He whistled to the pair and approached the pair* Jo I brought you something...
  74. *The girl perked up, nearly dropping her coffee in surprise.*
  76. Girl: W-what?! Noa what a pleasant surprise! What brings you here!?
  78. Kid: *He awkwardly waves* Uh...Hey Noa. Who's your friend?
  79. [2016-02-12 4:12:55 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *as the two approached the cafe, Sonata would quietly curse and slam her fist to her palm*
  81. Sonata: Oh no you don't, misters! You don't get dragged into undercover police meetings to be signed up as an informant just like that!
  83. *she would then fly from roof to roof until she got to the cafe awning, eager to hear what the newcomers would want to do with the fishman*
  84. [2016-02-12 4:14:27 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *waves back, looking over the girl & boy* Uh, hey there. Friends of this Noa guy, I take it?
  85. [2016-02-12 4:38:22 PM] Skilletz: Kid: Uh...not exactly...? (Well crap...)
  87. Girl: Y-yes! He's my brother in fact! *She smiles and gives a bow.* I am Joan, it is a pleasure to see you both!
  89. Noa:*he glances over to Sam...* (Is he shy...?) This guy's Sam, I think he's an offworlder, that's your job to look into right?
  91. Joan: *Her eyes widen* I-is that so?
  92. [2016-02-12 4:47:27 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *her jaw drops a little, and she begins fidgeting* W-what?! Extraterrestrial! And an illegal alien! This can't be! He's here to steal our jobs and feed us to his overlords when they show up! *she holds her hands to her head thinking* What are the police doing! That kind of person must definitely be locked up and beaten up until he confesses his secret plans to relay info on our defences!
  93. [2016-02-13 3:48:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *smiles and nods towards Joan, bowing back slightly* Apparently, judging from what your friend here's told me anyways. My boat & I suffered a crash due to a... sea monster, and by some trick of the gods, ended up here.
  94. [2016-02-13 4:28:02 PM] Skilletz: *The blonde haired kid just glanced up to the awning for a moment and shook his head*
  96. Kid: We've all had our share of bad luck recently I guess...
  98. Joan: Indeed but...if that is the case we should see what we can do to get you home as soon as possible yes? I would like to do some inqueries first...in a few days I believe it will be possible to take you home if you so desire.
  100. Noa: (Well shit... I can stick around for a while I guess...) Lemme know when you get done for today then....
  101. [2016-02-13 4:32:34 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Few days is probably fine, I'm certainly in no hurry to get back. Whaddya need to know, though? Since you're an expert and all, maybe we can trade info or something. *noticing the kid at this moment, he quickly glances up out of curiosity*
  102. [2016-02-13 4:46:24 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *a very small indentation in the awning would indicate that something was actually on it... the outline of tiny feet could be seen.*
  104. Sonata: Something needs to be done! If the police won't see through those fishy lies I'll take care of this myself!
  105. [2016-02-13 5:24:45 PM] Skilletz: Noa: *marches off*
  107. Kid:...I can hear you, you know.
  109. Joan:....*she frowns* U-um...*She looks over to Sonata with them...*...Is someone there?
  110. [2016-02-13 6:23:20 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *jumps a little* Wah! I have been discovered! *quite clumsily, rolls forward towards the edge as though carrying a gun and at the last second tries to jump, intsead falling over and almost hitting her head against the floor, barely managing to flap her wings enough to keep herself aloft if inverted* Good citizens! Sona will not let you be deceived by this fish thing! *with a weird twist, she puts herself upright, floating to be at eye level with Joan, pointing at Samuel accusingly*
  111. [2016-02-13 6:24:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Excuse me? *looking at her slightly annoyed, he puts his hand on his hip* I've done absolutely nothing wrong, don't even start.
  112. [2016-02-13 6:35:48 PM | Edited 6:36:21 PM] Skilletz: Joan:....*she stares awestruck for a moment, scurrying over to her and scooping her into her arms* A-are you a fairy?! I did not know they truly existed, this is remarkable!
  114. Kid:....Uh...did she come with you or something?
  115. [2016-02-13 6:37:06 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *shakes his head* No, I've not even seen her before. I'm used to people making accusations, but...
  116. [2016-02-13 6:57:02 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *surprised by Joan's actions, merely looks up at her dumbfounded before clearing her throat* I-I am indeed a fairy! *she smiles smugly* Lady citizen, this treacherous merman obviously carries his own agenda where he'll lure us all into the maw of his lord of the deep and its armies from the abyss! He has successfully duped your cop friend and gotten away without even a bruise to show!
  117. [2016-02-13 7:01:12 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *breathes deeply, starting to show signs of anger as he rubs the top of his head* I'm not here to do anything of the sort. I'm my own man, don't even TRY to compare ME to THEM...
  118. [2016-02-13 7:30:31 PM] Skilletz: Kid: But uh...he's not a merman....
  120. Joan: Um...indeed, he has hair, he lacks gills and he seems to have used a boat so he is unlikely he is fooling anyone...(...Do I not seem like an authority figure...?) *she carefully tries to release Sonata*
  121. [2016-02-13 7:32:16 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (... I really need to ask what a merman is...) Yes, like they said. I've no idea what a merman even IS, but I can safely say that's not what I am.
  122. [2016-02-14 12:56:22 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she easily hovers after Joan releases her* Huh? But he looks like a fish! That means he's a fishman, and a fishman is a merman, right? *she looks at Samuel suspiciously, then at Claude, then at Joan, before blushing a bit and crossing her arms* I-in any case! Since you're sticking so much to your story about not being a sleeper agent, maybe you're a defector! Is that it, Mr.?!
  123. [2016-02-14 1:20:45 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'm not a merman, I'm something else. And what're this about defecting? What're you on about in general? What do you know about anything, lady? You wanna lay off pretending you know who the heck I am?! *his tone becomes increasing more obviously angry with each question*
  124. [2016-02-14 1:24:29 AM] Skilletz: Claude: Imaginative aren't we...? Relax both of you...*he steps in front of Sam looking a bit worried*
  126. Joan:...Um...I make the same offer to you as I did to my friend Samuel,*she offers a hand for Sonata to shake* If you wish to return home we can make arrangements but you cannot harass him anymore.
  127. [2016-02-14 1:32:04 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she leers at Samuel for a bit before smiling brightly at Joan and energetically shaking her hand* I'm very happy where I live now lady citizen! But perhaps it could be good to go back home, perhaps! *her eyes almost sparkle* Maybe the search party has given up hope by now, and I will return to find most have moved on with their lives and forgotten, poor me, that sounds so dramatic! *she then shakes her head and clears her throat to end her daydream, then turns at Samuel* I know plenty, Mr. Fish, but I will listen to lady citizen and won't bother you for a while. *her eyes sparkle again* We can then not trust each other until a terrible time of trial where we gain each other's trust in the heat of battle and we end with a high five and a grin amidst blood sweat and tears! I can just picture it...!
  128. [2016-02-14 1:36:48 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Just shut up, fairy. *sighs as he shakes his head* Sorry, I... hear that stuff a lot back home. It pisses me off.
  129. [2016-02-14 1:50:46 AM] Skilletz: Claude: That was last week... *he waves his broken arm slightly*
  131. Joan:...*coughs* (A victim of discrimination?) It is quite alright Samuel, that...must have been quite unpleasant... I must ask, given the circumstances do you wish to begin work with us today or do you wish to relax for the time being?
  132. [2016-02-14 1:53:03 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I can probably with ya sooner than later, just lemme cool down a bit. Especially if I'm gonna have to work with this fairy here. *stares at Sonata, still a little peeved at her*
  133. [2016-02-14 2:02:10 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *cringes a little at Claude's broken arm, then stares back at Sam with no spite* You have to prove your innocence Mr. Fish! Lady citizen has plenty of jobs for us I just know! We will start at the bottom and even though people will laugh at our menial positions, we prove them wrong and eventually become the boss and you get the girl in the end! *she clenches her fist and nods smugly*
  134. [2016-02-14 2:05:44 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *an irritated groan can be heard as his hands suddenly clench into fists, with Samuel visibly trying to contain himself* ... Do you two know what she's talking about? Because I'm pretty sure it's nothing real.
  135. [2016-02-14 2:14:34 AM] Skilletz: Claude: I think Celia and I caught a movie like that once but....yeah she's kinda crazy.
  137. Joan: (Not helping Claude!) *She sighs* I do not....um...do you see the building across the street...*She points to a skyscraper across the plaza* That is the Federation Expeditionary Force's head quarters. If you would kindly accompany me, no one will have to do menial labor...
  138. [2016-02-14 2:20:49 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *excited, floats next to Samuel and points to the skyscraper* Off we go to the steel mountain, Mr. Fish! You're in luck, we won't have to start at the bottom of the barrel. You should thank lady citizen over here!
  139. [2016-02-14 2:21:14 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right... I guess I'll ask what a movie is later. *nods to Joan* I'm ready to go.
  140. [2016-02-14 2:29:58 AM | Edited 2:42:36 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she sighs and begins leading them* U-understood.
  142. Claude: Should I catch you guys later?
  144. Joan: Um...go find my brother please, I do not know when I will get out and I want to see him before he leaves.
  146. *With a nod Claude seperates from the group as they make their way to the tower and enter, making their way past the reception desk, and to the elevator. The group may notice a few people saluting her as they enter it, Joan looking a little disheartened*
  147. [2016-02-14 2:42:58 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *follows Joan, waving to Claude as he walks away* ... So, that Noa guy's your brother, huh? What's with the kid then?
  148. [2016-02-14 2:46:22 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: He's clearly adopted! *floats behind the two* Hey lady citizen you're totally the hotshot here right?
  149. [2016-02-14 2:49:45 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Oh that was my friend Claude, he and I were um...*She frowns* It's not very important, we were just having lunch together to celebrate my birthda-h-huh? *She glances over to Sonata* Um...I'm...it's not too relevant to the proceedings...
  150. [2016-02-14 2:51:35 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: If you keep jumping to conclusions like that, you're gonna fall down eventually. What's your name anyways, fairy? We know everyone else's...
  151. [2016-02-14 2:55:13 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she puffs her chest proudly* I'm Sonata! But I'll let you call me Sona, Mr. Fish. *she beams at Joan* Oh oh oh what did Goldhead get you, lady citizen? Some shoes? Makeup? *she wiggles her eyebrows* An all expenses-paid-trip for you and your lover!? *she raises her arms and rapidly floats up and down* Happy birthday! *she then stops abruptly and frowns* Hey, where's the birthday hat!?
  152. [2016-02-14 2:56:38 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Sona, right...? She's clearly flustered, could you back off from the poor lady?
  153. [2016-02-14 3:00:45 AM | Edited 3:03:06 AM] Skilletz: Joan: She backs against the wall as she flies near her face* U-umn none of those, things...*upon the mentioning of her lover she blushes, hiding her eyes behind her bangs.* N-nothing of the sort, I am single! *she groans as the elevator opens* P-please contain yourself!
  154. [2016-02-14 3:04:08 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she huffs a little at Samuel and stops, backing away from Joan* Elevator's here, lady citizen! In we go.... *she flies inside*
  155. [2016-02-14 3:06:14 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *as he follows Sonata, he grabs her by her dress, dragging her right next to him* If she can't, I'LL do it for her.
  156. [2016-02-14 3:07:32 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Hey! *she uselessly tugs at her dress*
  157. [2016-02-14 3:12:52 AM] Skilletz: Joan : *She sighs and enters* Umn... Release her Samuel...today we'll just be making our way to my office for some questions....*she punches in the floor, the door closing*
  158. [2016-02-14 3:14:37 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: If you don't mind, I don't think releasing her will be a good idea... sorry all of this has to happen on your birthday, however.
  159. [2016-02-14 3:17:07 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *annoyed, she crosses her arms and tries to fly upwards a bit, but being held by Samuel, she doesn't get very far and sighs*
  160. [2016-02-14 3:19:54 AM | Edited 3:20:26 AM] Skilletz: Joan: It is quite alright...I...I was not expecting much from today, it has been going better than expected to be honest... *she forces a smile * Besides your day must certainly have been difficult as well...
  161. [2016-02-14 3:22:57 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Oh you should've seen him lady citizen when Mr. Fish washed up on the pier! He looked super suspicious and I was sure that detective brother of yours was gonna beat him up!
  162. [2016-02-14 3:25:45 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *shakes Sonata* You're not helping, Sona, he was never going to do anything of the sort... Hey, listen, I've got an idea.
  163. [2016-02-14 3:26:20 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *her interest piqued, she cups her ear to magnify Samuel's voice*
  164. [2016-02-14 3:26:38 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Yes...?
  165. [2016-02-14 3:29:51 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: If you don't mind me being bold, why don't we forget about the questioning? It seems like we've both had awful days, I know we're offworlders or whatever they're called and we barely know you but... is there some way we could maybe make your birthday a little better?
  166. [2016-02-14 3:33:03 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she beams at Sam* How very thoughtful, Mr. Fish! Also a little bit late since we're here and all. BUT! *she hits her palm with her fist confidently* We can plan for later! *she looks at Joan knowingly* Whaddaya say lady? I know places to visit at night!
  167. [2016-02-14 3:49:11 AM] Skilletz: Joan : S-Sonata is right, but...are you sure? I will manage with a bad day but...do you not wish to go home?
  168. [2016-02-14 3:52:04 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I can wait a day to go home, Joan. Dunno about Sona, but I'm not in any rush. *slight pause* ... So we've been going up? Like, up this building? Can we get back down easily enough?
  169. [2016-02-14 3:56:41 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Umn...yes just push the star button and we will return to the ground when it sto...*the door opens*...ps...*she glances over to Sam*
  170. [2016-02-14 2:24:21 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: This TV-but-in-real-life thing is super sweet, I'm staying! *she notices the door opening, and looks at Samuel expectantly* Alright Mr. Fish! This is the part where time slows down for you and you have to make a drastic choice while hearing your heartbeat super loud and your inner voice says dumb things!
  171. [2016-02-14 3:13:02 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *quickly hits the star button after looking for it* Right now, the only dumb things I hear are coming from you, Sona.
  172. [2016-02-14 3:30:41 PM | Edited 3:30:55 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...(Well...I suppose this could be nice.) *she smiles* If it is alright ,is there anything you all would like to do or may I make a suggestion?
  173. [2016-02-14 3:31:50 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she smiles broadly and winks at Joan* Birthday girl always decides!
  174. [2016-02-14 3:33:30 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *nods, smiling at Joan* Not like I'd know where to go anyways. I just got here, and we've already figured out this is way too different from where I live, so...
  175. [2016-02-14 3:49:54 PM] Skilletz: Joan I wish to see my brother again. I will call him and if he is willing, perhaps we can do something together but...Sonata you have seen the sights, perhaps you can recommend something? (I need to go out more...)
  176. [2016-02-14 3:51:12 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: That sounds fine to me, I'm sure he'd be happy to. Well, Sona? *shakes her slightly*
  177. [2016-02-14 4:14:49 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Well well! *she pumps her fist* Do you know? I live where movies are shown. Mr. Fish must absolutely discover what those are. And next to that, there is food! Fancy food that costs a lot and where important people are always photographed and then caught with their affairs and then proposing again!
  178. [2016-02-14 4:34:34 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'm called Samuel, you don't need to call me Mr. Fish... still, what's that about affairs? Why'd we want to go anywhere like that for someone's birthday?
  179. [2016-02-14 4:36:35 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she waves her hand dismissively* Don't sweat the small stuff Mr. Sam-man, it doesn't happen all the time. It just means that the place is really the top end of the top end! The kind of place you only go to on special occasions.
  180. [2016-02-14 5:14:20 PM] Skilletz: Joan: That sounds wonderful! *She shuts her eyes for a moment smiling....the smile fading into a frown as she opened her eyes* U-uhm...Noa said...he would meet us in the evening, now would not be a good time for him...so I guess we will go to the restraunt without him.
  181. [2016-02-14 5:18:27 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well then, guess he must be busy. Alright then, Sona, when we get out of the building, I'll actually let go of you so you can show us the way, alright?
  182. [2016-02-14 5:21:19 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she nods enthusiastically* Home is close. Just need no weird-colored vans stopping to kidnap us for knowing too much! *she abruptly stops and thinks for a moment* Oh oh oh lady citizen, your undercover outfit! Do you want other clothes?
  183. [2016-02-14 7:26:37 PM] Skilletz: Joan: O-oh um...*she face palms* That...my quarters were on that floor though...p-perhaps I could meet you there?
  184. [2016-02-14 9:43:26 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: If it's easier for you that way, sure. I can keep an eye on Sona in the meantime. *immediately glares at Sona* Any funny business and I'm grabbing you by the wings, got it?
  185. [2016-02-14 9:53:01 PM] Skilletz: Joan: It is...Sonata tell me the name of the establishment and I shall meet you both there.
  187. *the door opens revealing the lobby again*
  188. [2016-02-14 10:05:01 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Why is that, Fish-Sam? *she looks dreamy* Oho, is it that your heart cannot take us being apart, that you feel like you're being torn whenever I'm gone, that you would rather fight the world than losing me? *she giggles and nods at Joan* You can't miss it, lady! It's the one with the big red roof next to the many-stories house-thing with a star in front and four men with weird hair on the side where they show movies all day, close to the big circle with a statue of the Thatcher lady in the middle where cars go round and round and round!
  189. [2016-02-14 10:09:06 PM] Skilletz: Joan:....I....um...believe I know where that is. *She glances aside* I think...(Perhaps I can do a reverse image search...) *She shakes her head* Anyway you two behave yourselves okay?
  190. [2016-02-14 10:20:00 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she looks at Joan sweetly and holds up her pinky* Just for you, lady! Don't be late!
  191. [2016-02-14 10:21:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Take your time, we'll be waiting! *smiles & waves good-bye; as he leaves the elevator, he lets go of Sonata* Now then, you lead the way Sona...
  192. [2016-02-14 10:31:55 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she stretches a bit, now free, and hovers next to Samuel* Righty! We can go straight there, we just have to... *she has some kind of realization* Oh, uhm, fish don't fly, so this may take a bit!
  193. [2016-02-14 10:34:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Well, how long a walk is it?
  194. [2016-02-14 10:34:34 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *shrugs* I don't walk, I don't know.
  195. [2016-02-14 10:35:12 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Do you know how far it is?
  196. [2016-02-14 10:37:01 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: I normally arrive in... *she tries to remember* about the time it takes the sun to climb 2 fingers from my perspective! *she laughs sheepishly* It won't be long Samfish, don't worry!
  197. [2016-02-14 10:38:45 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I hope so... lead the way, just don't speed on ahead.
  198. [2016-02-14 10:47:40 PM | Edited 10:54:46 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Let's go! *she guides Samuel along the sidewalk, floating just in front of him, trying to make small talk* Hey hey while we walk we have to tell each other things, that's how it always works! *she stops at a street intersection* Your name, is it just Sam, Mr. Fish?
  199. [2016-02-14 10:56:32 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *follows along* Yeah, not like we're doing much else... well, my full name's Lucius Samuel Bruinwood. But everyone calls me Samuel anyways.
  200. [2016-02-14 10:57:44 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Eh?! *her eyes widen and she nods furiously* But Lucy is such a cute name! Your last name sounds like where I lived before... *she ponders...*
  201. [2016-02-14 11:00:33 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well, contrary to how I look, I'm a guy, so Lucy wouldn't work. Where'd you come from anyways, though? I'm vaguely familiar with them, but I've never actually met a fairy in my life.
  202. [2016-02-14 11:04:17 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she seems disappointed that Lucy won't stick, but she brightens up at the question* Ywood, that's where home is! Well, was. Home's been here for a while now! It's so different, I didn't really know what to expect! *she looks a little sad, but then starts crossing the cleared street* It was lonely at first, but I discovered where I live now and it was great! Like that heroine that finds her purpose in life when she least expects it!
  203. [2016-02-14 11:06:25 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Ywood... I've never heard of it, sorry. *quickly follows* What was it like back in Ywood?
  204. [2016-02-14 11:12:02 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: It was boring! Well, I think so now. But when I didn't know any better, it was very peaceful and normal and full of flowers and trees and a few animals. *she snickers a bit* My fairy friends loved to sing with me! We sang almost all the time, actually. *she puffs her chest* I still like to sing. *she then points at Samuel commandingly* But what about you, Samfish!? What did you do where you're from, other than swim and eat kelp?!
  205. [2016-02-14 11:41:49 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I don't like my home, I left it a few years ago. I lived on a small island where nearly everyone hated me except for one friend, so we ran away. I... don't want to get into it, let's just say I'm cursed.
  206. [2016-02-15 12:08:30 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *all her enthusiasm vanishes near-instantly* O-oh... *she tries furiously to come up with something* Uhm, uhm yeah! Y-you're like that type of hero, betrayed on all sides but finds unexpected allies and winds up saving the village even though you want everybody in it to die because jerks and then you stroll triumphantly an people recognize you and there's a standing ovation and the girls line up for you! Yes, yes, that'll definitely happen! *she seems positively convinced...* Uh and do you like to do anything in particular?
  207. [2016-02-15 12:11:44 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: The village didn't want me around anyways. I'm... *sighs* I've spent the past few years looking for a cure to my monstrous nature, but honestly that's been it. I can't really pursue any hobbies or anything, nobody would give me the chance to. So I've just... learned how to sail a ship and how to defend myself, and live off of that.
  208. [2016-02-15 12:19:50 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Oh, you are a captain! I must absolutely call you Captain Samfish now.
  209. [2016-02-15 12:23:51 AM] Skilletz: *a blue and brown streak passes the pair, a fierce gust of wind following...*
  210. [2016-02-15 12:25:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I don't know if captain's really the right word, but- *stares at the dashing streak, seemingly not affecting the gust of wind blowing his hair & clothes to kingdom come* The heck was that?
  211. [2016-02-15 12:27:20 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *the wind blows her upwards and she then careens down, confused and dazed, hitting her head against the sidewalk... she sits up and holds her head* Ouchie...! What just passed by! A wind spirit! An invisible man! A missile pursuing the nation's enemies!
  212. [2016-02-15 12:28:18 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I don't know, but... I get the feeling we're gonna be late if we don't hurry up...
  213. [2016-02-15 12:30:33 AM | Edited 12:30:48 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Wuh? *she looks confused* Well, if you say so, Captain? Let's go, Captain Samfish! *she flies a little more hurriedly in that direction*
  214. [2016-02-15 12:37:08 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right! *becomes surrounded in water, matching Sonata as he performs several water-propelled dashes straight ahead*
  215. [2016-02-15 12:59:02 AM] Skilletz: *the pair arrive Joan speaking to the waiter at the front desk, sounding a bit short of breath. She seemed to be wearing a brown coat with a grey sweater and jeans, however she seems to have kept her boots*
  217. Joan: If... that's the case then...table for three.
  218. [2016-02-15 1:00:22 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *stops finally, running over to Joan* Hey, sorry we're late...
  219. [2016-02-15 1:01:36 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *unexplainably, she does not seem winded at all* Hey hey lady! The captain and I are here! *she floats over to Joan, careful not to get too close to her*
  220. [2016-02-15 1:05:31 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Not at all I was worried I was the tardy one...
  221. But um... Well we are all here so it is fine yes?
  223. Waiter: Are you all comfortable sitting outside? There is a wait for interior seating.
  224. [2016-02-15 1:06:07 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Outside's fine with me...
  225. [2016-02-15 1:07:02 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she shrugs, more interested in examining Joan's clothes*
  226. [2016-02-15 1:21:44 AM] Skilletz: *Examining Joan Sonata would spot a cat keychain hanging from her pocket, and her dogtags hanging from her neck, along with the articulation marks that denoted her as a koranian. Other than that the clothes seemed to be relatively new and unworn*
  228. Waiter: Right this way please...*He takes them around the bend to a patio with a table seating 4, Joan carefully taking a seat as the waiter distributed menus.* Is there anything you all would like to drink?
  230. Joan: Um...just a glass of water for now...Samuel were you of legal age to drink back home?
  231. [2016-02-15 1:25:28 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Legal age...? ... Yeah, I should be fine with it. Though water's fine, I'm not big on drinking or anything.
  232. [2016-02-15 1:28:21 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she sits down on the chair, but the table is too high* What?! You have to be kidding, captain! All sailors drink like crazy and sing! *she raises her hand enthusiastically and looks at the waiter* Soda! Soda with lots of ice! *she then looks at Joan expectantly*
  233. [2016-02-15 1:31:16 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Whatever they want. *She smiles*
  235. Waiter:....Right away *he sighs and leaves*...(Couples and their children become more excitable with each passing day...)
  237. Joan:...*She looks back* Sonata this place is rather extravagant...you say you've been living in the movie theater next door? How have you sustained yourself?
  238. [2016-02-15 1:35:03 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'm not sure I'd want to see Sonata drunk anyways... *rubs his forehead* Still though, you got here quickly, huh Joan? We just got here, and you've clearly been around for a while now...
  239. [2016-02-15 3:11:44 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Ah...well...*She glanced down to the table* You left first and I had no idea where this place was.. When I finally managed to identify it , I had thought you could have been waiting so I left as fast as I could. I had inquired about your whereabouts with the waiter, but...then you arrived.
  240. [2016-02-15 3:14:53 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, must've been excited to turn today around, huh... can't say I blame you. Uhh... are you particularly fast? Because I have the feeling you ran past us earlier.
  241. [2016-02-15 3:19:04 AM] Skilletz: Joan:....I-I am..then...I must have missed you? *She blushes and quitely forces out her response* ...M-my apologies.
  242. [2016-02-15 11:58:40 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *nonchalantly* Oh, people give me stuff from time to time. Some want to and some don't but I get food in the end. It's pretty nice! I've tried all sorts of things and prepared in all sorts of ways! *she then looks at Joan, eyes beaming* Lady that was super fast! Super awesome! Are you like that guy in red with yellow bolt earrings that runs so fast he can always pummel the bad guys and they can't move before he does?! Maybe you participate in events like the one with colored rings and you're famous and toned and run in a revealing uniform!
  243. [2016-02-15 12:35:25 PM] Skilletz: Joan: I would not be allowed to participate in athletic events but...thank you for the compliment all the same...(I do not know what Sonata means but perhaps she is a beggar?)
  244. [2016-02-15 2:51:18 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: No need to apologize for being faster than us. I kinda wish I had that sort of speed, it'd be a lot more useful for me! *laughs a bit, in an attempt to make Joan feel better*
  245. [2016-02-15 4:16:50 PM] Skilletz: Joan:: Understood. *She weakly smiles...* But...you were a sailor back home yes? Would it not be difficult to use that speed on a boat?
  246. [2016-02-15 4:24:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I gotta spend some time on land, don't I? And it'd make doing boat work a little easier. And I can swim, so... * he trails off a bit* You've gotta loosen up a little, Joan.
  247. [2016-02-15 4:56:43 PM] Skilletz: Joan:It has been rather difficult to relax as of late I'm afraid but...you are right.
  248. [2016-02-15 6:04:23 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *meanwhile, just looks back and forth between one and the other in amazement, then finally stops at Joan* Oh I know what you need lady citizen Jo! You need a vacation! *she mischievously rubs her palms together* Ditch this New London place, road trip to a beach, drink like crazy, meet some guys, feel like dying from the hangover, laze in the sun...
  249. [2016-02-15 6:05:16 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Sonata, that's an awful suggestion, but maybe a vacation would be good.
  250. [2016-02-15 6:14:25 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *She groans and leans on the table* You have too much interest in my love life, Sonata....
  251. [2016-02-15 6:17:04 PM | Edited 6:19:11 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Duh! That's how it always works - I set you up with some guy and it fails horribly but then you set me up and it works and I try to set you up again and it's worse and when all seems lost somebody neither of us expected shows up and it works out in the end! And in the meantime you have your job and awesome single life that you're not really satisfied with and secretly envy me until it explodes and we fight and then we make up and at the end i'm at your wedding and the cake is great and we all cry and then come kids and.... *she continues to ramble about every single chick flick cliche*
  252. [2016-02-15 6:24:09 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *lightly taps Sonata on the head* Is there ANYTHING sensible in you? Stop it, you're clearly embarrassing her and that's not going to help her loosen up any darn bit.
  253. [2016-02-15 6:25:11 PM] Skilletz: Joan: It's fine she's...trying in her own way...? *She laughs and glances aside*
  254. [2016-02-15 6:27:51 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sona: *stopped abruptly by the tapping, he rubs her head* Hey!
  255. [2016-02-15 6:34:55 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well, her way is bad. As a captain, you gotta be able to stop crew when they start going a little nuts, lest you end up in a really bad situation later... *sighs, rubbing the back of his head in a strange sort of self-impressed embarrassment* Well, we should actually look at what we can order, right? I mean, this is a restaurant, we're here to eat and all.
  256. [2016-02-15 6:44:13 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Well...we have menus so you can look, I ate with Claude earlier however.
  257. [2016-02-15 6:45:01 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she snags a menu and tries finding anything to her tastes* Uhm lady Jo how tight is our budget?
  258. [2016-02-15 6:51:10 PM | Edited 6:55:27 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Not especially, this establishment is high scale enough I expect it will not be worth trying to pinch pennies...what are you both used to anyway?
  259. [2016-02-15 6:57:30 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Oh I told Captain Samfish earlier that back in Ywood life was boring - I just ate fruits and nuts. Now, though, I just eat whatever I get, being picky is dumb! *she eagerly shows Joan a pricey dish - some kind of meat with vegetables cooked with exotic sauces...* This! This will be good I know! *she then gives Joan her best puppy dog eye impression* Won't you at least have a small dish to join us...?
  260. [2016-02-15 7:00:08 PM | Edited 7:00:13 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *She raises a hand* I am fine, really...I just had lunch...
  262. *the waiter returns with their drinks*
  264. Waiter:Have you decided or will you need more time?
  265. [2016-02-15 7:00:50 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *pouts a little at Joan, then she shows the waiter the menu while pointing at her choice*
  266. [2016-02-15 7:07:32 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, we're ready... *puts in his order, which somewhat predictably involves seafood* Yeah, Sona and I talked a bit about where we come from before you ran past us. If you don't mind me asking, what about you, Joan?
  267. [2016-02-15 8:02:11 PM | Edited 8:02:20 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Myself...? *she perks up* Well...I was born and raised in this city...in fact...born and raised in that facility we just left. *she laughs, rubbing her shoulder* I....I spent most of my formative years serving the Federation, doing research, running errands and studying, and occasionally accompanying research expeditions...I was groomed to succeed my mother by the previous admiral so I suppose it's been a large part of my life.
  268. [2016-02-15 8:14:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: So you've lived and worked where you were born all this time, huh... I'm kinda like that myself. Not necessarily groomed well, but my dad wanted me to be a part of something else... I've been fleeing from it ever since I figured it out, though. Can't say I feel that sort of attatchment to home.
  269. [2016-02-15 8:16:31 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Hey hey lady Jo does that mean you're a super military one-woman army commando who mows down entire forests just with machineguns? How's the position now that you've taken over your mom's role?! Is it a boring deskjob that you hate and so you go out at night to kick the crap out of bad guys?!
  270. [2016-02-15 8:20:18 PM] Skilletz: Joan:....Do you have a movie for every circumstance? *she sighs* No it's a boring research position i try to enjoy. I do occasionally venture out for field work or peace keeping actives but for the most part I instigate anomalies and extraterrestrial activities for the government, such as yourselves....
  271. [2016-02-15 8:43:57 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she crosses her arms and nods proudly* I spend nine tenths of my day watching them, I can't help but know everything about them!
  272. [2016-02-15 8:47:35 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Whatever the heck a movie is, I STILL don't really know... can't you do something else with yourself though, Joan? Surely there's something else you'd rather be doing. Maybe it's different for you than it was for me, but...
  273. [2016-02-15 8:54:13 PM | Edited 8:54:33 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she frowns* I've been at this for nineteen years, I know no other life....and um a movie is a "moving picture". Thousands of images are compiled and played in quick succession to create a fluid visual presentation....or a movie. *she smiles* perhaps we can watch one tonight?
  274. [2016-02-15 8:58:00 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right, ah... I don't have those back home, so that could be a good thing to do. If you don't mind, of course, I mean it's still your birthday and all.
  275. [2016-02-15 9:00:39 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Yay! Let's do it! You can pick Lady Jo!
  276. [2016-02-15 9:01:35 PM | Edited 9:11:57 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Later, for now I simply wish to relax and unwind with good company.
  277. [2016-02-15 9:07:28 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *Sonata smiles broadly and without a hint of mischief, her teeth surprisingly white albeit a little crooked*
  278. [2016-02-15 9:13:12 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right... I'd guess that kind of works doesn't afford much free time, huh. Do you have anything you do outside of work, though? Especially if you find it boring, you gotta have something to distract yourself with.
  279. [2016-02-15 9:32:46 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *She rubs her cheek*...On my time off, if I am not with my friends, I go play games at the local arcade, I read....I spend time with my pet cat, I excercise, I do not stay entirely couped up in a lab I suppose. And what of you? Your shore leave must have been difficult given your homeland's prejudices.
  280. [2016-02-15 10:03:08 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, at least there's that, so that's good to hear. As for me... I'm kind of focused on a goal, and those prejudices combined with other forces beyond my control make it nearly impossible for me to have much room to do much on the side. When I was younger I used to just mess around with an old friend of mine, but... that's not important, we're here to RELAX. The IMPORTANT part is, at least you're not consumed by work.
  281. [2016-02-15 10:08:58 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Um...I am not consumed by...*She glances aside* If it's alright, can you speak of your friend? You have the time for yourself now.
  282. [2016-02-15 10:10:32 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'd rather not. Don't worry about it.
  283. [2016-02-15 10:21:11 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...*She leans on her arm....*...I just...*She sighs* (Something must have happened...) ...Do you have anyone back home who would miss you then?
  284. [2016-02-15 10:26:36 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *Sonata rests her chin on the table, looking curiously at both*
  285. [2016-02-15 10:36:33 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: No, not really, I'm kind of on my own now. Been so for a few years now. *sighs, frustrated* It's a downside of what I am. *pauses* Argh, this is a bad topic. Sonata, could you maybe stop staring at me like that?
  286. [2016-02-15 10:40:04 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: But I don't have anything else to do!
  287. [2016-02-15 10:40:57 PM] Skilletz: Joan: What...you are...? *She smiles* I do not understand what you mean. To me all you are is a very nice man who has been trying to make my birthday a wonderful experience...
  288. [2016-02-15 10:45:33 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'll... talk about it later. *smiles back at Joan* Getting into it's going to ruin all of my efforts to make today better for you, we have all of tomorrow for that if need be.
  289. [2016-02-15 11:09:29 PM] Skilletz: *After the group eats Joan began making her way off, away from the city looking...rather angry for once, clenching her fist...*
  291. Joan: I've heard back from my brother, I am to meet him at Claude's house for some reason or another...Do you want to come along to retrieve him...(...a travesty waiting to happen...) or may I get you situated somewhere in the facility and I can meet up with you both later?
  292. [2016-02-15 11:11:54 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Wherever we bother least! I don't want lady Jo to go alone to that blondguy's house, though...
  293. [2016-02-15 11:13:49 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *stretches as he leaves the restaurant* I'd rather come along, if that's alright. Why're you so upset, anyhow?
  294. [2016-02-15 11:15:00 PM] Skilletz: Joan: I um...had a falling out with her sister, I expect it to go poorly...
  295. [2016-02-15 11:17:32 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah... well, in that case I certainly would rather you not go there on your own.
  296. [2016-02-15 11:47:56 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *She sighs, her fist still clentched* Understood, I shall lead the way...(I suppose this is where I destroy all of my good will yes?)
  298. *Walking from the city, the group approached a rather large mansion, Joan's mood visibly deteriorating as they made their way up the hill finally upon arriving the rustic manor's old double doors she stood hesistantly resting her hand at it before forcing it open with a slam.*
  300. Joan: I'm here Redstroke, what do you wan-?!
  302. ???:Surprise!!!!!
  304. *Looking around the foyer the group would spot a small congregation of faces, familiar or otherwise, Claude, Noa, a long black haired girl in pajamas, and a small brunette kid all gathered around a cake all of them grinning wide...Except Noa.*
  306. Joan:...*her arm slips off the door and she seemed...very confused...*....What?
  307. [2016-02-15 11:50:38 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: CAKE! *she hovers up and down excitedly* Lady Jo, cake!
  308. [2016-02-15 11:56:30 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... *though not sure what it is, he's able to get the spirit of what's going on* Joan, it's for you, c'mon be happy! *smiles*
  309. [2016-02-16 12:11:29 AM] Skilletz: Black: Yeah, I wanted to do something to make today special for ya...and your new friends I guess!
  311. Brunette: *the small girl waves and rushes over to Sonata poking her to see if she's real*
  313. Claude: Sorry but...I figured you wouldn't come if we told you...
  315. Joan: *she bows, still looking rather irritable* Thank you all but I shall take a rain check....Noa may we go?
  317. Noa: *He glances aside* Honestly...I still have things I need to ask Redstroke, do you mind sticking around for a bit?
  318. [2016-02-16 12:14:28 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Geeze, the tension's high with these guys...) Yeah, we were just helping her relax earlier. What's you guys' names? Friends of Joan's, I take it?
  319. [2016-02-16 12:17:57 AM] Skilletz: Rachel: Yeah, Rachel and Celia *She motions over to her* Nice to meet you guys, want a slice of cake~?
  320. [2016-02-16 12:20:33 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I've... never had cake, so sure. Name's Samuel, this is Sonata here. We were keeping Joan company for her birthday earlier.
  321. [2016-02-16 12:31:09 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *pokes Celia right back* Hello people! This is like super special awesome, Lady Jo! Hey detective brother man, what do you need here? Something for an investigation? Looking for clues about domestic abuse?!
  322. [2016-02-16 12:32:27 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: HEY! *grabs Sonata by the dress again* Don't go bothering the poor guy especially with dumb ideas like THAT! Keep yourself behaved while we're here, okay? *sighs* ... I'm sorry, she's a bit out there.
  323. [2016-02-16 12:39:17 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *pulled back by Samuel, frowns* Hey! Not again!
  324. [2016-02-16 12:52:15 AM] Skilletz: *examining the foyer they'd note two hallways one at the top of a pair of double stairs, the other in front of the doorway, and a pair of doorways leading to both sides*
  326. Celia: *pouts Sam drags Sonata off, jumping and trying to slap his hand to get him to let go...*
  328. Rachel: Claude get some plates and we'll cut some for the guests, kay?
  330. Claude: Gotcha...*He heads off to the door on the right, seemingly into a kitchen*
  332. Noa: *He heads into the opposite door* I'm gonna be in the library when you guys are done alright...? Rachel, keep your end of the bargin....
  334. Joan:...*She mumbles, leaning against the door.* Noa you...(He came as bait...? It can't just be that right?)
  335. [2016-02-16 12:55:28 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *lifts his arm higher so that Celia can't reach his hand* Hey, you could at least wish your sister a happy birthday or something, couldn't you? Take a slice with you? It'll only be a second.
  336. [2016-02-16 1:12:33 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *Sonata, while grumbling, extends her hand downwards towards Celia*
  337. [2016-02-16 1:16:30 AM] Skilletz: Noa: I'll pass, I guess, it's just another day right? *He shrugs and heads off*
  339. Joan:...*she just watches him leave...* ghh..
  341. Celia:*she smiles and offers a hand shake*
  343. Rachel: (...Well shit...) Dude's kind of a jerk huh..?
  344. [2016-02-16 1:22:00 AM | Edited 1:25:46 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *smiles broadly at Celia and shakes her hand* Hey hey girly, I'll give you a boost, whack this fishthing hard! *she starts to pull up, but unless Celia actually jumped, it wouldn't make much of a difference*
  345. [2016-02-16 1:22:38 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Hey, that's no way to talk about your sister! I get you got work and all, but... *sighs as Noa goes off* ... I'm sorry you're stuck with someone like THAT for a brother, Joan.
  346. [2016-02-16 1:56:07 AM] Skilletz: Celia: *she jumps and attempts to smack Sam in the face, summoning a foam hand to assist her and blunt the strike*
  348. Joan: H-he's not...*She just glances down looking defeated...* ...Can I leave now?
  350. Rachel: *she leans on the cake table* I...I guess Joan sorry, I thought he'd be happier to see you.
  352. Claude: *He comes back with a stack of plates, held with his good arm* Uh...did something happen?
  353. [2016-02-16 1:58:59 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: What's with that Noa guy? He just kinda- *as he's smacked by Celia, he lets go of Sona and then grabs Celia, staring at her directly* Hey, would you two freakin' CALM DOWN?! I'm kinda close to losing it over here!
  354. [2016-02-16 1:03:37 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Eep! *hugs Celia from behind and pulls her away from Samuel* Let go dumbfish! Go cheer up Lady Jo! Get her some cake or tell her a joke or do something!
  355. [2016-02-16 1:27:05 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *she seems very unconcerned and highly satisfied.*
  357. Rachel: I dunno he seemed fine with us...*she works with Claude to begin servingraising a plate* Hey Sam, it's time to lose your cakeginity!
  359. Joan:... *she sighs and rubs her face*... He...is just concerned with other things, I am sure..
  360. [2016-02-16 1:28:37 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *lets go of Celia* I'll go yell at him in a little bit, right now it's time to try this cake thing. Joan, you should have a piece too
  361. [2016-02-16 1:50:58 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *as she hits the ground, she holds her hand out for Sonata to high five*
  363. Joan:...Understood. *she collects a plate and goes to sit at the stairs*
  365. Rachel: Well...anyway you are pretty different, off worlders?
  367. Claude: *he glances over to Joan heading to the library, leaving the plates vby the cake*
  368. [2016-02-16 2:01:42 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *smiles broadly and high-fives Celia, then hovers over next to Rachel and after grabbing a plate for her and a plate for Celia, holds them up in front of her expectantly* No other fishthings out there like the captain, I think! I haven't seen many people with wings like me either...
  369. [2016-02-16 2:05:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, that's the word that's been used to describe us. By some trick of the gods, I ended up crash landing here after my ship got destroyed, but... I'm managing I think. *takes a plate* I'm kinda glad we've not seen others like us, Sona. Usually others of my kind are bad news, and I'm not sure I could handle two Sonas.
  370. [2016-02-16 2:17:41 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *She grins widely at Sam as she collects her cake.*
  372. Rachel: I can see that, you seem to be handling yourself pretty well all things considered...*she smiles* I'm glad you're keeping your head about yourself.
  374. Joan: *She quietly enjoys her cake*
  375. [2016-02-16 2:20:06 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *takes a bite of the cake* ... Man, this is so SWEET! Why is it so sweet?
  376. [2016-02-16 2:22:42 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: That's the point ya know? *She grins* I really...can't believe you've never had cake, not even once. Did they not have it back home?
  377. [2016-02-16 2:24:16 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: No, they didn't... at least, not like this, anyways. *takes another bite* This sort of thing is entirely new to me.
  378. [2016-02-16 2:26:25 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Captain samfish what would happen if there were a clone army of me? It'd be super fun! *eats some cake, then hovers over to Joan and floats right at head level, mimicking her eating movements*
  379. [2016-02-16 2:34:31 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Well take it slow then, we don't have it every day.
  381. Joan:...*She glances over to Sonata and scootches slightly away.* I would imagine things would be rather difficult if that was the case.
  383. Celia: *Follows after sonata, still highly amused*
  384. [2016-02-16 2:39:28 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Sona, give her some space, will ya? *mutters to himself about how a clone army of Sona would be the death of him as he takes another bite* ... Is this sort of thing normal, Rachel? Is Noa always like that?
  385. [2016-02-16 2:48:15 PM] Skilletz: Joan: He is not...
  387. Rachel:..*She glances back* ..Well...He and I need to talk business later but...the dude just seems aloof, today is the first time I've really talked with him outside of work related stuff...
  389. *Muffled voices could be heard from the library but nothing distinct...*
  390. [2016-02-16 2:50:30 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right... I'm still going to give him a talk later. I don't care how much business he has, he should be able to set aside five minutes for his sister.
  391. [2016-02-16 2:58:43 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: I mean...*she sighs* They didn't grow up together or anything and he's older by a lot, it's kind of understandable he'd be a little distant...
  393. Joan:....
  395. Celia:...*She pokes Sam's arm a bit*
  396. [2016-02-16 3:01:10 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: He could make more of an effort, at least... *turns to Celia* What is it?
  397. [2016-02-16 3:10:00 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she moves back a little, and ponders* Oh so he's the evil older stepbrother that makes poor Lady Jo clean all day and does let her go to the ball, that jerk *she nods confidently, then holds a bit of cake towards Joan, as though it were a wine glass, and waits for her to do the same* Cheers! Lady Jo it can't be helped your brother's like that so how about I become your sister?! *she smiles broadly* And we can have stay up all night talking about boys and cooking and clothes and... *she rambles on*
  398. [2016-02-16 3:34:28 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *She pulls a chalkboard from her coat and shakes it a few times, revealing a message...* (Take it easy with the serious stuff yourself dude, it's not that big of a deal!)
  400. Joan:...*she takes a moment to parse Sonata's request before returning the toast, and weakly smiling...* I do not need a sister...but...thank you for the sentiment...
  402. Rachel:...*she sits down and kneels next to Sonata* Excitable little one aren't cha?
  403. [2016-02-16 3:44:33 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Got it one! *she looks curiously at Rachel before taking a big bite of cake* Are you that evilstepbrotherdetectiveguy's partner? Oh! Do you actually beat up minorities and homeless people like you're supposed to?!
  404. [2016-02-16 5:36:30 PM] Skilletz: Rachel:...*she raises an eyebrow and rustles Sonata's hair* Nah, I'm the evil police chief that everyone thought was good. I disillusioned the hero and started her descent into a hard boiled vigilante who doesn't play by the rules.
  406. Joan:...Are we supposed to be talking about me?
  407. [2016-02-16 5:49:13 PM | Edited 5:50:47 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *her eyes sparkle and she 'jumps' up and down in the air* Aha! *she looks at Joan, hopeful* So what is it? ... Bat-themed get-up? Inkblot mask? Arachnid movements and web slinging? A simple bandana and machine gun? A speech on your particular set of skills that make you a nightmare for baddies?!
  408. [2016-02-16 8:38:01 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *sighs as he reads Celia's sign* (Can she not speak? Must be rough.) It should be a big deal, distant or not they're still family... but I guess so. *turns over to Sona* Who the heck would put on such ridiculous costumes over becoming a vigilante, Sona? Vigilantes need something a little more dignified than that.
  409. [2016-02-16 9:24:55 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *She shakes her board revealing a new message* (Did you get along with your family?)
  411. Joan: I'm not becoming a vigilante...*she face palms*
  413. Rachel: Sure, that's what a vigilante would say to the corrupt establishment, I would know. *she smiles*
  414. [2016-02-16 9:27:15 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Maybe you should consider it, Joan, everyone loves a good vigilante. It'd be perfect for you, I just know it. *laughs, then whispers to Celia* Not really, but that's not important.
  415. [2016-02-16 9:49:45 PM] Skilletz: [A]
  416. [2016-02-16 9:49:53 PM] Jason Pichu: [B]
  417. [2016-02-16 9:50:00 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: [C]
  418. [2016-02-16 9:55:34 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *She frowns and shakes her board*....(OK?)
  420. Joan: *She groans and lays back on the stairs* With great power...comes a great headache I suppose...
  422. Rachel: *she sits with Joan and smiles* Fine fine, just wanted to get your mind off it...
  423. [2016-02-16 10:06:22 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, lighten up a little Joan. It's still your birthday. And who doesn't want to be the hero everyone likes at the end of the day, anyways?
  424. [2016-02-16 10:10:40 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she puffs her chest triumphantly somehow and flies back to get some more cake*
  425. [2016-02-16 10:30:06 PM] Skilletz: Joan: ....I-I suppose...*she shuts her eyes*
  427. Rachel: That's the spirit. *She smiles and takes Joan's hand.*
  429. Claude: *He wanders out of the library looking frustrated* Well that was a waste...Noa's not joining back up with us I guess...
  430. [2016-02-16 10:30:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Has he left yet? I've yet to give him a piece of my mind.
  431. [2016-02-16 10:36:34 PM] Skilletz: Claude: Nah, he's in there just...*He rubs his head* He's stubborn as fuck for some reason, Rach you're the one he wants, go talk to him....
  433. Rachel:..Aghhh fine, Joan stay here we went over this last week.... *She gets up and heads in...*
  435. Joan:...Fine. *sitting up she looked over to Sonata* Do you intend to join them or shall we discuss who my side kick will be?
  436. [2016-02-16 10:37:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Rachel, is it alright if I come with you? Maybe I can talk to him afterwards or something.
  437. [2016-02-16 10:39:23 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: I don't see why not I guess, you're going home in a few days anyway...*she heads into the library ahead of him...*
  438. [2016-02-16 10:40:19 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Alright... Sona, don't cause too much trouble for Joan, you hear? *follows behind Rachel*
  439. [2016-02-16 10:40:52 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *having stolen some poorly cut cake, she flies over Joan* Captain Samfish will tell him off. *she takes a large bite* Oh oh oh who're you gonna get to help you fight crime?!
  440. [2016-02-16 10:46:37 PM | Edited 10:46:52 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *She smiled* That's what I was asking you little one...
  441. Claude: *he sits with them and grins* Maybe I'm qualified
  442. Celia:*rushes over* (Your arm's busted!)
  443. Claude: N-not always!
  445. *Sam and Rachel headed into the library...stepping in Sam would note that from the outside there was no way a library of this size could fit inside the manor, infact, endless book shelves as far as the eye could see, with a few chairs and a couch visible going in, Noa laying on the couch and perusing a book...*
  447. Rachel: Okay, what the hell was that out there?!
  449. Noa:...*He sighs* I got impatient, I've been waiting for this for nearly a week now....
  450. [2016-02-16 10:48:49 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Impatient my scales! What's so important you can't even give up five minutes of your day to be with your sister?!
  451. [2016-02-16 10:52:07 PM | Edited 10:56:10 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she thinks for a moment* No way Jose! Boys like you are always dumb, you'd mess up Lady Jo's movements. You can be the waterboy. *she floats next to Celia and grabs her hand* We can do it! *she smiles at her confidently* The Titanic Twins, watch out world!
  452. [2016-02-16 11:32:59 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *she puffs her chest and smiles, giving a thumbs up*
  454. Joan:...You are terrified of your own shadow...
  456. Celia:...*Angerly shakes her board* (AM NOT!)
  458. Claude: A lightning strike came and you litterally hid from it...
  460. Noa: Information on our mother...she died some twenty years ago and Rachel's releasing her records for me...
  462. Rachel: *She sighs* Yeah that was the deal but...I invited you to make Joan happy, not piss on her to get things over with.
  463. [2016-02-16 11:40:37 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *crosses his arms, leaning on a nearby bookcase* Your mom, huh.... heard a bit about her from Joan earlier. If that's all you came here for, then you being a straight SPOILSPORT is even LESS sensical! What's hidden in those records that justifies you being a RIGHT PAIN to Joan, huh?!
  464. [2016-02-17 12:26:55 AM] Skilletz: Noa: *he sighs* Okay first off, what the hell do you think my relationship with her IS? I see her like, three times a year and she deludes herself into thinking I'm someone I'm not...secondly for someone who litterally just got off the boat, you seem to have strong opinons about how I carry my life...
  466. Rachel: I mean there's basic decency, I get you're worried about yourself but I mean, you can't just live in your little town and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist....
  467. [2016-02-17 12:34:51 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I think that you're her BROTHER, and that she's your SISTER! *sighs out of frustration* ... You're right, I don't know you guys that well. But family should be closer than this. So you don't see her a lot, shouldn't you make the most of when you do? Is she some horrible monster or something?
  468. [2016-02-17 1:06:13 AM] Skilletz: Noa: Sam, I'm three centuries old. When I first met her, she was a little stary eyed kid who saw me as some super hero...just some stranger's kid, trying to endear herself to me, trying not to step over her own feet to worship the ground I stand, trying to hold me to some meaningless standard of perfection...and I guess I'm supposed to feel some attachment to that because one of my parents was involved with her?
  469. [2016-02-17 1:19:08 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: So what, three centuries and you've reached the conclusion you can't be bothered to try? What a lot you've learned from that, huh. *Samuel smirks humorlessly after his bit of sarcasm* Hmph.
  470. [2016-02-17 1:39:25 AM] Skilletz: Noa: Yeah. I did...*he narrows his eyes* I've learned people die, and it's usually not worth the effort so I figured keeping to myself and dying in my own little part of the world was better than trying to lead on some kid.
  471. [2016-02-17 1:54:34 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *at this point, he stops leaning on the wall; his eyes are clearly glimmering with anger from Noa's response* ... So that's it, huh. Just give up on everything, on everyone, getting attatched to people is too painful when they go, so just don't bother, huh. Do you honestly think that's the way to live your life, just avoiding that stuff, hurting everyone else around you in the process? Yeah, so people die, but you can't just exist by yourself! *at this point, Samuel dramatically thrusts his arm to the side like a true anime* You're not helping her by pushing her away, and you're not helping yourself by telling yourself you don't need anyone! If that's how you respond to pain after three FREAKIN' centuries, then you've learned JACK!
  472. [2016-02-17 2:18:46 AM] Skilletz: Noa: I used to think like that too! *he kicks onto his feet* And you know what, I tried the fairy tale hero act, no matter how much you care, no matter how much you smile and try to make things right, and for the last few centuries I've been happier on my own! I've lost enough as it is, I don't need a punk fish kid telling me how to make things better by trying to embrace a family!
  474. Rachel: Both of you knock it off! You're screaming like children at one another!
  475. [2016-02-17 2:26:09 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Freakin' ungrateful little... *he groans with frustration, and tries to calm himself down* ... Right, I'm sorry. I... I-I just wanted to see the poor girl happy, and what he said earlier pissed me off further. I-I'll try to keep calm.
  476. [2016-02-17 2:46:02 AM] Skilletz: Noa: *He glanced aside* Why do you care about my sister so much anyway, you just met her...
  478. Rachel:...*She rustles' Sam's hair* I know you're looking out for a friend, and I appreciate that but I don't think she'll be happy with you if you guys are at each other's throats all week....
  480. Noa: Week...? I was going to leav-
  482. Rachel: You were until you made my best friend a mess out there, so you're not leaving till this guy leaves, and you're gonna apologize before I say anything got it?
  484. Noa:...*Grumbles*...Fine...
  485. [2016-02-17 3:05:03 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right, I did tell her she should loosen up today at least. I've already screwed that up in trying to look out for her. Funny how that works, huh. *sighs* And Noa, where I am, nobody wants a thing to do with me, just because of what I am. When someone seems to not care about that... I get attached quickly, I guess. *laughs a little sheepishly*
  486. [2016-02-17 3:29:34 AM] Skilletz: Noa:...I guess we have something in common at least...*he sighs*...I'm sorry, maybe you're right...but...I don't know...I can't force it...
  488. Rachel:...*she starts beaming, leaning on Samuel a little bit* Sooooo, about that attachment thing
  489. [2016-02-17 3:34:50 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, but I'm sure she'd... appreciate... anything... *slowly turns to Rachel* ... W-why're you so close? I-I'm covered in scales, you know, y-you might get cut or something...
  490. [2016-02-17 3:40:37 AM] Skilletz: Rachel: You're clothed unless that's changing, I think my question stands~
  492. Noa:...*he stares*....See this is why I do the whole distancing thing.
  493. [2016-02-17 3:44:03 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... *with his other hand, slowly tries to push Rachel away by her head* W-what're you getting at, Rachel?
  494. [2016-02-17 3:44:40 AM] Skilletz: Rachel: That's what I'm askin' you~
  496. Noa:...*he just....slowly walks out.*
  497. [2016-02-17 3:46:11 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: H-hey, he's getting away! I'm just... gonna go check up on him, okay? *hastily getting away from Rachel, he goes to follow Noa out*
  498. [2016-02-17 3:58:12 AM] Skilletz: Rachel: Hey wait a sec.... *She tries to grab him by the sleeve* Can I talk to you away from Joan, and the others for now?
  499. [2016-02-17 3:59:56 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *is pulled back slightly by Rachel* Wah! ... F-fine... what'd you want? *turns around to face her, looking a bit flustered*
  500. [2016-02-17 4:20:02 AM] Skilletz: Rachel: Well...two things...be straight with me, was it really so bad back home?
  501. [2016-02-17 4:22:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'm not exagerrating it... where I come from, I'm treated as a monster. Most people like me are basically murderous monsters who gave up their humanity, so... *shifts eyes downwards slightly* I don't want to get into it, okay?
  502. [2016-02-17 4:37:30 AM] Skilletz: Rachel:..*She gives him a hug*...No one's gonna do that here okay? You're a good guy and you treat my friend well...if you need any advice or if you wanna crash here instead of the FEF facility lemme know, kay buddy? *She lets go, grinning wide*
  503. [2016-02-17 4:44:13 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ! *though he's caught off-guard by Rachel's hug, he does hug her back, smiling and nodding back* I'm sure it'll be fine there, but thank you.
  504. [2016-02-17 1:50:01 PM] Skilletz: Rachel *pats his back* Just lemme know if you need anything....
  506. Noa: *he comes out to the foyer*... Hey sorry guys...I was in something of a bad mood...
  508. Claude:...I guess it's fine just...relax and don't do that again, you're in good company...
  510. Joan:Indeed, at the rate you were going, Sonata was convinced you would become my arch-nemesis...
  512. Celia: *she scurries behind Claude, and glares at Noa*
  513. [2016-02-17 1:58:29 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... So what's your second thing, then?
  514. [2016-02-17 2:27:44 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Joan's putting on a brave face but this is kind of rough time for her...just keep doing what you're doing alright?
  515. [2016-02-17 2:32:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (A rough time, huh...) Yeah, of course. Can I ask what happened with her?
  516. [2016-02-17 2:56:15 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: *Her smile faulters for a moment* You want the long or short version? It's kind of fucked up...
  517. [2016-02-17 3:00:13 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Short. We should be going back out there soon anyways, and I'm sure I can learn more later if I need to.
  518. [2016-02-17 3:02:03 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Aha! So you show yourself again, evilstepbrotherdetectiveguy! *she adopts a superman pose and hovers protectively in front of Joan, not noticing that Celia has run away* Prepare yourself *she points at him 'menacingly' for the Titanic Twins will thwart your evil intentions!
  519. [2016-02-17 3:29:56 PM | Edited 4:15:13 PM] Skilletz: Rachel:...My mom killed hers. She's...um...sorting out her feelings about that given my mom basically raised her and I didn't tell her when I found out...
  521. Noa:...*he raises an eyebrow*...Uh...what?
  523. Celia: *Holds a sign over Claude's head...it reads "Don't worry about it."*
  525. Noa:...I'm worried.
  527. Joan:...Do not be! *she tries to surpress a laugh*
  528. [2016-02-17 3:36:31 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Which mom did Joan mean before, then? Poor girl.) *nods to Rachel* Right then, I understand. Thanks for letting me know... I'll keep it in mind, just can't drag things down too much. Now then... *begins heading back out* I gotta make sure Noa doesn't screw things up.
  529. [2016-02-17 3:39:50 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Sure, let's get going then... *she returns to her usual eager grin as she follows him* (Okaaaaay, he didn't immediately flip out that's good news!)
  530. [2016-02-17 5:55:27 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she actually looks beside her and notices that Celia isn't there* Hey! Cell! You can't tell him that! You need to be here posing with me! *she pouts a bit and crosses her arms before moving to hover in front of Noa... she stares for a moment and puffs her cheeks* Do you have anything to say to the Lady Jo, Mr. Idon'tdopolicebrutalitydetective?
  531. [2016-02-17 6:04:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *returning to the main room, he puts his hand on his hips* Sona, no need to be right up next to him.
  532. [2016-02-17 6:20:39 PM] Skilletz: Noa:....*he gently pushes Sonata aside* uhm...Sorry Joan I...
  534. Joan: It is fine, no need to say it twice yes? *she rubs her shoulder* We...we all wanted to go to a movie would you like to come?
  536. Noa:...Sure I guess? Do you know what you wanna see...
  538. Claude: Sonata lives there so we figured she'd pick it.
  540. Celia: *She flails behind Claude,pointing at Noa and shaking her head*
  541. [2016-02-17 6:23:13 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *pushed aside, looks at Celia, puzzled* What is it, Cel? I've seen all the movies that are showing so I could recommend one... *she looks at Joan* Lady Jo! What's your favorite type of movie?!
  542. [2016-02-17 6:27:13 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, unfortunately again I don’t really have movies where I come from, so I don’t know anything about it, really... today’s just been a whole lot of new things.
  543. [2016-02-17 6:52:47 PM] Skilletz: Claude: Have you seen any plays back home if they did those?
  545. Joan: Perhaps we could see what is out and decide there, yes?
  547. Celia: *She gives a raspy groan, staying behind Claude...*
  549. Noa:...*he rubs his head* I think she's upset with me over something but...I don't really know what if it's not this...
  550. [2016-02-17 6:56:07 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I know what they are, never been to one though. Not really had the chance.
  551. [2016-02-17 6:59:01 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Then it's settled, we're going! *she moves over next to Celia* C'mon Cell it'll be good! Mr. detectiveevilstepbrotherguy will stay put, Captain Samfish will see to that.
  552. [2016-02-17 7:01:29 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah... yeah, of course I will! *thumps his chest with his fist, grinning* Gotta keep everyone under control and all, right? (Man, this group is something else...)
  553. [2016-02-17 8:08:58 PM] Skilletz: ++++++++++++++
  554. *later that evening the group trudged out of the theater mixed responses all around...*
  556. Claude: So what did you guys think of the film?*Celia seemed to be latched onto Claude's back her head buried in against him, as he carried her out piggyback*
  558. Joan:...I-it was rather unpleasant, perhaps it could have had a happier ending.
  560. Noa: *he yawned*...It wasn't a bad horror movie I guess...
  561. [2016-02-17 8:19:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Y-y-yeah, I-I guess not-t... *is clinging onto Joan for dear life, shaking occassionally, his expression matching that of a child who was just told santa isn’t real*
  562. [2016-02-17 8:36:55 PM | Edited 8:37:07 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: It was great! I caught some details I hadn't noticed on the 32nd viewing! *she's just hovering somewhat on top of the group*
  563. [2016-02-17 8:53:25 PM] Skilletz: Claude: I've seen worse yeahhh...Joan you two heading home together?
  565. Noa: (...Is he...couldn't be...) *He shuts an eye, training the other on Sam*
  567. Joan: *she looks over to the poor fish in her arms then to Claude* T-that is my intent yes. Sonata if you would, can I ask you to accompany us,?
  568. [2016-02-17 8:54:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I-I’m sorry f-for being a p-problem, I’ll get d-d-down as soon as I get over my s-sudden fear of the d-dark.
  569. [2016-02-17 8:56:39 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she nods, unconcerned* Of course Lady Jo! I already left everything tidy and locked. Oh oh oh are we going to do that slumber party?! *she looks over at Celia, then at Joan* Can Cell join us?!
  570. [2016-02-17 9:05:05 PM] Skilletz: Claude: Celia lives with me, she'll come visit tomorrow okay?
  572. Joan: You are no bother Samuel.*she whispers* U-um...it is reassuring I was not the only one bothered in there...
  574. Noa:....I'm going to get a hotel room, I'll catch you guys later I guess.
  575. [2016-02-17 9:08:32 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: H-how c-can you k-keep your comp-posure so well after T-THAT? Uhh... y-yeah, Noa, we-we’ll c-catch you t-tomorrow. Same w-with you two, C-Claude and Celia.
  576. [2016-02-17 9:10:34 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata. Alrighty goldhead. *she waves enthusiastically at Claude, Celia and Noa* Bye now! Watching a movie with other people is fun! We will do it again.
  577. [2016-02-17 9:12:25 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I-if they’re all like that, I h-humbly request n-not to go...
  578. [2016-02-17 9:13:16 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *She waves over Claude's shoulder as he carries her home, still looking a little freaked out*
  580. Joan: U-um...actually, I lost mine in the theater, it is just that it was easier to hide behind you...*she smiles and speaks normally* They are not normally so bad however...
  581. [2016-02-17 9:18:41 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: C'mon Captain, you can't be seen cowering like this! You're the captain! *she nods wisely* Still, if you didn't enjoy it much we can watch something else next time... Hey Lady Jo, where to? Back to that big building we were in earlier, or do you live somewhere else? Is it a large decrepit mansion with a secret lair below?!
  582. [2016-02-17 9:20:18 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I-I really h-hope it’s the big b-building.
  583. [2016-02-17 9:44:17 PM | Edited 9:49:42 PM] Skilletz: Joan: The big building from before...*She carefully lets Samuel onto his feet, as she leads them back*...Claude is the one with the old decrepit mansion remember? Tommorow we need to start on the interviews and physical testing for both of you so it is easier if we are all in the facility to begin with...
  584. [2016-02-17 10:18:23 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: R-right... that makes sense to me. *he tags along, close to Joan, his eyes darting around as he slowly gets it together*
  585. [2016-02-17 10:21:08 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *hovers at the front, knowing that being behind Samuel right now will just lead to a heart attack* Oh what kind of physical? Are you going to take our measurements?
  586. [2016-02-17 10:38:31 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *she nods* All of both of those things in fact, as well as a study on your abilities and the applications they have. It will be rigorous, but I assure you we shall have fun with it as well. *She looks over to Sam and takes his hand* Relax...
  587. [2016-02-17 11:14:01 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *jumps slightly as Joan grabs his hand, suddenly clenching very hard against hers* H-hey, don’t do that so suddenly! I-I mean you’re right, but... *sighs, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment as he loosens up his grip a little* Why study us so... ah... thoroughly?
  588. [2016-02-17 11:17:37 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Well that's easy Captian Samfish! What if we brought evil viruses with us! We start a pandemic that triggers wars and everybody kills each other and Lady Jo has to go to the frontline as the country's champion but even she with her awesome speed powers eventually gets overwhelmed and... *she rambles on*
  589. [2016-02-17 11:29:28 PM] Skilletz: Joan: That is not the concern Sonata. *She shuts an eye* Noa and I made sure of such....regardless we simply wish to conduct research on other worlds and see where we stand developmentally, and if there are any similarities between our people to help further our society.
  590. [2016-02-18 12:18:14 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah... I see. That seems... strange to me I guess, is our situation that common? I mean, I think you mentioned something at dinner, but...
  591. [2016-02-18 12:24:08 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *she shakes her head* No, it is not...It's come up a few times but the protocol was designed with the intention of using our technology to venture to other worlds to make such discoveries.
  592. [2016-02-18 12:25:51 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: oh oh what did you find, Lady Jo?
  593. [2016-02-18 12:52:42 AM] Skilletz: Joan: We made some progress on our understanding of magic some twenty years ago, and with some trade ratifications we're allowed to explore and harvest precious materials from barren worlds. It has been a rather positive experience for our world and my people. *she smiles*
  594. [2016-02-18 12:56:24 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Has it now... I’ve not considered the possibility of other worlds. Haha, there’s so many new things for me here...
  595. [2016-02-18 12:59:00 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *her eyes light up* Lady Jo is your world-jump machine modelled after a blue telephone booth?!
  596. [2016-02-18 1:15:51 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...I...do not believe the doctor was involved but I may be wrong, it was before my time...
  598. *The group makes their way into the FEF building's lobby, the front desk receptionist having changed shifts with someone else.*
  600. Joan: I have already made the arrangements for your accomodations, you will each get your own quarters, with basic amenities. Do you have any questions?
  601. [2016-02-18 1:16:56 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, if we wanted to find you, where’d we go? In particular, I have some things I want clarification on.
  602. [2016-02-18 1:22:40 AM] Skilletz: Joan: My quarters will be on the opposite side, same floor as you all, room 642...oh um...Sonata do you have a phone...?
  603. [2016-02-18 1:26:59 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Nope! Never needed one, Lady Jo.
  604. [2016-02-18 1:30:25 AM] Skilletz: Joan: We shall remedy that tommorow I suppose...
  605. [2016-02-18 1:31:34 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Alrighty! I can call you late at night and you can tell me about stuff! i'll call Cell too!
  606. [2016-02-18 1:36:40 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... What’s a ‘phone’...? Gah, so many things, I’m gonna lose track of it all...
  607. [2016-02-18 1:40:44 AM | Edited 1:41:07 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Umn...it is a device for long distance communications to allow someone to talk as if they are right next to you, if the need should arise. *She laughs, rubbing her shoulder as the door opens* Oh there we are...Sonata your room should be 604, Samuel your room should be 613
  608. [2016-02-18 1:41:39 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Yay, key please!
  609. [2016-02-18 1:42:08 AM | Edited 1:44:31 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah...yeah, I’ll take my key but won’t be going just yet, like I said I’ve got some things to ask myself.
  610. [2016-02-18 1:49:16 AM | Edited 1:49:49 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She tilts her head* U-um...I forgot to grab the keys when we entered the lobby...I will retrieve them for you in the morning and use the master key to open yours for now, is that acceptable?
  611. [2016-02-18 1:50:36 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *smiles smugly* Just don't enter my room to watch me sleep like a vampire and we're golden, Lady Jo.
  612. [2016-02-18 1:54:31 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Works fine for me, just be sure to let me in later. Otherwise I’ll have to sleep out in the hallway.
  613. [2016-02-18 2:00:45 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she stares, heading a bit down the hall to the left*...I am not Celia...nor do I believe that I resemble her....
  614. [2016-02-18 2:03:40 AM | Edited 2:06:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: She was joking, clearly. You’re much too tall for someone to make that mistake, anyways.
  615. [2016-02-18 2:06:59 AM | Edited 2:07:09 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *Sonata follows along, sticking her tongue out for a bit and then smiling*
  616. [2016-02-18 2:20:38 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*She stops at Sonata's room and uses her keycard on the room, opening it. The room seemed to be non-descript, a bed and what appeared to be a computer of sorts built into the wall slightly above it. There seemed to also be a dresser and another door inside* This is your room Sonata, if there is anything you need, the hall is built to circle, so if you walk on this floor for long enough you will find my room, however you will get there sooner by heading, staying left relative to the elevator. *She smiles* I will be in my office with your keys tommorow.
  617. [2016-02-18 2:27:11 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Alright, night Sona, I’ll see you tomorrow. *waves good night to Sonata, then follows Joan to her room*
  618. [2016-02-18 2:33:56 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *she leads him down the hall* What was it that you needed clarification on anyway?
  619. [2016-02-18 2:46:30 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I, ah... wanted to ask you about something a bit personal.
  620. [2016-02-18 2:49:40 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she tilts her head*....Pardon? What...do you mean?
  621. [2016-02-18 2:54:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I heard about what happened to your mother from Rachel. I... wanted to ask what happened, if you don't mind. I know I'm just an outsider, but I see so much going on with you & your friends, and I want to know what's going on. It... it bothers me to see it, honestly.
  622. [2016-02-18 2:59:15 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *she stops in the hallway letting go of Sam's hand.* U-um....There is little to tell...my mother was...old, far past her prime. My species tends to...degrade as they pass what would be their natural life span and she had staved this off with part replacement but...this...damages the mind, it knows the difference. My mother had gone insane and Maria, the previous admiral killed her to stop her before she could cause any damage..
  623. [2016-02-18 3:04:35 AM | Edited 3:05:41 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Rachel told me she didn't tell you when she found out. I... I heard you two were best friends. That... you couldn't have taken that well.
  624. [2016-02-18 3:21:21 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...She found out years ago...I...I had a right to know....*she leaned against the wall*...Samuel...you are leaving soon yes? You should not...concern yourself with things that happened two decades ago...
  625. [2016-02-18 3:31:23 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Two decades, yet it's clearly still bothering you, her, and your brother. Don't pretend you've gotten over it... I don't care that I'm going home, honestly. Seeing you guys like this bothers me, and I... I can't just ignore it.
  626. [2016-02-18 3:34:18 AM | Edited 3:34:35 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*She rubs her shoulder*... Truthfully...yes it does bother me, I only found out a week or so ago but...I cannot change it....I'm doing what I can to make the records public... but for myself all I can do is try to move forward and endure.
  627. [2016-02-18 4:08:34 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I can't pretend I know what that feels like, but... *he looks down, breathing deeply* I feel similarly betrayed, though I only learned about five years ago. I lost my only friend because of it. Just... you don't have to suffer through it like this. If you're just bottling it up inside, keeping it to yourself, you don't have to. I... darnit, I want to help!
  628. [2016-02-18 4:23:36 AM] Skilletz: Joan: I-I am not though...I tried to talk with Claude before, I am speaking to my friends, such as you! *She frowns* I-I appreciate the concern b-but...it seems as if you are projecting somewhat!
  629. [2016-02-18 4:48:59 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Does it...? *he crosses his arms* ... Maybe so. I certainly didn't know you have people around you to talk you, like that Claude guy... I'm glad for that. I... I haven't had anyone around me for nearly five years that I could trust like that. Nobody would let me close enough. Maybe because I see something like my situation in you, I'm like this... I'm sorry for being so preachy.
  630. [2016-02-18 4:53:56 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*She looks to Sam and stands up straight*...Samuel...If...you need someone to listen to you I am here for you...we are friends, yes?
  631. [2016-02-18 4:59:26 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... *he smiles slightly, looking straight at Joan* Yeah, of course. Guess I really do see a bit of me in you... I'm quick to call people friends, too. ... You sure you want the full explanation, though? I don't want to force you to listen to a big depressing story because you think you have to.
  632. [2016-02-18 5:08:15 AM] Skilletz: Joan:..*She approaches him and puts a hand on his shoulder* You have done generous things for me in the time you have been here...I...I wish to be your confidant, if you will let me.
  633. [2016-02-18 5:20:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Thank you, then. *he places his own hand on hers* It... I don't know how to explain it to someone who doesn't know who the Deepborn are, so I'll explain that first. Where I come from, Deepborn are... basically monsters, in the worst way. They terrorize us, when they're not busy killing us, and we always have to be careful of them. And they're pretty much made from us, from those who survive their attacks... so people hate them. Even I hate them, and I'm one of them.
  634. [2016-02-18 5:27:39 AM] Skilletz: Joan: B-but...you are not like that...you are kind, earnest...you have done nothing to persist such behavior.
  635. [2016-02-18 1:04:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: You think anyone cares? If you have scales on you, you're an enemy, that's all there is to that. That's why all those things Sona said earlier ticked me off so much... I've heard that stuff from so many people now. And... I've had to put up with it basically forever. When I was very young... my father gave up my humanity for me, and turned me into one of the Deepborn. He told me it was to guarantee our town'd be protected from them, but... five years ago, I figured out that wasn't the case at all. They just wanted me so their leader could come back... why me specifically, I don't know but I didn't care then, and I don't really care now.
  636. [2016-02-18 2:34:29 PM] Skilletz: Joan: And...if I may ask....what happened to your friend?
  637. [2016-02-18 4:27:21 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... When we found out, she said she'd help me get out. Stole a boat for me and everything. She was named Alena, used to be a bully at our school. We managed to become friends, some freaking how... When we escaped though, our boat was attacked by.. the same monster that attacked me and left me here. Deepborn named Scylla, real witch of a sea monstress. Alena, she... *at this point tears start welling up in Samuel's eyes, and he looks away* she fended off the monster while I escaped and swam away. She... most likely died doing that for me. I've been fighting to find a cure for this cursed form, but... I never really got over that.
  638. [2016-02-18 5:05:39 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *she pushes his cheek up to try to meet his eyes, smiling...*...I-I am sorry for your loss...I cannot begin to fathom the pain you've suffered...u-um...but...perhaps it is not an issue with your form...how should I say this...you are a wonderful person on the inside, your exterior should not be how others judge you...
  639. [2016-02-18 5:21:34 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: You'd think, huh... *he shifts his arms, wrapping them around her shoulders* ... I don't want to go home, Joan. I don't want to go back to somewhere I'm hated.
  640. [2016-02-18 5:33:43 PM] Skilletz: Joan: H-hn? *as he hugs her, she hesitantly returns the gesture, stroking his hair...* No one will force you home Samuel so...if you wish to remain, I shall do what I can to accommodate your transition.
  641. [2016-02-18 5:47:37 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Thanks... I'm sorry all of this had to happen on your birthday. *he moves his arms away, wiping away his tears with a hand* It's just... I guess when people actually are willing to be around me, I get attached quickly.
  642. [2016-02-18 5:51:57 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *she takes a moment to step away...* Do not apologize. Meeting you, having my brother come visit...it has been a rather enjoyable day ....but...you must be tired, yes? Let me take you to your room for the night, tomorrow will be a busy day.
  643. [2016-02-18 5:53:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right. It's just... it feels good having friends again. *he smiles* I'll see you tomorrow then, right?
  644. [2016-02-18 5:57:50 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *she nods, and shows him to his room, revealing much the same layout as Sonata's.* I look forward to tomorrow Samuel...sleep well...*she gives a small bow*
  645. [2016-02-18 5:58:49 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Same. *he bows back, waving as he enters his room* Good night, Joan.
  646. [2016-02-18 5:59:58 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *hurriedly heads down the hall leaving Sam to himself...*
  647. [2016-02-18 6:01:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Maybe I let myself go a bit too much back there...? *he shuts the door behind him as he heads inside, to where his bed is*
  648. [2016-02-18 9:00:13 PM] Skilletz: ++++++
  649. *the next morning the pair would be awoken, a buzzing sound coming from the console, a small light blinking next to a green phone button*
  650. [2016-02-18 9:02:00 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *violently flies up with a scream, twisting and dragging her sheets, slamming against the ceiling before falling down... dizzy, she would try and unravel herself partially, looking drowsy, confused, and annoyed at the button*
  651. [2016-02-18 9:40:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Wah! *is startled awake, the blanket flying high up & gently floating down, covering a half-asleep Samuel entirely in the process; he quickly shakes off the blanket a short moment, staring at the strange light above him* What the heck is that, and why's it so LOUD?!
  652. [2016-02-18 10:00:21 PM] Skilletz: *The after a while the sound stopped, only to start again*
  653. [2016-02-18 10:02:52 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *Sonata, further enrage, would uselessly try to smash the buzzing mechanism, only to remember the proper course of action: she'd collapse unto the bed, pull the pillow over her head and from under it blindly reach around trying to push where she remembered the green button was*
  654. [2016-02-18 10:05:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... *continues staring upwards at the green thing, trying to figure out what it is... eventually, he grabs his sword, which had been laying next to his bed, and uses it to lightly nudge the button* I guess this is what I'm supposed to do...?
  655. [2016-02-18 10:12:14 PM | Edited 10:15:44 PM] Skilletz: *Each of them picking up they would each see soldiers in a black suit of armor greeting them on the computer's monitor, they could also see each other on the camera as well.*
  657. Soldier: Morning to both of you, did you sleep well...also um...don't...don't swing that in your room Samuel.
  658. [2016-02-18 10:15:47 PM | Edited 10:18:19 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Oh! I know this! *immediately stands upright on the bed* Is this the part where you start stripping while I cheer?!
  659. [2016-02-18 10:16:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Sorry about that. *he puts the sword down, finally getting up and rubbing his eyes* I've never heard more hellish a sound since... well, last night. *he grumbles something under his breath* Sona, would you not do that this early...
  660. [2016-02-18 10:25:56 PM] Skilletz: Guard:....I...don't believe so ma'am, I do not get paid enough. Sonata and Samuel, you are to report to the 4th floor for your interviews, I will hand you your keycards when you arrive.
  661. [2016-02-18 10:27:56 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *yawns* Alright... Sona, we should prolly go together, I'll see you outside your room, got it?
  662. [2016-02-18 10:28:20 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Okey dokey Mr. Alarmclocksoldier guy, thanks for the wake-up! *she floats up and down happily and innocently blows a kiss at the screen*
  663. [2016-02-18 10:30:24 PM] Skilletz: Soldier: *groans and hangs up*
  664. [2016-02-18 10:33:12 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *dressing himself & grabbing his stuff, he heads out to Sonata's room, knocking on her door if she's not out already*
  665. [2016-02-18 10:34:35 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *having slept with her dress on, floats to the door and opens it* Morning Captain! Let's go, we don't want to be late!
  666. [2016-02-18 10:37:06 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right. *stretches his arms upwards as he heads off to the elevator*
  667. [2016-02-18 10:39:54 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *Sonata yawns for a moment while hovering next to Sam, and upon reaching the elevator presses the down button*
  668. [2016-02-18 10:41:45 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... How do you manage to be so energetic this early, Sona. I'm only just feeling awake.
  669. [2016-02-18 10:43:03 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she shrugs* That's just how I am! *she ponders and smiles* It might be because my life before this wasn't very active so I'm making up for lost time.
  670. [2016-02-18 10:44:29 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Back in Ywood?
  671. [2016-02-18 10:47:38 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Yep! *she stretches her arms* This kind of place, back home? No way we'd see it in a million years. It's all so different here! People do all kinds of stuff and there are so many different ways to pass the time! *she sighs a little* Back home, that's an idyllic place. It's paradise... and it's completely static. Nothing ever changes, nobody ever does anything different. Sure how we do something might change a little - maybe change the order of the songs or food, but there never were or are or will be new songs or food...
  672. [2016-02-18 10:51:34 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah... that kind of thing can drive people mad. Though, I'm sure a lot of people would want to go to a never-changing paradise... it's weird. *crosses his arms* ... When's the ellyvater getting here?
  673. [2016-02-18 10:52:14 PM] Skilletz: [i derped]
  674. [2016-02-18 10:53:05 PM] Jason Pichu: [it's okay]
  675. [2016-02-18 10:55:45 PM] Skilletz: *After a few more moments the elevator arrived.*
  676. [2016-02-18 11:00:13 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: There it is! *she smiles sheepishly and flies inside* Home is... strange. It's lovely! But strange, now that I've seen something else. To somebody who's always been in Ywood, Ywood is normal and something different would never even cross our dreams! But somebody who's never been in Ywood, to go there, would not like it after a few days, I think... *she looks a little sad, but then instantly lights up* Kind of like those vacation spots! Where there's nothing to do so rich people go a day or two and then go back.
  677. [2016-02-18 11:02:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *follows Sonata in, hitting the button with a 4 on it after a moment of looking* Yeah, a 'vacation spot' sounds about right.
  678. [2016-02-18 11:08:42 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she floats all the way down, then up, then down, then up... the doors would close and the elevator would start moving downwards* Hey, hey, I'd like to visit where you're from!
  679. [2016-02-18 11:10:51 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Oh, would you? ... I'm not sure how much you'd like my home, it's not got as much stuff going on as here... though it's a fair bit warmer, at least.
  680. [2016-02-18 11:18:10 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Ah! Warm? But it can't be a desert or volcano, or you'd be dried up. Oh oh is it some kind of island place? With pirates and fruits that give you special powers and corrupt marines?!
  681. [2016-02-18 11:26:13 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: None of that but... it's tropical, yeah
  682. [2016-02-18 11:26:53 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Wait, then how come you don't have any sunglasses?! Everybody knows that in tropical places you need sunglasses!
  683. [2016-02-18 11:34:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: We, ah... don't have those yet.
  684. [2016-02-18 11:36:41 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *shocked, she forgets to stop and slams against the ceiling as the elevator stops*
  685. [2016-02-18 11:49:26 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah, here we are. *leaves, grabbing Sona and pulling her out with him
  686. [2016-02-18 11:50:22 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *dizzy, she lets Samuel drag her*
  687. [12:03:45 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Now then... *heads off in the direction of the interview room*
  688. [12:04:27 AM] Skilletz: *The door opening, the group would be met by what appeared to be the soldier from video phone from before, waiting with a pair of keycards in hand....*
  690. Soldier: Good day...
  691. [12:06:59 AM | Edited 12:07:20 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *the sight snaps her out of her trance* Mr. Alarmclocksoldier guy! *she holds out her hands expectantly*
  692. [12:08:40 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Hello, sir.
  693. [12:09:26 AM] Skilletz: Soldier: *hands them their cards* Room 424, just....try not to get yourselves into too much trouble on the way...*he obviously faces sonata*
  694. [12:12:02 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she takes her card and looks at it with almost worship, then snaps a poorly done salute* Sir, yes sir, I will stay out trouble, sir!
  695. [12:14:09 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *takes his card* Thank you... don't worry, she'll do nothing of the sort while I'm around at least.
  696. [12:24:37 AM] Skilletz: Soldier: *He shrugs and walks to the elevator....* If you say so sir.
  697. [12:25:03 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she protectively holds her card* Well what now, Captain?
  698. [12:27:19 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Well, we're going to room 424, right? *he heads back out, letting go of Sonata as they head towards that room*
  699. [12:36:48 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *Sonata follows after Samuel, wondering how far away the room might be*
  700. [12:55:15 AM] Skilletz: *assuming they head to that room they encounter a small green girl sitting at a desk a pair of arm chairs in what otherwise seemed to be a lab of some sort. The room itself seemed to have some equipment haphazardly strewn about, documents stacked far higher than the girl could reasonably reach without standing on the counters. The girl seemed to be wearing a large white lab coat that...also seemed to be far far larger than she had any business wearing*
  702. Doc: Hello, hello~ I'm Doctor Warwick~! It's a pleasure to meat...meat? Meet! Meet you all you both!
  703. [12:56:18 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah, uhm... hello, Dr. Warwick. *moves to sit in one of the arm chairs*
  704. [1:01:23 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she hovers behind Sam, looking all around her, amazed at the mess* What's up, Doc? It's as if a tornado passed through here...
  705. [1:03:30 AM] Skilletz: Doc: I passed through here. *She smiles* The vice admiral asked me to perform your interview while she takes care of Samuel's immigration paperwork!
  706. [1:05:09 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *sits down, pausing briefly upon the mention of the papers* (I-immigration... she was serious about that, huh?) Ah I see. I take it she told you our names, too?
  707. [1:08:07 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: How do our interviews work, Doc? What do you need us to do?
  708. [1:10:01 AM] Skilletz: Doc: I ask questions and you give me a funny look, then I give you real questions and you are too befuddled to answer them! *she puffs her chest.*
  709. [1:11:56 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she raises her eyebrow and points at her accusingly* Aha! Such distracting gambits will not work on us, you green mad scientist doctor! The captain and I have disciplined our minds to see through ploys like those!
  710. [1:13:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Now I have to deal with two of these crazies? Sheesh... *he reclines back in his seat, looking up at the ceiling as his arms hang off the back* How about we just start, then...?
  711. [10:06:37 AM] Skilletz: Doc: Then riddle me this fairy woman!*she hops to her feet and stands her chair...slumping back into it as Samuel gave a straight faced response*....I'll be brief then...are you familiar with the concept of mind reading?
  712. [11:23:43 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: What kind of amateur do you think me to be? You mean to claim you have succeeded where the esteemed Doctor Brown failed?! *she looks offended and holds her head by the temples* Get out of my head, Warwick*
  713. [1:09:45 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I, uhh... can't say I'm super familiar with the concept. I'm guessing it lets you read someone's mind like a book, though?
  714. [3:35:23 PM | Edited 4:25:44 PM] Skilletz: Doc: Yes that is the idea Salmon, no I have not lady song bird despite my best efforts. HOWEVER! *she points at Sonata, leaning towards her as she rambles....* If you grant consent we can we can have trained personnel examine you for the sake of expediency and focus more on aspects of your psyche and physiology! Rather than dry questions such as "what is a family unit structured like?", "what color is the sky in your world." or "Doc why do you have that needle?" that we'd rather not waste the time answering, we can do it quickly and without the uncertainties that accompany speech! *by this point she has fallen into her desk from her continual leaning*
  715. [4:40:51 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: That... sounds like a bad time waiting to happen...
  716. [5:44:08 PM | Edited 5:52:08 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *blindly raises her fist* Let's do it!
  717. [6:37:31 PM] Skilletz: Doc:...*She pushes her self, and sits indian style on her desk, pushing a few papers out* I mean, you don't have to if you don't mind dealin' with me.
  718. [6:41:08 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Well, how thorough is it, I guess? What's going to be looked at? Will stuff be left alone?
  719. [6:45:15 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: C'mon capatin! I know talking with mag scientists isn't a thing back where you're from but we could speed this up along
  720. [6:47:43 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: You've got no problem with those people just... entering your mind? Being able to access every personal thought you have?
  721. [6:50:28 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she wiggles her eyebrows at Sam* I think they should be afraid of it, not I!
  722. [6:51:16 PM] Skilletz: Doc: *she looks over to Samuel* Invasive mind reading isn't used if that's what you are asking...we do picture association and they read your surface thoughts to draw the information we need. We can't prevent details from leaking out but we will not actively hunt for all the times you had inappropriate thoughts about your grandmother or anything.
  723. [6:54:25 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Oh that's right, you're freakin' nuts. Of COURSE they should be afraid. *rolls his eyes as he moves to look at Doc* How can I be assured of that? I... get the feeling there isn't going to be a whole lot of feeling.
  724. [7:03:57 PM] Skilletz: Doc: Well...strictly speaking we can show you what invasive mind reading is like and then show you what non-invasive mind reading is like, you will know the difference right away.
  725. [7:06:17 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *smiles sweetly and pokes Sam* Pick your poison, Captain!
  726. [8:45:24 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... It'll just be to show the difference, right?
  727. [2016-02-19 8:52:26 PM] Skilletz: Doc: Yes sir, our specialist is on standby if you would like. *she rolls back into her chair*
  728. [2016-02-19 8:55:05 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Alright then. I'll... *he breathes a bit heavily* I'll try that then. If you people are going to going through my head, I want proof it'll be fine, so let's do that.
  729. [2016-02-20 2:16:09 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Don't worry captain Samfish! I'm sure the Doc won't make mush of our brains and then serve it to some zombie army she's secretly been making in the basement!
  730. [2016-02-20 2:56:14 AM | Edited 2:58:02 AM] Skilletz: Doc: NOBODY WAS SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT THAT! *she sighs and pulls out her phone as she slinks into her desk, hitting a button on it* ...Come in Vanessa....
  732. Vanessa: *A tall purple skinned, goat horned demon came in, dressed in a similar white lab coat though hers actually fit...* Are these the visitors?
  734. Doctor: Yes....can you give Samuel a demonstration of your passive and active mind reading, he's...uncertain.
  736. Vanessa: Right then....*She walks over to the desk and leans on it* Well, think of something you would not mind me seeing and let me know when you are ready.
  737. [2016-02-20 3:03:16 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well, uhh... can't... say I've seen someone with horns before, uhh... right, I'll play along. I'm ready. (I've not seen someone like that... goat people? I guess this is one of those beast-men Noa was talking about).
  738. [2016-02-20 3:14:11 AM] Skilletz: Vanessa: I'm not a beast, I'm a demon much like the vice admiral's brother. *She smiles* That is what surface level mind reading is like...I'm going to specifically look for something you did the day before yesterday is that alright?
  739. [2016-02-20 3:15:01 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... *breathes in a bit* Yeah, that's fine.
  740. [2016-02-20 3:18:21 AM] Skilletz: *She shuts her eyes...Samuel feels like something is crawling into his head searching and probing. It's not painful but it feels unclean....*
  742. Vanessa:...You ate quite a bit of fish in your homeworld...
  743. [2016-02-20 3:21:09 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I uhh... yeah... *sighs almost as if he's relieved, rubbing the back of his head* Well, at least I'm convinced on the difference.
  744. [2016-02-20 3:27:25 AM] Skilletz: Doc: The test would be thought association, you think of your home while we hand you images or words and Vanessa sees how your mental image lines up with it and our understanding of the world.
  746. Vanessa: Anything outside of the scope of the discussion is private, so no need to worry about gossip.
  747. [2016-02-20 3:28:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *nods* Seem basic enough, then... Sona, you ready to go?
  748. [2016-02-20 3:29:54 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Aye aye!
  749. [2016-02-20 2:38:29 PM] Skilletz: *And with that the pair underwent through questioning, about various aspects of their world while Vanessa took notes, followed by a brief physical before finally....*
  751. Doc: Excellent, excellent! I have new information for my death...I mean sociological studies! You two are free to go for the day!
  752. [2016-02-20 2:40:04 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she stretches and yawns, then nods confidently at the doctor* May your research be fruitful, Doc! *she smiles and waves before landing on Samuel's head* Come on Captain, let's get food!
  753. [2016-02-20 2:47:48 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *nods* Thank you, Doc... *flinches, one eye remaining closed as Sonata sits on his head* Yeah sure... sheesh, you're heavy for a fairy. I hope you don't plan on staying up there all day. *starts heading out the room* Though, uhh... my understanding of the area has not improved since last night. Got any ideas, Sona?
  754. [2016-02-20 2:55:41 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Nope! *she floats a bit, landing on a handstand on Samuel's head, but looking towards the doctor* Hey Doc, where do we get food?
  755. [2016-02-20 3:17:13 PM] Skilletz: Doc: I try to make my own, but I'm partial to kebabs!*she smiles at Sonata and licks her lips*
  757. Vanessa:*she prods doc*...On the ground floor the mess hall is there, there are a few stands and restaurants in the plaza, take a look around.
  758. [2016-02-20 3:30:54 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *turns around towards Vanessa* Thanks, we'll definitely take a look.
  759. [2016-02-20 3:41:06 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *it takes her a moment for it to click* Wah! Captain get us out of here, she wants to feed us to her zombie army!
  760. [2016-02-20 3:45:42 PM] Skilletz: Doc: I WOULDN'T WASTE QUALITY MEAT ON THE-they're not real. Nope. Not at all.
  762. *And so the group proceeds out, however on the right they could Joan speaking to a scientist...*
  764. Joan: Thank you for coming directly to me with this information, but we are simply understaffed at the moment, and such samples are difficult to aquire without dedicating signifigant man power to the task.
  766. Scientist:....*shakes his head and leaves...* I'll try with what I have, but try to get some mermen soon...
  768. Joan....Understood. *She crosses her arms...*
  769. [2016-02-20 3:49:51 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Hey, Sona, do you mind going down by yourself? I, ah... need to ask Joan about something.
  770. [2016-02-20 3:56:48 PM | Edited 3:57:55 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she floats off his head and smiles smugly* Oho? I spy, with my little eye, that the Captain may have some not-so-noble intentions and want to find the Lady Jo alone! *she nods and laughs haughtily, before flying off to the elevator*
  771. [2016-02-20 4:01:26 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: It's not that, you freakin'- gah. I'll see ya soon, got it? *he waves towards Joan as he walks towards her* Hey, Joan, you have a moment or two?
  772. [2016-02-20 4:03:49 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *she narrows her eyes as she turns to him* Is that... Oh Samuel...*she coughs and forces a smile* S-sorry I was....a-anyway yes what is it?
  773. [2016-02-20 9:47:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Look, if you're busy I don't want to interrupt you or anything. I just... I heard you were doing my immigration papers, is that right?
  774. [2016-02-20 9:49:36 PM] Skilletz: Joan: O-oh...that....you were not supposed to know about that...*She stares...* Um....Well...somewhat...I started on the footwork for it yes, nothing has been finalized.
  775. [2016-02-20 9:51:16 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well sorry, Doc let it slip. I just... *he sighs* Why?
  776. [2016-02-20 10:03:21 PM | Edited 10:03:29 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...*She shakes her head before looking him in the eye*...It was meant to be something that I would have discussed with you at a later time as an option should you decide for certain that you wished to stay...I apologize if I overstepped my boundries but nothing has been finalized.
  777. [2016-02-20 10:06:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well, not just that... why're you being so nice to me?
  778. [2016-02-20 10:09:27 PM] Skilletz: Joan: I do not understand...you were kind to me in a time of need, and you mean well. Is it wrong to wish to return the favor for you?
  779. [2016-02-20 10:12:00 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Is that really it? Everyone's been like that, too, save Sona... though she's Sona... I just... don't understand it.
  780. [2016-02-20 10:19:06 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Samuel....you are a kind man, selling yourself short because your hardships have taught you that recieving kindness in return is unusual. *She takes his hand. * You deserve better, and...I wanted to be able to give you a chance to consider an alternative.
  781. [2016-02-20 10:46:26 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: M-maybe so... *his eyes quickly dart to the side, as he appears a bit flustered* I appreciate the thought, but... you don't have to go out of your way for me. I'll be fine. Honestly.
  782. [2016-02-20 11:06:13 PM | Edited 11:08:02 PM] Skilletz: Joan: I think not...*She smiles.* You are my friend, it is never a bother to be with you or help you.
  783. [2016-02-20 11:13:46 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I... *his face reddens as best as a scale-covered face can* T-thanks. I'm sorry I had my doubts, just... thanks. (W-why the heck am I getting so flustered now?!)
  784. [2016-02-20 11:22:17 PM | Edited 11:23:48 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...*She tilts her head, putting a hand on his cheek, then her forehead to his, to check his temperature* (Is he alright...?) You are quite welcome, but...um...do you feel well?
  785. [2016-02-20 11:34:44 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (W-what the heck?!) *his face becomes as red as deepbornly possible* I-is this normal procedure here?
  786. [2016-02-20 11:40:35 PM] Skilletz: Joan: I'm checking your temperature against my own...you seem warm, did you feel sick when you woke up this morning?
  787. [2016-02-20 11:42:29 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: N-no... and that doesn't answer my question... you don't need to care this much, sheesh...
  788. [2016-02-20 11:48:31 PM] Skilletz: Joan: It is...not too unusual. The previous admiral would do it for me when I was unwell, it was very reassuring...but...if you are fine then I suppose my concern was unfounded.
  789. [2016-02-20 11:51:52 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: N-no... it's nice, for sure. It's just... unusual for me that's all.
  790. [2016-02-20 11:57:54 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she tilts her head*....Well then...Are you at all preoccupied?
  791. [2016-02-21 2:40:58 AM] Skilletz: Joan: I am glad that you are feeling well. *She nods. After a few moments they hit the ground floor and Joan leads him to the cafe...* ...(What to say...)...I don't believe I asked but what was your profession back in your world?
  792. [2016-02-21 2:43:56 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Didn't I... oh, right, I told Sona but not you. I worked on boats, and I was the captain of the one that sank. Other than that... I was mainly travelling and looking for a cure to my, ahm, 'condition'.
  793. [2016-02-21 2:51:25 AM] Skilletz: Joan: I am aware, Sonata referred to you as captain but...what did you sail for? Did you carry cargo, did you transport passengers?
  794. [2016-02-21 2:57:05 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I did cargo... after losing Alena, I didn't trust myself with passengers. I'm a bit cursed, so Scylla can attack me basically whenever and wherever I'm on the water. Damn thing kept me off the water for years... I'll be honest, never did a whole lot, but I'm not bad at it at all, if I do say so myself.
  795. [2016-02-21 3:36:45 AM] Skilletz: Joan: ...*She frowns* Oh...um...if it is not too much to ask, can you tell me about....your friend Alena?
  796. [2016-02-21 3:42:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *his expression turns more serious, and he looks down somewhat* I uhh... sure, not that there's a lot to tell. W-what did you want to know...?
  797. [2016-02-21 3:53:23 AM] Skilletz: Joan: I have no idea, she was your friend yes? (Maybe that was a bad idea...) What was she like? There were not many people in your life that were kind but...she stands out to you.
  798. [2016-02-21 4:02:41 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah... truth be told, for a long time, she wasn't either. When I was really young, she'd bully me a lot, but... I managed to earn her respect. We hung out a lot. *his eyes travel upwards as he thinks on it, crossing his arms behind his head* She's really different from you - she was always loud and insulting the people she met, and she respected strength a lot - physical strength, of course, but also inner strength. She had anger issues, and for whatever reason she figured I could help her out with them, since I could generally handle her. So we basically ended up standing up against everyone, usually at least partially because of me. We were real troublemakers.
  799. [2016-02-21 4:22:44 AM] Skilletz: Joan: It seems she was a good judge of character if nothing else...
  801. *As the pair arrive, the cafe owner turns to meet the pair with a grin, he seemed be an older man wearing sun glasses....*
  803. Owner: Joan, you brought a new friend? It's good to see you socializing with someone more normal for a change.
  805. Joan:...Yes sir. *she rubs her shoulder* I will get my usual Samuel will go on my tab.
  806. [2016-02-21 4:25:46 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, for sure... *after listening to the owner, he nods slightly* Ah, hello sir. (The heck does he mean, "more normal"?!)
  807. [2016-02-21 4:40:25 AM | Edited 4:40:29 AM] Skilletz: Owner: Nice to meet you Samuel, let me know what you want and I'll get on it...* he moves over and begins preparing the coffee maker.*
  809. Joan: The previous admiral would bring me here on her lunch breaks so Mr.Moore turned me onto her vice and I have made a habit of returning whenever possible...* she beams*
  810. [2016-02-21 4:51:01 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Hey, a good coffee's always appreciated, right? Though, I don't know what would be served here... how about you just get me what you think would be best?
  811. [2016-02-21 5:07:39 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Another one of my usual then Mr. Morris. *She takes a seat at one of them*
  813. Jasper: Yes ma'am...
  814. [2016-02-21 5:09:33 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: So uhh... what's your usual then, miss... Joan I guess?
  815. [2016-02-21 5:11:49 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...Um...I do not have a last name. Technically for my people, it is more customary for us to have designations, however it is uncommon or us to share them too freely either.
  816. [2016-02-21 5:12:38 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Designations? I've never heard of someone without a last name, *scratches his head, a little confused*
  817. [2016-02-21 5:15:05 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Um...does...it is not a problem is it? *she glances aside*
  818. [2016-02-21 5:16:47 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *stops suddenly* No, no, of course not, I at least know what you're called, it's just... new to me, that's all.
  819. [2016-02-21 5:21:55 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Understood....*she gives a sigh and smiles* If I may ask...what is your full name Samuel?
  820. [2016-02-21 5:22:56 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Lucius Samuel Bruinwood. It's a lot longer than most people's names, where I come from.
  821. [2016-02-21 5:24:24 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Lucius...? That's your first name? *She tilts her head* It is...rather nice, why do you not go by it?
  822. [2016-02-21 5:27:01 AM | Edited 5:27:12 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Alena never liked it. Always told me it sounded dumb, and it stuck with me a bit I guess. I think she was just mad I had a fancier name than she did.
  823. [2016-02-21 5:27:20 AM] Jason Pichu: [redundant editted]
  824. [2016-02-21 5:29:37 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she stares at the table for a moment before looking back to Sam* Understood...Alena seems to have been very important to you. and um...if you still prefer Samuel, I shall respect your preference moving forward.
  825. [2016-02-21 5:33:48 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I think it's too formal, so maybe if that's what you want to go for then sure. I think I'll have less of a problem with you calling me that than Sona calling me LUCY. *rolls his eyes as he says the last word sarcastically, hoping he can get Joan back to her happier self*
  826. [2016-02-21 5:36:24 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Is...is that so...Lucy goosey~? *She laughs* I-I am sorry, Lucius really is a sweet name but...I-I had to...
  827. [2016-02-21 5:37:37 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *laughs back* Yeah, don't worry about it. Not the first time I've heard it.
  828. [2016-02-21 5:45:07 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...I prefer Lucius, if that is acceptable. *she smiles* It may be more formal but...it is more unique as well.
  829. [2016-02-21 5:47:24 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Fine by me then. *smirks, shaking his head a bit* Go to a new place, get called Lucius by one friend and Captain by another. It'll take some getting used to, for sure.
  830. [2016-02-21 5:53:16 AM] Skilletz: Joan: I hope the transition will not take long for you then. It is a shame to keep such a beautiful name to yourself.
  831. [2016-02-21 5:55:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Same, with a lot of other things too, I'm sure.
  832. [2016-02-21 1:22:21 PM] Skilletz: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  833. *Meanwhile as Sonata flew up the hillside path to the Redstroke Manor, she'd note Noa making his way down...*
  834. [2016-02-21 1:27:15 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: ! *she abruptly stops and moves to intercept him* Halt, evildoer!
  835. [2016-02-21 1:27:43 PM] Skilletz: Noa:....*he stops and looks up to Sonata...*....Oh it's you.
  836. [2016-02-21 1:31:21 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she smiles broadly and waves* Hello! Good morning or something! Where ya going?! Detective work? Are you finally going to beat up some minorities?
  837. [2016-02-21 1:33:46 PM] Skilletz: Noa:...You know, technically aren't you a minority, and an illegal immigrant?
  838. [2016-02-21 1:39:53 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she smiles sheepishly and scratches her neck* W-well! I'm not going to be illegal for long, thanks to the Lady Jo! Besides, officers always spare the cute female and then develop affection for her and adopt or marry her and then you have this awesome plotline where the more by-the-book cop tries to get her deported but... *she rambles*
  839. [2016-02-21 1:42:51 PM] Skilletz: Noa:..Uh....*he raises an eyebrow*...I'm...gonna go now kay? You take care of yourself kid...*He sighs*
  840. [2016-02-21 1:44:18 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she abruptly stops* Hey, wait! Of course I take care of myself, but what about you, notsoevilstepbrotherdetectiveguy! Where you going all alone now! *she actually looks worried* That's when the bad guys gang up on the hero!
  841. [2016-02-21 1:49:43 PM] Skilletz: Noa: Oh so now I'm the hero now? *he crosses his arms* I'm running errands for Redstroke and checking on my sister that's all....what about you?
  842. [2016-02-21 1:51:48 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she points at him accusingly* Not to me you're not! But you are for the Lady Jo and if I mess up and you get kidnapped or worse it'll be my fault that she feels bad and cries! *she clears her throat* I'm going to visit Cell! We the Titanic Twins must join forces once more!
  843. [2016-02-21 1:53:22 PM] Skilletz: Noa:....What? *he stares* Um...sure that kid probably needs the help...
  844. [2016-02-21 1:57:17 PM | Edited 1:57:23 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: She does?! *she strikes her fist to her palm* Why did she not use the Twin signal! I must go rescue her now! Bye detectiveguy, I'll kill you if you make the Lady Jo cry! *she zooms off towards the mansion*
  845. [2016-02-21 2:06:14 PM] Skilletz: *in a rush to the manor she would note the door open, laughing and a hisding noise coming from the kitchen...*
  846. [2016-02-21 2:08:44 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: *hearing the noise and laughter, Sonata would stop abruptly, horrified at the possibility of some deranged maniac having broken in and holding Celia hostage and monologuing. Doing her best Marine infiltrator impression, complete with holding an imaginary rifle, she'd approach the door and peek inside*
  847. [2016-02-21 2:23:24 PM] Skilletz: *Rachel and Celia seemed to have set up a card game in the kitchen, the hissing sound being Celia's wheezing attempts at giggling*
  849. Rachel: I mean lord knows he tries but for luckiest man alive, he kinda sucked at it...
  851. Celia: *nods enthusiastically*
  852. [2016-02-21 2:31:24 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *sighs in relief and, puffing her chest, marches in* Good, morning NEW LONDON!
  853. [2016-02-21 2:43:13 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *her eyes widen, and she waves*
  855. Rachel: Oh hey Sonata, what's up? We're playing Uno.
  856. [2016-02-21 2:53:18 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she waves back* Hey Cell, hey corruptingpolicedirector gal! *she floats over looking at the cards, puzzled* Wait, where's all the money and the cigars and the death threats!? You can't play cards without those!
  857. [2016-02-21 2:59:13 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *she stares looking very confused and somewhat frightened*
  859. Rachel:...You're thinking of poker Sonata. *she smiles* How're things are going?
  860. [2016-02-21 3:03:37 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *her eyes widen in understanding* Ah, a different game... I'm fine thanks, lady, and you? Ate a lot at the mess hall but I couldn't find mr. Alarmclocksoldier guy... I kind of left on my own because the Captain wanted to talk with the Lady Jo, so, here I am! *she floats over to Celia and pats her on the head* Don't fear my Titanic Twin!
  861. [2016-02-21 3:15:33 PM | Edited 3:18:05 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Oh do you know what they were talking about?
  863. Celia: *groans slightly as she's patted*
  864. [2016-02-21 3:27:34 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she huffs a little* Hey! You can't not be a Titanic Twin with me! *she then looks at Rachel and shakes her head* Nope! I wanted to intrude but I didn't have any super awesome spy tools with me and I was hungry. *she smiles smugly* I did tease the captain and judging from his reaction I might have been right! Maybe...
  865. [2016-02-21 3:54:03 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Lemme guess, he's hot for her? *she leans on the counter*
  867. Celia: *she flips out her chalk board and scribbles out a message* (Fine but we're partners! Partners don't pat each other's heads!)
  868. [2016-02-21 3:56:17 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she winks at Rachel* That's my suspicion! I think he's in denial, though... *she notes the chalkboard and hovers down bowing a little* Fine fine! And to make it up, you get to pat me now, alright?
  869. [2016-02-21 4:01:14 PM] Skilletz:
  870. Rachel: What do you mean denial Sonata? Is he not getting along with her or something?
  872. Celia: *she shakes it* (No than-wait isn't he a fish? How does that work?)
  873. [2016-02-21 4:03:23 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *shrugs, and hovers up* Yes indeed Cell, Captain is a fishthing of some sorts! *he scratches her head* He probably thinks he doesn't like her that way! Except he totally does even if he doesn't realize it and that's the start of the comedy and samfish makes a fool of himself while trying to act cool and then he gets into a fight but doesn't strike back because... *she rambles on*
  874. [2016-02-21 4:12:39 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *she shakes her head* (They do spawning stuff don't they? How can they do the things and the stuff and the lewd?)
  876. Rachel:*she flicks Celia's nose*...You're the movie buff, how does it end if we try helping them get together?
  877. [2016-02-21 6:49:19 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she crosses her arms and puts a leg over the other* No clue! I bet my wings the captain is kinda dumb about that, but overall it depends on the director! If somebody that does too many dark and edgy things is behind the curtains, he can twist the story anytime and have some random awful thing pop out of nowhere! *she nods sagely* Ideally we help them out and mess up a few times, then it sort of works before the big finale where the captain goes halfway across the world to find the lady wile tearing his shirt and declaring his love!
  878. [2016-02-21 6:57:09 PM | Edited 6:57:10 PM] Skilletz: Rachel:...So none of the classic airport declaration of love after the second act break up I guess? *She rustles her hair* Alright, let's fuck with the "director", what if we try to pretend to oppose them and play the game that way? Isn't the movie trend at that point for them to come closer...? I guess it comes at our expense though
  880. Celia:...(Why aren't we considering talking to them directly about it...?) *She rubs her head*
  881. [2016-02-21 7:04:50 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Silly Cell, doing things directly never works! *she nods at Rachel* That's been happening a lot too but worse comes to worst we do our job too well and they choose death rather than not be with each other!
  882. [2016-02-21 7:19:12 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Joan would probably kill us before she kills herself to be honest...*she plants her face against the table* Aghh....
  884. Celia:....(Why not!? I thought that's what people do to solve problems!)
  885. [2016-02-21 7:28:54 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she sighs* That's what they've told you, Cell. Don't believe them!
  886. [2016-02-21 7:43:21 PM] Skilletz: Celia: (Give me a reason!)
  888. Rachel: Because uh...well they could kinda reflexively push against the idea if we push it too hard right?
  889. [2016-02-21 7:46:24 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: She's right, Cell. Lady Jo looked horrified when I mentioned the possibility of her having a lover. Imagine that!
  890. [2016-02-21 7:58:29 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Yeah Joan is kind of reserved, it's probably not good to pressure her much...
  892. Celia: (What about Sam then? He's a guy, can't we make him be proactive?)
  893. [2016-02-21 8:21:37 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: It's worth a try... He certainly seems like he wants to stay here! And the Lady Jo would be another good reason for that...
  894. [2016-02-21 9:06:11 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Alright boss, what's the play...*She looks over to Celia...*
  896. Celia:....(That's your territory, I remember when Leoric came over, you guys didn't stop all night!) *points accusingly at Rachel.*
  898. Rachel:....*She raises an eyebrow* I'm...not proud but that did happen I guess...I guess one way we can do things, is just making him acknowledge Joan's a woman.
  899. [2016-02-21 9:08:49 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: That could work! Do we get her some skimpy clothes? *a little confused* What're you talking about Cell?
  900. [2016-02-21 9:51:56 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Don't worry about it...I'm not sure that would work but maybe just getting her to dress up or something...
  902. Celia: (We could go swimming right? She has a bathing suit right?)
  904. Rachel:...Joan's made of metal C. That's...denser than water.
  906. Celia:...*She just stares*....
  907. [2016-02-21 9:56:07 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: A beach, perhaps? *she ponders, then...!* Oh oh oh oh oh oh! *she snaps her fingers* A wedding! If we invite the Lady Jo to a wedding she'll have to dress up super nice AND she'll have to take a male guest with her and the captain is a no-brainer! We just need to get him a good suit and bam! *her eyes sparkle* And then after the party the bride throws back the flowers and the Lady Jo catches them and she grows red and does a double take at the captain and he boldly steps up as her heart pounds a thousand times a minute and he takes her hand and...! *she rambles on*
  908. [2016-02-21 9:57:49 PM] Skilletz: Celia: (Obviously Rachel you just need to get married to Leo...or maybe super scary demon brother dude!)
  910. Rachel:....The pool or beach it is. *she facepalms*
  911. [2016-02-21 10:02:41 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she nods confidently* It's that unless you know a high class casino where we won't get murdered for trying to cheat its system in case some of us get lucky!
  912. [2016-02-21 10:06:17 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: I'm actually banned from the ones around here so, I don't think so.
  914. Celia: (Why does everything come back to murder with you...?)
  915. [2016-02-21 10:08:00 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she hangs her head* Well that's out, unless you DO want to get married, or know somebody who does. *she turns to Celia* Well my Titanic Twin, because the bad guys are always after the heroes and want to end them! Also it happens all the time I'm sure, so it never hurts to be extra careful!
  916. [2016-02-21 10:23:36 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *She gives a hissing groan as she crossed her arms...* (I thought we were like...saturday morning heroes where we talked out enemies down and they weren't really that threatening...)
  918. Rachel: Alright then we have a plan, let's get those two wet I guess.
  919. [2016-02-21 10:25:44 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she gives Rachel a thumbs up, then looks sternly at Celia* Only sometimes! We need to be careful because you never know when they'll act like in saturday morning, or when they'll act like in prime time!
  920. [2016-02-21 10:43:51 PM] Skilletz: Celia:.....*She rubs her head* (Heroing is hard...)
  922. Rachel: Focus girls, Sonata do you think you can convince them to go together?
  923. [2016-02-21 10:51:29 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she snaps at attention and nods confidently, pumping her fist* Leave it to me!
  924. [2016-02-21 10:53:36 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: Right then, lemme know if you need anything you two~! *she pats Celia on the head*
  925. Celia: (Good lu....Why am I going?!)
  926. [2016-02-21 10:55:27 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she floats down and points skyward* The Titanic Twins will not be denied! *she giggles* Think about it Cell, how can they resist two cute girls like us begging them to take us to the pool?
  927. [2016-02-21 10:59:49 PM] Skilletz: Celia: (...Aghh fine, but only so Joan doesn't get all scary drill sergent on me again!)
  929. Rachel: Atta girl...call me if you two need anything then~
  930. [2016-02-21 11:01:09 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she points at Rachel accusingly* Aha! We almost fell for your trap! How are we gonna go there without swimsuits of our own? And shark repellent! And sunblock! And sandals! And inner tubes!
  931. [2016-02-21 11:02:52 PM] Skilletz: Rachel:...Go buy them? *She rummages her pocket and gets her wallet, handing Sonata a wad of cash*...also why are there sharks in a pool?
  932. [2016-02-21 11:03:48 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she grabs the cash, her eyes sparkling* For the same reason piranhas show up in the tub! Bye bye! *she hovers down next to Celia* Let's go Cell!
  933. [2016-02-21 11:08:14 PM] Skilletz: Rachel: That's not an answer...*She sighs*
  935. Celia: *She nods and sprints out, waving to Rachel*
  936. [2016-02-21 11:14:16 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she flies out after Celia*
  937. [2016-02-21 11:17:43 PM] Skilletz: *The pair both rush back out to the town, stumbling into Joan nursing a cup of coffee as they leave the cafe, Sam accompanying her*
  938. [2016-02-21 11:18:31 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Oho! *she nudges Celia* Targets in sight! *she flies up towards them* Lady Jo! Captain!
  939. [2016-02-21 11:21:10 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *looks surprised as they show up* Oh hey, Sona and Celia! ... Sorry I never showed up for lunch, Sona, Joan wanted to do something.
  940. [2016-02-21 11:29:14 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Yes, we had some errands to run...what is it...
  942. Celia: *she flips out her chalkboard* (We wanted to go swimming and Rachel gave us money for swim suits! Can you take us shopping?)
  943. [2016-02-21 11:30:21 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: What she said! *she stops, then points at the chalkboard* What she wrote! Pretty please? You can join us and perform some awesome fish tricks, too, Captain!
  944. [2016-02-21 11:32:22 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Well, I dunno about you, Joan, but we were planning to go shopping for clothes anyways right? I don't see any problem with it.
  945. [2016-02-21 11:37:51 PM] Skilletz: Celia: (Also you guys need them too cuz we need someone supervising, kinda maybe!)
  947. Joan:...Are vampires even capable of swimming?
  949. Celia:...(THAT'S WHY I NEED SUPERVISION.) *frantically shakes her chalkboard*
  950. [2016-02-21 11:38:38 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she floats up so she's at Joan's face level* C'mon Lady Jo! What are we going to do if some random bad guys kidnap us, or if a shark shows up?
  951. [2016-02-21 11:39:24 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Why wouldn't they be, Joan? Unless she never learned. But I mean, I can teach her! *his eyes half-close as he looks at Sonata* Neither of those will happen, Sona.
  952. [2016-02-21 11:40:03 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *moves to Samuel and presses his biceps lightly* Of course they won't if the bigger badder shark is with us!
  953. [2016-02-21 11:40:51 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Um...vampires have difficulty entering or crossing bodies of water so...I do not know how she would be able to swim...besides, I do not own a swimsuit either...
  955. Celia:(I wanna learn, so let's just get you one and figure it out later!)
  956. [2016-02-21 11:41:33 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she pulls out the wad of cash and waves it at Joan* C'mon, don't you want to irresponsibly spend the money that Goldhead's sister gave us?
  957. [2016-02-21 11:42:26 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: W-what's that supposed to mean, Sona? *movs her hand away from him* ... And what're you doing with money like that?!
  958. [2016-02-21 11:43:14 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she shrugs* The evil commissioner that turned Lady Jo into a vigilante gave it to us so we could buy a swimsuit, duh!
  959. [2016-02-21 11:48:46 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Well, at least it's not IRRESPONSIBLE. Iunno, I think it's fine, Joan, why not?
  960. [2016-02-21 11:59:21 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...She means um...Rachel gave her money...*She sighs, heading into the city*...nothing we can do now I suppose, I suppose we're buying swim suits as well...
  962. Celia: *she smiles and nods enthusastically*
  963. [12:01:12 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she hovers up and down enthusiastically before pointing in a random direction* To the swimsuit shop!
  964. [12:03:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I needed new clothes anyways, so works for me! *half gets up to go, but then stops* ... Actually, maybe we should wait for Joan to finish her coffee, she was really enjoying it.
  965. [12:12:32 AM] Skilletz: Celia: *She grabs Sonata by the hand and brings her in like with Joan's path*
  967. Joan: *She looks down to her coffee and takes a big sip* Um...I will try to finish by the time we get there I suppose...*she glances down for a moment before shaking her head* Let us head over to the store and take care of it quickly.
  968. [12:13:42 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Alright, just don't rush yourself. *he gets up* Right then, I hate to keep asking you guys, but lead the way.
  969. [12:14:33 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Hey hey we can take it slow, Lady, you should've said something! *she looks at Celia* Hey Cell know any place close by to get some swimsuits?
  970. [12:29:17 AM] Skilletz: Joan: It is fine, that is not my concern. I know the way (Perhaps we should spend tonight in the city...)
  972. *She shakes her head and the group heads to a mall together, specifically heading to a department store...*
  974. Celia: (We're gonna grab something in the kids section for Sonata okay? You two take care of yourselves! Together!)
  975. [12:37:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Alright, we'll meet up soon, you two! *waves goodbye to the titanic twins, then looks around* ... We don't have stores like this back home. I mean, delayed surprise considering all the new stuffs, I guess just on top of everything else...
  976. [12:39:16 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she waves and hurries off with Celia after winking at Samuel*
  977. [12:41:00 AM] Skilletz: Celia: *She runs off with Sonata*
  979. Joan: Um...it is something I have not had time to display but instead of hand making clothes, we use factories to mass produce them to make them affordable, such things became common long ago in this world.
  980. [12:45:50 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (W-what was that wink for?!) ... Man, I can't even imagine that. Having machines make clothes in my world would be a huge achievement for whoever figured it out.
  981. [12:57:04 AM | Edited 12:59:01 AM] Skilletz: Joan: It certainly was in our world....*She sighed and rubbed her shoulder*...Lucius um...let us...let us get started on getting you clothes for now....
  982. [12:58:28 AM | Edited 12:59:43 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Sure... what's up, Joan? You just embarrassed over them interrupting us or...?
  983. [1:02:59 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...Somewhat but...more than that...*She hides her eyes behind her bangs* I-I have been dwelling on the fact that I cannot swim.
  984. [1:06:40 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: You can't, huh? Well, that's fine, I can teach you too! It's really not that hard, I'm sure you'll do fiiiiine.
  985. [1:07:40 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She sighs* Um...no....it is a density limitation, I sink like a rock...
  986. [1:12:21 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... So? Everyone who can't swim sinks, technically anyways. You'll be fine, I promise! *smiles* And if nothing else, you can stay at the shore or something. You're tall enough you can probably even just wade, so don't worry about it. Now c'mon, let's go look for something, right? *he starts heading off into the store*
  987. [2:09:44 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*She watches him for a moment and follows him* R-right!
  989. *After a bit of discussion they eventually start looking around for clothes, Samuel settling on a blazer jackets, vests and a few button up shirts, as well as some ties and slacks. His attire would end up similar in style to his old clothes but a bit more modern, as well as a few hawaiian shirts for more casual wear....however as they approach the swimwear section...*
  991. Joan:...*she follows him...* Um...Lucius can you do me a favor?
  992. [2:11:49 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, what is it?
  993. [2:16:27 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Can...you help me decide on a bathing suit? *she rubs her shoulder* I have never bought one before....
  994. [2:20:35 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... *his face reddens slightly* Uhh, yeah, sure...
  995. [2:31:05 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She nods and begins browsing, her face reddening as she looks through the options.* (U-um...bikinis are...rather adventurous, most one pieces show enough skin that they are comparable...even wet suits are form fitting, there is no way around something revealing by nature of the outfit...)...
  996. [2:43:19 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Lessee, lessee... *still red, looks over the selection, eventually seting on one section* Uhh, what're those ones called? *points to the bikinis*
  997. [2:55:31 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *she stares* O-oh...um...those are bikinis...I-I guess...I suppose I can try one on if you'd like...
  998. [2:59:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *face reddens a little more* Yeah, sure... uhh, why not those blue ones? They'd go well with your hair.
  999. [3:03:30 AM | Edited 3:03:56 AM] Skilletz: Joan: R-right...I'll be back in a moment...*she smiles and takes the bikini, her face beet red as she heads to the changing room...*
  1000. [3:07:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: .... Uhh, I-I'll just wait outside the changing room, got it? *as she goes in, he covers his face with his hand* (W-why're you so embarrassed about this? It's not like this is your first time seeing a woman in a swimsuit! Pull yourself together, dude!)
  1001. [3:26:18 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She comes out, wearing the blue bikini and little else, barely able to peek out from her bangs to meet his eyes for more than a few moments at a time. Sam would visibly note Joan's markings on her pale skin more more clearly now that she was dressed in nothing but the swimsuit...*...U-um...D-do I look alright?
  1002. [3:33:15 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he puts his hand to his chin, looking her over & then quickly looking down as he gathers himself* ... You look-k... cute. I-it looks great on you. Blue's a good colour for you. (I'll have to ask about the marks there at some time... right now's not a good time. For either of us.)
  1003. [3:41:10 AM] Skilletz: Joan: ...T-thank you...*She rubs her shoulder and slowly inches away...* U-umn...p-perhaps I should...go now...you need to get your own suit yes..?
  1004. [3:45:17 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, right. I-I'll go start looking at them, y-you go change back. M-maybe you can help choose something for me, i-if you want.
  1005. [4:10:36 AM] Skilletz: Joan:*she comes out in a few moments hastily dressed, her shirt a little dissheveled.*...U-um...right...did...you see anything in the men's section?
  1006. [4:15:31 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I've not the foggiest idea. Nothing's particularly caught my interest, at least not with the more... pants looking ones... could you help me out, Joan?
  1007. [4:36:51 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...Um...well...*She rubs her arm*...I have an idea...maybe... *She looks around, finding a black speedo in the men's.* P-perhaps...this? Or is it too much...?
  1008. [4:39:52 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *looks surprised for a moment* Uhh, yeah, sure! I glanced over that before, but if that's what catches your eye, I'm good with it! ... Though, I don't think I need to try it on...
  1009. [4:42:06 AM] Skilletz: Joan: O-obviously not...*She smiles*...I...if you want something less...revealing...that will do.
  1010. [4:44:45 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Hey, I'm fine with it if you are! *laughs half-embarrassedly* Besiiiiides, it's not like this is my first time wearing something like this. (... It was years ago, and it was because I didn't have anything better than my underwear that time, but still.)
  1011. [4:52:02 AM] Skilletz: Joan: R-right. Haha....ha...haha....(I am...not entirely sure I am but...)
  1012. [4:53:17 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... You seem hesitant, having second thoughts?
  1013. [4:57:33 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *she shakes her head* I will manage, I am just...*she smiles* It is the first time I will be wearing such a garment myself, so it is a little frightening.
  1014. [5:02:35 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, it's always a little embarrassing the first time. Though with that being said, you seem especially embarrassed over it, and there's a lot of work put into this for just some swim wear... is this a big deal here or something?
  1015. [2016-02-22 5:14:19 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She rubs her shoulder* perhaps I am misunderstanding the intent of such an outfit. I am somewhat aware the specific quantity fabric...or the lack thereof...can relate to um...courtship and attracting a mate and such by demonstrating one's body...but I also know that it is not nessecarily the case either. It is just new a new experience to me is all and I do not know if it is such a big deal to others...
  1016. [2016-02-22 5:18:19 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... So more skin is attractive, basically? I just picked it because I thought it'd look good on you, but I didn't know that was what's big here... You do look great in it, though.
  1017. [2016-02-22 5:23:49 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she blushes , covering her face with a hand.* I-I see it...had the effect the designer intended...
  1018. [2016-02-22 5:36:54 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I guess so, huh... well that's not a bad thing, right? Means they did their job. *smiles at Joan* Look, you're gonna be fine, right? You've been through worse, and it'll be fun. Just try to enjoy yourself, right? *he places his hand on her shoulder* Now, ah, we should probably go pay for these, huh...
  1019. [2016-02-22 6:21:29 AM] Skilletz: Joan:*She looks to Sam's hand, taking it with a weak smile.* You are absolutely correct Lucius...if so let us find Celia and Sonata...
  1020. [2016-02-22 2:41:02 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *turning slightly red, he grips onto Joan's hand* Yeah, let's do that.
  1021. [2016-02-22 10:14:08 PM] Skilletz: *The pair head out and hunt Celia and Sonata down in the kids section before paying, making their way back to the plaza. They would spot Claude and Noa sitting outside of the FEF building, chatting...*
  1023. Claude:...Glad to hear she's doing okay, Relias is kinda pushing things a bit far right now. She needs you at her side...but...So does Joan at the moment...
  1025. Noa: I don't know about that, she seems to be handling herself quite well....
  1027. Joan: *She spots them and waves* N-noa, hello!
  1029. Celia: *...Immediately behind Sam's back trying to hide, her expression caught between terror and more terror.*
  1030. [2016-02-22 10:19:34 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she waves* Detective! Goldhead! What are you two doing here! *she narrows her eyes* Aha! *she points at them accusingly* Attempting to spy on us, are you?!
  1031. [2016-02-22 10:20:46 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Oh, what're they doing here...? *waves to them* Hey Claude, Noa! *after waving for a little bit, reaches behind himself & tries to grab Celia* Hey, c'mon, they won't bite, you'll be fine.
  1032. [2016-02-22 10:41:21 PM] Skilletz: Claude: Oh hey...I was doing groccery shopping and, Noa was loooking for you and we were just kind of waiting to see if you'd swing this way.
  1034. Noa: They kicked me out of the facility...*he leans against the building's wall*
  1036. Celia: *as Sam grabs her she flails and tries to hold onto the arm*
  1038. Joan:....U-um...well I'm sure I can authorize you temporarily.
  1039. [2016-02-22 10:43:17 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she moves back to stay next to Celia*
  1040. [2016-02-22 11:08:42 PM] Skilletz: Noa: *he sighs* It's fine I'll manage. What're you all up to?
  1041. [2016-02-22 11:11:57 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *pulls Celia out from behind him* Calm down, there's no reason for you to be such a scaredy-cat... Well, by Sona's and Celia's suggestion, the four of us were gonna go swimming. I dunno how busy you two are, but if you'd want to join us you're free to.
  1042. [2016-02-22 11:34:11 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she freezes for a moment and coughs slightly* Of, of course they could join us! But surely that detective guy has stuff to do, and goldhead's groceries will spoil if he just leaves them in the sun to join us! *she fakes looking disheartened, not quite convincingly*
  1043. [2016-02-22 11:48:45 PM] Skilletz: Noa:...The four of...Joan can't swim, she's made of metal dude, and so am I...*he tilts his head*
  1045. Claude: Sorry um....*he points to his broken arm* I can't either, thanks though,
  1047. Joan: Um...it is alright, I'll simply wade in shallow waters.
  1049. Celia: *She pouts and lets go*
  1050. [2016-02-22 11:52:59 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *tilts his head, scratching the side of his head* Metal...? *suddenly straightens, snapping his fingers as he figures it out* Oh, like those "android" things you talked about the other day? Well, that's okay. Like she said, she can wade, so it'll be fine. Sorry to hear you two can't join us, though.
  1051. [2016-02-22 11:59:28 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Wait a moment, Goldhead! That evil commissioner sent you out to buy food, alone, when your arm's like that!? *she punches her palm and holds her fist* That fiend!
  1052. [2016-02-23 12:01:19 AM] Skilletz: Noa: It's fine I guess...have fun, I'll catch up with you later.
  1054. Claude: Cheers Sam, thanks...*She stares*...Uh...she's pretty evil you could say, but I kind of don't trust her to do the shopping anyway, we'd just live on cheese curls and candy if I did.
  1056. Joan: *She glances aside*...Understood...we should get going.
  1057. [2016-02-23 12:02:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, sure. I don't wanna keep you away from your sis too much!
  1058. [2016-02-23 12:04:02 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she nods...* And a poor diet to top! *she sighs* Bye goldhead, detective. Hm. Detective you should totally go and help him against the evil commissioner. See you later! *she waves*
  1059. [2016-02-23 12:14:26 AM] Skilletz: Noa:...You wanna play uno?
  1061. Claude: Uh....s-sure?
  1063. *Leaving the others, they head in and up the elevator, Joan dialing in the 3rd floor.*
  1065. Joan: The athletics department pool remains fairly unused outside of the occasional training exercise, it is a remnant of when the FEF used to more officially function as a naval unit...*She shakes her head* There should be a changing room on the left for you Samuel before we go in, Sonata, Celia for us it will be on the right.
  1067. Celia: *she gives a throaty sigh looking annoyed.*
  1068. [2016-02-23 12:18:46 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *nods* Right, I'll go left. Guess I'll grab my stuff now, then... Sheesh, why're you so bothered, Celia? Calm down, like I said they didn't do anything to you.
  1069. [2016-02-23 12:25:04 AM] Skilletz: Celia: (He's a demon! He's gonna read our minds then eat us and savage what's left in that order!)
  1071. Joan: T-that is my brother you are speaking of...*she frowns*
  1072. [2016-02-23 12:26:22 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: So he WAS an evil detective guy after all! But he's the hero of the Lady! It's a paradox! *her eyes spin a little*
  1073. [2016-02-23 12:29:29 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Not that I even know what a demon is to begin with... he did absolutely nothing of the sort, and I'm sure he won't in the future. He's just... got his priorities the wrong way around, I'm sure. *rubs the back of his head* You jump to conclusions, you're gonna get yourself in hot water one of these days, right?
  1074. [2016-02-23 12:41:45 AM] Skilletz: Celia: *she looks down at the floor then back to Sam as the elevator arrives, nodding...*
  1076. *Unlike the endless halls of the higher floors this floor more plainly msarked it's rooms as the gym, the vr hall, the firing range and the aquatic excerise rooms, each having a changing room for men and women...*
  1078. Joan: We shall meet you on the other side Lucius, understood?
  1079. [2016-02-23 12:43:23 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right, I'll see ya there. *heads off to the men's changing room*
  1080. [2016-02-23 12:49:41 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *shakes her head a bit and grabs Celia's hand* C'mon Cell we need to change!
  1081. [2016-02-23 1:08:03 AM] Skilletz: Celia: *she snaps to attention and runs to the changing room.*
  1083. *Sam finds himself in a locker room. On the opposite side of the room he'd see a door that likely lead to the pool....proceeding through that, he'd note Celia in a wet suit and a pair of water wingies sprinting into the shallow end of what to be a VERY deep swimming pool....Joan seemed to be dressed in her bikini, on the edge of the water staring into it*
  1084. [2016-02-23 1:26:49 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *after changing into his speedo, he comes through the door* Hey guys! *looks at Joan, then at the pool, alternating again before settling on the pool* ... Man, that goes pretty deep, huh. This why you're so afraid?
  1085. [2016-02-23 1:35:06 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *her eyes widen as she spots Samuel approaching,reflexively turning away as she spots him...* U-um...s-something like that...I suppose it's...less scary and more...disheartening...? I am not sure how to describe the sensation...
  1087. Celia: *she tries to wave her chalkboard from in the pool...but it's wet and the message is washed out.*
  1088. [2016-02-23 1:51:31 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Disheartening, huh... well, it IS a lot of water, for sure. Just embarrassed you'll make a fool out of yourself or something, since you've never swum before? *shouts to Celia* Hey, if you wanna talk, you might wanna come over here or something! *a little quieter* ... And why're you swimming with a chalkboard anyways...
  1089. [2016-02-23 2:18:09 AM | Edited 2:46:55 AM] Skilletz: Celia:...*She tries waving it again, looking annoyed, and still unaware of the problem*
  1091. Joan:...Um...*She sighs and sticks her foot in.* Something like that.
  1092. [2016-02-23 11:53:15 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *having changed to a typical school-styled swimsuit, she comes out of the changing room looking confident... and wearing an inner tube around her waist. She wastes no time and moves over to the shallow end of the pool and hops in unceremoniously* POOL TIME! We gotta play Marco Polo, and and water polo, and have drinks and music and sexy getting-out-of-the-water moments!
  1093. [2016-02-23 1:43:45 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *shouts again to Celia* Would you get that out of the water, Celia, you're not making any sense! *shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips* You still worried about what you have on or something? I'm running outta likely problems over here, work with me a little! *he smiles at her, sitting down on the edge and putting his feet in the water*
  1094. [2016-02-23 2:10:24 PM] Skilletz: Joan:..(He's right...)*she gets splashed by Sonata, watching them for a moment before timidly inching herself into the water... she seemed to be up to her neck already as she looked over, still holding onto the pool's edge.* C-ca n you try to teach me? I do not know if i will be the best student but... I am ready to learn.
  1095. [2016-02-23 2:36:00 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Admittedly, I don't know if I'll be the best teacher...) *he jumps in after her, his natural ability for it being clear quickly as he dives in & swims back to Joan quickly, wading near her* Right, that's the spirit there! Now then, first thing we do is... ah... right, we've gotta get you horizontal first. Try getting yourself into a position where you're about ready to kick off, alright?
  1096. [2016-02-23 2:47:54 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she floats over to Celia* Hey Cell, want to play a game?
  1097. [2016-02-23 2:58:53 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *She eagerly nods*
  1099. Joan:: *She nods and tries to ready hersel to kick off the wall*...Um...like this?
  1100. [2016-02-23 3:00:16 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Alrighty we play Marco Polo! One runs away, one seeks. BUT! The seeker has eyes closed, and if the seeker says "Marco", the other says "Polo"! Guided by ear, right?! What do you want to be?
  1101. [2016-02-23 3:03:20 PM] Skilletz: Celia:...*her expression seems to shift into disgust...*
  1102. [2016-02-23 3:06:23 PM | Edited 3:07:05 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *She frowns* Alright fine! We'll play that later. Hm... We could always just race around! Or regular tag. *she notices the wet chalkboard* You might want to put that out of the water though... WAIT! I forgot the ball! *she struggles for a bit trying to get out*
  1103. [2016-02-23 3:14:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right, now just kick off lightly. Here, I'll hold you up, got it? *he proceeds to try to hold her up by the waist* We'll just start slow, let's start with your legs. Try kicking them up & down, alright?
  1104. [2016-02-23 3:26:54 PM] Skilletz: *Sam would almost immediately notice Joan was not buoyant at all as he took her by the waist, holding her, Joan giving a slight gasp as Sam took her by the waist. He'd also note that she was actually very heavy despite her slim figure...*
  1106. Joan: R-right....*She tries kicking as he does so.*
  1108. Celia:...*pouts as she watches Sonata leave*
  1109. [2016-02-23 3:28:31 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *after a desperate struggle, goes back to the changing room and fetches a bright beach-ball. She flies out, barely able to carry it, and hovering high above the pool, drops it towards Celia* Cell! CATCH!
  1110. [2016-02-23 3:31:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *slowly begins sinking along with Joan as she practices kicking* Oh. This was what they meant, huh. I think I'm starting to understand now. *sighs*
  1111. [2016-02-23 3:38:47 PM] Skilletz: Joan:...*her expression becomes flat as they slowly sink to the bottom of their end of the pool* (...That was ill fated...)
  1113. Celia:*she reaches up to catch it and gets bopped in the face, floating on her back*
  1114. [2016-02-23 3:42:59 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she floats down to the pool, floating with her inner tube* You alright there Cell? Oh no did I hit your weak point?!
  1115. [2016-02-23 3:45:07 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *as he falls underwater, he holds his hand out in front of Joan to indicate she should stop, then proceeds to try to swim upwards & towards the exit to the pool as he still holds onto her, a sudden burst of water appearing around him to get him there quickly* (last thing I need is her drowning on me...)
  1116. [2016-02-23 3:53:46 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *as they burst to the surface she grabs onto the edge of the pool, turning back to Sam, brushing her hair from her eyes*...That went as expected. the water is pleasant at least....um...but thank you anyway.
  1118. Celia:*she twitches slightly giving a thumbs up...*
  1119. [2016-02-23 3:56:25 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well, you can still wade at least, right? I'm sorry, didn't realize quite what you guys meant... I've never dealt with that before.
  1120. [2016-02-23 3:56:39 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *floats over next to her, dragging the ball* Hey hey don't go dying on me just now, the fun's yet to begin! Water polo! Aquatic Volleyball! Trying to float on the ball! Butt bashing!
  1121. [2016-02-23 4:01:17 PM] Skilletz: Joan: ...It...is unlikely but i do not blame you. *she smiles* I would just like to watch you swim if that is alright Lucius.*she rustles, Sam's hair a bit*
  1123. Celia: *she forces herself upright and gives a nod*
  1124. [2016-02-23 4:03:23 PM] Skilletz: [Phone plz]
  1125. [2016-02-23 4:09:30 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *smiles sheepishly as she rustles his hair* Aww, that's a real shame. You sure you're fine with us having all the fun? I'm fine with taking things slow, y'know...
  1126. [2016-02-23 4:14:15 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *She briefly glances down to where Sam was holding her, then him* W-what do you propose ...?
  1127. [2016-02-23 4:22:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I was just saying, I can swim slowly and stick with ya if it'd make you feel better... dunno what YOU were thinking of... *despite this, he blushes as he looks to the side*
  1128. [2016-02-23 4:23:17 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she smiles smugly, having heard the conversation between Sam and Jo, then winks at Celia* So, volleyball thing! *she picks up the ball and pushes with all her might, but it barely goes upward enough for Celia to try and volley it back to her*
  1129. [2016-02-23 4:47:22 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *her expression reddens, Joan looking away to hide her face*. ...I was not thinking of anything at all...*her voice trails for a moment, speaking under her breath.*...D-do not tease me like that Lucius
  1131. Celia: *she quickly produces an oversized racket to swing the ball back at Sonata with at full force*
  1132. [2016-02-23 4:58:34 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Wah! *puts up her arms, but unable to stop the ball, it slams her face, rendering her dizzy as the ball flies off towards Joan and Sam*
  1133. [2016-02-23 5:00:05 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... S-so, you'd like to just sit and watch, right? I can definitely keep it entertaining if that's the ca- *gets hit on the back of the head, falling face-first into the water*
  1134. [2016-02-23 5:20:43 PM] Skilletz: *however he feels something cushioning his fall...because he's holding onto Joan, Sam presses himself into her, Joan gasping....*
  1136. Joan: Hyn?! L-lucius are you alright?!
  1138. Celia: *she flails and swims over to Sonata* trying to check if she is alright
  1139. [2016-02-23 5:22:53 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *her eyes reel a little* W-wha... Good... move... Cell... *she holds a thumbs up and smiles weirdly, a little limp and bending sideways*
  1140. [2016-02-23 5:31:41 PM | Edited 5:43:38 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *staying there for a few moments from surprise, he suddenly pulls his face back up, blinking twice before shaking his head, looking a little dizzy from impact* ... Yeah, yeah I'm alright.
  1141. [2016-02-23 5:56:17 PM | Edited 5:56:30 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *as he lingers ontop of her she barely is able to squeak out a plea until he moves more upright, and even then it's a whisper .*...P-please move away from ....this position.
  1142. [2016-02-23 5:59:34 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: R-right! *turning a bright red, he lets go of Joan* I-I'm so sorry, this must be really embarrassing for you...
  1143. [2016-02-23 6:04:47 PM | Edited 6:05:26 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *she looks back, quickly shimmying away from Samuel as her own face burned crimson.* ....It is fine, truly! I-it was not your fault so simply be more careful about our proximity in situations such as that.
  1145. Celia: *she pulls Sonata upright and looks over to Joan and Celia, patting Sonata on the back*
  1146. [2016-02-23 6:06:32 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *brought back to reality by the patting, looks over as well, sighs, facepalms and shrugs* There are like a million lines that could fit here but I'm not sure which one's best.
  1147. [2016-02-23 6:06:57 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Y-yeah, of course.. I-I can't see behind me, though.
  1148. [2016-02-23 6:11:13 PM] Skilletz: Joan: I meant...after...*she hid her eyes behind her hair* I mean when you were..pressing against...and...um....One moment please!*she briefly raises a hand and let's go of the pool edge,letting herself sink to the bottom, sitting in the fetal position*
  1149. [2016-02-23 9:06:31 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *looks at Joan as she sinks, then stares straight, blinking twice* (... D-did I do something wrong...?)
  1150. [2016-02-23 9:37:48 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *she stares glancing to Sonata*...*She produces her chalkboard, still illegible as before*
  1151. [2016-02-23 9:41:18 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I should grab her soon... *turns around to Celia and Sonata* Hey, can you two be more careful with the ball? Also, Celia, your chalkboard's not gonna work when it's wet, so could you get that out of the water and maybe actually TALK?!
  1152. [2016-02-23 9:42:28 PM] Skilletz: Celia:...*She stares in horror at her chalkboard looking annoyed as she gets out, shaking it dry* (Why didn't anyone say that?!?!)
  1153. [2016-02-23 9:43:27 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I told you multiple times we couldn't read...
  1154. [2016-02-23 9:50:47 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *flies out of the water, holding unto her inner tube, and looks at Joan straight from above*
  1155. [2016-02-23 9:51:39 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *she groans in frustration...*....(Anyway I couldn't hear everything you guys were doing the lewd right? Why'd she go?)...*she stops for a moment...she scribbles a heart on both sides of lewd and show it to sam again.*
  1157. Joan: *seems to be rubbing her cheeks under the water...*
  1158. [2016-02-23 10:08:51 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *floats down and lands on the water, then puts her hand in and waves*
  1159. [2016-02-23 10:12:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: N-not really, I just fell on her... because of the ball you two threw... she's just embarrassed now.
  1160. [2016-02-23 10:19:12 PM] Skilletz: Celia: *she shakes the chalkboard...* (...)
  1162. Joan:...*She looks up and waves, staring back for a moment before kicking up to the surface again sighing...*...
  1163. [2016-02-23 10:24:22 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *turns to face Joan as she comes back up* ... Oh hey, you're back with us, Joan. Look, ahm... I'm sorry for embarrssing you so much, I'll be more careful next time. I just... I know it must be super embarrassing for you and all from the very start of this whole idea, and...
  1164. [2016-02-23 10:27:24 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *She looks at Joan and smiles widely* Why're you so embarrassed Lady Jo? This isn't some random stranger, it's the Captain!
  1165. [2016-02-23 10:34:43 PM | Edited 10:40:21 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *her eye twitches as she looks over to Sonata, slapping her cheek a bit, forcing a smile* It....it is fine Lucius, it was not your fault. Celia and Sonata just need to be more careful with their games, you did nothing out of the ordinary given your situation...I just needed a moment to recover is all.
  1166. [2016-02-23 10:35:00 PM] Skilletz: Celia:...(Wait, why is she mad at us?!)
  1167. [2016-02-23 10:36:26 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Hey no fair, what did we do?
  1168. [2016-02-23 10:37:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... You threw a beach ball at me...
  1169. [2016-02-23 10:44:30 PM | Edited 10:44:39 PM] Skilletz: Celia: (We didn't mean to...)
  1171. Joan: A-anyway, the difficulties I have encountered have been offset by the opportunity this has granted me and I am grateful for them all...*She crawls to the surface, curling up again*...If...at all possible, are you still willing to demonstrate for me Lucius?
  1172. [2016-02-23 10:50:13 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, of course, if it'd make you feel better. There, uhh... anything in particular you'd want to see?
  1173. [2016-02-23 11:02:10 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Hey a beach ball bounced off my face, we weren't aiming for you! *she puffs her cheeks* Well now Captain, time to show off. *she moves back to give him space*
  1174. [2016-02-23 11:03:11 PM | Edited 11:07:13 PM] Skilletz: Celia: (DO A COOL FLIPPY SPINNY THING!)
  1176. Joan:....Um...just...I do not know, just...show me what you are capable of...*She rubs her neck*
  1177. [2016-02-23 11:08:08 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *gives Joan a thumbs up & winks* Sure, got it! *almost immediately, he starts swimming away very quickly, causing a small wave to hit Joan as he goes away; if anyone were to watch him, they'd see him heading down to the deep part of the pool*
  1178. [2016-02-23 11:28:23 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *She winces as the wave hits her, though she quickly spots Sam...*
  1180. Celia: *She hops back into the water looking rather excited*
  1181. [2016-02-23 11:29:38 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *leans back on the inner tube expectantly*
  1182. [2016-02-23 11:43:08 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *upon reaching the bottom of the deep end, he jumps back up; breaking the water quite spectacularly, spinning in the air as he falls back down*
  1183. [2016-02-23 11:59:47 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *actually impressed, claps rapidly* Wow, captain! Now we just need some rings for an obstacle course!
  1184. [12:05:31 AM | Edited 12:08:54 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *her eyes widened as she leaned forward to watch Sam* I-impressive...*she winced for a moment and blushed* ...(I need to think less of such things...)
  1186. Celia: *she enthusiastically waves, trying and failing to whistle to cheer his success...)
  1187. [12:24:19 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *shakes his head as he rises out of the water, shouting to them from the other side of the pool* ... So! What'd you guys think!
  1188. [12:27:48 AM] Skilletz: Celia:*she wades to the edge and hold up her chalk board* (THAT WAS SO COOL, DO IT AGAIN!)
  1190. Joan: That....was remarkable Lucius, well done! *she claps with Sonata.*
  1191. [12:32:58 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Captain you could have your own circus act with this! *her eyes sparkle* Just imagine! You'd draw in the crowds, make money, travel the world...!
  1192. [12:34:54 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Yeah, uhh... dunno if I'd dig the whole circus thing. But thanks for the suggestion, I guess! *he smiles widely, before diving back under the water*
  1193. [12:40:53 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She stands, and hesistantly heads to the changing room trying to catch him...* (I-I should probably retrieve towels for everyone if I'm doing nothing else...)
  1194. [12:45:43 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Huh? *she notices Joan leaving, and flies after her* Hey hey Lady Jo where you going?!
  1195. [12:49:12 AM] Skilletz: Joan: I'm just getting towels for everyone, I shall return momentarily. *she smiles.*
  1196. [12:52:36 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *raises an eyebrow* Huh? Towels are boring! We can just... *she looks around and sighs, then pouts* Ok towels are fine, but only because there's no sun! We were totally gonna dry off by stripping and just basking!
  1197. [12:58:19 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *suddenly bursting out from the water, this time he can be seen twirling as water spins around him; he moves across the pool back towards the group like a dolphin, almost seeming to bounce off the water's surface; as he reaches the shallow end of the pool, he jumps out much higher than the previous ones, and lands nearby Joan and Sona, covering them & most likely celia as well in water as he lands on both feet, arms outstretched, striking a pose*
  1198. [1:00:00 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*Her eye twitches* T-that is indecent Sonat-*She gasps and steps back* L-lucius! T-that...was amazing...
  1200. Celia: *she's sprayed but she seems unaffected as she shakes her chalkboard dry*...(Don't worry bout it.) *She raises her chalkboard...there seemed to be a hint of a nosebleed*
  1201. [1:02:22 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *he immediately falls down on one knee, looking somewhat tired* ... Okay, that's enough fancy stuff for now. Despite being a fish man, I've not gone swimming in a long time... *he then flashes a smile at Joan* Still, glad to hear you liked it!
  1202. [1:05:50 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she looks over at Celia as though to give her a thumbs up, but she notices something and moves closer* ...? Hey Cell? What's going on?
  1203. [1:21:18 AM | Edited 1:21:28 AM] Skilletz: Joan: A-are you alright...? *She kneels next to him concern written across her face.* Do you need anything, some water, or help walking?
  1205. Celia: (He's just tired, the spinny jump flippy technique was forbidden for a reason...)
  1206. [1:24:04 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Oh! *her face lights up, understanding* We should've given him our energy before! But he didn't raise his arms and ask! *she then frowns and looks back at Celia* Wait, no you dummy, with you! *she moves her face uncomfortably close to Celia's*
  1207. [1:25:29 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'm fine, don't worry about it, I'm just out of practice with that one.*he slowly gets back up* I'll recover quickly enough. *gives Joans a thumbs up*
  1208. [1:27:04 AM] Skilletz: Celia:...(...Don't. Worry. About. It.) *She grins widely*
  1210. Joan: *helps him to his feet* Let me at least help you to the changing room...
  1211. [1:29:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: It's not that big a deal, honestly. *despite this, takes her help* I can get there myself.
  1212. [1:33:33 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she raises an eyebrow but smiles back and offers her hand for a high five* Okay!
  1213. [1:39:25 AM] Skilletz: Joan: Please, for now at least...*she smiles and helps him along.*
  1215. Celia: *High fives Sonata and runs off to the changing room*
  1216. [1:40:57 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *sighs* Fine, fine... *works with Joan up to the changing room*
  1217. [1:48:44 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she flies back to the pool to get the ball, then back towards the changing room.. she can barely carry the ball*
  1218. [2016-02-24 1:55:31 AM] Skilletz: Joan:...*she takes him to the changing room and before leaving she looks back...* Um...L-lucius? Thank you for today, I had a lot of fun!
  1220. Celia: *She scoops Sonata into her arms and carries her off too.*
  1221. [2016-02-24 1:57:51 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *turns back, smiling at her quite happily* I'm glad you enjoyed it, Joan! And... I'm glad I was able to give you that opportunity, too. I enjoyed it a lot, too! *waves as he enters the changing room*
  1222. [2016-02-24 1:59:37 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *surprised* Oh! Is this the legendary princess carry! *she looks at Celia dreamily for a moment*
  1223. [2016-02-24 2:12:30 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She smiles and rushes out to get changed herself, quickly dressing and waiting for the others outside*
  1225. Celia: *a rose appears in her teeth and she nods and takes Sonata into the changing room*
  1226. [2016-02-24 2:17:22 AM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: W-wait! My heart's not ready! *she is taken to the changing room*
  1227. [2016-02-24 3:27:22 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *comes back out, this time in his new clothes, though the layout of slacks-button shirt-vest-tie remains the same* Hey, how do I look?
  1228. [2016-02-24 3:56:27 AM] Skilletz: Joan: *She smiles* You look rather handsome, a true professional.
  1230. Celia: *she comes out and stares for a bit*...(He looks all stuffy like Claude's tie and stuff!)
  1231. [2016-02-24 4:03:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Two conflicting opinions, huh... it's not even that different from my normal outfit. *laughs sheepishly as he rubs the back of his head* Well, at least you like it, Joan.
  1232. [2016-02-24 12:06:52 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she exits the changing room as well* Hey people! *she looks at Samuel appraisingly* Captain! lookin' good.
  1233. [2016-02-24 3:36:20 PM] Skilletz: Joan: Majority rules then. *she smiles...then after a brief brief delay it fades to be replaced with cconcern.*U-umm did I ever get you all your phones?
  1234. [2016-02-24 3:37:23 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I, uhh... don't think so...?
  1235. [2016-02-24 3:37:53 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: Nope! *she looks at Joan suspiciously* Have you been putting tracers in them so you can know our movements at old times and spy on us whenever you want?
  1236. [2016-02-24 3:40:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... I-is that even possible? Can people do that?
  1237. [2016-02-24 3:53:03 PM] Skilletz: Joan: *her expression flattens as she looks at Sonata in the eye* We would not have to, you broadcast that information regardless.
  1239. Celia:..(Oooh i remember this, they would be with doc right?!)
  1241. Joan :...Precisely...*she eases up.* Can three you go see her while I visit my brother?
  1242. [2016-02-24 3:56:11 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, sure. Make sure to tell Noa he missed out, got it? *smiles, then starts heading out before stopping* ... Ah... actually, which was is it to Doc...?
  1243. [2016-02-24 3:57:31 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: *she meets Joan's gaze for a second* Oho, is it like that? *she then smiles broadly* Well I've got nothing to hide, so it's fine! *she floats over to Samuel and lands on his shoulder, pointing forward* Room four-something, Captain!
  1244. [2016-02-24 4:05:02 PM] Skilletz: Celia:(I know the way!) *She took Samuel by the hand and began leading him onto the elevator*
  1246. Joan:....Um...farewell...*she waves*
  1247. [2016-02-24 4:06:16 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *waves goodbye to Joan as he's pulled along by Celia* See ya!
  1248. [2016-02-24 4:07:10 PM] (TNT Colonel) Heriberto Román: Sonata: See you in a bit Lady Jo! Don't let the evil detective get weird ideas in your head!
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