
Repairs (FiE:5)

May 29th, 2012
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  1. Part 5:
  2. >You awaken from your dream, shaking.
  3. >It's been a long while since you have had a nightmare.
  4. >Especially one of your old life.
  5. >All you recall is that one minute you were in the field cutting wheat and the next you were painfully summoned into the mad mage's quarters.
  6. >You were forced to endure the pain of the summoning and the fear of being thrown into a new world.
  7. >You shake your head to clear it of the cobwebs and move toward the town.
  8. >Hmm, what happened last night?
  9. >Let me recap for you, Fiddle.
  10. >Thanks Brain.
  11. >You ran into some kid who you thought was an old rival, so you went to terrify the life out of him
  12. >Sounds like me
  13. >Then you realized that it was not Ezreal and was actually some human named Anon.
  14. >I don’t like hurting innocents, Brain. Even if that bastard did break my monocle.
  15. >I know, bro. That's why you decided to help him with his little “dying planet” problem.
  16. >Hey Brain?
  17. >Yeah?
  18. >How did I manage to pull up that dream world of his?
  19. >I don't know. You probably just accessed a different part of his memory storage, pulling out happy thoughts instead of terrifying ones.
  20. >Makes sense.
  21. >Also, you gave him your hat
  22. >So THAT'S where it went.
  24. >By the time you finish your internal monologue, you are in town and notice several of the p0nyfolk are staring at you
  25. >Makes sense, you ARE a walking scarecrow with a monstrous scythe
  26. >Brain, remind me to thank Rarity for giving me the cane and letting me use her boutique to clean up yesterday.
  27. >...
  28. >Brain?
  29. >Hang on, I’m freaking out right now.
  30. >What? Why?
  31. >What’s the name of that forest?
  32. >The Everfr-HOW DID I KNOW THAT?!
  34. >You stop in place and stare for a thousand yards.
  35. >Seriously, how the hell did you know that?
  36. >A moment later, you feel a tapping on your leg, hearing a distant voice.
  37. >When you snap to, the voice is far closer.
  38. >”Uhm, hello? Equestria to Fiddlesticks. Are ya there?”
  39. >You turn around to address the tapper.
  40. >From your height, all you see is a hat and a blonde tail.
  41. >Wait, you know that hat...
  42. >You leap back, anticipating another kick.
  43. >In your commotion, you manage to scare AJ a bit.
  44. >”Oh shoot, I didn't mean to startle you, sugar cube,” she says. “I was headin inta town to drop off some apples at Sugarcube Corner. Have ya been there?”
  45. >You shake your head
  47. >”Ah, well, would you like to walk with me?” Her voice still shakes slightly when she speaks to you, but she is trying to be friendly.
  48. >You nod your head. You would do well to avoid making enemies.
  49. >Especially ones that kick.
  50. >She lets out a breath of relief
  51. >”Alrighty then, follow me”
  52. >After a minute of walking, she breaks the silence.
  53. >”So, where are you from?”
  54. >”Earth.”
  55. >”Ah. Where is Earth?” She looks up to you.
  56. >You shrug, staring ahead. You aren’t an astronomer, how would you know where Earth is in relation to here?
  57. >Another minute passes.
  58. >”You aren't much into talkin, are ya?” she inquires
  59. >You shake your head
  60. >”Ah think you and mah brother would get along real good.” She chuckles.
  61. >You simply shrug and continue onwards.
  63. >You approach what you swear is a giant cookie house.
  64. >”Here we are, I'll tell Pinkie yer headin on in, so she doesn’t have a panic attack like Rarity did.”
  65. >”You were there? Why didn't you assist me?” you ask coldly.
  66. >”Well, ah was already running late for supper, and you came back from the dog caves alright, so ah figured you'd be able to handle it,” she says sheepishly.
  67. >She almost ensured death by tailoring supplies by leaving you alone in that boutique, simply because she didn’t want to miss dinner?
  68. >Talk about a terrible way to go for a champion of the League.
  69. >You can imagine the epitaph on your grave
  70. >'Here lies Fiddlesticks. He fought well and died covered in linens.'
  71. >You chuckle internally.
  72. >”Okay, Ah'll be back in just one moment. Stay here and try to look innocent.”
  73. >That last bit plays repeatedly in your head as she walks into the shop.
  74. >Try to look innocent?
  75. >Were you guilty of something? Is that what required you to act innocent?
  76. >Maybe killing those dogs is a terrible crime in this village.
  77. >Or maybe you were being paranoid.
  78. >Not chancing it, you activate your poker face.
  79. >”Alraght, remember what I said, Pinkie. Don't act all... Pinkie-like with this feller just yet. Warm up to hi-”
  80. >Before she could finish her statement, the door in front of you opens.
  81. >You are staring right into the eyes of a pink pony.
  83. >You quickly see something in her blue eyes.
  84. >The same thing you saw in your evil clone's blue eyes.
  85. >For the briefest of seconds, a feeling of dread washes over you, gone as quick as it appeared.
  86. >Your poker-face is as strong as ever though, and nothing escapes that you don’t want to.
  87. >”Hi!” The pink mare is smiling ear to ear. Adorable, if you didn't just make the connection you did.
  88. >”Hi?”
  89. >”Yeah. Hi!”
  90. >”Hi.”
  91. >”I'm Pinkie Pie!”
  92. >* nod*
  93. >”You don't talk much, do you?” She is still smiling, her head cocked a little to the left.
  94. >You shake your head
  95. >”Fiddlesticks, you socialite, you.” AJ chuckles.
  96. >That's an awfully fancy word for her, isn't it Brain?
  97. >Wow, you're a judgmental prick, Fiddle.
  98. >“It's ok, I can talk enough for the both of us!” she giggles excitedly.
  99. >Oh god, you hope this is an exaggeration.
  100. >A feeling of foreboding swells in your chest and your eye twitches.
  101. >While the pink mare seems unphased by the expression, the hatted pony seems to catch on.
  102. >She quickly pipes in, ”Hey, Fiddle, don'tcha got some important business in town? Something about...”
  103. >She struggles to say anything for a second. Clearly she isn’t comfortable lying.
  104. >”Yes, you are correct,” you say, your straight-faced composure returning.
  105. >AJ is a terrible liar.
  106. >Fortunately, you are the best liar you know. Not that you have ever lied or have had a need to.
  107. >You did need to go into town to thank Rarity more properly for the fashion accessories she gave to you.
  108. >Although it wasn’t exactly “important business,” if it meant leaving the pink demon behind the matter would be bumped up to the top of the to-do list.
  109. >Perhaps you can repay Rarity for the clothing somehow.
  111. >”Okie dokie lokie. This is going to be so much fun! It’s been so long since I've made a new friend! Oh! I almost forgot. Silly me! I need to plan out your welcome to Ponyville party! It'll be great! We will have good food, great games, and even better cider! Do you like cider, Mr. Sticks? Of course you like cider! Everyp0ny likes cider! Anyways, I'll let you do your thing in town, I'm going to start preparing for the party! You'll get your invite soon! Nice meeting you! I can’t wait to be your new best friend!”
  112. >wat
  113. >She didn't even breathe.
  114. >That isn't physically possible.
  115. >You barely caught a word of what she said before she bounced back into the cookie house.
  116. >Bounced? Really? So much energy.
  117. >If you could feed off that energy, you would become the most powerful being in the League.
  118. >Not to mention the impressive lung capacity she must have.
  119. >Well, she mentioned something about a party.
  120. >This being your first party you've ever been to on this plane, you hope it isn't too crazy of an affair.
  121. >Nah, how bad could it be? It’s not like Brolaf was throwing it.
  122. >That bastard threw some CRAZY parties.
  123. >You went to one party of his. That was more than enough for a lifetime.
  124. >Even if you did live forever.
  125. >This party should be a good warm up into the more social, not murdering everything in sight, side of life.
  126. >Besides, she is a pink pastel pony.
  127. >How crazy can the party be?
  129. >You visit the boutique, parting ways with Applejack halfway there.
  130. >She seems to have calmed down a little bit.
  131. >You stand at the door and contemplate opening it.
  132. >As you reach for the knob, the door opens and a tiny marshmallow of a p0ny bumps into your leg.
  133. >What is up with p0nies and bumping your leg?
  134. >The little p0ny looks up at you, wide eyed.
  135. >Please don't scream, please don’t scream, please don’t-
  136. >She takes a deep breath
  137. >Oh god.
  138. >She opens her mouth
  139. >Goodbye metaphysical eardrums, t’was nice knowing you.
  140. >”Hi!”
  141. >Uhm. This was not expected. Not in the slightest bit.
  142. >You simply nod, your poker-face hiding the shock of your unmet expectations.
  143. >”Rarity is inside,” the little marshmallow states as she walks past you.
  144. >You walk in, ducking to fit your rather tall stature into the building.
  145. >Well, thank goodness for the lack of screa-
  146. >”What in Equestria happened to the hat and monocle I gave you?!” a shrill voice permeates the air.
  148. >Damn it. So close too. Sorry, eardrums.
  149. >Why would you do this to us, man?
  150. >You respond to her question.
  151. >”I ran into someone. The monocle is gone and he has my hat.”
  152. >”You gave your hat to some random p0ny on the street?” She gives you a puzzled expression.
  153. >You shake your head. “I gave it to... a friend” your voice trails off.
  154. >You have a friend now?
  155. >Woohoo to your first friend!
  156. >Yeah, one that you'll probably never see again
  157. >He probably died with his world.
  158. >Wow, thanks for ruining the moment, brain.
  159. >Just keeping you level headed, Fiddle.
  160. >Your face reveals none of your emotion.
  161. >You never cared about the demise of others before, what made this so different?
  162. >Death is really rather tragic but for much darker reasons than you let on.
  163. >The horror people feel, the dread they emit.
  164. >It was like a sweet smelling perfume that fed your very being, giving you a major energy boost.
  165. >And if someone was dead, they very well couldn't feed you, could they?
  166. >Last night’s little excursion gave you a good helping of fear.
  167. >You'll feel this power boost for at least a few days
  169. >But then you felt something else, something you haven’t felt before.
  170. >It was filling too, but not in the way that feeding on fear was filling.
  171. >Fear was sweet in your mind and was filling, giving you a quick, powerful boost.
  172. >The feeling usually fades quickly and leaves you feeling a little drained.
  173. >The other emotion was far more filling but not quite as sweet.
  174. >”Hello? Anyp0ny home?” Rarity asks while approaching you
  175. >You nod.
  176. >”Hmph, well, at least you still have the cane,” she scoffs.
  177. >The gem on this thing must be worth at least 6000 gold.
  178. >Man, this mare was way too generous.
  179. >”So what brings you to my shop?” the purple maned p0ny asks.
  180. >You look down at the cane and a flashback of the vision you had last night flashes through the back of your mind.
  181. >”I wanted to thank you for the things you gave me. It was very generous of you”
  182. >You would crack a smile, if it didn’t repulse everyone who saw it.
  183. >”Well, you are quite welcome. If you need any more clothing or things of the sort, you know where I am. If you will excuse me, I have a large tailoring order to fill.” She turns around and begins to walk to her cloth covered desk.
  184. >You nod and turn to head out.
  185. >Forgetting the door was lower than it actually was, you bump your head on it.
  186. >Your survival instinct kicked in before you realized what was happening
  187. >Without missing a beat, you swing your scythe quickly and precisely, cutting most of the top of the door frame clean off the wall.
  190. >Good news is that the threshold is now tall enough for your abnormally tall frame.
  191. >Bad news is that you just chopped somep0ny's wall into little chunks.
  192. >”FIDDLESTICKS! WHAT IN EQUESTRIA ARE YOU DOING?!” A shrill voice violates your eardrums yet again.
  193. >”Sorry,” you say. What else are you going to say?
  194. >Oh! I know what I can do Brain!
  195. >Don t do it Fiddle. Don’t fucking do-
  196. >”I can reimburse you,” you state.
  197. >You're a god damn idiot.
  198. >Why, Brain?
  199. >”Oh? How do you expect to pay for the damages?” she asks, still quite angry about her door frame.
  200. >...
  201. >I'm a god damn idiot.
  202. >That's what I just said.
  203. >Shut up, Brain.
  204. >”Uhm...” You think to yourself for a minute.
  206. >You hold out your cane, and point at the gem.
  207. >”Take this back, it should pay for...”
  209. >Aaaand she is laughing at you.
  210. >Really hard
  211. >Like, you may have to perform p0ny CPR pretty soon here
  212. >Brain, what's a CPR?
  213. >Less question asking, more laughter stopping.
  214. >”What's so funny?”
  215. >There are tears rolling down her eyes.
  216. >”That gem won't pay for much of anything, darling.” She can barely force that sentence out between breaths.
  217. >”But this is huge. Back on Earth, this gem would afford the most expensive of magic items.”
  218. >”Oh, darling, gems are quite common here in Equestria. While that one you hold is valuable, it isn't worth nearly as much as you think,” she says through the tears.
  219. >Cool. Now you look like a cheap ass AND a destructive asshat.
  220. >You hang your head low.
  221. >In the past 20 years, you have never experienced as much emotion as you have in the past day and a half.
  222. >There must be some sort of aura from the land itself that is allowing you to truly embrace all these new emotions.
  223. >The emotions you are used to feeling are quite simple.
  224. >Homicidal rage, joy caused by witnessing someone in fear, and laughter caused by homicidal thoughts. Not to mention the sick pleasure you get from draining one's life energy from them.
  225. >You are a seriously fucked up individual, Fiddle.
  226. >I'm trying to be better...
  227. >I give it 3 days before the urge to feed on fear becomes too much
  228. >Your confidence in the situation is absolutely awe inspiring, Brain.
  230. >”Are you feeling alright? You seem... distant” Her voice shows her concern.
  231. >A piece of hanging plaster falls behind you, stirring a cloud of drywall dust.
  232. >Well that brought you AND her back to reality
  233. >”So how are you expecting to pay for my door?” She glares at you angrily.
  234. >”Please, accept the cane as partial payment at least.” You hold the cane out to her.
  235. >”While I appreciate your attempt to give me one of the only possessions you own in reparations for the damages, that simply will not do. That was a gift to you, and I am not accepting it back.”
  236. >* stares *
  237. >”Right, well...” she thinks for a moment.
  238. >She lets out a sly smile.
  239. >You can hear the gears in her head turning
  240. >”How good are you with those hands?”
  241. >Somewhere, in the vastness of time and space, a field of jimmies is gently rustled.
  243. >Oh man.
  244. >This mare.
  245. >This fucking mare.
  246. >You are damn good with your hands, but she is running you ragged!
  247. >This is insane. You are exhausted trying to keep up with her.
  248. >You can't keep this up for much longer.
  249. >You have been at this for literally hours.
  250. >But you can't show weakness.
  251. >So with maximum poker-face engaged, you hide your exhaustion and continue what you were doing.
  252. >You start moving faster. If you could sweat, you would be sweating bullets right now.
  253. >But that mattered not.
  254. >You need to make her happy.
  255. >And you have a door related debt to pay
  256. >The only way you can pay that debt is by using your magic hands.
  257. >”Almost there, Fiddle,” she pants.
  258. >This is it.
  259. >The big finish.
  261. >You cut the final piece of cloth, an exquisite red silk, in the outlined areas and toss it gently towards Rarity.
  262. >She catches it in midair with her magic, sliding it through an assembly-line of tailoring tools.
  263. >It emerges from the line as a very fancy dress.
  264. >”Oh, these will be the talk of the town, won't they?!” She asks excitedly
  265. >You simply nod.
  266. >”And I have you to thank for it!” she trots towards you “Consider your debt paid!”
  267. >”Thank you,” you say with a nod. “Glad I could help.” You turn around to take your leave.
  268. >”Oh, and Fiddlesticks?” You turn around towards her
  269. >”If you decide you need more work, feel free to come by the boutique. We can do amazing things with those hands of yours,” she says with a grin.
  270. >You nod and exit, not having to duck this time around.
  271. >Well look at that, you and Rarity were at it so long, the sun has begun to set.
  272. >You head back towards your resting area.
  273. >Once you arrive, you sit down at the base of a large, old tree and lean your burlap sack head against its trunk.
  274. >As you fade into a mental stupor, a pair of blue orbs appear in the distance.
  275. >As quickly as you see them, they disappear, leaving you to rest.
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