
Smile (ch24)

Oct 21st, 2020
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  1. For Antiqua! This chapter is Akko and Diana!
  3. Disclaimer: I do not own Little Witch Academia.
  5. ----------
  7. Chapter 24.
  9. When Akko had told Diana the truth about hers and Sucy's little plan to 'prank' her, she had expected Diana to react with a sigh and a shake of her head. Or she'd expected her to say something like, "If that's what you wanted, then you both should have come and spoken to me properly."
  11. Even though Akko and Sucy had never ended up going through with putting their intended prank to help Diana relax into play, they'd still considered it a great deal before they'd dozed off napping, so Akko felt she needed to tell Diana about their opinions on how she overworked herself too much sometimes.
  13. But instead of shaking her head and sighing or lightly reprimanding Akko for plotting pranks, instead Diana reacted in a way Akko hadn't anticipated.
  15. Presently, they alone together in Diana's room, with Diana at her desk reading religiously and Akko a pouting, pacing bundle behind her. Diana has been giving her the silent treatment for nearly half an hour already. Akko has lapped the room just as many times to channel her frustrations, constantly peering around the bookshelf to see if Diana has looked up to acknowledge her or not. But Diana is still reading as if she hasn't recognized Akko's presence at all, which of course, has Akko in a mild fluster.
  17. "Awww, c'mon, Dianaaaa!" She whines while making what must be her fortieth lap around the suite now. "Like I said, Su and I weren't actually gonna do anything! And if we were, it wouldn't have been anything crazy! I told her no mushrooms or weird potions, I swear! We just wanted you to take it easy a bit! Stop and smell the grass, or whatever!"
  19. She looks up to peek around the shelf to Diana's desk once again, but Diana remains perfectly still while scanning her book pages. Akko pouts.
  21. "Gee, Diana. I always knew you were the stubborn type, but I never took you for being this stubborn! This is something I would probably do! I guess I'm rubbing off on you, huh?"
  23. Akko ventures into Diana's portion of the room where just her desk and bed are located behind the shelves. She walks up behind her girlfriend and looks over her shoulder, her long hair falling in front of her and over Diana's head to get in her face.
  25. But even so, Diana doesn't budge. Akko leans forward more and rests her chin directly on top of Diana's head, slouching against her back.
  27. "What'cha reading, anyway? Is it good? Or is it more schoolwork stuff?"
  29. Diana's response is to calmly turn a page and continue reading quietly. Akko snorts a little bit, but instead of breaking. Away to pace some more, she stays close, wrapping her arms around Diana's neck and hugging her from behind.
  31. "You can't ignore me forever, Dianaaa~" Akko moves to brush her cheek against Diana's now, nuzzling her and squeezing her tighter. But Diana continues to act as though she doesn't notice her. Akko heaves a sigh. "Fine. I guess I deserve a bit of the cold shoulder since I was planning on pranking you. I get it." Akko lets go of her studious girlfriend and steps away toward the bed instead. "I'll just be here for whenever you're ready to forgive me. Can I sit here? I'm taking silence as a 'yes.'"
  33. Diana doesn't respond, so Akko sits down on the edge of her bed and then flops down onto her back with her arms spread wide.
  35. "I'm sure you're thinking that I'm suuuper stubborn, right? Well I've got news for you, Diana! I'm just as stubborn as you are, if not more! The only difference is I know when to put down a book and take a nap!" Akko closes her eyes for the moment, but she keeps opening one to check and see if Diana is caving and coming to join her yet.
  37. But even after ten minutes, Diana hasn't budged more than it takes for her to turn a page.
  39. As Akko keeps pretending to be asleep and then opens her eye to peek at Diana and then closing it again for a minute, she's slowly lulling herself to sleep for real.
  41. Before she knows it, she's out cold lying sprawled on her back on Diana's bed.
  43. And Diana notes the exact moment when Akko falls asleep. She straightens up and marks her book before closing it and taking it with her as she stands. She turns to her bed, finding Akko snoring softly with her mouth open, and sighs.
  45. "You know," she murmurs. "It was quite impressive, Akko. All of the things you'd guessed I was thinking were actually exactly right."
  47. Diana walks around the bed to the unoccupied side and sits down, leaning back against the headboard and pulling her knees to her chest to support her book as she opens it once again to continue reading. Akko's soft snoring provides a welcome and amusing bit of background noise as she goes through the chapters.
  49. About another half-hour later, Akko stirs and rolls over onto her side, waking with a snort.
  51. "Huh? Ah-ha! Diana!" she grins. "I knew you'd cave!"
  53. "How is this 'caving,' pray tell?" Diana wonders without lifting her eyes from the page. "It is my own room, and this is my own bed. I simply felt like a change of location. That is all."
  55. "Oh… I guess that's true... But you finally acknowledged me!"
  57. "I have been acknowledging you this entire time, Akko," she replies. "Just because I have not been responding verbally does not mean I have been ignoring you."
  59. Akko pushes herself up and opens her mouth to reply, then closes it again.
  61. "I-! …Guess that's true, too…"
  63. While Akko is temporarily stumped, Diana hides an amused smile behind her book; she had in fact been purposefully not speaking to Akko, but responding like this has Akko thinking she'd been mistaken all along. In a way, it is Diana who gets to gently prank Akko, rather than the other way a round as Akko had initially intended.
  65. After a moment of mulling it over, Akko grabs her hair and lets out a loud sound of exasperation.
  67. "Gaaah, geez whatever! I'm done with the stubbornness contest, okay? Can we please just cuddle, Dianaaaa?" Akko clasps her hands and gives a puppy-dog plea.
  69. Diana chuckles softly, closing her book and putting it aside as she opens her arms to Akko.
  71. "But of course. All you needed to do was ask, Akko."
  73. In the end, it had been Akko who had caved first. Diana tucks this little victory under her sash.
  75. "Finallyyy!" Akko crawls up to her and throws her arms around Diana, slouching on top of her chest. Diana sinks down onto her back with Akko on top of her, gently running both hands through her hair. Akko buries her face in Diana's collar and sighs, hugging her tightly.
  77. "So... you're not mad at me and Sucy, are you...?"
  79. Diana chuckles, patting Akko's head and the small ponytail at the back of her head.
  81. "Akko. If I were upset with you, do you presume I would be doing this with you right now?"
  83. "I guess not..."
  85. "I am not upset with Sucy, either. Rather, I appreciate that the two of you were trying to think of something to assist me, in your own... unique ways."
  87. "So you're not mad? Like, at all? Not even a little bit?" Akko lifts her head and casts a slightly-worried gaze up at her. Diana softens.
  89. "I apologize if my silence today made you think as much. I truly did listen to everything you had to say, Akko. But no, I am not upset in the slightest. Rather, I am flattered that you and Sucy would go to such lengths to try and help me. Perhaps I should 'stop and smell the grass' as you say, a bit more often, which would spare you two the agony of thinking of a prank for me."
  91. To show her appreciation, Diana brushes Akko's bangs aside and leaves a sweet kiss behind on her forehead.
  93. Akko squeals softly and hugs her waist harder, tucking her face into the crook of Diana's neck.
  95. "Okay. Now we both nap."
  97. "I have no qualms with that."
  99. "Good."
  101. Akko squirms a little bit until she's comfortable, resting her head sideways on Diana's chest to listen to her pulse and let it lull her to sleep.
  103. Diana closes her eyes, perfectly comfortable beneath Akko's warmth.
  105. She falls asleep with Akko with a smile on her face, claiming this nap together with her as another victory.
  107. -----------
  109. A/N: So nice to just write a good ol' little cuddle fic every now and then~
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