

Oct 17th, 2021
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  1. When working with Sergio, I feel uncomfortable and discouraged to do anything. On 9/17/2021, I was doing sandwiches, and I was getting overwhelmed with orders, and I was making them as fast as I could, I put every sandwich in order, so there's no confusion for orders, but nobody was coordinating. Sergio expected me to coordinate, but then also expected me to faster on sandwiches, while my grill guy wasn't actively dropping product which makes it harder for me as I have to occasionally drop product myself. He yelled at me in front of my co workers and customers, he is constantly taking his anger and emotions out on me, whether its directly or indirectly and always targets me for doing something wrong. He even mentioned having a 3rd job being "onlyfans" at work to multiple people... including myself. On 10/14/2021, Sergio, Sergio pulled me into the office to talk because he thought I was giving attitude/anger by "slamming" things. I always close the henny penny the way I do because if not, it just bounces back up... He also mentioned that I wasn't bagging my orders because I was assigned to a front drawer but also working grill, yet some of the orders were mobile orders, and they were already in progress... we already had a coordinator... I don't get why he didn't have the coordinator get it together. I got the customers their drinks and went back to grill because if I don't drop product, how can I bag orders for the front since no one covered me on grill. It's just a catch 22, I feel like can't do anything right when working with Sergio and I'm getting to the point where I don't want to work with him on my shifts because of problems like this. I do my best to my ability at anything I do, but as a grill person also doing front register is not a easy task when you're dealing with dinner rushes and nobody is helping you out on grill. He's always late to work and even on his breaks he takes longer than 30 mins sometimes. I just feel super stressed out when I have to work on a shift with Sergio due to having to constantly be judged or ridiculed by him because I don't do anything right in his eyes? I also would like to mention during our talk on 10/14, he told me that he would start writing me up without warning from now on and I feel like work is a hostile environment when working with him.
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