
Sugar High

Jun 5th, 2016
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  1. >"Marco! I need you to go to the store, right this instant!"
  2. >"What? W-"
  3. >"Fairy Trick Pixie Sticks, Marco!" she smacked two hands around his face before he could even finish his sentence, rattling his head like a magic 8-ball. "they're sugarlicious, berry infused, and flying off the shelves! I need you to get me as many as you can before they're all sold out!"
  4. >"Again? Star, calm down. I'm sure there'll be plenty left after I finish the last few sentences of my paper."
  5. >"What part of 'flying off the shelves' don't you understand?!"
  6. >"Just give me a-" his pleading was cut short by two hands clamping around his arms. With one deft movement he was lifted over her head, down the stairs and sent flying out the front door, sliding and tumbling painfully across the ground.
  7. >"While supplies last, Marco!" she yelled frantically from the door as he sat up, tenderly rubbing the arm he'd landed on.
  8. >"Okay, okay, I'm going, jeez." he grumbled, pulling himself up and beginning a slow walk down his yard. His pace was quickened to a skip and a sprint, with a few yelps of prain thrown in, thanks to the bolts of magic being shot around his feet. His only possible respite was to hop on his bike, and peddle towards the supermarket as fast as he could.
  10. >"Star?" he yelled into the house, cradling a shopping bag under one arm. "Star, I'm back! I got your, uh, twenty sticks of candy! Hope you like 'em, cause I'm starting to run out of money. And dignity!"
  11. >"Marco!" she yelled shakily as she zipped in front of his face from seemingly nowhere, making the boy recoil in surprise. "you're back! You got more of the stuff?"
  12. >"More?" he just began to notice the sparkly pink smears around her mouth.
  13. >"Yeah, you were taking too long, couldn't wait, used the scissors to get some, you got more?!"
  14. >"Yeah, right he-" she ripped the plastic bag from his hands as soon as he offered it up, laughing manically as she clutched the foodstuffs in her hands. She ripped them all open in one swift motion, still laughing while she dumped them down her open, cavernous mouth.
  15. >"Star... how many of those have you had?"
  16. >"Not enough!" she screamed, bobbing up and down as if she were about to explode. "these things are so great! You got stuff to do?! I'm so ready to do stuff, let's do stuff!"
  17. >"I was going to finish my English report-"
  18. >"Not THAT kind of stuff, that stuffs boring! We need to- WAIT, BE SILENT!" she crushed a hand around his mouth, bumping heads with him as they both silently listened. He could hear several pairs of footsteps, an annoying, high pitched voice, the hum of a portal, and her leg, thumping like a rabbit, putting holes into the floorboard at lightspeed. "Do you hear that? Monsters!"
  20. >"Alright you lot, remember the plan! Buff Frog, you focus Karate Boy and keep him away from the rest of us, you guys dog pile the girl, and I will provide moral support! Are we clear on that?" Ludo's army hoo-rahed in response, a twisted, jagged grin beaming on his beak face. He approached their front door, turning one last time to rouse them further. "I have a good feeling about this one, let's do-" his speech cut short by his own pained, agonizing screams, his body flung away by the door being kicked open at mach speeds. He spun helplessly across the sky, his yell getting quieter and quieter until he disappeared over the horizon.
  21. >A yellow blur sped past them, down their lawn and to the sidewalk, stopping at the fire hydrant perched underneath a nearby street light. She tore it from the ground as if it were a blade of grass, swinging it around cruelly, barely noticing the water soaking her to the bone.
  22. >"Come on! COME AT ME!" she shrieked, smashing and cracking the pavement with her red bludgeon in idle, frenzied anticipation, her eyes bugging out and her head jerking side to side every few seconds. The group of fiend looked to each other nervously, sharing the same aghast, apprehensive look. They shook away their fear in a moment, throwing their arms into the air and releasing valiant war cries, the group of them charging her down all at once.
  23. >"You are tricky, boy. Always with the chopping and the funny poses. I will make this quick." Buff Frog growled, scowling fiercely as he and his opponent circled each other.
  24. >"Mano a mano, eh? I'm not afraid of you!" Marco yelled back, chopping and kicking the air to intimidate his slippery opponent. He was the first to break their dance, rushing forward and kicking him in the chest with both feet, throwing Buff Frog into the picnic table behind him. He recovered quickly, grabbing his hardwood cushion and hurling it at him in a show of brute strength.
  26. >Marco barely sidestepped the airborne furnishing, red wood scraping his nose as it crashed into their fence. He continued twisting around, chopping into his charging opponents neck, causing him to stumble. He jumped onto his shoulders, wrapping his legs around his neck and unleashing a flurry of punches into the back of his head. His attack was halted by a large, slippery claw choking him by the hoodie, swinging him around and bashing him into the ground. He groaned, pushing himself up just to be pulled up, arms wrapping underneath his armpits and around his neck.
  27. >"HEY!" they both stopped struggling to notice Star standing there, panting heavily and hunched over, clutching a noticeably redder fire hydrant in her hands. "Put. Him. Down." she snarled, making sure to shake the weapon in her hands for added effect.
  28. >He could feel the arms unwrap from his body, lowered to the ground and put on both feet softly. Buff Frog pulled his hoodie off his head gently, unruffled his hair and gave him a caring pat on the head, before sprinting away as fast as he could. His run didn't last long, as a fire hydrant was chucked through the air at alarming speed, bouncing off the back of his head with a crunch and down the street, never to be seen again.
  29. >Star laughed manically, fists shaking and head thrown back. She looked down to Earth again, checking her surroundings before her cheery, psychotic demeanor faded and was replaced by one of panic.
  31. >"Hey! HEY! GET UP!" she yelled to Buff Frog. Not even a wince of pain escaped him. Marco could only stare in shock.
  32. >"No, no, NO! CAN'T BE OUT OF STUFF TO FIGHT!" she yelled, hyperventilating between every breath. She ran around the yard, kicking the figures of her defeated foes harder and harder as they lay there, unconscious or worse.
  33. >"I think that's enough fighting for today, Star," Marco tittered, walking over to her and laying a hand on her shoulder. "how's about we go inside and wind down?" she brushed the hand off her shoulder as soon as he laid it on her, twisting around in surprise. She stared at him with a wild face for a moment, before it slowly lit up, a toothy grin letting loose unsettling, low giggling.
  34. >"Star... no! Don't you even THINK about it!" he begun to back up slowly, waving hands between him and her nervously.
  35. >"Hey, Marco..." she followed his slow backpedal slightly faster, still twitching and wearing a maniac smile.
  36. >"Star, STAR!"
  37. >"Let's WRASSLE."
  39. >This was the perfect kind of day. Birds were chirping giddily, their song carrying for miles around. The temperature just right, the soft, ever flowing breeze licking off the spring heat off their skin. Leaves rustled against it, soothing the ears of anyone lucky enough to enjoy such a day.
  40. >The blue sky was crystal clear, a few clouds floating ominously in the distance to remind whomever saw them to appreciate such weather. This was the kind of day you stand in awe of natures beauty. This, was the perfect day.
  41. >"It is... so nice out." Alfonzo spoke wistfully, holding his hands together and letting his head tilt.
  42. >"I know what you mean, dude. I didn't know nature could be so pretty," Ferguson agreed humbly, hands resting on the back of the bench and legs crossed. "with the birds, and the sky, and that guy running down the street, and the wind..." his half asleep, trance like expression stood to attention, taking a second glance at the figure running down the sidewalk towards them.
  43. >"Is that... Marco?" Alfonzo spoke slowly, adjusting his glasses and squinting down the street.
  44. >"I think it is! Yo, Marco, dude! Come enjoy," Marco sped past without a word, barely adhering to anything they said in favor of keeping his impressive sprint going. "this day... with us."
  45. >They both exchanged confused glances, hopping out of their seats as the ground shook, faster and faster, heavier and heavier, the sounds of cars honking and people yelling down the opposite end of the street. They both looked to see a familiar figure stomping down the street towards them, yelling a guttural, enraged war cry.
  46. >They both yelled in terror, taking a page from their friends book and booking it in the same direction. They sprinted, faster and faster, somehow managing to match Marco's speed and catch up with him.
  48. >"Dude, what is WRONG with her?" Ferguson yelled, checking behind him. He could see she had stopped, thankfully, to pull at something on the side of the street.
  49. >"Pixie sticks! Monsters! Wrassling! Fire hydrants!" he yelled between breaths.
  50. >"What?!" Alfonzo yelled, completely befuddled. Marco looked back, screamed, and ducked, a post box careening past where his head once was and shooting through a car's windshield and out the other side, sticking into the brick wall behind it.
  51. >"In there, dude!" Ferguson pointed to a nearby building, sliding doors wide open. They turned on a dime, a bench whizzing past and breaking on a tree, splitting in two and sliding across the ground. They ran inside just as the doors closed, dodging shopping carts and sliding to a stop near one of the isles, jumping under a display of candy for cover.
  52. >"Dude, seriously! What is going on? Why did you magic her insane?!" Ferguson whispered angrily under his breath, looking towards the door occasionally.
  53. >"Don't blame me! She just sent me to the store to get some sweets for her, I didn't know she was gonna go insane!"
  54. >"Candy? You're telling me a SUGAR HIGH sent her on a warpath?"
  55. >"Shh, here she comes!" Alfonzo butted in. They could hear the ring of the supermarkets door as it slid open calmly. Purple, girlish rainboots stomped into the middle of the store, twisting and looking down each of the isles, before slowing to a stop in the middle of the room, confused.
  56. >"It's not just candy!" Marco retorted defensively. "It's basically raw sugar in a tube, and it looked like she had a lot!"
  57. >"Wait, you mean those Fairy Sticks I keep seeing on TV?" Ferguson tried to clear up any doubt. "THOSE things?"
  58. >"Yes!"
  59. >"Like, the display we're hiding under right now?" Alfonzo whispered, horrified. The boots had stopped in front of their display, the whisking of small grains filling their ears as the greedy patron in front of them started to guzzle box by box of the sugary snacks.
  60. >"Oh no."
  62. >This was the worst kind of day. Screams and gunshots echoed for miles, carried upon the howling winds. The sky was lit a sickly crimson, the burning buildings of the once peaceful town illuminating the night. Broken trees collapsed along the ground, torn from their roots and littered around the street. Countless cars, jeeps and trucks cluttered the streets, blown to bits, broken or otherwise crushed to bits. Clouds obscured any moonlight, looming thickly over all. A ragged, glasses wearing boy carved a five into the wall of the supermarket with a small knife, slumping back into his limp, hopeless position.
  63. >"It was a really nice day last week, too." Alfonzo spoke sourly, throwing the knife down despondently.
  64. >"Hey. It's been a really long time... You think she'll come down anytime soon?" Ferguson spoke weakly, munching on a candy bar while similarly slumped. Marco sat up and peaked his head out the window, looking down on the chaos in the town. He could see her from here, swinging a street light around and swiping away army soldiers and monsters alike, her raving laughter carrying on the wind. A tank slowly rolled up the hill behind her, slowing to a stop and firing a shell with a loud, deafening boom.
  65. >She turned on a dime, rearing her weapon like a baseball bat and hitting it away, sending the ordnance soaring into a distant building and exploding, more screams echoing from that direction. She dropped her bat, rushing towards the tank and grabbing it by the barrel end, swinging it around and around before banishing it similarly, right into a pile of similarly destroyed artillery. She laughed again, doing victory laps and hooting like a maniac. Marco's unphased visage sank back down, picking the knife up and adding another tally to his share of counting, totaling forty-five.
  66. >"Nope."
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