
Undertale - Coda Part 2 (NSFW)

Dec 10th, 2015
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  1. Asgore was on his knees, his eyes empty. He looked dead, but he was still breathing.
  3. “How did this happen? How could I have failed you again? They were… They were children, Asriel.”
  5. His voice was broken, hoarse. Asriel tried to reach out, to touch his father, who he had never seen so sad, but his arms weren’t working.
  7. Actually, they weren’t there at all. Out of the corner of his eye, Asriel could see petals.
  9. Something that wasn’t him moved Asriel’s mouth, and a horrible voice came forth, unbidden.
  11. “You IDIOT. Why aren’t you paying attention? Asriel’s DEAD.”
  13. Asgore slumped down, looking as though he didn’t know whether to scream or cry.
  15. “I’m just some empty shell, father. I’m just a flower. I’m just… Flowey.” Asriel felt his face contort into a rictus of a grin, stretching further than should ever be possible. “Flowey the flower! That’s perfect! I think I’ll use that from now on.”
  17. Asriel wanted to scream, to cry out, to comfort his father, to do anything. Flowey didn’t even need to breathe. He was suffocating, panicking, and that hollow creeping feeling of being without a soul was stealing up his body, corrupting his heart like poison.
  19. ***
  21. Frisk opened one eye. Asriel was twitching and whimpering, gripping at the bedsheets, his breathing rapid and shallow. Whatever he was remembering, it was bad.
  23. Frisk crawled closer, threading an arm underneath Asriel and rolling him gently onto one side, snuggling up against his back and squeezing him around the middle.
  25. “Ssshh. It’s ok. I’m here. I’ll keep you safe. It’s just a dream.” Frisk whispered, gently rubbing Asriel’s front and hugging him tightly.
  27. ***
  29. His father was nothing but dust. The world had crumbled to ashes. Vines, thorned and somehow obscene, undulated around Asriel, closing in. Everything was dead and it was his fault. He couldn’t even close his eyes.
  31. Something warm enveloped Asriel, a light that pushed away the contracting walls. Glowing hands closed around him, and when he looked down at them, they were holding his soul. It was safe and sound. Asriel reached down at the hands with his own and held onto them tightly. He was himself again.
  33. The last of the darkness was washed away in the golden light of morning.
  35. ***
  37. Asriel opened his eyes. The bedside clock came into focus as he blinked, clearing sleep from his eyes. 4 AM.
  39. He wasn’t too upset. He felt well rested and comfortable for the first time in weeks, if not months. Asriel wriggled a little on the gigantic bed and a weight shifted against his back. He heard Frisk make some kind of sleepy noise, and the hands around his midriff shifted and clenched a little tighter.
  41. He really wished that he didn’t need Frisk’s help. But the truth was, no one else made him feel so… safe. Asriel smiled to himself and indulged in a small amount of satisfied snuggling, enjoying being little spoon, before he carefully picked Frisk’s fingers apart and peeled their arms off of him, sliding off of the side of the bed. Nature called.
  43. Asriel tiptoed as quietly as possible into the ensuite and slid the door closed behind him, flicking on the light.
  45. ***
  47. Frisk thought they heard something. A cursory pat of the bed revealed that Asriel was gone, but his spot was still warm. There was a shaft of light coming from under the bathroom door, and again, that faint noise.
  49. Frisk cursed under their breath, scrambling out of the bed and stumbling across the dark room.
  51. “Az!” Frisk threw open the bathroom door. “Are you- Oh!”
  53. “Aaaah! Don’t look!”
  55. Frisk threw the bathroom door shut, pressing their back against it.
  57. Well.
  59. The good news was, Asriel wasn’t having another night terror. The bad news was, the image of Asriel, totally naked, leaning on the sink counter with one hand as he jerked off with the other… That was going to be difficult to unsee.
  61. Frisk returned to the bed, sat down, and waited. There didn’t seem to be much else to do. A few minutes later, the bathroom light clicked off and Asriel gingerly stepped out into the darkness, shuffling over to the bed and sitting down next to Frisk. They sat in silence for a moment.
  63. “I… Uh. S-sorry.” Asriel said, looking anywhere in the gloom but at Frisk
  65. “No, no. I should have knocked.”
  67. “It’s just, well, we’ve been on the bus for like five days and there’s not much privacy there.”
  69. “Hey, I’ve been through puberty literally twice. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
  71. “Still. I guess… I’ll take the couch?”
  73. “Don’t be silly. I didn’t come all this way just to sleep in the other room.”
  75. Another awkward pause.
  77. “W-well…” Asriel cleared his throat. “Maybe I should… actually go take care of that, then. You know, so I can sleep. You did sort of interrupt.” He went to get up, and Frisk put a hand on his shoulder.
  79. “Wait.”
  81. Asriel looked at Frisk, confused. Frisk wasn’t exactly sure where they were going with this either.
  83. I mean, where to start? I don’t want you to go jerk off in the other room because… I was obsessed with you for over a hundred years? Because seeing you like that reminded me of fantasies from a lifetime ago? Because, come to think of it, it’s been like a week for me as well? Because I don’t know where my desire to save and protect you ends and my desire to have you for myself begins?
  85. “Oh, would you be uncomfortable if you knew I was doing that in the other room?” He looked a little disappointed, but mostly sheepish.
  87. “No. Well… Listen, I’m sorry for bursting in on you like that.” Frisk grabbed his other arm and turned Asriel to face them properly, looking him right in the eyes. “Let me make it up to you.”
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