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  1. Anonymous Sun 25 Mar 2012 05:08:14 No.805908
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >be a fluffy pony
  4. >you scramble excitedly with the others in your cramped little cage
  5. >you join in the chorus of "new fwend!"
  6. >your feeble fluffy intellect can grasp this much: when the big door opens and you feel a rush of cool air ripple through your fur, you get more "fwends", or, one of you is taken "outside" on an "adventure" - the nice "big one" with the calm voice says so
  7. >you don't know what the sound means, but you think it must be wonderful
  8. >your "fwends" in the same cage all bunch up at the cage door, you squeeze your way to the front excitedly
  9. >you see three "big ones": calm-voice and two strangers
  10. >the smallest of the three rushes toward your cage and peers in with big blue eyes
  11. >one your fwends is the first to start chirping:"Pick me! Pick me!" and soon all of you are babbling that or "pway! pway!" "hungwey time nao?" - a set repetoire of babbling that's learned in the cages and passed on from generation to generation ensues
  12. >over all the excitement you hear a wonderfully bright sound: "Oh Dad! I don't know which one to choose!"
  14. >Then, suddenly "Just hurry up and choose one, dammit!" - A harsh and scary noise!
  15. >you and your fwends all jump back in alarm; you are not the only one to let out a little yelp of fright
  16. >"We haven't got all day, and I have to get you back to your mother's by three!" it thunders
  17. >you all cower, hugging eachother in a back corner; each trying to squeeze in as far back as possible to hide from the "scawey noise"
  18. >you bury your face in a fwend's orange fluff to try and hide from the sound
  19. >"Please sir, do lower your voice. Fluffy ponies can be very sensitive to shouting." - The calm one
  20. >your little ears prick up and you risk a glance: the cage door is open and the nice calm one is half turned, talking to huge big one
  21. >"Ahh! Whatever! Just hurry up Anon, so we can go already!" - it's the scawey noise! It's coming from the really big one!
  22. >you're about to bury you face in the fluff again when you hear the “bright” sounding one
  23. >"There's so many! Hmmm..."
  24. >you delight at the resonating sound and you don't feel scared anymore
  26. >you see the face of the smaller one; it's smiling
  27. >you feel calm - the "scawey noise" all but forgotten - your excitement begins to build again
  28. >your horn begins to tingle
  29. >a pale blue glow bathes the shadow of the cave in faint illumination
  30. >"Wow!" - you push yourself out of the mass of quivering, whimpering fluff - it's a nice sound; you want to get closer!
  31. >"Yes, the unicorn variant can do that; they were designed to glow in the dark, but it seems instead to only activate according to their mood" - the calm one.
  32. >It reaches in a hand and grabs you, but you're too excited to be scared so you squirm only in excitement and not to get away
  33. >"Here, you can hold her if you'd like."
  34. >the calm one pulls you out and plops you into a pair of smaller, warm cupped hands
  35. >you look up into a beaming face
  36. >you feel so happy!
  38. >"Whoa!" - your horn got really bright for a moment; you have to close your eyes - it fades, you open them again
  39. >"I really wanted one with wings, my friend Jake has one..." the smile fades, and so does yours - you can, in some simple way sense some kind of hesitation, but you can't understand it
  40. >"But... blue's my favourite color! I'll take her!" the one holding you turns its face to the calm one
  41. >you squeak a hesitant,"fwend?"
  42. >the smiling face turns back to you and says: "Yes! Friend!"
  43. >you feel yourself suddenly lifted closer to the face and nuzzled against it
  44. >you're feel so happy! You try to hug the face but your stubby, furry little leggies can't reach very far
  45. >the face laughs; you chirp happily "fwend! fwend!"
  46. >"Alright, Anon, let's go!" - the scawey one!
  47. >you squeak in fright mid-"fwend" and try to bury yourself into the brightly coloured, but thin, "fur" of the "smiling one" - quivering all the while
  48. >"Aww, it's okay" - it croons to you, giving you a few reassuring pats
  49. >you look up at its smiling face and feel calm again
  50. >you feel movement; and soon you reach the "door"
  51. >the stirring of a thought begins to glimmer in your little mind, linked to a sound which you only half understand but which nevertheless makes you excited: Adventure!
  52. >you forget about your "fwends" in the cage fast disappearing behind you - their cries of "new fwend! new fwend!" "bai bai!" are silenced when the door closes on the only home you've ever known
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