
Endtown RPG session #30.2 (Clayton's quest)

Apr 5th, 2016
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  1. We begin again in Endtown. Clayton has just been discharged from the hospital with his wounds. After some discussion with his friends he makes a decision.
  3. Clayton R. takes a moment to collect his thoughts after Walker had finished redressing his bandages... and while his two other compatriots were busy scheming with one another. He shakes his head and stands up, it might be best head tot he Security Ward to check on the APC among other things.
  4. Clayton R.: Ech *to head to the Security Ward
  5. GM (GM): On the way up you are stopped by security
  7. Clayton R. peers around cautiously, he almost feels like he shouldn't be up here.
  8. Clayton R.: (( Is there a directory of some sort? ))
  9. GM (GM): Sorry, Let me refresh here
  10. Sure there are directories. Little kiosks of people who know where is what.
  11. The rats want to know who you are.
  12. In their typical manner, they start their swarm tactics
  14. Clayton R. flags a rat security guard down and ask him where he can Access Mallard's garage. Clayton presents his ID card and tells the rat he was brought in earlier with a busted up head.
  15. The rat looks over the ID card carefully.
  16. Rat: Ah, I remember you.
  18. Clayton R. raises what's left of his eyebrow
  19. Rat: We have to update your photo, you realize?
  21. Clayton R. sighs out loud. "Are you sure that's necessary? The Doc said that this should only be temporary before I can have reconstructive Surgery..."
  22. Rat: Anyway... I don't know about a garage for Mallard. That sounds like something he'd have inside the colony.
  23. Rules are rules. Think of what would happen if you had lost this and someone else with a sucking face-wound came in claiming to be you!
  25. Clayton R. sighs again, but nods. "Fine, let's get this over with then. I still need to head topside to make sure I picked up everything from the transport."
  26. Long story short, you have a new ID card!
  27. Clayton R.: (( neat. ))
  28. GM (GM): You still have your old card for record purposes, of course
  29. Clayton R.: (( Am I hassled before I can go topside? ))
  30. With their need for beauracracy satisfied the rats return to their routines.
  32. Clayton R. paces around for a short time after his new ID is made, just to make sure they didn't have anything else for him before he heads up
  33. GM (GM): With that you head up to surface relatively hassle free.
  35. Clayton R. sets down his backback once he gets topside, and he dons his Topsider suit, mask too this time.
  37. Clayton R. takes a moment to get a good look at the Zero Missile. It impresses him that Everett was ever able to dismantle so much of the thing.
  38. GM (GM): You have done so.
  39. Clayton R.: I'll head over to Hershel.
  40. "You buddy. Still alive?"
  41. Hershel: eyep.
  42. it's only been afew hours.
  43. GM (GM): ((You put on the helmet right?))
  45. Clayton R. smiles, "Good. I was hoping you might be able to help me get aquainted with this suit. A topsider vessel like you is sure to have instructions of some sort right?"
  46. Clayton R.: (( yep ))
  47. You put on the helmet and it comes up with all sorts of information. It looks like it's already synced to Hershel's systems.
  49. Clayton R. just now notices the stream of information being processed through the helmet. "Wow. topsiders sure know their tech..."
  50. Clayton R.: "Can you give me the rundown of it Hershel? "
  51. Hershel: Zero emissions have gone down for awhile.
  52. Your: pals have disassembled the bomb and severed connections to the rocket.
  53. GM (GM): Still, it's about 2 tons of solid H3 fuel and an APEX radar guidance system.
  55. Clayton R. surveys the area again with the mask. "And Everett wanted to junk this stuff. Bah."
  56. GM (GM): ((For the record, here are your features for the suit:Topsider Biosuits: Topsider biosuits are built to resist puncture and can negate stabbings and slashing. The suits are equipped with a PBS to assist the wearer in all functions as well as to regulate the suit's zero-energy field emitter.
  57. Zero-Energy Field: Topsider biosuits can emit a localized field of zero-radiation. The field only extends out slightly but will destroy anything on contact. The field can be used defensively to destroy incoming projectiles or attackers. Damage: 250+3d100(400), but vaporizes any organic matter on contact. Range: Physical contact.
  58. Topsider Helmets: These helmets function alongside the biosuits to protect the user and to act as a machine interface with much of their technology. The helmets process everything into a digital image allowing them to zoom in on objects, enhance image, overlay an adaptive display about what they are seeing, and augment reality. Augmented Reality is a special feature that acts in part with the display function it primarily is used to change other Topsider helmets to appear as the occupant under the helmet. This allows them to easily identify each other and also gives them the gift of seeing other human faces rather than everyone they know appearing in an expressionless rubber suit. Prior to the countdown arc Topsider helmets also had short-range (499 ft.) radios but after that arc and with satellite coverage, the radio was replaced with a stronger satellite uplink allowing for communication anywhere and also broadcasting the user’s biometric data.))
  59. Well, the other guy too.
  61. Clayton R. takes note of several readouts through the mask one at a time until he's satisfied with his basic understanding of them. He looks back to Hersehl. "Hey uh.. Hershel. How do you activate the zero barrier on these things? I've seen topsiders us 'em a bunch."
  62. Ah: , right. I think it tracks eye movement.
  63. Hersh: You just scroll around until it is an option, I think? I've obviously never used it.
  64. Hershel: People are kind of private about their suit UI, you know? It's like 'their space' I think.
  65. Clayton R.: "Eye movement? How does that work?" He ponders Hershel's response, and he tries looking to the top of the visor to the bottom to scroll through options. .
  66. Hologram menus start flicking about.
  67. Clayton R.: "Very interesting."
  68. The controls are very sensitive but after awhile it seems to adapt to your movements.
  69. You find out afew things, like your suit integrity, how your alarms are going off because your helmet isn't glued down, and that despite the breech, your suit is hermatic right now. It's running wound diagnostics now.
  70. You eventually find the control for Zero-Area-Perimeters.
  72. Clayton R. takes glancing view at the warnings. "Ah... that might explain some things... I wonder how useful that could possibly be to a topsider though, seeing as they mutate so fast." Once he finds the Zero-Area controls, he sets out a knife on the ground from his backpack and then activating it.
  73. You activate the field.
  74. Your UI displays you are activating the field.
  75. Clayton R.: (( I have to go afk for a bit. Sorry. ))
  76. GM (GM): No prob, gotta stretch myself.
  77. Clayton R.: Alright, finally back
  78. GM (GM): Cool!
  79. You activate your field, are you touching anything?
  80. Clayton R.: (( Not yet.))
  82. Clayton R. takes note of the Zero-Field notification that appears in the UI. He takes a swipe at his knife's handle to see what happens
  83. GM (GM): The knife bursts in a ball of energy. (Knife takes 400 damage)
  85. Clayton R. pauses, and blinks for a moment, trying to register what happened. "Wow... Did it disintegrate?" He asks to nobody in particular.
  86. Hershel: Yep.
  87. Sorry, I thought you were asking over your comm
  89. Clayton R. looks back at the transporter. "That's some pretty cool stuff. Do you know if topsiders can operate their gear with it on?" He pauses, "I'm fairly certain we faced one with his on and holding a zero gun."
  90. Clayton R.: (( It's fine. I expected him to ))
  91. Hershel: Yeah, Field exclusions are made when the field is activated.
  92. usually its from interior of the pouches or gear using Topsider encoding.
  93. Hersh: still, there's enough safeties that it takes volutary effort to activate.
  94. At this point some alerts come up from the suit.
  95. One: Ambient zero radiation levels have reached safe levels.
  97. Clayton R. nods along with Hershel's speech. "Ah so, I couldn't ride a motorcycle with it on, but if I was a topsider with a MUTT, the field would automatically, work around the MUTT... right?
  98. Two: Wound diagnosis: Four deep incisions across the from the skull. Swelling detected, mild infections detected, mild damage to right eye. Suit is stimulating dopamene and HGH centers with SL stimuli. Expected recovery time: 2 months.
  99. Three: You zero field is still active!
  100. Hershel: Actually no. Mutts don't have any real protection against zero energy. You can exclude the contact area but one stray molecule and it's dust.
  101. Smaller things like guns or knives work better. It's a general rule to not touch anything you don't want gone with the z-fields.
  103. Clayton R. is so overwhelmed by the accuracy of the suit's diagnostic that he hardly hears Hershel. "Huh.. Oh O-Wow.... That's good to know. Can I exclude certain portions of the suit selectively if I wanted to grab something without destroying it?"
  104. Hershel: I guess? I've never tried!
  106. Clayton R. nods his head with a small shrug. "I guess you wouldn't huh... Still, very nice stuff. The suit notified me that it was treating the massive wound on my head to, and it gave me an ETA of 2 months. Is the suit trying to completely fix my head on it's own without the need for surgery?"
  107. Hershel: Well, yeah. The suits are NNDC grade for max autonomy. It's like have a separate organ to replace not actually being in an enviroment.
  108. Wait, I've got some cross data.
  109. Did: you know I could do microsurgery?
  110. hershel: I didn't!
  112. Clayton R. halts in his steps. "I'm sorry, what? You can work on me?"
  113. Hershel: Sure. It's a variant of the Plasticized Brain Surgery System, though.
  114. The transport opens it's rear doors and a mechanical arm extends out. At the end of the arm is a funnel device, like some jet turbine.
  116. Clayton R. cringes at the thought of brain plasticizing. He shivers all over. "Well how does that help me? I just need to recover, not be lobotomized."
  117. Hershel: Ah, yeah. The data indicates that its using the same tools but not actually cutting your head off and pouring 238-plastic over it.
  118. It's that or wear the helmet for two months.
  119. GM (GM): ((To be fair, you'll probably be alive in two months anyway.))
  121. Clayton R. steps closer to the back of Hershel, and he examines the device. He was never really too familiar with them, but the thought of ever being that close to something that could lobotomize him was crazy. he shakes his head and steps away from the device. "Sorry. I gotta pass buddy. Too weird for me there. I appreciate all the help though."
  122. Hershel: That's what your rat buddy said too.
  123. Clayton R.: "Rat buddy?"
  124. Hershel: Yeah, from... Security I think? I asked if he wanted help moving the missile parts.
  125. He: assisted your Panda friend then came back later.
  126. Clayton R.: "Did he do anything else?"
  127. Hershel: Well, he put the cover back on the missile here, then told me not to tell anyone he was there, and then went back into the colony. Ah, sorry dude.
  128. Forgot that middle part.
  130. Clayton R. pauses, that doesn't sound too good. "I'd like to lock you down Hershel, no one is to use you unless it's me, Everett, or Martin... I got a feeling they might cause some trouble soon. "
  131. Hershel: I'll try to remember that.
  133. Clayton R. nods. "Please do..."
  135. Clayton R. turns back to the elevator, "See ya later."
  136. Hershel: Wait, FIELD!
  137. Clayton R.: (( I haven't gone into the elevator.))
  138. ((I just turned around. ))
  139. GM (GM): The Hershel's warning was at the right time, drat!
  141. Clayton R. pauses with a mild jump. "Jeez, don't scare me like that. I got it. I got it."
  143. Clayton R. deactivates the Zero-Field
  144. Zero Field dectivated.
  145. GM (GM): Okay, I think that's a session.
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