
jpWAI input ini

Jan 9th, 2014
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  1. ;; ################################################
  2. ;; ## Nerd input.ini by Schreq (c) 2014 ##
  3. ;; ## Some of the GBA aliases are needed ##
  4. ;; ## otherwise some functions like console/chat ##
  5. ;; ## won't work while being in the menu ##
  6. ;; ################################################
  8. [Engine.PlayerInput]
  9. MouseSensitivity = 5.0
  10. LookRightScale = 0.0
  11. LookUpScale = 0.0
  12. DoubleClickTime = 0.25
  13. bEnableFOVScaling = True
  14. bEnableMouseSmoothing = False
  15. bInvertAirVehicles = False
  16. bInvertMouse = False
  17. bInvertTurn = False
  18. bUseToggleZoom = False
  19. FlyingPitchSensitivity = 50.0
  20. FlyingYawSensitivity = 50.0
  21. FOVSetting = 120
  22. ;; MOVEMENT ;; =================================================================
  23. Bindings=(Name="W", Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=+1.0")
  24. Bindings=(Name="S", Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=-1.0")
  25. Bindings=(Name="A", Command="Axis aStrafe Speed=-1.0")
  26. Bindings=(Name="D", Command="Axis aStrafe Speed=+1.0")
  27. Bindings=(Name="LeftAlt", Command="ToggleJetpack 1 0 | OnRelease ToggleJetpack 0 | Axis aUp Speed=+1.0 AbsoluteAxis=100")
  28. Bindings=(Name="LeftControl", Command="DoJump")
  29. Bindings=(Name="Spacebar", Command="PressedSki 0 | OnRelease ReleasedSki | SwitchToSeat 2 | OnRelease SwitchToSeat 1")
  30. ;; MOUSE ;; ====================================================================
  31. Bindings=(Name="MouseX", Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=+1.0 DeadZone=0 AbsoluteAxis=0")
  32. Bindings=(Name="MouseY", Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=+1.0 DeadZone=0 AbsoluteAxis=0")
  33. Bindings=(Name="LeftMouseButton", Command="StartFire | OnRelease StopFire")
  34. Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton", Command="ToggleJetpack 1 1 | OnRelease ToggleJetpack 0 | Axis aUp Speed=+1.0 AbsoluteAxis=100")
  35. Bindings=(Name="MiddleMouseButton", Command="ActivateFreeCam | OnRelease DeactivateFreeCam")
  36. Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollUp", Command="MagnifyZoom | PressedWeaponSwitch 1")
  37. Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown", Command="DemagnifyZoom | PressedWeaponSwitch 1")
  38. ;; WEAPONS ;; ==================================================================
  39. Bindings=(Name="LeftShift", Command="PressedZoom | OnRelease ReleasedZoom")
  40. Bindings=(Name="ThumbMouseButton", Command="PressedMelee | PlayVehicleHorn")
  41. Bindings=(Name="R", Command="ReloadWeapon")
  42. Bindings=(Name="F", Command="PressedBelt")
  43. Bindings=(Name="C", Command="PressedPack")
  44. Bindings=(Name="One", Command="EquipPrimary")
  45. Bindings=(Name="Two", Command="EquipSecondary")
  46. Bindings=(Name="Three", Command="SwitchToCallIn 1")
  47. Bindings=(Name="Four", Command="SwitchToCallIn 2")
  48. Bindings=(Name="Five", Command="SwitchToCallIn 3")
  49. ;; PLAYER ;; ===================================================================
  50. Bindings=(Name="Q", Command="SpotTarget")
  51. Bindings=(Name="G", Command="Use")
  52. Bindings=(Name="K", Command="Suicide")
  53. Bindings=(Name="z", Command="Dropflag")
  54. ;; MISC GAME ;; ================================================================
  55. Bindings=(Name="Escape", Command="OpenMenu")
  56. Bindings=(Name="GBA_ShowScores", Command="SetShowScores True | OnRelease SetShowScores False | StopWeather | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS Ambient VOL=0 | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS Concussion VOL=0 | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS World_Props VOL=0 | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS weaponfire VOL=0.25")
  57. Bindings=(Name="Tab", Command="GBA_ShowScores")
  58. Bindings=(Name="O", Command="ToggleShowObjectMarkers")
  59. Bindings=(Name="X", Command="BehindView")
  60. Bindings=(Name="V", Command="BeginVGS")
  61. Bindings=(Name="P", Command="| OnRelease ToggleTeamSelectionMenu")
  62. Bindings=(Name="N", Command="Gamma19")
  63. Bindings=(Name="M", Command="Gamma21")
  64. Bindings=(Name="Delete", Command="GammaH")
  65. Bindings=(Name="CapsLock", Command="SHOWEXTENTLINECHECK",Control=True")
  66. ;; CLASS SELECTION ;; ==========================================================
  67. Bindings=(Name="Enter", Command="QuickClasses")
  68. Bindings=(Name="NumPadOne", Command="ClassHotkeyPTH")
  69. Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo", Command="ClassHotkeySEN")
  70. Bindings=(Name="NumPadThree", Command="ClassHotkeyINF")
  71. Bindings=(Name="NumPadFour", Command="ClassHotkeySLD")
  72. Bindings=(Name="NumPadFive", Command="ClassHotkeyRDR")
  73. Bindings=(Name="NumPadSix", Command="ClassHotkeyTCN")
  74. Bindings=(Name="NumPadSeven", Command="ClassHotkeyJUG")
  75. Bindings=(Name="NumPadEight", Command="ClassHotkeyDMB")
  76. Bindings=(Name="NumPadNine", Command="ClassHotkeyBRT")
  77. ;; CHAT/CONSOLE ;; =============================================================
  78. Bindings=(Name="GBA_ReplyTalk", Command="| OnRelease ReplyTalk")
  79. Bindings=(Name="GBA_ToggleChat", Command="| OnRelease ToggleChat")
  80. Bindings=(Name="GBA_Talk", Command="Talk")
  81. Bindings=(Name="GBA_TeamTalk", Command="TeamTalk")
  82. Bindings=(Name="Tilde", Command="GBA_ToggleChat")
  83. Bindings=(Name="LeftBracket", Command="TypeKeyPressed")
  84. Bindings=(Name="RightBracket", Command="GBA_TeamTalk")
  85. Bindings=(Name="Backslash", Command="GBA_Talk")
  86. Bindings=(Name="Slash", Command="GBA_ReplyTalk")
  87. ;; F-KEYS ;; ===================================================================
  88. Bindings=(Name="F1", Command=" ")
  89. Bindings=(Name="F2", Command=" ")
  90. Bindings=(Name="F3", Command=" ")
  91. Bindings=(Name="F4", Command="Shot")
  92. Bindings=(Name="F5", Command="VoteNo")
  93. Bindings=(Name="F6", Command="VoteYes")
  94. Bindings=(Name="F7", Command="Scale Set DynamicLights False | Scale Set DirectionalLightmaps False")
  95. Bindings=(Name="F8", Command="Scale Set DynamicLights False | Scale Set DirectionalLightmaps True")
  96. Bindings=(Name="F9", Command="Scale Set DynamicLights True | Scale Set DirectionalLightmaps False")
  97. Bindings=(Name="F10", Command="Scale Toggle DepthOfField")
  98. Bindings=(Name="F11", Command=" ")
  99. Bindings=(Name="F12", Command="Reconnect")
  100. ;; GAMMA TOGGLE ;; =============================================================
  101. Bindings=(Name="GammaL", Command="Gamma 1.0 | SetBind Delete GammaH | SetBind N Gamma09 | SetBind M Gamma11")
  102. Bindings=(Name="GammaH", Command="Gamma 2.0 | SetBind Delete GammaL | SetBind N Gamma19 | SetBind M Gamma21")
  103. ;; GAMMA SCRIPT ;; =============================================================
  104. Bindings=(Name="Gamma05", Command="Gamma 0.5 | SetBind N Gamma05 | SetBind M Gamma06")
  105. Bindings=(Name="Gamma06", Command="Gamma 0.6 | SetBind N Gamma05 | SetBind M Gamma07")
  106. Bindings=(Name="Gamma07", Command="Gamma 0.7 | SetBind N Gamma06 | SetBind M Gamma08")
  107. Bindings=(Name="Gamma08", Command="Gamma 0.8 | SetBind N Gamma07 | SetBind M Gamma09")
  108. Bindings=(Name="Gamma09", Command="Gamma 0.9 | SetBind N Gamma08 | SetBind M Gamma10")
  109. Bindings=(Name="Gamma10", Command="Gamma 1.0 | SetBind N Gamma09 | SetBind M Gamma11")
  110. Bindings=(Name="Gamma11", Command="Gamma 1.1 | SetBind N Gamma10 | SetBind M Gamma12")
  111. Bindings=(Name="Gamma12", Command="Gamma 1.2 | SetBind N Gamma11 | SetBind M Gamma13")
  112. Bindings=(Name="Gamma13", Command="Gamma 1.3 | SetBind N Gamma12 | SetBind M Gamma14")
  113. Bindings=(Name="Gamma14", Command="Gamma 1.4 | SetBind N Gamma13 | SetBind M Gamma15")
  114. Bindings=(Name="Gamma15", Command="Gamma 1.5 | SetBind N Gamma14 | SetBind M Gamma16")
  115. Bindings=(Name="Gamma16", Command="Gamma 1.6 | SetBind N Gamma15 | SetBind M Gamma17")
  116. Bindings=(Name="Gamma17", Command="Gamma 1.7 | SetBind N Gamma16 | SetBind M Gamma18")
  117. Bindings=(Name="Gamma18", Command="Gamma 1.8 | SetBind N Gamma17 | SetBind M Gamma19")
  118. Bindings=(Name="Gamma19", Command="Gamma 1.9 | SetBind N Gamma18 | SetBind M Gamma20")
  119. Bindings=(Name="Gamma20", Command="Gamma 2.0 | SetBind N Gamma19 | SetBind M Gamma21")
  120. Bindings=(Name="Gamma21", Command="Gamma 2.1 | SetBind N Gamma20 | SetBind M Gamma22")
  121. Bindings=(Name="Gamma22", Command="Gamma 2.2 | SetBind N Gamma21 | SetBind M Gamma23")
  122. Bindings=(Name="Gamma23", Command="Gamma 2.3 | SetBind N Gamma22 | SetBind M Gamma24")
  123. Bindings=(Name="Gamma24", Command="Gamma 2.4 | SetBind N Gamma23 | SetBind M Gamma25")
  124. Bindings=(Name="Gamma25", Command="Gamma 2.5 | SetBind N Gamma24 | SetBind M Gamma26")
  125. Bindings=(Name="Gamma26", Command="Gamma 2.6 | SetBind N Gamma25 | SetBind M Gamma27")
  126. Bindings=(Name="Gamma27", Command="Gamma 2.7 | SetBind N Gamma26 | SetBind M Gamma29")
  127. Bindings=(Name="Gamma28", Command="Gamma 2.8 | SetBind N Gamma27 | SetBind M Gamma29")
  128. Bindings=(Name="Gamma29", Command="Gamma 2.9 | SetBind N Gamma28 | SetBind M Gamma30")
  129. Bindings=(Name="Gamma30", Command="Gamma 3.0 | SetBind N Gamma29 | SetBind M Gamma30")
  130. ;[/Engine.PlayerInput]
  133. [TribesGame.TrPlayerInput_Spectator]
  134. LookRightScale = 0.0
  135. LookUpScale = 0.0
  136. ;; MOVEMENT ;; =================================================================
  137. Bindings=(Name="W", Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=+1.0 | ViewSelf")
  138. Bindings=(Name="S", Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=-1.0 | ViewSelf")
  139. Bindings=(Name="A", Command="Axis aStrafe Speed=-1.0 | ViewSelf")
  140. Bindings=(Name="D", Command="Axis aStrafe Speed=+1.0 | ViewSelf")
  141. Bindings=(Name="Spacebar", Command="Axis aUp Speed=+1.0 | ViewSelf")
  142. Bindings=(Name="LeftControl", Command="Axis aUp Speed=-1.0 | ViewSelf")
  143. ;; MOUSE ;; ====================================================================
  144. Bindings=(Name="MouseX", Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=+2.3 DeadZone=0 AbsoluteAxis=0")
  145. Bindings=(Name="MouseY", Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=+2.3 DeadZone=0 AbsoluteAxis=0")
  146. Bindings=(Name="LeftMouseButton", Command="ViewNextPlayer")
  147. Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton", Command="ViewPreviousPlayer")
  148. Bindings=(Name="MiddleMouseButton", Command=" ")
  149. Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollUp", Command="IncreaseSpeed 250 | DecreaseCamDistance 100", bIgnoreShift=True)
  150. Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown", Command="DecreaseSpeed 250 | IncreaseCamDistance 100", bIgnoreShift=True)
  151. Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollUp", Command="IncreaseSpeed 500 | DecreaseCamDistance 200", Shift=True)
  152. Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown", Command="DecreaseSpeed 500 | IncreaseCamDistance 200", Shift=True)
  153. ;; MISC GAME ;; ================================================================
  154. Bindings=(Name="Escape", Command="OpenMenu")
  155. Bindings=(Name="Tab", Command="SetShowScores True | OnRelease SetShowScores False | StopWeather | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS Ambient VOL=0 | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS Concussion VOL=0 | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS World_Props VOL=0 | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS weaponfire VOL=0.25 | MODIFYSOUNDCLASS VoxAnnouncer VOL=2")
  156. Bindings=(Name="Z", Command="ToggleShowObjectMarkers")
  157. Bindings=(Name="P", Command="| OnRelease ToggleTeamSelectionMenu")
  158. Bindings=(Name="N", Command="Gamma08")
  159. Bindings=(Name="M", Command="Gamma10")
  160. Bindings=(Name="Comma", Command="GammaH")
  161. ;; SPECTATOR VIEW STUFF ;; =====================================================
  162. Bindings=(Name="B", Command="ViewBookmarks True | OnRelease ViewBookmarks False")
  163. Bindings=(Name="C", Command="ViewFlagStands True | OnRelease ViewFlagStands False")
  164. Bindings=(Name="F", Command="ViewFlags True | OnRelease ViewFlags False")
  165. Bindings=(Name="G", Command="ViewGenerators True | OnRelease ViewGenerators False")
  166. Bindings=(Name="R", Command="ViewFastestPlayer True | OnRelease ViewFastestPlayer False")
  167. Bindings=(Name="V", Command="ViewVehicles True | OnRelease ViewVehicles False")
  168. Bindings=(Name="O", Command="ShowSpectatorHUD")
  169. Bindings=(Name="X", Command="ShowSpectatorControls")
  170. Bindings=(Name="L", Command="ToggleLockViewToPlayer")
  171. Bindings=(Name="One", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindOne", bIgnoreShift=True)
  172. Bindings=(Name="Two", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindTwo", bIgnoreShift=True)
  173. Bindings=(Name="Three", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindThree", bIgnoreShift=True)
  174. Bindings=(Name="Four", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindFour", bIgnoreShift=True)
  175. Bindings=(Name="Five", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindFive", bIgnoreShift=True)
  176. Bindings=(Name="Six", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindSix", bIgnoreShift=True)
  177. Bindings=(Name="Seven", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindSeven", bIgnoreShift=True)
  178. Bindings=(Name="Eight", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindEight", bIgnoreShift=True)
  179. Bindings=(Name="Nine", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindNine", bIgnoreShift=True)
  180. Bindings=(Name="Zero", Command="GotoViewTarget SpectatorKeybindZero", bIgnoreShift=True)
  181. Bindings=(Name="One", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindOne", Shift=True)
  182. Bindings=(Name="Two", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindTwo", Shift=True)
  183. Bindings=(Name="Three", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindThree", Shift=True)
  184. Bindings=(Name="Four", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindFour", Shift=True)
  185. Bindings=(Name="Five", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindFive", Shift=True)
  186. Bindings=(Name="Six", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindSix", Shift=True)
  187. Bindings=(Name="Seven", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindSeven", Shift=True)
  188. Bindings=(Name="Eight", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindEight", Shift=True)
  189. Bindings=(Name="Nine", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindNine", Shift=True)
  190. Bindings=(Name="Zero", Command="BindSpectatorViewTarget SpectatorKeybindZero", Shift=True)
  191. ;; CHAT/CONSOLE ;; =============================================================
  192. Bindings=(Name="Tilde", Command="| onrelease ToggleChat")
  193. Bindings=(Name="LeftBracket", Command="TypeKeyPressed")
  194. Bindings=(Name="RightBracket", Command="TeamTalk")
  195. Bindings=(Name="Backslash", Command="Talk")
  196. Bindings=(Name="Slash", Command="| OnRelease ReplyTalk")
  197. ;; F-KEYS ;; ===================================================================
  198. Bindings=(Name="F1", Command=" ")
  199. Bindings=(Name="F2", Command=" ")
  200. Bindings=(Name="F3", Command=" ")
  201. Bindings=(Name="F4", Command="Shot")
  202. Bindings=(Name="F5", Command="VoteNo")
  203. Bindings=(Name="F6", Command="VoteYes")
  204. Bindings=(Name="F7", Command="Scale Set DynamicLights False | Scale Set DirectionalLightmaps False")
  205. Bindings=(Name="F8", Command="Scale Set DynamicLights False | Scale Set DirectionalLightmaps True")
  206. Bindings=(Name="F9", Command="Scale Set DynamicLights True | Scale Set DirectionalLightmaps False")
  207. Bindings=(Name="F10", Command="Scale Toggle DepthOfField")
  208. Bindings=(Name="F11", Command=" ")
  209. Bindings=(Name="F12", Command="Reconnect")
  210. ;; GAMMA TOGGLE ;; =============================================================
  211. Bindings=(Name="GammaL", Command="Gamma 0.6 | SetBind Comma GammaH | SetBind N Gamma05 | SetBind M Gamma07")
  212. Bindings=(Name="GammaH", Command="Gamma 1.4 | SetBind Comma GammaL | SetBind N Gamma13 | SetBind M Gamma15")
  213. ;; GAMMA SCRIPT ;; =============================================================
  214. Bindings=(Name="Gamma05", Command="Gamma 0.5 | SetBind N Gamma05 | SetBind M Gamma06")
  215. Bindings=(Name="Gamma06", Command="Gamma 0.6 | SetBind N Gamma05 | SetBind M Gamma07")
  216. Bindings=(Name="Gamma07", Command="Gamma 0.7 | SetBind N Gamma06 | SetBind M Gamma08")
  217. Bindings=(Name="Gamma08", Command="Gamma 0.8 | SetBind N Gamma07 | SetBind M Gamma09")
  218. Bindings=(Name="Gamma09", Command="Gamma 0.9 | SetBind N Gamma08 | SetBind M Gamma10")
  219. Bindings=(Name="Gamma10", Command="Gamma 1.0 | SetBind N Gamma09 | SetBind M Gamma11")
  220. Bindings=(Name="Gamma11", Command="Gamma 1.1 | SetBind N Gamma10 | SetBind M Gamma12")
  221. Bindings=(Name="Gamma12", Command="Gamma 1.2 | SetBind N Gamma11 | SetBind M Gamma13")
  222. Bindings=(Name="Gamma13", Command="Gamma 1.3 | SetBind N Gamma12 | SetBind M Gamma14")
  223. Bindings=(Name="Gamma14", Command="Gamma 1.4 | SetBind N Gamma13 | SetBind M Gamma15")
  224. Bindings=(Name="Gamma15", Command="Gamma 1.5 | SetBind N Gamma14 | SetBind M Gamma16")
  225. Bindings=(Name="Gamma16", Command="Gamma 1.6 | SetBind N Gamma15 | SetBind M Gamma17")
  226. Bindings=(Name="Gamma17", Command="Gamma 1.7 | SetBind N Gamma16 | SetBind M Gamma18")
  227. Bindings=(Name="Gamma18", Command="Gamma 1.8 | SetBind N Gamma17 | SetBind M Gamma19")
  228. Bindings=(Name="Gamma19", Command="Gamma 1.9 | SetBind N Gamma18 | SetBind M Gamma20")
  229. Bindings=(Name="Gamma20", Command="Gamma 2.0 | SetBind N Gamma19 | SetBind M Gamma21")
  230. Bindings=(Name="Gamma21", Command="Gamma 2.1 | SetBind N Gamma20 | SetBind M Gamma22")
  231. Bindings=(Name="Gamma22", Command="Gamma 2.2 | SetBind N Gamma21 | SetBind M Gamma23")
  232. Bindings=(Name="Gamma23", Command="Gamma 2.3 | SetBind N Gamma22 | SetBind M Gamma24")
  233. Bindings=(Name="Gamma24", Command="Gamma 2.4 | SetBind N Gamma23 | SetBind M Gamma25")
  234. Bindings=(Name="Gamma25", Command="Gamma 2.5 | SetBind N Gamma24 | SetBind M Gamma26")
  235. Bindings=(Name="Gamma26", Command="Gamma 2.6 | SetBind N Gamma25 | SetBind M Gamma27")
  236. Bindings=(Name="Gamma27", Command="Gamma 2.7 | SetBind N Gamma26 | SetBind M Gamma29")
  237. Bindings=(Name="Gamma28", Command="Gamma 2.8 | SetBind N Gamma27 | SetBind M Gamma29")
  238. Bindings=(Name="Gamma29", Command="Gamma 2.9 | SetBind N Gamma28 | SetBind M Gamma30")
  239. Bindings=(Name="Gamma30", Command="Gamma 3.0 | SetBind N Gamma29 | SetBind M Gamma30")
  240. ;[/TribesGame.TrPlayerInput_Spectator]
  243. [TribesGame.TrChatConsole]
  244. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/", Desc="F7:No DL - F8:Directional only - F9:DL Only - F10:Toggle DoF - F12:Reconnect")
  245. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/stat fps", Desc="/stat fps (Display your FPS)")
  246. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/report", Desc="/report <Player> <Reason For Reporting> (Send a confidential report to Hi-Rez)")
  247. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/mute", Desc="/mute <Player> (Stop displaying chat from a player)")
  248. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/unmute", Desc="/unmute <Player> (Remove a player from your muted list)")
  249. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/votekick", Desc="/votekick <Player> (Call an in-game vote to remove a player from the match)")
  250. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/quit", Desc="/quit (Exit the program)")
  251. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc login", Desc="/sc login <ServerID> <Password>")
  252. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc select", Desc="/sc select <ServerID>")
  253. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc server status", Desc="/sc server status (Shows server status)")
  254. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc server start", Desc="/sc server start (Shows server on the custom server browser)")
  255. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc server stop", Desc="/sc server stop (Immediately ends the match and removes server from the custom server browser)")
  256. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc server shutdown", Desc="/sc server shutdown (Removes server from the custom server browser)")
  257. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc map next", Desc=" ArxNovena(1456) Crossfire(1462) Drydock(1457) Katabatic(1447) Raindance(1516) Sunstar(1523) Tartarus(1512) TempleRuins(1493) Stonehenge(1522) Permafrost(1534) DangerousCrossing(1538) BellaOmega(1473) BellaOmegaNS(1551) Blueshift(1543) CanyonCrusadeRevival(1514)")
  258. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc map next", Desc="/sc map next (Skips to the next map in the map cycle)")
  259. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc map next", Desc="/sc map next <mapID> (Sets the next map)")
  260. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc map start", Desc=" ArxNovena(1456) Crossfire(1462) Drydock(1457) Katabatic(1447) Raindance(1516) Sunstar(1523) Tartarus(1512) TempleRuins(1493) Stonehenge(1522) Permafrost(1534) DangerousCrossing(1538) BellaOmega(1473) BellaOmegaNS(1551) Blueshift(1543) CanyonCrusadeRevival(1514)")
  261. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc map start", Desc="/sc map start (Skips warm up time if applicable)")
  262. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc map start", Desc="/sc map start <mapID> (Skips to Map ID)")
  263. TribesAutoCompleteList=(Command="/sc map end", Desc="/sc map end (Ends current map)")
  264. ;[/TribesGame.TrChatConsole]
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