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Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. 22:23 Nephthys: wrong macro
  2. 22:23 Field Marshal Dan: thx neph
  3. 22:23 Panther1Again: I have been banned. While I was offline. I do not know who banned me, because I have not received a ban PM.
  4. 22:24 Field Marshal Dan: nah right one... his public rule topic is trolling now
  5. 22:24 Panther1Again: So no, I do not read ban PMs ... that do not exist.
  6. 22:24 Nephthys: you must have received them in the past
  7. 22:24 Field Marshal Dan: whisper the mod panther.
  8. 22:24 Muhammed El-Bana: 1376227 please Join ^_^
  9. 22:24 Paul Wolfowitz: Dick Cheney for president
  10. 22:24 Panther1Again: Okay, I have one open right here
  11. 22:25 Panther1Again: What about it? It doesn't say anything about messaging an SMod.
  12. 22:25 Field Marshal Dan: not interested mate
  13. 22:25 Panther1Again: It's from irish chap btw
  14. 22:25 Field Marshal Dan: whipser the mod.
  15. 22:25 Panther1Again: marshal I am reporting you for trolling and spamming
  16. 22:25 Field Marshal Dan: go for it
  17. 22:25 Field Marshal Dan: see how worried I look,
  18. 22:25 Paul Wolfowitz: No, let me see your face
  19. 22:26 Paul Wolfowitz: Give me a worried face and a happy face
  20. 22:26 Theodorz: Does anybody knows the province morale calculation ?
  21. 22:26 Nephthys: panther, if you believe that irish chap's message was not adequate, forward it to someone (like an SMod)
  22. 22:26 Panther1Again: when did I say that neph?
  23. 22:26 Panther1Again: are you intentionally ignoring what I said..?
  24. 22:26 Paul Wolfowitz: Something to do with distance from capital and resource availability
  25. 22:26 Nephthys: when you said it doesn't mention follow up procedure?
  26. 22:26 Paul Wolfowitz: And if it neighbors an enemy
  27. 22:26 Panther1Again: click the i buttong Theodorz
  28. 22:26 Paul Wolfowitz: And building upgrades
  29. 22:27 Panther1Again: Not Irish chap ... the mod who banned me and DIDN'T send me a message
  30. 22:27 Nephthys: but, surely, if in real life, you have a problem with something, you ask someone in charge?
  31. 22:27 Panther1Again: I cannot report somebody who I do not know the existence of
  32. 22:27 Panther1Again: you ask society.
  33. 22:27 Panther1Again: also known as a forum
  34. 22:27 Paul Wolfowitz: I complained to the janitor when I got laid off
  35. 22:27 Admiral Akainu: still discussing that matter>
  36. 22:28 Nephthys: so if you were a victim of a crime, you would yell it on the streets rather than contact the police?
  37. 22:28 Panther1Again: so that people in society who have experienced the same problems as a result of mods not follownig rules can give me a recommendation of what to do next
  38. 22:28 Ariana_Grande: ofc, the police is corrupt ;)
  39. 22:28 Paul Wolfowitz: I cannot take seriously the words of someone with the name Ariana Grande
  40. 22:28 Panther1Again: are you really asking whether a person who is being attacked should stay quiet and not call for help, but only call the police later on, when the criminal's identity is not known, just like the mod is not known and I stay quiet about my suffering
  41. 22:29 Theodorz: I know about factors affecting morale
  42. 22:29 Panther1Again: you'd be a bad cop.
  43. 22:29 Nephthys: if you encounter someone not following the rules, you would contact their superior - unless you don't want anything to be done about it?
  44. 22:29 Panther1Again: why didn't I think of that before neph
  45. 22:29 Panther1Again: oh, it's because I DON'T know who it is!!!
  46. 22:29 Theodorz: I am asking iif someone is able to calculate at which morale a province will be with certain conditions
  47. 22:29 Nephthys: and even if you don't know who they are, you can ask someone high up in the organisation
  48. 22:29 Ariana_Grande: well, the thing is basically everyone who's been banned for legitimate reason will say it was a mod abusing hispower
  49. 22:30 Nephthys: because it is likely that they will know or be able to find out
  50. 22:30 Ariana_Grande: there should be a ban log to find out who it was, shouldn't be?
  51. 22:30 Panther1Again: i have asked on an open forum instead about a recommendation of WHAT to do, not to complain.
  52. 22:30 Panther1Again: so if somebody answered properly, my second procedure would be to do what you are saying to do
  53. 22:30 Nephthys: then you are very bad at asking questions
  54. 22:31 Panther1Again: no i am polite and dont waste time about something potentially wasteful
  55. 22:31 Panther1Again: its called efficiency
  56. 22:31 Panther1Again: and not being burdensome
  57. 22:31 Ariana_Grande: you're wasting time complaining in global atm
  58. 22:31 Panther1Again: thats because i have time to kill
  59. 22:31 Paul Wolfowitz: I was once warned for saying the term "illegal alien"
  60. 22:31 Panther1Again: hey what im not complainning
  61. 22:31 Nephthys: if you wanted to know the answer, you would ask "what is the procedure to appeal a ban?"
  62. 22:31 Panther1Again: paul the politically correct term is 'fellow human who is yet-unregistered future american'
  63. 22:32 Nephthys: not "I am banned. What did I do wrong"
  64. 22:32 Field Marshal Dan: but whisper it to a mod cause your topic is lame.
  65. 22:32 Field Marshal Dan: :p
  66. 22:32 Paul Wolfowitz: Well I was warned a long time ago
  67. 22:32 Nephthys: or even, as you used "I am banned. I never do wrong. What did I do wrong"
  68. 22:32 Ariana_Grande: i believe that one is worse
  69. 22:33 Panther1Again: I see no difference between either of the two questions. They are both inquiring about an issue of procedure of what to do next
  70. 22:33 Paul Wolfowitz: Donald Rumsfeld
  71. 22:33 Panther1Again: because knowing what i did wrong would help me in identifying the moderator, hence messaging them.
  72. 22:33 Paul Wolfowitz: Rumsfeld created a solitaire game
  73. 22:33 Nephthys: how on earth what it do that?
  74. 22:33 Nephthys: *would
  75. 22:34 Paul Wolfowitz: Not kidding, it's called Churchill Solitare
  76. 22:34 Panther1Again: ask another mod to check a ticket containing the issue raised in my ban reason....
  77. 22:34 Nephthys: ticket?
  78. 22:34 Panther1Again: /report
  79. 22:34 Nephthys: I know what a ticket is...
  80. 22:34 Panther1Again: then why the question mark
  81. 22:34 Nephthys: because there isn't always a ticket
  82. 22:35 Nephthys: and if there is a ticket, you would most certainly receive an email
  83. 22:35 Nephthys: rather than a PM
  84. 22:35 Panther1Again: so are you saying somebody could have potentially banned me for no reason while I was offline?
  85. 22:35 Nephthys: with you, it tends to be for a reason
  86. 22:35 Panther1Again: you're focusing on the wrong part of the question and you're being inefficient
  87. 22:36 Ariana_Grande: oh damn neph burns
  88. 22:36 Panther1Again: if there isn't always a ticket then clearly either A) the ban was a mistake B) the mod banned me because he saw a rulebreak C) word of mouth/trust
  89. 22:36 Nephthys: B)
  90. 22:36 Panther1Again: since I wasn't banned for HOURS after I spoke, and it only happened during the night, it was not B
  91. 22:36 Panther1Again: unless the moderator has a magical 6-hour long chat
  92. 22:36 Nephthys: it is called java
  93. 22:36 Panther1Again: the java clears out after a time
  94. 22:37 Panther1Again: i had it for 4 years...
  95. 22:37 Field Marshal Dan: it would have been a ticket
  96. 22:37 Nephthys: so did I, and it never did
  97. 22:37 Panther1Again: not to mention it lags excessively after about 10 hours
  98. 22:37 Field Marshal Dan: like your time wasting reports on me will be
  99. 22:37 Nephthys: if it was a ticket, you would not receive a PO
  100. 22:37 Nephthys: *PM
  101. 22:37 Nephthys: you would receive an email
  102. 22:37 Field Marshal Dan: they gett seen hours after the fact [but still seen]
  103. 22:37 Panther1Again: thats incorrect, or all mods have been breaking the rules and you are right
  104. 22:37 Panther1Again: because I always receive a PM whenever I am banned as a result of a ticket
  105. 22:38 Nephthys: I never receive a PM when I report a ticket
  106. 22:38 Panther1Again: how can you report a ticket?
  107. 22:38 Nephthys: only an email
  108. 22:38 Panther1Again: a ticket is a report
  109. 22:38 Nephthys: report is a verb, you know
  110. 22:38 Paul Wolfowitz: It's a preposition
  111. 22:38 Panther1Again: then you could have ended at 'report' without the other part
  112. 22:38 Panther1Again: you know.
  113. 22:38 Panther1Again: inefficiency.
  114. 22:39 Nephthys: the mouse is report the table
  115. 22:39 Panther1Again: "report a ticket" implies you are reporting a received report
  116. 22:39 Nephthys: you can hardly speak of efficiency, considering the length of this argument
  117. 22:40 Panther1Again: 22:31 Panther1Again: thats because i have time to kill
  118. 22:40 Nephthys: and you assume I do not?
  119. 22:40 Lady Thumpyr: Panther, this has gone on long enough
  120. 22:40 Panther1Again: you are inefficient with word placement, different topic.
  121. 22:41 ranor77: What is Frontline now ... ?
  122. 22:41 Nephthys: well you seem to be coming up with multiple ways of placing the same words together
  123. 22:41 Panther1Again: lady thumpyr the central question in this still has not been answered
  124. 22:41 Nephthys: beta testers
  125. 22:41 Nephthys: which central question might that be?
  126. 22:41 Lady Thumpyr: Funny thing, I was unable to see a question
  127. 22:42 Confederacy: Are submarines affective at killing battle groups?
  128. 22:42 Panther1Again: neph has accused me of rulebreaking by asking questions on a forum about the rules
  129. 22:42 Nephthys: so-so
  130. 22:42 ranor77: Waht is Frontline chat ?
  131. 22:42 Panther1Again: my question was why are there no clear procedures for when moderators do not follow rules and you dont know who banned you to avoid being called a rulebreaker on a chat by neph
  132. 22:42 Nephthys: I didn't accuse you, I charged you
  133. 22:43 Nephthys: we answered that question millenia ago panther
  134. 22:43 ranor77: Please moderators :( What is Frontline chat ?
  135. 22:43 Panther1Again: and how are other people in my situation are are NOT here meant to know that?
  136. 22:43 Nephthys: 22:41 Nephthys: beta testers
  137. 22:43 Confederacy: how many subs do I need to kill a battle group. and does the stealth aspect of a submarine help it at all.
  138. 22:43 Panther1Again: go into the same argument with you for an hour here?
  139. 22:43 Lady Thumpyr: It is a chat for those in a Frontline game
  140. 22:43 ranor77: And what is Frontline ? ^^
  141. 22:43 Nephthys: confed, depends on the group size, and yes
  142. 22:43 ranor77: I don't understand
  143. 22:43 Nephthys: ranor, beta testers
  144. 22:44 Lady Thumpyr: Frontline is just a different map
  145. 22:44 Nephthys: generally panther, not many people complain on the forum
  146. 22:44 ranor77: Oh ? So you mean I joined a beta map ? :/
  147. 22:44 Nephthys: meaning that they do follow some sort of protocol
  148. 22:44 Nephthys: aka tell someone in charge
  149. 22:44 Confederacy: Are the subs good at killing battleships?
  150. 22:45 Panther1Again: and my other question was why i was banned without knowing why or by whom although I am yet to receive a reply from the 22nd January from an SMod to explain my situation
  151. 22:45 Nephthys: 22:43 Nephthys: confed, depends on the group size,
  152. 22:45 Panther1Again: so I would presume I was banned by mistake. still, doesnt help to be called a rulebreaker on a public chat
  153. 22:45 Panther1Again: or wait 2 weeks for an answer
  154. 22:45 Nephthys: because you didn't ask a smod to explain your situation
  155. 22:45 Nephthys: you asked the public
  156. 22:46 ranor77: What is the special thing about Frontline games ?
  157. 22:46 Panther1Again: yes, and I was told to message an SMod
  158. 22:46 Panther1Again: I was banned on 20th, asked forums on 21st, and messaged Donrado on 22nd
  159. 22:46 Nephthys: at the moment ranor, it seems that the only special thing is a stock size limit
  160. 22:46 ranor77: Ok thanks
  161. 22:46 Nephthys: well panther, that's an issue with donrado, of whom I am not
  162. 22:46 maxie: fighters detect submarines, correct?
  163. 22:46 Nephthys: if they patrol
  164. 22:47 Lady Thumpyr: And did Don message you back?
  165. 22:47 Panther1Again: I was not messaged by donrado nor was I messaged by the mysterious mod that banned me
  166. 22:47 Lady Thumpyr: and why are we discussing things from 2 weeks ago in global chat?
  167. 22:47 Panther1Again: because neph accused me of rulebreaking 1 hour and a half ago
  168. 22:47 Nephthys: I didn't accuse you panther
  169. 22:47 Nephthys: I charged you with rulebreaking
  170. 22:47 RaZoR_X: Five around?
  171. 22:48 Panther1Again: whats the difference? i am replying to confirm my innocence
  172. 22:48 Nephthys: you even quoted the rule you infringed upon
  173. 22:48 FigureFive: Yes, i'm here
  174. 22:48 Lady Thumpyr: Ok Panther, enough you are trolling the chat
  175. 22:48 Muhammed El-Bana: 1376227 please join ^_^
  176. 22:48 Field Marshal Dan: thats only just been noticed?
  177. 22:48 Field Marshal Dan: hi five !!! <3
  178. 22:48 Lady Thumpyr: please message Don if you would like to get this resolved
  179. 22:48 Muhammed El-Bana: 1376227 please join ^_^
  180. 22:49 Field Marshal Dan: 22:42 Simply X: Miss the old mods, i do, for where has Five gone? <-- [i bet you dont know the guy?! lol]
  181. 22:49 Panther1Again: see? this is where the rules are a laughable loophole. I am told to be quiet and not argue with mods (rule) and then I am told to do something that does not resolve the issue. you are telling me to message a person that has not replied twice
  182. 22:49 Field Marshal Dan: message his boss if he doesnt reply., it isnt complex.
  183. 22:50 Lady Thumpyr: Panther you have been given the direction you need to take to resolve the issue, do not troll the chat please
  184. 22:50 Nephthys: apparently, dan, panther doesn't understand chain of command
  185. 22:50 Panther1Again: so who is above donrado?
  186. 22:51 Nephthys: this is in the forum
  187. 22:51 Lady Thumpyr: that would be Wryath
  188. 22:51 Nephthys: in the staff list
  189. 22:51 Lady Thumpyr: *Wrayth
  190. 22:51 Panther1Again: okay
  191. 22:52 Panther1Again: I have messaged Wrayth on 10th January and he is yet to reply
  192. 22:52 Panther1Again: so I have no where else to go, but if I say that on the chat it will be considered "trolling"
  193. You have been banned from all chat rooms for 1 hours
  194. Panther1Again has been temporarily banned by South Paw
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