
Across The Field And Back (ch4)

Jun 13th, 2018
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  3. Day 4: Snuggles
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  7. -------------
  10. Chapter 4.
  12. Ruby and Weiss had just finished their third game of the season against each other. Weiss' team had won again by just two points, leaving her team with two wins and Ruby's with one so far.
  14. The team members came together at the center of the field and shook hands all the way down the line as was customary. They all said their "good game"s and "goodnight"s before heading off the field toward the parking lot.
  16. All except Ruby and Weiss.
  18. Yang hadn't been able to make it to this game to support Ruby, but she had promised to come drive her home later. Their dad had dropped Ruby off, but after Ruby gave him a hug now he headed home with only Zwei, as Ruby would wait for Yang to come get her.
  20. But they didn't know exactly how long she'd take, so Weiss informed her own sister and father that she would be staying with Ruby until Yang came and would request a ride home from her.
  22. In this manner Ruby and Weiss eventually ended up being the only two people left on the field. The field lights were turned off, leaving only the nearby streetlights in the parking lot and on the sidewalk, and smaller lights on the restroom building and around the perimeter of the field.
  24. It didn't limit their sight that much, but the two of them still held hands as they walked along the grass. They were discussing tonight's game in soft tones.
  26. "And, and-" Ruby was saying. "Remember when Pyrrha took that shot on us and Jaune tried to duck out of the way but it bounced off his back and didn't go in?"
  28. "Yes. What a graceful goalie you have. I have to say that Sun was really on top of his game tonight."
  30. "That's cuz he wants to impress Neptune."
  32. "Impress him? Aren't they dating?"
  34. "Yeah." Both of them chuckled as they walked along the white lines painted in the grass. Ruby sighed. "I wonder when Yang's gonna get here. Could be a while with her. She's probably still over at Blake's and hasn't been watching the time."
  36. "That sounds about right."
  38. "...Wanna sit for a little while? We've been walking and running all night."
  40. "That actually sounds rather nice."
  42. Weiss was hoping for the bleachers, but she should've known better. Ruby took her right into the middle of the wet muddy field and plopped down into the grass, tugging on Weiss' wrist to have her join.
  44. Weiss heaved a sigh and slowly lowered herself down; she supposed she was already dirty from the game, so a few more stains wouldn't hurt. She crossed her legs and sat up while Ruby flopped down onto her back, deflating with a sigh.
  46. "The stars are sooooo pretty tonight, Weiss~ If you laid down you could see~"
  48. "I can see them just fine like this, you dolt."
  50. "Aw, you're no fun."
  52. "I'd just rather not have ants crawling all over me."
  54. "But it's so chilly! Keep me warm, Weiss!"
  56. "You should've thought of that before you agreed to wait half an hour after 9PM for your sister to come pick you up."
  58. Ruby admitted defeat and simply stared up at the stars. Weiss was looking skyward too from her angle, and their hands were still lightly entwined.
  60. Silence fell, aside from the chirping of crickets and the occasional breath of the wind.
  62. Several moments passed. Ruby was about to close her eyes and doze a little, knowing Weiss would dutifully wake her as soon as Yang's car rolled into the lot.
  64. Ruby hadn't actually been chilly at all. The evening was cool but not unpleasant. And yet she could've sworn she felt a shiver run through Weiss from holding her hand. She thought she was imagining things.
  66. But a moment later, Ruby's eyes shot open when she felt Weiss shifting beside her. Grimacing, the heiress slowly laid herself down into the damp grass, taking care to tuck her ponytail over the front of her shoulder so as not to get it messy. Ruby could see it was almost paining her to lie in the grass like this.
  68. "Weiss, you don't have to-"
  70. "Quiet, you dolt."
  72. Ruby clammed up, her lips curling up in amusement when she realized Weiss was only doing this now because she was the one who was getting chilly.
  74. Ruby invitingly opened her arm to let Weiss huddle close. Weiss wrapped an arm around her and ducked her face into Ruby's shoulder. Ruby chuckled but didn't dare say anything that might embarrass her. She hugged Weiss softly until she stopped shivering, but even then Weiss didn't sit back up again.
  76. Ruby enjoyed the feeling of having Weiss right next to her like this. She'd always been next to her, sometimes this closely, but never quite so intimately, and never when they were alone together. She liked feeling Weiss breathe, liked hearing her little sighs, liked smelling the scent of her past the smell of the grass.
  78. Eventually, Ruby took her eyes away from the stars and turned onto her side to gaze at something even prettier.
  80. Even though Weiss was covered in dirt and grass stains and was still a bit sweaty from the game – much the same as Ruby herself was – she was still the prettiest girl Ruby had ever seen.
  82. She'd always thought so.
  84. But only now – in the middle of an empty soccer field beneath the starlight – did she ever think to do anything about it.
  86. Weiss noticed when Ruby moved her face closer, but before Weiss could inquire what she was doing, Ruby swallowed the question with her lips.
  88. A different kind of shiver ran through Weiss this time. Her heart caught in her throat, and her grip on Ruby's jersey tightened.
  90. A few seconds later Ruby pulled back, eyes dazed as if she didn't fully realize what she'd just done. She looked Weiss over, finding her oddly calm, if only slightly puzzled. Ruby gasped.
  92. "W-Weiss- I-I'm sorry, I-I just-"
  94. "Dolt." Weiss pushed herself up onto her elbows and gently pinned Ruby beneath her. "Be quiet."
  96. Weiss kissed her this time, only slightly repulsed at the taste of sweat and grass on her lips, but more than anything there was excitement coursing through her veins.
  98. Ruby's nervousness was lost in the breeze as she reached up and wrapped her arms around Weiss' shoulders and back, pulling her down a bit more. She could feel Weiss' heart thrumming like never before, betraying her external composure.
  100. Once Weiss had had her fill of the second kiss, Ruby pushed her down and rolled on top of her for the third.
  102. At least Weiss had had enough tact not to rest her full weight on top of Ruby, but such common sense was lost on the excited brunette. Weiss had to nip the girl's lip to make her understand she literally couldn't breathe with Ruby on top of her like that. Ruby mumbled a sheepish apology and eased off a little.
  104. Weiss almost chided her again but Ruby didn't give her enough time to get the word out before she was kissing her again.
  106. Clumsy as it was, they found a rhythm for kissing and breathing and shifting positions, repeating each process over and over again.
  108. When Ruby tried to say something Weiss wouldn't hear it. She wasn't interested in talking right now. Evidently she'd been waiting for this just as long as Ruby had been.
  110. Neither of them had imagined it happening this way, but as things were, neither was inclined to complain.
  112. They only stopped when they heard a car rolling into the parking lot. Weiss rolled Ruby off herself and simply turned onto her side to hug her, catching her breath and regaining some shred of composure. Ruby was absolutely giddy, and with the aura wafting off of her, Weiss knew Yang wouldn't even have to ask what had her little sister so gung-ho tonight.
  114. The thought had Weiss groaning softly, imagining the teasing they'd both be getting by tomorrow, both at school, at home from their sisters, and on the field next game.
  116. Yang honked the horn and both girls shot up and pulled away.
  118. Ruby turned with a huge grin to say something more to Weiss, but Weiss gave her a glare that shut her up right away.
  120. Together they stood and headed toward Yang's car for rides home, both of them with a few extra grass stains now on their clothes.
  122. -----------
  124. A/N: I always kinda like wordless kiss scenes~
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