
The World Exploded

Feb 10th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. W Mon 05 Sep 2016 10:05:22 No.702587143 | /b/
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >it really fucks you up thinking about how Cambodians used to have shooting ranges with actual livestock on them as targets
  4. >you appreciate a good steak like any red blooded patriot out there
  5. >but there's a line you don't cross with an animal's dignity dammit
  6. >"You still insulting Cambodian people in your head?" your wife asks impatiently
  7. >WellIWouldn'tExactlyCallEmPeople
  8. >"No sweetie, just...thinkin diplomatic thoughts about em is all" you reply lamely, accepting the offered AR-15
  9. >not the most entertaining shot, but you just got to the range and want to warm up with something reliable
  10. >"Well hurry it up, we're gettin' ready to go here"
  11. >you try to ignore the sway of her hips as you follow her to the table where your two kids are milling about
  12. >only ogle one sort of equipment at a time, your old man used to say
  13. >yeah, he was full of specific advice like that..
  14. >the kids are checking out their ordinance, a great big M2HB
  15. >you got them $400 worth of ammo to shoot because you're a great dad
  16. >"Alrighty everybody, are you all here and ready to get started?" the attendant asks for the millionth time
  17. >you're a responsible gun owner but these guys and their safety checks sometimes..
  18. >"Great, well you're in luck today - we just got a mega-herd in and they'll be wandering past the treeline any second now"
  19. >these guys run a pretty sick double-business model
  20. >people are so desperate to get fluffy herds off their farmland they pay to have them shipped away
  21. >as one of the few organizations that takes them, the range turns around and sets them right up in the field just before the forest backstop
  22. >even now you can see the rainbow starting to shuffle out
  23. >"Dad! I see 'em!" your daughter confirms just after
  24. >she's finally old enough to wear a shooters badge
  25. >"You kids ready to have some fun?"
  26. >you dramatically slide the action on your gun - admittedly wasting a bullet in the process
  27. >you don't care, you'll pay for it, but money just can't buy that satisfaction
  28. ***
  29. >"Peshuw fwen!" your mate calls to you from the cloud of rolling soon-mothers
  30. >she's a pretty, white fluffed affair, and a rather fierce nest-partner hiding behind a charming smile and experience to share with the newer mothers
  31. >it's a surge of prideful warmth to reflect that that experience comes from the number of times you bred the little minx yourself
  32. >yes indeed, life is good at the top
  33. >surrounded by your kin and your own, who form the web of your vast fluffy empire
  34. >there are more fluffies than you think there are ones to count them with
  35. >many of whom are from smaller herds you drove to submission and assimilated with your iron hoof
  36. >"Peshuw fweeeeeeeen!!" your mate calls again, an impatient whine to her voice
  37. >not now woman, you're busy
  38. >yes you must have overcome countless obstacles at this point to reach the success you have
  39. >not the least of which was yelling at the humans who put you in the roaring crates until they brought you to these greener pastures
  40. >already the herd has begun grazing in this idyllic field
  41. >the soon-mothers will eat well tonight, and that brings happiness to you
  42. >any good, honest fluffy couldn't help love the sight of new life brought into the world
  43. >your enemies are conquered and your herd swells and thrives
  44. >that is best in life
  45. >"PESHUW FW-OOMPH!" you put your hoof over your mate's mouth before she can finish screaming in your face
  46. >you don't trifle with that whore shit
  47. >"Yes speshaw fwend?" you ask once you're good and ready
  48. >"Pwah! Smawty, soon-mummahs say dey am tiwed an haf head sickies" your mate reports
  49. >the soon-mothers are sick from being rolled around all day, so be it
  50. >"Teww odda smawties we west hewe den" you say, dismissively
  51. >this is a good spot, you're inclined to think - you can see any approaching predators, the grass is lush, green and ripe for eating
  52. >it's also very pretty which is a major bonus
  53. >you settle in and wait for your mate to return to you for the evening
  54. >life is good
  55. ***
  56. >"Alright Brandon you're gonna open up with that thing and then your mother, Cindy and I are all gonna just go to town" you tell your son
  57. >strapping young lad, if you and your completely unbiased opinion say so yourselves
  58. >right now he's got his hands on an honest-to-god China Lake
  59. >ranges these days..
  60. >"Yessir" your son sounds off - on point and respectful like your little soldier ought to be
  61. >"Okay, ready? FIVE!"
  62. >"FOUR!"
  63. >"THREE!"
  64. ***
  65. >"H-howd on..." your mate mumbles, and just as you were starting to nuzzle up to her
  66. >she's on to something though, a lot of the fluffies are looking down away from the trees
  67. >now that you're paying attention, you hear it too
  68. >the barking shouts of humans
  69. >you stand up from your impromptu nest to get a better look
  70. >yep, there they are, not even that far from where your herd set up
  71. >you curse yourself for missing them
  72. >you look around for your firstborn, and second in command
  73. >hey, nothing beats a bit of nepotism
  74. >you lock eyes with him about forty meters away, and a simple nod communicates he lead his toughies to recon
  75. >okay, it's a little less simple, he slowly tries to work through it while staring right at you
  76. >whatever, he'll get it eventually, your firstborn has never let you down
  77. >big and strong, you know he'll be smarty of the herd one day
  78. >that will be such a proud day
  79. ***
  80. >"FIRE!"
  81. >*thwoomp*
  82. ***
  83. >yyyep, just looking into your son's eyes you can see the same burning passion for leadership that stokes the mighty engine of your soul
  84. >the world goes insane
  85. >something wet splashes your face
  86. >you hope it's not water, you hate water
  87. >it's bad for fluffies.
  88. >you turn to your mate to see if maybe she like..spat on you or something weird
  89. >but her eyes are wider than the sky-ball and she doesn't seem to hear you when you speak
  90. > can't hear you when you speak
  91. >what is she looking at with her dumb open mouth?
  92. >something wet splashes your face
  93. >you look over your shoulder to follow her gaze - over where your son should be
  94. >your herd is scampering too and fro
  95. >what you notice first is the column of fluffies and fluffy-coloured chunks in the air
  96. >a high pitched ringing noise comes into focus in your mind
  97. >a disembodied leg lands beside you
  98. >how long have you been making the same dumb face as your mate?
  99. >something rolls across the ground towards you, bumping into you
  100. >oh
  101. >it's your son's head
  102. >something wet splashes your face
  103. ***
  104. >"WOOOOOOOOO!!" You holler, "Right in the fucking middle of 'em!!"
  105. >ignoring your wife's reminder to watch your language around the kids you clap a fond hand on your son's shoulder
  106. >he's just beaming
  107. >your daughter doesn't waste a second with the browning
  109. >music to your ears it really is
  110. >you raise your M15 and open fire
  111. >the fluffies are in a panic, all ambling around
  112. >you can see the terror in their eyes as their friends are snuffed out around them
  113. >your son blew a spectacular crater with his grenade - the body parts are still falling out of the sky
  114. >firing indiscriminately into the herd has the satisfying effect of scoring kills with just about every other bullet
  115. >a rifle like yours takes ugly chunks out of a fluffy's soft tissue, quickly staining the killing ground with red and viscera
  116. >whereas anywhere your daughter aims, entire bodies simply come apart as if they'd forgotten the basics of holding together
  117. >your wife, always the picky sort, focuses instead on precision shots, picking off fluffies who break from the bulk of the herd
  118. >even above your gunfire you can hear the retarded wailing begin to carry down the hill
  119. >that is best in life
  120. ***
  122. >you're running
  123. >you don't know how long it's been since the world exploded but all you've done is run
  124. >run and shove your way through panicking fluffies
  125. >where's your mate? there's no time to look
  126. >there's only time to run and shove and ignore the screaming and the begging and the distant roar of whatever monster is hurting your herd
  127. >"MUMMAH! MUMMAAAAAAAAAH!!!" A foal screams in front of you
  128. >you don't want to walk on her, she's so little and precious and just a baby
  129. >but another fluffy bumps into you and you stumble and then she's just booboo juice under your hoof
  130. >and you can't even hug her better because you have to run
  131. >something whistles past you and makes a "TAK" in the dirt to your left
  132. >the three fluffies it went through have big awful holes torn through them as they get flung down
  133. >you clamber over one that's still crying for help
  134. >"Sowee fwend.." you whimper to him as you pass
  135. >there's more violent "TAKTAKTAKTAK"ing all around you, making you huddle up in fear that you'll get a hole blown in you too
  136. >you don't, but once the scary noise moves on you can see you're one of the few fluffies exposed to it that can still stand
  137. >a fluffy whose see places are leaking down his face tries to hug your leg but you shake him off and keep running
  138. >keep running
  139. ***
  140. >the herd's gotten a little more sparse over the course of two minutes of continuous fire
  141. >also your hands feel like you've been pushing the mower around for a whole afternoon
  142. >you and the kids are starting to pick your shots now, the basic thrill of unloading into a crowd of fluffies having been tided over
  143. >you're getting pretty good at scoring hits to different parts of the fluffies
  144. >a nutshot here, a quick amputation there
  145. >"Pink mare on the left, five foals" your son calls out, prompting the lot of you to start picking her screeching foals off her back one by one
  146. >your daughter waits for the mare to start clumsily trying to put the mess of foal guts back together before popping her with a .50 cal
  147. >stastically speaking, this range alone is responsible for 40% of the recent reduction in shool shootings, and that's according to the FBI
  148. >you can see why
  149. >you would strongly recommend the pasttime to any responsible parent
  150. >now let's see if you can find your son another grenade
  151. ***
  153. >no no no not your special friend
  154. >not like this
  155. >her leg don't even want to look
  156. >"Is otay! Smawty hewe!" You tell her shakily
  157. >you won't leave her, not for anything
  158. >"Smawty hewe, make it aww bettah!"
  160. >fluffy? No no no special friend how did you forget you're a mummah?
  161. >she doesn't even seem to realize you're there talking to her
  162. >"O-otay! Smawty g-get peshuw fwend to tweesies. S-safe in tweesies!"
  163. >it's way easier being brave when you're doing it for someone else
  164. >you wrap your leggies around your mate and start slowly dragging her across the red-stained grass
  165. >it's hard, even harder when she starts screaming in pain
  166. >you hate hurting her...
  167. >but when another spray of loud noises shatters the ground near you you remember what the alternative is
  168. *
  169. >it's so hard dragging your mate, you can feel your strong legs protesting
  170. >you have to stop to let another fluffy who somehow caught on fire run past you
  171. >you're starting to get away from the bulk of the herd
  172. >looking back you can see a lot of them have recollected into a fluff pile and are just squeezing their eyes shut and hugging
  173. >your heart aches to join them and just let the bad feelings wash away in soft fluff
  174. >but you close yourself off to that longing and focus back on your mate
  175. >she is your future, she is all you need
  176. >a faint whistling is all the warning you have before something slams into you, sending you pitching forward
  177. >you can't hear anything again, and it takes you a moment to remember what's happening
  178. >you don't waste any time getting to your feet - who knows when the world will explode again
  179. >you wrap your front leggies back around your mate and when you push off against the ground she's so light you lose your footing
  180. >oh can see why
  181. >when the world exploded it took half of her body with her!
  182. >and the tummy babies she was going to have with you
  183. >something wet splashes your face
  184. >you close your eyes as hard as you can and swallow the lump in your throat but you can't help it
  185. >a lot of wet somethings splash your face
  186. ***
  187. >"I thought you knew how to aim those things," your daughter remarks
  188. >"Shut up!" Your son shoots back, "it was the wind and you know it."
  189. >"What's the blue one doing to that corpse? Eww is he-?"
  190. >"Dear, I don't really want to hear you finish that thought."
  191. >"Just saying that's what it looks like."
  192. >"I think he's the smarty leader. I saw him organizing some others earlier."
  193. >"Huh.. He does have a horn. Good catch sweetie."
  194. ***
  195. >"P-Peshuw fwen.." your mate murmers
  196. >there's booboo juice oozing out of her mouth
  197. >"Is otay! Is otay smawty make bettah! Smawty fix! Gif bestest huggies! Aww bad dweam!" You assure her
  198. >you don't think it's true, and that makes you feel even worse that you said it
  199. >you want to keep dragging her out of here but she needs emergency, battlefield aid
  200. >you look around to make sure there are no more hurty noises and then wrap your mate up in the warmest hug you can manage
  201. >"Is otay smawty hewe, smawty keep bestest fwuffy safe from owwies. Aww owwies gu way now," you murmer
  202. >she's shuddering and shivering and breathing way too fast but you don't stop hugging
  203. >"Gu way gu way meanie owwies," you chant, "nu mowe owwies to soon-mummah."
  204. >your voice breaks when you think about the precious babies your mate will never have
  205. >"Pwease..." your mate rasps, "Pweas nu foweba sweepies..soon-mummah wan wiv.."
  206. >"Aww bettah soon, smawty pwomise!" You tell her. She's so soft and warm, even now it's no wonder you love her
  207. >"Owwies.." she weeps, " su huwtie anymowe peshuw fwend..gud huggies."
  208. >"G-Gud huggies!" You bleat, stupid with joy but not caring "smawty gif bestest huggies see? Aww bettah!"
  209. >"Wuv smawty.." Oh God it's getting better, she's getting better you're gonna be okay
  210. >"S-Soon-mummah awways wuv smawty but..n-neba teww smawty enuff..Mummah weawwy wuv yu smawty"
  211. >"G-gonna make new hewd wiff smawty.." She promises you, "gonna gi-*kaff*-gib smawty bestest new babbehs and biggest hewd wiff smaw-"
  212. >the back of her head explodes
  213. ***
  214. >Your son is literally doubled over with laughter
  215. >even your wife has an uncharacteristic smirk of satisfaction as she lowers the scope from her eye
  216. >"Oh my God did you see his face!" The young lad is almost in tears
  217. ***
  218. >"NUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! NU NU NUUUUU!! WYYYYY?!?" You scream, whirling to face the distant roaring monster
  220. >you stand on your hind legs and spread your forelegs apart, still howling threats and obscenities
  221. >whatever final ounce of light was in you is snuffed forever
  222. >the damn monster took EVERYTHING from you
  223. >you don't even know what you're saying anymore
  224. >you hate it
  225. >you've never hated anything like you hate that monster
  226. >you're not even scared anymore
  227. >you just wish you were big and strong like a human
  228. >then you could make them so sorry for what they did
  229. >then you wouldn't just be screaming at them to come and fight you
  230. ***
  231. >"So uh..whaddya think it's doin?"
  232. >you're all down to the last few rounds, and they're yours to fire
  233. >you've got the sky-blue fuzzball in your sights and he's peacocking like an angry, impotent little carebear
  234. >"Dunno, but you should take 'im out dad," your boy says
  235. >you grunt and look back at the smarty
  236. >he looks pissed
  237. >hell, he IS pissed
  238. >who wouldn't be?
  239. >who wouldn't be..
  240. >with another grunt, you take careful aim and squeeze the trigger
  241. >the ground bursts in front of the fluffy, snapping him out of his fury and sending him scampering away towards the trees
  242. >no one says anything as you watch him go
  243. >everyone knows better than to question your aim
  244. >just before he disappears behind the first tree, you think you see him take one last look at you
  245. The End
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