

Aug 5th, 2018
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  3. Written immediately after episode 4 aired because I have no self-control.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. ---------
  9. Starlight
  11. The warm red glow of Tokyo Tower spreads softly into the night around them. Karen and Hikari admire the beauty in silence for a moment, allowing the words they've just shared to sink in.
  13. Hikari had never considered the idea of two Top Stars. All her life, the stage competitions she'd witnessed and been a part of had only ever accepted one true winner, one successful candidate.
  15. But she isn't at all surprised that it's Karen who has opened her eyes to a kinder possibility, one that would allow for their childhood promise to be fulfilled.
  17. Her hands are still in Karen's now as they stand atop the playground slide, gazing at the tower together in the quiet twilight. When Hikari steals a glance at her friend, Karen is smiling, her eyes alight with something much brighter than starlight.
  19. Hikari's heart flutters, and she squeezes her hands more tightly. It draws Karen's attention and she looks over to her friend now.
  21. "Hikari-chan? What's the matter?"
  23. Hikari fixates her gaze downward.
  25. "It's nothing. It's just been a long day."
  27. "I'll say! You had me going on a wild goose chase for most of it! What's with those vague pictures anyway?" She tugs back and forth on Hikari's hands in complaint. Hikari chuckles.
  29. "But it was fun, wasn't it?"
  31. Karen cracks a smile.
  33. "Yeah! We've been apart for so long. It was nice to finally get to spend some time with you again, Hikari-chan. A-And um..." Karen takes a small step back, looking sideways. Her fingers curl nervously into Hikari's palms.
  35. "We uh... haven't really gotten the chance to talk properly together since you transferred in. To be honest, when I saw that you'd come to our school... after all those years of not seeing you... I was so happy Hikari-chan. But I never got to say anything..."
  37. As Karen speaks, Hikari sees the truth in her words. She had been nothing but aloof and cold to everyone since transferring in, but it must have been extremely more confusing for Karen; for the girl who had always been her best friend – whom she'd made that precious promise with – to suddenly transfer in one day, only to act like she barely remembered who she was...
  39. Hikari feels a sudden sting behind her eyes, one she hasn't felt in a long time. Not like this. She starts to sniffle and her vision begins to blur.
  41. "Karen..." Her voice breaks a little as a sob tumbles out.
  43. Immediately, Karen steps back in close to her, her eyes wide in panic.
  45. "H-Hikari-chan? What's wrong?"
  47. Hikari bows her head and the tears drip down more quickly.
  49. "I'm sorry..."
  51. "Eh? Hikari-chan..."
  53. And suddenly Karen feels like she might understand what's happening. Flustered, she carefully steps forward, raising her arms so she can wrap them around her best friend like she's been dying to do all this time.
  55. "Hikari-chan, it's okay. Don't cry."
  57. Hikari freezes for an instant as she feels Karen pulling her close. It's been so long since Karen had last hugged her, and no one had done it since. It's all she can do to cling to her best friend's shirt with all the fervor she'd been saving for nearly ten years.
  59. "My behavior..." she murmured. "When I transferred to your school... how I pretended like I didn't know you or didn't care... It... It was all an act. That's what I do... That's what I know best. Acting. Because I was scared that... after all this time you might not want to be friends anymore. That you might have forgotten our promise-"
  61. "Hikari-chan!" Karen squeezes her as tightly as she can, as if trying to make up for all the years and hugs she'd missed. She buries her face in Hikari's shoulder, clinging to her with everything she's got. "It's okay... You don't have to think like that. You don't have to worry anymore."
  63. Her tone drops into something lower, more comforting. "I haven't forgotten, Hikari-chan. I could never. After all, you're my best friend, and we're going to stand on that stage together, just like we promised."
  65. A few tears slip down her cheeks, but she's smiling.
  67. She can't remember the last time she'd seen Hikari cry. Hikari is very quiet with her tears, very controlled. It makes Karen wonder how many nights she'd cried alone over the years, which only makes Karen hug her all the tighter.
  69. "Hikari-chan... there's something I've been wanting to say ever since you came to our school. But I was a little scared too. You didn't seem to like me anymore..."
  71. Hikari desperately shakes her head, pulling herself back to look Karen in the eyes.
  73. "That's not it, Karen... That's not it at all..."
  75. Karen smiles.
  77. "Then I'm glad. And I wanna say it now, Hikari-chan."
  79. A cool breeze drifts by, giving both girls a chance to compose themselves a little. It almost feels surreal, for them to be standing here together again after being apart for so long.
  81. Karen never knew when she'd be able to see Hiakri standing in front of her again, or if it would ever really happen.
  83. But it is happening. Right now. It's real, and the warmth in her chest says it all.
  85. When she's ready, she says what she's been dying to say all these years.
  87. "Hikari-chan... I missed you so much..."
  89. And she finally breaks down in the saddest, yet happiest tears she's ever cried. Karen throws her arms back around her dear friend and cries.
  91. And it isn't long before Hikari's own little sobs join hers.
  93. It's been so long. So so long. All these years working toward their own goals, but never a day had passed by when the lingering promise they'd made hadn't made its way up from the backs of their memories. The hair pins they've worn every day and are still wearing are a symbol of that unyielding trust in one another.
  95. They stand there on top of that slide for a while, clinging to one another with everything they have. In between her little apologies, Hikari eventually manages to say it back.
  97. "I've missed you too, Karen..."
  99. And then somewhere along the lines they start to smile again.
  101. Tokyo Tower watches over them for a while longer, until the cool nighttime breeze begins to make both girls shiver. By the time the tears have finally stopped and the two friends have eased apart a little, the moon is high overhead.
  103. "Ah..." Sheepishly, Karen fishes out her cell phone to check the time. Nearly midnight. "It's definitely too late to go back now..."
  105. Hikari ponders for a moment.
  107. "I still have a bit of money left. We can find somewhere to stay the night."
  109. "Really? Thank goodness. Let's go get your suitcase."
  111. Their hands are still together, and Karen doesn't let go as she leads Hikari down the little steps on the opposite side of the structure. Hikari follows, keeping a comfortable grip on her hand.
  113. Once they're on solid ground, they head back to the benches to collect Hikari's luggage, then begin walking the streets together.
  115. It doesn't take long for Hikari to point out a little motel with its sign lit up. They enter together, relieved to finally have a place to rest. Hikari pays for a single night, using the last of her money, so Karen has to cover the cost of food. And she didn't have much to begin with, since most of it had gone to those aquarium tickets, so all they have to eat are a few vending machine snacks.
  117. Finally they make their way up to their tiny little room, which has nothing more than a bathroom, a dresser, and a single bed. Karen heads straight for the mattress and flops down.
  119. "Gosh, I'm beat! It was so exhausting chasing after you all day, Hikari-chan."
  121. Hikari leans her suitcase against the wall and walks over to sit beside her.
  123. "But you didn't give up. Thank you for finding me, Karen."
  125. Karen rolls over onto her back, resting her head in Hikari's lap.
  127. "Of course~! I'll always come find you~"
  129. Hikari smiles and reaches down to lightly touch her friend's bangs.
  131. "We should get some rest."
  133. "Yeah. We're gonna have to be up at four if we wanna make it back before six."
  135. "I don't think they meant six in the morning..."
  137. "Y-You think so?" Karen gulps. "A-Ahh well I'm sure we'll figure something out! Anyways I feel kinda gross and I don't have a change of clothes so I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick."
  140. "I'll go after you."
  142. "Kay!"
  144. Karen sits up and walks to the bathroom.
  146. Hikari watches her go. As soon as she's out of sight a wave of loneliness comes over her. The lamplight is dim and gold, so she gets up to pull the curtains aside, allowing a bit of silver moonlight to leak in.
  148. She gazes up at the sky for a moment before retreating to her luggage and withdrawing the jellyfish plush she'd purchased earlier. She lies down facing the window and hugs it to her chest.
  150. When Karen emerges from the shower ten minutes later, she feels a lot better. Even though she has to wear the same clothes at least she'd gotten to rinse off and wash her hair. She walks back out into the main room to call for Hikari.
  152. "Hikari-chan! Your turn-"
  154. But she instantly realizes her friend has fallen asleep. Karen clams up and tiptoes around the side of the bed so she can see Hikari's face. She's cuddling her jellyfish plushie, breathing softly.
  156. Karen smiles and sits beside her. She trails her hand gently up Hikari's side, tracing her shoulder until her fingers touch the silken black locks of hair. She cards through them carefully for a moment until her fingertips come to pause over the hair clip. Karen had put her own clip back in after her shower as well.
  158. She lets Hikari rest for a few moments longer, but knows she'd wanted to freshen up a bit. Karen eventually taps her shoulder to rouse her.
  160. "Hikari-chan. You can go shower now."
  162. "Mmn..." At first Hikari is groggy from sleep, but then she sits up quickly, as if embarrassed to have been seen with her jellyfish. "Right. I'll go now."
  164. She hurries into the bathroom, and a moment later the water starts running.
  166. Karen sighs happily and flops down where Hikari had been lying. She can still recognize her scent, which reminds her of sea foam.
  168. Karen does her best to stay awake, occupying herself with the constellations outside.
  170. When the shower water finally stops, she's miraculously still awake. Hikari re-enters a moment later, padding a towel through her hair. Karen sits up.
  172. "How was it?"
  174. "Refreshing. But I'm ready to go to bed now."
  176. "Yeah, same."
  178. Hikari finishes drying her hair as best she can before putting the towel back in the bathroom and turning off the light, leaving them with only the bedside lamp. She ventures to a small closet and looks inside.
  180. "There's no spare blanket."
  182. "Eh? Oh, don't worry about it, Hikari-chan! I'll sleep on the floor. You can have the bed."
  184. "It's fine. I sleep on the floor anyway at school."
  186. "But you said there's no spare blanket."
  188. "That's fine." Hikari walks around the bed and sits down on the floor next to it. She reaches up for her jellyfish and lays it on the floor to act as a pillow. Karen scrambles.
  190. "W-Wait! Hikari-chan, we can both fit on the bed. Don't do that. This floor is too hard. You're gonna get all sore and then you'll ache during practice."
  192. Karen knows the biggest motivator for Hikari is her performance. Anything that might negatively affect that is something she'll pay attention to.
  194. And it works like a charm, because Hikari pauses where she'd been about to lie on the floor. She sits back up and ponders for a moment, then turns back to look up at Karen.
  196. "Are you sure there's enough room?"
  198. "Yeah, for sure!"
  200. Seeing that she's convinced Hikari, Karen slides over quickly to make room and nearly falls off herself.
  202. Hikari sits down beside her, placing her jellyfish at the foot of the bed. They pull down the sheets and slip themselves underneath. Karen turns off the lamp, leaving only the glow from outside the window to fill the room. Hikari fusses with her dress a little, smoothing it out until the folds don't curl beneath her ribs.
  204. Karen lies down beside her best friend, but the bed really is cramped. Their knees are already bumping together and there's barely any space to arrange themselves without knocking into one another. The pillow doesn't even provide enough room for both of their heads.
  206. They'd used to sleep next to each other all the time as children, but in recent years had gotten used to sleeping alone. So to be in such close quarters again has a confusing effect on both of them.
  208. Karen is excited to get to be so cozy with her again, but Hikari feels a little stifled.
  210. As the two of them finally finish shifting about, they end up face to face with only an intimate proximity between them. Hikari feels herself tense up.
  212. "Maybe I'll take the floor after all."
  214. "N-No!" Karen reaches out and locks her arms around Hikari's back. "This is fine, right?" She slides herself down a little, tucking her face into Hikari's collar to let her friend have the whole pillow.
  216. Hikari has to admit, if they press close together like this it really does make the bed feel a little more spacious. Besides, Hikari is far too tired to move now. She doesn't want to take the floor anyway, nor does she want to make Karen take it.
  218. So she draws in a deep breath and tries to relax, letting her arms fold lightly across Karen's back and shoulders. Karen hums happily.
  220. "See? This is much nicer than the floor." She slowly nudges her knee in between both of Hikari's to let them get closer. The fabrics of Hikari's dress tickle Karen's bare legs as she nestles in.
  222. She waits for a moment, silently praying Hikari won't try to pry her off. But her friend only lets out a sigh of exhaustion and acceptance.
  224. "I suppose this is nicer."
  226. "There. See?" Karen yawns, spreading her hands across Hikari's back. She gathers her friend's long wet hair and smooths it out, pulling it away from her back so she won't risk catching a cold. "Let's get some sleep. We'll have to be up in a few hours to get back..."
  228. She closes her eyes and nuzzles into her best friend's chest.
  230. In the ensuing silence she can feel the faint pulse in Hikari's chest. Karen turns her face a little so she can hear better.
  232. /Her heartbeat is so nice. She's so warm.../
  234. "Karen...?"
  236. "Hm?" Karen doesn't open her eyes just yet. But when she feels a soft hand caressing her left cheek she cracks one eye open. "Hikari-chan?"
  238. "Sorry."
  240. "Eh? What are you saying?"
  242. Hikari sighs over the top of her friend's head, resting her chin on Karen's hair.
  244. "For hitting you the other day. Sorry."
  246. Karen smiles and presses closer.
  248. "Don't worry about it. Just get some rest."
  250. "Mm."
  252. At last, both girls close their eyes and start to relax, relishing the warmth and closeness of each other which they've missed for so many years.
  254. Hikari holds Karen as close as she can, and it comforts her more than any stuffed animal ever could.
  256. Karen listens to the rhythm of Hikari's pulse, waiting until she can feel it slowing down.
  258. It's only a matter of minutes before they're both drifting off, succumbing to the combination of exhaustion and relaxation.
  260. And maybe in a few hours they'll be scrambling to get out of bed and make the long trek back to school on foot because they'd used all their money and don't have funds for the train.
  262. But at least for now it's calm and quiet and warm in each other's arms, in their little motel bed beneath the starlight.
  264. --------
  266. A/N: Okay to be honest with you there are only 4 episodes out right now and there's barely been enough Hikaren interaction for me to be able to nail down and write their characters effectively but I just worked with what I had.
  268. Those two stayed out all night together and came back in the morning, but we never saw how/where they spent the night, so here you go. I just got the idea and impulsively spewed it onto a page.
  270. I'm hoping the show will inspire me more in future episodes because I definitely want to write more for these two!!
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