
Catching Up with Tarane

Jul 10th, 2015
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  1. [23:52] * frozenFire has started messaging snuffshotMartyr
  2. [23:53] <frozenFire> You there Lyra?
  3. [23:53] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm here
  4. [23:53] <frozenFire> I don't suppose you felt that sort of chill/shiver, did you?
  5. [23:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Not really
  6. [23:54] <snuffshotMartyr> What exactly do you mean?
  7. [23:54] <frozenFire> Darn. So it's only me
  8. [23:54] <snuffshotMartyr> ??
  9. [23:54] <snuffshotMartyr> You okay?
  10. [23:54] <frozenFire> Iunno. Just a feeling that something bad happened
  11. [23:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Come on
  12. [23:54] <snuffshotMartyr> You know something did
  13. [23:54] <snuffshotMartyr> That's the point
  14. [23:54] <frozenFire> Can you see Prospit or Derse right now?
  15. [23:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Nah. Just woke up
  16. [23:55] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm in a crater or something now
  17. [23:55] <frozenFire> In... which body?
  18. [23:55] <frozenFire> ...
  19. [23:55] <snuffshotMartyr> The one that showed up on Ash land
  20. [23:55] <frozenFire> Ah
  21. [23:55] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm gonna call it the Exalted one
  22. [23:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Sounds cooler than "the one from ash land"
  23. [23:56] <snuffshotMartyr> And Derse can be the Craven body
  24. [23:56] <frozenFire> Eh. Any better names?
  25. [23:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Elizabeth?
  26. [23:56] <frozenFire> Pfft
  27. [23:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Spencer?
  28. [23:56] <frozenFire> Thanks, I needed that laugh
  29. [23:56] <snuffshotMartyr> I aim to please
  30. [23:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Also, quick reminder
  31. [23:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Any attempt to change my situation on Derse is doing more harm than good
  32. [23:57] <snuffshotMartyr> So don't
  33. [23:57] <frozenFire> I'm guessing you haven't seen the memo yet
  34. [23:57] <snuffshotMartyr> What memo?
  35. [23:58] <frozenFire> Apparently something purple collided with a purple place
  36. [23:58] <frozenFire> I wonder what happened there.
  37. [23:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Um
  38. [23:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Aww crumbs
  39. [23:58] <frozenFire> Do you think there could be two Derses?
  40. [23:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Just read the memo
  41. [23:59] <snuffshotMartyr> I think the Abyss just gave me his "help"
  42. [23:59] <snuffshotMartyr> There was this huge earthquake when I woke up
  43. [23:59] <frozenFire> Abyss?
  44. [23:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Carl
  45. [00:00] <frozenFire> ...?
  46. [00:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Nickolai's mask?
  47. [00:00] <frozenFire> Oh
  48. [00:00] <frozenFire> What about it? Is it called the Abyss now?
  49. [00:00] <snuffshotMartyr> It asked me for a name, yeah
  50. [00:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Then I changed my mind and now I'm calling it Carl
  51. [00:01] <frozenFire> The mask is sentient?
  52. [00:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Maybe
  53. [00:01] <frozenFire> ...I guess I should have expected that
  54. [00:01] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't even know anymore
  55. [00:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Whatever
  56. [00:02] <snuffshotMartyr> How've things been on your end?
  57. [00:02] <frozenFire> Meh really
  58. [00:02] <frozenFire> I'm making my way through a forest
  59. [00:03] <frozenFire> Which may or may not have basilisks in it
  60. [00:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh my
  61. [00:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Alex was looking for some of those
  62. [00:03] <frozenFire> And I'm not flying with Byron since I cannot take heights at all when awake
  63. [00:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Who?
  64. [00:04] <frozenFire> MasterfulShooter
  65. [00:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh, right. Nick gave me one other chumhandle than him and Faerzen
  66. [00:04] <snuffshotMartyr> I haven't talked to them yet
  67. [00:04] <snuffshotMartyr> You two are together?
  68. [00:05] <frozenFire> Yeah, he flew to my land via gate
  69. [00:05] <snuffshotMartyr> Nice
  70. [00:05] <snuffshotMartyr> More wings, I guess?
  71. [00:05] <frozenFire> Kinda
  72. [00:05] <frozenFire> He has a sort of wing symbol on his shirt
  73. [00:05] <frozenFire> And can fly without much effort
  74. [00:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh, artifact
  75. [00:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Nice
  76. [00:06] <frozenFire> Of course he got that after falling off a mountain, impaling himself on a spike, and dragging himself to a stone slab
  77. [00:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh fun
  78. [00:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait
  79. [00:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Would that happen to be a bed-shaped slab?
  80. [00:07] <frozenFire> Yes
  81. [00:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Huh
  82. [00:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Well that's ominous
  83. [00:08] <frozenFire> ?
  84. [00:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Guess each of the three parties has someone compromised now
  85. [00:08] <frozenFire> What do you mean?
  86. [00:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Three teams. You and Byron, me and Faerzen, Nick and Alex
  87. [00:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Nick and I are double-antichrists, and now Byron's a Revenant
  88. [00:09] <frozenFire> "Someone compromised" meaning...?
  89. [00:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Gonna destroy something important
  90. [00:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Or gonna get possessed and forced to destroy something important
  91. [00:10] <frozenFire> Great
  92. [00:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Or worse
  93. [00:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Can't forget the chance of things getting worse
  94. [00:10] <frozenFire> That reminds me. How did you get to Faerzen's land?
  95. [00:10] <snuffshotMartyr> I drew some wings and flew
  96. [00:10] <frozenFire> That made complete sense
  97. [00:11] <snuffshotMartyr> I told you about the pen, yeah?
  98. [00:11] <frozenFire> I think so... wow that feels like such a long time ago
  99. [00:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Eeyup
  100. [00:12] <snuffshotMartyr> Hard to keep track of what everyone else has going on
  101. [00:12] <snuffshotMartyr> Especially since we only have limited info
  102. [00:12] <frozenFire> Mmhm
  103. [00:14] <snuffshotMartyr> We gotta meet up all together
  104. [00:14] <snuffshotMartyr> Plus then we can, I dunno, aim our individual apocalypses at each other and let them burn themselves out
  105. [00:35] <frozenFire> That sounds both like the best idea and the worst
  106. [00:35] <snuffshotMartyr> You got a better one?
  107. [00:35] <frozenFire> True
  108. [00:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Not good enough
  109. [00:36] <snuffshotMartyr> I can deal with Carl myself
  110. [00:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Make sure Byron doesn't go off the deep end, yeah?
  111. [00:37] <frozenFire> I'll see what I can do
  112. [00:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Close enough
  113. [00:37] <snuffshotMartyr> I guess Alex can handle Nick for now
  114. [00:37] <frozenFire> They should both be fine
  115. [00:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Well...
  116. [00:38] <snuffshotMartyr> I kinda maybe almost killed Alex
  117. [00:38] <snuffshotMartyr> By accident
  118. [00:38] <frozenFire> What.
  119. [00:38] <snuffshotMartyr> He's alive!
  120. [00:38] <snuffshotMartyr> But broke a leg
  121. [00:39] <frozenFire> ...
  122. [00:39] <frozenFire> What Did You Do?!
  123. [00:39] <snuffshotMartyr> I, uh
  124. [00:40] <snuffshotMartyr> Helped him climb through a gate
  125. [00:40] <snuffshotMartyr> Then he fell
  126. [00:41] <frozenFire> Awesome
  127. [00:42] <frozenFire> What Possessed You Two To Do That?
  128. [00:42] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't remember
  129. [00:42] <snuffshotMartyr> We were trying to play the game
  130. [00:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Something stupid, probably
  131. [00:44] <frozenFire> ...
  132. [00:44] <snuffshotMartyr> I know
  133. [00:44] <frozenFire> Sigh
  134. [00:44] <snuffshotMartyr> You don't need to say it
  135. [00:44] <frozenFire> Oh well
  136. [00:45] <frozenFire> Bad habit
  137. [00:45] <snuffshotMartyr> But he's alive
  138. [00:46] <snuffshotMartyr> He'll be okay
  139. [00:46] <frozenFire> I sure hope so
  140. [00:48] <snuffshotMartyr> I know this goes against the thing I told you guys a while ago
  141. [00:48] <snuffshotMartyr> But I think I have a plan
  142. [00:48] <frozenFire> Gasp. Shock. Horror.
  143. [00:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  144. [00:48] <snuffshotMartyr> I know
  145. [00:49] <snuffshotMartyr> But come on. You weren't listening to me then, were you?
  146. [00:49] <frozenFire> Nope
  147. [00:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Probably a good call
  148. [00:49] <frozenFire> Not that I even have a good plan in the first place
  149. [00:49] <frozenFire> I just need grist
  150. [00:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Me too, eventually
  151. [00:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Got some stuff to do first, but eventually
  152. [00:50] <frozenFire> I'm guessing you're not going to tell me the plan?
  153. [00:50] <snuffshotMartyr> No
  154. [00:51] <snuffshotMartyr> You'll say it's stupid
  155. [00:51] <snuffshotMartyr> But it's better than nothing, so I'm doing it anyway
  156. [00:52] <frozenFire> Even if I say it's stupid you'd do it anyway
  157. [00:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah, probably
  158. [00:53] <frozenFire> Have fun doing whatever the heck you're going to do
  159. [00:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Well don't say that
  160. [00:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Fun is the enemy
  161. [00:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Sabath is the bane of content
  162. [00:54] <frozenFire> I'll just be here, stumbling through a forest
  163. [00:54] <frozenFire> Getting chilled by the sunlight
  164. [00:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait what?
  165. [00:54] <frozenFire> Being stalked by my basilisks
  166. [00:54] <frozenFire> Oh, did I not tell you? Sunlight is cold here
  167. [00:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh, lovely
  168. [00:55] <frozenFire> Indeed
  169. [00:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Game has a thing for freezing to death, I guess
  170. [00:56] <frozenFire> Fun
  171. [00:57] <frozenFire> Did you manage to find/hurt your server btw?
  172. [00:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Nah, got distracted
  173. [00:57] <snuffshotMartyr> I'll deal with them later
  174. [00:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Gotta switch bodies first
  175. [00:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Need to be Prime Lyra
  176. [00:58] <frozenFire> I love how that's a perfectly normal statement now
  177. [00:58] <snuffshotMartyr> This whole thing is stupid
  178. [00:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Can't get used to normal or things'll change again
  179. [00:59] <frozenFire> Heh. So if I get used to the changes nothing will change?
  180. [01:00] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't even know
  181. [01:00] <snuffshotMartyr> But Faerzen and Regent seem to think so
  182. [01:00] <snuffshotMartyr> That's how you win
  183. [01:00] <snuffshotMartyr> And/or lose
  184. [01:01] <frozenFire> Not sure what to say to that
  185. [01:02] <frozenFire> But sure
  186. [01:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay, one other thing
  187. [01:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Whatever you do, keep away from Derse
  188. [01:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Keep Alex away from Derse. If Nickolai and Faerzen and whoever are there, keep them away from Derse too
  189. [01:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay?
  190. [01:04] <frozenFire> I'll keep any Prospit dreamers away from Derse if I can
  191. [01:05] <snuffshotMartyr> And yourself
  192. [01:05] <snuffshotMartyr> Don't think I didn't catch that loophole
  193. [01:05] <frozenFire> I tried
  194. [01:05] <snuffshotMartyr> Listen
  195. [01:05] <snuffshotMartyr> This isn't me covertly asking for help, or being too stubborn to admit I'm in trouble. I am not being mentally compelled, nor am I doing this under someone else's command
  196. [01:05] <snuffshotMartyr> This is me, with a plan that needs you and everyone else to keep your distance
  197. [01:06] <snuffshotMartyr> It hinges on my isolation
  198. [01:06] <snuffshotMartyr> To recap:
  200. [01:06] <frozenFire> Then I'll stay away from whatever you're doing
  201. [01:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Thank you
  202. [01:06] <snuffshotMartyr> It means a lot to me that you're letting me go through with this stupid plan that's doomed to failure
  203. [01:07] <frozenFire> Well what else can I do. Interrupt? You'd kill me. Twice.
  204. [01:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Thank you for taking that part seriously
  205. [01:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Once this works, I owe you one
  206. [01:08] <frozenFire> We'll see.
  207. [01:09] <snuffshotMartyr> I guess we will
  208. [01:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Good luck with Byron
  209. [01:10] <frozenFire> I'll probably need it
  210. [01:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Probably
  211. [01:11] <frozenFire> I guess that's all then. Looks like I'm going to need to convince a few people not to rescue you
  212. [01:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Again, thanks a lot
  213. [01:11] <snuffshotMartyr> For everything
  214. [01:11] <snuffshotMartyr> And also
  215. [01:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Sorry for everything
  216. [01:12] <frozenFire> ... Good luck
  217. [01:12] * snuffshotMartyr ceased pestering frozenFire
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