

Nov 15th, 2012
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  1. Part 4:
  3. >It’s been two years since you have started your course
  4. >Academically it would be difficult for anyone to better
  5. >but…grades aren’t the only thing you need…
  6. >fucking nepotism, you don’t know anyone, no work experience…
  7. >can’t get to know people either, it may have happened years ago but it still makes people nervous
  8. >every knows as well, you don’t go about telling everyone but you don’t lie when asked, would just make things worse for you…
  9. >Needless to say it’s frustrating
  10. >you would be lying if you said you’ve haven’t been hearing “him” again…
  11. >that you do keep from people, would not work out well for anyone…
  12. >besides, your stronger than him…you can keep him in check
  13. >its good thing you not under probation anymore
  14. >no curfew, no limited to where you can go.
  15. >the freedom to walk where you want, it clamming.
  16. >it was a particularly bad day today, your partner for the moot didn’t bother showing up till an hour before the damn thing
  17. >good thing you’re the best damn speaker in the place, that could have gone tits up.
  18. >still, he made you look bad
  19. >so after dinner it was out for a walk…
  20. >further than you’ve ever gone, hell you’re out of the city…
  21. >you stop to check your watch, mmmm, late…..bah you don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow
  22. >oh today.
  23. >so you keep walking, and walking….
  24. >till you come to a dirt road…leading to forest…
  25. >what have you to lose and you got a flashlight
  26. >probably safer to walk off the road any way…
  27. >wlep
  28. >let’s go
  32. >Eyes open,
  33. >your vision is still burled
  34. >you are lying down…must be in bed
  35. >in a bed?
  36. >IN A BED!
  37. >you smile through your grogginess
  38. >one more thing to confirmed, you to left
  39. >sure enough there is an IV stand
  40. >magic plasma you remember Twilight telling you a while, works over every creature
  41. >you let out a chuckle and look to the roof again
  42. >you’ve done it!
  43. >your free!
  46. >not bright…probably be night time
  47. >have to be mindful of other patients and all that
  48. >you blink a few more times…
  49. >still hard to get your eyesight focused
  50. >ah! Fuck
  51. >that headache you just noticed isn’t helping either!
  52. >right close your eyes and breathe…
  53. >alright, moment of truth, are you blind?
  54. >open your eyes…
  55. >I can see!
  56. >great, so there’s that
  57. >wait…
  58. >the hospital doesn’t have a concrete roof…
  59. >and that single light bulb in the centre of it…
  60. >oh no.
  61. >you try to sit up
  62. >you don’t budge, not a damn bit!
  63. >no!
  64. >you tilt your head back to your left…
  65. >with your renewed vision you notice the offender
  66. >a thick, unforgiving leather strap…
  67. >You try moving the legs
  68. >no give….
  69. >clam down...
  70. >clam down…
  71. >”you deserve this”
  72. “not a good time!”
  73. >”you were a fucking idiot and got what you deserved, if you done as I said you would not be here right now!”
  74. >”In fact you are worse off now! Not only are you can’t you fucking move at all your also a fucking cripple!”
  75. >What?
  76. >”Oh you forgot? Try moving your right arm…”
  77. >okay…
  78. >you are surprised to be able to move your right arm
  79. >but then you see it…
  80. >why it is not restrained, why it could not be restrained.
  81. >your forearm is missing
  82. >from the elbow just nothing, aside from burned flesh
  83. >Just then all the pain, all the hope, comes back…
  84. >”all for nothing, just because you were a too much of a coward to do as I told you”
  85. >”Oh, Anon!”
  86. >you look to the stairs
  87. >you see Fluttershy at the bottom
  88. >”And this is what you get!”
  91. >”oh Anon! I was so worried about you!”
  92. >she runs up to the gurney and nuzzles you
  93. >”I was so worried, I found you, and you didn’t wake up and you were hurt and yo-“
  94. >her words run into each other as rage floods your mind!
  95. >you were out!
  96. >you were free!
  97. >and she put you back!
  98. >she trapped you again!
  99. >there is a wicked chuckled in the back of your back of your head, mocking you…
  100. >”I told you so…and considering your current position you can’t even kill her…what a shame”
  101. shut up!
  102. >you scream internally
  103. >”Don’t blame me for your own stupidly, we’d be free by now if you only listen…but now…
  104. >Fluttershy kisses your check and looks at you
  105. >lust in her eyes.
  106. >”…now you’re fucked…”
  108. >you wake up on the cold ground
  109. >must of passed out, should have gone home…
  110. >you pick yourself up
  111. >as you sit up you look straight into the eyes of a yellow pony…
  112. >You can think of a few things wrong with that sentence
  113. >”Oh my…are you okay”
  114. >the yellow horse says…the yellow horse says!?
  115. >you jump back from the pony
  116. “you can speak!?”
  117. >she mimics your actions
  118. >”YOU can speak!”
  119. >and that’s how it started…
  120. >after you both calmed down you were brought to Twilights and had a few things cleared up
  121. >yes, this wasn’t earth anymore
  122. >yes, you were the only human here
  123. >no you did not just bump your head and where hallucinating
  124. >you are there gobsmacked
  125. “Well this certainly is different…”
  126. >You sit there in front of 6 Technicolored magical horses
  127. >lost in a new world, nobody knows who you are even what you are
  128. >you sit in silence
  129. >the purple one slimes awkwardly
  130. >”so…we never got your name, mister…?”
  131. >wait, nobody knows anything about you, not a damn thing!
  132. >this is what you’ve been waiting for your whole life!
  133. >A clean slate!
  134. >A second chance!
  135. >You look up at them
  136. >sure they were nervous around you, you are something completely new, can blame them
  137. >but they are willing to help just because you were in trouble
  138. >and not of it because of your mistakes
  139. >you can be whoever you want to be here, a new life!
  140. >all because you are totally Anonymous…
  141. >yeah, that will do
  142. >you smile
  143. “You can call me…”
  145. >“Anon”
  146. >you wake
  147. >still on the table, still unable to move…
  148. >”morning Anon”
  149. >you don’t respond
  150. >From what you understand she saved your life…
  151. >Your little escape attempt had sent you into shock, that combined with the blood loss and starvation had nearly finished you
  152. >sent you into a coma
  153. >for three days she had feed you through a tube and generally kept you right…
  154. >but despite that you find it difficult to thank her…
  155. >the old routine returned, you would sit there, torment by your own thoughts and she would bring down a meal and then proceed to try to get you to love her…
  156. >the only difference is that you were eating now, much to Fluttershys delight
  157. >mostly because she had to spoon feed you in your new position
  158. >you guess she thinks she’s making progress
  159. >truth is you aren’t making the same mistake twice
  160. >if the opportunity comes again you will be strong enough!
  161. >”if it comes…”
  162. >plus you know she has a feeding tube, you’ve been through too much for to die because a yellow pony was trying to force feed you…
  163. >”Anon…I think this has gone on long enough…”
  164. >Will this is a change of pace…
  165. “what do you mean?”
  166. >”well, are talks haven’t been going that well…I don’t think I’ve gotten anywhere…”
  167. >”she’s got that right…”
  168. >never mind, maybe she has come to her senses?
  169. “Does that mean you are going to let me go?”
  170. >she has a look of confusion in her eyes
  171. >”Why would I do that? You don’t love me yet…”
  172. >then what! What the fuck could she be planning!
  173. >you bite your lip to calm down…
  174. >”you should have listened”
  175. >She blushes and looks to the floor
  176. >”Well…I thought if a showed you what you were missing…”
  177. >Oh no…
  178. >she looks up, right at you with bedroom eyes…
  179. >”then maybe you would love me back…”
  180. >”you should have listened when it mattered…”
  182. >She paws at your trousers
  183. “Fluttershy! I do NOT what this!”
  184. >”But how do you know Anon! You’ve never tried it!”
  185. ”Fluttershy!”
  186. >”Now trust me, I am sure it will feel…nice…”
  187. >She begins to remove your shorts
  188. >Fuck you can’t help it!
  189. >You’ve been down here for over a week!
  190. >your body betrays you
  191. >”see, I knew you warm up to the idea…”
  192. >FUCK
  193. >after everything she is going to win!
  194. >you look to your ruined arm…
  195. >what was the point?
  197. >you are on the percipient of tears as she climbs up on top of you
  198. >”I have an idea…”
  199. >you can smell the mare…
  200. >Well it better be a fucking good one!
  201. >”you know who she is the cuddling type…let here have her way…”
  202. >What!?
  203. >she is positioning herself
  204. >”her me out…let here have her way, let her come in for a kiss…”
  205. >”then bite out her fucking throat!”
  206. “NO, I am not you!”
  207. >”are you ready Anon?”
  208. >”Well, I don’t think you have any other choice…”
  209. >Fuck…Fuck!
  210. >damn it.
  212. >You wished you could avoid this!
  213. >you extend your tongue
  215. >you ignore the voice
  216. >and bite down
  218. >”Anon? Are you okay?”
  219. >You taste blood
  220. >Fuck it’s still attached
  221. >You ready your jaws and slam your mouth shut again
  222. >blood fills your mouth as you feel your teeth meet
  223. >Fluttershy notices the red on your lips, she gets off you.
  224. >”Anon?”
  225. >next part…
  226. >you open your jaw a let the bloody limb slid down you gullet
  227. >you can hear the mare panic as you begin to choke
  228. >That’s it, all you need to do is stay alive while she gets to work…
  229. >In a rush the mare begins pulling of the straps
  230. >You feel your vision fade…
  231. >nearly there…stay awake
  232. >you feel your right leg go free
  233. >You continue gagging
  234. >your left goes free
  235. >Your head is about to exploded
  236. >just as your left arm goes free
  237. >yes!
  239. >in a moment you spring up
  240. >”Anon are yo-“
  241. >BAM!
  242. >The yellow pony hits the ground like a bag of shit
  243. >”Now! Killer Her! Do you want to go back”
  244. >You spit out you’re the half the tongue you sacrificed
  245. >you look at the mare…out cold
  246. >you smile
  247. “sor-e, dats al u git”
  248. >fuck you, that’s what you sound like now?
  249. >bah people like mutes better anyway
  250. >Fluttershy begins to stir, not as out cold as you thought
  251. >fuck, you were never that strong and being down here for so long clearly didn’t help
  252. >you jump of the gurney
  253. >your legs are like jelly from under use…
  254. >okay focus…one leg after the other
  255. >as you make your way up the stairs you establish a pace
  256. >hehe, will be back to full speed in no time
  257. >pushing open your prison door to take a moment to catch your breath
  258. >you spit out the pool of blood that was building in your mouth
  259. >jezz that a lot
  260. >you start to go dizzy
  261. >no not again…better make this fast
  262. >”Anon? ANON WHERE ARE YOU!”
  263. >Better make this really fast.
  265. >You gather whatever your body has left as you make a mad dash through the door
  266. >Yes you are nearly there!
  267. >You can move!
  268. >you can feel the wind in your hair!
  269. >It’s hard to describe the elation in your veins
  270. >you can see the town! You are going to make it!
  271. >Just then you are knocked to the ground
  272. >She caught you, you are in no condition to fight back
  273. >you head is burning , you can’t take much more!
  275. >NO!
  276. >you left your face from the dirt
  277. >I!
  278. >you take a breath
  279. >AM!
  280. >And yell from the bottom of your lungs
  281. >NOT!
  282. >Your yell is so load it startles Fluttershy of you
  283. >You…
  284. >you collapse, exhausted
  285. >it’s okay though…somep0ny defiantly hear that…
  286. >you see the panic in Fluttershy’s eye
  287. >yeah
  288. >you’ve won…
  289. >…
  290. >you’ll just rest a bit…
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