

Mar 6th, 2018
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  1. I'm unable to do this, I can't do this, I won't do this. The day sucks, everyday sucks, I'm not getting out of bed! There's no point to it, everyday is roughly the same, every challenge is screaming at me to stop. To look back, to keep a hunched back and lowered eyes, to never say go, to always look back at the stairway from hell. I don't want to do anything today except sleep, and that might be the first thing I want to do, is sleep.
  2. Sleep forever, sleep without end, to forever dream of the things I may never accomplish and let the world pass me by. It's never going to happen, it's not my right, my path, nor my motivation.
  3. I'm not doing it, I don't want to do it, I'm never doing it., To vent these poison thoughts, to get rid of this aniety in written form, to heal the stretched open wound,s I don't want to do it....
  4. I'm going back to sleep... it's way to early for this and I'm so damned tired....
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