
Carmen and Ember meet

Aug 14th, 2015
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  1. [22:52] <@SandieGoGo> We did it!!!!!
  2. [22:52] <meteorchild> yeap!
  3. [22:52] <@SandieGoGo> ThanX for that gold gift at the end! :)
  4. [22:53] <meteorchild> no problem, nothing i could've used it for, anyway
  5. [22:53] <@SandieGoGo> If we hadnt gotten that spaceship part then, I don't know if we wouldve gotten it together in time
  6. [22:54] <@SandieGoGo> Sorry about that goof with my artillery.......
  7. [22:54] <meteorchild> eh, s'fine, it all worked out in the end
  8. [22:54] <meteorchild> though i probably could've built more units, that was a bit too close
  9. [22:55] <@SandieGoGo> Yeah........
  10. [22:55] <@SandieGoGo> Do you plan this game much??? You seemed like you knew what you were doing!
  11. [22:56] <@SandieGoGo> All I was doing was just trying to follow your traX......
  12. [22:56] <meteorchild> yeah, kinda. no-one at my school ever plays it with me though, so i'm not really that good...
  13. [22:57] <meteorchild> you did pretty well though!
  14. [22:57] <@SandieGoGo> Well..... you're better than me.... Look at that score, dude!!!
  15. [22:57] <@SandieGoGo> I only just started playing
  16. [22:58] <@SandieGoGo> I wanted to get into this whole thing before everyone else in my school :)
  17. [22:58] <meteorchild> well you're doing good, especially if you just started!
  18. [22:59] <@SandieGoGo> Do you have any tips or sweet haX? I want to impress my friends with my skills at this cool new game.
  19. [22:59] == jaczac_mobile [] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
  20. [23:00] <meteorchild> don't hack, it's boring and cheating. nobody likes that
  21. [23:01] <@SandieGoGo> Oh no, haX are soooooooo lame!
  22. [23:01] <meteorchild> tips... huh. i haven't really thought about that before
  23. [23:01] <meteorchild> i guess just have fun? :P
  24. [23:01] <@SandieGoGo> It was, uh, a figure of speech.
  25. [23:01] <@SandieGoGo> Fun?
  26. [23:01] <@SandieGoGo> Well yeah this was pretty sweet!
  27. [23:02] <meteorchild> yeah!
  28. [23:02] <meteorchild> i have to go soon, but do you want to play more later?
  29. [23:02] <@SandieGoGo> Japan could be pretty chill to try out sometime
  30. [23:03] <@SandieGoGo> I dont know if I can bring myself to not be the Iroquois though!
  31. [23:03] <@SandieGoGo> You.... want to play with me again???
  32. [23:03] <meteorchild> maybe we could swap? i could play iroquois and you play japan?
  33. [23:03] <meteorchild> sure! you're fun to play with :)
  34. [23:03] <@SandieGoGo> :O
  35. [23:03] <@SandieGoGo> THANx! :)
  36. [23:04] <@SandieGoGo> That sounds like a sweet deal right there!
  37. [23:05] <@SandieGoGo> If Im gonna play with you again then I should probably make you a friend or something.....
  38. [23:05] <meteorchild> oh, yeah
  39. [23:05] <@SandieGoGo> None of my friends have Steam yet so Im so totally ahead of that whole wave
  40. [23:06] * meteorchild sends a friend request to SandieGoGo
  41. [23:06] <@SandieGoGo> There!
  42. [23:06] * SandieGoGo accepts friend request
  43. [23:06] <meteorchild> i don't normally use steam though, unless i'm playing civ
  44. [23:06] <meteorchild> you use pesterchum?
  45. [23:06] <@SandieGoGo> :OOOOOOOOOO
  46. [23:06] <@SandieGoGo> You..... use pesterchum?
  47. [23:07] <meteorchild> yeap!
  48. [23:07] <meteorchild> not a lot of my friends do though...
  49. [23:07] <@SandieGoGo> Im kinda disappointed to meet someone else already using it but it would be pretty lame if I never did!
  50. [23:07] <@SandieGoGo> I thought it would be chill to have this hip new chat thing
  51. [23:07] <@SandieGoGo> But it gets kinda lonely when youre the only one with the sweet new deals
  52. [23:08] <meteorchild> yeah
  53. [23:08] <@SandieGoGo> My handle is bucolicBunyan
  54. [23:08] <meteorchild> i'm fractalabomination
  55. [23:08] <meteorchild> i mean, fractalAbomination
  56. [23:09] <@SandieGoGo> BLUH
  57. [23:09] <@SandieGoGo> My computer is so lame sometimes!
  58. [23:09] <@SandieGoGo> Im just trying to add you to my list but it wont aXept it.....
  59. [23:10] <meteorchild> let me try
  60. [23:10] <@SandieGoGo> Can..... you send me a message?
  61. [23:10] * meteorchild adds bucolicBunyan as a friend
  62. [23:11] == meteorchild has changed nick to fractalAbomination
  63. [23:11] <fractalAbomination> testing testing 1 2 3
  64. [23:11] <@SandieGoGo> Pesterchum still thinX you're......
  65. [23:11] <fractalAbomination> is it working?
  66. [23:11] <@SandieGoGo> Oh!
  67. [23:11] == SandieGoGo has changed nick to bucolicBunyan
  68. [23:11] <@bucolicBunyan> ThanX for that!
  69. [23:11] <@bucolicBunyan> Looks like its chilling out now
  70. [23:11] <fractalAbomination> np!
  71. [23:11] <fractalAbomination> maybe you need a better computer?
  72. [23:12] * bucolicBunyan addes fractalAbomination as a friend
  73. [23:12] <@bucolicBunyan> Yeah.........
  74. [23:12] <@bucolicBunyan> My dad has a kinda nice one, but there's not really an electroniX store anywhere out here...... :(((((
  75. [23:13] <fractalAbomination> darn
  76. [23:14] <@bucolicBunyan> He keeps saying he doesnt want to ship packages to our house either which is even more laaaaame
  77. [23:14] <@bucolicBunyan> Hes really annoying sometimes!
  78. [23:15] <fractalAbomination> dads, right? being all mysterious and stuff
  79. [23:16] <@bucolicBunyan> That so aXurate!!!
  80. [23:16] <@bucolicBunyan> Do you know my dad or something????? :P
  81. [23:16] <fractalAbomination> maybe i could convince my dad to send you a computer? maybe? i don't think it'll work but i can try...
  82. [23:16] <@bucolicBunyan> :O
  83. [23:16] <@bucolicBunyan> If my dad doesnt know the package is coming..........
  84. [23:16] <fractalAbomination> dads are a universal constant, known for being mysterious and dadly :P
  85. [23:16] <@bucolicBunyan> Maybe that will work!
  86. [23:17] <fractalAbomination> maybe!
  87. [23:17] <fractalAbomination> i'll try to do it, but it may not work
  88. [23:18] <@bucolicBunyan> How does your dad even just have a computer to send away to some rando???
  89. [23:19] <fractalAbomination> he works with computers and stuff so sometimes he gets free computer stuff
  90. [23:19] <fractalAbomination> sometimes it's a bit old, but it works pretty well!
  91. [23:19] <@bucolicBunyan> Well Im sure anything is better than this crap!!!!
  92. [23:19] <@bucolicBunyan> I found it in the trash and it barely even worX!
  93. [23:20] <@bucolicBunyan> My dad spent a TON of time stripping all the info off of it first too......
  94. [23:20] <@bucolicBunyan> Theres this part of the screen that I just can put the cursor into for some reason!!!!
  95. [23:21] <@bucolicBunyan> Its kinda cool though having such a different computer
  96. [23:21] <@bucolicBunyan> Everyone at school thinX Im super weird........
  97. [23:22] <fractalAbomination> why? you seem pretty cool to me
  98. [23:22] <@bucolicBunyan> Im pretty sure theyre just jealous that they dont have something that looks as awesome as mine!
  99. [23:22] <@bucolicBunyan> :O
  100. [23:22] <@bucolicBunyan> ThanX! :))))))))
  101. [23:23] <@bucolicBunyan> Youre really nice too!!!
  102. [23:24] <fractalAbomination> thanks :)
  103. [23:24] <@bucolicBunyan> Oh man none of my friends have ever said theyve met a nice person on the internet.......
  104. [23:24] <@bucolicBunyan> THIS IS SO COOL!
  105. [23:25] <fractalAbomination> hehe, glad to be of service
  106. [23:27] <@bucolicBunyan> So when do you wanna play again????
  107. [23:27] <fractalAbomination> i have to go soon because we're going out for lunch, but maybe we could play later?
  108. [23:28] <@bucolicBunyan> Lunch???
  109. [23:28] <@bucolicBunyan> How does........
  110. [23:28] <@bucolicBunyan> :OOOOOOOO
  111. [23:28] <@bucolicBunyan> You live SUPER far away from me!!!
  112. [23:29] <fractalAbomination> i do?
  113. [23:29] <fractalAbomination> where do you live?
  114. [23:29] <fractalAbomination> i'm in melbourne
  115. [23:29] <@bucolicBunyan> I cant play tonight either...... my mom says it taXe me waaaay too long to get into bed so I have to get ready soon
  116. [23:30] <@bucolicBunyan> Wheres that?
  117. [23:30] <fractalAbomination> australia?
  118. [23:31] <@bucolicBunyan> WHOA
  119. [23:31] <@bucolicBunyan> Really?????
  120. [23:31] <fractalAbomination> yeap
  121. [23:31] <fractalAbomination> why, where are you?
  122. [23:31] <@bucolicBunyan> Wow
  123. [23:31] <@bucolicBunyan> My dad wont let me tell people where I live......
  124. [23:32] <@bucolicBunyan> But youre nice so I can give you a hint!!!
  125. [23:32] <@bucolicBunyan> I live in the woods in north america.
  126. [23:32] <fractalAbomination> america! wow, i've never met anyone from america before
  127. [23:33] <fractalAbomination> that's a really cryptic clue :/
  128. [23:33] <@bucolicBunyan> Yeah........ my dad is really weird about it sometimes.....
  129. [23:34] <@bucolicBunyan> Ill need to figure out what to do if your dad can get something worked out for a computer!!!
  130. [23:34] <fractalAbomination> hmmmmm
  131. [23:34] <fractalAbomination> oh well, that's future me's problem
  132. [23:34] <@bucolicBunyan> Thats a funny way of saying it......
  133. [23:35] <@bucolicBunyan> I like it!!!!
  134. [23:35] <@bucolicBunyan> Ill get it figured out. My mom will have something to fix it I just know it
  135. [23:35] <@bucolicBunyan> Shes just super awesome like that
  136. [23:36] <fractalAbomination> hehe, yeah, mums are awesome
  137. [23:37] <fractalAbomination> ok i really have to go for lunch, i'll talk to you tomorrow?
  138. [23:38] <@bucolicBunyan> Tomorrow?
  139. [23:38] <@bucolicBunyan> Wow!!! Thats so soon!
  140. [23:38] <fractalAbomination> it /is/ the weekend, and i have nothing planned tomorrow
  141. [23:38] <@bucolicBunyan> You really want to talk with me again that fast???
  142. [23:38] <@bucolicBunyan> Ill make sure Im free!!!
  143. [23:38] <fractalAbomination> yeah, why not!
  144. [23:38] <fractalAbomination> ok, i'll see you then
  145. [23:39] <fractalAbomination> bye!
  146. [23:39] <@bucolicBunyan> Hopefully my dad doesnt decide to be suuuuuper lame
  147. [23:39] <@bucolicBunyan> Bye!!!!
  148. [23:39] * fractalAbomination has ceased pestering bucolicBunyan
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