
top heh

Mar 11th, 2015
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  1. <kevans91> o.O
  2. <Edward850> O.o
  3. <Galaxy_Stranger> ( @ Y @ )
  4. <Edward850> Oh for fuck...
  5. <Galaxy_Stranger> you don't like owls?
  6. <Edward850> I don't like you posting that literally every week. I thought you had stopped. Improved.
  7. <Galaxy_Stranger> oh, I forgot - you have an aversion toward female genitals
  8. <Edward850> But no. You just decided to dig yourself back into the hole again. Good work.
  9. <Galaxy_Stranger> ;-p
  10. <infurnus> here's some nightmare fuel for you:
  11. <Galaxy_Stranger> hey, it's 4chan
  12. <infurnus> 4gifs*
  13. <infurnus> :V
  14. <Galaxy_Stranger> we need to start Doomchan
  15. <infurnus> how about no
  16. <Galaxy_Stranger> yer no fun
  17. <infurnus> actually, here is doom chan
  18. <Galaxy_Stranger> yyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  19. <infurnus> deeeeeeeeeeeeee
  20. <infurnus> ooooonnnnnnnnn topppppppp
  21. <Galaxy_Stranger>
  22. <Edward850> infurnus wins.
  23. <Galaxy_Stranger> yer jus sayin' tat cuz you hate me
  24. <Edward850> Just? No.
  25. <Edward850> Including? Sure why not.
  26. <Galaxy_Stranger> "You're including saying that because you hate me"
  27. <Galaxy_Stranger> makes about as much sense as anything else
  28. <Edward850> Wrong way round, dingus.
  29. <Edward850> infurnus is an awesome cool guy. when does he not win?
  30. <Galaxy_Stranger> you don't have double quotes in NZ?
  31. <Edward850> Of course we do, they are called quotation marks. Incidentally used for quoting things.
  32. <wildweasel> what the hell's going on in here
  33. <Edward850> I'm not actually sure. :P
  34. <wildweasel> is the owl thing really that irritating that you get set off on command
  35. <Edward850> Something about pimp doomguy?
  36. <wildweasel> nah you know what...
  37. * wildweasel has kicked Galaxy_Stranger from #ZDoom (For starting it.)
  38. * wildweasel has kicked Edward850 from #ZDoom (for perpetuating it.)
  39. * Edward850 (~CranBounc@ has joined
  40. <wildweasel> because why can't we just act like nice, calm, rational human beings anymore
  41. <marrub> ded
  42. <TerminusEst13> Discussions no longer exist.
  43. <TerminusEst13> There are only races to try and figure out the hottest one-liner to debase your opponent with while putting on your best coolface.
  44. * Galaxy_Stranger ( has joined
  45. <Galaxy_Stranger> for starting WHAT?
  46. <marrub> [23:35:27] * wildweasel has kicked Galaxy_Stranger from #ZDoom (For starting it.)
  47. <marrub> [23:35:33] * wildweasel has kicked Edward850 from #ZDoom (for perpetuating it.)
  48. <wildweasel> from where i'm sitting it looks like all you did was antagonize edward
  49. <wildweasel> note i kicked BOTH of you
  50. <Galaxy_Stranger> how did I antagonize him?
  51. <Edward850> ZNC autorejoin sure makes that awkward.
  52. <wildweasel> <Galaxy_Stranger> oh, I forgot - you have an aversion toward female genitals
  53. <wildweasel> among other things
  54. <Galaxy_Stranger> whatever
  55. <wildweasel> basically, quit acting like a moron and quit trying to anger people
  56. <wildweasel> and if you don't like that then you can kindly exit the room forever
  57. <Galaxy_Stranger> right, I've just made a shitstorm of the chat
  58. <wildweasel> as for edward, i really insist that you quit trying to be "witty" at this stuff because it only makes you look like an asshole
  59. * JPinkerton ( has joined
  60. <infurnus> i came back in here and am not surprised by the events that unfolded
  61. <Minigunner> heh
  62. <Edward850> wildweasel, I actually go for being literal and to the point. Although that still serves your point of people are mistaking that for wit or somesuch.
  63. * wildweasel has kicked Edward850 from #ZDoom (YOU KNOW WHAT I FUCKING MEAN.)
  64. * Edward850 (~CranBounc@ has joined
  65. * wildweasel sets ban on *!*CranBounc@
  66. * wildweasel has kicked Edward850 from #ZDoom (Edward850)
  67. <wildweasel> Enough of you.
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