
Kain NT Quotes

Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. (take slight damage: slapped)
  2. (take slight damage: stepped on lego)
  3. (take slight damage: hit funny-bone)
  4. (take slight damage: stub toe) (take slight damage: pricked by pin)
  5. (take slight damage: given a charlie horse)
  6. (take slight damage: touch hot stove)
  7. (take slight damage: pinched)
  8. (take a lot of damage: punched in the gut)
  9. (take a lot of damage: kicked in the shin)
  10. (take a lot of damage: hit in a delicate area)
  11. (take a lot of damage: smashed in the nose)
  12. (take a lot of damage: air knocked out of you)
  13. (take a lot of damage: jabbed in the throat)
  14. (take a lot of damage: foot stomped on)
  15. (take a lot of damage: blood spewing from mouth)
  16. (get smashed into wall)
  17. (get tripped and hit floor)
  18. (get pile-driven into ground)
  19. (get pushed into a boulder)
  20. (crash into a metal pipe)
  21. Is this how it ends...?
  22. No... The skies call to me...
  23. (Groan, injured to near-unconsciousness)
  24. My lance thirsts!
  25. There's work to be done!
  26. I know what I must do!
  27. (sidestep effort)
  28. (jump effort)
  29. (hop up a step effort)
  30. (darting forward effort)
  31. (struggling to jump to the side)
  32. (leaping forward)
  33. (slight grunt of exertion)
  34. (dodging an attack)
  35. (lunge effort)
  36. (small step backwards)
  37. (bracing for incoming enemy)
  38. (assuming a fighting stance)
  39. (throwing arms apart and opening chest up)
  40. (hunkering down)
  41. Come!
  42. (Unleash minor attack 1)
  43. (Unleash minor attack 2)
  44. (Unleash minor attack 3)
  45. (Unleash minor attack 4)
  46. (Unleash minor attack 5)
  47. (Unleash minor attack 6)
  48. (Unleash minor attack 7)
  49. (Unleash minor attack 8)
  50. (Unleash minor attack 9)
  51. (Unleash minor attack 10)
  52. (Unleash massive attack 1)
  53. (Unleash massive attack 2)
  54. (Unleash massive attack 3)
  55. (Unleash massive attack 4)
  56. (Unleash massive attack 5)
  57. (Unleash massive attack 6)
  58. (Unleash massive attack 7)
  59. (Unleash massive attack 8)
  60. (Unleash massive attack 9)
  61. (Unleash massive attack 10)
  62. Enough!
  63. Here I come!
  64. Have at you!
  65. Move aside!
  66. Be still!
  67. Goodbye.
  68. You bore me.
  69. Pitiful.
  70. I'll ruin you!
  71. Face your end.
  72. You'll rue this day!
  73. Must push on!
  74. Defend this!
  75. Lance of the covenant!
  76. You've lived long enough!
  77. Escape is futile!
  78. Surprise!
  79. Know you're outmatched!
  80. Enjoy the view!
  81. Back to where you belong!
  82. You're just prey!
  83. Some scars don’t heal!
  84. Feed the dragon!
  85. The earth rumbles!
  86. The dragon stirs!
  87. Try me!
  88. Here!
  89. Now!
  90. Got you!
  91. To the clouds!
  92. Up here!
  93. I'll end this!
  94. To the skies!
  95. On the Highwind name!
  96. Hear me roar!
  97. (lightly flinging something into air)
  98. (throwing a baseball)
  99. (holding something above your head elatedly)
  100. (letting go of moving boxes)
  101. (chuck newspaper)
  102. (chuck newspaper: different version)
  103. (kick the air)
  104. (kick the air: different version)
  105. (push arm chair)
  106. (push arm chair: different version)
  107. (tossing a softball)
  108. (tossing a softball: different version)
  109. This should do.
  110. My strength waxes.
  111. I have no limits.
  112. I'll bring you to heel!
  113. I'll stifle them.
  114. Keep up.
  115. Charge ahead.
  116. Stay focused.
  117. Have faith.To victory!
  118. (mustering energy to summon a beast 1)
  119. (mustering energy to summon a beast 2)
  120. Serve us!
  121. I'll keep the skies safe.
  122. Our victory is assured.
  123. I'll strike with the speed of a firebolt.
  124. You're brave to stand against us.
  125. The battle calls once more.
  126. My training commences.
  127. Hmph... A good fight is always welcome.
  128. You shall never best us.
  129. Know the skies' true fury!
  130. 'Twas an honor to fight alongside you.
  131. I can still fight...
  132. We reached for the skies, but fell short...
  133. What a twisted mockery...
  134. I trust in you. Well then.
  135. Many thanks.
  136. I didn't mean to offend.
  137. As you wish.Never.
  138. Leave %ls to me.
  139. I leave %ls in your hands!
  140. You'll have my lance, %ls!
  141. I require aid!
  142. The core is mine!
  143. Let the summoning begin!
  144. I'll press the advantage!
  145. Retreat is my only option!
  146. This isn't right...
  147. I ask that you be patient.
  148. I stand at the ready.
  149. I have only myself to blame.
  150. Pay no mind to what I said.
  151. Time is of the essence!
  152. The tide of battle is in our favor!
  153. Victory goes to the determined!
  154. 'Tis no fault of yours.
  155. I must rethink my strategy.
  156. You've nothing to fear.
  157. Let me ease your suffering.
  158. Urgh... Don't...look at me!
  159. I just wanted to keep you... to keep you by my side.
  160. I'm not doing this for you.
  161. I've returned to my senses!
  163. KOEI TECMO Games
  165. Team Ninja
  167. What's wrong?
  168. It isn't like you to act like this.
  169. I didn't mean to bore you with my stories.
  170. I've betrayed no one;
  171. I've returned to my senses!
  172. You're not the only one
  173. who can ride the wind!
  174. Why does everyone choose death so quickly...?
  175. Put on a real show, didn't you?
  176. Finally, I was able to regain my true self...
  177. It would seem I have a debt to repay.
  178. If that should happen, kill me without a second thought.
  179. Are you ready to face me?
  180. You'll have my lance!
  181. I just wanted to keep you... to keep you by my side.
  182. Put on a real show, didn't you?
  183. Pick your target and go in for the kill.
  184. Give %ls the full brunt of your rage.
  185. Fight without affectation.
  186. One blow will finish this!
  187. I shall be your bulwark!
  188. Don't hold anything back!
  189. My involvement ends here.
  190. My training is not over yet.
  191. I expected no less.Muster around me.
  192. Disperse for now.
  193. Someone demolish the core.
  194. You owe me nothing in return.
  195. Tacticians must be flexible.
  196. Show me how you fight.
  197. I could not have asked for a fiercer fight.
  198. To think we'd be comrades-in-arms once again.
  199. I am eager to show them how strong we can be.
  200. A golden opportunity to hone our skills.
  201. I shall cut your existence short!
  202. I will trample your flames.
  203. This ice shan't weigh me down.
  204. He who strikes first shall win.
  205. Your waves won't reach my heights.
  206. Knights have nothing on dragoons!
  207. I see there are giants here too.
  208. A dragoon's work is never done.
  209. Give that one the full brunt of your rage.
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