
An Anonymous Werewolf: Lewd Epilogue 3 (Twilight)

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. >Twilight’s basement laboratory glows bright green with the many vials, vats and beakers of reagent.
  2. >Her freezers are nearby, filled with frozen corpses and body parts. You’ve gotten used to that part.
  3. >Along the opposite wall, her newly-constructed laser containment grid houses the trapped librarian ghost, and any other ghosts that will be trapped in the future.
  4. >Twilight herself is busy preparing a number of things as you relax, sitting on the edge of the examining table.
  5. “So, are you going to keep the reagent?”
  6. >”Yes, but only small amounts of it,” Twilight says, opening a book. “I see now what danger having large quantities of it can do. The problem is disposal—I need to neutralize its effects so that if it is disposed of improperly, we can minimize environmental and health impact.”
  7. “Yeah. We can’t exactly dump it in the woods somewhere and have it bring a bunch of dead things in the ground to life. What if it sunk into the ground and found some old dinosaur bones?”
  8. >”Anon, please. Dinosaur bones are long since bereft of any biological tissue. Really, they’re more like—”
  9. “Twilight,” you interrupt her with a smile, “it was a joke.”
  10. >She chuckles and adjusts her glasses. “Right, right.”
  11. >After a moment, she turns to you and pulls out a syringe. “Are you sure this is alright?”
  12. “Well, you stopped taking the reagent, right? I’m not afraid of you going all Jekyll and Hyde on me again.”
  13. >She clears her throat. “Yes, well, indeed. Now then, let me just find a vein…”
  14. >You straighten your back and slide your shirt off.
  15. >”Anon… you know you could just roll up your sleeve…” she says, inadvertently staring at your chest.
  16. You cock a smile. “I know.”
  18. >She shakes her head slightly and positions the needle to draw from of your blood. After she does so, she asks you to lay down on the table.
  19. >As she prepares a few more things, you keep conversation going to avoid awkward silence.
  20. “So, what exactly are you going to do with your reagent research?”
  21. >”The path I was headed down was wrong. I was becoming blinded, and research is never good when blind. The reagent does hold important scientific data, but it needs to be refined more. Furthermore, my research into ghosts and their containment is also promising, and will take up most of my attention for the time being… I think I want to move away from dead bodies after our little zombie outbreak.”
  22. >She walks back over to you and adjusts a blood pressure device on your arm.
  23. >After this, she goes about examining your body more thoroughly.
  24. >Then, she spends some time asking you some questions about your new physiology.
  25. >”And how long can you run for?”
  26. “Haven’t found my limit yet.”
  27. >”And overall, you’ve experienced an increase in physical performance and capability?”
  28. “Yeah, I’d say so.”
  29. >”I see…” she says, taking extensive notes. “And how well have you gotten your lycanthropy under control?”
  30. “I can transform at will, during the night and day, possessing all the usual abilities and the new powers the white wolf has given me.”
  31. >”What kinds of powers?”
  32. “Well, telepathy, for one. Empathy, that is feeling the emotional state of those around me. I can also use it kind of like a scan, you know, letting me feel what’s in the area. I can sense dark energy and evil intent, in people and places, allowing me to hunt it. And there’s, for lack of a better term, moonbeams.”
  33. >”Meaning?”
  34. “Like, energy blasts comprised of… I don’t know, white lunar energy or something. I can slice through solid wood and stone, blast things apart, create bursts of force that knock enemies down, all kinds of stuff.”
  36. >”Fascinating,” she says. “This will all need to be tested in the future. What other effects of your lycanthropy have you noticed?”
  37. “Well, my senses are heightened. Smell, sight, touch and hearing. Definitely smell and hearing. Taste, too, but in a different way.”
  38. >”How so?”
  39. “Well, it’s like this. I hunger more for meat, for, well, tasty things. It’s a little bit more instinctual, I guess. It’s kind of a drive. I’ve been eating a lot more meat since I turned.”
  40. >She nods and jots it all down.
  41. “And there’s… well,” you smile sheepishly, looking away.
  42. >”What?”
  43. “Well, you know, along with my enhanced stamina comes a much healthier… endurance.”
  44. >She raises an eyebrow. “Ah… not unlike what I myself once… suggested.”
  45. “Yes. And I must say that certain… research… has been performed on my part in regards to the “compatibility” between myself while transformed and a human female.”
  46. >Both of Twilight’s brows rise now. “Really…” she clears her throat. “And, errherm, what were the, that is to say, results of these “couplings” if I may inquire?”
  47. >You lean up a bit.
  48. “Very intense, physically staining, prolonged sexual sessions with multiple orgasms on the part of the female partner, followed by an aftermath of extreme exhaustion and utter satisfaction. The enhanced strength and stamina of the lycanthropy allows for a variety of positions and particularly powerful thrusts.”
  49. >”I… I see…” she says, accidentally dropping her pencil. “Oh, um, I…” she bends down to pick up and and straightens again. She’s clearly flustered.
  51. “What’s more, is that the female partners are themselves usually very open to the idea, almost as if they were affected by some outside force. Perhaps pheromones or a kind of raw, animalistic magnetism.”
  52. >You sit up and look into her violet eyes.
  53. “In addition to this, the hyper-sensitivity I’ve developed becomes particularly more profound during mating… Every touch, every taste, every sound the partner makes… Well, it’s unlike anything else, really. In fact, I’d also say that I’ve been feeling a need to copulate as much as possible recently, almost like it’s the season for it.”
  54. >”A-and, would you say that this desire t-to… mate, and breed… is more instinctual in nature, overriding other natural factors?”
  55. “Like reasoning and doubt, yes,” you smile. “Overwhelmed by desire… driven by how mind-numbingly amazing it feels.”
  56. >Her cheeks are positively red as she notes your words. “And, w-would you… be willing to… demonstrate? With a partner?”
  57. “You want to watch? That’s a little kinky, Twilight, don’t you think?”
  58. >She adjusts her glasses as a bead of sweat drips down her forehead. You can feel her body heat growing more intense, you can smell her arousal… it’s overpowering.
  59. >”A-a-actually, I was… I was thinking that you would be willing to demonstrate today, right, right now.”
  60. “I’d certainly be willing to, in fact… just talking about it has me thinking all sorts of things,” you grin wolfishly. “But I’d need a willing test subject.”
  61. >She’s breathing quickly and quietly as she sets the clipboard down on the table. She unbuttons the top of her lab coat.
  62. >”I… I think that sometimes, in science, one needs to truly have hands-on experience with her research…”
  63. “I couldn’t agree more,” you say, watching her slowly unbutton more of her lab coat. The effect is strikingly erotic, even if she isn’t very used to being seductive.
  65. >”I think that fieldwork is one of the most important components of physical research…”
  66. “Absolutely,” you smile as she finishes, sliding it off her shoulders.
  67. >She stands there in her normal clothes.
  68. >”How do you wish to proceed? Do you… do you transform now? Or…”
  69. “Don’t worry about that,” you say, stepping towards her. “Let’s just let the science work its magic.”
  70. >You touch her cheek, feeling its warmth as you lean down to kiss her. She stiffens, nervous, but soon gives in and kisses back.
  71. >Her hands find your back and feel the bare skin, dancing along the muscles. She’s inexperienced, but damn eager.
  72. >You take the lead and grow more bold, deepening the kiss with your tongue. She moans as you explore her mouth, tasting her and feeling her body against yours.
  73. >You lift her shirt upwards, bathing her skin in the green glow of the vats of reagent.
  74. >You continue to kiss her as you play with her skin, pinching and feeling, making her shiver.
  75. >Her body is warm and soft. You grow a little more aggressive, turning her around and setting her on the examination table.
  76. >When you break the kiss, you stand straight up and look down at her. She covers her bra-covered breasts a little, feeling vulnerable.
  77. >You smile and climb up onto the table, straddling her.
  78. >You lean back a bit, causing her eyes to drift down to the tent that has formed in your jeans.
  79. “Go on…” you softly urge her. “It’s aching to be let out of its prison.”
  80. >Slowly, she reaches up and experimentally feels the outside of it, rubbing your bulge through the fabric.
  81. >You smile and a low groan emerges from your throat, pleased with the action, but you want more.
  82. >You unbuckle your belt and slide it out, tossing it aside.
  84. >She reaches up to the button and undoes it, then the zipper. You feel the cool air reach your cock through the thin layer of underwear as she opens the flaps up to look at the covered erection.
  85. >She bites her bottom lip as she touches it. You smile, taking her hand and placing it fully on your rock-hard cock.
  86. >Her mouth opens and she looks up at you as she feels it, trying to wrap her hands around it.
  87. >You slide your thumbs under the band of elastic and slide it downwards, causing your boner to pop out a bit.
  88. >She looks at it with wide eyes, wrapping her hands around it. She slowly feels it up and down, exploring the head, the shaft and the base, and beneath it the balls.
  89. >You growl appreciatively as she feels it.
  90. “Twilight… have you ever… you know?”
  91. >She stops. “Uh… n-no…”
  92. >You blink a few times, realizing you’re dealing with a virgin.
  93. “Oh… I didn’t realize that, uh…”
  94. >”What? A-are we going to stop? Because I’ll—”
  95. “No no no, just… if we’re going to do this, then I think I shouldn’t transform. It might… it might hurt. A lot.”
  96. >She pauses. “And… and what if I’m not, um… feeling quite ready for, uh, that is to say… penetration?”
  97. “Oh… that’s… that’s fine, I mean, I wouldn’t force you into anything. Then, um… what would you like to do, now that we’re already here in this position?”
  98. >A moment of awkward silence ensues as she looks up at you with your dick in her hands.
  99. >”Perhaps not penetration… not until I’m ready, but until then…”
  100. >She starts moving her hands up and down again, in tandem with each other. “I’d still like to see your… endurance,” she breathes, and some of her warm breathe reaches the head of your cock, making you shudder.
  102. “That’s fine too,” you smile, closing your eyes. “But it might take a while with just… normal stimulation. Perhaps some tongue-related assistance would help?”
  103. >She blushes as she brings her head up to your cock. “I’ve never… I mean…”
  104. “It’s fine, Twilight,” you breathe, “just keep using your hands… have your tongue explore the head, especially where the head and the shaft meet… try to fit as much of it inside your mouth as you can, and then just… sort of bob and suck, and be mindful of your teeth. It’s… a sensitive spot.”
  105. >She listens to your instructions and takes them to heart, going to work immediately.
  106. >Her tongue makes contact with the head of your prick and starts working its way around it. She tries her best, and despite her inexperience, she turns out to be quite good at it for a beginner.
  107. >She’ll need some work, but you’ve plenty of time for that in the future.
  108. >You guide her through words of encouragement as she sucks you off, slowly growing more and more comfortable with your meat in her mouth.
  109. >She bobs her head, sucking and jerking, bringing you all manner of pleasing sensations.
  110. >She continues dutifully, trying to look up at you and be as sexy as she can. You smile and run a hand through her hair, thrusting your hips a bit.
  111. >She can’t quite accommodate much of your girth yet—but that will also come with practice.
  112. >With you taking the lead, you encourage her to keep her hands busy as you use her mouth, pumping the head in and out of her lips.
  113. >You close your eyes and sigh contentedly as you mouth-fuck her, feeling blissful.
  114. >It takes some time, but after a while, you feel yourself building up. You warn her that your releases have tended to be of significant volume lately, but she only nods and works faster and harder.
  115. >You feel it building, closing your eyes and throwing your head back.
  116. >You explode in her lips, coating her mouth with your thick, white seed.
  118. >She chokes and your cockhead slips from her lips, shooting off a few more bursts of spunk into her face. It dribbled down her chin onto her neck as she tries to breathe.
  119. >A blast hits her glasses directly, effectively blinding her. She takes them off and looks at them as your cum drips off.
  120. >She closes her mouth and swallows, licking her lips clean of the white, gooey cream after she does.
  121. >”It tastes… not terribly,” she admits, swallowing some more. “Hmm… you weren’t exaggerating… about the volume,” she sighs.
  122. “Yeah… sorry…”
  123. >”No, no, it’s fine.”
  124. >She reaches over and collects a beaker, sweeping as much of your cum into it as she can.
  125. “Um… Twilight?”
  126. >”Oh, don’t worry,” she says with a smile. “Just for research. Now, I’ll need several more loads… human and werewolf. For comparison, you understand. This method has proven effective, though I think I’ll need some more practice… you didn’t have any plans for the rest of the day, did you?”
  127. >You look into her sparkling purple eyes and chuckle.
  128. “Well, I do now.”
  129. >You feel yourself growing hard again and smile.
  130. >”Then let’s not waste any time,” she says, reaching back and undoing her ponytail and shaking it out. “I’m hungry for more.”
  132. 3 of 4 epilogues complete.
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