
Deadmeat Chronicles: Deadmeat in the Sorry Box

Feb 1st, 2013
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn fluffy with a light green mane.
  2. >And right now you are being punished.
  3. >You are inside a box that is tight on your body.
  4. >You can’t really move and you are being force to watch out a clear window at other fluffies playing.
  5. >They have blocks and balls, all sorts of toys and they are all happily playing.
  6. >You try to scrap the window with your horn but it does no good.
  7. >The woman is laughing and sitting in the middle of the frolicking fluffies.
  8. >The man has taken a seat on the side of the room staring at you.
  9. >”Yoo dum dum fwuffie. Make bad poopies and yell at mommeh.”
  10. >A light blue unicorn fluffy with a red mane walks around the corner and looks at you.
  11. >”Deadmeat nuu mean make bad poopies! Meanie munstas make Deadmeat doo bad poopies!”
  12. >”But mommeh put dum dum fwuffy in witteh box?”
  13. >”Wha witteh box?” You ask.
  14. >”Dat poopie pwace.”
  15. >You cock your head, you weren’t put in any poopie place, you were only placed in white gravel.
  16. >”Fwuffy am Awexanda, Awexanda smawty in wast hewd.”
  17. >The light blue fluffy looks over his shoulder at Princess Princess.
  18. >”Awexanda become smwty hewe when stupi smawty go way.”
  19. >He looks back at you, “Awexanda smawty soon, yoo be fwen wif Awexanda, yoo get wots sketties.”
  20. >He leans up smiling at you.
  21. >”Deadmeat nuu cawe bout sketties!” You snap at him.
  22. >Alexander falls back in shock and several nearby fluffies gasp in horror.
  23. >”Wha wong wif fwuffie…”, “Something wong wif fwuffie, nuu wike sketties…”
  24. >The light blue fluffy composes himself and puffs his cheeks, “Awexanda be smawty!”
  25. >He stomps, “Yoo join Awexanda or Awexanda tell efewy fwuffy yoo stinky bad fwuffy who smell of poopies!”
  26. >You lock eyes with the self-described smarty, “Yoo try hewt Deadmeat…”
  27. >You puff your cheeks and make sparklies, “Deadmeat gif biggest owchies!”
  28. >The cute growl in your voice shakes the bravado of Alexander.
  29. >He takes a step back but keeps his cheeks puffed.
  30. >”Yoo nuu punish bad fwuffies!”
  31. >Princess Princess is walking to your sorry box.
  32. >Alexander stops puffing his cheeks and turns to her, “But bad fwuffy say bad tings to Awexanda!”
  33. >”Den Pwincess Pwincess have mommeh gif bad fwuffy sowwy stick, yoo nuu smawty!”
  34. >Alexander faces Princess Princess.
  35. >”Nuu, yoo stupi smawty! Yoo nuu teww Awexanda wha do!”
  36. >Princess Princess’s face contorts, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo nuu talk bach to smawty!”
  37. >”Pwincess Pwincess am smawty! Mommeh say so! Yoo talk back to smawty den yoo onwy get pway wif some toys today!”
  38. >The light brown alicorn stomps as she decrees her judgment.
  39. >Alexander’s bottom lip starts to quiver and rage takes him over, “NnnnNnnnn! Gahhhhnnnnn! Wahhhhhh!”
  40. >He takes off running to the woman, “Mommeh! Mommeh! Meanie smawty mean to Awexanda mommeh!”
  41. >He runs up and hides behind her leg bawling his eyes out, “Wawawahhhhhh! Huuuuhuuuu!”
  42. >She picks him up, “Oh there there Alexander. Its ok, mommy loves you.”
  43. >She cradles him in her chest with his head resting on her shoulder.
  44. >He sniffles and coos contently at the woman’s comforting hug.
  45. >Princess Princess turns to you, “Yoo bad fwuffy!”
  46. >”Deadmeat nuu am bad fwuffy! Yoo meanie fwuffy!”
  47. >Indignation crosses her face as she tries to pad through the glass to get at you.
  48. >”Bad! Bad! Ba! BAD! Yoo baddest fwuffy!”
  49. >You give her a raspberry.
  50. >All she can muster is angry gibberish for a few moments.
  51. >A small group of fluffies have gathered to watch the drama.
  52. >When Princess Princess composes herself, she sits down in front of the glass huffing.
  53. >”Yoo baddest fwuffy Pwincess Pwincess see!”
  54. >She stares at you measuring you up.
  55. >”Yoo get worstest punishment Pwincess Pwincess tink of!”
  56. >She stares at you with cold eyes, “Yoo nuu pway wif any toys during wast of pway time!”
  57. >All the listening fwuffies gasp in shock, “NUUUU!!!”
  58. >”Smawty am mean smawty… fwuffy stay good wif smawty…”
  59. >You give her another raspberry, “Go way!”
  60. >She turns and walks away holding her nose up and flicking her tail at you.
  61. >She pays no attention to Alexander watching her with a sneer as he coos in the human’s ear.
  62. >You sit in the box forever watching the other fluffies playing and giggling.
  63. >Your legs start to ache.
  64. >You watch two fluffies nose a ball back and forth.
  65. >One fluffy runs by randomly bucking and laughing.
  66. >You start to feel bad that you can’t join them.
  67. >Your legs ach more and you try and shuffle.
  68. >The box holds you fast.
  69. >You see fluffies pushing large plastic cars.
  70. >Others are playing with blocks.
  71. >The ache in your legs gets worse.
  72. >You try and sit down but your knees rub the sides of the box making it hard for you to get comfortable.
  73. >You try to hit the top of the box with your horn.
  74. >It shakes but remains shut.
  75. >The ache in your legs starts to radiate into your body.
  76. >You start shaking trying to break the box or at least get some room.
  77. >You glance out and see fluffies chasing each other playing tag.
  78. >”Wet Deadmeat out!” You shout in frustration.
  79. >The other fluffies ignore you.
  80. >”Yoo meanie fwuffies! Wet Deadmeat out!” You shake furiously trying to get the box to budge.
  81. >It feels like something pops in your shoulder.
  82. >Pain shoots down your left leg.
  83. >”AHHHHHH!!! Owies!” Tears form in your eys as you try and block out the pain.
  84. >The fluffies still ignore you.
  85. >”Why yoo meanie to Deadmeat? Deadmeat gud fwuffy! Yoo make Deadmeat do bad poopies!”
  86. >No one answers you.
  87. >Finally the pain and frustration get to you.
  88. >”Nnnnnnnnn! NNNNNN! WAHHHHH!!”
  89. >”Why yoo mean to Deadmeat? Wahhhhahhhahhhhh! Huuu huuuuuu!”
  90. >Tears flow down your face.
  91. >You hate this sorry box and you can do nothing to escape it.
  92. >The woman gets up and walks over to you.
  93. >She leans down face to face with you, “Are you ready to come out?”
  94. >You stick your tongue out at the mean two legged monster.
  95. >Princess Princess starts to shake her hoof angrily at you and babbles angrily, “Yoo bad fwuffy!”
  96. >The woman continues to smile, “All fluffies want love… Charles! He’s had enough! Take him out!”
  97. >The man stands up and starts to walk over, “yes ma’am.”
  98. >She walks back and sits down letting all the fluffies clamor over her.
  99. >The top of the box opens up.
  100. >You wiggle trying to jump out but your legs are stiff and don’t want to move.
  101. >”You actually went the full hour… you really are a tough one… most new fluffies are bawling after five minutes.”
  102. >You look up at the man, “Wet Deadmeat go munsta!”
  103. >He seems to be biting his tongue, ”I have to, the mistress has ordered it.”
  104. >He bends down and looks closely at you.
  105. >”But we have to do something about that horn…”
  106. >He walks away again, “YOO MEANIE! WET DEADMEAT GO!”
  107. >The fluffies start to panic at your shout, the woman come over and starts to pat your head, “There there. It will be alright Sir William Reginald.”
  108. >You can pull away from her touch.
  109. >She tries to r each in to pull you out but can’t get a good grip.
  110. >The man comes back, “It’s ok ma’am, just had to grab something.”
  111. >”Easy there, I just had to get something to tide us over until we can get that horn cut off.”
  112. >Cut off your what!?
  113. >With that you try struggle even more, “Nuu hewt hown! Weave Deadmeat awone munsta! Gif biggest owchies!”
  114. >The woman starts to berate the man, “DO NOT! I repeat! DO NOT upset the fluffies! You will be replaced faster than a dead beat asshole running out after the rubber ripped!”
  115. >The man cringes, “Sorry ma’am….”
  116. >He reaches down and grabs your horn.
  117. >You are too weak and confined to resist.
  118. >He pulls your horn up and places a cork on the end.
  119. >”I don’t know how you got that thing attached to your head, but you aren’t going to be stabbing anything now.”
  120. >You look to the end of your horn at the wine cork.
  121. >Before you can question why he did it you are pulled from the box.
  122. >”Play time is about over, enjoy yourself while you can.”
  123. >You are placed on the floor.
  124. >Your legs are stiff and your shoulder is sore.
  125. >You sit down and stretch trying to get feeling back in your legs.
  126. >You wipe tears from your face and look around.
  127. >Then it hits you, you are not being held!
  128. >You are not in a pen!
  129. >Now is your chance you look around for an exit.
  130. >You see a doorway and start to run for it.
  131. >Something bounces in front of you and hits your chin making you stumble.
  132. >You fall and roll a bit.
  133. >Then you feel the legs of a fluffy around your neck.
  134. >”Yay! Now new fwen pway wif Pwincess Pwincess!”
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