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a guest
Mar 26th, 2012
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text 0.78 KB | None | 0 0
  1. cat ~/.bash_history |awk '{print $1}'|sed "s/^\.\/..*//" |sort -u
  3. 7z
  4. alias
  5. alsamixer
  6. apropos
  7. arp
  8. audacious
  9. cal
  10. cat
  11. cd
  12. chmod
  13. clear
  14. cmake
  15. cmp
  16. convert
  17. df
  18. dia
  19. diff
  20. display
  21. dmesg
  22. du
  23. echo
  24. enconv
  25. env
  26. export
  27. ffmpeg
  28. file
  29. find
  30. firefox
  31. for
  32. formulator
  33. fotoxx
  34. free
  35. fusermount
  36. g++
  37. gcc
  38. geany
  39. gimp
  40. google-chrome
  41. gqview
  42. grep
  43. gv
  44. head
  45. hg
  46. mkbkp
  47. host
  48. ifconfig
  49. info
  50. kcalc
  51. killall
  52. kmix
  53. l
  54. latex
  55. latex2html
  56. less
  57. links
  58. ll
  59. ln
  60. locale
  61. locate
  62. lpq
  63. lprm
  64. ls
  65. lscpu
  66. lspci
  67. lsusb
  68. lynx
  69. make
  70. man
  71. mc
  72. mcc
  73. medit
  74. mount
  75. mplayer
  76. mv
  77. newtex
  78. nvcc
  79. octave
  80. opera
  81. ping
  82. poweroff
  83. printf
  84. ps
  85. qcad
  86. qrencode
  87. recdesktop
  88. rpm
  89. sed
  90. soffice
  91. ssh
  92. startx
  93. su
  94. tar
  95. tex4ht
  96. texi2dvi
  97. top
  98. touch
  99. umount
  100. unalias
  101. unzip
  102. uptime
  103. VirtualBox
  104. w
  105. wc
  106. wget
  107. which
  108. xsane
  109. xwininfo
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