
Anny and the Embassy [4C, Meta Council, Embassy Instance]

Jan 10th, 2014
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  1. tl;dr Pre-setup context
  3. Anny, Curiosity and Hctneezt visited the library from the inn where they met Hidden Glimmer and Able Tome. After a quick talk, some shenanigans between the bat pony, Hidden and Able, Depress-o-Able's increasing levels of tinfoil regarding Anny (scarcely voiced), the group, minus Hidden went into town hall to fill out census/citizenship papers and met Phoenix on their way there.
  5. Ikea Prefect was not present in the hall and thus Able taken on the role to fill out papers and pass them later on to Ikea, so everyone returned back into library where he passed instructions about legal procedures, passed blanks to Anny and Hctneezt, warned Anny about the town (everyone did, hehe), said that later on they'll need to have a discussion about her 'unique status' (with some internal degrees of foil present... though she did mentioned Stephen King, /mlp/ and other elements of human world, her quite over-exaggerated way of acting and talking put a degree of doubt... maybe she's an Equestrian or what not?). At any rate, he mentioned that the group could relinquish their 'starters packs' from Ikea (he had some stashed at town hall during past ICs where Able was present) or at Embassy, so trio (Anny, Curiosity and Phoenix) + Hctneezt (was passively NPCd at this point) decided to visit them.
  7. At that moment I was tired, so I couldn't GM'd the NPC sequence + some thought needed to be put together regarding Anny's 'status', so an off-screen resolution of this encounter resulted in this:
  9. Anny was stashed under Phoenix's clothes to keep her warm. When the group arrived to Embassy's gatehouse, two pegasi guards "shoo'd" the group away, saying that at that point of time Embassy was closed for arrivals due to 'Embassy business' and that it's going to be opened tomorrow (aka today) and that the group can bring their issues or whatever today.
  11. Two routes of this off-screen encounter were proposed 'n negotiated with players and are going to be clarified today:
  13. - 1st route: Anny stayed hidden under Nix's clothes and thus she haven't caught their attention. The guards simply informed the party that they can return tomorrow to commit their business and relinquish arrival packs.
  15. - 2nd route: Anny revealed herself and attracted guard's attention with her presence, aka -filly- confusing both of them. The guards haven't said anything, awkwardly glancing at each other. One of the pegasi guards flew down to the group, asking the group more -thoroughly- about the purpose of their visit while discretely, albeit suspiciously eyeing the filly. This guard explained more thoroughly that an inspection is being performed in the Royal Embassy and they currently can't supply new arrivals with supplies. He asked who were these new arrivals with group pointing out Anny and Hctneezt. The guard looked back at his colleague for a moment and asked both to arrive tomorrow and more or less predefined time after which the group left the gatehouse.
  17. ### Encounter to be GMd ###
  18. Encounter's time: 0100 GMT
  19. PCs involved: Anny, Phoenix, Curiosity and Hctneezt (was offline, but was present as an NPC so I'll have to talk with her on the issue)
  21. Independent of the clarified route, the group is going to arrive into Embassy where they will be provided with equipment. If players will choose Route 1 of the pre-setup, Anny will be identified by the guards for the first time which will prompt dialog routes that eventually will make one of the guards go to the 'higher ups'. A roll is going to be made that will decide whom the messenger guard will 'stumble' upon. Cosmic Gaze and Penny Pincher are considered - thus I'll have a conversation with Nova and Cheren about their participation. If both will participate in said event, then:
  23. A d3 will choose between Me/Pincher/Cosmic who is going to be 'stumbled' upon first. If the roll will pick Me, then I will roll another d3 on Nimble/Jetstream/Dawn or d2 between Nimble/Jetstream (Although Lucid has a backstory, his personality haven't been fleshed out completely). If Nova will participate, the guard will still inform Cosmic, but the 'stumbled' NPC will have a conversation first before Cosmic arrives. The NPCs will be 'unprepared' regarding Anny's issue and thus will, most likely, ask many questions and depending what NPCs are going to be there will handle the situation differently
  25. Psych profiles as per NPC list:
  26. Nimble - ice cold, stoic, suspicion-prone, imposing
  27. Mist - mellow, compassionate, timid, compromise-seeking
  28. Lucid - logical, straightforward, resourceful, neutral
  29. Cosmic - predisposed, opinionated, orderly, off-hoof handling
  30. Pincher - xenophobic, biased, might have a 'soft' side for a filly, but >hu-man
  32. That's for Route 1. If Route 2 will be chosen, the 'higher ups' will be aware about a presence of a filly in the town and some of these NPCs will be the ones greeting pones at the gatehouse. As I see it, if Nova participates - Cosmic will be there. From my side - Nimble, because Mist/Lucid in this situation are really only Route 1 'stumbling' material handling the situation is really not under their obligations. Pincher, as a quartermaster might be visited or he might take interest in the situation.
  34. It was established that Anny was a 'mistake/error' in papers, thus gear-wise Embassy will lack filly-sized starters pack. The gear will be passed to her (and Zeen if she's going to be present) and depending on how PCs will act, instructions/number of questions will be asked. There is a tiny possibility of Anny being temporarily apprehended (if PCs will unreasonably present themselves, if Anny's demeanor will prevent them to inform Embassy that she's an 'arrival' material, inform from where she came, where she been and how she arrived into Four Cannon). In any case it will take several days to verify what and how this happened.
  36. At any rate in the end, the Embassy and mainland Equestria will become aware about presence of a filly-bodied pony in Four Cannon that can later be used for bringing in more quests in this sphere.
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