

Feb 29th, 2016
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  103. <br>
  104. <b><u>The Hunter</u></b>
  105. <p>
  106. <b><u>Name:</u></b> Unknown <br>
  107. <b><u>Nickname:</u></b> The Hunter <br>
  108. <b><u>Age:</u></b> Unknown<br>
  109. <b><u>Race:</u></b> Human<br>
  110. <b><u>Gender:</u></b> Male<br>
  111. <b><u>Orientation:</u></b> Straight<br>
  112. <b><u>Marital Status:</u></b> Single
  114. <div id="infobox2">
  115. <div style="height: 100%; overflow-y: ;">
  116. <br>
  117. <p class="ex">
  118. <b><u>Abilities</u></b>
  119. <p>
  120. The Hunter as they are known is strong beyond all comprehension, or at least so the tales go. It seems as though with each battle, The Hunter gains more power though, with each defeat they have a chance to lose it. The hunter is incredibly agile, able to dodge and leap around opponents and avoid attacks with ease, permitting they have the stamina to do so. Depending on their wear and the rings he might have equipped he has even seen to be able to achieve greater levels of agility. This also shines through with the Hunter's use of weaponry, sometimes using skill based weaponry or strength. No matter what weapons the hunter uses, they are known as Trick Weapons, having two forms that can be activated with some sort of mechanism, it allows the Hunter to surprise foes with completely new attacks or a new form. These weapons range from axes that can turn into great halberds, or a simple long sword that becomes a behemoth of a great sword.<p>
  122. The hunter also employs ranged weapons against his foes, used to stagger them so he can get close and deliver a brutal visceral attack. The hunter does not use these as a main weapon or for damage but occasionally may pick off an enemy using it. The hunter shows little remorse or restraint in combat, never one to take prisoners. He has the strength to plunge his head into living creatures if he must, which is why you should ensure never to be staggered or parried by the hunter. The hunter uses the blood they collect to empower themselves in various ways, as in his world, blood is everything.
  124. <div id="infobox3">
  125. <div style="height: 100%; overflow-y: ;">
  126. <br>
  127. <i>"...Beasts all over the shop... You'll be one of them, sooner or later..."</i>
  128. <p>
  129. In the city of Yharnam, something was found. The blood flowed and times were good, until the blood went bad. The old ones knew, they always knew. The blood gave power, the hunters kept order for a time. This hunt, though...something was different. It all boiled over. Was he given an extra dose? Whatever the case, whatever his fate...something went wrong tonight.<p>
  131. You wanna know more?<p>
  133. Ain't nothin' to know outsider, whatever the truth is... no one in Yharnam knows it, save for the hunter. Where ever he is though, you wouldn't wanna be. Best to just lock up your doors, the sun'll rise soon...then things will be back to normal, like always.<p>
  134. <hr>
  135. "<i>Blood drip... drips on rain-slicked bricks and broken blackened bones
  136. are crunched beneath my boot-shod feet on hand-hewn cobblestones.<p>
  138. Inside their massive boarded manses, in little lamp-lit window-bays,
  139. the frightened huddled masses gather and whisper of the coming plague.<p>
  141. Outside a shrouded figure lurches, sharp of stench and dull of mind.
  142. He roams the streets of reckoning, gives out grief, and pays in kind.<p>
  144. No more sensibly a man, nor by and by is he a fool (is that how the saying goes?)
  145. but presently, unpleasantly, there is a beast within his clothes.<p>
  147. Whether man, or beast, or beastly man, it hardly matters either way,
  148. as the bells will toll then heads will roll and the hunt will have its prey.<p>
  150. Just as Sinners, sin -- and sinning, come to love the act of sin;
  151. Hunters... they must hunt. And so the nightly hunt begins."
  152. </div></center>
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  155. </div></center>
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