
dr0wn's Performance Config

May 19th, 2015
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  1. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // Unexplained crashes? Try changing checking through "Threading".
  3. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. // dr0wn's Performance Config, based from Comanglia's stability config.
  5. // Credit to Comanglia & Chris for the original configs.
  6. // LAST UPDATED: 25th of August 2018
  7. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. // Launch Options:
  10. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. //
  12. // My Launch Options:
  13. //FULLSCREEN:// Fullscreen: -full -w 1024 -h 768 -novid -toconsole +map_background preload_room
  14. //CURRENTLY USING:// -sw -w 1024 -h 768 -noborder -novid -nojoy -nops2b -noff -reuse -softparticlesdefaultoff -nod3d9ex -nod3d9ex1 +map_background preload_room
  15. //HUD EDITING 1920x1080 16:9// Hud Editing: -dxlevel 90 -sw -w 1920 -h 1080 -noborder -novid -toconsole +map_background preload_room
  16. //HUD EDITING 1240x768 4:3// Hud Editing: -dxlevel 90 -sw -w 1024 -h 768 -noborder -novid -toconsole +map_background preload_room
  17. //
  18. // DirectX Levels:
  19. // -dxlevel 80, -dxlevel 81, -dxlevel 90, -dxlevel 91, -dxlevel 95, -dxlevel 98
  20. // DirectX 8 is not supported within' matchmaking, change to DirectX 9.0+ if you're going to be playing matchmaking.
  21. // You should remove -dxlevel XX from the Launch Options for stability with ALT+Tabbing.
  22. // If you want to use DirectX 8, use -dxlevel 81. -dxlevel 80 has a few graphical bugs (especially related to overlays) which are fixed by -dxlevel 81, but other than that there isn’t much difference.
  23. // If you want to use DirectX 9, use -dxlevel 90 or -dxlevel 95. Don’t bother with -dxlevel 98 unless you’re a quality nerd, you’ll get negligible benefit for a sizeable performance loss.
  24. //
  25. // -nosrgb - Yet to test properly.
  26. //
  27. // -heapsize – Don't use this. It's already listed in the config.
  28. //
  29. // -high – Sets the game to high priority. Can cause input latency if it begins to compete with device drivers.
  30. //
  31. // -nod3d9ex, -nod3d9ex1 - Disables extensions.
  32. //
  33. // -nojoy – Doesn’t work in the OB engine.
  34. //
  35. // -sillygibs - Lower quality gibs, best used for more FPS in matchmaking.
  36. //
  37. // -32bit – TF2 only has a 32-bit client anyway. Pointless.
  38. //
  39. // -32bpp – No. Just no.
  40. //
  41. // -nosync – Doesn’t even exist in the Source engine.
  42. //
  43. // -gl – Launch the game in OpenGL. Except for the fact that OpenGL isn’t supported on Windows.
  44. //
  45. // -threads – Don’t screw with it. It probably won’t do anything for you. If it does, you’ll probably only cause issues for yourself.
  46. //
  47. // -nocrashdialog – If TF2 crashes, it won’t display a crash dialog.
  48. //
  49. // -autoconfig - Resets all commands to default. BACK-UP before use!
  52. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. // FPS Cap:
  54. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. // The primary benefit of an FPS cap is to make the FPS more stable, other than that, it doesn't do a lot.
  56. // A moderate, consistent framerate is much more desirable than a variable but sometimes high framerate.
  57. // A common misconception is that if any more frames are generated than your monitor can display, they are useless.
  58. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. cl_showfps 0 // Turning this FPS meter on actually decreases FPS by about 3%-4%.
  60. fps_max 0 // "0" to have no FPS cap. An FPS cap of "132" is recommended for laptops & can help steady performance for streaming.
  63. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. // Network:
  65. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. // Whilst network settings perhaps aren't an integral part of an FPS config, they are a fact of life in competitive TF2.
  67. //
  68. // What defines whether a connection is good or bad?
  69. // Mostly personal preference. If you're not willing to make the choice, try different settings and see which is better for you.
  70. //
  71. // Generally, meeting both of the following conditions would classify it as a
  72. // good connection:
  73. // - Ping of <80 to the average server you join.
  74. // - Generally no/negligible choke/loss (can be checked with "net_graph").
  75. //
  76. // There's some pretty good documentation on this here:
  77. //
  78. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. // My Network Settings:
  81. //cl_cmdrate 67.77777
  82. //cl_interp 0.000000 // Change to whatever you like for certain classes projectiles/popping uber/flames = "0.0152" hitscan = "0.035"
  83. //cl_interp_ratio 1.000000
  84. //cl_interp_threadmodeticks 0
  85. //cl_lagcompensation 1
  86. //cl_localnetworkbackdoor 1 // Network optimizations for Singleplayer, disabling has about a 1-2% FPS boost, disabling seems to cause minor jitter.
  87. //cl_predictweapons 1 // Ensure weapon firing prediction is turned on.
  88. //cl_pred_optimize 2 // Use optimization mode "1" because "2" has a bug currently.
  89. //cl_smooth 0 // Switch this to "1" if you're making a frag video. Only really benefits on servers with high ping.
  90. //cl_smoothtime 0.01
  91. //cl_updaterate 67.77777
  92. //rate 62000.000000 // Anything above "62,000" is completely useless. Anything above "48,000" is useless in HL.
  93. //net_splitpacket_maxrate 62000.000000 // min. "1000.000000" max. "1048576.000000"
  94. //net_queued_packet_thread 0 // Queue split packets on Windows.
  95. //net_compresspackets 0 // Compress to avoid split packets.
  96. //net_maxroutable 896 // Use max reliable packet size.
  97. //net_compresspackets_minsize 897 // Only compress packets if we would send a split packet.
  98. //net_maxcleartime 4.000 // Use rate to control packet delay.
  99. //net_maxpacketdrop 1000 // Faster packet drop threshold. Default "5000"
  100. //net_splitrate 4 // Split 4 packets per frame, reduces choke but is more CPU intensive. "2" for less intensive CPU usage.
  101. //net_maxfilesize 64 // Max out file upload size for extra content.
  103. // Good Connection:
  104. cl_cmdrate 67
  105. cl_interp .033 // Change to whatever you like for certain classes projectiles/popping uber/flames = ".0152" hitscan = ".033"
  106. cl_interp_ratio 1
  107. cl_lagcompensation 1
  108. cl_pred_optimize 2
  109. cl_smooth 0 // Only really benefits on with high ping.
  110. cl_smoothtime 0.01
  111. cl_updaterate 67
  112. rate 60000 // Anything above "62,000" is completely useless. Anything above "48,000" is useless in HL.
  114. // Bad Connection:
  115. //cl_cmdrate 40
  116. //cl_interp 0 // Change to whatever you like for certain classes projectiles/popping uber/flames = ".0152" hitscan = ".033"
  117. //cl_interp_ratio 2
  118. //cl_lagcompensation 1
  119. //cl_pred_optimize 2
  120. //cl_smooth 0 // Only really benefits on with high ping.
  121. //cl_smoothtime 0.01
  122. //cl_updaterate 40
  123. //rate 35000 // Anything above "62,000" is completely useless. Anything above "48,000" is useless in HL.
  125. // Net Graph:
  126. net_graph 0
  127. net_graphtext 1 // Draw text fields.
  128. net_graphpos 52 // "2" = Middle.
  129. net_graphheight 105 // Height of netgraph panel.
  130. net_graphproportionalfont 0 // Determines whether netgraph font is proportional or not.
  131. net_graphshowinterp 0 // Default "1"
  132. net_graphshowlatency 1 // Default "1"
  133. net_graphsolid 0 // Default "1"
  134. net_graphmsecs 50 // The latency graph represents this many milliseconds.
  135. net_scale 10 // Default "1"
  138. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. // Mouse Settings:
  140. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. sensitivity 1.75000 // Mouse sensitivity.
  142. m_yaw .0220000000 // Mouse yaw factor.
  143. m_side .0220000000 // Mouse side factor.
  144. m_pitch .0220000000 // Mouse pitch factor.
  145. m_customaccel_exponent 0 // Mouse movement is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor.
  146. m_customaccel_max 0 // Max mouse movement scale factor. Set to "0" for no limit.
  147. m_customaccel_scale 0 // Custom mouse acceleration value.
  148. m_filter 0 // Set to "1" to average the mouse over 2 frames.
  149. m_forward 1 // Mouse forward factor.
  150. m_mouseaccel1 0 // Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement).
  151. m_mouseaccel2 0 // Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement).
  152. m_mousespeed 0 // Windows mouse acceleration. Set to "2" to enable secondary threshold.
  153. m_customaccel 0 // Custom mouse acceleration.
  154. m_rawinput 1 // Use Raw Input for mouse input. Set to "0" if not using Raw Input.
  157. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. // Close Captions:
  159. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. cc_lang "clovervidiar"
  161. closecaption 0
  162. cc_subtitles 0 // You may need this on "1" for Close Captions to work, depending on your HUD.
  165. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. // Idle Script:
  167. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. alias afkon "+forward; +moveleft; +left; [Enabled]"
  169. alias afkoff "-forward; -moveleft; -left; [Disabled]"
  172. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. // Console:
  174. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. bind "`" "toggleconsole"
  176. con_drawnotify 0 // Disables drawing of notification area (for taking screenshots).
  177. con_enable 1 // Allows the console to be activated.
  178. con_filter_enable 1 // Filters console output based on the setting of con_filter_text. "1" filters completely, "2" displays filtered text brighter.
  179. con_filter_text_out Compact freed // Text with which to filter OUT of console spew. Set con_filter_enable "1" or "2" to activate.
  180. //con_logfile // Console output gets written to this file.
  181. con_notifytime 8 // How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window.
  182. con_nprint_bgalpha 50 // Con_NPrint background alpha.
  183. con_nprint_bgborder 2 // Con_NPrint border size.
  184. con_timestamp 0 // Prefix console.log entries with timestamps.
  185. //con_trace 0 // Print console text to low level printout.
  188. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. // Sprays:
  190. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. // Bear in mind that these are disabled on war servers due to "sv_pure 2" anyway, so if you play competitive TF2, this won't help you.
  192. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. cl_playerspraydisable 1
  194. r_spray_lifetime 0
  197. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  198. // Water:
  199. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  200. mat_wateroverlaysize 1 // "1"
  201. r_waterforceexpensive 0 // "0"
  202. r_waterdrawrefraction 0 // "1"
  203. r_cheapwaterend 0.1 // "1"
  204. r_cheapwaterstart 0 // "1"
  205. r_waterdrawreflection 0 // "0"
  206. r_waterforcereflectentities 0 // "0"
  207. r_forcewaterleaf 1 // "1"
  208. cl_show_splashes 0 // "1"
  211. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212. // Matchmaking:
  213. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  214. // Adjusts casual/competitive matchmaking settings.
  215. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. tf_mm_custom_ping 75 // The ping tolerance for matchmaking.
  217. tf_mm_custom_ping_enabled 1 // Enable custom ping tolerance.
  218. tf_mm_dashboard_slide_panel_step 0.0001 // Change the speed of the matchmaking panel.
  219. tf_mm_debug_level 0 // Remove matchmaking debug output.
  220. tf_mm_partyclient_debug 0 // Remove party debug output.
  221. tf_party_ignore_invites 0 // Ignore party invites.
  222. tf_party_join_request_mode 1 // Mode for party join requests: 0 - open join, 1 - request join, 2 - invite join
  223. tf_party_force_update // Force an update to the party system on launch.
  224. //tf_party_keep_on_same_team 0 // Do not enforce parties being on the same team. (not implemented)
  225. //tf_datacenter_ping_debug 1 // Turn on debugging for server routing.
  226. //tf_datacenter_ping_dump // Dump server routing debug info.
  229. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. // Transparent Viewmodels:
  231. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. // DirectX 9.0+ ONLY! DEFAULT OFF. -dxlevel 85
  233. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. mat_motion_blur_enabled 0 // "1" To enable, the only sure-fire way to keep refract masking on.
  235. mat_motion_blur_strength 0 // "0" Effectively disables motion blur (personal choice). Motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking.
  236. mat_disable_bloom 1 // "1" To enable, disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark rectangle over light materials.
  237. mat_bloomscale 0 // "0" Adjustment of the Bloom effect.
  238. mat_hdr_level 0 // Set to "0" for no HDR, "1" for LDR + Bloom on HDR maps & "2" for full HDR on HDR maps.
  239. mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
  240. mat_colorcorrection 0
  243. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. // Servers:
  245. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  246. // To join servers by typing a certain word in console.
  247. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. alias cunt "connect" // Enter 'cunt' in the console to connect to stabby's Server.
  251. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. // Scoreboard:
  253. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1
  255. tf_scoreboard_mouse_mode 2
  257. bind tab "+scoreboard"
  258. //alias +scoreboard "+showscores; net_graph 4; cl_showfps 2; cl_showpos 1; developer 1; mat_filterlightmaps 1; mat_filtertextures 1; mem_compact"
  259. //alias -scoreboard "-showscores; net_graph 0; cl_showfps 0; cl_showpos 0; developer 0; mat_filterlightmaps 0; mat_filtertextures 0; mem_compact"
  261. alias +scoreboard "+showscores; net_graph 4"
  262. alias -scoreboard "-showscores; net_graph 0"
  265. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. // Shadows:
  267. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  268. r_shadows 0 // "1"
  269. cl_blobbyshadows 0 // Render a blob for shadows.
  270. r_shadowmaxrendered 0 // "4"
  271. mat_shadowstate 0 // "1"
  272. nb_shadow_dist 0 // "200"
  273. r_shadowrendertotexture 0 // Non-blobby shadows. Sometimes turned on by
  274. // competitive TF2 players to see opponents standing
  275. // near the other side of a wall. You may see some
  276. // performance loss from setting this to "1".
  279. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. // Facial Features:
  281. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  282. r_eyes 0
  283. r_flex 0
  284. flex_rules 0 // Disable facial animations.
  285. anim_3wayblend 0 // Disable 3-way animation blending.
  286. r_lod -1 // Use r_rootlod to properly fade through LODs.
  287. ai_expression_optimization 0 // Disable expression optimization.
  288. ai_expression_frametime 0 // Disable expressions entirely.
  289. cl_SetupAllBones 0 // Do not force every animation component of a model to be set up.
  290. flex_smooth 0 // Do not smooth facial animations.
  291. mp_usehwmmodels -1 // Enable the use of the hw morph models. (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
  292. mp_usehwmvcds -1 // Enable the use of the hw morph vcd(s). (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
  293. r_glint_procedural 0 // Use the default eye glinting method.
  294. tf_clientsideeye_lookats 0 // Disable eye lookats.
  295. r_rootlod 2
  296. r_teeth 0
  297. r_eyemove 0
  298. r_eyeshift_x 0
  299. r_eyeshift_y 0
  300. r_eyeshift_z 0
  301. r_eyesize 0
  302. blink_duration 0.02
  305. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. // Crosshair:
  307. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  308. cl_crosshairalpha 255 // Disable transparency for lowend computers. (0 to 255)
  309. cl_crosshair_red 0 // Crosshair red. (0 to 255)
  310. cl_crosshair_green 255 // Crosshair green. (0 to 255)
  311. cl_crosshair_blue 0 // Crosshair blue. (0 to 255)
  312. cl_dynamiccrosshair 0 // Change crosshair according to weapon.
  313. cl_observercrosshair 0 // Disable crosshair in spectator.
  314. crosshair 1 // Disable crosshair.
  317. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  318. // FOV:
  319. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  320. viewmodel_fov 90 // Change this to whatever FOV you want to use.
  321. fov_desired 90
  322. viewmodel_fov_demo 90 // Change this to whatever FOV you want to use reviewing demos.
  323. tf_use_min_viewmodels 1 // Set to "1" to use minimum viewmodels.
  326. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. // Ragdolls:
  328. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. cl_ragdoll_collide 0 // "1" Collision between corpses.
  330. cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1 // "0" If set to "1" then cl_ragdoll_forcefade is used.
  331. cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0.001 // "7" Fading time in seconds of corpses. "0" = No Corpses
  332. cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 // "1" Ragdoll system for the corpses. "0" means corpses standing around with no animation.
  333. g_ragdoll_fadespeed 10000 // "10000" The rate of ragdoll fading. Higher is faster fading rate, so 0 will not fade and cause memleaks.
  334. g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 10000 // "10000"
  335. ragdoll_sleepaftertime "0" // Instantly sleep ragdolls.
  336. g_ragdoll_important_maxcount 0
  337. cl_ragdoll_pronecheck_distance 0
  340. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  341. // Gibs:
  342. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  343. // You will have reduced performance on deaths which produce gibs.
  344. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  345. cl_phys_props_enable 0 // "1"
  346. cl_phys_props_max 0 // "128"
  347. cl_burninggibs 0 // Disable burning gibs.
  348. cl_phys_props_respawnrate 120 // Respawn physics props at a slower rate.
  349. cl_phys_props_respawndist 900 // Do not spawn props until we can see them.
  350. prop_active_gib_limit 0 // "0"
  351. props_break_max_pieces_perframe 0 // "-1"
  352. props_break_max_pieces 0 // "-1"
  353. r_propsmaxdist 1 // "900"
  354. violence_agibs 1 // "1"
  355. violence_hgibs 1 // "1"
  356. violence_ablood 1 // "1" I leave blood on to track bleeding DR spies, that's it. - stabby
  357. violence_hblood 1 // "1" I leave blood on to track bleeding DR spies, that's it. - stabby
  360. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. // Lighting:
  362. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. // Lights projected onto characters and other dynamic models.
  364. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  365. r_ambientboost 0 // Boosts reflected light, gives you vision advantage, especially in darker environments.
  366. //r_ambientboost 0 // Disable if you need to save the small amount of CPU this uses.
  367. r_ambientmin 0.0 // Allow for ambient boosting even in brighter light levels, makes characters stand out.
  368. //r_ambientmin 0.3 // Use TF2 default ambient boost threshold.
  369. //r_ambientmin 0.1 // Ambient boost less often, realistic darkness.
  370. //r_ambientmin 1.1 // Ambient boost every time.
  371. r_rimlight 1 // Rimlighting is a distinct design choice in TF2 for better visibility of classes.
  372. //r_rimlight 0 // Disable light around character edges, very small FPS increase, rimlight uses GPU only.
  373. mat_phong 0 // Use a phong shader for shading/reflection.
  374. //mat_phong 0 // Disable phong for flatter shading.
  375. r_lightaverage 0 // Disable this lighting job that uses a lot of CPU even if it is not needed/noticeable.
  376. //r_lightaverage 1 // Enable time averaging of lighting to reduce popping.
  377. r_dynamic 0 // Disable dynamic lighting. (muzzle flash lighting, explosions and other lighted effects)
  378. //r_dynamic 1 // Enable dynamic lighting.
  379. r_maxdlights 0 // Do not allow any dynamic lights.
  380. //r_maxdlights 9 // Reduce maximum dynamic lights.
  381. //r_maxdlights 32 // Use the maximum number of dynamic lights.
  382. r_worldlightmin 0.0000 // Do not render insignificant world lighting.
  383. //r_worldlightmin 2 // Reject all world lighting.
  384. //r_worldlightmin 0.0002 // Render practically all world lighting.
  385. //r_worldlightmin 0 // Render all world lighting, no matter how insignificant it may be.
  386. r_worldlights 4 // Disable world lights.
  387. //r_worldlights 2 // Reduce maximum lights applied to a vertex.
  388. //r_worldlights 4 // Use the maximum amount of world lights.
  389. mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 // Disable fancy blending.
  390. //mat_disable_fancy_blending 0 // Enable fancy blending.
  391. mat_disable_lightwarp 0 // Disable light warps.
  392. //mat_disable_lightwarp 0 // Enable light warps.
  395. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  396. // Graphical:
  397. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  398. // Now we come to the main brunt of the config. You probably don't want to mess with this.
  399. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  400. tf_colorblindassist 1 // Shows jar icons over jarated targets.
  401. mat_antialias 0 // Apparently having this on "0" can break the mumble overlay for some users.
  402. cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0 // Muzzle flash lights in first person.
  403. muzzleflash_light 0 // Muzzle flash lights.
  404. engine_no_focus_sleep 0
  405. cl_detaildist 0
  406. cl_detailfade 0
  407. cl_drawmonitors 0 // Do not draw monitors.
  408. cl_ejectbrass 0 // Disable shell ejection from pistols, shotgun, minigun, etc.
  409. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 0 // Turns off jigglebones for botkiller weapons under the optimal framerate.
  410. cl_new_impact_effects 0
  411. cl_rumblescale 0
  412. cl_particle_batch_mode 1 // Use default particle batch mode due to buggy tracers on mode 2.
  413. cl_showhelp 0
  414. cl_showpluginmessages 0
  415. cl_debugrumble 0
  416. func_break_max_pieces 0
  417. glow_outline_effect_enable 0 // Cart glow effect. DirectX 9 only.
  418. tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 0 // Player glow after re-spawning. DirectX 9 only.
  419. lod_transitiondist -1
  420. mat_bumpmap 0 // Controls bumpmapping. Setting this to 0 on dx9 will cause
  421. // a strange 'shine' effect to appear on all players. - Chris
  422. //
  423. // In the past I wasn't able to prove that disabling this was significant,
  424. // it effects FPS by about 1% after several checks. - Comanglia
  425. mat_envmapsize 0 // "8"
  426. mat_envmaptgasize 0 // "8"
  427. mat_filterlightmaps 0
  428. mat_filtertextures 0
  429. mat_forceaniso 0 // Disable higher levels of anisotropic filtering.
  430. mat_autoexposure_max 0
  431. mat_autoexposure_min 0
  432. mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar 0
  433. mat_postprocessing_combine 1 // Combine bloom, software anti-aliasing and color correction into one post-processing pass.
  434. mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor 0 // Completely disable bloom on LDR.
  435. mat_bufferprimitives 1
  436. mat_compressedtextures 1
  437. mat_debugdepth 0
  438. mat_debug_postprocessing_effects 0
  439. mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0
  440. mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize 0
  441. mat_hdr_enabled 0
  442. mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate 0
  443. mat_mipmaptextures 0 // "1"
  444. mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines 0
  445. mat_software_aa_edge_threshold 0 // "9"
  446. mat_software_aa_quality 0 // "9"
  447. mat_software_aa_strength 0
  448. mat_software_aa_strength_vgui 0
  449. mat_software_aa_tap_offset 0
  450. mat_texture_limit -1 // If this value is not "-1", the material system will limit the amount of texture memory it uses in a frame. Useful for identifying.
  451. mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures 1
  452. mem_max_heapsize 2048 // Maximum amount of RAM allowed. "2048"=2GB, "4096"=4GB, "6144"=6GB, "8192"=8GB.
  453. mod_forcedata 1 // Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
  454. mod_forcetouchdata 1 // Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
  455. mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 1024 // "65536"
  456. mat_monitorgamma 1.7 // Controls brightness, try "1.6" to make it brighter or "2.2"
  457. // to get it darker. Only works in fullscreen.
  458. mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled 0 // Turn off TV Mode for less off-set light.
  459. mat_parallaxmap 0
  460. mat_picmip 2 // "-1" = High "2" = Low. Setting this value to "2" can cause crashes on some newer maps.
  461. mat_reducefillrate 1
  462. mat_reduceparticles 1
  463. mat_specular 0 // Controls specularity. Setting this to "0" will make ubers
  464. // non-shiny, and will remove some specular effects from in-game entities which support it.
  465. // Setting this to "0" while trilinear is off lowers framerate for some reason.
  466. mat_fastspecular 1 // Faster spec but lower quality.
  467. mat_trilinear 1 // Use trilinear as it improves texture filtering for little.
  468. mat_viewportscale 1 // Almost no performance gain from viewport upscaling.
  469. // "0.5" to "1" is the acceptable range on this,
  470. // if you do get a FPS boost from this but "0.5" is to blurry try "0.75" or "0.9"
  471. mat_viewportupscale 1
  472. mp_decals 0 // Just keep this below 60ish and you shouldn't notice much different at all.
  473. r_3dsky 0
  474. r_decals 0 // "9"
  475. r_maxmodeldecal 0 // "9"
  476. r_decalstaticprops 0 // Do not use some lighting data for static props, disable decals on static props.
  477. r_decal_cullsize 0 // "15"
  478. r_drawdetailprops 0
  479. r_drawmodeldecals 0
  480. r_screenfademinsize 150
  481. r_screenfademaxsize 250
  482. cl_particle_retire_cost 0.0001
  483. r_drawropes 0
  484. mem_min_heapsize 144
  485. fx_drawimpactdebris 0
  486. fx_drawimpactdust 0
  487. tf_impactwatertimeenable 1
  488. fx_drawmetalspark 0
  489. dsp_off 1
  490. r_decal_cover_count 1 // Remove decal when there is 1 decal in its place/close to completely covering it.
  491. r_drawflecks 0
  492. r_flashlightdepthtexture 0 // Disable the CPU intensive depth texturing for shadows
  493. r_flashlightmodels 0 // Disable lighting models.
  494. r_flashlightupdatedepth 0
  495. r_flashlightrenderworld 0
  496. r_flashlightrender 0 // Disable flashlight shadow.
  497. r_flashlightscissor 1 // Disable shadow rendering where it is unneeded.
  498. r_flashlightdepthres 32
  499. r_overlayfadeenable 0 // Fading overlays can cause small performance issues.
  500. r_overlayfademax 1000 // Optimize overlay fades if it happens to be enabled.
  501. r_overlayfademin 999 // Optimize overlay fades if it happens to be enabled.
  502. r_maxnewsamples 0
  503. r_maxsampledist 0 // Default "128"
  504. r_bloomtintb 0
  505. r_bloomtintexponent 0
  506. r_bloomtintg 0
  507. r_bloomtintr 0
  508. r_occlusion 0 // "1" Use CPU to have the GPU skip rendering models/props you cannot see.
  509. r_pixelfog 1 // Set to "1" if using DirectX 9 or your game will look foggy.
  510. r_renderoverlayfragment 0 // Will enable some things. e.g. signs, the team color stripes on the walls.
  511. r_staticprop_lod 63 // "-1" Automatic.
  512. r_drawtracers_firstperson 1 // Should give a small FPS boost in 1st person.
  513. r_pixelvisibility_partial 0 // Do not use a costly precise partial visibility algorithm.
  514. r_drawpixelvisibility 0 // Do not draw debug for partial visibility checking.
  515. r_dopixelvisibility 0 // Do not do CPU intensive pixelvis. (disabled anyway by building_cubemaps 1)
  516. r_drawbatchdecals 0
  517. r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms 0 // Early finish to unused particle performance stats.
  518. r_hunkalloclightmaps 0 // If a lightmap cannot be fit into the hunk, use dynamic memory.
  519. r_lightcache_zbuffercache 1
  520. r_PhysPropStaticLighting 1 // Use premade lighting for props, increases FPS.
  521. rope_rendersolid 0
  522. r_ropetranslucent 0 // Skip simulating ropes.
  523. rope_shake 0
  524. rope_solid_minalpha 0 // Skip drawing non-solid part of ropes.
  525. rope_solid_minwidth 0.1 // Skip drawing ropes if they are not large enough on screen.
  526. rope_smooth 0 // Skip a long smoothing operation for ropes.
  527. rope_subdiv 0 // Skip heavy loops for rope subdivisions.
  528. rope_collide 0 // Skip CPU heavy world collisions for ropes.
  529. rope_wind_dist 0 // Do not apply CPU intensive wind to ropes.
  530. rope_averagelight 1 // Only use average light, instead of an extra max intensity average with 0.
  531. tf_quest_map_tuner_wobble_magnitude 0 // Disable the red tuner on the contracker.
  533. tf_item_inspect_model_auto_spin 0 // Do not auto spin items in the inspect view.
  535. tf_hud_target_id_show_avatars 0 // Never show avatars.
  536. tf_particles_disable_weather 1 // Disable weather effects on maps supporting
  537. // it, for example, setting this to "1"
  538. // disables rain effects on Sawmill.
  539. tracer_extra 0 // Remove extra fluff to bullet lines that make them thicker.
  540. mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 0
  542. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  543. // Sound:
  544. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  545. // I'd be hesitant to say that you would see a great deal of performance improvement from lowering the sound quality, but in my experience as a
  546. // competitive TF2 player, lowering the sound quality makes determination of directionality and distance that much easier. You may see a small FPS gain
  547. // with these settings, or you may not, either way will likely have a negligible effect on performance.
  548. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  549. volume 0.1
  550. voice_enable 0 // "1" to enable voice communication.
  551. voice_steal 2 // Reuse unimportant sound channels, increases FPS and sound quality.
  552. voice_scale 0.0
  553. dsp_enhance_stereo 1
  554. dsp_db_mixdrop 1 // Disable volume scaling.
  555. dsp_db_min 0 // ^
  556. dsp_mix_min 0 // ^
  557. dsp_mix_max 0 // ^
  558. dsp_spatial 0 // Disable spatial effect.
  559. dsp_speaker 0 // Disable administrator effect.
  560. dsp_water 0 // Removes "underwatery" sound.
  561. dsp_slow_cpu 1
  562. snd_disable_mixer_duck 1 // Disable some sounds being mixed to be louder than others.
  563. snd_async_fullyasync 1 // Having the sound run fully asynchronous has been
  564. // helpful in the past, as it seems to (for whatever
  565. // reason) reduce the number of TDRs experienced during
  566. // gameplay. There's some pretty good information on
  567. // TDR's here:
  568. //
  569. snd_pitchquality 0
  570. snd_spatialize_roundrobin 3
  571. snd_mixahead 0.1 // Delay in sound from weapons below ".05" has been known to be unstable.
  572. snd_cull_duplicates 1
  573. snd_mix_async 1
  575. // Hit Sound:
  576. play "hitsound.wav" // Name of the file you want to use. This pre-caches the sound.
  577. tf_dingalingaling 1
  578. tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 150 // Higher pitch for high damage.
  579. tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 50 // Lower pitch for less damage.
  580. tf_dingaling_lasthit_volume 1
  581. tf_dingaling_lasthit_pitchmindmg 150 // Higher pitch for high damage.
  582. tf_dingaling_lasthit_pitchmaxdmg 50 // Lower pitch for less damage.
  584. // Toggle Volume:
  585. bind "F10" "snd_restart" // Fixes looping sounds.
  586. bind "F11" "togglemute"
  587. alias togglemute "togglemuteb"
  588. alias togglemuteb "volume 0.0; alias togglemute togglemuter"
  589. alias togglemuter "volume 0.3; alias togglemute togglemuteb"
  592. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  593. // Threading:
  594. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  595. mat_queue_mode 2 // mat_queue mode is another frequently asked about cvar, it
  596. // defines the threading method to be used by the material
  597. // system. It has been unstable to use in the past, but
  598. // nowadays it's generally okay.
  599. //
  600. // Here are the possible values:
  601. // -2 legacy default
  602. // -1 default
  603. // 0 synchronous single thread
  604. // 1 queued single thread
  605. // 2 queued multi threaded
  606. //
  607. // If you have problems with the value `2', try setting it to
  608. // `-1'.
  609. //
  610. // As an aside, there are quite a few bugs in the demo system
  611. // that occur when mat_queue_mode is set to a value that is
  612. // not `-1'. If you intend to do work with the demo system,
  613. // maybe you should change this.
  614. //
  615. // After immense testing I've found that default works perfectly
  616. // fine with setting your Thread usage. It automatically set me
  617. // to 2 every time. I'd say it's safer and likely less buggy to
  618. // leave this at -1 than it is at 2.
  619. //
  620. // As a side not I've noticed micro stutters with mat_queue_mode 2
  621. // at 1000+ fps where mat_queue_mode 1 did not stutter at 1000+ fps
  622. studio_queue_mode 1 // Default "1"
  623. cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1 // Asynchronously add new renderables and compute blends for added renderables.
  624. building_cubemaps 1 // Disables various post processing effects.
  625. r_queued_decals 0 // Lessens the impact of higher decal limits.
  626. r_queued_ropes 1 // Default "1"
  627. r_queued_post_processing 0 // If you do like post processing effects keeping this on should lessen the impact on framerate.
  628. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1 // Default "0"
  629. cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 // WARNING if you don't have a Quad-Core CPU or better you SHOULD NOT LEAVE THIS ON!
  630. r_threaded_particles 1 // Default "1"
  631. r_threaded_renderables 1 // Default "0"
  632. host_thread_mode 1 // Set to "0" if Local Host. Run the host in threaded mode. (0-off, 1-multicore, 2-force)
  635. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  636. // HUD:
  637. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  638. cl_hud_minmode 1 // Set to "1" if you use your HUD in minimal mode.
  639. cl_hud_playerclass_playermodel_showed_confirm_dialog 1 // 3D Playermodel confirm dialogue.
  640. cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1 // 3D Playermodel.
  642. tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1
  643. tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 0 // Set to "1" to disable floating health above player models.
  644. tf_hud_target_id_alpha 150.00
  646. hud_achievement_glowtime 0 // Default "2.5" // About a 1.5% FPS boost being on "0"
  647. hud_achievement_count 0 // Default "8" // Max number of achievements that can be shown on your HUD.
  648. hud_achievement_tracker 0 // Default "1" // Show or hide the achievement tracker
  649. hud_saytext_time 0 // Default "12" // Time in seconds the chat displays for.
  650. hud_combattext_batching 0
  651. hud_combattext_batching_window 2.0
  652. hud_fastswitch 1
  653. hud_deathnotice_time 4 // Default "6" // Death notices that usually appear at the top right of the screen.
  654. cl_notifications_show_ingame 0 // Default "1" // Show pop-up notifications. FPS boost disabled.
  655. vgui_drawtree 0
  658. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  659. // Anti-Virus by Casual:
  660. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  661. // Protection against server_can_execute bypass.
  662. // Make your cfg/config.cfg read-only for extra protection!
  663. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  664. cl_allowupload 0
  665. alias cl_allowupload "echo Blocked cl_allowupload!"
  666. alias clear "echo Blocked clear!"
  667. alias unbindall "echo Blocked unbindall!"
  669. // Adblock for motd, extra protection:
  670. // > Create an empty file in your tf directory named textwindow_temp.html and make it read-only (this prevents the motd from being saved & loaded)
  671. // > Add '' to your hosts file. This prevents a well known motd advertising network to load
  672. cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
  673. alias closed_htmlpage "echo Blocked pinion!"
  675. // Gets rid of servers playing annoying sound files:
  676. alias play "echo Blocked play!"
  677. alias sndplaydelay "echo Blocked sndplaydelay!"
  678. alias playgamesound "echo Blocked playgamesound!"
  679. alias soundfade "echo Blocked soundfade!"
  681. // Servers don't need this:
  682. alias cl_spec_mode
  683. alias rpt_connect
  684. alias r_screenoverlay
  687. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  688. // Recording:
  689. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  690. // P-REC & Default TF2 Demo Recording Commands.
  691. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  692. //prec_show_stv_status // Command - Show current sourcetv status.
  693. //prec_tag // Custom tag (can be used in demo name format). (default "")
  694. //prec_check_update 0 // Check for updates on startup. (default 1)
  695. //prec_stv_status 0 // Show SourceTV statistic after the match. (default 1)
  696. //prec_notify 1 // 0 - Print to console.
  697. // 1 - Say to team chat. (default)
  698. // 2 - Show on hud.
  699. //prec_log 1 // 0 - Don't log.
  700. // 1 - Log into killstreaks.txt. (default)
  701. // 2 - Log separately for each demo.
  702. // 3 - Log separately for each map.
  703. //prec_screens 0 // Make screenshoots of scoreboard and status. (default 0)
  704. //prec_delete_useless_demo 1 // Delete demo files without bookmarks and killstreaks. (default 0)
  705. //prec_min_streak 10 // Minimum amount of kills without dying to save time of killstreak. (default 4)
  706. ////prec_next_demoname // Set this var if you want change name of next recorded demo. (default "")
  707. //prec_mode 2 // 0 - Turn off addon.
  708. // 1 - Record only curstomnamed demos.
  709. // 2 - Record all demos (with mp_tournament 1). (default)
  710. // 3 - Record all demos.
  711. //prec_kill_delay 15 // Max delay between kill's in Killstreaks. (default 15)
  712. //prec_dir "\demos" // Directory to save demos (default "")
  713. //prec_sound 0 // Play sound when start/stop recording. (1 - on (default) ,0 - off)
  714. //prec_about // Command - Plugin Info.
  715. //prec_version // Command - Plugin Version.
  716. ////prec_delete_demo // Command - Delete previous recorded demo.
  717. ////prec_record // Command - Record a demo.
  718. ////prec_info // Command - List of all commands.
  720. ds_enable "2" // Type of recording. "2" Record all games.
  721. ds_min_streak "10" // Minimum amount of kills without dying to save time of killstreak.
  722. ds_kill_delay "15" // Max delay between kill's in Killstreaks.
  723. ds_sound "0" // Play sound when start/stop recording. (1 - on (default) ,0 - off)
  724. ds_screens "0" // Make screenshoots of scoreboard and status.
  725. ds_autodelete "1" // Delete demo files without bookmarks and killstreaks.
  726. bind "b" "prec_mark; ds_mark"
  729. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  730. // Backpack:
  731. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  732. // Inventory, economy and backpack.
  733. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  734. tf_time_loading_item_panels 0.0001 // Decrease time spent per frame loading item panels.
  735. cl_spec_carrieditems 0 // Do not show spectated player items.
  736. tf_backpack_page_button_delay 0.15 // Decrease button delay for moving items.
  737. cl_showbackpackrarities 0 // Show item rarity color borders in backpack.
  740. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  741. // Misc.
  742. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  743. cl_cloud_settings 0 // I believe this disables cloud syncing of CFGs but not 100% sure.
  744. sys_minidumpspewlines 0 // Basically the number of lines saved to a log file from console.
  745. // No FPS boost but 15% lower FPS variance.
  746. cl_software_cursor 0 // Cursor in-game rather than the windows default.
  747. cl_first_person_uses_world_model 0 // VR Mode.
  748. cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out 1
  749. zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.818933027098955175
  750. cl_ask_favorite_opt_out 1
  751. cl_mvm_wave_status_visible_during_wave 1 // Show MvM status.
  752. sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning 1
  753. tf_explanations_backpackpanel 1
  754. tf_explanations_charinfo_armory_panel 1
  755. tf_explanations_charinfopanel 1
  756. tf_explanations_craftingpanel 1
  757. tf_explanations_discardpanel 1
  758. tf_explanations_store 1
  759. tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums 1
  760. tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout 1
  761. tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice 1
  762. tf_training_has_prompted_for_options 1
  763. tf_training_has_prompted_for_training 1
  764. sv_forcepreload 1
  765. developer 0
  766. cl_allowdownload 0
  767. cl_downloadfilter mapsonly
  768. sv_allow_point_servercommand always // Makes tr_walkway work since the update which broke it.
  769. sv_cheats 1
  770. sv_pure 0
  771. cl_autoreload 1 // Faster reload time with "+reload" in class configs.
  772. cl_showerror 0
  773. cl_use_tournament_specgui 1
  774. cl_autorezoom 1 // Sniper Rifle will re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot.
  775. cl_show_market_data_on_items 1 // Show Community Market info.
  776. replay_screenshotresolution 1 // Take high-resolution replay screenshots.
  777. tf_romevision_opt_in 0 // Enable Romevision for MvM.
  778. tf_sniper_fullcharge_bell 1 // Play a sound when the Sniper Rifle is fully charged.
  779. tf_remember_lastswitched 1 // Remember the 'previous weapon' between lives.
  780. tf_remember_activeweapon 1 // Remember the 'active weapon' between lives.
  781. in_usekeyboardsampletime 0
  782. mat_clipz 1 // Clips what is drawn for a performance improvement.
  783. r_entityclips 0 // Skip clipping entities, saves CPU time.
  784. disp_dynamic 0 // Do not use dynamic meshses for world geometry. (displacements)
  785. r_frustumcullworld 1 // Cull on world draw.
  786. r_norefresh 1 // Do not store a useless and unused frame time variable.
  787. mat_forcehardwaresync 0
  788. mat_levelflush 1
  789. mat_vsync 0 // Turn off vsync to avoid nasty I/O latency.
  790. r_fastzreject 0 // Values >1 enable a fast Z rejection algorithm, to be
  791. // performed on the GPU (as opposed to on the CPU). The
  792. // value "-1" autodetects hardware support for this
  793. // feature, which is safer than forcing it.
  794. fast_fogvolume 1
  795. mod_load_anims_async 1 // Default "0"
  796. mod_load_mesh_async 1 // Default "0"
  797. mod_load_vcollide_async 1 // Default "0"
  798. cpu_frequency_monitoring 0
  799. datacachesize 512 // "256" Size in MB.
  800. pyro_dof 0 // Skip a SSAO depth pass for pyrovision.
  801. pyro_vignette 0 // Disable vignette for pyrovision.
  802. pyro_vignette_distortion 0 // Disable vignette distortion for pyrovision.
  803. pyro_max_intensity 0 // Disable more pyrovision visual effects.
  804. pyro_max_rate 0
  805. pyro_max_side_length 0
  806. pyro_max_side_width 0
  807. pyro_min_intensity 0
  808. pyro_min_rate 0
  809. pyro_min_side_length 0
  810. pyro_min_side_width 0
  813. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  814. // Misc. Binds:
  815. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  816. bind "p" "snd_restart; hud_reloadscheme"
  817. bind "r" "toggle vgui_drawtree"
  818. bind "[" "load_itempreset 0"
  819. bind "i" "showmapinfo"
  820. bind "SEMICOLON" "show_quest_log"
  821. bind "KP_MINUS" "incrementvar tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 0 1 1"
  822. bind "UPARROW" "say add me if you guys want to be friends <3"
  823. bind "RIGHTARROW" "say With the balance of the universe at stake, The Battle of the Buttons rages on..."
  824. bind "LEFTARROW" "say Everyone should try to get their ideas out there and get some healthy discussions going, that's what Valve is counting on."
  825. bind "DOWNARROW" "say I just allowed them to put tomato on my sandwich. I'm changing."
  826. bind "]" "say I think my mom would be proud of how tan I'm getting."
  827. bind "o" "say Every growing child needs a strong fragger figure in their lives."
  828. bind "'" "say Made some chicken-cheddar, another of my specialties."
  829. bind "/" "say I need a guy who can frag. (I'm gonna be alone forever)."
  830. bind "KP_END" "join_class scout"
  831. bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "join_class spy"
  832. bind "KP_PGDN" "join_class pyro"
  833. bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "join_class demoman"
  834. bind "KP_5" ""
  835. bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "join_class engineer"
  836. bind "KP_HOME" "join_class medic"
  837. bind "KP_UPARROW" "join_class sniper"
  838. bind "KP_PGUP" "join_class soldier"
  840. alias "badlands" "rcon changelevel cp_badlands"
  841. alias "process" "rcon changelevel cp_process_final"
  842. alias "snakewater" "rcon changelevel cp_snakewater_final1"
  843. alias "gullywash" "rcon changelevel cp_gullywash_final1"
  844. alias "granary" "rcon changelevel cp_granary_pro_rc8"
  845. alias "viaduct" "rcon changelevel koth_product_rc8"
  846. alias "metalworks" "rcon changelevel cp_metalworks"
  847. alias "sunshine" "rcon changelevel cp_sunshine"
  848. alias "mge" "rcon changelevel mge_training_v8_beta4b"
  849. alias remove_scope "sv_cheats 1; testhudanim scoperemoval"
  850. remove_scope
  851. map_background preload_room; wait 10; disconnect
  852. snd_restart
  853. mem_compact
  855. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  856. // Print to Console:
  857. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  858. echo ""
  859. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
  860. echo " dr0wn's Performance Config Loaded. "
  861. echo " Credit to Comanglia & Chris for the original configs. "
  862. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
  863. echo ""
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