
Altea Chavez MG

Apr 15th, 2014
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  1. Name: Altea Chavez
  3. Destiny: 8/65
  4. 4 Deeds
  5. 0 Joss (Current)
  6. 5/12 Entanglement
  8. Rank: 4
  9. -Lake 7
  10. -River 2
  11. -Chi Replenishment 2
  12. -Max. Chi Aura 2
  13. -Max Skill Bonus 10
  14. -Chi Pool: 14
  15. --4 Metal Chi
  16. --2 Water Chi
  17. --- Chi Threshold 20 (22)
  18. ---4 finished cultivation, 10/15 cultivation, 2/30 metal cultivation,
  20. Archetype: Warrior
  21. Skills:
  22. Awareness +10
  23. Hardiness +15
  24. -Recovery
  25. Might +15
  26. -Breaking
  27. Confidence +15
  28. -Stupidly Brave (or is it Bravely Stupid?)
  29. Inspire +10
  30. Learning +5 (????)
  31. Tactics +5
  33. Virtues:
  34. Benevolence 1
  35. Ferocity 3
  36. Force 4
  37. Individualism 3
  38. Honor 4
  39. Obsession 1
  40. Loyalty 5
  41. Revenge 1
  42. Righteousness 3
  43. Ruthlessness 1
  45. Disadvantages:
  46. Dumb
  47. Hyper-Competitive
  50. External: Blossom Harvest
  51. Stats:
  52. Speed +5 (10 unarmed)
  53. Footwork +5 (10 Unarmed)
  54. Strike +10 (15 paired)
  55. Damage +15 (+20 when wounded)
  56. Block +10
  57. Toughness +20
  59. Techniques
  60. No Vermin In The World (2)
  61. Nine Mountains Great Strength (5)
  62. Heart-Fire Temper Skill (4)
  63. Iron Skin (9)
  65. Internal: Iron Body Skill
  66. Iron Power (1) (+5 to damage) (Augment[Aumentar])
  67. Humble Man's Stern Rebuke (2) (+10 to strike)
  68. Mountain Endures Storm (2) (+10 to toughness)
  69. Fierce Dragon Breaks Bones (3) (+15 damage) (Breaker[Rompedor])
  70. Leading Ox Through River (3) (Ignore up to 20 points of penalties)
  71. Swaying Branches Surround Willow (3) (+15 Block)
  72. Eternal Temple God Armor (4) (+15 tough, spend 1 chi at beginning of round to extend.)
  73. Black Tigers Hunting (4) (+20 Strike, +10 to Disorients/Disrupts)
  74. Iron Buddha's Disapproval (5) (+25 damage, conditions caused by this have a penalty to healing checks) (Hands of the Giants [Manos de los Gigantes])
  76. Internal: Nine Yin Manual (Water, no metal chi here)
  77. 1. Nine Yin Inner Energy: +5 to FOB and may use a single die as unarmed
  79. 2. Changing Muscles Forming Bones: +5 SPD or +10 Might
  80. 2. Release the Yin Energy: May make attacks one zone away.
  82. Gear:
  83. Heavy Armor
  84. FISTS (Unarmed/Massive)
  85. PAIRED HAMMERS (Massive/Paired)
  87. Warrior Arts:
  88. Secret Art of Battle
  89. -Unassailable Battle Saint
  90. -Controlling Inner Force
  91. -Controlling Outer Force
  93. Legendary Technique: Heir of the Giants: 15
  95. Loresheets:
  96. Francisco
  97. 5 Technique: Countenance of the Giants- Spend a joss, may use armor against attacks which normally ignore armor.
  98. May make Warrior's Arts conditions with Might
  100. Hyperion:
  101. Reputation: Invincible.
  103. Francisco:
  104. Reputation: National Hero
  106. Current Status: Major Condition-Lost Arm (Right)
  108. Backstory:
  109. Altea grew up on an Admin world, directly controlled by the TSAB. Her father was a former officer in the TSAB, and Altea grew up hearing stories of his actions, friends he made, and good work he did for the TSAB. Altea knew from an early age that when she grew up, she wanted to join the TSAB. However, that time was in the future, and instead she picked up boxing as an extracurricular, liking the physicality of the sport and (in her words) "how close the two people in the ring got by the end of the fight". Some of her best friends were made in bouts, and she won far more than she lost. As she got older, she excelled at the sport, winning trophies, accolades, and the attentions of the TSAB. Jumping at the chance to fulfill her childhood dream, she joined up at first opportunity, taking her fighting skills to the benefit of the TSAB.
  111. Altea is a very cheerful sort, believing deeply in the power of positive thinking and working hard. She prefers to solve problems with her fists, however, thinking that some people just need a good fight to make them "see the light". To her credit, this turns out to be surprisingly accurate.
  113. She is Five feet, eight inches tall, with a Mediterranean complexion and black hair/brown eyes. Her hair is cut very short, in an almost boyish cut (don't want long hair in boxing!). She has a perpetual smile on her face, and seems to find the best in everything.
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