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Mar 26th, 2015
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  1. [ 2015.03.27 02:03:27 ] Darren Faldner > Well in a belt if you want to play
  2. [ 2015.03.27 02:05:26 ] t3xasp3t3 > that a threat?
  3. [ 2015.03.27 02:05:43 ] Darren Faldner > t3xasp3t3 no not to you lol
  4. [ 2015.03.27 02:34:05 ] Samwise Everquest > Suerte Del Diablo wanna fite at belt 1v1 for pink slips?
  5. [ 2015.03.27 02:38:24 ] Suerte Del Diablo > Uttindar IV - Asteroid Belt 1 ?
  6. [ 2015.03.27 02:39:24 ] Samwise Everquest > u lift?
  7. [ 2015.03.27 02:39:29 ] Samwise Everquest > cuz im about to press your ass outta here
  8. [ 2015.03.27 02:39:44 ] Alliria Seedspawn > i pick things up and put them down
  9. [ 2015.03.27 02:39:49 ] CdoubleOK Cook > YAAAARRRRR come solo me
  10. [ 2015.03.27 02:39:50 ] Suerte Del Diablo > atz no zyzz
  11. [ 2015.03.27 02:39:59 ] Suerte Del Diablo > go back to /fit/
  12. [ 2015.03.27 02:40:32 ] Samwise Everquest > bro
  13. [ 2015.03.27 02:40:36 ] Samwise Everquest > where u go
  14. [ 2015.03.27 02:40:53 ] Suerte Del Diablo > homegym master race
  15. [ 2015.03.27 02:41:06 ] Samwise Everquest > total gym 9000 m8
  16. [ 2015.03.27 02:41:11 ] Samwise Everquest > i was personally trained by chuck norris
  17. [ 2015.03.27 02:41:25 ] Suerte Del Diablo > fuck yeah
  18. [ 2015.03.27 02:41:25 ] Samwise Everquest > he came to my house, slept with my wife, and lifted
  19. [ 2015.03.27 02:42:06 ] Samwise Everquest > so some jove just messaged me had something important to say
  20. [ 2015.03.27 02:42:13 ] Samwise Everquest > so i blapped his ass and podded him
  21. [ 2015.03.27 02:42:20 ] Samwise Everquest > fuck lore
  22. [ 2015.03.27 02:43:16 ] Samwise Everquest > honor 1v1?
  23. [ 2015.03.27 02:43:20 ] Samwise Everquest > these guys wont join
  24. [ 2015.03.27 02:43:24 ] Samwise Everquest > you have my word
  25. [ 2015.03.27 02:43:33 ] Suerte Del Diablo > ive been at the belt
  26. [ 2015.03.27 02:43:37 ] Samwise Everquest > honor guide me m8, i am protoss
  27. [ 2015.03.27 02:43:37 ] Suerte Del Diablo > I was about to come to you
  28. [ 2015.03.27 02:43:48 ] Suerte Del Diablo > I always expect the betrayal (yay wife)
  29. [ 2015.03.27 02:43:52 ] Suerte Del Diablo > Im still game
  30. [ 2015.03.27 02:44:08 ] Samwise Everquest > sup paranoid loyd
  31. [ 2015.03.27 02:44:46 ] Suerte Del Diablo > Uttindar IV - Asteroid Belt 1
  32. [ 2015.03.27 02:45:03 ] Samwise Everquest > last time i warped there 100 titans were waiting on me
  33. [ 2015.03.27 02:45:11 ] Samwise Everquest > i killed them all
  34. [ 2015.03.27 02:45:17 ] Suerte Del Diablo > I like you.
  35. [ 2015.03.27 02:47:42 ] Suerte Del Diablo > ^^
  36. [ 2015.03.27 02:47:47 ] Samwise Everquest > ya wut m8
  37. [ 2015.03.27 02:49:29 ] Darren Faldner > Arden Elenduil I just was wondering if you were ever hugged as a child? I can hug you if need be I will also be there for you to cry on my shoulder.
  38. [ 2015.03.27 02:49:42 ] Samwise Everquest > im a man
  39. [ 2015.03.27 02:49:45 ] Samwise Everquest > i dont cry
  40. [ 2015.03.27 02:50:15 ] t3xasp3t3 > PRAISE PHIL
  41. [ 2015.03.27 02:50:44 ] Devil Shogun > Arden Elenduil Boo
  42. [ 2015.03.27 02:50:59 ] Samwise Everquest > you guys should fite
  43. [ 2015.03.27 02:50:59 ] Suerte Del Diablo > even when im afk you still cant seem to get me
  44. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:10 ] Samwise Everquest > bro i have 27 1600 playes on
  45. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:13 ] Arden Elenduil > Samwise Everquest, we've been fighting :)
  46. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:15 ] Samwise Everquest > u come to me
  47. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:29 ] Arden Elenduil > War: Unlimited Ripoff Works vs. Galactic Federation Of United Powers
  48. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:31 ] Arden Elenduil > War: Snuggle Society. vs. Galactic Federation Of United Powers
  49. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:35 ] EvilN Purvanen > no, you have been picking on mining barges and new people
  50. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:48 ] Samwise Everquest > woah
  51. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:51 ] Samwise Everquest > who attacks mining barges
  52. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:54 ] EvilN Purvanen > and the second war dec ws because you got scared
  53. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:54 ] Devil Shogun > we are ready to fight, and your hiding
  54. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:55 ] Samwise Everquest > thats disgusting
  55. [ 2015.03.27 02:51:56 ] t3xasp3t3 > PRAISE PHIL
  56. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:04 ] Darren Faldner > Been trying to but this guy likes to hugh stations poor little guy lol
  57. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:07 ] Arden Elenduil > I couldn't help it, they flew into my crosshairs
  58. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:17 ] Devil Shogun > couldnt take us on his own so hired a merc corp
  59. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:18 ] CdoubleOK Cook > PRAISE PHIL
  60. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:22 ] Samwise Everquest > whoever is killing barges, i am reporting you to the proper authorities
  61. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:24 ] Samwise Everquest > inc ban
  62. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:34 ] Arden Elenduil > awwww, please don't
  63. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:37 ] Arden Elenduil > i'll be good samwise
  64. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:38 ] t3xasp3t3 > PRAISE PHIL
  65. [ 2015.03.27 02:52:53 ] Suerte Del Diablo > heh so used to null about to drop a depot then i remembered i can just dock and let you guys hump the gate and blob
  66. [ 2015.03.27 02:53:15 ] Suerte Del Diablo > stay up
  67. [ 2015.03.27 02:53:24 ] Arden Elenduil > All we were trying to do was take down the POS
  68. [ 2015.03.27 02:53:27 ] Samwise Everquest > google translate cant even make snse of that
  69. [ 2015.03.27 02:53:31 ] Darren Faldner > Arden Elenduil Well whenever you want to meet at a belt again we can play again :)
  70. [ 2015.03.27 02:53:34 ] Arden Elenduil > i mean, come on, a medium faction tower, and you didn't even put stront in it
  71. [ 2015.03.27 02:54:26 ] Darren Faldner > Wouldn't be fair if I just undocked and you hit me since you like to hug the stations alot lol
  72. [ 2015.03.27 02:54:56 ] Arden Elenduil > well, since you outnumber me 6 to 1, you shouldn't be mad about where we fight, right?
  73. [ 2015.03.27 02:55:24 ] EvilN Purvanen > well if we where in much about a frigate you could
  74. [ 2015.03.27 02:55:37 ] Darren Faldner > not mad at all just upset you don't want a hug I mean come on once your about to die you will just try and warp out again so not very nice person lol
  75. [ 2015.03.27 02:55:38 ] EvilN Purvanen > but again, you can not even fight your own battles
  76. [ 2015.03.27 02:55:56 ] EvilN Purvanen > you have to bring friends Shimizu Yume
  77. [ 2015.03.27 02:55:58 ] Darren Faldner > EvilN Purvanen makes me wonder about him as soon as we got allies he runs and hides all the time poor little guy lol
  78. [ 2015.03.27 02:56:05 ] Arden Elenduil > EvilN Purvanen, i don't know if you've ever tried to hit a POS by yourself, but it kinda takes a long time
  79. [ 2015.03.27 02:56:29 ] EvilN Purvanen > well, I haven'y since I have not even been playing for a full month yet
  80. [ 2015.03.27 02:56:58 ] EvilN Purvanen > been trying to figuring this out, but you seem to be someone who likes to pick on the weak and the new
  81. [ 2015.03.27 02:57:23 ] Arden Elenduil > /emote crosses out a square
  82. [ 2015.03.27 02:58:06 ] t3xasp3t3 > PRAISE PHIL
  83. [ 2015.03.27 02:58:27 ] EvilN Purvanen > ^^ so who is Phil?
  84. [ 2015.03.27 02:58:29 ] Darren Faldner > EvilN Purvanen that's ok people don't like to fight fair or pick on people their own size lol
  85. [ 2015.03.27 02:58:37 ] Kimbalta > Hey Arden, nice "i love me!" wall in your profile, m8
  86. [ 2015.03.27 02:58:54 ] t3xasp3t3 > PRAISE PHIL
  87. [ 2015.03.27 02:59:44 ] Darren Faldner > Kimbalta Not very nice he may take this game way to seriously then you might make him log off how wuld that make you feel lol
  88. [ 2015.03.27 03:00:01 ] EvilN Purvanen > oh, like he did for 5 days of this "war"
  89. [ 2015.03.27 03:00:10 ] EvilN Purvanen > had to hide in a station
  90. [ 2015.03.27 03:00:29 ] Darren Faldner > EvilN Purvanen no that's cuz his spy was feeding him crap cuz we gave them wrong info lol
  91. [ 2015.03.27 03:00:46 ] EvilN Purvanen > that is true, forgot about that
  92. [ 2015.03.27 03:00:53 ] Kimbalta > how many alts does it take to put 250mil bounty on one self
  93. [ 2015.03.27 03:01:22 ] Darren Faldner > From the look of the corp I would say 4
  94. [ 2015.03.27 03:01:22 ] EvilN Purvanen > don't know, I don't have any
  95. [ 2015.03.27 03:01:28 ] Arden Elenduil > I dunno, but 50 of that was from darren's corpmates
  96. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:01 ] Kimbalta > wow you really pissed off some noobs, m8?
  97. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:03 ] Arden Elenduil > oh shit, my spies
  98. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:12 ] Arden Elenduil > i dunno, you tell me
  99. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:23 ] Kimbalta > ur the man
  100. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:41 ] EvilN Purvanen > maybe he is the reason why this game keeps fading away
  101. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:52 ] EvilN Purvanen > well, I am getting bored of him sitting on a dock
  102. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:57 ] EvilN Purvanen > think I will go to bed
  103. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:58 ] Darren Faldner > Well from the looks of the chat him and I were having earlier he was the grumpy one had to log off then back on to just stop talking lol
  104. [ 2015.03.27 03:02:59 ] Arden Elenduil > EvilN Purvanen, didn't you read CCP Rise's stats
  105. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:08 ] Arden Elenduil > only 1% of the new players gets ganked
  106. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:18 ] Arden Elenduil > and those that do get ganked are more likely to stay in the game
  107. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:24 ] Arden Elenduil > we're good for the game
  108. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:33 ] EvilN Purvanen > well, you must have done that for this month
  109. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:35 ] Darren Faldner > Arden Elenduil Did you know 98% of statistics are made up on the spot?
  110. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:35 ] Sam Raymond > Space is tough, get used to it
  111. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:37 ] Kimbalta > and those stats don't include alts either
  112. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:48 ] Arden Elenduil > o/ Sam
  113. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:49 ] Arden Elenduil > how goes
  114. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:51 ] Sam Raymond > sue Abbott \o/
  115. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:56 ] Sam Raymond > Arden Elenduil \o/
  116. [ 2015.03.27 03:03:59 ] EvilN Purvanen > very true Sam Raymond
  117. [ 2015.03.27 03:04:18 ] EvilN Purvanen > Space is rough
  118. [ 2015.03.27 03:04:22 ] Arden Elenduil > So, why exactly are you complaining?
  119. [ 2015.03.27 03:04:27 ] Sam Raymond > Just nailed myself a suspect cerb 2 jumps over Kill: Cynoprosopi (Cerberus) i bet a tear rolled down his cheek as after 5minutes he only just got my shield down on armor tanked cynabal.
  120. [ 2015.03.27 03:04:47 ] Darren Faldner > Arden Elenduil Cuz it's fun watching you get irritated lol
  121. [ 2015.03.27 03:04:57 ] Arden Elenduil > "raises eyebrow"
  122. [ 2015.03.27 03:05:00 ] t3xasp3t3 > PRAISE PHIL
  123. [ 2015.03.27 03:05:09 ] EvilN Purvanen > and fun to piss you off, because quite frankly
  124. [ 2015.03.27 03:05:23 ] EvilN Purvanen > after you pick up the dead in real life, games are fun to just piss people off
  125. [ 2015.03.27 03:05:36 ] Devil Shogun > pretty much :)
  126. [ 2015.03.27 03:05:40 ] Darren Faldner > lol
  127. [ 2015.03.27 03:06:07 ] Devil Shogun > bankrupt means nothing when I can get tears for free :)
  128. [ 2015.03.27 03:06:10 ] Arden Elenduil > "looks at local and wonders who exactly is more mad"
  129. [ 2015.03.27 03:06:22 ] EvilN Purvanen > I am just enjoying this
  130. [ 2015.03.27 03:06:33 ] EvilN Purvanen > hoping at some point you decide to fight a far match
  131. [ 2015.03.27 03:06:46 ] Darren Faldner > Arden Elenduil here ill cut you a deal 200mil per corp member for your surrender its better than last time lol
  132. [ 2015.03.27 03:06:47 ] EvilN Purvanen > but than again, cowards don't fight far
  133. [ 2015.03.27 03:06:59 ] EvilN Purvanen > they hide by mommies scurt
  134. [ 2015.03.27 03:07:04 ] EvilN Purvanen > or the dock like you
  135. [ 2015.03.27 03:08:45 ] Devil Shogun > remember you picked the war wih the members in it... cant help it if you picked one that fights back
  136. [ 2015.03.27 03:18:50 ] t3xasp3t3 > PRAISE PHIL
  137. [ 2015.03.27 03:19:04 ] Arden Elenduil > Phil be praised
  138. [ 2015.03.27 03:19:16 ] t3xasp3t3 > Lord of the pipes
  139. [ 2015.03.27 03:19:41 ] Arden Elenduil > I know the lord of dance, never heard of the lord of pipes though
  140. [ 2015.03.27 03:19:44 ] Arden Elenduil > is it bagpipes?
  141. [ 2015.03.27 03:24:32 ] EvilN Purvanen > you don''t know anything Arden Elenduil, outside of hiding
  142. [ 2015.03.27 03:24:45 ] EvilN Purvanen > and sitting on the dock
  143. [ 2015.03.27 03:25:04 ] EvilN Purvanen > are you at least dangling your feet in the water to refresh your self?
  144. [ 2015.03.27 03:25:57 ] Devil Shogun > might be afraid to get wet... never know whats in the water
  145. [ 2015.03.27 03:28:36 ] John Sven > Don't upset Arden Elenduil. He's the kind of guy who, if he lost his shiny ship to a n00b corp, would an hero an Airbus in to the French Alps.
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