
Why I will not keep watching Magical Girl Raising Project

Oct 11th, 2016
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  1. After watching the first two episodes of Magical Girl Raising Project, I was feeling pretty down. In my desperation, I looked up some spoilers from the light novels. With that information, I decided to cease watching, as I will not enjoy the story.
  3. I should has known to stay away when it presented itself as a "survival game."
  4. Things looked like it might end up better than I expected at first--the way it seemed to be setting things up was an interesting take on the survival/death game scenario. But the signs were there from the beginning, and what else I've read tells me it's time to drop.
  6. It started out with a scene that told me a everything I needed to know about it and should have just paid attention to my first impulse when seeing it. First shot--a bloody arm of some young girl, laying on the ground--the scene shifts to several other shots, each displaying a cropped portion of one or two bodies of dead magical girls, and then shows a large beast, before showing us the single standing magical girl--again, only obscured and cropped shots, but it shows her edgelord grin as she stares down this monster that killed all her peers. And then... it just goes to the OP, and after that, starts with our protagonist.
  8. This scene told me a few things--this show was going to make its priority be killing off characters. I should have known that from the fact that it was a death game in the first place, but this confirmed it--and yet, I held out hope and tried to deny it, because I saw cute girls and the premise still sounded like it had some potential.
  10. So what is that premise, you may ask? well, here it is, as it's presented:
  11. 16 magical girls exist in the city (well, 15 at first, but with a 16th slated to be selected the following week). The mascot character of the mobage that gave them their powers then declares, since magical girls draw their power from the land, 16 girls is straining resources, so they want to cut the number in half. The way they will do this is by a competition--when magical girls do good deeds, they get "magical candies", and the girl who gets the least at the end of the week will have her powers taken from her and return to being a normal girl.
  13. Now, you may be thinking, this doesn't have to be a death game--and indeed, it isn't presented in the anime as one. But, they do establish, with that cold opening violent scene that I hated and with a character confirming it in a flashback in episode 2 (via dialogue, not showing it happening or saying that it actually happened, only that it is possible), that magical girls can die, and there are characters and things which very well may want to kill the magical girls, including a character who actually tried to kill another magical girl in that flashback. At this point, I was thinking this could be a different kind of death game--the narrative has more stakes, as there won't be only one person standing at the end (who, out of necessity, would be the protagonist), and because death isn't the only way that a girl can be eliminated--in fact, it's not even presented as the primary way--but it does set up characters and situations which would lead to the potential of people dying.
  15. So, we go through episode 2, and there is the character Nemurin. Nemurin is a kind-hearted girl whose power is that she can enter others' dreams, where she fights nightmares and soothes people's fears. But magical candies earned in the dream world aren't real, so even though she has thousands, she really has zero. This is established early on, but she is okay with it--she is just a kind-hearted girl, after all. Not in it to compete.
  17. At the end of the episode, she has zero real-world candies, and so she loses and is eliminated. She says her goodbyes, and her digital avatar in the group chat for magical girls is deleted. The scene shifts to Nemurin's room, where the mascot character says she still has her powers until midnight, so she goes into the dreamworld one last time. And when midnight strikes... Dead. We are treated to a scene of her mother finding her lifeless body and screaming and crying, and the episode ends, as her magical girl transformation device phone thing glitches out of reality and vanishes.
  19. I was feeling kind of down after this, so I got a bit curious and looked up some spoilers. And my worst fears were confirmed.
  20. In reality, the 16 magical girl showdown is standard procedure. Not only that, the 8 girl reduction is a lie, and instead it's meant to reduce the number to 1, who will become a full-fledged magical girl, while all the others will have all memories of being a magical girl wiped. However, there's something going wrong--that scene in the opening was a girl in the HR department of the governing body for magical girls. That scene was showing an event which caused her to become battle-crazy, and she's in the competition here. And, for some reason, the mascot character thing decided--apparently just for shits and giggles, really--that it wanted to turn this into a death game rather than just the usual trial.
  22. So, what does this tell us? Well, first off, the fact that the reality is that it's going to end up just killing off characters. It actually will end with two girls remaining instead of just the one, but only because they kill the mascot character whose name is Fav but I forgot that up until now. The death of Nemurin established that this will be an ordinary death game, where losers die, even though by the rules presented this doesn't have to be the case. Fav even confirmed this was the case, apparently, in events that will be in the third episode, which confirms Nemurin didn't just die from being in the dream world when losing her powers or some bullshit like that, it's just the way things work that in this game people willl die when they get the least candies. And the girls will know this, giving them reason to kill each other, but not a really kind of natural reason developed out of things that make sense for the characters, just simply because death has been declared to be what has to happen.
  24. So, basically, I thought it could have been a drama about magical girls forced to compete with the possibility, but not guarantee, of death looming over their heads, with characters whose interactions would be interesting to watch and would be the core of deciding how things will play out--girls teaming up, working against each other, trying to sabotage their enemies, maybe even getting to the killing if emotions run hot. But instead, it will be the standard death game melodrama where the priority is killing off characters to elicit an emotional reaction. And that's just really not what I think I want to watch this season.
  26. Also, why exactly was their reaction to Calamity Mary trying to kill another magical girl in that flashback to just simply say to newbies from now on that there are some magical girls who are dangerous, rather than, say, teaming up to take her down or petitioning Nav to take away her powers since she tried to do evil with them?
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