
Ethne Sermon

Jan 10th, 2020
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  1. $(name$) lays a reverent hand upon a shrine of Ethne and looks out upon those gathered. Without further preamble, $(he$) begins, "The Rekindled. The Inferno. The Lady of Fire, Ethne. That is my Lady's name." $(He$) speaks the words with quiet weight, pausing for a moment to let them sink in before continuing, "You may be asking yourself, 'But $(name$), I know Her name. Why state the obvious?' To that, I ask you to reflect on just how evocative that name and those titles are." $(He$) smiles down upon a shrine of Ethne before returning $(his$) gaze to the assembly. "My message today only scratches the surface of Who She is, but if you take away nothing else from it, know that you may hear Her Voice in those titles alone. May She speak to you still more clearly."
  3. Removing $(his$) hand from a shrine of Ethne, $(name$) says, "My Lady esteems action above words. If you speak of the Light but do not act accordingly, you are but a will 'o wisp. But blind action is worse than none at all, and so She has set forth three guidelines that hearken back to the process of forging." Lifting $(his$) hand with the palm inward, $(he$) begins to tick off $(his$) points on $(his$) fingers, "First is Spark, that first flame in the forge. Even the most novice of crafters has some idea of what it is they wish to create, even if only broad strokes. When the forge is lit, a commitment is made to bring it into being. Likewise, when you commit to an action, make sure it is with a clear purpose in mind. Do not obfuscate or prevaricate." $(Name$) grins and elaborates, "Speak plainly and honestly. -Act- plainly and honestly, and encourage others to do likewise. It truly is that simple."
  5. $(name$) raises a second finger to join the first. "When the forge is cold, even the simplest of pieces becomes needlessly difficult, if not impossible." $(His$) free hand moves now to encompass the gathered assembly. Voice rising with passion, $(he$) continues, "So it is in life: Without Fire to drive you forward toward a just goal, the least of actions will become a monumental effort. Allow your Fire to burn hot. Embrace righteous anger that it may destroy apathy and wicked works. Embrace Purity so that you may be beyond reproach. Only then may the shaping begin, of yourself and others." $(He$) allows $(his$) free hand to return to $(his$) side, and $(his$) face settles into sober lines. "Beware," $(he$) says, "that you do not allow Fire to overcome good judgment. A forge left unwatched risks great destruction, nevermind the spoiling of the piece. And that leads to my final point."
  7. "Last of the guidelines is Temper," $(name$) says, extending a third finger and lightly tapping its tip. "If Spark is the purpose for action and Fire is the impetus, then it is Temper that is the action itself, both guided by and guiding the other two. Temper is patience, discipline, and the willingness to submit yourself to shaping." At last, $(he$) drops $(his$) hand, returning it to rest upon a shrine of Ethne once again. "Be zealous of good works, but do not let it blind you to justified correction. Forging is a continuous process of change. It is strenuous for both the forger and the forged work. When creating a piece, you draw on your experience and knowledge to bring about what you have in mind. For all that, though, you must be vigilant lest it goes awry. The forge must be tended, but not at the expense of finishing the work. And vice versa. Be confident, not complacent." $(name$) pauses, sweeping a penetrating gaze across the gathered audience. After a few moments, $(he$) finishes with a gentle smile, "Most of all, though, you must take the first step. If you seek to be more than a clinker in the coals, I invite you now to join the Lady's Congregation. Come and see what you are made of."
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