
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 5

Oct 11th, 2013
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. A policy of noninterference was put in place, and is being enforced by Twilight. Twilight is also documenting Anonymous for any signs of what this strange creature is.
  4. Last Chapter: Twilight reflected on the past events of the day, and recounted the first interactions with Anonymous. Celestia also discussed her reasoning with Luna.
  6. Posted in Thread 853
  8. (Got banned while posting/ server maintenance issue, but should be fine now.)
  9. ===================================================================================================================
  11. >In the darkness of your room you grab your bow and put it on.
  12. >It wasn’t hard to find. Your eyes had long adjusted to the low light, and you always kept it close.
  13. >It was your most treasured item, with your crusader cape being second. Your bow signified you as the cutest of the Cutie Mark Crusader.
  14. >Even though you never shared that little fact with your friends, you’re sure they knew the score.
  15. >You press an ear against your door, listening to the snores of your big sis, Applejack.
  16. >She had decided to sleep outside your room to keep watch, but nothing stops a true crusader!
  17. >With the knowledge that AJ is sound asleep, you turn to address your companions with hushed whispers.
  19. “Awright girls, someone told us not to do somethin’, and you know what that means…”
  20. >“Do it anyways!”
  21. >Scootaloo exclaims with quiet enthusiasm; being careful not to wake the guardian.
  22. “And what about when they say it’s for our own safety?”
  23. >”Doubly so!”
  24. >Sweetie Belle was just as ready with the unofficial motto.
  25. “Right. Now there’s somethin’ in our barn, and nobody knows what it is. So we should go check it out.”
  26. >You start tying your bed sheets together, while the other two don their capes.
  28. >”Yeah, and if we can figure out what it is we might get our cutie marks in studying aliens. Our special talent could be meeting something new every day. That would be so cool! We’d be like….alienologists.”
  29. >”Xeno. The word you’re looking for is xenologists.”
  30. >Where does Sweetie Belle get all of those words from? Oh well.
  34. >All three of you reservedly shout in unison, but instantly worry that it was a little too loud.
  37. >Rushing back to the door, you check to make sure AJ is still asleep.
  38. >Her snores remain uninterrupted.
  39. >Solid.
  40. >Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo start stuffing their sleepover bags with paper and crayons. A xenologist needs their tools.
  41. >You return to tying up the blankets, your saddle bag already packed.
  43. >Opening your window, you toss out ‘Old Reliable’. That’s what you girls nicknamed any rope made out of blankets.
  44. >’Old Reliable’ was the official 5th member of the CMC.
  45. >Scootaloo takes point, climbing down first, followed by Sweetie Belle, then you.
  46. >”I can’t believe they keep forgetting the window.”
  47. >”I think when you grow up you forget how windows work.”
  48. “They’re prolly scared ta break their hip like Granny.”
  50. >Once you climb down, you are all at the back of the house.
  51. >Looking up into the sky, you see that the moon was just starting to descend.
  52. >There’s still plenty of night left. Perfect.
  53. >Like the tiny ninjas you are, but really aren’t because you didn’t get your cutie marks in ninja-ing, the three of you stealthily make it to the barn.
  54. >The dim light from inside makes it easier to see and the barn door is cracked open.
  55. >It’s like they want you to sneak in.
  57. >Applejack had told you that Twilight was staying the night, but she didn’t say exactly where.
  58. >You’re going to have to keep a look out.
  59. >Tip-toeing up to the door, the three of you each pop your head into the barn.
  60. >Dead center in the back you can see the alien laying down on a pile of hay.
  61. >Searching either side you can’t seem to find Twilight.
  62. “The coast is clear.”
  63. >The three of you zip in and press up against the nearby wall, Scootaloo on one side of the door, you and Sweetie on the other.
  64. >You’re not getting caught this time; you would be in sooo much trouble.
  67. >The light helps the search for anything purple. Finding not even a feather, the three of you relax and gather near the alien.
  68. >”It looks like it’s sleeping.”
  69. >Sweetie cranes her neck to either side, giving the visitor a once over.
  70. >”Well that’s boring.”
  71. >Scootaloo just rolls her eyes.
  72. >She has a point; this won’t do at all.
  73. “Scootaloo, go wake it up.”
  74. >”What?! I’m not going to wake it up. Sweetie Belle, you wake it up.”
  75. >“Why me? Applebloom, you do it.”
  76. “Ah’m not gonna touch it.”
  77. >”Get a stick or something.”
  78. >”Don’t poke it with a stick, that’s mean.”
  79. >Sweetie has a point.
  81. “Pssst. Hey, pssst.”
  82. >You’re still keeping quiet to be safe, but the alien isn’t waking up.
  83. >Picking up a pebble from the floor, you toss it near the creature, hitting one of the tools surrounding it. A metallic clank follows the impact.
  84. >The stranger’s eyes give a hazy peek, and then immediately flare open.
  85. >Seeing it awake makes you a lot more uneasy than you thought it would.
  86. >Way to go, Applebloom, you woke it up. Now what?
  87. >Your friends look just as apprehensive; the three of you standing stiffly together staring at the alien.
  88. >It is gazing back with only its torso raised off of the floor.
  90. >”Um, hi.”
  91. >Sweetie Belle is brave enough to take the lead.
  92. >The newcomer keeps still, but you can see its eyes moving across each of you.
  93. >Scootaloo looks to be in no mood to volunteer.
  94. > You’ll have to do somethin’. This is for your cutie marks.
  95. “We’re here to-“
  96. >Without warning, the alien opens its maw, and what sounds like churning rocks slams into your collective ears.
  99. >Your brain fires up in an instant; reflexes kicking in.
  100. >You’re scared; you want to scream.
  101. >You also REALLY don’t want to get in trouble.
  102. >If you want to scream then your friends are going to want to scream.
  103. >One of your front hooves shoots out and covers Scootaloo’s mouth. The other goes over Sweetie Belle’s.
  104. >Your back locks up, your young muscles tightening up to keep your front end in the air.
  105. >An orange and a white hoof cover your own trap, and help you keep your balance.
  107. >All three muffled shrieks fade out into a friend’s leg.
  108. >In what anyone else would suspect of practiced unison, the three drawn out screams come to a close, and you each remove your hooves from the other’s lips.
  109. >In a panic, the three of you perk your ears up and concentrate on the silence, ignoring all else.
  110. >Nothing sounding like the shouts of an angry parental figure.
  111. >Disaster averted.
  112. >”Phew.”
  113. >Oh, hello Scootaloo. Welcome to the conversation.
  115. “So, um, we don’t mean ta disturb you, but, uh…”
  116. >”We just want to…ask you a few questions.”
  117. >Scootaloo is there to continue the train of thought, while Sweetie Belle digs out some of the supplies from her bag.
  118. “Yeah, that’s all. We’ll keep it short.”
  119. >The stranger instantly sits up, matching your own height, as it views Sweetie Belle.
  120. >It produces a sound similar to before.
  121. >You three crusaders cover each other again, though your wails are more docile this time.
  123. >The papers Sweetie Belle was holding drift through the air and fall to the ground.
  124. >The alien extends its claw, and with one of its digits it directs you towards the mess on the ground.
  127. >It keeps making those low noises over and over again, but you can’t find any separation in them.
  128. >Like the gears of the flim-flam brother’s machine, they just work into each other.
  129. >The thing in front of you picks up its vision from the papers, turning to you with pleading eyes.
  130. >With your covered mouths and flattened ears, each of you almost looks like the three wise monkeys rolled into one.
  131. >But all of your eyes are spread open in uncertainty.
  132. >The calls immediately stop, and the pleading gaze shifts and hardens.
  133. >It turns its head away from you towards the paper, pointing more fiercely in silence.
  135. >Dropping to your hooves a final time you each look to the other in question.
  136. >”What do you think it wants us to do with the paper?”
  137. >”Maybe it wants some?”
  138. “That seems like it might be the case.”
  139. >Sweetie Belle picks up a single piece using her horn and glimpses over to the alien; then back to you and Scootaloo.
  140. >Scootaloo catches on quicker than you.
  141. >”Let’s go together.”
  143. >Step by step the Cutie Mark Crusaders Xenologists Brigade inches closer and closer.
  144. >Stopping a wheelbarrows’ length away, Sweetie floats the paper over and sets it on the ground in front of the makeshift bed of hay.
  145. >With one hand the alien picks it up. It presents its other hand palm up, and curls its fingers in and out, repeatedly.
  146. >”What does that mean?”
  147. “Ah don’t know. Sweetie Belle, give it some more.”
  148. >”Okay.”
  149. >She reaches for another piece on the ground and sets it down in the same place as the last one.
  150. >The stranger’s mouth opens and the barest of sounds bursts out, but quickly stops.
  152. >It seals its jaw shut, and just stares at the three of you with half closed eyes, and thin lips.
  153. >You did not like having that look directed at you.
  154. >Pulling the empty hand back, it starts to make some sort of motions on the paper.
  155. >It should probably use a….OH!
  156. “Scootaloo, give it one of yer crayons.”
  157. >”Ohhhh, that makes sense.”
  160. >Scootaloo digs into her bag with her mouth, and grabs a crayon.
  161. >With a flick of her head she tosses it near the paper.
  162. >The visitor picks the crayon up, and holds it tightly in a clenched fist.
  163. >The strokes are slow and deliberate.
  164. >The visitor’s tongue pokes out the corner of its mouth, resting on its upper lip.
  165. >It is solely focused on the piece of paper in front of it.
  167. >After a few minutes it sends the paper towards your group.
  168. >Sweetie Belle holds it up in the center for all three of you.
  169. >What are those? Are those supposed to be something?
  170. >They just look like scratches.
  171. “Either of you know what that is?”
  172. >Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both give a shrug.
  174. “Let’s try somethin’.”
  175. >Grabbing a piece of paper and crayon from your own bag, you write out your name and hoof it to the alien.
  176. >It takes the paper and holds it up, making sure to keep it the same direction you had it.
  177. >After a brief moment it starts turning the paper around. It harshly studies your lettering at each angle.
  178. >Once it has gone over all of the possibilities, it drops the paper and lets it fall; turning its head to the side.
  180. >”I don’t think that worked.”
  181. “Ah don’t think so either, Scootaloo.”
  182. >”I got an idea!”
  183. >Sweetie Belle gets to work, making her crayons disco like Rarity does with fabrics.
  184. >Peering over her shoulder, you see she has drawn in a little unicorn.
  185. >She floats up the picture, and walks up to the visitor.
  186. >Making sure she has its attention; she points to the drawing, then to herself.
  187. >”I’m Sweetie Belle.”
  188. >The alien excitedly grabs a crayon and draws a crude representation of itself.
  189. >Lifting its version for you all to see it points to the picture, and then back to itself.
  190. >Another quick burst of sound comes from it, but the instant you all react it stops.
  193. >It gently sets the picture on the ground in front of it, and pushes it away.
  194. >Those claws ball up tight; the crayon Scootaloo gave it still firmly in its grasp.
  195. >Its arms shoot down into its lap, and it hides its face.
  196. >You and Scootaloo look to one another, and Sweetie Belle stares at the picture the thing drew.
  197. >She pulls the drawing a little closer with her hoof, and then picks up her crayon.
  198. >Repeating the motions, she draws the same image of herself standing next to the visitor.
  199. >”Hey, let me in.”
  200. >Scootaloo grabs her orange crayon, and begins applying her own self representation to the picture.
  201. “Hey, Ah wanna join in too.”
  203. >The artwork is soon adorned with three ponies of various artistic talents standing next to this unknown being.
  204. >You each press the masterpiece towards it, hoping the message is clear.
  205. >It wipes its eyes and looks up from its lap to the picture.
  206. >Eventually it pulls the drawing close to itself.
  208. >Time ticks by quickly as you all sit on the floor, enraptured with your sketches.
  209. >Pictures of all shapes and color littler the floor surrounded by a mass of crayons.
  210. >Every once in awhile you check out the barn door, looking for the faintest hint of day.
  211. >Applejack always woke up at the crack of dawn; you have to get back to your room before then.
  212. >It’s still dark outside so you return to your doodles.
  213. >Only the sound of coloring fills the air, a scraping that is gently lulling you to sleep.
  214. >Bed doesn’t sound so bad right about now.
  216. >With another picture done you go to share it with the alien and the girls.
  217. >It looks up at the picture, but then looks up even higher.
  218. >It gets up onto its feet, standing at its full height.
  219. >Holy camoly! It’s as big as Big Mac.
  220. >You never noticed how tall it was before with it sitting the whole time.
  221. >It lets out a short cry, but that didn’t scare you as much anymore.
  222. >”AHPPLEBLOOM!”
  223. >But that made your heart jump right into your throat.
  226. >Despite being stunned in disbelief at the sound, you turn around and sure enough Applejack is standing at the door.
  227. >Looking past her you can see that it is still dark out; what is she doing up already?
  228. >Your friends are all equally frozen. They are both well aware of what happens when Applejack is the first to find you.
  229. >You’re all in deeeeeeeep trouble.
  231. >”Git out of there this instant!”
  232. >T he cutie mark crusaders xenologist brigade becomes the fastest thing in Equestria.
  233. >Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and yourself all stampede out of the barn.
  234. >In a flurry Applejack slams the barn door shut.
  235. >The haste of your exit quickly changes to a slow death march for your coming sentence, as you each take a seat in front of AJ.
  237. >”Twi! Git down here!”
  238. >You hear a snort come from above, and a clatter on the roof.
  239. >So that’s where she was.
  240. >”Wha-, huh, Applejack, what is it?”
  241. >”Applebloom and her friends were inside the barn!”
  242. >”WHAT?!”
  243. >Twilight practically plummets to the ground, her eyes wide and frantic.
  244. >You’re in for it now.
  246. >”Twilight, are the girls safe? Could that creature have done anythin’ to ‘em?”
  247. >Applejack’s voice was reserved, but you knew it was the calm before the storm.
  248. >Please let her say yes, AJ will be more lenient that way.
  250. >Twilight may act like a morning person, but you can clearly see that she does not cope well with being woken up abruptly.
  251. >Her notes are a mess as they cluster around her like a mob.
  252. >”Did Anonymous do anything to you girls? Any quills or bites or anything?”
  253. ”No.”
  254. >Twilight takes in a deep breath, and her notes all collect themselves into a neat pile.
  255. >”Nothing at all then? Not even a scratch?”
  256. “…no.”
  257. >There was no getting out of this one.
  258. >Applejack jumps into a tirade.
  261. >”What were you girls thinkin’?! I told ya to stay outta there fer your own sakes! You three scared me half to death! What if somethin’ happened to one of ya, huh?! What then?!”
  262. >The worst part about being caught by your big sister was that you would have to be the one to speak in everyone’s defense.
  263. “But, Applejack, we’re fine. We just wanted ta see what all the fuss was about, and help out. All we did was draw pictures.”
  264. >”Ya had ta go to the barn, despite everythin’ I said, ta draw pictures?”
  265. “We wanted to share with the alien.”
  266. >Twilight’s attention bounced up at that, but Applejack wasn’t done.
  267. >”Ah don’t care if ya wanted ta share with the creature, its dangerous! I told ya this ain’t somethin’ for ya to be gettin’ near!”
  268. >Applejack’s breathing was growing heavy, but she wasn’t done yet.
  269. >“Now yer gonna do mah entire share of farm duties for the day as punishment.”
  271. >What? You can’t do that.
  272. “But, sis, Ah can’t buck trees like you can.”
  273. >”But nothin’. Ah don’t care how ya do it, but yer gonna do it. You can have your two friends help. If they do, their own punishments might not be so bad. Push it any further and Ah’ll make it a full week. Now ya better get started if ya want to finish by dinner.”
  274. >Drats, drats, drats.
  275. >At least Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle got roped into it too.
  276. >Though they don’t look too pleased about it.
  278. >”Actually, could you girls wait for a minute.”
  279. >Twilight may save the day just yet.
  280. >”Applejack, I need to talk with them about Anonymous. It could be very important”
  281. >”Well, alright, Twilight.”
  282. >YES!
  283. >”But you girls are still goin’ straight ta work when yer done!”
  284. >Double Drats.
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