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Mar 27th, 2015
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  1. -"The organizations of the older branch have been able to sustain themselves longer than those of the younger branch, but they have had their ups and downs and some (e.g. WEAL, NCADV) no longer exist. Funding is a continual problem. Assaults by the right wing have forced many to choose between staying on the cutting edge of social change or paying their staff." what a surprise conservatives don't want women to gain equal rights
  2. -basically womens rights factioned out between the young and old, lower/middle class and upper class, etc
  3. -"Even NOW initially rejected sexual preference as a legitimate feminist concern. However, by 1977 all feminist and most women's organizations acknowledged it as an important part of the feminist agenda."
  4. -"When pro-choice activists were roused from their complacency it escalated the conflict between them and the pro-lifers. Even before Webster, a new, more militant group calling itself Operation Rescue had brought thousands of people to Atlanta during the 1988 Democratic Conveniton to block abortion clinics. Although hundreds were arrested, they continued their strategy of targeting a specific city for massive blockades continuing for weeks at a time. When local police proved inadequate to protect the clinics, they asked the federal courts for injunctions to keep OR away from their doors. Many federal judges complied by invoking an 186 statute passed to protect blacks from the Ku Klux Klan. In 1992, the Court overturned these injunctions, saying the statute was not intended to be used for this purpose."
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