
Rainbow: Last Call

Feb 5th, 2013
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  1. 1/2
  2. >It's late evening time
  3. >You and the girls went to the bar during open mic night
  4. >Applejack seemed comfortable with her cider, sharing it with Fluttershy
  5. >Pinkie downed vodka like a classic Russian
  6. >Twilight and Rarity had their weird mix drinks
  7. >You kept simple with your rum and coke
  8. >Rainbow Dash can't hold her liquor
  9. >After an amusing night, you all decided to keep her away from the mic
  10. >You're all outside after the last call
  11. >Fluttershy had walked with Rarity home
  12. >Twilight and Applejack parted ways soon after
  13. >You are now stuck with a smashed Rainbow Dash
  14. >"An... Anon."
  15. "What."
  16. >You can't stand her, but you can't just leave rainbow horse by herself
  17. >"Can I... Can I shta-ay with yo-hic-u?"
  18. >Don't drink and fly
  19. "I guess so. I have a guest bedroom in my home."
  20. >"Woo-hic-ooo~"
  21. >She hoof pumps the air once before slumping down, curling up into a ball on the ground
  22. >She falls asleep
  23. >You sigh
  24. >Pick her up and carry her over your shoulder
  25. >After reaching and entering your home, you place her in your guest bed
  26. >Do the night routine
  27. >Brush your teeth because that toothpaste p0ne won't leave you alone if you don't
  28. >Get into your bed
  29. >Hear blue fast snoring and... moaning, in the other room
  30. >Roll your eyes
  31. >Try falling asleep
  32. >The snoring stops
  34. 2/2
  35. >You hear the rustling of bed sheets
  36. >Soon followed by uneven hoof steps
  37. >The door to your room opens
  38. >Herewego.jpg
  39. >Feint sleeping
  40. >Hear her approach your bed
  41. >She's breathing hard
  42. >"H..."
  43. >Wat
  44. >"Hurk..."
  45. >Fuck no
  46. >You bolt up and try to stop her
  47. >"Hgguaah!"
  48. >She vomits all over your bed sheets
  49. >You get out of the way just in time, standing up at the other side of your bed
  50. "Rainbow, what the fuck!"
  51. >Her eyes are red
  52. >Vomit stains her mouth
  53. >The room has an acrid smell of regurgitated nachos and beer
  54. >You won't get that smell out for weeks
  55. >"H-hey, you!"
  56. >She tries to give you a sultry look
  57. >She looks like she's high
  58. "Rainbow, what the fuck. What. The. Fuck."
  59. >She closes her eyes and dozes off, tipping over onto the floor
  60. "Why did you go to my room to vomit?"
  61. >She snaps out of her daze
  62. >"I... I wanted to come inside."
  63. >Fucking Rainbow Dash
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