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Feb 16th, 2015
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  1. Ninja: The Locksmith
  3. Swashbuckler: The Cricket
  5. Cleric: The Crows
  7. Alchemist: The Demon's Lantern
  13. LG (Positive Past)
  14. The Fiend [LE]
  15. -The devil that swallows innocents, the Fiend may sometimes indicate the deaths of many in a great calamity, or a dark intelligence endangering the populace. But these events are in the past, and perhaps indicate salvation from the same calamity.
  17. LN (Unclear Past)
  18. The Foreign Trader [N]
  19. The card of spies and peddlers alike. All who trade in information are subject to the the influence this card holds. It predicts a bargain struck, and bargains made under this card's auspice always conclude true, though the ramifications of that pact might be shocking for those who do not understand it's implications. While the details of this deal made in the past, the only certainty is that it's effects continue to resonate today.
  21. LE (Negative Past)
  22. The Crows [NE]
  23. The Crows are a dangerous bunch, who indicate a violent taking of that which is loved. When The Crows appear, murder, theft, or other shocking loss occurs. The loss this card predicts can take many forms, all of which may change the victim's life in some major way. but the event this card speaks of was one that took place in the past. Is it not for this reason that you are here?
  27. NG (Positive Present)
  28. The Cricket [NG] -TRUE-
  29. The Cricket is a creature who's mind is as quick as it's body. It represents speed and quick passage for those starting on a journey. But while the Cricket is commonly associated with travel, it also depicts the a peach, the treasure at the end of that journey. Here, this card portents a journey that may start very soon, and we should all be thankful that this omen shows it's face, forecasting positive portents for those involved.
  31. N (Unclear Present)
  32. The Unicorn [CG]
  33. Sometimes the present can be unclear. The Unicorn is one that generously offers that which the subject seeks, just as the steed in the picture offers up it's fruit. But whether this is a boon to the seeker or a ruse, in this position the card remains unclear. Perhaps a message to expect blessing and good fortune, or a portent that grasping at gold will lead to downfall, I cannot say.
  35. NE (Negative Present)
  36. The Eclipse
  37. The Eclipse [LE]
  38. The Eclipse is a powerful omen of change, and in this place, it foretells evil. The Eclipse can tell of many ill tidings, but often it afflicts those with faith in the divine greatest of all, often seeing their talents wane under the stress it portents. But it can mean for others a loss of way along a path, sometimes with dire consequences. I can only say that under The Eclipse, all will suffer in some form.
  42. CG (Positive Future)
  43. The Big Sky [CG] -TRUE-
  44. As we look towards the future, we see The Big Sky, which shows the epic moment as the slaves of a nation are freed. The slaves' freedom specifies a momentous and powerful change, as old shackles are cast off in the light of day. A very powerful omen here, I believe you will be part of such a change, the guiding hand that liberates someone's mind or body. Take heart in good omens as this, and let them bring you hope as you venture into the future.
  46. CN (Unclear Future)
  47. The Snakebite [CE]
  48. Much of the future is obscured from sight, and no one can ever know it fully. The Snakebite is a vile, poisoned weapon, but the poison can take many forms, not all of them physical. I believe the poison on this assassin's blade represents the death of ideas and freedom, that many will fall under the sway of such tyranny. But from where this subjugation may come, I can not say for sure. It may also express the ability to turn friends against one another and poison the minds of the virtuous. But it can also herald good things. A sudden change in insight, or a new friendship. Tread carefully into the future, and know that nothing is certain.
  50. CE (Negative Future)
  51. The Avalanche [LE]
  52. The Avalanche is a disaster. An unthinking, unreasoning thing that overruns all who find themselves in it's path. Though the plainest reading would be a physical disaster, I believe it more likely represents that which comes from a panicked crowd or other unthinking group or entity. Tread lightly, for I believe this omen suggests that you may find danger in the ordinary person, a crowd is a dangerous thing and disaster will surely fall if they are to rise up.
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