
Gone Fishing

Oct 1st, 2012
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  1. “How much do I owe ya?”
  3. Sarah looks at you funny, tilting her head. “Why would you want this one? It's brown. Even worse, it's pale brown.”
  5. “It's not for my stock, I'm using it for something else tomorrow.”
  7. “I'm not even going to ask. Just take it.”
  9. “Pway wif babeh?” the pale pegasus foal asks, squirming in your hand. She's about a week and a half old; still young enough to call herself a baby, which is exactly what you need. Foal in hand, you walk out of the shop and get in your car, setting the baby in the passenger seat.
  11. “Babeh hung'y, can haf miwkies?”
  13. You smile a little as you drive off. You've got enough milk mixed up to feed her for one night, which is all she's going to require. “Sure, when I get home I'll give you milk.”
  15. “Yay! Babeh wan' miwkies!”
  17. You've only got one death row fluffy at home right now, a female purple pegasus named Violet. You'll have to make other arrangements for this foal for the night, because if she sees the baby, she's going to want babies until you shock her with the stun gun. You'll just find a basket or something.
  19. “Miwkies!”
  21. “Relax, fuck. We're almost home.”
  23. It takes you a few moments after bringing her into the house to find one of the spare basket beds, which you take into your bedroom after lining with newspaper. This is where she'll stay until the morning.
  25. “Miwkies!” Hung'y!” she whines again, wandering aimlessly and trying to climb the basket sides. You feed her some sugared milk from a small bottle. After she eats, she becomes hyper, running around.
  27. “Wan' pway! Pway! Pway!” she chants, skittering happily. Her wings flutter and her tail wags; she couldn't be any happier. Of course, if Violet hears her, it'll be annoying. To prevent this, you snap a small rubber band around her snout.
  29. “Mmmh! Ammmh!” she murmurs, crying. She rolls around in the basket, pawing at her face and pissing herself. You leave to tend to Violet.
  31. -----
  33. The next morning, you check on the foal. The paper 'bedding' is mostly wet with piss and liquid shit. Her face is wet with tears, but she must have gotten exhausted overnight and fallen asleep. You heard her whining for a few minutes, but you weren't awake long. She awakes as you pick her up and remove the rubber band.
  35. “Owwies! Huggies babeh!” she yelps, reaching her legs out to you. She begins weeping loudly, so you snap the band on again.
  37. “I'm not putting up with that shit.”
  39. “Mmmah! Mwwah!”
  41. You tend to Violet again for a while, then return her to the safe room and retrieve the sobbing foal. After running some water on her in the sink to clean her, you set her in the basin while you go retrieve your tools.
  43. “Almost time to play!”
  45. “Mmmmahmm,” she whines unhappily, still pawing at her face as you leave the bathroom. A few minutes later, you've gotten everything packed into the car and you come back for the now mostly-dry foal, dropping her into a paper bag. With everything set, you grab your keys and head out.
  47. -----
  49. “Where is this herd, again?”
  51. The man pushes his glasses up and sighs, pointing. “In a cave in the trees there. It's not technically park grounds, so we can't do anything, but they send out groups and steal the flowers from the beds. I'm getting sick of them.”
  53. “Well, leave it to me.”
  55. You're just about to go when he asks, “What's the fishing rod for?”
  57. “Heh...don't worry about it.”
  59. Rod and bagged foal in one hand, you wander into the woods. You find the cave in short order, a jutting arch of rocks nestled in a stand of immense trees. There are tufts of fluff littering the ground, a rainbow of colors amongst the moss and muted undergrowth, but the floor near the mouth is smooth and rocky. There are some low bushes off to the right you can sit behind and cast over, so you walk over and clear off a spot. You take the foal out of the now wet bag; she's soaked with piss and crying quietly. Doesn't matter. You wrap the fishing line around her torso, just below her flapping wings, and remove the rubber band.
  61. “Owwies! Babeh owwies!”
  63. You give her nose a good thwack, which causes her to screech and thrash.
  65. “Babeh owwies! Huuu! Pwease huggies babeh!”
  67. You cast her over the bushes. She lands near the mouth of the cave, bawling as loudly as she can manage. You gaze through the bushes and wait. Thirty seconds passes before a yellow unicorn comes out.
  69. “Babeh cwy?” he asks, looking around. His gaze falls on the foal, and he walks over to her. “Babeh! Fwuffy hewp babeh, no cwy!” Of course, he tries to hug her. You begin to reel the foal back, making sure the line doesn't get tangled on the branches. “Babeh no wun 'way! Fwuffy hewp!”
  71. The yellow unicorn waddles all the way to the bushes in pursuit, not seeing you until he actually gets stuck in them trying to get at the foal. He opens his mouth to say something, but you don't give him the chance, snatching him from the bush and punching him repeatedly in the throat so he can't scream – making sure to aim his ass away from the bushes, so his shit doesn't blow your cover. One down. You cast the foal back out.
  73. “Owwies! Wingie owwies! Babeh huwt! Babeh huwt!”
  75. Another minute passes before the bait works, this time attracting a bright orange pegasus. It looks around and quickly skitters over to the foal.
  77. “No cwy! Fwuffy hewp babeh, gif huggies!” she says. You reel the foal in as she tries to hug. “Nuuu, babeh no wun 'way! Gif wuv!” She too gets caught in the bushes before actually seeing you.
  79. “Mu-mun—gwwwwuk!” she stammers out, just before your knuckles slam into her throat. You toss her over your shoulder, where she lands next to the writhing yellow unicorn. You repeat this process for the next hour, striking the foal whenever her cries aren't loud enough. The bait attracts six more fluffy ponies, which are now in a squirming pile behind you. They make gurgling noises as they lay on their sides, legs bicycling slowly through the air as they try in vain to run from their agony.
  81. “Babeh owwies! Hewp! Wuv! Wuv!” the foal cries, so terrified that she's reverting to her basic vocabulary. It's been five minutes with no luck. You've not encountered the smarty friend yet, so there must still be ponies in the cave. After five more minutes, you give up. You'll have to do the rest the hard way.
  83. “Huggies babeh!” the foal begs as you walk past. You ignore her, looking into the mouth of the cave. It seems to go back farther than you thought, and you didn't bring a flashlight.
  85. “Fwuffy heaw babeh!” echoes quietly off the cave walls. Damn it, there are more down there. You walk farther in. The cave goes down and curves to the left sharply. As it turns out, there's only about thirty feet of travel total. The cave ends in a large, oval-shaped room. It's still light enough to see. You see fifteen more fluffies, including two dams nursing foals. There are four juveniles, and the rest are adults.
  87. “Whewe fwiends?” one of the big ones asks a pristine white unicorn.
  89. “Fwiends go shiny pwace, ge' nummies,” the unicorn replies.
  91. You look around. The path up to the cave mouth is narrow; they won't be able to get around you easily. Time to end it.
  93. “What have we got here?” you say.
  95. “Munsta!” a few adults yelp. The dams gather up their foals and take them to an indentation in the rock wall and hide. The juveniles all huddle together, while two adults stand in front of them. The white smarty approaches you, stomping his forehooves.
  97. “Dis fwuffy house!” he snorts. “Go 'way! Gif sowwy poopies!”
  99. “Oh, you're going to shit on me?”
  101. He turns, raising his fire engine red tail. “Sowwy poopies fo' mun—nuuuuuuuuuuu!”
  103. In a flash, you've grabbed him, aiming his ass at the dams hiding in the large crevice. Now shitting out of fright instead of defiance, you use him as a weapon, secure under your left arm. He showers the dams and their foals with filth. The baby fluffies unleash a chant of gurgling chirps, choking to death as they inhale the waste while gasping fearfully.
  105. “Nuu! No wan' sowwy poopies fo' fwiends!” the helpless smarty cries, trying to buck your side with his back legs. He's run out of shit, so you set him down. The herd runs in all directions, slamming into each other and the rock walls. They run toward the light, but you kick them back, bouncing them off the stone. When the smarty charges, you nudge him aside more gently. In short order, the herd lays shattered at your sneakers, save the four juveniles, the dams who are trying to rouse their drowned foals, and the smarty himself, who is currently trying to stop you from advancing on the young fluffies.
  107. “Munsta no huwt widdle fwuffy fwiends!” he bellows. You knock him away.
  109. “No huwt...huuu...huuuu...fiwwy sowwy, fiwwy no wan' munsta,” one of the young ones cries as you pick her up. You dispense with the juveniles by simply holding them high above your head and dropping them, allowing the stone floor to shatter their legs. Once they're immobilized, you walk over to the two sobbing dams.
  111. “Nuuuuuu! Munsta no huwt mummas!” the white smarty growls, nipping at your jeans. You knock him away again. The dams each get kick to the face to end their whining, leaving you alone with the white smarty.
  113. “Huuuu huuu, smawty no can hewp fwiends,” he wails, sobbing as he lays on his stomach. His white fluff is stained with red, but you managed to keep him out of the minefield of waste by some miracle. You walk over and pick him up, taking him out of the cave.
  115. “Huggies! Wuv! Babeh huwt!” is the first noise that greets you when you emerge. You hold the smarty under your arm as you reel in the foal completely and grab your rod. When he sees the pile of dying ponies you baited, he begins wailing.
  117. “Fwiends! Smawty hewp fwiends! Gif huggies to fwiends!” he cries as you carry him away. After you emerge from the woods, you put the smarty in your car, then go find the man to get paid.
  119. “Why do you have a foal on the line?” he asks, counting out the money.
  121. “Bait,” you smirk. Now that you've been paid, you walk back to your car, stopping at the first trash can you see.
  123. “Babeh huwt, babeh huwt,” the exhausted foal whines. “Huggies...wuv?”
  125. You use your folding knife to cut her free and drop her in the trash. Once you get back to the car and get in, you call Sarah. The smarty, in the passenger seat beside you, sobs quietly.
  127. “Wan' fwiends...wan hewd...smawty sowwy no can gif munsta owwies...pwease gif fwiends to smawty...”
  129. You ignore his cries. “Hey, Sarah? I caught ya a nice white stud. Unicorn, too. Want me to bring him over?”
  131. “Wan' die...smawty fwiends haf big owwies...smawty bad smawty...”
  133. You elbow him to get him to shut up. “How'd I catch him? Heh...let's just say I went fishin'.”
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