Guest User

sql gossips

a guest
Aug 3rd, 2012
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text 31.06 KB | None | 0 0
  2. -- ----------------------------
  3. -- Table structure for `gossip_texts`
  4. -- ----------------------------
  5. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gossip_texts`;
  6. CREATE TABLE `gossip_texts` (
  7. `entry` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  8. `text` varchar(255) character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  9. PRIMARY KEY (`entry`)
  12. -- ----------------------------
  13. -- Records of gossip_texts
  14. -- ----------------------------
  15. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('1', 'I would like to browse your goods.');
  16. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('2', 'I seek ');
  17. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('3', 'mage');
  18. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('4', 'shaman');
  19. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('5', 'warrior');
  20. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('6', 'paladin');
  21. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('7', 'warlock');
  22. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('8', 'hunter');
  23. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('9', 'rogue');
  24. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('10', 'druid');
  25. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('11', 'priest');
  26. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('12', 'training');
  27. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('13', 'Train me in the ways of the beast.');
  28. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('14', 'Give me a ride.');
  29. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('15', 'I would like to make a bid.');
  30. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('16', 'Make this inn your home.');
  31. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('17', 'I would like to check my deposit box.');
  32. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('18', 'Bring me back to life.');
  33. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('19', 'How do I create a guild/arena team?');
  34. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('20', 'I want to create a guild crest.');
  35. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('21', 'I would like to go to the battleground.');
  36. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('22', 'I would like to reset my talents.');
  37. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('23', 'I wish to untrain my pet.');
  38. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('24', 'I understand, continue.');
  39. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('25', 'Yes, please do.');
  40. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('26', 'This instance is unavailable.');
  41. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('27', 'You must have The Burning Crusade Expansion to access this content.');
  42. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('28', 'Heroic mode unavailable for this instance.');
  43. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('29', 'You must be in a raid group to pass through here.');
  44. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('30', 'You do not have the required attunement to pass through here.');
  45. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('31', 'You must be at least level %u to pass through here.');
  46. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('32', 'You must be in a party to pass through here.');
  47. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('33', 'You must be level 70 to enter heroic mode.');
  48. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('34', '-');
  49. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('35', 'You must have the item, `%s` to pass through here.');
  50. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('36', 'You must have the item, UNKNOWN to pass through here.');
  51. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('37', 'What can I teach you, $N?');
  52. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('38', 'Alterac Valley');
  53. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('39', 'Warsong Gulch');
  54. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('40', 'Arathi Basin');
  55. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('41', 'Arena 2v2');
  56. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('42', 'Arena 3v3');
  57. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('43', 'Arena 5v5');
  58. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('44', 'Eye of the Storm');
  59. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('45', 'Unknown Battleground');
  60. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('46', 'One minute until the battle for %s begins!');
  61. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('47', 'Thirty seconds until the battle for %s begins!');
  62. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('48', 'Fifteen seconds until the battle for %s begins!');
  63. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('49', 'The battle for %s has begun!');
  64. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('50', 'Arena');
  65. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('51', 'You have tried to join an invalid instance id.');
  66. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('52', 'Your queue on battleground instance id %u is no longer valid. Reason: Instance Deleted.');
  67. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('53', 'You cannot join this battleground as it has already ended.');
  68. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('54', 'Your queue on battleground instance %u is no longer valid, the instance no longer exists.');
  69. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('55', 'Sorry, raid groups joining battlegrounds are currently unsupported.');
  70. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('56', 'You must be the party leader to add a group to an arena.');
  71. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('57', 'You must be in a team to join rated arena.');
  72. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('58', 'You have too many players in your party to join this type of arena.');
  73. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('59', 'Sorry, some of your party members are not level 70.');
  74. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('60', 'One or more of your party members are already queued or inside a battleground.');
  75. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('61', 'One or more of your party members are not members of your team.');
  76. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('62', 'Welcome to');
  77. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('63', 'Horde');
  78. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('64', 'Alliance');
  79. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('65', '[ |cff00ccffAttention|r ] Welcome! A new challenger (|cff00ff00{%d}|r - |cffff0000%s|r) has arrived and joined into |cffff0000%s|r,their force has already been increased.');
  80. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('66', 'This instance is scheduled to reset on');
  81. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('67', 'Auto loot passing is now %s');
  82. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('68', 'On');
  83. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('69', 'Off');
  84. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('70', 'Hey there, $N. How can I help you?');
  85. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('71', 'You are already in an arena team.');
  86. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('72', 'That name is already in use.');
  87. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('73', 'You already have an arena charter.');
  88. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('74', 'A guild with that name already exists.');
  89. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('75', 'You already have a guild charter.');
  90. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('76', 'Item not found.');
  91. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('77', 'Target is of the wrong faction.');
  92. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('78', 'Target player cannot sign your charter for one or more reasons.');
  93. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('79', 'You have already signed that charter.');
  94. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('80', 'You don\'t have the required amount of signatures to turn in this petition.');
  95. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('82', 'Deathknight');
  96. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('83', 'What can I do at an inn?');
  97. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('85', 'Warning: You\'ve entered a no-fly zone and are about to be dismounted!');
  98. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('86', 'Bank of Stormwind');
  99. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('87', 'Stormwind Harbor');
  100. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('88', 'Deeprun Tram');
  101. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('89', 'The Inn');
  102. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('90', 'Gryphon Master');
  103. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('91', 'Guild Master');
  104. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('92', 'Mailbox');
  105. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('93', 'Locksmith');
  106. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('94', 'Stable Master');
  107. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('95', 'Weapons Trainer');
  108. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('96', 'Officers\' Lounge');
  109. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('97', 'Battlemaster');
  110. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('98', 'Barber');
  111. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('99', 'Lexicon of Power');
  112. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('100', 'Class Trainer');
  113. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('101', 'Profession Trainer');
  114. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('102', 'Alchemy');
  115. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('103', 'Blacksmithing');
  116. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('104', 'Cooking');
  117. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('105', 'Enchanting');
  118. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('106', 'Engineering');
  119. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('107', 'First Aid');
  120. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('108', 'Fishing');
  121. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('109', 'Herbalism');
  122. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('110', 'Inscription');
  123. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('111', 'Leatherworking');
  124. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('112', 'Mining');
  125. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('113', 'Skinning');
  126. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('114', 'Tailoring');
  127. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('115', 'Bank');
  128. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('116', 'Can you send me to Theramore? I have an urgent message for Lady Jaina from Highlord Bolvar.');
  129. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('117', 'Yes, please.');
  130. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('118', 'No, thank you.');
  131. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('119', 'I would like to whisper my secret code to you to receive Tyrael\'s Hilt.');
  132. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('120', 'Jewelcrafting');
  133. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('121', 'Flight Master');
  134. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('122', 'Tell me what\'s going on out here, Fizzcrank.');
  135. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('123', 'Go on.');
  136. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('124', 'I\'d like passage to the Transitus Shield.');
  137. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('125', 'May I use a drake to fly elsewhere?');
  138. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('126', 'Battlemasters');
  139. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('127', 'Capital Portals');
  140. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('128', 'Points of Interest');
  141. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('129', 'Trainers');
  142. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('130', 'Vendors');
  143. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('131', 'Eastern Sewer Entrance');
  144. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('132', 'Western Sewer Entrance');
  145. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('133', 'Well Entrance');
  146. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('134', 'The Alliance Quarter');
  147. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('135', 'The Horde Quarter');
  148. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('136', 'Northern Bank');
  149. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('137', 'Southern Bank');
  150. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('138', 'Sewers');
  151. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('139', 'Alliance Inn');
  152. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('140', 'Horde Inn');
  153. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('141', 'Krasus\' Landing');
  154. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('142', 'The Violet Citadel');
  155. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('143', 'The Violet Hold');
  156. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('144', 'Trade District');
  157. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('145', 'Antonidas Memorial');
  158. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('146', 'Runeweaver Square');
  159. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('147', 'The Eventide');
  160. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('148', 'Cemetary');
  161. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('149', 'Cold Weather Flying Trainer');
  162. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('150', 'Portal Trainer');
  163. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('151', 'Armor');
  164. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('152', 'Clothing');
  165. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('153', 'Emblem Gear');
  166. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('154', 'Flowers');
  167. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('155', 'Fruit');
  168. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('156', 'General Goods');
  169. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('157', 'Jewelry');
  170. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('158', 'Pet Supplies & Exotic Mounts');
  171. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('159', 'Pie, Pastry & Cakes');
  172. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('160', 'Reagents & Magical Goods');
  173. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('161', 'Toys');
  174. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('162', 'Trade Supplies');
  175. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('163', 'Trinkets. Relics & Off-hand items');
  176. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('164', 'Weapons');
  177. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('165', 'Wine & Cheese');
  178. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('166', 'Cloth Armor');
  179. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('167', 'Leather Armor');
  180. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('168', 'Mail Armor');
  181. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('169', 'Plate Armor');
  182. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('170', 'Shields');
  183. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('171', 'Melee Weapons');
  184. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('172', 'Ranged & Thrown Weapons');
  185. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('173', 'Staves & Wands');
  186. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('174', 'See the fall of the Lich King.');
  187. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('175', 'Tell me how to use the Blastenheimer 5000 Ultra Cannon.');
  188. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('176', 'Let me browse your goods.');
  189. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('177', 'Tell me more about these Darkmoon Cards.');
  190. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('178', 'Tell me about the Beasts Deck.');
  191. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('179', 'Tell me about the Portals Deck.');
  192. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('180', 'Tell me about the Elementals Deck.');
  193. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('181', 'Tell me about the Warlords Deck.');
  194. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('182', 'Tell me about the Furies Deck.');
  195. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('183', 'Tell me about the Lunacy Deck.');
  196. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('184', 'Tell me about the Blessings Deck.');
  197. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('185', 'Tell me about the Storms Deck.');
  198. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('186', 'I am ready to discover where my fortune lies!');
  199. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('187', 'I slay the man on the spot as my liege would expect me to do, as he is nothing more than a thief and a liar.');
  200. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('188', 'I turn over the man to my liege for punishment, as he has broken the law of the land and it is my sworn duty to enforce it.');
  201. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('189', 'I confiscate the corn he has stolen, warn him that stealing is a path towards doom and destruction, but I let him go to return to his family.');
  202. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('190', 'I allow the man to take enough corn to feed his family for a couple of days, encouraging him to leave the land.');
  203. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('191', 'I execute him as per my liege\'s instructions, and do it in such a manner that he suffers painfully before he dies a retribution for his crimes against my people.');
  204. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('192', 'I execute him as per my liege\'s instructions, but doing so in as painless of a way as possible. Justice must be served, but I can show some compassion.');
  205. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('193', 'I risk my own life and free him so that he may prove his innocence. If I can, I\'ll help him in any way.');
  206. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('194', 'I confront the ruler on his malicious behavior, upholding my liege\'s honor at risk of any future diplomacy.');
  207. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('195', 'I not-so-quietly ignore the insult, hoping to instill a fear in the ruler that he may have gaffed. I then inform my liege of the insult when I return.');
  208. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('196', 'I quietly ignore the insult. I will not tell my liege, as I am to secure peace at all costs. It\'s only an insult - not a declaration of war.');
  209. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('197', 'I would speak against my brother joining the order, rushing a permanent breech in our relationship. He would be a danger to himself and those around him, and that is too great a risk hoping he would improve over time.');
  210. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('198', 'I would speak for my brother joining the order, potentially risking the safety of the order. I could help him with the order\'s regimens, and I\'d have faith in his ability to adapt and learn.');
  211. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('199', 'I would create some surreptitious means to keep my brother out of the order. I can keep him out without him being any bit wiser, thereby saving our familial bonds.');
  212. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('200', 'I would show my liege the beast\'s ear and claim the beast\'s death as my own, taking the reward for my own use. It is wrong to claim a deed as your own that someone else in fact did.');
  213. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('201', 'I would show my liege the beast\'s ear and claim the beast\'s death as my own - after all, I did slay it. I would then offer some of the reward to the destitute knight to help his family.');
  214. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('202', 'I would remain silent about the kill and allow the knight to claim the reward to aid his family.');
  215. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('203', 'I\'d love to get one of those written fortunes you mentioned! I\'ve got the space in my inventory for it.');
  216. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('204', 'What can I purchase?');
  217. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('205', 'What are Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets and how do I get them?');
  218. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('206', 'What are Darkmoon Cards?');
  219. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('207', 'What other things can I do at the faire?');
  220. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('208', 'What are these Tonk Control Consoles?');
  221. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('209', 'Tell me about the cannon.');
  222. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('210', '<more>');
  223. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('211', 'Silas, why is most everything at the fair free? How do you make a profit?');
  224. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('212', 'Yes, please, I would like to return to the ground level of the temple.');
  225. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('213', 'I would like to go Lord Afrasastrasz in the middle of the temple');
  226. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('214', 'My lord, I need to get to the top of the temple.');
  227. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('215', 'Can I get a ride back to ground level, Lord Afrasastrasz?');
  228. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('216', 'Steward, please allow me to ride one of the drakes to the queen\'s chamber at the top of the temple.');
  229. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('217', 'Can you spare a drake to take me to Lord Afrasastrasz in the middle of the temple?');
  230. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('218', 'Bank of Ironforge');
  231. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('219', 'The bank');
  232. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('220', 'The wind rider master');
  233. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('221', 'The guild master');
  234. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('222', 'The mailbox');
  235. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('223', 'The auction house');
  236. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('224', 'The zeppelin master');
  237. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('225', 'The weapon master');
  238. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('226', 'The stable master');
  239. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('227', 'The officers\' lounge');
  240. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('228', 'The battlemaster');
  241. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('229', 'A class trainer');
  242. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('230', 'A profession trainer');
  243. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('231', 'Dragonhawk Master');
  244. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('232', 'Mana Loom');
  245. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('233', 'To the west.');
  246. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('234', 'To the east.');
  247. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('235', 'The west.');
  248. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('236', 'The east.');
  249. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('237', 'The Silvermoon City Inn.');
  250. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('238', 'The Wayfarer\'s Rest tavern.');
  251. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('239', 'Bat Handler');
  252. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('240', 'I no longer wish to gain experience.');
  253. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('241', 'I wish to start gaining experience again');
  254. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('242', 'Are you certain you wish to stop gaining experience?');
  255. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('243', 'Are you certain you wish to start gaining experience again?');
  256. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('244', 'I\'ve lost my Key to Searing Gorge.');
  257. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('245', 'I\'ve lost my Key to the Arcatraz.');
  258. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('246', 'I\'ve lost my Shadowforge Key.');
  259. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('247', 'I\'ve lost my Skeleton Key.');
  260. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('248', 'I\'ve lost my Shattered Halls Key.');
  261. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('249', 'I\'ve lost my Master\'s Key.');
  262. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('250', 'I\'ve lost my Jump-a-tron 4000 Key.');
  263. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('251', 'I\'ve lost my Violet Hold Key.');
  264. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('252', 'I\'d like to fly to Rut\'theran Village.');
  265. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('253', 'I\'d like to fly to Thunder Bluff.');
  266. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('254', 'Tell me a story, Skorn.');
  267. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('255', 'Tell me more, Trenton.');
  268. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('256', 'Please tell me more about the hippogryphs.');
  269. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('257', 'Please tell me more about the Gordunni ogres.');
  270. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('258', 'Tell me more about these hippogryphs.');
  271. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('259', 'Rut\'Theran Ferry');
  272. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('260', 'Hippogryph Master');
  273. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('261', 'Lady Jaina told me to speak to you about using a gryphon to survey Alcaz Island.');
  274. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('262', 'What have you heard of the Shady Rest Inn?');
  275. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('263', 'World\'s End Tavern');
  276. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('264', 'Alchemy Lab');
  277. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('265', 'Gem Merchant');
  278. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('266', 'Inn');
  279. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('267', 'Aldor Bank');
  280. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('268', 'Scryers Bank');
  281. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('269', 'Aldor inn');
  282. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('270', 'Scryers inn');
  283. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('271', 'Aldor Stable');
  284. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('272', 'Scryers Stable');
  285. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('273', 'Alliance Battlemasters');
  286. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('274', 'Horde & Arena Battlemasters');
  287. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('275', 'Aldor Gem Merchant');
  288. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('276', 'Scryer Gem Merchant');
  289. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('277', 'Nasuun, do you know how long until we have an alchemy lab at the Sun\'s Reach Harbor?');
  290. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('278', 'What do you know about the magical gates at the Sunwell Plateau being brought down?');
  291. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('279', 'I have something else to ask you about.');
  292. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('280', 'Bring me to Caverns of Time!');
  293. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('281', 'The bat handler');
  294. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('282', 'Teleport me to Amber Ledge!');
  295. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('283', 'Please teach me how to become a hammersmith, Lilith.');
  296. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('284', 'I wish to unlearn Hammersmithing!');
  297. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('285', 'Please teach me how to become a swordsmith, Seril.');
  298. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('286', 'I wish to unlearn Swordsmithing!');
  299. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('287', 'Please teach me how to become a axesmith, Kilram.');
  300. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('288', 'I wish to unlearn Axesmithing!');
  301. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('289', 'What do you know of it');
  302. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('290', 'I am listening, Demitrian.');
  303. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('291', 'Continue, please.');
  304. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('292', 'A battle?');
  305. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('293', '<Nod>');
  306. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('294', 'Caught unaware? How?');
  307. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('295', 'o what did Ragnaros do next?');
  308. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('84', 'Trick or Treat!');
  309. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('296', 'Auction House');
  310. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('297', 'I was looking for something else.');
  311. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('298', 'Please Teleport me to Darnassus.');
  312. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('299', 'I wish to leave this horrible place');
  313. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('300', '[PH] Start escort');
  314. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('301', 'I am ready to go to Durnhold Keep.');
  315. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('302', 'I need a pack of Incendiary Bombs.');
  316. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('303', 'Let`s go!');
  317. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('304', 'I will slay those Fanglords');
  318. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('305', 'We`re ready to face Illidan.');
  319. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('306', 'I`m ready, Akama.');
  320. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('307', 'We are ready to defend the Alliance base.');
  321. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('308', 'We are ready to defend the Alliance base.');
  322. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('309', 'The defenses are holding up: we can continue.');
  323. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('310', 'We\'re here to help! The Alliance are overrun.');
  324. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('311', 'We\'re okay so far. Let\'s do this!');
  325. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('312', 'What is this place?');
  326. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('313', 'Where is Medivh?');
  327. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('314', 'How do you navigate the tower?');
  328. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('315', 'Please teleport me to the Guardian\'s Library.');
  329. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('316', 'I\'m not an actor.');
  330. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('317', 'Ok, I\'ll give it a try, then.');
  331. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('318', 'Expedition Base Camp.');
  332. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('319', 'Formation Grounds');
  333. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('320', 'Colossal Forge');
  334. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('321', 'Scrapyard');
  335. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('322', 'Antechamber of Ulduar');
  336. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('323', 'Shattered Walkway');
  337. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('324', 'Conservatory of Life');
  338. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('325', 'Spark of Imagination');
  339. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('326', 'Prison of Yogg-Saron');
  340. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('327', 'I need to speak with Corporal.');
  341. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('328', 'Warn him');
  342. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('329', 'Tell me what\'s going on out here, Fizzcrank.');
  343. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('330', 'Go on.');
  344. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('331', 'I\'d like passage to the Transitus Shield.');
  345. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('332', 'May I use a drake to fly elsewhere?');
  346. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('333', 'You have fought well, spirit. I ask you to grand me the strenght of your body and the strenght of your heart.');
  347. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('334', '\"What do you represent, spirit?');
  348. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('335', 'I seek to understand the importance of strength of the body.');
  349. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('336', 'I seek to understand the importance of strength of the heart.');
  350. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('337', 'I have heard your words, Great Bear Spirit, and I understand. I now seek your blessings to fully learn the way of the Claw.');
  351. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('338', 'Show me...');
  352. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('339', 'Release Him.');
  353. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('340', 'Walk free, Elder. Bring the spirits back to your tribe.\r\n');
  354. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('341', 'Where would you like to fly too ?');
  355. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('342', 'Greer, i need a gryphon to ride and some bombs to drop on New Agamand!');
  356. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('343', 'Speaking of action, I\'ve been ordered to undertake an air strike.');
  357. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('344', 'I need to intercept the Dawnblade reinforcements.');
  358. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('345', '<Ride the dragonhawk to Sun\'s Reach>');
  359. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('346', 'Why are Boulderfist out this far? You know this is Kurenai territory!');
  360. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('347', 'I\'m ready');
  361. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('348', 'I am listening, dragon');
  362. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('349', 'But you are dragons! How could orcs do this to you?');
  363. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('350', 'Your mate?');
  364. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('351', 'I have battled many beasts, dragon. I will help you.');
  365. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('352', 'Examine the corpse');
  366. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('353', 'Care to try Grimbooze Thunderbrew\'s Jungle punch?');
  367. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('354', 'Hello, Rutgar. The Commander has sent me here to gather some information about his missing wife.');
  368. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('355', 'That sounds dangerous.');
  369. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('356', 'What happened to her after that?');
  370. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('357', 'Natalia?');
  371. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('358', 'What demands?');
  372. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('359', 'Lost it? What do you mean?');
  373. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('360', 'Possessed by what?');
  374. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('361', 'I\'ll be back once I straighten this mess out.');
  375. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('362', 'Hello, Frankal. I\'ve heard that you might have some information as to the whereabouts of Mistress Natalia Mar\'alith.');
  376. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('363', 'That\'s what I like to hear.');
  377. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('364', 'That\'s odd.');
  378. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('365', 'You couldn\'t handle a lone night elf priestess?');
  379. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('366', 'I\'ve been meaning to ask you about that monkey.');
  380. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('367', 'Then what?');
  381. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('368', 'What a story! So she went into Hive\'Regal and that was the last you saw of her?');
  382. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('369', 'Thanks for the information, Frankal.');
  383. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('370', 'Take Insignia');
  384. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('371', 'I\'m ready, Summon Him!');
  385. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('372', 'Goodbye');
  386. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('373', 'Please take me to the master\'s lair');
  387. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('374', 'Try this');
  388. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('375', 'I inspect the body further.');
  389. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('376', 'Are you okay? I\'ve come to take you back to Frosthold if you can stand.');
  390. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('377', 'I\'m sorry that I didn\'t get here sooner. What happened?');
  391. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('378', 'I\'ll go get some help. Hang in there.');
  392. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('379', 'I\'m ready, Summon Him!');
  393. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('380', 'Grant me your mark, wise ancient.');
  394. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('381', 'Grant me your mark, mighty ancient.');
  395. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('382', 'Offer treat');
  396. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('383', 'Im a messenger for Draenei');
  397. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('384', 'Get message');
  398. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('385', 'Lady Jaina, this may sound like an odd request... but I have a young ward who is quite shy. You are a hero to him, and he asked me to get your autograph.');
  399. INSERT INTO `gossip_texts` VALUES ('386', 'Give me hoofprint.');
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