
2019-08-28 TOEFL: word roots, reading vocab

Aug 28th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Word roots (list 3) - Try to think of one or two words to explain the meaning of each root
  6. ego (egocentric, egotistical, egomania) = self
  7. endo (endotherm, endocrine) = in/into
  8. epi (epiphyte, epidermis, epidemic) = on/upon
  9. equi (equidistant, equation) = same (quantity)
  10. erg (ergonomic, energy) = work
  11. esth/aesth (anesthetic, kinesthesia) = feel/perceive (Many words that start with this root relate to perceving beauty.)
  12. eu (eulogy, euphemism, euphoria) = good (There are many pairs of words with eu- and dys-.)
  13. ex/ect (ex-husband, exit, excavate, ectotherm, exothermic) = out
  14. extra (extraordinary, extrovert, extraterrestrial) = outside/beyond
  15. (The “tra” or “tro” root is also in “intro”, “retro”, and “contra”.)
  16. fac/fact (artifact, factory) = make/do
  17. fer (transfer, ferry) = move/carry
  18. flect/flex (deflect, reflection, flexible) = bend
  19. fore (foreground, forecast) = ahead/before/front
  20. (The same original root gives us: fore, front, first, pre, prim, pro)
  21. fract/frag (fracture, fragment, fragile, refraction) = break
  22. fug (refugee, fugitive) = escape/flee
  23. funct (function, defunct) = perform
  24. gen (generation, generate, genealogy) = produce/make/create
  25. (Related words that mean “family” or “type”: genre, genus, kin, kind)
  26. geo (geography, geology, geocentric) = Earth
  27. graph (autograph, graphite, seismograph) = draw/write / communicate
  28. grat (gratify, gratuity, grateful) = please (v)
  29. helio (heliocentric, heliograph, helium) = Sun
  30. hemo (hemophilia, hemorrhage, hemoglobin) = blood
  31. hetero (heterogeneous, heteronym) = different
  32. homo (homogeneous, homonym) = same
  33. hydro (hydrate, hydraulic, hydrophobia) = water/fluid
  34. hyper (hyperextend, hyperactive, hypertension) = over/excessive
  35. hypo (hypodermic, hypothermia, hypotension) = under/insufficient
  36. ---
  37. Sometimes the roots suggest that words should be synonyms, but they have very different connotations:
  38. These three words all mean “before”+“say”
  39. prediction = the normal speculation everyone does about the future
  40. foretelling = a supernatural prediction (like what a fortune teller might give you)
  41. prophecy = a divine prediction
  42. ---
  43. Reading Question Types:
  44. - vocabulary (The highlighted word in the text is most similar to which word below?)
  45. - fact (According to the text, which of the following is true?)
  46. - negative fact (According to the text, all of the following are true EXCEPT:)
  47. - purpose (Why does the author mention ______?)
  48. - inference (What can be inferred about ______?)
  49. - reference (What does the word “this” refer to in paragraph 3?)
  50. (Rare or discontinued question type, but the skill is still important.)
  51. - paraphrase (Which sentence best expresses the essential information of the highlighted sentence?)
  52. - sentence insertion (Where in the text should this new sentence go?)
  53. - summary (Choose the three (out of 6) sentences that express the most important ideas.)
  54. - organize/categorize (Put the information into the correct categories.)
  55. (Rare or discontinued, especially now that every passage has the same number of questions.)
  56. ---
  57. Vocabulary Questions
  58. p. 2 of the Oxford book gives steps for answering vocabulary questions.
  59. You can often eliminate one or more wrong answers by following these steps, even if you don’t know all the answer choices.
  60. ---
  61. BREAK
  62. ---
  63. Cengage p. 50 exercise 2.1 - Explain what the words mean in your own words.
  64. Passage 1 - Take 5 minutes
  65. 2 steady, continuous
  66. 3 sunset (and the time around it)
  67. 4 basic
  68. 5 dim, not bright
  69. 6 garbage (the noun “refuse” has the stress on the first syllable)
  70. 7 walk around (very common together with words like “free” or “freely”)
  71. Passage 2 - take 3 minutes
  72. 8 take control of
  73. 9 course of studies
  74. 10 choosable (elective courses are courses students can choose to take), NOT required
  75. 11 emphasize
  76. Passage 3 - 4 minutes
  77. 12 group (close together)
  78. 13 fog or cloud, haze
  79. 14 bright
  80. 15 pieces left over after something happens (often after something is built or destroyed)
  81. 16 several (not a specific number, but it’s more than “a few” and less than “many”)
  82. 17 grieving for someone who has died
  83. ---
  84. exercise 2.2 - Choose the best answers for each question. Then compare with your partner.
  85. passage 1 - 8 minutes
  86. 1 B
  87. 2 C
  88. 3 C
  89. 4 D
  90. 5 A
  91. 6 D
  92. “nothing if not _____” = It was definitely _______.
  93. 7 B
  94. 8 B
  95. 9 A
  96. 10 A
  97. 11 A
  98. passage 2 - 5 minutes
  99. 12 D
  100. 13 C
  101. 14 A
  102. 15 B
  103. 16 D
  104. 17 B
  105. 18 A
  106. passage 3 - 5 minutes
  107. Compare your answers and convince your partner of your answer if you disagree.
  108. 19 C
  109. 20 B
  110. 21 D
  111. 22 A
  112. 23 B
  113. 24 D
  114. 25 D
  115. “by no means _____” = “definitely not _____”
  116. 26 B
  117. ---
  118. Homework: finish exercise 2.2 on the handout
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