
Twi Shopping

Jun 22nd, 2014
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  1. "So...what are we here for, again?"
  2. >"C'mon, Anon, you can't tell me you've never been to a mall before!" She says giddily.
  3. >A sea of prismatic ponies ebbs and flows around you, each paying little heed to the thin, gangly creature towering above them.
  4. >You smirk a little, seeing as how you're eye level with the tops of most of the potted plants.
  5. "Well, never for fun..."
  6. >Twilight shoots you an exasperated glare.
  7. >"I guess I'll have to show you, won't I." Her demeanor changes almost instantly to glee. "This way!" She exclaims, gesturing you on.
  8. >You spend most of the rest of the day moving from shop to shop, observing fares as diverse as fine (vegetarian) cuisine, Celestia-themed gift shops, mane styling, and hooficures.
  9. >As much as you couldn't participate in all of the equine-oriented activities, by the end of the day, you were starting to enjoy it.
  10. >In fact, sitting on a ridiculously undersized bench, you couldn't help but smile as you observed a relaxed Twilight melting over a comfortable recliner, her hooves being polished to a shine.
  11. >"Darling!"
  13. >You turned to the source of a familiar voice, and noticed a white unicorn with a shamelessly fashionable blue mane partially obscured under a fastidiously gem-ridden chapeau.
  14. >Rarity, having eyed Twilight first, met your eyes and blushed.
  15. >"...oh, and...good day to you as well, Anon."
  16. >Twilight had popped up.
  17. >"Hey, Rarity! Getting a hooficure, too?"
  18. >"Well, of course! I was just in town, and I had the urge--I never fancied meeting you here, what a splendid surprise!"
  19. >The attendants at the salon had practically already seated Rarity as soon as she came in.
  20. >She must practically live here on the weekends.
  21. >The unicorn and former unicorn catch up on frivolous events that transpired over the last week, and you decide to slump back on the bench a bit, not inclined to participate.
  22. >"Anon, dear, you've been awful quiet; is something the matter?"
  23. >You glance up from your near-trance to find both horned mares staring at you with those dinner plate eyes.
  24. "Oh, uhm, no, everything's fine." You gave them a half-hearted smile.
  25. >"That's...good" Rarity stated, with a semblance of sincerity.
  26. >They soon continued on with their banter, and you might as well have been asleep.
  27. ---
  29. >"Anon, really, what's up? You've been out of it all day..." Twilight said, worry coloring her voice.
  30. >As if by instinct, you started:
  31. "It's nothing--"
  32. >--but that was the wrong answer.
  33. >A violet haze materialized over you as you were suddenly turned about, your eyes meeting the purple mare's serious gaze.
  34. >"It's not nothing," she stated sternly. Some amount of sympathy leaked into her expression, as her voice notably softened. "Whatever it is, you can tell me."
  35. >You didn't want to tell her. But...
  36. "I...just think malls aren't my thing, Twilight."
  37. >She raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
  38. "Guess not," you stated lightly. "It doesn't matter, Twi; I still enjoyed spending the day with you, it's just..."
  39. >"Oh, I know, Anon." She nuzzled you. "You didn't have my attention, did you."
  40. >You blushed.
  41. >"Well, now you do, because I'm done for the day. What do you say we go home, and..." She smiled.
  42. >She didn't finish that sentence.
  43. >She didn't need to.
  44. "I would love to, Miss Sparkle."
  45. >"I told you, don't call me that." She showed a playful grin, and the two of you wedged your way through the mob of equines toward the exit, and toward whatever splendor awaited the two of you at her home.
  46. ===
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