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HPL log file

a guest
Sep 25th, 2015
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text 284.85 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Loading data from cloud storage
  2. --------------------------------------------------------
  3. Files on steam cloud:
  4. 'Main/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_0_3_47_0.sav'
  5. 'Main/CheckPoint.sav'
  6. 'Main/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_0_1_10_0.sav'
  7. 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_20_22_13_0.sav'
  8. 'Main/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_7_12_3_0.sav'
  9. 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_20_17_43_0.sav'
  10. 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_58_3_0.sav'
  11. 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_20_17_42_0.sav'
  12. 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_39_8_0.sav'
  13. 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_16_37_0.sav'
  14. 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_36_5_0.sav'
  15. 'wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD_user_keys.cfg'
  16. 'Main/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_25_23_12_54_0.sav'
  17. 'Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_23_23_49_57_0.sav'
  18. 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_10_50_0.sav'
  19. 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_23_23_50_58_0.sav'
  20. 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_23_23_54_26_0.sav'
  21. 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_23_23_55_15_0.sav'
  22. 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_24_0_0_2_0.sav'
  23. 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_20_8_28_0.sav'
  24. 'Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_20_15_22_0.sav'
  25. - Update Config Files -
  26. - Update Save Files -
  27. #12: 'Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_23_23_49_57_0.sav' Local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_23_23_49_57_0.sav'
  28. local file doesn't exist!
  29. updating...
  30. Time: 62
  31. Updated 0 config files and 1 save files
  32. --------------------------------------------------------
  34. Version 1.02
  35. -------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
  36. Creating Engine Modules
  37. --------------------------------------------------------
  38. Creating job manager with 7 threads and 1024 jobs
  39. Creating graphics module
  40. Creating system module
  41. Creating resource module
  42. Creating input module
  43. Creating sound module
  44. Creating physics module
  45. Creating ai module
  46. Creating gui module
  47. Creating generate module
  48. Creating haptic module
  49. Creating scene module
  50. Creating script module
  51. Creating lipsync module
  52. --------------------------------------------------------
  54. Initializing Resources Module
  55. --------------------------------------------------------
  56. Creating loader handlers
  57. Creating resource managers
  58. Adding loaders to handlers
  59. --------------------------------------------------------
  61. Initializing Graphics Module
  62. --------------------------------------------------------
  63. Init lowlevel graphics: 1920x1080 bpp:32 rr: 60 fs:0 ms:0 driver: 0 cap:'SOMA Loading...' pos:(-1x-1)
  64. Available drivers:
  65. (0) - 'windows'
  66. (1) - 'dummy'
  67. Creating window: (-1,-1) 1920 x 1080 - 32 bpp flags: 3
  68. Setting display mode: 1920 x 1080 - 32 bpp 60 hz
  69. Init Glew...OK
  70. Setting up OpenGL
  71. Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  72. Renderer: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2
  73. Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 355.98
  74. Max texture image units: 32
  75. Max texture coord units: 8
  76. Max texture buffer size: 134217728
  77. Max texture array slices: 2048
  78. Max user clip planes: 8
  79. Two sided stencil: 1
  80. Vertex Buffer Object: 1
  81. Anisotropic filtering: 1
  82. Max Anisotropic degree: 16
  83. Multisampling: 1
  84. Texture compression: 1
  85. Texture compression S3TC: 1
  86. Texture compression 3DC: 1
  87. Texture sRGB: 1
  88. Geometry Instancing: 1
  89. Auto generate MipMaps: 1
  90. Render to texture: 1
  91. Max draw buffers: 8
  92. Max color render targets: 8
  93. Packed depth-stencil: 1
  94. Texture float: 1
  95. GLSL Version: 4.50 NVIDIA
  96. ShaderModel 2: 1
  97. ShaderModel 3: 1
  98. ShaderModel 4: 1
  99. Max vertex uniforms: 2048
  100. Max fragment uniforms: 4096
  101. OGL ATIFragmentShader: 0
  102. Tesselation: 1
  103. MultiBindTex: 1
  104. Initializing DevIL
  105. Vendor String: Abysmal Software
  106. Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.7.8
  107. Version Number: 178
  108. Adding engine materials
  109. Adding engine post effects
  110. --------------------------------------------------------
  112. Initializing Sound Module
  113. --------------------------------------------------------
  114. Initializing FMOD.
  115. --------------------------------------------------------
  117. Initializing Game Module
  118. --------------------------------------------------------
  119. Adding engine updates
  120. --------------------------------------------------------
  122. User Initialization
  123. --------------------------------------------------------
  124. --------------------------------------------------------
  126. Game Running
  127. --------------------------------------------------------
  128. Loading keybinds - file version:5
  129. Loading keybinds - file version:5
  130. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
  131. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
  132. ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
  133. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  134. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  135. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  136. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  137. Delayed function: object:
  138. -------------- LOADING GAME -----------------
  139. Started loading save file AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_16_37_0.sav
  140. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  141. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  142. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  143. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  144. Map script loading started
  145. Map script loading completed
  146. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  147. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  148. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  149. Loading keybinds - file version:5
  150. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  151. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  152. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  153. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  154. WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
  155. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  156. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  157. ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  158. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Default Soft.mat'
  159. WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
  160. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  161. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  162. ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring_kitchen: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  163. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  164. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  165. ERROR: Loading entity Recreated Entity: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  166. -------------- LOADING GAME COMPLETE -----------------
  167. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  168. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  169. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  170. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  171. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  172. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  173. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  174. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  175. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  176. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  177. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  178. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  179. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  180. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_1'
  181. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_2'
  182. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_3'
  183. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_4'
  184. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_5'
  185. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_6'
  186. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  187. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  188. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  189. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_left_2'
  190. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_left_2'
  191. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_left_2'
  192. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_right_2'
  193. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_right_2'
  194. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'cupboard_wood_door_right_1'
  195. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'cupboard_wood_door_right_1'
  196. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_draw'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  197. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_draw
  198. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  199. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  200. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  201. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  202. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  203. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  204. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  205. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  206. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  207. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  208. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  209. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  210. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  211. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  212. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  213. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  214. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  215. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  216. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  217. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  218. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  219. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  220. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  221. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  222. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  223. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  224. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  225. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  226. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  227. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  228. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  229. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  230. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  231. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  232. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  233. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  234. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  235. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  236. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  237. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  238. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  239. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  240. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  241. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  242. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  243. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  244. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  245. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  246. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  247. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  248. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  249. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  250. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  251. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  252. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  253. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  254. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  255. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  256. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  257. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  258. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  259. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  260. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  261. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  262. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  263. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  264. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  265. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  266. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_idle
  267. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_drink'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  268. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_drink
  269. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  270. Started save file AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_33_8_0.sav
  271. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  272. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_33_8_0.sav
  273. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  274. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  275. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  276. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  277. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  278. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  279. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  280. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  281. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  282. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  283. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  284. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  285. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  286. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  287. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  288. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  289. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  290. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  291. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  292. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  293. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  294. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  295. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  296. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  297. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  298. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  299. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  300. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  301. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  302. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  303. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  304. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  305. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  306. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  307. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  308. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  309. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  310. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  311. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  312. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  313. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  314. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  315. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  316. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  317. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  318. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  319. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  320. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  321. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  322. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  323. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  324. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  325. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  326. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  327. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  328. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  329. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  330. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  331. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  332. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  333. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  334. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  335. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  336. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  337. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  338. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  339. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  340. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  341. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  342. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  343. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  344. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  345. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  346. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  347. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  348. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  349. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle
  350. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_A_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  351. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_A_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  352. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_B_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  353. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_B_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  354. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_Reception_C_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  355. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_Reception_C_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  356. Invalid internal path: ''
  357. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
  358. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 19 to attach to entity 'computer_laptop_1_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/tech/computer_laptop/computer_laptop.ent'
  359. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 20 to attach to entity 'computer_laptop_1_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/tech/computer_laptop/computer_laptop.ent'
  360. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  361. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  362. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  363. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  364. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'lock_light' for Entity_SetEffectBaseColor
  365. ERROR: Physics body 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3_Body_1' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0464533 m
  366. ERROR: Physics body 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3_Handle' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0770628 m
  367. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  368. Started save file AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_34_36_0.sav
  369. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  370. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_34_36_0.sav
  371. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  372. Started save file AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_34_37_0.sav
  373. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  374. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_34_37_0.sav
  375. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  376. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  377. ERROR: SoundEntry 'WaitingRoomLightBuzz_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  378. ERROR: SoundEntry 'WaitingRoomLightBuzz_4' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  379. ERROR: Could not find sound entity LightsOff in Sound_Stop
  380. ERROR: Could not find sound entity sound_outside in Sound_Fade
  381. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/footsteps/sneaker/medium_room/default'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  382. ERROR: Could not found sound event data player/footsteps/sneaker/medium_room/default
  383. ERROR: Could not find method 'void _Global_SetIsHudVersion()' in object 'book_notebook_erins_1_open'
  384. ERROR: Could not call function 'void _Global_SetIsHudVersion()' in object 'book_notebook_erins_1_open'
  385. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  386. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  387. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_target_1_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  388. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  389. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Glass Breakable Window.mat'
  390. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  391. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  392. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  393. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  394. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  395. ERROR: SoundEntry 'lab_room_server_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  396. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  397. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  398. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  399. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  400. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  401. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  402. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  403. ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'idle' for entity 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/maintenance_infected_hanging.ent'
  404. ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'idle' for entity 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/maintenance_infected_hanging.ent'
  405. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_target_2_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  406. ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_2'
  407. ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_4'
  408. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'Truck2' for Prop_MoveLinearTo
  409. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'Truck2' for Prop_AlignRotation
  410. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  411. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  412. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  413. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  414. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 9 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1_Body_base' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  415. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  416. WARNING: Agent entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1' (file 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent') has bodies, and probably shouldn't!
  417. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 9 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2_Body_base' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  418. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  419. WARNING: Agent entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2' (file 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent') has bodies, and probably shouldn't!
  420. WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_drawer_large_1'
  421. WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_drawer_large_2'
  422. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  423. ERROR: SoundEntry 'lab_room_server_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  424. ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Tool Area 'ToolAreaOmniToolTunnel'
  425. ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Tool Area 'ToolAreaOmniTool_3'
  426. ERROR: Connected sound 'talkingdoor_steam_2' for soundscape area 'AMB_TalkingDoorRoom' does not exist!
  427. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Entity_SetVarBool
  428. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'infected_robot_hanging_1' for Entity_StopAnimation
  429. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  430. ERROR: Could not find any entity 'SideFloodArea' for collide callback with 'AreaFloodCloseDoor'
  431. ERROR: Could not find any entity 'infected_robot' for collide callback with 'AreaDespawnInfectedRobot'
  432. ERROR: Could not find sound entity aquarium_water_1 in Sound_Stop
  433. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  434. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  435. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  436. Started save file AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_37_8_0.sav
  437. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  438. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_37_8_0.sav
  439. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  440. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  441. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'lifesupport_oxymixer_1' for Entity_SetActive
  442. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  443. ERROR: Physics body 'tech_room_window_3_Body_21' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.23009 m
  444. ERROR: Physics body 'tech_room_window_3_Body_24' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.226923 m
  445. ERROR: Physics body 'tech_room_window_3_Body_25' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.279467 m
  446. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  447. Started save file AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_38_13_0.sav
  448. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  449. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_38_13_0.sav
  450. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  451. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  452. ERROR: Could not find range area '' for datamine entity 'intercom_airlock'
  453. ERROR: Couldn't load texture 'graphics/imgui/station/Scanlines/'
  454. ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/station/tech/communication_table_pplant/communication_table_pplant_GUI.mat'
  455. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Player/UI/Blackbox/start' for Sound_StopGui
  456. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  457. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  458. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  459. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  460. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  461. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  462. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_7' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  463. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  464. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_8' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  465. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  466. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_10' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  467. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  468. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_11' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  469. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  470. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_12' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  471. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  472. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_14' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  473. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  474. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_15' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  475. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  476. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_16' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  477. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  478. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_17' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  479. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  480. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_18' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  481. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  482. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_19' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  483. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  484. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_20' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  485. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  486. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_21' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  487. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  488. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_28' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  489. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  490. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_38' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  491. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  492. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_40' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  493. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  494. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_41' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  495. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  496. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_42' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  497. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  498. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_43' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  499. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  500. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_44' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  501. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  502. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_72' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  503. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  504. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_73' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  505. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  506. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_4' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  507. ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_broken_on_belt_1: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_broken_on_belt_frozen.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  508. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
  509. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  510. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  511. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
  512. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  513. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  514. ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_idle: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_idle.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  515. ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_carl/maintenance_carl.ent'
  516. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  517. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  518. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  519. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  520. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'whiteboard_freestanding_large_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_station_map_status_board/01_02_station_map_status_board.ent'
  521. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  522. WARNING: Sub mesh 'pPlane1' does not exist in mesh 'server_rack02.msh'!
  523. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_1: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  524. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_2: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  525. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_3: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  526. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_4: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  527. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_5: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  528. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_6: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  529. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_7: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  530. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_8: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  531. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_9: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  532. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_10: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  533. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_11: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  534. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_12: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  535. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_13: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  536. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_14: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  537. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_15: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  538. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_16: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  539. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_17: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  540. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_18: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  541. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_19: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  542. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_20: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  543. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_22: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  544. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_23: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  545. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_24: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  546. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_25: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  547. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_26: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  548. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_27: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  549. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_28: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  550. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_29: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  551. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_30: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  552. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_31: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  553. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  554. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_3_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  555. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_32: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  556. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'AmyID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  557. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  558. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  559. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_35: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  560. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_36: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  561. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'note_postit_fluid_leak_1' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit/note_postit_flow_control.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  562. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  563. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  564. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  565. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  566. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  567. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  568. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  569. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_6_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  570. ERROR: Couldn't find animation file 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/' in any supported format!
  571. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'CarlID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  572. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Player/UI/Blackbox/start' for Sound_StopGui
  573. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  574. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  575. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  576. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  577. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  578. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  579. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  580. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  581. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  582. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  583. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  584. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  585. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  586. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  587. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  588. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  589. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  590. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  591. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  592. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  593. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  594. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  595. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  596. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  597. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  598. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  599. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  600. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  601. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  602. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  603. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  604. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  605. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  606. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  607. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  608. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  609. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  610. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  611. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  612. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  613. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  614. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  615. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  616. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  617. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  618. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  619. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  620. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  621. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  622. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  623. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  624. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  625. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  626. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  627. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  628. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  629. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  630. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  631. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  632. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  633. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  634. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  635. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  636. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  637. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  638. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  639. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  640. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  641. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  642. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  643. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  644. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  645. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  646. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  647. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  648. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  649. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  650. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  651. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  652. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  653. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  654. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  655. ERROR: Could not find method 'void TimerTempStopFootSteps(const tString &in)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  656. WARNING: Can not find proc animation 'Insert' in mesh entity 'OmniTool_NotConfigured'
  657. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_draw'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  658. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_draw
  659. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  660. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_idle
  661. WARNING: Can not find proc animation 'Insert' in mesh entity 'OmniTool_Configured'
  662. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  663. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  664. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  665. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  666. ERROR: Could not find light 'LightVentFlicker' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  667. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  668. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  669. ERROR: Could not find light 'LightVentFlicker' for function 'Light_FadeTo'
  670. ERROR: Cannot find entity 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' and play sound '01_01_upsilon_awake/sfx/omnitool/omni_door_detect' at it
  672. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_use_panel'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  673. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_use_panel
  674. ERROR: Could not find sound entity aquarium_water_1 in Sound_Play
  675. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  676. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  677. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  678. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  679. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  680. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_3' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  681. ----- GOT FOCUS ----------
  682. ERROR: Could not find sound entity MenuBGNoise in Sound_Stop
  683. Loading keybinds - file version:5
  684. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
  685. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
  686. WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
  687. ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
  688. ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
  689. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  690. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  691. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  692. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  693. ERROR: Texture 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/particles/dust/materials/' for material 'particles/dust/materials/dust_light_tiny.mat' lacks MipMaps
  694. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  695. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  696. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  697. WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
  698. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  699. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  700. ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  701. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Default Soft.mat'
  702. WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
  703. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  704. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  705. ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring_kitchen: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  706. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Entities_Urban/tech/cellphone/vibrating_wood' for Sound_StopGui
  707. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  708. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  709. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  710. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  711. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  712. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  713. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  714. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  715. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  716. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  717. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  718. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  719. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  720. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  721. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  722. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  723. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  724. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  725. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  726. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  727. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  728. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  729. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  730. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  731. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  732. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  733. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  734. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  735. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  736. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  737. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  738. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  739. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  740. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  741. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  742. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  743. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  744. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  745. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  746. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  747. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  748. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  749. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  750. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  751. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  752. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  753. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  754. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  755. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  756. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  757. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  758. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  759. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  760. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  761. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  762. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  763. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  764. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  765. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  766. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  767. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  768. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  769. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  770. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  771. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  772. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  773. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  774. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  775. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  776. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  777. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle
  778. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  779. Started save file AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_45_10_0.sav
  780. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  781. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_45_10_0.sav
  782. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  783. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  784. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  785. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  786. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  787. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  788. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  789. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  790. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  791. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  792. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  793. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  794. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  795. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  796. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_1'
  797. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_2'
  798. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_3'
  799. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_4'
  800. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_5'
  801. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_6'
  802. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  803. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  804. ERROR: Could not find sound entity music_above_rattle in Sound_Fade
  805. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_left_2'
  806. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_right_2'
  807. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_right_2'
  808. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'cupboard_wood_door_right_1'
  809. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'cupboard_wood_door_right_1'
  810. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_draw'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  811. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_draw
  812. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  813. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_idle
  814. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_drink'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  815. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_drink
  816. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  817. Started save file AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_46_1_0.sav
  818. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  819. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_46_1_0.sav
  820. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  821. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  822. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  823. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  824. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  825. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  826. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  827. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  828. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  829. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  830. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  831. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  832. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  833. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  834. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  835. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  836. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  837. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  838. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  839. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  840. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  841. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  842. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  843. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  844. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  845. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  846. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  847. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  848. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  849. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  850. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  851. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  852. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  853. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  854. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  855. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  856. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  857. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  858. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  859. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  860. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  861. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  862. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  863. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  864. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  865. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  866. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  867. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  868. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  869. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  870. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  871. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  872. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  873. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  874. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  875. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  876. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  877. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  878. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  879. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  880. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  881. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  882. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  883. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  884. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  885. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  886. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  887. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  888. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  889. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  890. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  891. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  892. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  893. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  894. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  895. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  896. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle
  897. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_A_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  898. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_A_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  899. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_B_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  900. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_B_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  901. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_Reception_C_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  902. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_Reception_C_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  903. Invalid internal path: ''
  904. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
  905. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 19 to attach to entity 'computer_laptop_1_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/tech/computer_laptop/computer_laptop.ent'
  906. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 20 to attach to entity 'computer_laptop_1_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/tech/computer_laptop/computer_laptop.ent'
  907. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  908. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  909. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  910. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  911. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'lock_light' for Entity_SetEffectBaseColor
  912. ERROR: Physics body 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3_Body_1' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0464533 m
  913. ERROR: Physics body 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3_Handle' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0770628 m
  914. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  915. Started save file AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_47_29_0.sav
  916. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  917. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_47_29_0.sav
  918. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  919. Started save file AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_47_29_0.sav
  920. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  921. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_47_29_0.sav
  922. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  923. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  924. ERROR: SoundEntry 'WaitingRoomLightBuzz_5' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  925. ERROR: SoundEntry 'WaitingRoomLightBuzz_4' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  926. ERROR: Could not find sound entity LightsOff in Sound_Stop
  927. ERROR: Could not find sound entity sound_outside in Sound_Fade
  928. ERROR: Texture 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/particles/dust/materials/' for material 'particles/dust/materials/dust_cloud.mat' lacks MipMaps
  929. ERROR: Could not find method 'void _Global_SetIsHudVersion()' in object 'book_notebook_erins_1_open'
  930. ERROR: Could not call function 'void _Global_SetIsHudVersion()' in object 'book_notebook_erins_1_open'
  931. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  932. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  933. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  934. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  935. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  936. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  937. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  938. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  939. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  940. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  941. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  942. ERROR: SoundEntry 'lab_room_server_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  943. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_target_1_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  944. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  945. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Glass Breakable Window.mat'
  946. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  947. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  948. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  949. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'Truck2' for Prop_MoveLinearTo
  950. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'Truck2' for Prop_AlignRotation
  951. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  952. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  953. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  954. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  955. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  956. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  957. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  958. ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'idle' for entity 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/maintenance_infected_hanging.ent'
  959. ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'idle' for entity 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/maintenance_infected_hanging.ent'
  960. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_target_2_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  961. ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_2'
  962. ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_4'
  963. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  964. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  965. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  966. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  967. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 9 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1_Body_base' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  968. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  969. WARNING: Agent entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1' (file 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent') has bodies, and probably shouldn't!
  970. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 9 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2_Body_base' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  971. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  972. WARNING: Agent entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2' (file 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent') has bodies, and probably shouldn't!
  973. WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_drawer_large_1'
  974. WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_drawer_large_2'
  975. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  976. ERROR: SoundEntry 'lab_room_server_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  977. ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Tool Area 'ToolAreaOmniToolTunnel'
  978. ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Tool Area 'ToolAreaOmniTool_3'
  979. ERROR: Connected sound 'talkingdoor_steam_2' for soundscape area 'AMB_TalkingDoorRoom' does not exist!
  980. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Entity_SetVarBool
  981. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'infected_robot_hanging_1' for Entity_StopAnimation
  982. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  983. ERROR: Could not find any entity 'SideFloodArea' for collide callback with 'AreaFloodCloseDoor'
  984. ERROR: Could not find any entity 'infected_robot' for collide callback with 'AreaDespawnInfectedRobot'
  985. ERROR: Could not find sound entity aquarium_water_1 in Sound_Stop
  986. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  987. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  988. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  989. Started save file AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_49_58_1.sav
  990. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  991. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_49_58_1.sav
  992. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  993. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  994. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'lifesupport_oxymixer_1' for Entity_SetActive
  995. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  996. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  997. Started save file AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_50_44_0.sav
  998. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  999. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_50_44_0.sav
  1000. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1001. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1002. ERROR: Could not find range area '' for datamine entity 'intercom_airlock'
  1003. ERROR: Couldn't load texture 'graphics/imgui/station/Scanlines/'
  1004. ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/station/tech/communication_table_pplant/communication_table_pplant_GUI.mat'
  1005. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Player/UI/Blackbox/start' for Sound_StopGui
  1006. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  1007. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  1008. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  1009. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1010. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  1011. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1012. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  1013. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1014. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_7' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1015. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1016. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_8' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1017. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1018. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_10' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1019. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1020. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_11' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1021. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1022. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_12' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1023. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1024. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_14' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1025. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1026. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_15' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1027. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1028. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_16' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1029. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1030. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_17' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1031. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1032. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_18' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1033. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1034. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_19' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1035. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1036. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_20' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1037. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1038. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_21' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1039. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1040. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_28' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1041. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1042. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_38' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1043. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1044. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_40' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1045. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1046. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_41' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1047. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1048. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_42' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1049. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1050. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_43' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1051. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1052. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_44' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1053. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1054. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_72' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1055. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1056. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_73' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1057. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1058. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_4' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1059. ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_broken_on_belt_1: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_broken_on_belt_frozen.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1060. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/footsteps/default/medium_room/default hard'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1061. ERROR: Could not found sound event data player/footsteps/default/medium_room/default hard
  1062. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
  1063. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1064. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1065. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
  1066. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1067. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1068. ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_idle: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_idle.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1069. ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_carl/maintenance_carl.ent'
  1070. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  1071. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  1072. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1073. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1074. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'whiteboard_freestanding_large_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_station_map_status_board/01_02_station_map_status_board.ent'
  1075. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1076. WARNING: Sub mesh 'pPlane1' does not exist in mesh 'server_rack02.msh'!
  1077. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_1: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1078. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_2: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1079. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_3: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1080. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_4: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1081. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_5: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1082. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_6: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1083. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_7: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1084. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_8: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1085. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_9: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1086. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_10: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1087. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_11: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1088. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_12: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1089. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_13: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1090. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_14: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1091. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_15: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1092. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_16: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1093. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_17: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1094. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_18: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1095. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_19: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1096. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_20: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1097. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_22: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1098. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_23: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1099. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_24: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1100. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_25: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1101. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_26: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1102. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_27: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1103. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_28: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1104. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_29: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1105. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_30: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1106. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_31: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1107. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  1108. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_3_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  1109. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_32: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1110. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'AmyID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  1111. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1112. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1113. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_35: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1114. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_36: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1115. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'note_postit_fluid_leak_1' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit/note_postit_flow_control.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  1116. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1117. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1118. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1119. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1120. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1121. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1122. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  1123. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_6_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  1124. ERROR: Couldn't find animation file 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/' in any supported format!
  1125. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'CarlID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  1126. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Player/UI/Blackbox/start' for Sound_StopGui
  1127. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1128. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1129. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  1130. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1131. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1132. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  1133. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1134. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1135. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1136. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1137. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1138. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1139. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1140. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1141. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1142. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1143. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1144. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1145. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1146. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1147. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1148. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1149. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1150. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1151. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1152. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1153. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1154. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1155. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1156. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1157. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1158. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1159. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1160. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1161. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1162. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1163. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1164. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1165. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1166. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1167. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1168. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1169. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1170. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1171. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1172. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1173. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1174. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1175. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1176. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1177. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1178. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1179. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1180. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1181. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1182. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1183. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1184. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1185. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1186. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1187. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1188. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1189. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1190. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1191. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1192. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1193. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1194. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1195. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1196. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1197. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1198. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1199. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1200. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1201. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1202. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  1203. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1204. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1205. ERROR: Could not find method 'void TimerTempStopFootSteps(const tString &in)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1206. WARNING: Can not find proc animation 'Insert' in mesh entity 'OmniTool_NotConfigured'
  1207. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_draw'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1208. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_draw
  1209. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1210. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_idle
  1211. WARNING: Can not find proc animation 'Insert' in mesh entity 'OmniTool_Configured'
  1212. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1213. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  1214. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1215. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1216. ERROR: Could not find light 'LightVentFlicker' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  1217. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1218. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1219. ERROR: Could not find light 'LightVentFlicker' for function 'Light_FadeTo'
  1220. ERROR: Cannot find entity 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' and play sound '01_01_upsilon_awake/sfx/omnitool/omni_door_detect' at it
  1222. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_use_panel'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1223. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_use_panel
  1224. ERROR: Could not find sound entity aquarium_water_1 in Sound_Play
  1225. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1226. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1227. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1228. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1229. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1230. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_3' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1231. ERROR: Could not find sound entity MenuBGNoise in Sound_Stop
  1232. Loading keybinds - file version:5
  1233. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
  1234. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
  1235. WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
  1236. ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
  1237. ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
  1238. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  1239. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  1240. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1241. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1242. ERROR: Texture 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/particles/dust/materials/' for material 'particles/dust/materials/dust_light_tiny.mat' lacks MipMaps
  1243. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  1244. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  1245. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  1246. WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
  1247. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  1248. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  1249. ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1250. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Default Soft.mat'
  1251. WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
  1252. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  1253. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  1254. ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring_kitchen: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1255. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Entities_Urban/tech/cellphone/vibrating_wood' for Sound_StopGui
  1256. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  1257. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1258. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1259. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1260. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1261. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1262. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1263. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1264. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1265. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1266. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1267. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1268. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1269. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1270. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1271. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1272. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1273. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1274. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1275. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1276. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1277. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1278. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1279. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1280. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1281. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1282. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1283. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1284. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1285. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1286. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1287. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1288. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1289. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1290. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1291. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1292. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1293. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1294. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1295. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1296. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1297. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1298. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1299. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1300. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1301. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1302. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1303. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1304. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1305. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1306. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1307. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1308. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1309. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1310. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1311. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1312. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1313. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1314. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1315. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1316. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1317. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1318. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1319. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1320. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1321. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1322. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1323. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1324. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1325. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1326. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle
  1327. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  1328. Started save file AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_57_26_0.sav
  1329. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1330. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_57_26_0.sav
  1331. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1332. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1333. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1334. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1335. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1336. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1337. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1338. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1339. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1340. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1341. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1342. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1343. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1344. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1345. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_1'
  1346. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_2'
  1347. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_3'
  1348. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_4'
  1349. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_5'
  1350. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_6'
  1351. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  1352. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  1353. ERROR: Could not find sound entity music_above_rattle in Sound_Fade
  1354. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_right_2'
  1355. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_right_2'
  1356. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_left_2'
  1357. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'cupboard_wood_door_right_1'
  1358. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'cupboard_wood_door_right_1'
  1359. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_draw'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1360. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_draw
  1361. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1362. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_idle
  1363. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_drink'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1364. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_drink
  1365. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  1366. Started save file AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_58_14_0.sav
  1367. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1368. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_58_14_0.sav
  1369. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1370. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1371. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  1372. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1373. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1374. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1375. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1376. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1377. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1378. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1379. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1380. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1381. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1382. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1383. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1384. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1385. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1386. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1387. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1388. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1389. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1390. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1391. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1392. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1393. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1394. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1395. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1396. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1397. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1398. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1399. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1400. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1401. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1402. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1403. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1404. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1405. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1406. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1407. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1408. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1409. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1410. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1411. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1412. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1413. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1414. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1415. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1416. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1417. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1418. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1419. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1420. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1421. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1422. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1423. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1424. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1425. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1426. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1427. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1428. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1429. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1430. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1431. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1432. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1433. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1434. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1435. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1436. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1437. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1438. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1439. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1440. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  1441. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1442. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle
  1443. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  1444. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  1445. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  1446. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_A_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  1447. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_A_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  1448. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_B_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  1449. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_B_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  1450. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_Reception_C_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  1451. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_Reception_C_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  1452. Invalid internal path: ''
  1453. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
  1454. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 19 to attach to entity 'computer_laptop_1_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/tech/computer_laptop/computer_laptop.ent'
  1455. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 20 to attach to entity 'computer_laptop_1_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/tech/computer_laptop/computer_laptop.ent'
  1456. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  1457. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  1458. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  1459. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  1460. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'lock_light' for Entity_SetEffectBaseColor
  1461. ERROR: Physics body 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3_Handle' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0770628 m
  1462. ERROR: Physics body 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3_Body_1' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0464533 m
  1463. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  1464. Started save file AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_59_42_0.sav
  1465. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1466. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_59_42_0.sav
  1467. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1468. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1469. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  1470. Started save file AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_59_43_0.sav
  1471. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1472. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_59_43_0.sav
  1473. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1474. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1475. ERROR: SoundEntry 'WaitingRoomLightBuzz_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1476. ERROR: SoundEntry 'WaitingRoomLightBuzz_4' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1477. ERROR: Could not find sound entity LightsOff in Sound_Stop
  1478. ERROR: Could not find sound entity sound_outside in Sound_Fade
  1479. ERROR: Could not find method 'void _Global_SetIsHudVersion()' in object 'book_notebook_erins_1_open'
  1480. ERROR: Could not call function 'void _Global_SetIsHudVersion()' in object 'book_notebook_erins_1_open'
  1481. ERROR: Texture 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/particles/dust/materials/' for material 'particles/dust/materials/dust_cloud.mat' lacks MipMaps
  1482. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  1483. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  1484. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  1485. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  1486. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  1487. ERROR: SoundEntry 'lab_room_server_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1488. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_target_1_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  1489. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  1490. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Glass Breakable Window.mat'
  1491. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1492. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'Truck2' for Prop_MoveLinearTo
  1493. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'Truck2' for Prop_AlignRotation
  1494. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1495. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1496. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1497. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1498. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1499. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1500. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1501. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1502. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1503. ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'idle' for entity 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/maintenance_infected_hanging.ent'
  1504. ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'idle' for entity 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/maintenance_infected_hanging.ent'
  1505. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_target_2_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  1506. ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_2'
  1507. ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_4'
  1508. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1509. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1510. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1511. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1512. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 9 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1_Body_base' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  1513. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  1514. WARNING: Agent entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1' (file 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent') has bodies, and probably shouldn't!
  1515. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 9 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2_Body_base' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  1516. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  1517. WARNING: Agent entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2' (file 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent') has bodies, and probably shouldn't!
  1518. WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_drawer_large_1'
  1519. WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_drawer_large_2'
  1520. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1521. ERROR: SoundEntry 'lab_room_server_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1522. ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Tool Area 'ToolAreaOmniToolTunnel'
  1523. ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Tool Area 'ToolAreaOmniTool_3'
  1524. ERROR: Connected sound 'talkingdoor_steam_2' for soundscape area 'AMB_TalkingDoorRoom' does not exist!
  1525. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Entity_SetVarBool
  1526. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'infected_robot_hanging_1' for Entity_StopAnimation
  1527. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  1528. ERROR: Could not find any entity 'infected_robot' for collide callback with 'AreaDespawnInfectedRobot'
  1529. ERROR: Could not find any entity 'SideFloodArea' for collide callback with 'AreaFloodCloseDoor'
  1530. ERROR: Could not find sound entity aquarium_water_1 in Sound_Stop
  1531. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1532. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  1533. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  1534. Started save file AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_2_17_0.sav
  1535. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1536. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_2_17_0.sav
  1537. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1538. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1539. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'lifesupport_oxymixer_1' for Entity_SetActive
  1540. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  1541. ERROR: Physics body 'tech_room_window_3_Body_16' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.39627 m
  1542. ERROR: Physics body 'tech_room_window_3_Body_17' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.146862 m
  1543. ERROR: Physics body 'tech_room_window_3_Body_14' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.495071 m
  1544. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  1545. Started save file AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_3_10_0.sav
  1546. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1547. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_3_10_0.sav
  1548. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1549. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1550. ERROR: Could not find range area '' for datamine entity 'intercom_airlock'
  1551. ERROR: Couldn't load texture 'graphics/imgui/station/Scanlines/'
  1552. ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/station/tech/communication_table_pplant/communication_table_pplant_GUI.mat'
  1553. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Player/UI/Blackbox/start' for Sound_StopGui
  1554. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  1555. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  1556. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  1557. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1558. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  1559. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1560. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_7' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1561. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1562. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_8' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1563. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1564. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_10' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1565. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1566. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_11' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1567. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1568. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_12' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1569. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1570. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_14' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1571. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1572. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_15' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1573. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1574. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_16' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1575. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1576. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_17' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1577. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1578. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_18' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1579. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1580. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_19' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1581. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1582. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_20' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1583. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1584. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_21' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1585. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1586. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_28' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1587. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1588. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_38' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1589. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1590. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_40' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1591. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1592. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_41' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1593. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1594. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_42' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1595. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1596. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_43' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1597. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1598. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_44' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1599. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1600. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_72' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1601. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1602. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_73' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1603. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1604. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_4' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  1605. ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_broken_on_belt_1: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_broken_on_belt_frozen.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1606. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
  1607. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1608. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1609. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
  1610. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1611. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1612. ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_idle: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_idle.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1613. ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_carl/maintenance_carl.ent'
  1614. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  1615. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  1616. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1617. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1618. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'whiteboard_freestanding_large_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_station_map_status_board/01_02_station_map_status_board.ent'
  1619. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1620. WARNING: Sub mesh 'pPlane1' does not exist in mesh 'server_rack02.msh'!
  1621. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_1: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1622. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_2: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1623. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_3: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1624. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_4: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1625. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_5: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1626. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_6: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1627. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_7: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1628. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_8: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1629. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_9: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1630. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_10: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1631. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_11: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1632. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_12: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1633. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_13: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1634. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_14: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1635. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_15: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1636. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_16: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1637. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_17: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1638. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_18: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1639. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_19: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1640. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_20: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1641. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_22: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1642. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_23: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1643. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_24: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1644. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_25: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1645. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_26: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1646. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_27: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1647. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_28: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1648. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_29: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1649. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_30: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1650. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_31: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1651. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  1652. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_3_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  1653. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_32: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1654. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'AmyID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  1655. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1656. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1657. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_35: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1658. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_36: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1659. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'note_postit_fluid_leak_1' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit/note_postit_flow_control.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  1660. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1661. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1662. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1663. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1664. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1665. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  1666. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  1667. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_6_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  1668. ERROR: Couldn't find animation file 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/' in any supported format!
  1669. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'CarlID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  1670. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Player/UI/Blackbox/start' for Sound_StopGui
  1671. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1672. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1673. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  1674. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1675. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1676. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1677. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1678. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1679. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1680. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  1681. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1682. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1683. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1684. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1685. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1686. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1687. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1688. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1689. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1690. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1691. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1692. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1693. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1694. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1695. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1696. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1697. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1698. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1699. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1700. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1701. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1702. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1703. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1704. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1705. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1706. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1707. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1708. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1709. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1710. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1711. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1712. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1713. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1714. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1715. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1716. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1717. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1718. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1719. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1720. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1721. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1722. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1723. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1724. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1725. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1726. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1727. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1728. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1729. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1730. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1731. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1732. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1733. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1734. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1735. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1736. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1737. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1738. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1739. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1740. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1741. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1742. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1743. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1744. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1745. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1746. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1747. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1748. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1749. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1750. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  1751. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1752. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1753. ERROR: Could not find method 'void TimerTempStopFootSteps(const tString &in)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1754. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1755. WARNING: Can not find proc animation 'Insert' in mesh entity 'OmniTool_NotConfigured'
  1756. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_draw'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1757. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_draw
  1758. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1759. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_idle
  1760. WARNING: Can not find proc animation 'Insert' in mesh entity 'OmniTool_Configured'
  1761. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1762. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  1763. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1764. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1765. ERROR: Could not find light 'LightVentFlicker' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  1766. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1767. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  1768. ERROR: Could not find light 'LightVentFlicker' for function 'Light_FadeTo'
  1769. ERROR: Cannot find entity 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' and play sound '01_01_upsilon_awake/sfx/omnitool/omni_door_detect' at it
  1771. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1772. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  1773. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_use_panel'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1774. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_use_panel
  1775. ERROR: Could not find sound entity aquarium_water_1 in Sound_Play
  1776. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1777. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1778. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1779. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1780. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1781. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_3' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  1782. ----- GOT FOCUS ----------
  1783. ERROR: Could not find sound entity MenuBGNoise in Sound_Stop
  1784. Loading keybinds - file version:5
  1785. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
  1786. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
  1787. WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
  1788. ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
  1789. ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
  1790. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  1791. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  1792. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1793. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1794. ERROR: Texture 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/particles/dust/materials/' for material 'particles/dust/materials/dust_light_tiny.mat' lacks MipMaps
  1795. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  1796. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  1797. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
  1798. WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
  1799. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  1800. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  1801. ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1802. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Default Soft.mat'
  1803. WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
  1804. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  1805. ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
  1806. ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring_kitchen: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1807. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Entities_Urban/tech/cellphone/vibrating_wood' for Sound_StopGui
  1808. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  1809. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1810. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1811. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1812. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1813. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1814. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1815. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1816. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1817. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1818. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1819. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1820. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1821. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1822. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1823. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1824. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1825. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1826. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1827. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1828. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1829. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1830. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1831. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1832. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1833. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1834. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1835. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1836. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1837. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1838. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1839. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1840. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1841. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1842. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1843. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1844. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1845. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1846. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1847. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1848. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1849. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1850. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1851. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1852. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1853. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1854. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1855. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1856. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1857. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1858. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1859. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1860. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1861. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1862. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1863. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1864. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1865. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1866. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1867. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1868. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1869. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1870. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1871. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1872. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1873. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1874. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1875. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1876. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1877. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1878. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle
  1879. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  1880. Started save file AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_26_0_10_39_0.sav
  1881. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1882. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_26_0_10_39_0.sav
  1883. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1884. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1885. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1886. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1887. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1888. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1889. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1890. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1891. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_left (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1892. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1893. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1894. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1895. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1896. ERROR: Track 'Skeleton_wing_right (2)' in 'pigeon.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1897. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_2'
  1898. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_1'
  1899. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_3'
  1900. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_4'
  1901. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_5'
  1902. WARNING: Can not find animation 'Move' in mesh entity 'pigeon_6'
  1903. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  1904. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_bathroom_1'
  1905. ERROR: Could not find sound entity music_above_rattle in Sound_Fade
  1906. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_right_2'
  1907. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'shelf_glass_doors_door_left_2'
  1908. ERROR: Could not find sound entity music_above_rattle in Sound_Fade
  1909. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'cupboard_wood_door_right_1'
  1910. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'cupboard_wood_door_right_1'
  1911. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_draw'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1912. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_draw
  1913. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1914. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_idle
  1915. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_drink'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1916. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_tracer_fluid_drink
  1917. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  1918. Started save file AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_26_0_11_24_0.sav
  1919. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  1920. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_26_0_11_24_0.sav
  1921. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  1922. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  1923. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  1924. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  1925. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1926. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1927. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1928. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1929. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1930. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1931. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1932. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1933. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1934. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1935. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1936. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1937. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1938. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1939. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1940. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1941. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1942. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1943. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1944. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1945. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1946. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1947. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1948. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1949. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1950. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1951. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1952. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1953. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1954. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1955. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1956. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1957. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1958. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1959. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1960. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1961. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1962. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1963. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1964. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1965. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1966. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1967. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1968. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1969. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1970. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1971. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1972. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1973. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1974. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1975. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1976. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1977. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1978. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1979. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1980. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1981. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1982. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1983. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1984. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1985. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1986. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1987. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1988. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1989. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1990. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1991. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  1992. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  1993. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  1994. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  1995. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_cellphone_idle
  1996. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  1997. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'entities/urban/tech/monitor_large/televison_small_screen.mat'
  1998. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_A_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  1999. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_A_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  2000. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_B_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  2001. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_WaitRoom_B_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  2002. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'Drapes_Reception_C_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  2003. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'Drapes_Reception_C_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/ornament_wall/drapes_waitroom/drapes_waitroom_animation.ent'
  2004. Invalid internal path: ''
  2005. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data ''
  2006. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 19 to attach to entity 'computer_laptop_1_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/tech/computer_laptop/computer_laptop.ent'
  2007. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 20 to attach to entity 'computer_laptop_1_Body_1' in 'entities/urban/tech/computer_laptop/computer_laptop.ent'
  2008. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  2009. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  2010. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  2011. WARNING: Light with name 'Drapes_Lamp_pointlight_B_1' does not exist!
  2012. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'lock_light' for Entity_SetEffectBaseColor
  2013. ERROR: Physics body 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3_Handle' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0770628 m
  2014. ERROR: Physics body 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3_Body_1' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0464533 m
  2015. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  2016. Started save file AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_0_12_52_0.sav
  2017. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  2018. Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_0_12_52_0.sav
  2019. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  2020. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  2021. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  2022. Started save file AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_0_12_53_0.sav
  2023. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  2024. ERROR: Cloud save of file Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_0_12_53_0.sav failed
  2025. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  2026. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  2027. ERROR: SoundEntry 'WaitingRoomLightBuzz_5' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2028. ERROR: SoundEntry 'WaitingRoomLightBuzz_4' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2029. ERROR: Could not find sound entity LightsOff in Sound_Stop
  2030. ERROR: Could not find sound entity sound_outside in Sound_Fade
  2031. ERROR: Could not find method 'void _Global_SetIsHudVersion()' in object 'book_notebook_erins_1_open'
  2032. ERROR: Could not call function 'void _Global_SetIsHudVersion()' in object 'book_notebook_erins_1_open'
  2033. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  2034. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'exit_waitroom'
  2035. ERROR: Texture 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/particles/dust/materials/' for material 'particles/dust/materials/dust_cloud.mat' lacks MipMaps
  2036. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  2037. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  2038. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'swingdoor_scanroom_corridor_3'
  2039. ERROR: SoundEntry 'lab_room_server_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2040. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'Truck2' for Prop_MoveLinearTo
  2041. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'Truck2' for Prop_AlignRotation
  2042. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_target_1_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  2043. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  2044. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Glass Breakable Window.mat'
  2045. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2046. ERROR: SoundEntry 'lab_room_server_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2047. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2048. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2049. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2050. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2051. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2052. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2053. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2054. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2055. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2056. ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'idle' for entity 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/maintenance_infected_hanging.ent'
  2057. ERROR: Could not find transition animation '' for animation 'idle' for entity 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/maintenance_infected_hanging.ent'
  2058. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 16 to attach to entity 'chair_scan_helmet_target_2_helmet' in 'entities/station/furniture/chair_scan/chair_scan_helmet.ent'
  2059. ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_2'
  2060. ERROR: No shapes found for body 'Body_4'
  2061. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2062. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2063. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2064. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2065. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 9 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1_Body_base' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  2066. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  2067. WARNING: Agent entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_1' (file 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent') has bodies, and probably shouldn't!
  2068. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 9 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2_Body_base' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  2069. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent'
  2070. WARNING: Agent entity 'camera_surveillance_headtrack_2' (file 'entities/station/tech/camera_surveillance/camera_surveillance_headtrack.ent') has bodies, and probably shouldn't!
  2071. WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_drawer_large_1'
  2072. WARNING: Could not find main physics body 'file_cabinet_theta_small_drawer_large_2'
  2073. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2074. ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Tool Area 'ToolAreaOmniToolTunnel'
  2075. ERROR: Could not find any look entities 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Tool Area 'ToolAreaOmniTool_3'
  2076. ERROR: Connected sound 'talkingdoor_steam_2' for soundscape area 'AMB_TalkingDoorRoom' does not exist!
  2077. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' for Entity_SetVarBool
  2078. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'infected_robot_hanging_1' for Entity_StopAnimation
  2079. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  2080. ERROR: Could not find any entity 'SideFloodArea' for collide callback with 'AreaFloodCloseDoor'
  2081. ERROR: Could not find any entity 'infected_robot' for collide callback with 'AreaDespawnInfectedRobot'
  2082. ERROR: Could not find sound entity aquarium_water_1 in Sound_Stop
  2083. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  2084. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  2085. ----- GOT FOCUS ----------
  2086. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  2087. Started save file AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_16_22_0.sav
  2088. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  2089. ERROR: Cloud save of file Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_16_22_0.sav failed
  2090. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  2091. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  2092. ----- GOT FOCUS ----------
  2093. ----- GOT FOCUS ----------
  2094. ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'lifesupport_oxymixer_1' for Entity_SetActive
  2095. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  2096. -------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
  2097. Started save file AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_17_29_0.sav
  2098. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  2099. ERROR: Cloud save of file Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_17_29_0.sav failed
  2100. Cloud saved: Main/CheckPoint.sav
  2101. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  2102. ERROR: Could not find range area '' for datamine entity 'intercom_airlock'
  2103. ERROR: Couldn't load texture 'graphics/imgui/station/Scanlines/'
  2104. ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/station/tech/communication_table_pplant/communication_table_pplant_GUI.mat'
  2105. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Player/UI/Blackbox/start' for Sound_StopGui
  2106. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  2107. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  2108. WARNING: Can not find animation '' in meshentity 'toilet_stall_door_2'
  2109. ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  2110. ERROR: Cannot find sound event data 'Entities_Station/doors/toilet_door/toilet_door_close'
  2111. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2112. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_7' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2113. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2114. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_8' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2115. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2116. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_10' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2117. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2118. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_11' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2119. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2120. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_12' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2121. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2122. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_14' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2123. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2124. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_15' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2125. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2126. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_16' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2127. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2128. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_17' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2129. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2130. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_18' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2131. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2132. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_19' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2133. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2134. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_20' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2135. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2136. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_21' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2137. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2138. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_28' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2139. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2140. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_38' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2141. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2142. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_40' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2143. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2144. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_41' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2145. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2146. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_42' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2147. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2148. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_43' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2149. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2150. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_44' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2151. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2152. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_72' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2153. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2154. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_73' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2155. ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2156. ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_4' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/'
  2157. ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_broken_on_belt_1: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_broken_on_belt_frozen.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2158. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
  2159. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2160. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2161. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
  2162. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2163. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2164. ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_idle: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_idle.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2165. ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_carl/maintenance_carl.ent'
  2166. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  2167. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  2168. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2169. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2170. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'whiteboard_freestanding_large_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_station_map_status_board/01_02_station_map_status_board.ent'
  2171. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2172. WARNING: Sub mesh 'pPlane1' does not exist in mesh 'server_rack02.msh'!
  2173. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_1: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2174. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_2: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2175. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_3: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2176. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_4: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2177. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_5: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2178. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_6: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2179. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_7: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2180. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_8: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2181. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_9: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2182. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_10: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2183. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_11: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2184. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_12: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2185. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_13: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2186. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_14: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2187. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_15: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2188. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_16: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2189. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_17: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2190. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_18: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2191. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_19: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2192. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_20: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2193. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_22: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2194. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_23: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2195. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_24: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2196. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_25: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2197. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_26: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2198. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_27: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2199. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_28: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2200. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_29: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2201. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_30: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2202. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_31: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2203. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  2204. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_3_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  2205. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_32: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2206. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'AmyID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  2207. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2208. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2209. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_35: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2210. ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_36: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2211. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'note_postit_fluid_leak_1' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit/note_postit_flow_control.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  2212. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2213. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2214. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2215. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2216. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2217. ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
  2218. WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
  2219. WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_6_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
  2220. ERROR: Couldn't find animation file 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/' in any supported format!
  2221. WARNING: Prop_Readable 'CarlID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
  2222. ERROR: Couldn't find sound entry 'Player/UI/Blackbox/start' for Sound_StopGui
  2223. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2224. ERROR: SoundEntry 'hallway_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2225. ERROR: Could not find light 'BoxLight_techroom' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  2226. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2227. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2228. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2229. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2230. ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
  2231. ERROR: Loading entity PlayerHands_0: Skeletons in mesh file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
  2232. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2233. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2234. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2235. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2236. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2237. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2238. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2239. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2240. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2241. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2242. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2243. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2244. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2245. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2246. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2247. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2248. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2249. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2250. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2251. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2252. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2253. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2254. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2255. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2256. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2257. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2258. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2259. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2260. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2261. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2262. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2263. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2264. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2265. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2266. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2267. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2268. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2269. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2270. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2271. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2272. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2273. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2274. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2275. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2276. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2277. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2278. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2279. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2280. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2281. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2282. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2283. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2284. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2285. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2286. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2287. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2288. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2289. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2290. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2291. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2292. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2293. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2294. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2295. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2296. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2297. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2298. ERROR: Track 'Root_Ctrl' in 'hands_human.msh' does not have a corresponding bone! Skeleton bone name mismatch?
  2299. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  2300. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  2301. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2302. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideAreaSuitRobotTalk(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2303. ERROR: Could not find method 'void TimerTempStopFootSteps(const tString &in)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2304. WARNING: Can not find proc animation 'Insert' in mesh entity 'OmniTool_NotConfigured'
  2305. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_draw'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  2306. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_draw
  2307. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  2308. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_securitychip_idle
  2309. WARNING: Can not find proc animation 'Insert' in mesh entity 'OmniTool_Configured'
  2310. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  2311. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_idle
  2312. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2313. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2314. ERROR: Could not find light 'LightVentFlicker' for function 'Light_SetVisible'
  2315. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2316. ERROR: Could not find method 'bool CollideDoorSmashMusicStinger(const tString &in, const tString &in, int)' in object '01_01_upsilon_awake'
  2317. ERROR: Could not find light 'LightVentFlicker' for function 'Light_FadeTo'
  2318. ERROR: Cannot find entity 'AreaInsertOmniTool_ObsTunnel' and play sound '01_01_upsilon_awake/sfx/omnitool/omni_door_detect' at it
  2320. ERROR: Could not create event data 'player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_use_panel'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
  2321. ERROR: Could not found sound event data Player/foley/default/hand_animation/tool_omnitool_use_panel
  2322. ERROR: Could not find sound entity aquarium_water_1 in Sound_Play
  2323. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2324. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2325. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_1' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2326. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2327. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_2' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2328. ERROR: SoundEntry 'aquarium_drips_3' was canceled and has OneShot set to false, starting new in 1 seconds
  2329. ERROR: Could not find sound entity MenuBGNoise in Sound_Stop
  2330. Loading keybinds - file version:5
  2331. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
  2332. Failed parsing of XML document K:/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
  2333. WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
  2334. ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
  2335. ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
  2336. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  2337. ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
  2338. -------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
  2339. -------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
  2340. --------------------------------------------------------
  2342. Statistics
  2343. --------------------------------------------------------
  2344. Medium framerate: 55.546000
  2345. --------------------------------------------------------
  2347. User Exit
  2348. --------------------------------------------------------
  2349. Saving user config.
  2350. Saving key config.
  2351. Deleting game modules.
  2352. 'LuxMusicHandler'
  2353. 'LoadHandler'
  2354. 'LuxInputHandler'
  2355. 'LuxHelpFuncs'
  2356. 'LuxMapHelper'
  2357. 'LuxGuiHandler'
  2358. 'LuxAchievementHandler'
  2359. 'LuxSaveHandler'
  2360. 'LuxDebugHandler'
  2361. 'LuxVoiceHandler'
  2362. 'LuxMapHandler'
  2363. 'LuxEventDatabaseHandler'
  2364. 'LuxPlayer'
  2365. 'LuxEffectHandler'
  2366. 'LuxSoundscapeHandler'
  2367. 'LuxDialogHandler'
  2368. 'LuxCritterHandler'
  2369. 'HintHandler'
  2370. 'DescriptionHandler'
  2371. 'PlayerToolHandler'
  2372. 'PlayerPickupHandler'
  2373. 'TerrainParticleHandler'
  2374. 'DistortionEffectsHandler'
  2375. 'DatamineHandler'
  2376. 'LightFlashHandler'
  2377. 'MapEffectsHandler'
  2378. 'AttackMeterHandler'
  2379. 'GameOverHandler'
  2380. 'EmotionHandler'
  2381. 'WakeHandler'
  2382. 'MenuHandler'
  2383. 'InfectionHandler'
  2384. 'InventoryHandler'
  2385. 'PlayerEnergyHandler'
  2386. 'HighlightEffectHandler'
  2387. 'PlayerHandsHandler'
  2388. 'CreditsHandler'
  2389. Cloud storage saving and clean-up
  2390. --------------------------------------------------------
  2391. Updated key config cloud file: wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD_user_keys.cfg. Cloud date: (23/8/2015 21:39:32)
  2392. Save files:
  2393. #1: 'Main/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_0_3_47_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_0_3_47_0.sav'
  2394. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2395. #2: 'Main/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_0_1_10_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_0_1_10_0.sav'
  2396. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2397. #3: 'Main/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_7_12_3_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_24_7_12_3_0.sav'
  2398. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2399. #4: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_58_3_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_58_3_0.sav'
  2400. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2401. #5: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_39_8_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_39_8_0.sav'
  2402. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2403. #6: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_36_5_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_20_36_5_0.sav'
  2404. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2405. #7: 'Main/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_25_23_12_54_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-02-upsilon-inside_2015_9_25_23_12_54_0.sav'
  2406. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2407. #8: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_10_50_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_10_50_0.sav'
  2408. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2409. #9: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_23_23_54_26_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_23_23_54_26_0.sav'
  2410. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2411. #10: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_24_0_0_2_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_24_0_0_2_0.sav'
  2412. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2413. #11: 'Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_20_15_22_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_20_15_22_0.sav'
  2414. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2415. #12: 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_34_36_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_34_36_0.sav'
  2416. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2417. #13: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_37_8_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_37_8_0.sav'
  2418. file doesn't exist on local. Removing from cloud.
  2419. #14: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_45_10_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_45_10_0.sav'
  2420. #15: 'Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_46_1_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_46_1_0.sav'
  2421. #16: 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_47_29_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_47_29_0.sav'
  2422. #17: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_49_58_1.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_49_58_1.sav'
  2423. #18: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_50_44_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_25_23_50_44_0.sav'
  2424. #19: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_57_26_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_25_23_57_26_0.sav'
  2425. #20: 'Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_58_14_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_25_23_58_14_0.sav'
  2426. #21: 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_59_42_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_59_42_0.sav'
  2427. #22: 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_59_43_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_25_23_59_43_0.sav'
  2428. #23: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_2_17_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_2_17_0.sav'
  2429. #24: 'Main/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_3_10_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_01-01-upsilon-awake_2015_9_26_0_3_10_0.sav'
  2430. #25: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_26_0_10_39_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_26_0_10_39_0.sav'
  2431. #26: 'Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_26_0_11_24_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_26_0_11_24_0.sav'
  2432. #27: 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_0_12_52_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\Crono\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/wizard_of_tristram_1100001028B9CCD/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_0_12_52_0.sav'
  2433. --------------------------------------------------------
  2435. Deleting config files.
  2436. --------------------------------------------------------
  2438. Exiting Script Module
  2439. --------------------------------------------------------
  2440. --------------------------------------------------------
  2442. Exiting Gui Module
  2443. --------------------------------------------------------
  2444. Deleting all im guis
  2445. Deleting all sets
  2446. Deleting all skins
  2447. Deleting all gfx elements
  2448. Deleting all materials
  2449. --------------------------------------------------------
  2451. Exiting Generate Module
  2452. --------------------------------------------------------
  2453. --------------------------------------------------------
  2455. Exiting Scene Module
  2456. --------------------------------------------------------
  2457. --------------------------------------------------------
  2459. Exiting Input Module
  2460. --------------------------------------------------------
  2461. --------------------------------------------------------
  2463. Exiting Sound Module
  2464. --------------------------------------------------------
  2465. --------------------------------------------------------
  2467. Exiting Graphics Module
  2468. --------------------------------------------------------
  2470. -------------------
  2471. Potential resource leaks
  2472. -------------------
  2473. - FrameBuffer: ImageTrailBuffer
  2474. - Texture: ImageTrailTexture
  2475. -------------------
  2477. --------------------------------------------------------
  2479. Exiting Resources Module
  2480. --------------------------------------------------------
  2481. Done with fonts
  2482. Done with scripts
  2483. Done with particles
  2484. Done with sounds
  2485. Done with meshes
  2486. Done with materials
  2487. Done with Gpu programs
  2488. Done with images
  2489. Stopped texture stream thread
  2490. Destroyed all textures
  2491. Done with sound entities
  2492. Done with animations
  2493. Done with ent files
  2494. All resources deleted
  2495. --------------------------------------------------------
  2497. Exiting Physics Module
  2498. --------------------------------------------------------
  2499. --------------------------------------------------------
  2501. Exiting System Module
  2502. --------------------------------------------------------
  2503. --------------------------------------------------------
  2505. Exiting Lipsync Module
  2506. --------------------------------------------------------
  2507. --------------------------------------------------------
  2509. Deleting game setup provided by user
  2510. - Deleting lowlevel stuff.
  2511. Script
  2512. Physics
  2513. Sound
  2514. Input
  2515. Resources
  2516. System
  2517. Graphics
  2518. Haptic
  2519. Lipsync
  2520. HPL Exit was successful!
  2522. |--Memory Manager Report-------------------------------|
  2523. |
  2524. | No memory leaks detected. Memory left: 0
  2525. |
  2526. |------------------------------------------------------|
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