
Wikileaks Podesta Files Ultimate List

Oct 14th, 2016
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  1. #Note - The posts in here, as well as down in the comments by me were taken from a couple places. Nothing has been altered so if the descriptions have bias, it's due to the originating source. However, you should still get a general idea of what the leak is about, and of course there is a link for you to investigate on your own.**
  4. * [EMAILID 2170]( [Attachment]( How to make $8 Million campaign debt disappear for Hillary? For example by "renting voter and donor information lists" from the Hillary 2008 campaign. Renting them with other organizations that they control, thus funneling money back into the campaign to cancel the debt. This was outlined in a memo, but they actually did it. With HillPAC for example (investigated by a journalist at The Intercept).
  6. * [EMAILID 2783]( Hillary took foreign money. The implication through Huma is she knew about it and solicited it. FARA stands for the Foreign Actors Registration Act
  7. Huma said..."we had decided to accept it wanted to know who the individuals are and (Hillary) wants to weigh in"
  9. * [EMAILID 3990](
  10. "Beyond this **Hillary should stop attacking Bernie, especially when she says things that are untrue, which candidly she often does.** I am one of the people with credibility to suggest Bernie people support her in November, and she and Benenson and others have no idea of the damage she does to herself with these attacks, which she does not gain by making."
  12. * [EMAILID 2953](
  13. Too afraid to ask for Bernie's medical records. Knowing Hillary's medical records are much worse.
  15. * [EMAILID 2485]( Names of some big money Democrat donors.
  17. * [EMAILID 2301]( A famous but unnamed journalist is warning about how **"Clinton's sex life" could cause problems** because "sources close to the Clintons" are telling him exactly that. Attempts are made to shut up these sources internally, because **Bill Clinton sex "allegations are hurting both Clintons" LOL**
  19. * [EMAILID 3782]( HRC Campaign thanking Univision's owner Haim Saban for its moderators handling of Hillary against Sanders. Things were a bit rigged against Bernie?
  21. * [EMAILID 1786]( Preparing for huge attacks on Bernie Sanders : "Sanders once wrote that men fantasize about women being on their knees and women fantasize about being raped by three men simultaneously."
  23. * [EMAILID 2535]( Hillary Camp prepares for hard-hitting interview with MSNBC "journalist", they prepare sections of text for her. They call the whole thing "tax hit", meaning the thing is supposed to be some hit piece against Bernie (possibly). This is early 2016, so during the fighting against Bernie. HRC then proceeds to read sections almost verbatim from these prepared remarks :[ compare this video to the text .](
  25. * [EMAILID 3154]( Discussion about the emails. Should Hillary make a joke about the emails? She shouldn't because "**We don't know what's in the emails, so we are nervous about this**. Might get a big laugh tonight and regret it when content of emails is disclosed. "- Mandy Grunwald . Better not to joke about the "emails" (turns out the email case was really about how she exposed classified TOP SECRET/SAP information through the "emails" to the following people: Combetta, Pagliano, all of her lawyers, all of Platte River Network maybe a few janitors. )
  27. * [EMAILID 2631]( Hillary's stance on the Defense of Marriage Act revealed, 2015 October "I'm not saying double down or ever say it again. I'm just saying that she's not going to want to say she was wrong about that, **given she and her husband believe it** and have repeated it many times. Better to reiterate evolution, opposition to DOMA when court considered it, and forward looking stance."
  29. * [EMAILID 2372]( Hillary campaign scared shitless, about the NYT. Maybe they will report meetings with a PAC "So afraid that NYT is going with this story on Priorities whether we like or not. They have sources about the meetings. Honestly, it sounds like Priorities staff was yapping." Did the NYT go with it? (They didn't, they are in the tank). Language suggests meetings took place, there was coordination with Priorities PAC.
  31. * [EMAILID 2676]( Probably the moment when they figured out how to destroy all of the emails: "**When I worked for the leadership we had a records retention policy to actively destroy all emails after 3 or 6 months** . Each office made up its own policy. " So if you just change your policy to something "made up", you get to destory all the evidence after the fact. BLEACHBIT TIME
  34. * [EMAILID 4178]( "DOJ folks inform me..." Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon keeping in touch directly with the DOJ folks regarding the email case.
  35. ____________________________________________________
  37. **This one is questionable by many. I am leaving it since it's still a relevant email, but the words can be taken out of context**
  39. * [EMAILID 4433]( John Podesta about Crooked Hillary: " **I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans**, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion."
  40. ____________________________________________________
  41. * [EMAILID 4836]( Katie Couric sucking up to the Hillary campaign, offering her services: "I'd also like to do a separate piece of business through social media along the lines of "10 things you don't know about Hillary Clinton" that would showcase her personality and has a lot of viral potential."
  42. ____________________________________________________
  43. * [EMAILID 5213]( Clinton Foundation problems ( WJC=Bill Clinton CVC = Chelsea Clinton in previous emails: ) "I just received a call from a close friend of wjcs who said that cvc told one of the bush 43 kids that she is conducting an internal investigation of money within the foundation from cgi to the foundation The bush kid then told someone else who then told an operative within the republican party I have heard more and more chatter of cvc and bari talking about lots of what is going on internally to people Not smart"
  45. * [EMAILID 3609]( Tulsi Gabbard receives demeaning 'Disappointed' letter from Darnell Strom & Michael Kives due to her resigning as DNC Co-Chair and showing support for Bernie Sanders.
  47. * [EMAILID 9181]( - Discussions about encryption and Hillary's response to the use of a backdoor. "But in terms of wanting a way to break in - couldn't we tell tech off the record that she had in mind the malware/key strokes idea (insert malware into a device that you know is a target, to capture keystrokes before they are encrypted). Or that she had in mind really super code breaking by the NSA. But not the backdoor per se? "
  49. * [EMAILID 5688]( How to create a debate schedule most favorable to Hillary? How to rig the debate schedule and the rules to be most in her favor? This memo will explain. For example: "to eliminate the possibility of one on one debates; the most likely standard that would achieve this result is to allow any announced candidate who is: 1) a Democrat and, 2) who meets some threshold of viability (1 percent) in either a national or state specific (e.g. Iowa, NH) to participate." One on one debates would have been better for Bernie Sanders, so they wanted to avoid that at all costs. They also wanted to limit the number of debates, and start them late to minimize the impact of the debates.
  51. ____________________________________________________
  53. * [EMAILID 5479]( John Podesta receives Hillary's tweets for approval a few days in advance of the tweets going online. Together with previous leaks, it looks like Hillary doesn't have much input into any of "her" tweets. They are put together by a group of staffers.
  55. ____________________________________________________
  56. * [EMAILID 5469]( Huma reveals there is a "Friend of Hillary" list which is available for rental. Seems like some shady shit because even Human wants to discuss off email: "We should be thoughtful about any group that wants to rent Friend of Hillary list now because there is interest. This is also probably best discussed off email."
  57. ____________________________________________________
  58. * [EMAILID 5512]( Email chain about Hillary being extremely weak on the topic of standing up to Wall Street. Not even her own campaign staff believes she is credible on Wall Street. Even though she told Wall St. to cut it out. "I believe we started out the campaign about 20 points behind Sanders in Iowa on the question of who would best stand up to Wall Street and that was when we were about 40 points ahead. If you want to make the question of the campaign, who will best stand up to Wall Street, Sanders is the answer and he'll give you $35 million reasons why."
  59. ____________________________________________________
  60. * [EMAILID 5705]( Someone, likely Neera Tanden writes to John Podesta. This is more than a little bit creepy : "I know you were probably kidding this morning about me in NH. I am aware of your dark sense of humor. But I should say that I would do whatever Hillary needs always. I owe her a lot. And I'm a loyal soldier. I think I might not be so useful because I overly focus on the lessons of the past **but if there's something I should do to help campaign more I will do it. Let's hope it doesn't come to this and she wins Iowa.**"
  61. ____________________________________________________
  62. * [EMAILID 6391]( Lot of staffers discussing Select Committee on Benghazi subpoenas issued for Hillary Clinton emails. At the very least this proves that a ton of campaign staff was actively aware and discussing the subpoenas as early as Mar 4, 2015 . This is before Combetta from Platte River Networks used Bleach Bit to wipe out tens of thousands of emails.
  64. ____________________________________________________
  65. * [EMAILID 5423]( Person who wrote the superdelegate rules advises Clinton Campaign how to create an illusion that Bernie people won something so they would work their asses off for Hillary. "So here's my idea. **Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates and the huge percentage that have come out for Hillary**. .. why not throw Bernie a bone and reduce the super delegates in the future to the original draft of members of the House and Senate, governors and big city mayors, eliminating the DNC members who are not State chairs or vice-Chairs... So if we "give" Bernie this in the Convention's rules committee, his people will think they've "won" something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn't make any difference anyway. They win. We don't lose. Everyone is happy. "
  66. ____________________________________________________
  67. * [EMAILID 5621]( Pondering how to avoid the press because they always ask about the "foundation and emails" causing them to go off message. Long discussion about avoiding the press and whether to do it (they did it) Including : "Can we survive not answering questions from press at message events. Her dinkins speech and immigration message broke through because we didn't take questions. Her community banks message got lost because she answered questions about the foundation and emails."
  69. ____________________________________________________
  70. * [EMAILID 6186](
  71. "White House asked me whether WJC had enough of a relationship with PM Tsipras to call him and counsel him to make a deal. "He says yes, but he'd need a lot more info than he has now. His immediate question is - are we pushing Merkle too?
  72. ____________________________________________________
  73. * [EMAILID 6616]( Internal document assumes that Hillary will ultimately support TPP. Could be one of those private positions that she will ultimately support it.
  74. "This draft assumes that she's ultimately going to support both TPA and TPP. It focuses on what needs to happen to produce a positive result with TPP" Not just the draft assumes that she will support TPP, most of the electorate assumes that as well.
  75. ____________________________________________________
  76. * [EMAILID 6900]( Another gem from journalist Brent Budowsky. A desperate plea to Podesta about Clinton's money troubles: "If there is one thing that could well bring down a Hillary Clinton candidacy it is this cycle of money issues about which I am now feeling red alerts, loud bells, warning signals, and red flags and I am now seriously pissed off that there is a real chance that her candidacy and the Democratic Party could be destroyed by these self-created dangers that continue to proliferate the closer she gets to presumably announcing her candidacy. If she is not hearing this from others, please feel free to forward this to her, I will play the bad guy here because I do not want her money and because she needs to hear this from her friends and she will sure as hell be attacked for this by her enemies, and it will be megaphoned throughout the media, and foreign donations and paid speeches and hustling gold mining deals by her brother are entirely legitimate issues that are self-created, and must self-corrected before it is too late....and I do not believe the Clintons fully understand the magnitude and immediacy of the danger in the current political and media climate"
  78. ____________________________________________________
  79. * [EMAILID 5518]( Jake Tapper (now at CNN) is mad about a fellow liberal smearing him with some lies. He gets pretty mad :"Off the record, Faiz, you should be ashamed for printing something so untrue. And John - is this was thinkprogress is? Print anything, damn the facts?" - Interestingly the two leftist journalists include John Podesta in their conflict against each other. The "journalists" needed to include John Podesta to play the referee between them in this internal war?
  82. ____________________________________________________
  83. * [EMAILID 4818]( Philippe Reines thinks there are massive leaks in the Hillary operation in 2015. Someone is talking to the press gives them all types of info that is only known to about 10 people. John Podesta dismisses saying the media just invented stuff and guessed right...
  84. ____________________________________________________
  85. * [EMAILID 4313]( Philippe Reines is very annoyed that is planning to spend 1 million to draw Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren) into the race to run in 2016. Wants to use Hollywood connections to destroy support for Warren so she is not a threat. "I don't know who funds them, but don't we have Hollywood friends with ties to MoveOn who can tell them to cool it?"
  86. ____________________________________________________
  87. * [EMAILID 4335]( Huma and the gang are preparing for a meeting with The Indian (Elizabeth Warren). During the discussion it turns out they have someone called "Mindy" on Elizabeth Warren's staff, who "could provide some intel". So they have a staffer who leaks out information ("intel") to them so the meeting can go well for them. Later Huma reveals they had two moles working for them within Warren's camp: "Mandy has been helpful and will provide good intel. As for Mindy, we have frustrated her but yes she will also be very helpful."
  88. ____________________________________________________
  89. * [EMAILID 4637]( Lifelong Democrat voter sends a complaint to John Podesta about the massive lack of respect shown to people like him. "I'm a dinosaur to the Democratic Party..white, southern, vereran, male senior. Party leaders like Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, Karen Finney, etal make that blatantly apparent. I would like to have my ilk shown a tiny bit of respect by the leaders of the Hillary campaign. " He also warns them he may vote Trump. - 2016 January (This was before a single vote was cast in the primary, with a ton of people running against Trump, so this patriot already guessed in January that Trump would become the nominee)
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  91. * [EMAILID 4383](
  92. Bill Clinton (WJC) was doing a paid speech for 255K for CISCO. Two months after Bill was offered this opportunity, the Department of State gave CISCO an for Corporate Excellence. They clearly excelled at paying the Clintons. Email also shows they were very afraid of FOIA requests and things like this becoming public without proper damage control.
  93. ____________________________________________________
  95. * [EMAILID 4303]( Crooked journalist of the rigged MSM media reports straight to John Podesta about how he attacked Donald Trump in one of the GOP debates as moderator. - 2015 before they even knew Trump was the nominee...
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  97. * [EMAILID 4513]( Now this is interesting. John Podesta is being told that he will be in good hands because the FBI/DOJ team assigned to his case will keep things **confidential** What was the case, the public is not allowed to know about?: "To: John Podesta From: Blake Gottesman September 2008 "John / Chris: Thanks for your time on the call. As discussed, the White House will now excuse itself from the process unless/until you ask us to re-engage for any reason. You're in good hands. Brian Benczkowski (cc'd) and the DOJ/FBI team are committed to making sure the process is efficient and confidential."
  98. ____________________________________________________
  99. * [EMAILID 5267]( Plans for a Thursday meeting about how to best attack Bernie Sanders. "Sanders Agenda: · Review of top hits · Discussion of how we'd like to frame Bernie · Top stories we need to land · Campaign stance on hitting Bernie/tone" Discussion during this meeting also included : "· Tactics on attacks: what should go through HRC, surrogates, DNC, CTR" Which attacks should go through Crooked Hillary personally (HRC) and what should go CTR (Correct The Record, a PAC). This email is further proof of coordination between CTR and the Hillary campaign since they discuss which attacks to distribute where.
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  101. * [EMAILID 5270](
  102. Even Hillary's tweets are not her own creations, much like her public positions or prepared remarks. The staff is planning them out days in advance complete with (75) type bracketed numbers showing their unimpressive length.
  103. ____________________________________________________
  104. * [EMAILID 4364]( Top Clinton aides, John Halpin and Jennifer Palmieri mock Catholics for their faith. Complain about the large number of Catholics in prominent positions. According to John Halpin, to be a Catholic is "an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations". John Podesta who is also included in this email chain, does not say anything (he is reported as Catholic by the media).
  105. ____________________________________________________
  106. * [EMAILID 5240]( We know Hillary events have small crowds. She always had the smallest crowds even smaller than Bernie. But now we know many of the Crooked Campaign events were so small that the following policy was proposed : "Less than 100 people - NO cell phones, NO press. Over 100 people YES cell phones, and ONE print pooler will be escorted in for her remarks only and then escorted out. NO tv cameras. " That's right folks they are talking about CONFISCATING MOBILE DEVICES, so the embarrassingly small crowds OF UNDER 100 people could never be reported. Complete artificial manufactured reality. "Huma spoke to HRC and she agreed with this plan". Hillary for phone confiscations!
  109. ____________________________________________________
  110. * [EMAILID 6453]( Media lapdog Brent Budowski writes to John Podesta: "am not going to raise this publicly, but one of HRC's opponents will soon charge that she is running an "imperial campaign." If it is the right opponent, Democrat or Republican, the charge will resonate." Yes. This supposed journalist is discussing strategy with the chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Giving him information and warnings about things he learned from other sources most likely off the record. Extreme collusion between the media and Crooked's staff. But wait, there is more! He is asking permission from Podesta to write parts of an article: "BTW, I may doing an Elizabeth Warren column soon. If I write that my optimum scenario would be for Elizabeth to ultimately give a big endorsement to HRC and give the keynote speech at the Convention, totally off the record, would that give you a problem? It would be my personal opinion only, but if you have a problem with my suggesting this as my idea, I won't tell anyone and I won't include it, deferring to you" John Podesta responds to the email, and grants permission for the journalist to write the story as originally planned.
  111. ______________________________________________________
  112. * [EMAILID 5690]( Remember how Clinton staff had moles on Elizabeth Warren's team? Seems they had one in Biden's camp as well. Someone who helped to destroy Biden in return for a position. Ron Klain writes to Podesta: "It's been a little hard for me to play such a role in the Biden demise - and I am definitely dead to them -- but I'm glad to be on Team HRC, and glad that she had a great debate last night. Thanks John."
  113. ____________________________________________________
  116. * [EMAILID 5688]( How to create a debate schedule most favorable to Hillary? How to rig the debate schedule and the rules to be most in her favor? This memo will explain. For example: "to eliminate the possibility of one on one debates; the most likely standard that would achieve this result is to allow any announced candidate who is: 1) a Democrat and, 2) who meets some threshold of viability (1 percent) in either a national or state specific (e.g. Iowa, NH) to participate." One on one debates would have been better for Bernie Sanders, so they wanted to avoid that at all costs. They also wanted to limit the number of debates, and start them late to minimize the impact of the debates.
  118. ____________________________________________________
  121. * [EMAILID 9938]( - Some Clinton Foundation shadiness "RE: WJC call about cci/climate issues"
  122. ____________________________________________________
  123. * [EMAILID 5479]( John Podesta receives Hillary's tweets for approval a few days in advance of the tweets going online. Together with previous leaks, it looks like Hillary doesn't have much input into any of "her" tweets. They are put together by a group of staffers.
  125. ____________________________________________________
  126. * [EMAILID 5469]( Huma reveals there is a "Friend of Hillary" list which is available for rental. Seems like some shady shit because even Human wants to discuss off email: "We should be thoughtful about any group that wants to rent Friend of Hillary list now because there is interest. This is also probably best discussed off email."
  127. ____________________________________________________
  128. * [EMAILID 5512]( Email chain about Hillary being extremely weak on the topic of standing up to Wall Street. Not even her own campaign staff believes she is credible on Wall Street. Even though she told Wall St. to cut it out. "I believe we started out the campaign about 20 points behind Sanders in Iowa on the question of who would best stand up to Wall Street and that was when we were about 40 points ahead. If you want to make the question of the campaign, who will best stand up to Wall Street, Sanders is the answer and he'll give you $35 million reasons why."
  129. ____________________________________________________
  130. * [EMAILID 5705]( Someone, likely Neera Tanden writes to John Podesta. This is more than a little bit creepy : "I know you were probably kidding this morning about me in NH. I am aware of your dark sense of humor. But I should say that I would do whatever Hillary needs always. I owe her a lot. And I'm a loyal soldier. I think I might not be so useful because I overly focus on the lessons of the past **but if there's something I should do to help campaign more I will do it. Let's hope it doesn't come to this and she wins Iowa.**"
  131. ____________________________________________________
  132. * [EMAILID 6391]( Lot of staffers discussing Select Committee on Benghazi subpoenas issued for Hillary Clinton emails. At the very least this proves that a ton of campaign staff was actively aware and discussing the subpoenas as early as Mar 4, 2015 . This is before Combetta from Platte River Networks used Bleach Bit to wipe out tens of thousands of emails.
  134. ____________________________________________________
  135. * [EMAILID 5423]( Person who wrote the superdelegate rules advises Clinton Campaign how to create an illusion that Bernie people won something so they would work their asses off for Hillary. "So here's my idea. **Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates and the huge percentage that have come out for Hillary**. .. why not throw Bernie a bone and reduce the super delegates in the future to the original draft of members of the House and Senate, governors and big city mayors, eliminating the DNC members who are not State chairs or vice-Chairs... So if we "give" Bernie this in the Convention's rules committee, his people will think they've "won" something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn't make any difference anyway. They win. We don't lose. Everyone is happy. "
  136. ____________________________________________________
  137. * [EMAILID 5621]( Pondering how to avoid the press because they always ask about the "foundation and emails" causing them to go off message. Long discussion about avoiding the press and whether to do it (they did it) Including : "Can we survive not answering questions from press at message events. Her dinkins speech and immigration message broke through because we didn't take questions. Her community banks message got lost because she answered questions about the foundation and emails."
  140. __________________________________________________
  141. * [EMAILID 6453]( Media lapdog Brent Budowsky writes to John Podesta: "am not going to raise this publicly, but one of HRC's opponents will soon charge that she is running an "imperial campaign." If it is the right opponent, Democrat or Republican, the charge will resonate." Yes. This supposed journalist is discussing strategy with the chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Giving him information and warnings about things he learned from other sources most likely off the record. Extreme collusion between the media and Crooked's staff. But wait, there is more! He is asking permission from Podesta to write parts of an article: "BTW, I may doing an Elizabeth Warren column soon. If I write that my optimum scenario would be for Elizabeth to ultimately give a big endorsement to HRC and give the keynote speech at the Convention, totally off the record, would that give you a problem? It would be my personal opinion only, but if you have a problem with my suggesting this as my idea, I won't tell anyone and I won't include it, deferring to you" John Podesta responds to the email, and grants permission for the journalist to write the story as originally planned.
  142. ______________________________________________________
  143. * [EMAILID 5690]( Remember how Clinton staff had moles on Elizabeth Warren's team? Seems they had one in Biden's camp as well. Someone who helped to destroy Biden in return for a position. Ron Klain writes to Podesta: "It's been a little hard for me to play such a role in the Biden demise - and I am definitely dead to them -- but I'm glad to be on Team HRC, and glad that she had a great debate last night. Thanks John."
  144. ____________________________________________________
  147. EMAILID 9339 John Podesta:"Some speculation that Biden will run because of Beau's loss. I think that would be a little crazy and sad but you never know. I like him and grieve for him and hope he doesn't do it for his sake."
  149. EMAILID 9290 WJC (Bill Clinton) is doing a paid speech when Hillary's campaign is already in progress. Robby Mook wants the speech cancelled because it will look good, but he knows that's not the answer Hillary wants (too greedy according to mook?) " I know this is not the answer she wants, but I feel very strongly that doing the speech is a mistake--the data are very clear on the potential consequences. It will be three days after she's announced and on her first day in Iowa, where caucus goes have a sharply more negative view of Wall Street than the rest of the electorate. Wall Street ranks first for Iowans among a list of institutions that "take advantage of every day Americans" "
  151. EMAILID 9545 From John Podesta to Cheryl Mills "Think we should hold emails to and from potus? That's the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I seems like they will. " Wasn't Mills one of the people granted immunity by the FBI in the email case? (yes she was) This email strongly implies Barack Obama sent and received emails which were responsive to the subpoena in this case so they are discussing turning them over. Mills wanted to "hold" them, avoiding turning them over. They also talk about contacting the White House to "get them to ask for executive privilege". Very interesting development if they in fact discussed this issue with the WH. That would mean Obama's full involvement in the email scandal/private server issue.
  154. EMAILID 9193 Plans to create an impression that Hillary has small donors to counteract the image that she is bought by people with "huge checks" (she is): "I think it could be powerful to use DipJars to galvanize small $ donations to send a strong message that there is grassroots support for Hillary at a time when she is being painted as a candidate only supported with huge checks." In this second part the use the names of donors that we provide sounds like they are planning to enter fake names as donor info, instead of the names of people who actually donated into the DipJars? Otherwise why should the names "be provided" ? "Last summer, there was concern from the campaign about the inability to capture employer information from the donors. However if you keep the suggested dollar amount low ($20 and below) and use the names of donors that we provide, you could easily ensure that nobody is going beyond the legal limits."
  156. EMAILID 10205 Gonzalo Curiel the totally unbiased judge (who is a member of is a member of a "La Raza" Lawyers Association) is ruling over a case where Trump is sued. Curiel also has a wife who is apparently raving about John Podesta, the campaign manager of Crooked Hillary Clinton. Teresa L. Amott wrote this to Podesta "Carolyn Curiel was just here with a group of Purdue students that visited the debate site. She and I exchanged raves about the two of you." Podesta replies "Wow! Small world."
  158. EMAILID 9272 Email production in response to a congressional subpoena by the Benghazi Committee. State must produce some emails to the committee which will reveal Hillary either deleted or failed to turn over some emails with Sidney Blumenthal. Nick Merrill is colluding with the State Department and wants to discuss with everyone how to best spin this story before it breaks. : "Just spoke to State a little more about this. A few updates. They do not plan to release anything publicly, so no posting online or anything public-facing, just to the committee. That said, they are considering placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper)" They are using friendly journalists at the AP to plant stories that are good for Hillary. The State Department is doing this for Hillary who is a private citizen at this time. "On that last piece, we think it would make sense to work with State and the AP to deploy the below.. It would be good to frame this a little, and frankly to have it break tomorrow when we'll likely be close to or in the midst of a SCOTUS decision taking over the news hyenas." State Department was running everything by the Hillary campaign and colluding with them even before responding to the congressional subpoena. Doesn't look much like regular way of responding to a subpoena.
  160. EMAILID 10095 This looks highly interesting, transcript of a meeting of Crooked Hillary with BLM activists: "Please note that this was not a public event, so a tight hold on the attached transcript. Thank you all." The transcript shows that Hillary supports the "idea of the legalization" of sex work. Must be another one of those private position, public position cases.
  162. EMAILID 7860 This is an oldie but goodie. 2008 primary time against Obama. Podesta, Paul Begala and others are designing a survey, which contains hits, negative facts on Obama that they wanted to spread. Contains such items as: "5 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) plans to raise taxes by 180 (one hundred and eighty) billion dollars a year to pay for his government-run health care plan" but now Hillary loves Obamacare of course. They also attacked Obama's drug use "15 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh) described his former use of cocaine as using "a little blow." but they were trying to spread this most of all: "7 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh)'s father was a Muslim and Obama grew up among Muslims in the world's most populous Islamic country." So they were actively spreading Obama's Muslim connections, everyone was involved in this, Podesta, Begala and the rest of them. So to put it in terms they might understand: Hillary and these other racists were trying to smear and delegitimize the first black president before he was even elected!!
  164. EMAILID 7489 We have another confirmed shill, who pretends to be a journalist at the AP. Her name is Julie Pace, the "White House Correspondent" LOL. She writes to John Podesta about some spin she thought of, and BEGS Podesta for something, anything to back that up. All so she can get people to believe the spin. This is about Crooked Hillary running for POTUS :"The sense I get in talking to people is that it was a long process and something she really went back and forth on in contrast to what people might think about this being an inevitable campaign. But I’m in need of some more detail to back that up. Without that, I fear this is just going to look like a campaign spin job and no one is going to actually believe it." Julie Pace really takes being a shill to the next level.
  166. EMAILID 9846 Seems in some states the game was rigged against Bernie, months before primary voting ever started. In 2015 September this email assures the Clinton campaign that Bernie or Biden will lose in N.J. for sure. Poor sucker Bernie never had a chance. : "John, Huma, Just had lunch with the Chairman and his top advisor Bill Maer. Both stressed the importance of giving the Chair his reassurances for the captioned . Presently the Chair has given the line to Hillary in 20 of the 21 counties which only assures that Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders will not be a factor in N.J. Also, all of the major city mayors are aligned with us as well. With this being the commitment , I feel that you ,John, as head of the national campaign should discuss the process directly with Chairman Currie. He and his outstanding ,loyal staff , deserve that courtesy. I will be introducing the N.J. STATE COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP /HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT TEAM to the Secretary , Thursday night. They are fully committed . They will proceed with the joint fundraising agreement . John has the support of Cory Booker, Bob Menendez, Bill Pascrell, all of the most critical county chairs, mayors and legislative leaders. We must always agree that respect is mutually beneficial. Let`s wrap this up as we have key fundraisers ready to go." Bernie was cheated against in various ways, he never got the debate questions in advance like Hillary did and yet he still endorsed Crooked. Weak!
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