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- /*
- Theme Name: The Writer
- Description: A minimal writing theme, built for writers, authors and columnists. Nothing else. Simple.
- Design Studio: Obox Design
- Author: Obox Design
- Author URI:
- Version: 1.2.5
- Theme URI:
- License: 100% GPL
- Tags: dark, light, white, black, gray, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-width, custom-colors, featured-images, theme-options, translation-ready
- *-----------------------------*
- *-----------------------------*
- To make updates to your theme, do not edit the styles in this file. Rather use
- the Custom CSS in Theme Options to add your style changes. By copying a style from this
- file and pasting it in the Custom CSS area, you will override the style in this file and
- avoid losing your changes on Theme Updates.
- */
- @import url(reset.css);
- @import url(social.css);
- @import url(clearfix.css);
- @import url(editor-style.css);
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*- SETUP STD CLASSES -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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- /*-------------------------------*/
- /*- LAYOUTS ---------------------*/
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- /*-------------------------------*/
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- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*- GENERAL LAYOUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*- COMMON ELEMENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----------------------------*/
- /*- TITLE CONTAINER ----------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- POST TITLE -----------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- POST SUB TITLE -------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- POST TITLE - AUTHOR --*/
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- /*----------------------------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- CATEGORY TITLE -------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
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- /*----------------------------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- AUTHOR IMAGE ---------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- AUTHOR BODY ----------*/
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- /*----------------------------*/
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- /*----------------------------*/
- /*- ACTION TITLE -------------*/
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- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*- HEADER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--------------------------*/
- /*- HEADER ROW -------------*/
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- /*--------------------------*/
- /*- COMPACT MENU ----------*/
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- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*- BLOG LIST PAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----------------------------*/
- /*- POST LIST ----------------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- BOOK CONTENT ---------*/
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- /*------------------------------*/
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- /*------------------------------*/
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- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*- BLOG SINGE PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----------------------------*/
- /*- COPY BLOCK ---------------*/
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- /*------------------------------*/
- /*- WP GALLERIES ---------------*/
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- /* Definition lists elements */
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- /* Pick the second line break if two line breaks are adjacent */
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- /*----------------------------*/
- /*- POST PAGE META -----------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- POST DATE ------------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- TAGS -----------------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
- /*- NEXT PREV POST -------*/
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- /*------------------------*/
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- /*------------------------------*/
- /*- AUTHOR BIO -----------------*/
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- /*------------------------------*/
- /*- RELATED POSTS --------------*/
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- .related-posts .post-list .book-cover .content h2{padding: 0 20px;}
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*- COMMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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- /*-----------------------------*/
- /*- THREADED COMMENTS ---------*/
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- /*-----------------------------*/
- /*- COMMENT FORM --------------*/
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