

Jul 6th, 2012
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  1. Biography: Born to a ruling family on the Garden World of Askelphion Secundus, Flavia (or "Plex," as she prefers to be addressed after her Sanctioning) was the product of eight prior generations of Order Famulous training, destined from birth to a life of relative greatness until she would herald the tenth generation, and so on. But when she began manifesting signs of awakening psychic potential, her parents, fearful of what scandal that might wreak on their lineage and reputation, whisked her from her Famulous tutors and nursemaids and subjected her to a dark period of three years at the whims of a daemonically-flavoured cult who claimed they would be able to rid her of her...condition.
  3. Not that they succeeded. In fact, when the reports came of the Black Ship's arrival, both Flavia and her parents were almost glad to see it, plucking her from the grasps of the twisted "medicae men" and giving her all but enthusiastically to the Inquisitorial stewards. The trip back to Holy Terra was quiet for her, kept under watch as she was for her exposure to such heresy.
  5. The Emperor, however, had apparently decided in His wisdom to spare her soul, instead Sanctioning her as an Imperial Psyker...and winning her undying loyalty for the rest of her life.
  7. After the grueling training period she began her career with the Inquisition, having improved upon her innate mental strength between the horrifying period with the quasi-cult and further during the training sessions learning how to control her gift and curse. Her Inquisitorial masters saw potential in the fact that whatever "treatment" she'd undergone with the heretical cult had left her mind an abyssal void when inspected via the immaterium.
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