
[TL] Part 2 - Chapter 13

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. * Chapter 13: Best Friends
  3. ||| 13-1: You'll Get There Someday |||
  4. Yotsuba Tamaki: ...........
  5. Yotsuba Tamaki: Why.... Why didn't he tell me something as important as this.......
  6. Yotsuba Tamaki: ...Why......!
  8. 5: ....I....... What have I done....
  9. *click*
  10. 7: Huh.... What's wrong, Sougo-san?
  11. 2: We heard Yama yelling from that practice room....
  12. 5: ...Riku-kun, Yamato-san....
  13. 2: What happened.... Tell us.
  14. 5: ....... I met Tamaki-kun's younger sister, Aya....
  15. 2: What--
  16. 5: But I couldn't tell him.... I just.... Assumed that he'd abandon hid work again....
  17. 5: Even though he's been trying his best for me....
  18. 7: ...Then.... Was that Edo Fireman story about Tamaki?
  19. 7: Why.... Why didn't you tell the truth!?
  20. 5: ...I didn't want to burden everyone, especially not during a time like this.......
  21. 2: Not again.... What'd you expect-- you basically swallowed a ticking time bomb.... (1)
  22. 5: ....... I'm sorry....
  23. 2: ....... What did Tama say?
  24. 5: ......He said he's quitting MEZZO".
  25. 2: ...Ah, shit.......
  26. 7: ...Tamaki.......
  28. 4: Screw this.... I'm gonna stop trying so hard.... Everything I do is pointless anyways!
  29. 10: Tamaki-kun.... Don't say that....
  30. 4: I'm hopeless even if I try my best, so I might as well stop trying!
  31. 4: I'm gonna quit MEZZO"....... If I meet Aya, then I'll quit IDOLiSH7 too......!
  32. 10: ...What about your fans? And your friends?
  33. 4: Fuck if I care! I became an idol to find Aya in the first place! Once I find here then all of this is useless to me!
  34. 10: .......
  35. 10: He doesn't trust you because you say things like that so casually.
  36. 4: ....... Ryuu-aniki....
  37. 10: It's that attitude that's putting all of your hard work to waste, not Sougo-kun.
  38. 4: ......! I--
  39. 4: I.... I just wanted Sou-chan to praise me.......
  40. 4: ...I just wanted him to acknowledge me.......
  42. 2: Why didn't you tell Tama? Aren't you guys partners!?
  43. 5: ...I'm sorry.......
  44. 7: Yamato-san! Sougo-san didn't do anything wrong! Sougo-san was just being considerate of Tamaki--
  45. 2: Be quiet, Riku.
  46. 2: Sou. Didn't I tell you? If anything happens, tell us. Tell him, tell all of us.
  47. 5: .......
  48. 2: Please remember that you can lean on us. There's no point in taking on everyone's burdens and stressing about them all by yourself.
  49. 2: I'm not mad that didn't tell us, Sou-- I'm sad. Because aren't we friends?
  50. 2: ...You know, Tama noticed you were hiding something.
  51. 2: He was worried about you, like if something had happened with your family again.
  52. 5: Tamaki-kun was...?
  54. 4: ...I thought it'd be impossible for me to get along with him, but.......
  55. 4: Someone told me that he looked up to me.... So I thought, "Alright, I'm gonna do things properly then, so maybe he'll praise me"....
  56. 4: I thought, "I'll try even harder!"
  57. 4: Because he told me that he was watching me.... Watching me do my best....
  58. 4: ...I figured out that that stuff about him looking up to me was a lie.... But I thought that if I just kept giving it my all.......
  59. 4: Then one day it'll be the truth.... And if that happened I'd be really happy....
  60. 10: Tamaki-kun....
  61. 4: But.... I'll always be hopeless to Sou-chan.
  62. 4: He wouldn't even tell me about Aya.......
  63. 4: ....So no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, I'll always be hopeless in his eyes.
  64. 10: Aren't you the same, then?
  65. 4: How so....
  66. 10: You're assuming that he'll ever understand you, even though this is just one disagreement.
  67. 10: Even though Sougo-kun might've tried his best to understand you.
  68. 4: .......
  69. 10: Groups that are perfectly compatible right from the get-go don't exist.
  70. 10: You come to understand each other, bit by bit, and before long you're the ultimate partners. We used to be like that too.
  71. 4: TRIGGER was...?
  72. 10: Yeah.
  73. 10: Once Ten steps off stage, he's sharp-tongued and severe. And Gaku is Gaku-- he's hot-blooded.
  74. 10: It was always tense in our dressing rooms, and I used to sigh every day. I really missed my friends back home too.
  75. 4: ...Is it different now?
  76. 10: You know the answer to that. How do you see us?
  77. 4: ....... You guys look like really good friends to me.
  78. 10: They're irreplaceable-- they're my best friends. And I'm sure you guys will get there someday.
  80. To be continued....
  82. hey fucK THIS TITLE BC I originally left it in jp to fix later bc i waslike HEY THIS IS RYUUS LINE!! I REMEMBER!! but then uh surprise i probably can't put a whole sentence as the title (this!! is hwy!! i avoidED TITLE TRANSLATIONS eVEr SINC ELIKE 2012!!! But SIKE 2 late shiroi, ur doing what u thought u'd never do)
  83. JUST KNOW that the title is a shorter, condensed, tl;dr version of the second half of Ryuu's last line in this section
  84. (1) yamato's p hard to put into english so this line is more 'localized' than directly translated (at least more than usual)
  86. ||| 13-2: Tomorrow |||
  87. 2: Tama thinks about you more than you believe, Sou.
  88. 2: He doesn't really have strong family bonds, so he thinks of you as his older brother-- as family.
  89. 5: Family.......
  90. 7: I understand.... Sougo-san's really caring and really nice, so he's like an older brother to me too....
  91. 2: How so? Sou's a self-contained only child, through and through.
  92. 7: H-how do you know that?
  93. 2: Because I'm the same. ...I'm not good at trusting people, or letting them trust me.
  94. 5: Yamato-san....
  95. 2: You're cautious and always prepared, Sou. That's one of your strong points-- and no one else has that.
  96. 2: But you don't have to be cautious towards us.... Or towards Tama.
  97. 2: Before you try to shoulder something by yourself, come at us at full force and be honest with us. Or are really we that unreliable?
  98. 5: That's not it at all.... ...I'm just afraid of causing everyone trouble.... Of hurting someone.......
  99. 2: Cause all the trouble you want. I'd be really happy if you leaned on me. Riku and Tama feel the same way, too.
  100. 2: You're not alone....... You're a seventh of IDOLiSH7 and half of MEZZO", right?
  101. 5: ....... Yes....
  102. *click*
  103. 9: What? Is there trouble again?
  104. 7: T-Ten-nii.......
  105. *click*
  106. 8: This group sure bumps into a lotta trouble. Maybe you guys should get an exorcism. Did you make sure to do your first shrine visit of the year? (1)
  107. 2: Thanks for the advice, Yaotome....
  108. *click*
  109. 10: You can come back in, Sougo-kun.
  110. 5: Tsunashi-san....
  111. 10: It's okay. Come on. Make up with him, okay?
  112. 9: Ryuu. You're helping them make up?
  113. 8: Oh? Not bad.
  114. 10: It's because I'm used to dealing with interpersonal problems on a daily basis.
  115. Kujou Ten・Yaotome Gaku: How come?
  116. 10: Think about it, guys.
  118. 7: ...That practice session finished, by some way or another.
  119. 7: Sougo-san and Tamaki didn't really talk, but I hope they're okay....
  120. 2: They are. They both just want things to go well, after all.
  121. 7: ...Was what you said earlier true? That you're not good at good at trusting people, or letting themf trust you?
  122. 2: I guess so.
  123. 7: You don't really seem that way though....
  124. 2: Haha.... Something like that happened to me when I was a kid. A "you betrayed me!" moment.
  125. 2: I don't want them to become twisted like me. And if it's them, I'm sure things will go well.
  126. 7: Yamato-san.... I won't betray you, Yamato-san!
  127. 2: Ahaha. I know. You're pure, Riku.
  128. 2: I guess I'm a little jealous of that.
  130. 5: I.... I have to take responsibility.... For hurting Tamaki-kun....
  131. 5: My uncle.... How did my uncle make music with his friends....
  132. 5: Depending on others.... 'Friends'.... Just what are those.......
  133. 5: .......
  134. 5: ...If I worry about it, then all I'm doing is containing myself again. Something has to change-- I have to change. ...I can't live like this, keeping to myself.......
  135. 5: I must go.
  137. *knock knock*
  138. 4: Yes?
  139. 5: There's something I'd like to talk to you about. Is it okay......
  140. 4: ....... Whatever it is you wanna tell me.... I don't think we'll be able to agree right now. (2)
  141. 5: ......So you're not opening the door, no matter what?
  142. 4: ....... I just.......
  143. 5: ....... Understood.
  144. 4: .......
  145. *screech!*
  146. 4: ......!? W-what's that noise!? Hey! Sou-chan...!?
  147. 4: Are you trying to break down my door!? O-okay! I'l open the door right now......!
  148. *clatter*
  149. 4: Uwah--!
  150. 5: ...Sorry, I ended up breaking your lock. I'll reimburse you afterwards....
  151. 4: You.... You're not actually from a nice, well-to-do family.... You're from some family of extremists, aren't you....
  152. 5: I'm here to ask you a favor.
  153. 4: A favor...?
  154. 5: I don't want to disband MEZZO".
  155. 4: ....... Are you threatening me, while holding a screwdriver?
  156. 5: Not at all. I don't expect you to do this for free.
  157. 5: I will definitely find where Aya is. Will you reconsider it then, once more?
  158. 4: Where Aya is...? How.......
  159. 5: I'll do anything to find her, and by all means necessary. I have to take responsibility for hurting you.
  160. 4: All means necessary...? Uh, let's not use dangerous weapons, alright? (3)
  161. 5: Alright....
  162. 4: ....... I'll be doing it too. Looking for Aya. She's my younger sister.
  163. 5: Understood. ...Then, starting tomorrow?
  164. 4: Tomorrow.... Ah, I see.
  165. 4: That's the day we were supposed to hang out. Our day off.
  167. To be continued....
  171. (1) I find this hilariouS because hatano wataru voiced Lindo, an exorcist, in Dance with Devils. And here he is. Talking about exorcisms agaiN,. HFH2
  172. ANYWAYS first shrine visit of the year (i did this one p literally bc it fit in!! weehaw) --> hatsumoude. that thing in like every slice of life anime when winter comes around. You can read up more abt it over here! Anyways shrine visits are good for expelling evil spirits, etc. Lots of things! I Am No Expert. Pls Read the wiki article instead of going off of mE.
  173. (2) 平行線 = parallel train lines. 平行線のままである = two paths that will never cross. alco hasn't been of that much use lately because ejje weblio is juST THAT OMNIPOTENT bUT IN THIS CASE, i scrounged (from the handful of suggestions that it had) that it can mean 'to never ceom to an agreement' which sound about right in this situation. it certainly makes more sense than Tamaki, in a dudebro voice: bro i think we're kinda like parallel train lines rn.
  174. (3) TAMAKI!! YOU!!!!!!! ok what he said was とりあえず、物騒なエモノは置いておこーか。 and 'emono' was in katakana and my instant response was okay, 獲物..... prey.........*deep breatH* EMONO WA KIMI DAYOOOOOooooo.... but false! 得物 is also emono, and means weapon. Makes 100% more sense in this context. Case closed! [Plot Twist: Tamaki is actually a BiBi fan] [Plot Twist 2: the bibi fan isn't tamaki-- it's me]
  178. ||| 13-3: Sougo's Lie and Rite/ritual/ceremony |||
  179. 5: I'm here to ask you a favor.
  180. 4: A favor...?
  181. 5: I don't want to disband MEZZO".
  182. 4: ....... Are you threatening me, while holding a screwdriver?
  183. 5: Not at all. I don't expect you to do this for free.
  184. 5: I will definitely find where Aya is. Will you reconsider it then, once more?
  185. 4: Where Aya is...? How.......
  186. 5: I'll do anything to find her, and by all means necessary. I have to take responsibility for hurting you.
  187. 4: All means necessary...? Uh, let's not use dangerous weapons, alright? (3)
  188. 5: Alright....
  189. 4: ....... I'll be doing it too. Looking for Aya. She's my younger sister.
  190. 5: Understood. ...Then, starting tomorrow?
  191. 4: Tomorrow.... Ah, I see.
  192. 4: That's the day we were supposed to hang out. Our day off.
  194. 5: We'll be going now.
  195. 4: See ya.
  196. 2: Aight. Have a safe trip.
  197. *slam*
  198. 7: That's good. It looks like they've made up.
  199. 3: ...They did, but it looks like a damn crime scene there. You saw Tamaki's door, right....... (1)
  200. 6: OH.... It'd fit right into a manor from some great tragedy.......
  201. 1: Then shall we go as well?
  202. 7: Go where?
  203. 1: We have to get Re:vale's permission for the secret we have planned, otherwise we can't do it.
  204. 7: Ah, right. Yamato-san, you're also--
  205. 2: I'll pass this time. I will be fully enjoying my day off.
  206. 1: Huh...?
  207. 2: I don't want to think about work today. I'm also going to the hot springs with Banri-san today.
  208. 3: You've been working hard pretty lately.... We should go too, Nagi.
  209. 6: To the hot springs?
  210. 3: No! We talked about looking for that person with TRIGGER yesterday, right?
  211. 6: OH, Mister Yuki's old partner, correct?
  212. 3: Yep. Maybe we'll find a clue if we visit an indies record shop.
  213. 3: Yuki-san did say that he'd be able to let go once his old partner is found.
  214. 3: And if we find his old partner and Yuki-san finally lets go, then Momo should be able to make a come-back!
  215. 6: OK, let's get ready. ......OH! Before that, we should try asking Banri.
  216. 6: He did say that he's a fan of Re:vale. He might know something.
  217. 3: Ah, you're right.
  218. 2: Tell Banri-san to pack a towel for me while you're at it.
  220. ogm: Something you'd like to ask me? Oh, if you want one-day hot springs trip coupons, they sell them in the supermarket in front of the train station--
  221. 3: Ah, no. Not that.
  222. 6: Banri, you said that you were a fan of Re:vale. Have you known about them ever since their indies days?
  223. ogm: Yeah, I have.
  224. 3: Really!? Then do you know who Yuki-san's old partner is?
  225. 3: The thing is, Momo-san hasn't been able to sing.
  226. ogm: What!? Even though they have a concert lined up? What in the world happened....
  227. 3: No one knows what the exact cause is, but.... It might be because of the old partner.
  228. ogm: Huh......?
  229. 3: Ah. We're not saying that it's his fault or anything. But Yuki's been looking for him.
  230. 3: Momo-san misunderstood and thought that he'd have to quit once they found the other guy.
  231. ogm: Then.... Wouldn't it be for the best if they didn't find him?
  232. 3: It's pretty complicated. Because if they find him, then Yuki-san will be able to let go.
  233. 3: And if Yuki-san can let go, then Momo-san will be able to get over it too.
  234. ogm: .......
  235. 3: ...Man, that was a pretty long explanation. I wish there was a more concise way to go about this.
  236. 6: /Hm.... Refresh Re:vale. (2)
  237. 3: That, that! We want to refresh Re:vale!
  238. ogm: ......I thought things were working out nicely for Re:vale, since they seem to get along very well....
  239. 6: /No. Re:vale has just been facing dilemma after dilemma. First Mister Momo's voice, and then the threat letter. We'd like to help them.
  240. 6: If there's anything you know, do you mind telling us?
  241. 3: Anything about his old parter is fine! We're begging you!
  242. ogm: Understood. For the sake of.... Uh, refreshing Re:vale....
  243. ogm: It's best if they find Yuki's old partner, right?
  245. 4: You said that we were gonna look for Aya. But how were you gonna go about it?
  246. 4: Do you have any other clues, besides meeting her in front of the TV station?
  247. 5: All that I know about her is that she wanted to know if you were doing well or not, that she wanted to take her key holder back....
  248. 5: And that she has a guardian who doesn't want her to go out in public.
  249. 4: Guardian...?
  250. 5: It appears that she can't meet with you because of their constraints.
  251. 5: But just like you, she's acts very extremely and is also impulsive. Furthermore, she reacted to Kujou-san.
  252. 4: To Tenten...?
  253. 5: Yes. There may be a chance that she follows all of the shows Kujou-san appears on.
  254. 5: To confirm my suspicions, we'll be setting up a trap.
  255. 4: 'Confirm'....... This.... This is the studio TRIGGER's filming their show at....
  256. 5: Stay here and wait. They might get mad at you.
  257. 4: Hey, Sou-chan...!
  258. *slam*
  260. TV Show Staff: Hey, we're in the middle of recording.... Ah, you're IDOLiSH7's Osaka-san. Do you have business with someone in TRIGGER?
  261. TV Show Staff: They're in a live broadcast right now....
  262. 5: I don't mind. Can you pass this note to TRIGGER for me?
  263. 5: It's something I'd like them to say on broadcast. If possible, I'd like Kujou-san to say it.
  264. TV Show Staff: That's.... There's no way we can follow through with such a ridiculous request, Osaka-san.
  265. 5: Even if it's under the authority of the sponsors?
  266. TV Show Staff: What...?
  267. 5: FSC is the sponsor of this who, correct? My father is the president of FSC.
  268. 5: That note is a message from my father.
  269. TV Show Staff: B-but I heard you didn't get along with your father....
  270. 5: That's all in the past. Parent-child quarrels are fairly commonplace.
  271. 5: I'd like you take care of this as soon as possible. After all, the Osaka family is very strict about punctuality.
  272. 5: /Time is money. For example, every second I spend talking to you is money down the drain.
  273. TV Show Staff: U-understood. Please wait for a bit.
  275. TV Show Staff: Alright! We'll be airing the commercial now!
  276. Show Director: Excuse me, Kujou-san, but you have orders from the sponsors?
  277. 9: Orders from the sponsors.... Did I say something bad?
  278. 8: 'Something bad?' Come on, all you do spit venom once you're backstage. (4)
  279. 10: Ten would never make that mistake on television, though.
  280. Show Director: Can you talk about this topic during the free talk at the end?
  281. 9: "IDOLiSH7's Yotsuba Tamaki's condition has drastically worsened after receiving a key holder".....
  282. 9: What is this?
  283. 8: Maybe it's some secret code between corporations? Like about their stocks or something.
  284. 9: What? I'd prefer if they didn't use our show for that.
  285. 10: ...Key holder....... Could it be....
  286. 10: Ah. That's not it, Ten, Gaku. It's not a corporate code.
  287. 10: It's probably a ceremony for reconciliation.
  289. To be continued....
  292. (1) 修羅場 = scene of carnage but i forgot the figure of speech in english that also involves the word carnage so i just put in smth else thats equivalent yeah
  293. (2) [kotori voice] Sukkiri~ .......... anyWAYS I was really tempted to write re:fresh re:vale but nope, nagi said スッキリ and not リフレッシュ.... if he had said refresh (katakana) u could prob pun even further but Alas
  294. (3) i believe this is what sougo is saying but in a slightly convoluted manner, unless im missing out on some crucial kotowaza
  295. (4) thsi is figurative in english i hoPE THE MESSAGE WENT ACROSS but pseudo literal bc jp for sharp tongue is 'poisonous tongue' and i feel like that has more connotation LOL but hfshdf
  296. i also have a knack of getting stuck close 2 the end but WHFSHDF god this chatper title was Strange
  298. ||| 13-4: Reach her! |||
  299. TV Show Staff: Alright! We'll be airing the commercial now!
  300. Show Director: Excuse me, Kujou-san, but you have orders from the sponsors?
  301. 9: Orders from the sponsors.... Did I say something bad?
  302. 8: 'Something bad?' Come on, all you do spit venom once you're backstage. (4)
  303. 10: Ten would never make that mistake on television, though.
  304. Show Director: Can you talk about this topic during the free talk at the end?
  305. 9: "IDOLiSH7's Yotsuba Tamaki's condition has drastically worsened after receiving a key holder".....
  306. 9: What is this?
  307. 8: Maybe it's some secret code between corporations? Like about their stocks or something.
  308. 9: What? I'd prefer if they didn't use our show for that.
  309. 10: ...Key holder....... Could it be....
  310. 10: Ah. That's not it, Ten, Gaku. It's not a corporate code.
  311. 10: It's probably a ceremony for reconciliation.
  312. 8: ......Reconciliation? This?
  313. 9: If Ryuu says so, then it's fine. ...I don't want to do anything too weird, though.
  314. 9: Not while Kujou-san's here watching.....
  316. 5: I hope she's watching. Aya-chan....
  317. kj: Here, have a coffee.
  318. 5: Ah.... Thank you very much.
  319. kj: You're IDOLiSH7's Sougo-kun, correct? Are you also here to watch and learn?
  320. 5: Yes. Well....
  321. *click*
  322. 4: Hey, what are you doing! Sou-chan....
  323. 4: Ah.... Good morning. This person is....?
  324. kj: Ah, IDOLiSH7's Tamaki-kun. I'll give you my coffee instead, then-- Hot!
  325. 5: A-are you alright!?
  326. 4: What are you doing! Did you get burned?
  327. kj: Ahaha, whoops.... Sorry about that. Thanks though. I'll go get a cup for you right now.
  328. 4: It's okay. Ahaha.... You're kind of careless even though you're a proper adult.
  329. kj: Haha. You got me there. Ah.... For some reason, you seem to resemble my daughter.
  330. 4: Your daughter?
  331. kj: Yes. She's cute, and a very good girl. She's very put together and honest.
  332. 4: Hmm..... You're like the exact opposite of my dad.
  333. kj: Was you father very cool?
  334. 4: Ahaha. Not at all. ......He's never made coffee before.
  335. 4: ......Do you work for the TV station?
  336. kj: No. I'm here to watch my son work today.
  337. kj: I was worried, but he's doing a splendid job among all of these adults. He's too good for me.... My son is my pride and joy.
  338. 5: ...Pride and joy.......
  339. 4: ...Hmmm.......
  340. /Osaka Sougo・Yotsuba Tamaki: That must be nice....
  341. /5: ...If only my own father tolerated my work and watched over me like this man does for his own son.......
  342. /4: ...If my dad was more like this guy, then I probably never would've had to part ways with Aya.......
  343. TV Show Staff: Osaka-san, the free talk is starting. Do we have approval from the sponsors?
  344. 5: Yes.
  345. 4: Approval from the sponsors...? What did you do?
  346. kj: Osaka? Are you perhaps from FSC's Osaka Family?
  347. 5: ...Yes, I am. What of it?
  348. kj: I knew someone by the name of Osaka. He was a young man and used to be in a band. But he passed away, several years ago.
  349. kj: I wonder if you know him. Osaka Satoshi.......
  350. 5: You were acquainted with my uncle!?
  351. TV Show Staff: Osaka-san, the commercial break is ending! Please come over here!
  352. 5: ......U-understood.
  353. 4: What are you doing! Wait, Sou-chan......!
  354. *footsteps*
  355. kj: Heh....... I was indeed acquainted with him.
  356. kj: He didn't have the talent to surpass Zero whatsoever-- a mediocre man at best.
  357. kj: Don't you dare get too close to my Ten....
  359. 9: It's time to wrap up the show, isn't it.
  360. 9: Our guest, Shinomiya Azusa-san, was such a wonderful person.
  361. 8: You'd never guess that she's got kids at home. I hope we can listen to her sing live again sometime.
  362. 10: Please look forward to her new album, "Darling." --By the way, how have you guys been feeling lately?
  363. 9: Ah, I heard that IDOLiSH7's Tamaki-kun has been sick lately, after getting a key holder. (1)
  364. 8: What's with that? Did he catch a virus?
  365. 9: Ahaha. I don't know, but don't let this story spread.
  366. 10: I'm sure that key holder brings back a lot of memories for him. Perhaps the name of that virus is 'sentimentality.'
  367. 9: Haha. Oh, Ryuu.... It seems that you've picked up Gaku's habit of saying embarrassing lines.
  368. 10: Ah.... Was it that embarrassing?
  369. 8: Not at all-- it was cool.
  370. 10: Really?
  371. 9: From one person to another. It certainly is a virus. I'll do my best to not get infected.
  372. 8: Hey.
  373. 9: We'll see you next week!
  374. [CG GOES HERE]
  375. ......!
  376. aya: ...Tamaki nii-chan!
  377. aya: Sougo-san gave him the key holder.... But what is this about him getting sick...!? Virus? Did he catch a virus!?
  378. aya: Why is Ten onii-chan talking about this though!? Are my brothers good friends!?
  379. aya: ......Uh, um....
  381. aya: I have to go see him!
  382. aya: I'm sorry Kujou-san! I won't leave the house like this anymore! This is the last time...!
  383. aya: Please wait for me, and don't die-- Nii-chan!
  384. *footsteps*
  386. To be continued....
  389. if u didn't notice tamaki's speaking keigo/respectfully to kujou. WHAT A FINE YOUNG MAN, IM SO PROUD OF MY S S ON
  390. (1) 'sick' felt more appropriate in this sense vs 'HIS PHYSICAL CONDITION HAS WORSENED' mostly because homesick,, sentimentality,,, THEY'RE ALL SAPS IM CYRINg
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