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May 18th, 2013
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  1. --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
  2. I/cm ( 1716): Welcome to Android 4.1.2 / CyanogenMod-10-20130518-UNOFFICIAL-janice
  3. I/cm ( 1717): _
  4. I/cm ( 1718): __ __ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ __))
  5. I/cm ( 1723): ((_ \(/'((_( ((\( ((_)((_( (('((\( ((`1( ((_)((_(
  6. I/cm ( 1724): )) _))
  7. I/cm ( 1726):
  8. E/battery_params( 1745): Can't get size of key (h 0x416dc030 key 0x10300 result 0x7).
  9. E/battery_params( 1745): Error on line: 199
  10. I/DEBUG ( 1733): debuggerd: May 18 2013 17:48:34
  11. --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
  12. I/Vold ( 1730): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  13. I/Netd ( 1732): Netd 1.0 starting
  14. I/MLR ( 1764): Starting Modem Log Relay...
  15. W/MLR ( 1764): Unable to set the the dump directory path from configuarion file.
  16. D/MLR ( 1764): sdcard_mount_handler is launched
  17. D/MLR ( 1764): monitor_client_handler is launched
  18. D/MLR ( 1764): modem_sup_handler is launched
  19. D/MLR ( 1764): usblink_handler is launched
  20. D/MLR ( 1764): inv_trace_handler is launched
  21. D/TA_Loader( 1768): TA_LOADER_SOCKET Communication: Server_socket 3
  22. I/MLR ( 1764): Check debug level value = DLOW
  23. I/MLR ( 1764): Check prod issw sim = 1
  24. W/MLR ( 1764): Modem debug deactivated in ISSW, sockets threads not created
  25. I/MLR ( 1764): Waiting Modem to be ready...
  26. I/MLR ( 1764): Waiting for RIL to be intialized, try 1...
  27. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): Feature_Init
  28. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): Get_feature_xml
  29. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): Get_feature_xml fopen error
  30. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): Get_feature_defaul_xml
  31. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): Get_feature_default_xml fopen error
  32. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): [Feature_Init]GetBasemodel=GT-I9100
  33. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): [Feature_Init]feature_NPS=Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal,Normal
  34. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): [Feature_Init]feature_DR=IMEI_FILE,Ril_Sales,Normal,MSISDN_File,Normal,GT-I9100,Normal,Normal,Normal
  35. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): [Feature_Init]feature_APP=Device,Calendar,Contents,Phonebook,Memo,Message,,
  36. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): task Start
  37. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): wscMessageGet msgid:4097
  38. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): wifi_wscDataServiceStart
  39. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): wifi Create server_sockid: 7
  40. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): wifi_wscDataServiceConnect
  41. I/NPS_MOBEX( 1747): wifi_wscDataServiceConnect START
  42. D/Vold ( 1730): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  43. D/Vold ( 1730): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  44. D/Vold ( 1730): Volume usbdisk0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  45. D/Vold ( 1730): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  46. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  47. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  48. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  49. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  50. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  51. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  52. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  53. D/Vold ( 1730): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  54. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  55. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  56. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  57. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  58. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  59. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  60. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  61. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  62. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  63. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  64. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  65. E/DirectVolume( 1730): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  66. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  67. E/DirectVolume( 1730): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  68. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  69. E/DirectVolume( 1730): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  70. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  71. E/DirectVolume( 1730): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  72. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  73. E/DirectVolume( 1730): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  74. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): gUartPath = ATRILClient
  75. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): UART ATRILClient is not used by console
  76. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  77. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  78. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  79. W/Vold ( 1730): Duplicate state (1)
  80. D/Vold ( 1730): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  81. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): GetText result : 01N02N03N04N05N06N07N08N09N10N11N12N13N14N15N16N17N18N19N20N21N22N23N24N25N26N27N28N29N30N31N32N33N34N35N36N37N38N39N40N41N42N43N44N45N46N47N48N49N50N51N52N53N54N55N56N57N58N59N60N61N62N63N64N65N66N67N68N69N70N71N72N73N74N75N76N77N78N79N80N81N82N83N84N85N86N87N88N89N90N
  82. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): GetText result :
  83. D/DirectVolume( 1730): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 97, PARTN 1
  84. D/Vold ( 1730): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  85. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): GetText result : N0NN
  86. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): MakeLocalServer(): FactoryClientRecv Communication: Server_socket 7
  87. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): InitSocketAcceptHandler(): FactoryClientRecv, id(0), fd(7)
  88. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): MakeLocalServer(): FactoryClientSend Communication: Server_socket 9
  89. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): InitSocketAcceptHandler(): FactoryClientSend, id(1), fd(9)
  90. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): first start
  91. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] Info MSA server started on '/modemfs'. Version: 1.0 Compiled: Dec 18 2012 14:44:35
  92. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] Info Create netlnk socket
  93. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] Info Wait for modem status online
  94. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] Info Received MODEM_STATUS_ONLINE
  95. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED unlink(path='/modemfs/.msa_write_atomic.file') ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  96. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED write_packet(fd=10 buf=0x4002fe9a nbyte=7) path='WAKE-UNLOCK' ret=-1 errno=22 (Invalid argument)
  97. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] ERROR do_wakelock_release: posix_write() errno=22 (Invalid argument)
  98. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] Info Entering main MSA serving loop.
  99. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/PERM/PLAIN/MOM.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  100. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED mkdir(path='/modemfs/PERM' mode=0x1c0) ret=-1 errno=17 (File exists)
  101. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/TOEM.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  102. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED mkdir(path='/modemfs/PERM/PLAIN' mode=0x1c0) ret=-1 errno=17 (File exists)
  103. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED mkdir(path='/modemfs/PERM/PROT' mode=0x1c0) ret=-1 errno=17 (File exists)
  104. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/PERM/PROT/F2ND.DAT' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  105. I/mediaserver( 1738): ServiceManager: 0x419c6ce0
  106. I/AudioFlinger( 1738): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  107. I/CameraService( 1738): CameraService started (pid=1738)
  108. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  109. D/MDnsDS ( 1732): MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
  110. D/MDnsDS ( 1732): MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
  111. D/MDnsDS ( 1732): Going to poll with pollCount 1
  112. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  113. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/PERM/PLAIN/MOM.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  114. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  115. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  116. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  117. W/STE-SYSLOG-admsrv( 1743): Initializing ste-syslog
  118. I/STE-SYSLOG-admsrv( 1743): Logging to logcat messages from priority 5 (ANDROID_LOG_WARN)
  119. I/ADM ( 1743): 4: 6565462: [STATUS] vendor/st-ericsson/variant/multimedia/audio/adm/src/ste_adm_main.c:44 ADM booting, pid=1743, 15:04:00 Dec 18 2012. Mix/split=ADM
  120. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  121. I/ADM ( 1743): 2: 6572571: [INFO] hw_handler:51 ste_adm_hw_handler_select_hw: Enter.
  122. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/PERM/PLAIN/XFSTAT.X' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  123. I/ADM ( 1743): 6: 6594755: [INFO] hw_handler:75 ste_adm_hw_handler_select_hw: HW-handler initialized for 'CHIP_ID_AB8500' (chip_id = 1).
  124. I/ADM ( 1743): 1: 6594999: [INFO] db:336 /data/adm.sqlite-copy-datestamp st_mtime: Mon May 13 10:34:47 2013
  125. I/ADM ( 1743): 2: 6595060: [INFO] db:337 /system/etc/adm.sqlite-u8500 st_mtime: Fri Aug 1 09:00:00 2008
  126. I/ADM ( 1743): 2: 6595121: [INFO] db:344 No need to copy DB
  127. D/WVMDrmPlugIn( 1737): WVMDrmPlugin::onGetSupportInfo : 0
  128. D/AndroidRuntime( 1736):
  129. D/AndroidRuntime( 1736): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  130. D/AndroidRuntime( 1736): CheckJNI is OFF
  131. I/SurfaceFlinger( 1735): SurfaceFlinger is starting
  132. I/SurfaceFlinger( 1735): use dithering
  133. I/SurfaceFlinger( 1735): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
  134. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE
  135. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  136. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadGlobalConfig() mAttachedOutputDevices 0003
  137. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  138. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadGlobalConfig() mDefaultOutputDevice 0002
  139. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC
  140. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC
  141. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL
  142. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadGlobalConfig() mAvailableInputDevices 3100000
  143. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModules() loading module primary
  144. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModule() loading output primary
  145. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  146. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  147. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  148. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  149. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE
  150. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  151. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_SCO
  152. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET
  153. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE
  154. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET
  155. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY
  156. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 087f, mFlags 0002
  157. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModule() loading input primary
  158. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 8000
  159. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 11025
  160. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 16000
  161. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 22050
  162. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 24000
  163. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 32000
  164. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  165. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 48000
  166. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadInChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  167. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  168. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 0010
  169. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
  170. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 000c
  171. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  172. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC
  173. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET
  174. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET
  175. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC
  176. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM
  177. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL
  178. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadInput() adding input mSupportedDevices 7700000
  179. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModules() loading module a2dp
  180. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModule() loading output a2dp
  181. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  182. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  183. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  184. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  185. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP
  186. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 0380, mFlags 0000
  187. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModules() loading module usb
  188. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModule() loading output usb_accessory
  189. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  190. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  191. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  192. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  193. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_ACCESSORY
  194. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 2000, mFlags 0000
  195. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModule() loading output usb_device
  196. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  197. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  198. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  199. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  200. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_DEVICE
  201. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 4000, mFlags 0000
  202. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModules() loading module tms
  203. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModule() loading output tms
  204. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  205. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  206. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  207. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  208. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EXTERNAL_TMS
  209. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 10000, mFlags 0000
  210. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadHwModule() loading input tms
  211. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  212. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadInChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  213. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  214. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 0010
  215. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
  216. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 000c
  217. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  218. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_EXTERNAL_TMS
  219. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadInput() adding input mSupportedDevices 10000000
  220. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1738): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /vendor/etc/audio_policy.conf
  221. I/gralloc ( 1735): using (fd=12)
  222. I/gralloc ( 1735): id = mcde_fb
  223. I/gralloc ( 1735): xres = 480 px
  224. I/gralloc ( 1735): yres = 800 px
  225. I/gralloc ( 1735): xres_virtual = 480 px
  226. I/gralloc ( 1735): yres_virtual = 2400 px
  227. I/gralloc ( 1735): bpp = 32
  228. I/gralloc ( 1735): r = 16:8
  229. I/gralloc ( 1735): g = 8:8
  230. I/gralloc ( 1735): b = 0:8
  231. I/gralloc ( 1735): width = 76 mm (160.421051 dpi)
  232. I/gralloc ( 1735): height = 127 mm (160.000000 dpi)
  233. I/gralloc ( 1735): refresh rate = 60.00 Hz
  234. I/ADM ( 1743): 8: 6699936: [INFO] hw_handler_u8500:1507 ste_adm_hw_handler_init_u8500: Enter (card_name = 'U8500card').
  235. I/sec_anm_ahi( 1738): Creating Audio Hardware Interface
  236. V/HalAudioProcessing( 1738): HalAudioProcessing constructor
  237. D/SoundBooster( 1738): SoundBoosterInit(): sampleRate=44100
  238. V/HalAudioProcessing( 1738): SoundBooster init
  239. I/samsungRecord( 1738): [samsungrecord] SamsungRecInit
  240. I/samsungRecord( 1738): 1
  241. V/HalAudioProcessing( 1738): Samsung Record init
  242. I/ENSLoader( 1743): Scanning directory /system/lib/ste_omxcomponents/ for STE ENS based components
  243. W/ENSLoader( 1743): /system/lib/ste_omxcomponents/ is not loadable by STE ENS component loader
  244. D/libEGL ( 1735): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  245. D/libEGL ( 1735): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  246. D/libEGL ( 1735): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  247. W/libEGL ( 1735): eglInitialize(0x1) failed (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
  248. E/SurfaceFlinger( 1735): couldn't find an EGLConfig matching the screen format
  249. E/libEGL ( 1735): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  250. E/libEGL ( 1735): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  251. E/libEGL ( 1735): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
  252. F/libc ( 1735): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 1976 (SurfaceFlinger)
  253. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  254. D/dalvikvm( 1736): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff)
  255. D/dalvikvm( 1736): ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (/cache/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex)
  256. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  257. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/HALTRACE.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  258. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010049' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  259. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/PERM/PLAIN/XFSTAT.X' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  260. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010020' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  261. I/DEBUG ( 1733): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  262. I/DEBUG ( 1733): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-I9070/GT-I9070:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9070XXLQB:user/release-keys'
  263. I/DEBUG ( 1733): pid: 1735, tid: 1976, name: SurfaceFlinger >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<<
  264. I/DEBUG ( 1733): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
  265. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
  266. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 ffffffff r7 00000000
  267. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r8 00000000 r9 40047158 sl 40047138 fp 00000000
  268. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ip 40085e94 sp 40f43cb0 lr 4007c6a1 pc 4010c83c cpsr 40050030
  269. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d0 6165726874207265 d1 702065636e6f2064
  270. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d2 6e6572727563206f d3 7865746e6f632074
  271. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d4 0001000100000004 d5 0000078000000000
  272. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d6 0000000000000000 d7 3fc00000000000f0
  273. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d8 0000000043200000 d9 0000000000000000
  274. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
  275. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
  276. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
  277. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d16 416fca0555555555 d17 41cdcd6500000000
  278. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d18 3fdffffffffed720 d19 3fe0000000000000
  279. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d20 3fe0000000009470 d21 0000000000000000
  280. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
  281. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
  282. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
  283. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
  284. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
  285. I/DEBUG ( 1733): scr 20000010
  286. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  287. I/DEBUG ( 1733): backtrace:
  288. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 pc 0000e83c /system/lib/
  289. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 pc 0000f69d /system/lib/ (android::String8::setTo(char const*)+8)
  290. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 pc 00001014 <unknown>
  291. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  292. I/DEBUG ( 1733): stack:
  293. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c70 00000000
  294. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c74 00000000
  295. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c78 40188154 /system/lib/
  296. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c7c 40f43c9c
  297. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c80 00000000
  298. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c84 00000000
  299. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c88 40f43c9c
  300. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c8c 401702cd /system/lib/
  301. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c90 40188154 /system/lib/
  302. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c94 401705eb /system/lib/ (android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::decWakeCount(android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::WakeRefStrength)+110)
  303. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c98 40188108 /system/lib/
  304. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c9c 40f43cbc
  305. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43ca0 00000000
  306. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43ca4 00000000
  307. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43ca8 df0027ad
  308. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cac 00000000
  309. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 40f43cb0 400471c8
  310. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ........ ........
  311. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 40f43cb0 400471c8
  312. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cb4 400471cc
  313. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cb8 00000000
  314. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cbc 400471c8
  315. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cc0 00000000
  316. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cc4 40015018
  317. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 40f43cc8 00000000
  318. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43ccc 40034d51 /system/lib/ (android::GLExtensions::initWithGLStrings(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)+20)
  319. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cd0 400471c8
  320. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cd4 00000000
  321. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cd8 41032008
  322. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cdc 00000001
  323. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43ce0 00000000
  324. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43ce4 400471c8
  325. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43ce8 00000000
  326. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cec 40033b67 /system/lib/ (android::DisplayHardware::init(unsigned int)+1094)
  327. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cf0 00000000
  328. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cf4 40047138
  329. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cf8 40047158
  330. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cfc 40015018
  331. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43d00 00000000
  332. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43d04 00000000
  333. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  334. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near r9:
  335. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047138 72646e41 0064696f 40147594 00000033 Android..u.@3...
  336. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047148 00000001 00000015 40047188 00000000 .........q.@....
  337. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047158 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  338. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047168 4c47452d 00000000 4014753c 00000023 -EGL....<u.@#...
  339. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047178 00000001 0000000a 00000048 00000012 ........H.......
  340. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  341. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sl:
  342. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047118 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000023 ............#...
  343. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047128 00000001 00000008 40047188 00000000 .........q.@....
  344. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047138 72646e41 0064696f 40147594 00000033 Android..u.@3...
  345. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047148 00000001 00000015 40047188 00000000 .........q.@....
  346. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40047158 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  347. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  348. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near ip:
  349. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40085e74 4011019c 401105a0 40110924 40114e61 ...@...@$..@aN.@
  350. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40085e84 400bb86d 400bb87b 400ba28c 4010ff8c m..@{..@...@...@
  351. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40085e94 4010c821 401150a4 4000d1f9 4000d36d !..@.P.@...@m..@
  352. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40085ea4 4000d495 4000d451 40115025 40119f1d ...@Q..@%P.@...@
  353. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40085eb4 4011a479 4010aad8 4010db34 40117737 y..@...@4..@7w.@
  354. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  355. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sp:
  356. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43c90 40188154 401705eb 40188108 40f43cbc T..@...@...@.<.@
  357. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43ca0 00000000 00000000 df0027ad 00000000 .........'......
  358. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cb0 400471c8 400471cc 00000000 400471c8 .q.@.q.@.....q.@
  359. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cc0 00000000 40015018 00000000 40034d51 .....P.@....QM.@
  360. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f43cd0 400471c8 00000000 41032008 00000001 .q.@..... .A....
  361. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  362. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around pc:
  363. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4010c81c 00000000 b4504601 0600f07f f0102400 .....FP......$..
  364. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4010c82c d0050f07 2b01f811 0f07f011 d1f9b1da .......+........
  365. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4010c83c fa82c90c faa4f246 fa83f286 faa2f346 ....F.......F...
  366. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4010c84c 2b00f386 2a00d0f4 461abf06 39073903 ...+...*...F.9.9
  367. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4010c85c 0f01f012 3101d107 7f80f412 3101bf02 .......1.......1
  368. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  369. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around lr:
  370. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4007c680 fce2f7ff 21006820 f7ff3810 682bfcdf .... h.!.8....+h
  371. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4007c690 bd386023 4606b5f8 460f4608 eea0f7fc #`8....F.F.F....
  372. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4007c6a0 b1684605 f7ff3001 b158fcb5 0410f100 .Fh..0....X.....
  373. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4007c6b0 46204639 f7fc462a 2300ee4c e0025563 9F F*F..L..#cU..
  374. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4007c6c0 febcf7ff 68304604 38102100 fcbef7ff .....F0h.!.8....
  375. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010056' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  376. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010065' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  377. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010057' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  378. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010058' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  379. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010059' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  380. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010060' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  381. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010061' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  382. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010062' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  383. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010063' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  384. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010064' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  385. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/RFHAL/00010066' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  386. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/OEMNET.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  387. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  388. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.player' died
  389. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service '' died
  390. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/OEMGPRS.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  391. E/BellagioCore( 1743): ST Static Component Loader : Cannot open OpenMAX registry file /tmp/.omxregister
  392. E/BellagioCore( 1743): Component loader 1 constructor fails. Error= 0x80001000
  393. I/ADM ( 1743): 2: 7472561: [OMXIL] omx_log:256 Init --> OK
  394. I/ADM ( 1743): 6: 7472683: [INFO] srv:1031 Successfully created socket,bind to Unix Domain address.
  395. I/ADM ( 1743): 4: 7473813: [INFO] srv:1054 Successfully bound socket to /data/local/tmp/adm-socket.
  396. I/ADM ( 1743): 6: 7473904: [INFO] srv:1062 Successfully bound socket to /data/local/tmp/adm-socket.
  397. I/ADM ( 1743): 7: 7473935: [INFO] srv:1073 Server up and running, listener_sck_fd (11) MAX NOClients: 20.
  398. I/ADM ( 1743): 6: 7475125: [INFO] api_cscall:334 ADM could open /dev/modemaudio, will create cscall component
  399. I/ADM ( 1743): 5: 7475644: [INFO] cscall_omx:146 IL TRANSITIONS - init_cscall()
  400. I/ADM ( 1743): 6: 7475705: [INFO] cscall_omx:147 OMX_Symbian_IndexConfigAudioCodecEnabled = 7F00102B
  401. I/ADM ( 1743): 7: 7475735: [INFO] cscall_omx:148 OMX_Symbian_IndexConfigAudioCodecDisabled = 7F00102C
  402. I/ADM ( 1743): 8: 7475766: [STATUS] cscall_omx:151 Speech mode: CFG_FULL
  403. I/ENSWrapper( 1743): initOMXWrapperServices
  404. I/ENSWrapper( 1743): ASIC_ID=2
  405. I/ENSWrapper( 1743): initOMXWrapperServices Done
  406. I/ENSWrapper( 1743): initENSWrapperServices
  407. I/OSTTRACE( 1743): 0: 7501339: Executing OSTTraceInit
  408. I/OSTTRACE( 1743): 1: 7501400: Executing OSTTraceInit OST trace on STM disabled
  409. I/ENSWrapper( 1743): initNMFWrapperServices
  410. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): nmf-cm found in debugfs, mounted on /debug/nmf-cm
  411. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Pre-load NMF components
  412. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component hybrid_hsem preloaded
  413. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.common.portstate preloaded
  414. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.tcm_mem_alloc preloaded
  415. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.sleep preloaded
  416. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.signal preloaded
  417. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.resource preloaded
  418. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.mtf_resource preloaded
  419. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.mtf preloaded
  420. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.interrupt preloaded
  421. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.inform_resource_status preloaded
  422. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.buffer preloaded
  423. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.sendcommand preloaded
  424. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.postevent preloaded
  425. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.pcmsettings preloaded
  426. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.interruptdfc preloaded
  427. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.fsminit preloaded
  428. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.fillthisbuffer preloaded
  429. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.eventhandler preloaded
  430. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.emptythisbuffer preloaded
  431. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.api.set_debug preloaded
  432. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.audiolibs.common.dummy preloaded
  433. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.bindings.pcmadapter.configure preloaded
  434. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.bindings.shm.configure preloaded
  435. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.bindings.shmpcm.configure preloaded
  436. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.common.configure preloaded
  437. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.decoders.streamed.configure preloaded
  438. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.dmaout.low_power preloaded
  439. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.encoders.streamed.configure preloaded
  440. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): OSAL_ReadFile - Can't open file /system/usr/share/nmf/repository/mmdsp_8500_v2/_sk/equalizer/nmfil/effect/configure.elf4nmf: No such file or directory
  441. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): Error: CM_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND: _sk.equalizer.nmfil.effect.configure
  442. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): Pre-load of _sk.equalizer.nmfil.effect.configure failed with error -47
  443. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.hst.common.pcmsettings preloaded
  444. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.malloc.setheap preloaded
  445. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.mdrc.nmfil.effect.configure preloaded
  446. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.misc.controller.configure preloaded
  447. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.misc.samplesplayed preloaded
  448. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.mixer.nmfil.wrapper.configure preloaded
  449. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.msp_dma_ctrl_ab8500.configure preloaded
  450. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.pcm_splitter.nmfil.wrapper.configure preloaded
  451. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.pcmprocessings.mips.configure preloaded
  452. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.pcmprocessings.wrapper.configure preloaded
  453. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.resource_manager.api.mtf_resource preloaded
  454. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.resource_manager.api.common_interface_exports preloaded
  455. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.samplerateconv.nmfil.wrapper.configure preloaded
  456. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.speech_proc.nmf.common.hybrid_fillthisbuffer preloaded
  457. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.speech_proc.nmf.common.hybrid_emptythisbuffer preloaded
  458. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.speech_proc.nmf.common.configure_time_align preloaded
  459. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.speech_proc.nmf.mpc.dsp_port.configure preloaded
  460. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.spl.nmfil.effect.configure preloaded
  461. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.transducer_equalizer.nmfil.effect.configure preloaded
  462. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.volctrl.nmfil.effect.configure preloaded
  463. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.shared_fillthisbuffer preloaded
  464. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.shared_emptythisbuffer preloaded
  465. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.setmemory preloaded
  466. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.sendcommand preloaded
  467. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.pcmsettings preloaded
  468. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.fsminit preloaded
  469. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.fillthisbuffer preloaded
  470. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.emptythisbuffer preloaded
  471. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.dummy preloaded
  472. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.debug.mpc.api.msg preloaded
  473. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.dmaout.low_signal preloaded
  474. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.msp_dma_ctrl_ab8500.bitclock preloaded
  475. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.resource_manager.api.inform_resource_status preloaded
  476. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.speech_proc.nmf.common.pcmsettings preloaded
  477. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.speech_proc.nmf.common.hybrid_fillthisbuffer preloaded
  478. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.speech_proc.nmf.common.hybrid_emptythisbuffer preloaded
  479. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.shared_fillthisbuffer preloaded
  480. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.shared_emptythisbuffer preloaded
  481. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.requestmemory preloaded
  482. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.pcmsettings preloaded
  483. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.interruptdfc preloaded
  484. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.fillthisbuffer preloaded
  485. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.eventhandler preloaded
  486. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.emptythisbuffer preloaded
  487. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.renderercontroller preloaded
  488. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.msp_dma_ctrl_bt preloaded
  489. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.msp_dma_ctrl_ab8500 preloaded
  490. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.msp_dma_controller preloaded
  491. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.host_reg preloaded
  492. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.dmaout_bt preloaded
  493. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.dmaout preloaded
  494. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.dmain_bt preloaded
  495. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.dmain preloaded
  496. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiocodec.mpc.capturercontroller preloaded
  497. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libvector preloaded
  498. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libsbrqmf preloaded
  499. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libpolysyn preloaded
  500. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libmp3hybrid preloaded
  501. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libmp3dequan preloaded
  502. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libmdcttables preloaded
  503. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libmdct preloaded
  504. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libimdct preloaded
  505. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libfft preloaded
  506. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libdBconv preloaded
  507. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libcrc preloaded
  508. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libbitstream preloaded
  509. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libaudiowindows preloaded
  510. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component audiolibs.libaudiotables preloaded
  511. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component bindings.shm.shmout preloaded
  512. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component bindings.shm.shmin preloaded
  513. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component bindings.shmpcm.shmout preloaded
  514. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component bindings.shmpcm.shmin preloaded
  515. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component bindings.pcmadapter preloaded
  516. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component debug.mpc.dsp_printf preloaded
  517. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component decoders.framealigned.wrapper preloaded
  518. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component decoders.streamed.wrapper preloaded
  519. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component encoders.framealigned.wrapper preloaded
  520. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component encoders.streamed.wrapper preloaded
  521. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): OSAL_ReadFile - Can't open file /system/usr/share/nmf/repository/mmdsp_8500_v2/equalizer/effect/libequalizer.elf4nmf: No such file or directory
  522. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): Error: CM_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND: equalizer.effect.libequalizer
  523. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): Pre-load of equalizer.effect.libequalizer failed with error -47
  524. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): OSAL_ReadFile - Can't open file /system/usr/share/nmf/repository/mmdsp_8500_v2/equalizer/nmfil/effect.elf4nmf: No such file or directory
  525. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): Error: CM_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND: equalizer.nmfil.effect
  526. E/CMUserProxy( 1743): Pre-load of equalizer.nmfil.effect failed with error -47
  527. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component fsm.generic preloaded
  528. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component fsm.component preloaded
  529. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component mdrc.effect.libmdrc5b preloaded
  530. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component mdrc.nmfil.effect preloaded
  531. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component misc.synchronisation preloaded
  532. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component misc.controller preloaded
  533. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component mixer.effect.libmixer preloaded
  534. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component mixer.nmfil.wrapper preloaded
  535. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component nmf.mpc.shared_bufout preloaded
  536. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component nmf.mpc.shared_bufin preloaded
  537. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component osttrace.mmdsp preloaded
  538. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component pcm_splitter.nmfil.wrapper preloaded
  539. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component pcmprocessings.wrapper preloaded
  540. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component pcmprocessings.mips preloaded
  541. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component samplerateconv.effect.libresampling preloaded
  542. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component samplerateconv.nmfil.wrapper preloaded
  543. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component speech_proc.nmf.mpc.hybrid_buffer.mpc2arm preloaded
  544. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component speech_proc.nmf.mpc.hybrid_buffer.arm2mpc preloaded
  545. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component speech_proc.nmf.mpc.time_align preloaded
  546. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component speech_proc.nmf.mpc.dsp_port preloaded
  547. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component spl.effect.libspl preloaded
  548. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component spl.nmfil.effect preloaded
  549. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component transducer_equalizer.effect.libtransducer_equalizer preloaded
  550. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component transducer_equalizer.nmfil.effect preloaded
  551. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component volctrl.effect.libvolctrl preloaded
  552. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component volctrl.nmfil.effect preloaded
  553. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component vpp preloaded
  554. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component resource_manager preloaded
  555. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component malloc preloaded
  556. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.grab.api.alert preloaded
  557. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.grabctl.api.returnbuffer preloaded
  558. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.api.set_debug preloaded
  559. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.grab.api.cmd preloaded
  560. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.grabctl.api.configure preloaded
  561. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.ispctl.api.cfg preloaded
  562. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.ispctl.api.cmd preloaded
  563. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.grab.api.alert preloaded
  564. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.grabctl.api.error preloaded
  565. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.grabctl.api.reportcurves preloaded
  566. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.grabctl.api.acknowledges preloaded
  567. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.ispctl.api.alert preloaded
  568. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component grab preloaded
  569. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component grabctl preloaded
  570. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component ispctl preloaded
  571. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.ext_grab.api.alert preloaded
  572. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.ext_grabctl.api.returnbuffer preloaded
  573. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.ext.api.set_debug preloaded
  574. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.ext_grab.api.cmd preloaded
  575. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.ext_grabctl.api.configure preloaded
  576. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.ext_ispctl.api.cmd preloaded
  577. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.ext_ispctl.api.cfg preloaded
  578. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.ext_ispctl.api.alert preloaded
  579. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.ext_grabctl.api.error preloaded
  580. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.ext_grabctl.api.acknowledges preloaded
  581. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.ext_grabctl.api.reportcurves preloaded
  582. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.ext_ispctl.api.alert preloaded
  583. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component ext_grab preloaded
  584. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component ext_grabctl preloaded
  585. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component ext_ispctl preloaded
  586. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component hybrid_hsem preloaded
  587. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.jpegenc.mpc.api.algo preloaded
  588. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.jpegenc.mpc.api.end_algo preloaded
  589. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.jpegenc.mpc.api.log_event preloaded
  590. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.jpegenc.mpc.api.ddep preloaded
  591. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.jpegenc.mpc.api.portSettings preloaded
  592. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component jpegenc preloaded
  593. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component jpegenc.mpc.ddep preloaded
  594. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.buffer preloaded
  595. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.inform_resource_status preloaded
  596. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.interrupt preloaded
  597. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.mtf preloaded
  598. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.mtf_resource preloaded
  599. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.resource preloaded
  600. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.signal preloaded
  601. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.sleep preloaded
  602. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _ev.resource_manager.api.tcm_mem_alloc preloaded
  603. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.resource_manager.api.common_interface_exports preloaded
  604. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _sk.resource_manager.api.mtf_resource preloaded
  605. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component _st.resource_manager.api.inform_resource_status preloaded
  606. I/CMUserProxy( 1743): Component resource_manager preloaded
  607. I/ENSWrapper( 1743): initNMFWrapperServices: Enabling CM ULP mode
  608. I/ENSWrapper( 1743): initNMFWrapperServices Done
  609. I/ENSWrapper( 1743): initENSWrapperServices Done
  610. I/Dumper ( 1743): 3: 7849902: Entering Dump thread wait loop, monitoring actions in /data/ste-debug/dump/admsrv
  611. I/ADM ( 1743): 1: 7879839: [OMXIL] omx_log:256 423D18A0: GetHandle 'OMX.ST.AFM.cscall' pAD=41CCF008 pCB=40097F48 OK
  612. I/ADM ( 1743): 2: 7879900: [OMXIL] omx_log:913 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SetConfig idx=OMX_IndexConfigCallbackRequest
  613. I/ADM ( 1743): 3: 7879961: [OMXIL] omx_log:293 OMX_Symbian_IndexConfigAudioCodecEnabled
  614. I/ADM ( 1743): 9: 7880267: [OMXIL] omx_log:913 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SetConfig idx=OMX_IndexConfigCallbackRequest
  615. I/ADM ( 1743): 9: 7880328: [OMXIL] omx_log:293 OMX_Symbian_IndexConfigAudioCodecDisabled
  616. I/ADM ( 1743): 2: 7880480: [OMXIL] omx_log:887 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SetParameter idx=OMX_IndexParamLinePriority
  617. I/ADM ( 1743): 3: 7880511: [OMXIL] omx_log:293 nPortIndex=1 ePortPriority=TelephonyUL_2
  618. I/ADM ( 1743): 6: 7880694: [OMXIL] omx_log:887 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SetParameter idx=OMX_IndexParamLinePriority
  619. I/ADM ( 1743): 6: 7880724: [OMXIL] omx_log:293 nPortIndex=0 ePortPriority=TelephonyDL
  620. I/ADM ( 1743): 0: 7880999: [OMXIL] omx_log:957 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SendCommand PortDisable 0
  621. I/ADM ( 1743): 5: 7881243: [OMXIL] omx_log:256 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: CB CmdComplete PortDisable 0
  622. I/ADM ( 1743): 7: 7881365: [OMXIL] omx_log:957 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SendCommand PortDisable 1
  623. I/ADM ( 1743): 1: 7881579: [OMXIL] omx_log:256 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: CB CmdComplete PortDisable 1
  624. I/ADM ( 1743): 4: 7881792: [OMXIL] omx_log:957 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SendCommand PortDisable 2
  625. I/ADM ( 1743): 8: 7881975: [OMXIL] omx_log:256 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: CB CmdComplete PortDisable 2
  626. I/ADM ( 1743): 9: 7882067: [OMXIL] omx_log:954 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SendCommand StateSet StateIdle
  627. I/ADM ( 1743): 1: 7882220: [INFO] omx_tool:659 Waiting for semaphore, with timeout 10
  628. D/audiomodem( 1743): 4: 7884173: audiomodem_driver construct
  629. D/audiomodem( 1743): 1: 7884569: Audio modem driver: in thread Rx
  630. D/audiomodem( 1743): 3: 7884691: Audio modem driver: in thread Tx
  631. D/audiomodem( 1743): 4: 7884753: amc construct over...
  632. D/audiomodem( 1743): 5: 7884814: Modem device opened
  633. W/OSTTRACE( 1743): 3: 7888231: :OMX handle 0x423d18a0: ID 11:Cscall/Uplink: resetRingBuffer() called reset/zeros ring buffer
  634. I/ADM ( 1743): 0: 7888659: [OMXIL] omx_log:256 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: CB CmdComplete StateSet StateIdle
  635. I/ADM ( 1743): 2: 7888781: [OMXIL] omx_log:954 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: SendCommand StateSet StateExecuting
  636. I/ADM ( 1743): 7: 7889635: [OMXIL] omx_log:256 423D18A0 [T.AFM.cscall]: CB CmdComplete StateSet StateExecuting
  637. I/ADM ( 1743): 6: 7889696: [INFO] omx_tool:659 Waiting for semaphore, with timeout 10
  638. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): there is no uart setting file. so set ap uart mode
  639. E/AT_Distributor( 1769): chmode error : Operation not permitted
  640. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): IsUartUsingAP is AP
  641. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): ConnectToUart()
  642. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): connect to local socket fd : 10
  643. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): InitSocketMessageHandler(): UART, id(3), fd(10)
  644. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): WriteToUart() from ATD
  645. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): Send Msg [ ATD >>> UART ] 15 bytes <(\r)(\n)+UART READY(\r)(\n)> < 0D 0A 2B 55 41 52 54 20 52 45 41 44 59 0D 0A>
  646. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): ConnectToRil()
  647. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): try to connect RIL
  648. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): connection success
  649. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): Send Msg [ ATD >>> RIL ] 4 bytes <> < 00 00 00 00>
  650. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): SetAtdStatus(), 1_0
  651. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): SetSerialNO()
  652. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): >>>>> HandleMessageFromClients >>>>>
  653. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): Send Msg [ RIL >>> ATD ] 13 bytes <AST_POWERON(\r)(\n)> < 41 53 54 5F 50 4F 57 45 52 4F 4E 0D 0A>
  654. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): HandleMessageFromRilATD()
  655. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): WriteToUart() from RIL
  656. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): Send Msg [ ATD >>> UART ] 13 bytes <AST_POWERON(\r)(\n)> < 41 53 54 5F 50 4F 57 45 52 4F 4E 0D 0A>
  657. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): <<<<< HandleMessageFromClients <<<<<
  658. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): SERIALNO: 00000000000
  659. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): ril.serialnumber: 00000000000
  660. D/AT_Distributor( 1769): ListenFD()
  661. I/Netd ( 2026): Netd 1.0 starting
  662. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2027): SurfaceFlinger is starting
  663. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2027): use dithering
  664. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2027): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
  665. I/gralloc ( 2027): using (fd=12)
  666. I/gralloc ( 2027): id = mcde_fb
  667. I/gralloc ( 2027): xres = 480 px
  668. I/gralloc ( 2027): yres = 800 px
  669. I/gralloc ( 2027): xres_virtual = 480 px
  670. I/gralloc ( 2027): yres_virtual = 2400 px
  671. I/gralloc ( 2027): bpp = 32
  672. I/gralloc ( 2027): r = 16:8
  673. I/gralloc ( 2027): g = 8:8
  674. I/gralloc ( 2027): b = 0:8
  675. I/gralloc ( 2027): width = 76 mm (160.421051 dpi)
  676. I/gralloc ( 2027): height = 127 mm (160.000000 dpi)
  677. I/gralloc ( 2027): refresh rate = 60.00 Hz
  678. D/libEGL ( 2027): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  679. D/libEGL ( 2027): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  680. D/libEGL ( 2027): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  681. W/libEGL ( 2027): eglInitialize(0x1) failed (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
  682. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2027): couldn't find an EGLConfig matching the screen format
  683. E/libEGL ( 2027): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  684. E/libEGL ( 2027): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  685. E/libEGL ( 2027): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
  686. F/libc ( 2027): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 2048 (SurfaceFlinger)
  687. D/AndroidRuntime( 2028):
  688. D/AndroidRuntime( 2028): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  689. D/AndroidRuntime( 2028): CheckJNI is OFF
  690. I/DEBUG ( 1733): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  691. I/DEBUG ( 1733): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-I9070/GT-I9070:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9070XXLQB:user/release-keys'
  692. I/DEBUG ( 1733): pid: 2027, tid: 2048, name: SurfaceFlinger >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<<
  693. I/DEBUG ( 1733): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
  694. D/dalvikvm( 2028): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff)
  695. D/dalvikvm( 2028): ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (/cache/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex)
  696. I/mediaserver( 2029): ServiceManager: 0x40c9cd80
  697. I/AudioFlinger( 2029): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  698. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
  699. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 ffffffff r7 00000000
  700. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r8 00000000 r9 40036158 sl 40036138 fp 00000000
  701. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ip 4016ee94 sp 410ddcb0 lr 401656a1 pc 400c983c cpsr 40050030
  702. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d0 6165726874207265 d1 702065636e6f2064
  703. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d2 6e6572727563206f d3 7865746e6f632074
  704. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d4 0001000100000004 d5 0000078000000000
  705. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d6 0000000000000000 d7 3fc00000000000f0
  706. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d8 0000000043200000 d9 0000000000000000
  707. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
  708. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
  709. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
  710. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d16 416fca0555555555 d17 41cdcd6500000000
  711. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d18 3fdffffffffed720 d19 3fe0000000000000
  712. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d20 3fe0000000009470 d21 0000000000000000
  713. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
  714. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
  715. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
  716. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
  717. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
  718. I/DEBUG ( 1733): scr 20000010
  719. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  720. I/DEBUG ( 1733): backtrace:
  721. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 pc 0000e83c /system/lib/
  722. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 pc 0000f69d /system/lib/ (android::String8::setTo(char const*)+8)
  723. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 pc 00001014 <unknown>
  724. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  725. I/DEBUG ( 1733): stack:
  726. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc70 00000000
  727. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc74 00000000
  728. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc78 401b0154 /system/lib/
  729. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc7c 410ddc9c
  730. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc80 00000000
  731. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc84 00000000
  732. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc88 410ddc9c
  733. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc8c 401982cd /system/lib/
  734. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc90 401b0154 /system/lib/
  735. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc94 401985eb /system/lib/ (android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::decWakeCount(android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::WakeRefStrength)+110)
  736. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc98 401b0108 /system/lib/
  737. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc9c 410ddcbc
  738. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddca0 00000000
  739. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddca4 00000000
  740. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddca8 df0027ad
  741. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcac 00000000
  742. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 410ddcb0 400361c8
  743. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ........ ........
  744. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 410ddcb0 400361c8
  745. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcb4 400361cc
  746. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcb8 00000000
  747. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcbc 400361c8
  748. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcc0 00000000
  749. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcc4 400b7018
  750. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 410ddcc8 00000000
  751. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddccc 4008fd51 /system/lib/ (android::GLExtensions::initWithGLStrings(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)+20)
  752. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcd0 400361c8
  753. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcd4 00000000
  754. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcd8 4116b008
  755. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcdc 00000001
  756. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddce0 00000000
  757. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddce4 400361c8
  758. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddce8 00000000
  759. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcec 4008eb67 /system/lib/ (android::DisplayHardware::init(unsigned int)+1094)
  760. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcf0 00000000
  761. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcf4 40036138
  762. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcf8 40036158
  763. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcfc 400b7018
  764. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddd00 00000000
  765. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddd04 00000000
  766. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  767. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near r9:
  768. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036138 72646e41 0064696f 40104594 00000033 Android..E.@3...
  769. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036148 00000001 00000015 40036188 00000000 .........a.@....
  770. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036158 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  771. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036168 4c47452d 00000000 4010453c 00000023 -EGL....<E.@#...
  772. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036178 00000001 0000000a 00000048 00000012 ........H.......
  773. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  774. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sl:
  775. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036118 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000023 ............#...
  776. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036128 00000001 00000008 40036188 00000000 .........a.@....
  777. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036138 72646e41 0064696f 40104594 00000033 Android..E.@3...
  778. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036148 00000001 00000015 40036188 00000000 .........a.@....
  779. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40036158 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  780. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  781. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near ip:
  782. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4016ee74 400cd19c 400cd5a0 400cd924 400d1e61 ...@...@$..@a..@
  783. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4016ee84 4011286d 4011287b 4011128c 400ccf8c m(.@{(.@...@...@
  784. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4016ee94 400c9821 400d20a4 400a81f9 400a836d !..@. .@...@m..@
  785. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4016eea4 400a8495 400a8451 400d2025 400d6f1d ...@Q..@% .@.o.@
  786. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4016eeb4 400d7479 400c7ad8 400cab34 400d4737 yt.@.z.@4..@7G.@
  787. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  788. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sp:
  789. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddc90 401b0154 401985eb 401b0108 410ddcbc T..@...@...@...A
  790. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddca0 00000000 00000000 df0027ad 00000000 .........'......
  791. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcb0 400361c8 400361cc 00000000 400361c8 .a.@.a.@.....a.@
  792. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcc0 00000000 400b7018 00000000 4008fd51 .....p.@....Q..@
  793. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 410ddcd0 400361c8 00000000 4116b008 00000001 .a.@.......A....
  794. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  795. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around pc:
  796. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400c981c 00000000 b4504601 0600f07f f0102400 .....FP......$..
  797. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400c982c d0050f07 2b01f811 0f07f011 d1f9b1da .......+........
  798. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400c983c fa82c90c faa4f246 fa83f286 faa2f346 ....F.......F...
  799. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400c984c 2b00f386 2a00d0f4 461abf06 39073903 ...+...*...F.9.9
  800. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400c985c 0f01f012 3101d107 7f80f412 3101bf02 .......1.......1
  801. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  802. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around lr:
  803. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40165680 fce2f7ff 21006820 f7ff3810 682bfcdf .... h.!.8....+h
  804. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40165690 bd386023 4606b5f8 460f4608 eea0f7fc #`8....F.F.F....
  805. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 401656a0 b1684605 f7ff3001 b158fcb5 0410f100 .Fh..0....X.....
  806. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 401656b0 46204639 f7fc462a 2300ee4c e0025563 9F F*F..L..#cU..
  807. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 401656c0 febcf7ff 68304604 38102100 fcbef7ff .....F0h.!.8....
  808. I/CameraService( 2029): CameraService started (pid=2029)
  809. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  810. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.player' died
  811. I/Netd ( 2101): Netd 1.0 starting
  812. D/AndroidRuntime( 2103):
  813. D/AndroidRuntime( 2103): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  814. D/AndroidRuntime( 2103): CheckJNI is OFF
  815. D/dalvikvm( 2103): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff)
  816. D/dalvikvm( 2103): ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (/cache/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex)
  817. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2102): SurfaceFlinger is starting
  818. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2102): use dithering
  819. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2102): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
  820. I/gralloc ( 2102): using (fd=12)
  821. I/gralloc ( 2102): id = mcde_fb
  822. I/gralloc ( 2102): xres = 480 px
  823. I/gralloc ( 2102): yres = 800 px
  824. I/gralloc ( 2102): xres_virtual = 480 px
  825. I/gralloc ( 2102): yres_virtual = 2400 px
  826. I/gralloc ( 2102): bpp = 32
  827. I/gralloc ( 2102): r = 16:8
  828. I/gralloc ( 2102): g = 8:8
  829. I/gralloc ( 2102): b = 0:8
  830. I/gralloc ( 2102): width = 76 mm (160.421051 dpi)
  831. I/gralloc ( 2102): height = 127 mm (160.000000 dpi)
  832. I/gralloc ( 2102): refresh rate = 60.00 Hz
  833. D/libEGL ( 2102): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  834. D/libEGL ( 2102): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  835. D/libEGL ( 2102): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  836. W/libEGL ( 2102): eglInitialize(0x1) failed (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
  837. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2102): couldn't find an EGLConfig matching the screen format
  838. E/libEGL ( 2102): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  839. E/libEGL ( 2102): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  840. E/libEGL ( 2102): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
  841. F/libc ( 2102): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 2127 (SurfaceFlinger)
  842. I/mediaserver( 2104): ServiceManager: 0x40c31d80
  843. I/AudioFlinger( 2104): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  844. I/CameraService( 2104): CameraService started (pid=2104)
  845. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE
  846. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  847. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadGlobalConfig() mAttachedOutputDevices 0003
  848. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  849. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadGlobalConfig() mDefaultOutputDevice 0002
  850. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC
  851. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC
  852. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL
  853. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadGlobalConfig() mAvailableInputDevices 3100000
  854. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModules() loading module primary
  855. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModule() loading output primary
  856. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  857. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  858. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  859. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  860. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE
  861. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  862. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_SCO
  863. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET
  864. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE
  865. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET
  866. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY
  867. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 087f, mFlags 0002
  868. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModule() loading input primary
  869. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 8000
  870. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 11025
  871. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 16000
  872. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 22050
  873. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 24000
  874. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 32000
  875. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  876. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 48000
  877. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadInChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  878. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  879. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 0010
  880. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
  881. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 000c
  882. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  883. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC
  884. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET
  885. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET
  886. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC
  887. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM
  888. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL
  889. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadInput() adding input mSupportedDevices 7700000
  890. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModules() loading module a2dp
  891. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModule() loading output a2dp
  892. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  893. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  894. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  895. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  896. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP
  897. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 0380, mFlags 0000
  898. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModules() loading module usb
  899. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModule() loading output usb_accessory
  900. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  901. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  902. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  903. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  904. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_ACCESSORY
  905. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 2000, mFlags 0000
  906. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModule() loading output usb_device
  907. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  908. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  909. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  910. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  911. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_DEVICE
  912. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 4000, mFlags 0000
  913. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModules() loading module tms
  914. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModule() loading output tms
  915. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  916. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  917. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  918. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  919. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EXTERNAL_TMS
  920. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 10000, mFlags 0000
  921. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadHwModule() loading input tms
  922. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  923. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadInChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  924. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  925. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 0010
  926. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
  927. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 000c
  928. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  929. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_EXTERNAL_TMS
  930. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadInput() adding input mSupportedDevices 10000000
  931. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /vendor/etc/audio_policy.conf
  932. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): Creating Audio Hardware Interface
  933. V/HalAudioProcessing( 2104): HalAudioProcessing constructor
  934. D/SoundBooster( 2104): SoundBoosterInit(): sampleRate=44100
  935. V/HalAudioProcessing( 2104): SoundBooster init
  936. I/samsungRecord( 2104): [samsungrecord] SamsungRecInit
  937. I/samsungRecord( 2104): 1
  938. V/HalAudioProcessing( 2104): Samsung Record init
  939. I/ADM ( 1743): 1: 13445930: [INFO] api_cscall:2138 csapi_get_upstream_volume: volume = 0
  940. V/sec_anm_ril_interface( 2104): Success to connect
  941. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): initCheck() OK
  942. I/AudioFlinger( 2104): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from Samsung STE8xxx audio hw HAL (audio) handle 1
  943. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): Enter openOutputStream(), format 1, channels 0x00000003 (2), sampleRate 44100, devices=2
  944. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): AudioStreamOutANM created.
  945. V/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): CommandThread created
  946. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): setup() samplerate 44100, channels 3 (2), format 1
  947. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): updateState(-1 -> 0)
  948. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): disconnectIfFmRadio()
  949. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): Successfully set up output stream
  950. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): Exit openOutputStream() - format 1, channels 0x00000003 (2), samplerate 44100
  951. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): bufferSize 3904 (3904, 1), freq is 44100 Hz
  952. I/AudioFlinger( 2104): HAL output buffer size 976 frames, normal mix buffer size 976 frames
  953. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): changeDevice state(-1->0) stream(1->1) device(00000002->00000002) deviceChanged(1, 1, 0) sb(1) trans(2)
  954. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): disconnectIfFmRadio()
  955. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): doTransition(2)
  956. V/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): doTransition end
  957. I/DEBUG ( 1733): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  958. I/DEBUG ( 1733): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-I9070/GT-I9070:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9070XXLQB:user/release-keys'
  959. I/DEBUG ( 1733): pid: 2102, tid: 2127, name: SurfaceFlinger >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<<
  960. I/DEBUG ( 1733): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
  961. I/AudioMixer( 2104): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
  962. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): bufferSize 3904 (3904, 1), freq is 44100 Hz
  963. I/AudioFlinger( 2104): Using module 1 has the primary audio interface
  964. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): setMode(0)
  965. D/AudioHardwareInterface( 2104): setMode(NORMAL)
  966. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): setMode(0) end
  967. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): setMasterVolume(1.000000)
  968. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 force 1 delayMs 0
  969. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002
  970. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): setOutputDevice() changing device(0x2)
  971. I/AudioFlinger( 2104): AudioFlinger's thread 0x41ecf008 ready to run
  972. W/AudioFlinger( 2104): Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power manager service
  973. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): setParameters(routing=2)
  974. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): Got new routing 00000002
  975. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2104): standby() called
  976. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2104): adm_api: ste_adm_client_set_cscall_downstream_volume(0)
  977. I/ADM ( 1743): 9: 13494758: [INFO] api_cscall:2118 csapi_set_downstream_volume: volume = 0
  978. I/ADM ( 1743): 1: 13494819: [INFO] api_cscall:2027 csapi_apply_vc_vol_mute: Not connected
  979. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): getNewDevice() selected device 0
  980. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  981. I/AudioFlinger( 2104): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 3
  982. I/AudioFlinger( 2104): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 4
  983. E/AudioFlinger( 2104): int android::load_audio_interface(char const*, audio_hw_device_t**) couldn't load audio hw module audio.tms (No such file or directory)
  984. I/AudioFlinger( 2104): loadHwModule() error -2 loading module tms
  985. W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): could not open HW module tms
  986. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): setSystemProperty() property, value 0
  987. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2104): ENFORCED_AUDIBLE can be muted
  988. I/AudioPolicyService( 2104): Loaded audio policy from Samsung STE8xxx audio policy HAL (audio_policy)
  989. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
  990. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 ffffffff r7 00000000
  991. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r8 00000000 r9 41692060 sl 41692040 fp 00000000
  992. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ip 40074e94 sp 40cfecb0 lr 4006b6a1 pc 4001983c cpsr 40050030
  993. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d0 6165726874207265 d1 702065636e6f2064
  994. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d2 6e6572727563206f d3 7865746e6f632074
  995. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d4 0001000100000004 d5 0000078000000000
  996. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d6 0000000000000000 d7 3fc00000000000f0
  997. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d8 0000000043200000 d9 0000000000000000
  998. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
  999. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
  1000. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
  1001. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d16 416fca0555555555 d17 41cdcd6500000000
  1002. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d18 3fdffffffffed720 d19 3fe0000000000000
  1003. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d20 3fe0000000009470 d21 0000000000000000
  1004. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
  1005. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
  1006. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
  1007. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
  1008. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
  1009. I/DEBUG ( 1733): scr 20000010
  1010. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1011. I/DEBUG ( 1733): backtrace:
  1012. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 pc 0000e83c /system/lib/
  1013. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 pc 0000f69d /system/lib/ (android::String8::setTo(char const*)+8)
  1014. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 pc 00000014 [heap]
  1015. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1016. I/DEBUG ( 1733): stack:
  1017. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec70 00000000
  1018. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec74 00000000
  1019. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec78 40189154 /system/lib/
  1020. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec7c 40cfec9c
  1021. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec80 00000000
  1022. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec84 00000000
  1023. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec88 40cfec9c
  1024. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec8c 401712cd /system/lib/
  1025. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec90 40189154 /system/lib/
  1026. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec94 401715eb /system/lib/ (android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::decWakeCount(android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::WakeRefStrength)+110)
  1027. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec98 40189108 /system/lib/
  1028. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec9c 40cfecbc
  1029. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfeca0 00000000
  1030. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfeca4 00000000
  1031. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfeca8 df0027ad
  1032. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecac 00000000
  1033. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 40cfecb0 416920b8 [heap]
  1034. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ........ ........
  1035. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 40cfecb0 416920b8 [heap]
  1036. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecb4 416920bc [heap]
  1037. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecb8 00000000
  1038. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecbc 416920b8 [heap]
  1039. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecc0 00000000
  1040. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecc4 4168a018 [heap]
  1041. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 40cfecc8 00000000
  1042. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfeccc 40097d51 /system/lib/ (android::GLExtensions::initWithGLStrings(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)+20)
  1043. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecd0 416920b8 [heap]
  1044. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecd4 00000000
  1045. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecd8 4168fed0 [heap]
  1046. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecdc 00000001
  1047. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfece0 00000000
  1048. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfece4 416920b8 [heap]
  1049. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfece8 00000000
  1050. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecec 40096b67 /system/lib/ (android::DisplayHardware::init(unsigned int)+1094)
  1051. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecf0 00000000
  1052. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecf4 41692040 [heap]
  1053. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecf8 41692060 [heap]
  1054. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecfc 4168a018 [heap]
  1055. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfed00 00000000
  1056. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfed04 00000000
  1057. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1058. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near r9:
  1059. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692040 72646e41 0064696f 00000000 00000033 Android.....3...
  1060. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692050 00000001 00000015 00000000 00000019 ................
  1061. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692060 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  1062. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692070 4c47452d 00000000 00000000 00000023 -EGL........#...
  1063. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692080 00000001 0000000a 4005453c 4005453c ........<E.@<E.@
  1064. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1065. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sl:
  1066. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000023 ............#...
  1067. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692030 00000001 00000008 00000001 00000000 ................
  1068. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692040 72646e41 0064696f 00000000 00000033 Android.....3...
  1069. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692050 00000001 00000015 00000000 00000019 ................
  1070. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41692060 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  1071. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1072. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near ip:
  1073. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40074e74 4001d19c 4001d5a0 4001d924 40021e61 ...@...@$..@a..@
  1074. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40074e84 4010586d 4010587b 4010428c 4001cf8c mX.@{X.@.B.@...@
  1075. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40074e94 40019821 400220a4 400aa1f9 400aa36d !..@. .@...@m..@
  1076. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40074ea4 400aa495 400aa451 40022025 40026f1d ...@Q..@% .@.o.@
  1077. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40074eb4 40027479 40017ad8 4001ab34 40024737 yt.@.z.@4..@7G.@
  1078. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1079. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sp:
  1080. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfec90 40189154 401715eb 40189108 40cfecbc T..@...@...@...@
  1081. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfeca0 00000000 00000000 df0027ad 00000000 .........'......
  1082. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecb0 416920b8 416920bc 00000000 416920b8 . iA. iA..... iA
  1083. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecc0 00000000 4168a018 00000000 40097d51 ......hA....Q}.@
  1084. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40cfecd0 416920b8 00000000 4168fed0 00000001 . iA......hA....
  1085. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1086. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around pc:
  1087. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4001981c 00000000 b4504601 0600f07f f0102400 .....FP......$..
  1088. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4001982c d0050f07 2b01f811 0f07f011 d1f9b1da .......+........
  1089. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4001983c fa82c90c faa4f246 fa83f286 faa2f346 ....F.......F...
  1090. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4001984c 2b00f386 2a00d0f4 461abf06 39073903 ...+...*...F.9.9
  1091. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4001985c 0f01f012 3101d107 7f80f412 3101bf02 .......1.......1
  1092. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1093. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around lr:
  1094. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4006b680 fce2f7ff 21006820 f7ff3810 682bfcdf .... h.!.8....+h
  1095. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4006b690 bd386023 4606b5f8 460f4608 eea0f7fc #`8....F.F.F....
  1096. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4006b6a0 b1684605 f7ff3001 b158fcb5 0410f100 .Fh..0....X.....
  1097. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4006b6b0 46204639 f7fc462a 2300ee4c e0025563 9F F*F..L..#cU..
  1098. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4006b6c0 febcf7ff 68304604 38102100 fcbef7ff .....F0h.!.8....
  1099. E/BandwidthController( 2101): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
  1100. E/BandwidthController( 2101): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
  1101. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  1102. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.player' died
  1103. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service '' died
  1104. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.audio_policy' died
  1105. I/msa ( 1701): [MSA] FAILED stat(path='/modemfs/CONF/OEMSIM.CFG' buf=0xbe973890) ret=-1 errno=2 (No such file or directory)
  1106. I/MLR ( 1764): Waiting for RIL to be intialized, try 2...
  1107. I/Netd ( 2202): Netd 1.0 starting
  1108. D/AndroidRuntime( 2204):
  1109. D/AndroidRuntime( 2204): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  1110. D/AndroidRuntime( 2204): CheckJNI is OFF
  1111. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2203): SurfaceFlinger is starting
  1112. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2203): use dithering
  1113. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2203): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
  1114. I/gralloc ( 2203): using (fd=12)
  1115. I/gralloc ( 2203): id = mcde_fb
  1116. I/gralloc ( 2203): xres = 480 px
  1117. I/gralloc ( 2203): yres = 800 px
  1118. I/gralloc ( 2203): xres_virtual = 480 px
  1119. I/gralloc ( 2203): yres_virtual = 2400 px
  1120. I/gralloc ( 2203): bpp = 32
  1121. I/gralloc ( 2203): r = 16:8
  1122. I/gralloc ( 2203): g = 8:8
  1123. I/gralloc ( 2203): b = 0:8
  1124. I/gralloc ( 2203): width = 76 mm (160.421051 dpi)
  1125. I/gralloc ( 2203): height = 127 mm (160.000000 dpi)
  1126. I/gralloc ( 2203): refresh rate = 60.00 Hz
  1127. D/libEGL ( 2203): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  1128. D/libEGL ( 2203): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  1129. D/libEGL ( 2203): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  1130. W/libEGL ( 2203): eglInitialize(0x1) failed (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
  1131. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2203): couldn't find an EGLConfig matching the screen format
  1132. E/libEGL ( 2203): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  1133. E/libEGL ( 2203): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  1134. E/libEGL ( 2203): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
  1135. F/libc ( 2203): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 2236 (SurfaceFlinger)
  1136. I/mediaserver( 2205): ServiceManager: 0x41650ce0
  1137. I/AudioFlinger( 2205): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  1138. I/CameraService( 2205): CameraService started (pid=2205)
  1139. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE
  1140. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  1141. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadGlobalConfig() mAttachedOutputDevices 0003
  1142. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  1143. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadGlobalConfig() mDefaultOutputDevice 0002
  1144. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC
  1145. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC
  1146. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL
  1147. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadGlobalConfig() mAvailableInputDevices 3100000
  1148. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModules() loading module primary
  1149. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModule() loading output primary
  1150. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  1151. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1152. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1153. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  1154. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE
  1155. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
  1156. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_SCO
  1157. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET
  1158. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE
  1159. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET
  1160. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY
  1161. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 087f, mFlags 0002
  1162. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModule() loading input primary
  1163. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 8000
  1164. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 11025
  1165. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 16000
  1166. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 22050
  1167. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 24000
  1168. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 32000
  1169. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  1170. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 48000
  1171. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadInChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  1172. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  1173. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 0010
  1174. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
  1175. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 000c
  1176. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  1177. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC
  1178. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET
  1179. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET
  1180. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC
  1181. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM
  1182. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL
  1183. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadInput() adding input mSupportedDevices 7700000
  1184. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModules() loading module a2dp
  1185. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModule() loading output a2dp
  1186. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  1187. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1188. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1189. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  1190. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP
  1191. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 0380, mFlags 0000
  1192. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModules() loading module usb
  1193. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModule() loading output usb_accessory
  1194. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  1195. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1196. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1197. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  1198. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_ACCESSORY
  1199. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 2000, mFlags 0000
  1200. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModule() loading output usb_device
  1201. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  1202. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1203. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1204. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  1205. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_DEVICE
  1206. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 4000, mFlags 0000
  1207. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModules() loading module tms
  1208. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModule() loading output tms
  1209. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  1210. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1211. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO
  1212. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  1213. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EXTERNAL_TMS
  1214. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadOutput() adding output mSupportedDevices 10000, mFlags 0000
  1215. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadHwModule() loading input tms
  1216. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadSamplingRates() adding rate 44100
  1217. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadInChannels() AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  1218. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO
  1219. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 0010
  1220. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
  1221. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadInChannels() adding channelMask 000c
  1222. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
  1223. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ### stringToEnum() found AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_EXTERNAL_TMS
  1224. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadInput() adding input mSupportedDevices 10000000
  1225. I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /vendor/etc/audio_policy.conf
  1226. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): Creating Audio Hardware Interface
  1227. V/HalAudioProcessing( 2205): HalAudioProcessing constructor
  1228. D/SoundBooster( 2205): SoundBoosterInit(): sampleRate=44100
  1229. V/HalAudioProcessing( 2205): SoundBooster init
  1230. I/samsungRecord( 2205): [samsungrecord] SamsungRecInit
  1231. I/samsungRecord( 2205): 1
  1232. V/HalAudioProcessing( 2205): Samsung Record init
  1233. I/ADM ( 1743): 5: 19116554: [INFO] api_cscall:2138 csapi_get_upstream_volume: volume = 0
  1234. V/sec_anm_ril_interface( 2205): Success to connect
  1235. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): initCheck() OK
  1236. I/AudioFlinger( 2205): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from Samsung STE8xxx audio hw HAL (audio) handle 1
  1237. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): Enter openOutputStream(), format 1, channels 0x00000003 (2), sampleRate 44100, devices=2
  1238. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): AudioStreamOutANM created.
  1239. V/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): CommandThread created
  1240. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): setup() samplerate 44100, channels 3 (2), format 1
  1241. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): updateState(-1 -> 0)
  1242. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): disconnectIfFmRadio()
  1243. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): Successfully set up output stream
  1244. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): Exit openOutputStream() - format 1, channels 0x00000003 (2), samplerate 44100
  1245. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): bufferSize 3904 (3904, 1), freq is 44100 Hz
  1246. I/AudioFlinger( 2205): HAL output buffer size 976 frames, normal mix buffer size 976 frames
  1247. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): changeDevice state(-1->0) stream(1->1) device(00000002->00000002) deviceChanged(1, 1, 0) sb(1) trans(2)
  1248. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): disconnectIfFmRadio()
  1249. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): doTransition(2)
  1250. V/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): doTransition end
  1251. I/AudioMixer( 2205): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
  1252. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): bufferSize 3904 (3904, 1), freq is 44100 Hz
  1253. I/AudioFlinger( 2205): Using module 1 has the primary audio interface
  1254. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): setMode(0)
  1255. D/AudioHardwareInterface( 2205): setMode(NORMAL)
  1256. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): setMode(0) end
  1257. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): setMasterVolume(1.000000)
  1258. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 force 1 delayMs 0
  1259. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002
  1260. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1261. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1262. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1263. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1264. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1265. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1266. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1267. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1268. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1269. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1270. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1271. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1272. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!
  1273. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setOutputDevice() changing device(0x2)
  1274. I/AudioFlinger( 2205): AudioFlinger's thread 0x41b21010 ready to run
  1275. W/AudioFlinger( 2205): Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power manager service
  1276. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): setParameters(routing=2)
  1277. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): Got new routing 00000002
  1278. I/sec_anm_ahi_output( 2205): standby() called
  1279. I/sec_anm_ahi( 2205): adm_api: ste_adm_client_set_cscall_downstream_volume(0)
  1280. I/ADM ( 1743): 9: 19125648: [INFO] api_cscall:2118 csapi_set_downstream_volume: volume = 0
  1281. I/ADM ( 1743): 0: 19125709: [INFO] api_cscall:2027 csapi_apply_vc_vol_mute: Not connected
  1282. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): getNewDevice() selected device 0
  1283. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  1284. I/AudioFlinger( 2205): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 3
  1285. I/AudioFlinger( 2205): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 4
  1286. E/AudioFlinger( 2205): int android::load_audio_interface(char const*, audio_hw_device_t**) couldn't load audio hw module audio.tms (No such file or directory)
  1287. I/AudioFlinger( 2205): loadHwModule() error -2 loading module tms
  1288. W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): could not open HW module tms
  1289. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): setSystemProperty() property, value 0
  1290. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2205): ENFORCED_AUDIBLE can be muted
  1291. I/AudioPolicyService( 2205): Loaded audio policy from Samsung STE8xxx audio policy HAL (audio_policy)
  1292. E/BandwidthController( 2202): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
  1293. E/BandwidthController( 2202): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -t raw -N bw_raw_PREROUTING res=256
  1294. D/MDnsDS ( 2202): MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
  1295. D/MDnsDS ( 2202): MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
  1296. D/MDnsDS ( 2202): Going to poll with pollCount 1
  1297. D/dalvikvm( 2204): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff)
  1298. D/dalvikvm( 2204): ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (/cache/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex)
  1299. I/DEBUG ( 1733): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  1300. I/DEBUG ( 1733): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-I9070/GT-I9070:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9070XXLQB:user/release-keys'
  1301. I/DEBUG ( 1733): pid: 2203, tid: 2236, name: SurfaceFlinger >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<<
  1302. I/DEBUG ( 1733): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
  1303. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
  1304. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 ffffffff r7 00000000
  1305. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r8 00000000 r9 41b51060 sl 41b51040 fp 00000000
  1306. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ip 400d5e94 sp 40d45cb0 lr 400cc6a1 pc 4015c83c cpsr 40050030
  1307. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d0 6165726874207265 d1 702065636e6f2064
  1308. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d2 6e6572727563206f d3 7865746e6f632074
  1309. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d4 0001000100000004 d5 0000078000000000
  1310. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d6 0000000000000000 d7 3fc00000000000f0
  1311. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d8 0000000043200000 d9 0000000000000000
  1312. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
  1313. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
  1314. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
  1315. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d16 416fca0555555555 d17 41cdcd6500000000
  1316. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d18 3fdffffffffed720 d19 3fe0000000000000
  1317. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d20 3fe0000000009470 d21 0000000000000000
  1318. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
  1319. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
  1320. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
  1321. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
  1322. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
  1323. I/DEBUG ( 1733): scr 20000010
  1324. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1325. I/DEBUG ( 1733): backtrace:
  1326. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 pc 0000e83c /system/lib/
  1327. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 pc 0000f69d /system/lib/ (android::String8::setTo(char const*)+8)
  1328. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 pc 00000014 [heap]
  1329. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1330. I/DEBUG ( 1733): stack:
  1331. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c70 00000000
  1332. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c74 00000000
  1333. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c78 401c1154 /system/lib/
  1334. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c7c 40d45c9c
  1335. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c80 00000000
  1336. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c84 00000000
  1337. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c88 40d45c9c
  1338. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c8c 401a92cd /system/lib/
  1339. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c90 401c1154 /system/lib/
  1340. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c94 401a95eb /system/lib/ (android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::decWakeCount(android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::WakeRefStrength)+110)
  1341. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c98 401c1108 /system/lib/
  1342. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c9c 40d45cbc
  1343. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45ca0 00000000
  1344. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45ca4 00000000
  1345. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45ca8 df0027ad
  1346. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cac 00000000
  1347. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 40d45cb0 41b510b8 [heap]
  1348. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ........ ........
  1349. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 40d45cb0 41b510b8 [heap]
  1350. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cb4 41b510bc [heap]
  1351. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cb8 00000000
  1352. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cbc 41b510b8 [heap]
  1353. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cc0 00000000
  1354. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cc4 41b49018 [heap]
  1355. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 40d45cc8 00000000
  1356. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45ccc 4008fd51 /system/lib/ (android::GLExtensions::initWithGLStrings(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)+20)
  1357. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cd0 41b510b8 [heap]
  1358. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cd4 00000000
  1359. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cd8 41b4eed0 [heap]
  1360. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cdc 00000001
  1361. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45ce0 00000000
  1362. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45ce4 41b510b8 [heap]
  1363. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45ce8 00000000
  1364. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cec 4008eb67 /system/lib/ (android::DisplayHardware::init(unsigned int)+1094)
  1365. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cf0 00000000
  1366. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cf4 41b51040 [heap]
  1367. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cf8 41b51060 [heap]
  1368. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cfc 41b49018 [heap]
  1369. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45d00 00000000
  1370. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45d04 00000000
  1371. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1372. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near r9:
  1373. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51040 72646e41 0064696f 00000000 00000033 Android.....3...
  1374. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51050 00000001 00000015 00000000 00000019 ................
  1375. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51060 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  1376. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51070 4c47452d 00000000 00000000 00000023 -EGL........#...
  1377. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51080 00000001 0000000a 4019753c 4019753c ........<u.@<u.@
  1378. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1379. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sl:
  1380. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000023 ............#...
  1381. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51030 00000001 00000008 00000001 00000000 ................
  1382. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51040 72646e41 0064696f 00000000 00000033 Android.....3...
  1383. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51050 00000001 00000015 00000000 00000019 ................
  1384. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 41b51060 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  1385. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1386. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near ip:
  1387. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400d5e74 4016019c 401605a0 40160924 40164e61 ...@...@$..@aN.@
  1388. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400d5e84 4005886d 4005887b 4005728c 4015ff8c m..@{..@.r.@...@
  1389. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400d5e94 4015c821 401650a4 400d81f9 400d836d !..@.P.@...@m..@
  1390. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400d5ea4 400d8495 400d8451 40165025 40169f1d ...@Q..@%P.@...@
  1391. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400d5eb4 4016a479 4015aad8 4015db34 40167737 y..@...@4..@7w.@
  1392. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1393. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sp:
  1394. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45c90 401c1154 401a95eb 401c1108 40d45cbc T..@...@...@.\.@
  1395. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45ca0 00000000 00000000 df0027ad 00000000 .........'......
  1396. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cb0 41b510b8 41b510bc 00000000 41b510b8 ...A...A.......A
  1397. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cc0 00000000 41b49018 00000000 4008fd51 .......A....Q..@
  1398. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40d45cd0 41b510b8 00000000 41b4eed0 00000001 ...A.......A....
  1399. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1400. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around pc:
  1401. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4015c81c 00000000 b4504601 0600f07f f0102400 .....FP......$..
  1402. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4015c82c d0050f07 2b01f811 0f07f011 d1f9b1da .......+........
  1403. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4015c83c fa82c90c faa4f246 fa83f286 faa2f346 ....F.......F...
  1404. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4015c84c 2b00f386 2a00d0f4 461abf06 39073903 ...+...*...F.9.9
  1405. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4015c85c 0f01f012 3101d107 7f80f412 3101bf02 .......1.......1
  1406. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1407. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around lr:
  1408. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400cc680 fce2f7ff 21006820 f7ff3810 682bfcdf .... h.!.8....+h
  1409. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400cc690 bd386023 4606b5f8 460f4608 eea0f7fc #`8....F.F.F....
  1410. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400cc6a0 b1684605 f7ff3001 b158fcb5 0410f100 .Fh..0....X.....
  1411. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400cc6b0 46204639 f7fc462a 2300ee4c e0025563 9F F*F..L..#cU..
  1412. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 400cc6c0 febcf7ff 68304604 38102100 fcbef7ff .....F0h.!.8....
  1413. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  1414. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.player' died
  1415. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service '' died
  1416. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.audio_policy' died
  1417. I/Netd ( 2346): Netd 1.0 starting
  1418. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2347): SurfaceFlinger is starting
  1419. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2347): use dithering
  1420. I/SurfaceFlinger( 2347): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
  1421. I/gralloc ( 2347): using (fd=12)
  1422. I/gralloc ( 2347): id = mcde_fb
  1423. I/gralloc ( 2347): xres = 480 px
  1424. I/gralloc ( 2347): yres = 800 px
  1425. I/gralloc ( 2347): xres_virtual = 480 px
  1426. I/gralloc ( 2347): yres_virtual = 2400 px
  1427. I/gralloc ( 2347): bpp = 32
  1428. I/gralloc ( 2347): r = 16:8
  1429. I/gralloc ( 2347): g = 8:8
  1430. I/gralloc ( 2347): b = 0:8
  1431. I/gralloc ( 2347): width = 76 mm (160.421051 dpi)
  1432. I/gralloc ( 2347): height = 127 mm (160.000000 dpi)
  1433. I/gralloc ( 2347): refresh rate = 60.00 Hz
  1434. D/libEGL ( 2347): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  1435. D/libEGL ( 2347): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  1436. D/libEGL ( 2347): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  1437. W/libEGL ( 2347): eglInitialize(0x1) failed (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
  1438. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2347): couldn't find an EGLConfig matching the screen format
  1439. E/libEGL ( 2347): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  1440. E/libEGL ( 2347): eglQuerySurface:352 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
  1441. E/libEGL ( 2347): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
  1442. F/libc ( 2347): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 2369 (SurfaceFlinger)
  1443. D/AndroidRuntime( 2348):
  1444. D/AndroidRuntime( 2348): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  1445. D/AndroidRuntime( 2348): CheckJNI is OFF
  1446. D/dalvikvm( 2348): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff)
  1447. D/dalvikvm( 2348): ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (/cache/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex)
  1448. I/DEBUG ( 1733): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  1449. I/DEBUG ( 1733): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/GT-I9070/GT-I9070:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9070XXLQB:user/release-keys'
  1450. I/DEBUG ( 1733): pid: 2347, tid: 2369, name: SurfaceFlinger >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<<
  1451. I/DEBUG ( 1733): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
  1452. I/mediaserver( 2349): ServiceManager: 0x40c4ad80
  1453. I/AudioFlinger( 2349): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  1454. I/CameraService( 2349): CameraService started (pid=2349)
  1455. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
  1456. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 ffffffff r7 00000000
  1457. I/DEBUG ( 1733): r8 00000000 r9 40ae9158 sl 40ae9138 fp 00000000
  1458. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ip 4012ce94 sp 40f18cb0 lr 401236a1 pc 4018683c cpsr 40050030
  1459. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d0 6165726874207265 d1 702065636e6f2064
  1460. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d2 6e6572727563206f d3 7865746e6f632074
  1461. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d4 0001000100000004 d5 0000078000000000
  1462. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d6 0000000000000000 d7 3fc00000000000f0
  1463. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d8 0000000043200000 d9 0000000000000000
  1464. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
  1465. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
  1466. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
  1467. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d16 416fca0555555555 d17 41cdcd6500000000
  1468. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d18 3fdffffffffed720 d19 3fe0000000000000
  1469. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d20 3fe0000000009470 d21 0000000000000000
  1470. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
  1471. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
  1472. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
  1473. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
  1474. I/DEBUG ( 1733): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
  1475. I/DEBUG ( 1733): scr 20000010
  1476. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1477. I/DEBUG ( 1733): backtrace:
  1478. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 pc 0000e83c /system/lib/
  1479. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 pc 0000f69d /system/lib/ (android::String8::setTo(char const*)+8)
  1480. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 pc 00000014 <unknown>
  1481. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1482. I/DEBUG ( 1733): stack:
  1483. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c70 00000000
  1484. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c74 00000000
  1485. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c78 400cd154 /system/lib/
  1486. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c7c 40f18c9c
  1487. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c80 00000000
  1488. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c84 00000000
  1489. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c88 40f18c9c
  1490. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c8c 400b52cd /system/lib/
  1491. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c90 400cd154 /system/lib/
  1492. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c94 400b55eb /system/lib/ (android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::decWakeCount(android::egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::WakeRefStrength)+110)
  1493. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c98 400cd108 /system/lib/
  1494. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c9c 40f18cbc
  1495. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18ca0 00000000
  1496. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18ca4 00000000
  1497. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18ca8 df0027ad
  1498. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cac 00000000
  1499. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #00 40f18cb0 40ae91c8
  1500. I/DEBUG ( 1733): ........ ........
  1501. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #01 40f18cb0 40ae91c8
  1502. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cb4 40ae91cc
  1503. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cb8 00000000
  1504. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cbc 40ae91c8
  1505. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cc0 00000000
  1506. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cc4 40014018
  1507. I/DEBUG ( 1733): #02 40f18cc8 00000000
  1508. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18ccc 400ffd51 /system/lib/ (android::GLExtensions::initWithGLStrings(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)+20)
  1509. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cd0 40ae91c8
  1510. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cd4 00000000
  1511. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cd8 41000008
  1512. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cdc 00000001
  1513. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18ce0 00000000
  1514. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18ce4 40ae91c8
  1515. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18ce8 00000000
  1516. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cec 400feb67 /system/lib/ (android::DisplayHardware::init(unsigned int)+1094)
  1517. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cf0 00000000
  1518. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cf4 40ae9138
  1519. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cf8 40ae9158
  1520. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cfc 40014018
  1521. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18d00 00000000
  1522. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18d04 00000000
  1523. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1524. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near r9:
  1525. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9138 72646e41 0064696f 401c1594 00000033 Android....@3...
  1526. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9148 00000001 00000015 40ae9188 00000000 ...........@....
  1527. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9158 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  1528. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9168 4c47452d 00000000 401c153c 00000023 -EGL....<..@#...
  1529. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9178 00000001 0000000a 00000048 00000012 ........H.......
  1530. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1531. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sl:
  1532. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9118 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000023 ............#...
  1533. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9128 00000001 00000008 40ae9188 00000000 ...........@....
  1534. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9138 72646e41 0064696f 401c1594 00000033 Android....@3...
  1535. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9148 00000001 00000015 40ae9188 00000000 ...........@....
  1536. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40ae9158 20342e31 72646e41 2064696f 4154454d 1.4 Android META
  1537. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1538. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near ip:
  1539. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4012ce74 4018a19c 4018a5a0 4018a924 4018ee61 ...@...@$..@a..@
  1540. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4012ce84 4007686d 4007687b 4007528c 40189f8c mh.@{h.@.R.@...@
  1541. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4012ce94 40186821 4018f0a4 400901f9 4009036d !h.@...@...@m..@
  1542. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4012cea4 40090495 40090451 4018f025 40193f1d ...@Q..@%..@.?.@
  1543. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4012ceb4 40194479 40184ad8 40187b34 40191737 yD.@.J.@4{.@7..@
  1544. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1545. I/DEBUG ( 1733): memory near sp:
  1546. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18c90 400cd154 400b55eb 400cd108 40f18cbc T..@.U.@...@...@
  1547. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18ca0 00000000 00000000 df0027ad 00000000 .........'......
  1548. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cb0 40ae91c8 40ae91cc 00000000 40ae91c8 ...@...@.......@
  1549. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cc0 00000000 40014018 00000000 400ffd51 .....@.@....Q..@
  1550. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40f18cd0 40ae91c8 00000000 41000008 00000001 ...@.......A....
  1551. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1552. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around pc:
  1553. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4018681c 00000000 b4504601 0600f07f f0102400 .....FP......$..
  1554. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4018682c d0050f07 2b01f811 0f07f011 d1f9b1da .......+........
  1555. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4018683c fa82c90c faa4f246 fa83f286 faa2f346 ....F.......F...
  1556. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4018684c 2b00f386 2a00d0f4 461abf06 39073903 ...+...*...F.9.9
  1557. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 4018685c 0f01f012 3101d107 7f80f412 3101bf02 .......1.......1
  1558. I/DEBUG ( 1733):
  1559. I/DEBUG ( 1733): code around lr:
  1560. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40123680 fce2f7ff 21006820 f7ff3810 682bfcdf .... h.!.8....+h
  1561. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 40123690 bd386023 4606b5f8 460f4608 eea0f7fc #`8....F.F.F....
  1562. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 401236a0 b1684605 f7ff3001 b158fcb5 0410f100 .Fh..0....X.....
  1563. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 401236b0 46204639 f7fc462a 2300ee4c e0025563 9F F*F..L..#cU..
  1564. I/DEBUG ( 1733): 401236c0 febcf7ff 68304604 38102100 fcbef7ff .....F0h.!.8....
  1565. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  1566. I/ServiceManager( 1729): service 'media.player' died
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