
Equestrian Exile

Jul 14th, 2014
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  1. OP:
  2. >"Anon..."
  3. >"When you first came here, you talked to me of tales of your world."
  4. >"Astonishing tales of technology, amazing feats your race had surpassed and achieved."
  5. >"And then as we began to learn of your world's incredible traits, you learned of ours."
  6. >"But something is wrong now, anon."
  7. >"Something terribly wrong."
  8. >"It is... strange to explain anon."
  9. >"Something is going wrong with our magic."
  10. >"And I don't mean our magic, the princesses."
  11. >"Magic in general."
  12. >"Anon... You are a hole."
  13. >"You are a hole here, in this universe."
  14. >"Sucking magic in it, polluting it."
  15. >"A disturbance."
  16. >"At first, it was so small, so miniscule that Luna, or Twilight or I could not sense it."
  17. >"But it's... Growing stronger."
  18. >"And I fear it is a threat to us."
  19. >"Not just us, but Equestria as a whole."
  20. >"Anon... We can send you back home."
  21. >"I had found a way to do it just last night."
  22. >"It will take the combined magic of all the Alicorns to do it..."
  23. >"And I'm afraid anon... You don't have a choice in the matter."
  24. >"You have to leave, anon."
  25. >"..."
  26. >"But I understand, anon."
  27. >"You have made... Attachments. Special attachments."
  28. >"Strong friendships, and something more..."
  29. >"They haven't been informed of this situation."
  30. >"You can tell them yourself... Or I could."
  31. >"But you must make the decision soon."
  32. >"All you have now is 2 days."
  33. >"What will you do in these last 2 days on Equestria, anon?"
  35. The Story:
  37. >You find it hard to speak from your mouth, once the news hit you.
  38. >Life back on earth was nothing but an empty void.
  39. >Every day, you'd wake up.
  40. >Maybe you'd shave that day.
  41. >You'd drive to work, listening to whatever was on the radio to drown out your inner monologue of suicidal tendencies.
  42. >Your work back home consists of being nothing more than a data entry mule.
  43. >Day in and day out, you'd sit at your assigned cubicle.
  44. >You'd type for hours on end; personal records, finances and multiple other things you didn't give a shit about.
  45. >Painful stability.
  46. >The paycheck was all you look forward to at the end of the week.
  47. >Everyone looks forward to it.
  48. >It would be enough to pay your rent.
  49. >Dinner was taken care of; you could cook well enough.
  50. >Especially when you knew what came after.
  51. >The light at the end of this pitch-black tunnel.
  52. >The reason you keep on living.
  53. >The show that changed your life.
  54. >My Little Pony.
  55. >Its comedic characterization and positive atmosphere serves as a breath of fresh air to your desolate wasteland of a life.
  56. >A ray in the darkness.
  57. >You'd often extend your show watching sessions far beyond the ample time you already schedule for it.
  58. >You even had your favourite picked out and everything.
  59. >Rainbow Dash's tenacity taught you to stay strong in the face of great challenge.
  60. >Pinkie Pie's optimism taught you to smile as much as you humanely could.
  61. >Twilight's punctuality helped to keep your deadlines in check so your boos could stay of your ass.
  62. >Rarity opened you up to the importance of dressing well and feeling well.
  63. >Applejack's way of honesty is something you attempt to emulate every day.
  64. >But, most of all,
  65. >Fluttershy's kindness both saved and taught you that there is sure to be good somewhere in this world.
  66. >Fluttershy was truly the one who you liked the most.
  67. >The fact that her character is as cute as a button helps quite a lot.
  68. ------
  71. >But, at that moment, that's all the ponies were.
  72. >Mere characters in a scripted show.
  73. >That's what you'd always figured they'd be.
  74. >Of course, the fact that you're standing right in front of Celestia means you'd arrived here.
  75. >You never really did figure out how the hell you got here.
  76. >You just went to sleep one night, and when you opened your eyes, there you were.
  77. >Asleep at the foot of a tree, with the yellow pony you've always admired hovering above you with a mix of fear and curiosity.
  78. >Of course, once she noticed you were awake, she was truly startled.
  79. >However, her fascination was much stronger than any fear she probably felt.
  80. >Probably because she thought you were another exotic animal or something.
  81. >She was especially happy when she found out you could respond to her questions.
  82. >Minutes turned into hours, in which you two bantered and spoke of the things found in this world, and your own.
  83. >Her fascination for your world was quite endearing.
  84. >She was awestruck at the fact that humans had reached such advanced stages of technology without the use of magic.
  85. >In the same way, you were awestruck that magic existed.
  86. >Fluttershy was truly your gateway into your new life.
  87. >Your new, happy life.
  88. >Free of bullshit.
  89. >Finally.
  90. >Your first days in Equestria were rough, sure.
  91. >More than one pony shrieked in terror at your odd form and gait.
  92. >Many more felt you were an outsider.
  93. >You really couldn't go anywhere without Fluttershy for awhile, unless you want to face down the judgemental stares of other ponies.
  94. >The ponies eventually got used to you, though.
  95. >Mrs. Cake would give you a nice smile every time you came to pick up pastries for Fluttershy.
  96. >The ponies didn't run from you.
  97. >Hell, some were smiling back at your appearance!
  98. >In the end, it didn't take long to make a name of yourself.
  99. >You have a pretty decent life here, nowadays.
  100. >Truly, this is a place you can call home.
  101. >"Anon."
  102. ----
  103. >Going back to Earth would mean falling back into routine.
  104. >Falling back into the void.
  105. >Back where you began.
  106. >"Anon!"
  107. >You couldn't allow that to happen.
  108. >Not again.
  109. >"ANON!"
  110. >You snap out of your long daydream, coming back to where you actually were.
  111. >The end of the line.
  112. >Celestia's authoritative stare made only served to make the reality of the situation all too real.
  113. >"Anon. I hope you can understand why I'm doing this. This is for the good of all Equestria."
  114. "I understand."
  115. >"Good. I shall award you a fair amount of bits so you can enjoy your last days here."
  116. "No, thanks, Celestia. I don't need them."
  117. >Celestia tilts her head, confused at the response. "If you think the amount I'm giving you is a burden, don't worry. Our finances are well in order."
  118. "I sincerely appreciate the gesture. However, I've got plenty of bits at my home. I'm sure I can just spend those for the last few days."
  119. >She seems to understand, as she nods and turns around to walk back to her seat at the throne.
  120. >"If you need anything, Anon, I can ask Twilight to take care of any of your needs. I'm sure she'll be more than welcome to help, given the circumstances."
  121. "I'd like that, princess."
  122. >"Alright; I'll send a message to Twilight detailing the situation."
  123. >No.
  124. >You can't let her know that you're leaving.
  125. >Letting anypony know might throw off what you had in mind.
  126. >You couldn't let even a slim chance of hope slither away.
  127. "I'd rather tell her myself, if you don't mind."
  128. >"I understand. You are dismissed, Anon. You must return in two day's time, or face punishment at our hands."
  129. >How the hell could you punish me further than by taking me from this world?
  130. >"Understood."
  131. >You turn around and exit the chamber, as the gears turn in your head.
  132. >Time to do a little research...
  133. ----
  134. >The walk to Twilight's new castle was one of the longest walks you've ever taken.
  135. >The crystal structured towered over everything else in the vicinity; a gleaming beacon of hope for the citizens of Ponyville.
  136. >It was truly a beautiful monument of magic.
  137. >Nopony else was deserving of the castle than Twilight, the newly-formed princess of friendship.
  138. >You stared at the large door, and knocked hard.
  139. >This was a big castle; which probably meant that you had no other choice but to wait until she descended whatever amount of stairs she had to.
  140. >"Coming!"
  141. >You leaned on the wall, contemplating the structure of the castle that had been erected here.
  142. >It was kind of impractical to have such a tall building.
  143. >What other purpose did it serve aside from being obnoxiously shiny?
  144. >As you were thinking to yourself of the pros and cons of giant crystal castles, the door opens up.
  145. >"Come inside, Anon!"
  146. >Why not?"
  147. >You step inside the foyer, which looks quite similar to the Canterlot castle foyer, except in blue crystal.
  148. >There, Twilight was waiting for you, all smiles.
  149. >"Hey, Anon! It's so nice to see you!"
  150. >I smile, enjoying her friendly nature.
  151. >Being a princess certainly hasn't taken away from her original personality.
  152. "Hey, Twilight! How are you liking your new castle?"
  153. >Can't go straight to the topic; I need to make small talk.
  154. >"To tell you the truth, Anon, it's kind of a waste of space. All my books are at the top floor, and if I want to let someone in, I have to go all the way down to the bottom. And don't even get me started on how bad it blinds me when the sun comes in at a certain angle. Crystals are pretty reflective, you know..."
  155. >Maybe making small talk wasn't the best idea.
  156. >Let's see if you can steer the conversation into something more to your interests.
  157. "Twilight; can't you use magic to change all those things, though?"
  158. >Twilight stifled a chuckle, as she walked towards the main staircase, urging me to follow by waving her hoof at me.
  159. -----
  160. >"Oh, Anon. Magic doesn't work that way here."
  161. >Hook, line and sinker.
  162. "Then how does magic work, Twilight?"
  163. >Twilight stopped for a moment, turning her head to look at your own.
  164. >"Anon; you realize that if you ask that question, it's going to involve a pretty long speech and probably me assigning you some research material, right?"
  165. >You figured this would happen.
  166. >It is Twilight, after all.
  167. "Alright, Twilight."
  168. >"Also, I'm going to test you on it."
  169. "Seriously?"
  170. >"Come on, Anon! Ever since I got this castle and all, I've been wanting to do something other than just sit here and wait for something to happen! Let me be your teacher!"
  171. >You weren't going to be here long enough to take the test, anyway.
  172. >Still, you didn't want to offend her by bailing on her test.
  173. "If you're going to do it, can you do the test a few hours after you give the material?"
  174. >"I'll think about it."
  175. >Eh, works for you.
  176. "Alright. Let's do it!"
  177. >As soon as you agreed, you could practically see the glee exuding from her pores.
  178. >She really does love studying.
  179. >"Come on, Anon!" We can study up in the throne room!"
  180. >Throne room? Wow, this castle is pretty big.
  181. >Twilight turns back towards the staircase, and starts to run up the stairs with quite the amount of energy.
  182. >Doesn't she have wings for this kinda thing?
  183. >Then again, she's still kinda shaky with her flight; she might hit the ceiling or something.
  184. >Man, that would be funny.
  185. >Regardless, you follow Twilight to wherever she is taking you.
  186. >Hopefully, you can find the answers you're seeking from this impromptu teaching session.
  187. >You had one goal in mind.
  188. >Stay in Equestria.
  189. >If the fact that you absorb magic is the problem, then there would hopefully be something that can be done.
  190. >Maybe there was someone or something that also attempted to suck the magic out of ponies.
  191. >How did they get stopped?
  192. >Were they sealed? Were they stripped of their ability to extract magic?
  193. >Hopefully, Twilight would enlighten you on the inner workings of magic.
  194. --------------------
  195. >This throne room looks like something out of Superman.
  196. >You couldn't really appreciate its beauty as soon as you got there, seeing as there were about six flights of stairs between you and the room.
  197. >Yes, you counted.
  198. >Not to mention Twilight would mock you every time you stop to rest.
  199. >"Oh, Anon, get those legs working!"
  200. >Man, you'd like to see her climb all this without any wings.
  201. >Why would a castle completely made out of crystal not have an elevator?
  202. >Eventually, you catch your breath and look at the five seats available to you.
  203. >Twilight was sitting at her own seat, gingerly waiting for me to do the same.
  204. >You decide to plop in the sear across her, which ended up Rainbow Dash's seat.
  205. >Man, crystal thrones are kind of uncomfortable.
  206. >You look up, as Twilight twisted her head every which way, as if looking for something.
  207. >"Spike!"
  208. >A few seconds later, the dragon was at her feet, waiting for her command.
  209. >"Yes, Twilight?"
  210. >"I need you to go get me a book on the history of magic. You can probably bring the history of Equestria onto that, if you can?"
  211. >"Yes, sir!"
  212. >And there he goes.
  213. >You might as well start off.
  214. "So, Twilight?"
  215. >Twilight turns her head back to look at you, as she made herself comfortable.
  216. >"Yes, Anon?"
  217. "So, can I start our discussion with a few questions?"
  218. >"Certainly! Ask away!"
  219. >You already knew what you had to ask.
  220. >It was just a matter of her giving you the information.
  221. "If I remember correctly, this wasn't your home before, was it? You used to have an actual tree!"
  222. >Twilight nods in agreement, as her smile fades a little.
  223. >"I'm glad I have this castle and all, but I miss my tree. It's such a shame that Tirek had to destroy it."
  224. "Tirek was that big oaf with powerful magic, right?"
  225. >Twilight chuckles, as she shakes her head.
  226. >"Anon, Tirek never truly had any magic."
  227. -----
  229. >How is that possible?
  230. >You figure that destroying a fucking house would require some level of magic.
  231. >Not to mention the fact that energy beams have to come from somewhere.
  232. >Twilight notices your confusion, and speaks up to clarify.
  233. >"You seem confused; let me break it down for you."
  234. >Twilight's horn began glowing, as a miniature hologram of Tirek appears in the center of the throne room.
  235. >"You see, Anon, magic isn't the same across creatures. Every species has a different... source, you might call it."
  236. "Source?"
  237. >That doesn't really make sense to you at the moment.
  238. >"When ponies are born, their cutie marks are already predetermined in their DNA encoding. However, the actual specialization of their magic doesn't develop until the early teenage years.
  239. >"During this transition, the body of a pony matures. It grows and changes to fit the specialization that was encoded into them."
  240. "That kind of sounds like puberty."
  241. >"Is that the equivalent of maturing in your world, Anon?" She leans forward, not wanting to miss a chance to learn about your world.
  242. "You could say that."
  243. >"I see." Twilight nods, taking this information and storing it in her memory banks.
  244. >She loves learning about your world.
  245. >"However, Anon, their magic isn't the only thing that changes."
  246. "Oh?"
  247. >"Their cutie marks, of course. Under normal circumstances, a pony discovers his or her cutie mark as a filly. However, a pony won't discover the full potential of it until they reach that maturing stage."
  248. "What do you mean by that?"
  249. >"Cutie marks in ponies are kind of like magic containers. They are the source of all our abilities in Equestria."
  250. >You nod, following somewhat.
  251. >"However, you only unlock greater power from your mark by pushing yourself to be better at your mark's meaning."
  252. "So, you train your cutie mark?"
  253. >"You could say that!"
  254. >So, ponies train in their art, which is then stored in their cutie marks.
  255. >Easy enough.
  257. ------
  258. >However, that doesn't really answer your question.
  259. "That's all good, but how does this tie in with Tirek?"
  260. >Twilight raised her hoof, pointing at the hologram of Tirek.
  261. >It seemed to roar and rage just like the real thing.
  262. >"Well, Anon, Tirek doesn't have a cutie mark; but he did have the ability to take them."
  263. "You mean, like steal a pony's ability? I'm not sure stealing the ability to party like Pinkie would be all that useful for him."
  264. >Twilight laughs, as she points back at the hologram.
  265. >A unicorn is now present in front of Tirek.
  266. >The cutie mark was nothing more than a red cross; probably a nurse.
  267. >Tirek approaches the pony, not faltering in his step.
  268. >The pony remains still; after all, this was an example.
  269. >Tirek opens his mouth, and a stream of energy began extending itself from the unicorn's horn towards Tirek's own mouth.
  270. >The pony fell flat on the ground, as the red cross fades away from the unicorn's flank.
  271. >In contrast, Tirek seems to grow stronger.
  272. >The illusion soon faded, away, as Twilight taps her hoof to catch your attention.
  273. >"The nurse's magic is specialized for medicine. However, the essence of a cutie mark outside the body takes the form of raw magic power."
  274. "So, what you're saying is that Tirek didn't outright steal the ability of the ponies; he stole the essence of their magic?"
  275. >"Exactly. He stole the source of their magic and used it for destructive purposes."
  276. >The pieces are coming together; but there were still plenty of doubts in your mind.
  277. "That doesn't explain how Discord does magic; and what about pegasi and earth ponies? And animals, too!"
  278. >Twilight gave a smile; she knew this question would probably come up.
  279. >"To answer you, Anon, Discord doesn't need a cutie mark; his source of magic is chaos itself."
  280. >"Pegasi and earth ponies do have magic; the only difference is the way it's presented. Their magic is much more passive than unicorn magic. It can be seen in their great strength and flying abilities."
  282. ---------
  283. "What about animals, then?"
  284. >Twilight gave an audible hum, as she searches for an answer.
  285. >"Here's where magic's limits start to show up, Anon. Animals don't really have any magic."
  286. "No magic?"
  287. >You were getting close to the answer you want.
  288. >You could almost taste the sweet relief of knowledge.
  289. >Wow, you sound like Twilight.
  290. >"Well, Anon; Low-functioning creatures such as rabbits and squirrels don't have the mental capacity of using magic."
  291. "What about high functioning creatures?"
  292. >"Twilight!"
  293. >That dragon has finally arrived, carrying two large tomes for Twilight.
  294. >"Thank you, Spike! You can rest for now!"
  295. >The dragon nods, as he takes a seat on his small throne.
  296. >You guess he was interested in the conversation.
  297. >Twilight pets the dragon momentarily, before returning her gaze towards you.
  298. >"High-functioning creatures are a different story; each one has a source all their own for magic!"
  299. "Can you give me an example or something?"
  300. >Twilight took the book on the history of magic, opening it to a list of high-functioning animals and their magical origins.
  301. >How did she memorize that page number so quickly?
  302. >"Chimeras have their form as magic; griffons have their impressive flying endurance..."
  303. >Twilight raises her eyebrow, as she begins flipping through the entire book.
  304. >She seemed to be looking for something.
  305. >Something pretty important, seeing as her face was starting to contort into an alarmed state.
  306. >"Anon... There's no section for you in this book."
  307. >Oh, no. She might have figured it out.
  308. >The fact that I don't have a magical source like they do.
  309. >This could jeopardize your entire plan.
  310. >What would she do?
  311. >She looked up to you, with a mixture of curiosity and fear.
  312. >This was it.
  313. >"Anon... you're not on this list."
  314. >Your heart drops, as she floats the book towards you so you could confirm.
  315. >However, Celestia's warning had begun to happen.
  316. >The magic faded for a moment, as she lost her grip on the book momentarily.
  317. >The book crashed down on the floor, making a loud, resonant thud throughout the entirety of the throne room.
  318. -----
  319. >You stare at the book, as Twilight gasped loudly at the noise.
  320. >Spike jumps out of his chair, as the loud noise was quite startling.
  321. >"Anon... We've never really studied what happens when creatures from other dimensions enter our world."
  322. >Spike gets up, grabbing the book and taking it towards you.
  323. >"You merit some study, Anon. Unfortunately, I have a slight suspicion on what might be happening..."
  324. >You grab the book from Spike, and
  325. >You try to hold back your nerves, as you question her further.
  326. "What suspicion do you have, Twilight?"
  327. >"Anon... remember how I said Tirek had the power of stealing magic?"
  328. >You nod, as you fear what is about to come.
  329. >"The reason why he could do that is because he had no source of magic; so he'd take the raw magic from other ponies as a source."
  330. "What you're saying is, he's a leech?"
  331. >"Yes. Now, you're a high-functioning being with no apparent source of magic..."
  332. >Shit.
  333. >"Now, Anon, I could be wrong."
  334. >Here it comes.
  335. >You know what she's going to say.
  336. >"But, Anon, you fit the bill for being able to absorb magic from other creatures."
  337. >And there it is.
  338. >The conclusion you didn't want her to reach.
  339. >You must cast doubt upon her conclusion.
  340. "You can't be sure of that, Twilight. I'm not from here, like you said. Maybe creatures from alternate dimensions have different rules?"
  341. >Twilight shrugged, as if dismissing your argument.
  342. >"Tirek came from a distant land; you came from a distant dimension. Not to mention my magic faltered a bit when I was handing you that book.
  343. >She's getting closer to what Celestia's conclusions was.
  344. >At this point, you didn't think there was much of a choice.
  345. >Continuing to hide would only arouse more suspicion.
  346. >How would she take it?
  347. >Would being honest with her help solve your problems?
  348. >Would it really be useful?
  349. ----------------
  350. >"Anon... If what I'm thinking is correct-"
  351. "Stop, Twilight."
  352. >She shut her mouth, remaining silent for you to talk.
  353. >Her surprise and worry were only amplified by your blunt interruption.
  354. >It looks like you couldn't hide your secret for long.
  355. >Serves you right for trying to outwit one of the smartest ponies in Ponyville.
  356. >At this point, you've only got one option.
  357. >Admit everything to Twilight.
  358. >Maybe she'll take pity on you.
  359. >Maybe she'll help you.
  360. >It's worth hoping for... right?
  361. "I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you."
  362. >Twilight's face contorted into a considerable amount of fear and worry.
  363. >She probably already knows what you're going to say.
  364. "Celestia has told me I'm to leave Equestria in two days. My presence here is apparently causing a magical black hole of sorts."
  365. >Twilight nods at your statement, as if understanding what you had said.
  366. >She didn't seem surprised at all.
  367. >That worries you.
  368. >"Celestia had told me that something was wrong with your presence here. However, she told me it was just a hunch."
  369. >Your heart sinks; you were in a losing battle from the start.
  370. >Going to Twilight might have been a bad idea.
  371. >"I guess she was right... you do have to go for the sake of Equestria, Anon."
  372. >Damn teacher's pet.
  373. >She always follows Celestia, no matter what.
  374. "Is there no way that I can stop this from happening?"
  375. >Twilight shook her head, affected by the reality of the situation.
  376. >"Anon, I did some of my own research. The only think I can even consider would be turning you into one of us; but I'm not even sure that would work."
  377. "I'll take anything, Twilight."
  378. >"I'm not even sure the spell works on humans..."
  379. "I don't care. I don't want to leave."
  380. >"Anon, only one pony knew the spell, and he's long gone!"
  381. "I'll find him! Wherever he is, I'll track him down."
  382. >You won't falter at this.
  383. >You won't leave.
  384. >You just can't.
  385. >"You want to know who it is, Anon?"
  386. "Who?"
  387. >"Starswirl the Bearded, that's who."
  388. -----
  389. "What does he know, Twilight?"
  390. >Twilight opens the other book Spike had brought her; the history of Equestria.
  391. >"Take a seat, Anon. This is going to be a pretty long read."
  392. >Following her suggestion , you adjust your posture on the crystal throne for optimum comfort.
  393. "I'm ready to hear it."
  394. >Twilight nods, as she squints at the book, reading the passages.
  395. >"A long time ago, Starswirl the Bearded befriended a creature from another land. His name was Scorpan."
  396. "Wasn't that Tirek's brother?"
  397. >"Very observant, Anon. Scorpan, like you already know, embraced our way of life. In history, he is depicted as a very knowledgeable creature, with an unparalleled knowledge in the magical arts."
  398. >"However, Scorpan didn't leave of his own accord."
  399. >You tilt your head, curious of what she meant by that statement.
  400. "Then why did he leave?"
  401. >"The same reason you're leaving. He had no source of magic, which made him a hole in Equestria."
  402. >Was she implying he had no escape?
  403. "So, he was sent away like I was? How does that help?"
  404. >"Have some patience, Anon. Let me finish."
  405. >You shut your mouth, letting the alicorn continue to speak.
  406. >"However, Starswirl was close to Scorpan at this point. Starswirl didn't want to lose a close friend at this point. This is why he began devising... the speciating spell."
  407. >You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know what that does.
  408. >"The speciating spell is a spell that switches the species of a creature to something else. You could consider it to be the ultimate transformation spell."
  409. >You were skeptical, but hopeful.
  410. >You were determined to know more.
  411. "So, Twilight. How would transforming into a pony help?"
  412. >"In theory, transforming into a pony would make you able to link up to the magical source that ponies draw their power from."
  413. "You're saying it would fill the magical hole I have?"
  414. >Twilight nods hesitantly, as it seems that she herself is skeptical of this method.
  415. >"This is all theory. Anything could happen."
  416. -------------
  417. >Theory... a theory you were willing to test.
  418. >Your only shot at staying in Equestria.
  419. >Your only hope.
  420. >However, a strange feeling was creeping up on you.
  421. >Was it fear?
  422. >Doubt?
  423. >Hope?
  424. >You're unsure; but you know there is more to ask.
  425. "Twilight; why didn't Scorpan turn into a pony to stay with you guys? From what I have understood, he really enjoyed the company of your kind."
  426. >Twilight nods expectantly, as she closes the book and lays it at her feet carefully.
  427. >She knew.
  428. >"There are many reasons as to why he chose to leave. However, the most important one would be the potential side effects to this transformation."
  429. >There it was.
  430. >What you were afraid of.
  431. >"The transformation is drastic, sure. However, the mind of the original creature would remain untouched."
  432. >That doesn't sound like it would be a problem.
  433. >Hell, that means you'd keep your memories!
  434. "That's fine; I'm sure I can handle adjusting to a pony body."
  435. >"Anon; don't take this lightly. You don't know how your body will react."
  436. "You don't know how resilient the human mind is."
  437. >She stops speaking, and nods understandingly.
  438. >"True. That's doesn't mean this isn't a dangerous method."
  439. "I understand the risk. If that's the only way I'm to stay in Equestria, then I'll gladly take that risk."
  440. >"Anon... I don't like this at all. If Scorpan refused, he probably had a good reason to..."
  441. "Twilight; please. You have to understand how bad I'd like to stay here."
  442. >You can't let her falter.
  443. >You have a shot at it.
  444. >A shot at staying in your happy place for the rest of your life.
  445. >A shot at loving the pony you've always loved.
  446. >A shot at a true life.
  447. >Relaxing tranquility.
  448. >Peaceful stability.
  449. "My life back on Earth was horrible; I don't think I need to tell you the story again."
  450. >She nods, as she looks towards you.
  451. >"Will doing this make you truly happy?"
  452. "Nothing would grant me greater happiness."
  453. >She's brooding; thinking hard on the pros and cons of this.
  454. >You only hope she understands your pain.
  455. ------
  456. >She's been thinking on her response for quite awhile now.
  457. >You need to get her going in the right direction.
  458. >Let's see if stroking her intellect gets her to balk.
  459. "Twilight."
  460. >She breaks concentration and looks at you, her irritation apparent.
  461. >"What, Anon? I'm trying to think."
  462. "Have you thought about the great advances in magic you'd be making?"
  463. >Twilight tilts her head, obviously intrigued.
  464. >You're on the right path.
  465. >Keep pressing, Anon. You can do this.
  466. "Think about it; you'd be the first pony to ever test the never-used speciation spell!"
  467. >Twilight leans forward.
  468. >"Go on...."
  469. "You would have the privilege of testing one of Starswirl's legendary spells!"
  470. >"Yeah..."
  471. >Her excitement was apparent.
  472. >Keep pressing, Anon!
  473. "Can you imagine the learning opportunity it would be to perfect the ultimate transformation spell? One devised by none other than the father of the amniomorphic spell?"
  474. >"Yes... you're right!"
  475. >Any time you mention that pony, she almost squeals in delight.
  476. >A pretty nice tool for when you want her help on spells, that's for sure.
  477. >However, she's a princess now; she has to take care of Ponyville.
  478. >Time to insert some productivity boosts.
  479. "Twilight; if this spell is successful, you could change the world for good! Imagine the kind of things you could do with this spell!"
  480. >"Things like what, Anon?"
  481. >Come on, Anon. You're on a roll. Don't fuck it up now.
  482. >Food and vermin... those are always problems that afflict a nation.
  483. >Let's go with that.
  484. >"Things like changing weeds into strawberry patches! Transform parasprites into harmless birds!"
  485. >Her smile grew wider with every word you spouted out of your mouth.
  486. >One more hook; the promise of an orderly world.
  487. >"With this spell, you could organize the farms and the trees to your own liking! And best of all, you can do it yourself!"
  488. >"Myself..."
  489. "Exactly; nobody would get it better done than you, Twilight!"
  490. >You almost had her.
  491. >Just a bit more...
  492. -------
  493. >"Anon, you're right."
  494. >There's the answer you're looking for.
  495. >"I cannot let Equestria go without this spell; there is so much that could be done!"
  496. "Not to mention the fact that you'd be learning how to do it!"
  497. >"Yes! A great learning experience!"
  498. >You've got her convinced.
  499. >She's as giddy as a schoolgirl, almost jumping out of her seat at the prospect of learning new things.
  500. >Learning is always fun when it's for someone else's benefit.
  501. >She hops out of her seat, as she trots up to me.
  502. >"Come on! There's not much time to waste!"
  503. >You jump out of your seat, wondering where she wants to go.
  504. "Don't you think you should tell me where we're going?"
  505. >"I'll explain on the way!"
  506. >Fair enough.
  507. >Her wings extend, as she takes off into the air to avoid climbing the long spiral stairs down to the ground floor.
  508. >Great.
  509. >More stairs.
  510. >You run, attempting to keep up with her while she effortlessly glides down the staircase.
  511. >"So, Anon?"
  512. >As you jog down the stairs, you manage to eke out a response to Twilight's question.
  513. "Yes?"
  514. >"The first thing we need to do is find Discord. My magic is strong, but his source of magic is chaos; it's something that Starswirl didn't have access to."
  515. "Do you think he'll help us?"
  516. >"I'm pretty sure he'd love the wacky idea of turning you into a complete other species."
  517. >True; that bastard loves himself wacky things.
  518. >Worth a shot.
  519. >You finally reach the bottom of the stairs, and Twilight lands on the ground to wait for you to catch your breath.
  520. >"We might have to look for Fluttershy as well, since we're already headed to her house."
  521. >At her mention, your heart skips a beat.
  522. >Fluttershy...
  523. >The pony who took you in when you first arrived.
  524. >Her charisma towards you was something you always admired.
  525. >She fed you when you had nothing to do.
  526. >Her hooves wrapped themselves around you when you were feeling down.
  527. >Her lips grazed your cheeks when you brought her a gift.
  528. >Those are some of your fondest memories in Ponyville...
  529. >You remember the night that gave you the drive to keep pressing on.
  530. >How you should never give up on your dreams, no matter how ridiculous.
  531. >It was a cold evening night; the animals had already been put to rest, and you and Fluttershy were peacefully inside the house.
  532. >Your stories of animals in your world always fascinate her.
  533. >Tonight, you were discussing the mating and attraction rituals of different animals back home.
  534. " that's where the expression of the birds and the bees come from, Fluttershy."
  535. >Fluttershy tilts her head, with a deal of curiosity.
  536. >"It's strange that children would be told something so far off from the truth in your world..."
  537. "It is. Do your fillies just know?"
  538. >"Yeah, we just tell them! It's something everypony has a right to know..."
  539. >That's certainly true...
  540. >However, you had other plans tonight aside from discussing mating rituals.
  541. >You couldn't stand to be apart from the element of kindness for long any more.
  542. >Every time you'd hear the door open, your heart would skip a beat.
  543. >The sound of her singing voice raises your spirits with every time you listen to it.
  544. >You had to pop the question.
  545. >Who knows? Maybe she'll reciprocate.
  546. "Hey, Flutters?"
  547. >Fluttershy loves it when you call her that.
  548. >She giggles her trademark laugh every single time.
  549. >"Yeah, Anon?"
  550. >You take a deep breath.
  551. >This question could go any way.
  552. >It could break you.
  553. >It could make you.
  554. >It could create something you'd never thought possible.
  555. >Not on Earth, that is.
  556. >But maybe...
  557. >Maybe possible in Ponyville.
  558. >The land of happiness and joy.
  559. "Fluttershy... have you ever thought about your own special one?"
  560. >Her face reddens, as she moves her head, covering one of her eyes with her long hair.
  561. >She's not named Fluttershy for being bold, that's for sure.
  562. >"M-m-my special one?"
  563. "Yeah; is there anypony you fancy?"
  564. >She shakes her head, as her eyes retract deeper into her mane.
  565. >"Not anypony, no..."
  566. >Your heart drops a bit.
  567. >Anypony.
  568. >Then again... you're not a pony, now, are you?
  569. >You're a human.
  570. >Slim chance... but still a chance.
  571. "What about anybody?"
  572. >"A-a-anybody, Anon?"
  573. >She retracts deeper into her hair, only leaving a small part of her visibly reddened cheeks exposed.
  574. >"Gosh, Anon, I don't know... "
  575. "What do you mean, Fluttershy?"
  576. >She starts to look down at her hooves, as if trying to avoid your gaze.
  577. >"Um... I-I-I just don't know how t-to feel about th-that, Anon... why do you ask?"
  578. >She's thrown the ball back in your court.
  579. >That's Fluttershy for you.
  580. >You'll have to take the reins.
  581. "You want to know why I'm asking?"
  582. >Fluttershy looks up, looking back at you from behind her pink locks.
  583. >On eye contact, she nods, waiting for you to answer.
  584. >This is it.
  585. >It's time to admit everything you felt.
  586. >Time for her to know the truth.
  587. "Fluttershy... you've taken care of me for almost a few months now. You've helped me get off the ground and meet other ponies. You, even now, give me shelter in your humble home."
  588. >The pony comes out a little from her hair, showing a small sliver of her smile.
  589. >"Anon... th-that was just being me! I'm sure a-a-anypony would ha-have done i-i-it!"
  590. >You nod in agreement, which seems to comfort her somewhat.
  591. "You're right. Maybe Twilight, or Rarity or Rainbow Dash would have all done the same thing for me. They're great people."
  592. >You take another deep breath.
  593. "However, none of those ponies were like you, Fluttershy."
  594. >You could hear a small gasp of surprise coming From Fluttershy.
  595. >She looked down again, nervous to look up at you.
  596. "Fluttershy; ever since you've shown me your element, I've been nothing but grateful for you. You've given me things that nobody on Earth has ever come close to."
  597. >You coudn't stop now; you were in too deep.
  598. >Fluttershy's red cheeks only strengthened in intensity the more you spoke.
  599. >You could hear small gasps with every new revelation brought forth.
  600. >She truly didn't realize you liked her.
  601. >No...
  602. >Loved her.
  603. "Over these weeks, we've gone entire nights learning about each other. Learning about our worlds, our fears and our goals. I've helped you face a few, and you've helped me here in Ponyville."
  604. >She was nodding; at least, that was what you could tell from behind her pink veil of hair.
  605. >You hadn't been a mooch; you'd done your fair share of work for sure.
  606. "You've taken a man who has nothing and given him the only thing that he's ever wanted in life."
  607. >Another deep breath.
  608. >Another revelation.
  609. "You've opened your heart to me and given me kindness, Fluttershy. And to be honest... that's something nobody has ever given me before. Not even back on Earth."
  610. >She remains quiet; almost contemplative.
  611. >There's still so much to say.
  612. >So much to admit.
  613. >Nothing to do but to go right into it.
  614. "Fluttershy... to be honest, I didn't think think this would happen. I thought that the fact that we're different species would make it so I wouldn't even consider anything..."
  615. >Her face comes out from her hair, as her eyes are now a myriad of conflicting emotions.
  616. >What was she feeling?
  617. >"A-a-anon... What were y-y-ou consideri-... ing?"
  618. >This is it.
  619. "Fluttershy..."
  620. >It's now or never, Anon.
  621. >Make your move.
  622. >Don't screw it up.
  623. "The truth of the situation is, I've grown to love you, Fluttershy. Every time you sing, it makes my heart skip a beat. Every time you give me a peck on the cheek, I melt in your arms. When you're around, I can't help but feel like I'm flying above clouds like Rainbow Dash."
  624. >You stop for a moment to take a breather.
  625. >She had relapsed into looking down at her hooves.
  626. >Her eyes seem to be on the verge of tears.
  627. >Why was that?
  628. >No use turning back now, though.
  629. >Another deep breath.
  630. >The final push.
  631. "Sometimes I think you feel the same way, Fluttershy..."
  632. >You could hear her gasp lightly.
  633. "You treat your friends with compassion and respect, and you treat your animals all the same."
  634. >You look directly at her, as she looks up to lock eyes with you.
  635. >"But me..."
  636. "You treat me like I'm something special to you, Fluttershy. You take me on your trips to visit the animals. You snuggle up next to me when you're feeling tired and lay your head on my lap."
  637. >Her eyes begin watering, as a tear or two are loosened from their ocular prisons.
  638. "And I'll be perfectly honest with you; I love every moment of it. I love helping you. Feeling your warmth snuggled up against me really makes me feel like I'm important to you."
  639. >You could feel yourself tearing up as well.
  640. >The emotion in the air was strong; it was really getting to you.
  641. "But all the gestures and signs make me have a little hope."
  642. >A tear traced down your cheek, as you sniffled a bit.
  643. >Don't lose your composure now, Anon.
  644. >Not when you're this far in.
  645. >Her tears were now flowing freely.
  646. >However, she hadn't broken eye contact.
  647. >Your eyes still look into each other.
  648. >You could stare into those eyes all night.
  649. >Now was not the time, however.
  650. "Hope in us. Hope in something more than just friends."
  651. >"M-m-more?"
  652. "Yes. There's one certain truth that you've probably guessed by now."
  653. >Here we go.
  654. "I love you, Fluttershy."
  655. >And there it was.
  656. >All your feelings were hanging in the air.
  657. >It's all up to Fluttershy to decide how she takes it.
  658. >Will she take it well?
  659. >Will she find you too different?
  660. >Only her answer would clear your doubt.
  661. >You look towards her, as she avoids your gaze.
  662. >She's looking at the ground again; you could see her tears crawl onto her chin, and fall to the ground.
  663. >What was she thinking?
  664. >Now she's taking a deep breath.
  665. >She knows it's her turn to answer you.
  666. >"Anon..."
  667. >You steel your nerves, ready for any answer she might give.
  668. >You only hope that she feels the same way.
  669. >"Oh, Anon... Come back."
  670. >Wait, what?
  671. >Why did she need me to come back?
  672. "Fluttershy, I'm right here."
  673. >"Anon, snap out of it."
  674. "Snap out of what, Fluttershy?"
  675. >What was going on?
  676. >"Anon, I'm sorry for this."
  677. >That was the last thing you heard before taking a hoof to the face.
  678. >You close your eyes, as you feel yourself hit the floor with considerable force.
  679. >How could she do this?
  680. >What did you do?
  681. >You slowly turn your head, only to reveal you're not at Fluttershy's.
  682. >Instead, you're at the first floor of Twilight's castle, with Twilight hovering above you.
  683. >What the hell is going on?
  684. >A worried expression was plastered all over her face, as she lands beside you.
  685. >"I'm sorry I had to do that, Anon."
  686. >You shake your head, trying to regain your composure.
  687. >You're on the first floor of Twilight's castle.
  688. >Fluttershy is our next stop; we need to see Discord.
  689. >This is all so you can transform into a pony.
  690. >This would allow you to stay in Ponyville.
  691. >"Anon?"
  692. >You turn your head towards Twilight, still lying on the ground.
  693. "What is it?"
  694. >"What just happened to you?"
  695. >You smile a little, remembering that fond memory you were having.
  696. >That is, until Twilight had to interrupt.
  697. "I was just daydreaming a little, Twilight; you didn't need to slap me."
  698. >Twilight raised her eyebrow, as if doubting me.
  699. >"Daydreams don't leave you incapable of listening, Anon."
  700. "Well, I'm sure it hasn't been too long. You know people space out sometimes, right?"
  701. >"Sure they do. The problem starts when you space out for more than half an hour."
  702. >Holy shit, you've been having a flashback for half an hour?
  703. >You seriously have to keep your mind in check.
  704. >And that slap... that really hurt.
  705. "Twilight... you hit me, right?"
  706. >Twilight nods solemnly, as you reach your hand to your now-red cheek.
  707. >Man, she hits hard.
  708. >"I had to, Anon. You wouldn't listen to me."
  709. "I understand."
  710. >You got up from the floor, brushing yourself off.
  711. >A mission is still in progress.
  712. >It's best to move forward.
  713. "You ready to go to Fluttershy's house, Twilight?"
  714. >Twilight nods, though with a hint of hesitation.
  715. >She's probably still freaked out.
  716. >Nothing new to you, honestly.
  717. >You exit the castle, beginning to walk in Fluttershy's direction, with Twilight tailing behind you.
  719. >You were starting to come close to the familiar hut where Fluttershy resided.
  720. >The peaceful river was a very nice contrast to your conflicting emotions.
  721. >Will the transformation work?
  722. >At this point, all you can do is hope for the best.
  723. >"Anon, knock before entering. I think Fluttershy's having her-"
  724. "Yeah, she's having her weekly tea party with Discord."
  725. >Twilight chuckles at your knowledge.
  726. >"You really do know that mare really well, don't you?"
  727. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I after living with her for a few months?"
  728. >Twilight nods in agreement, as you both arrive at her door.
  729. >You tap your hand on the door three times.
  730. >Almost immediately, it flings itself open, revealing Fluttershy at a small table.
  731. >If Fluttershy was there, then where was...
  732. >"Anon, sooo good to see you! And princess waves-a-lot, too!"
  733. >There we go.
  734. >Twilight grimaces a bit at his comment, before shaking her head.
  735. >She knew he was joking around.
  736. >Discord being Discord as usual.
  737. >In a nice poof of smoke, he brings you all to the table, which is already eloquently laid out with tea, sugar cubes and cucumber sandwiches.
  738. >How the hell does he do that?
  739. >That guy seriously has a lot of power.
  740. >He had sat you next to Fluttershy, and he took his own spot next to Twilight.
  741. >That sly devil knows you like her.
  742. >He's a total bro about it too.
  743. "Hey, Discord. Nice to see you again!"
  744. >Discord smiles, holding out his own hand.
  745. >You extend your own, grabbing his hand and-.
  746. >ZAP!
  747. >Ow!
  748. >You pull back your hand, inspecting it to see if it was hurt.
  749. >Nothing is really hurt, other than your pride.
  750. >Discord was laughing his ass off, as he extended his hand to show that he had one of those joy buzzers in his hands.
  751. >Typical Discord shenanigans.
  752. >"Discord! Don't treat Anon that way!"
  753. >Fluttershy chimes in, as she gave him an annoyed glare.
  754. >"He is a valued guest here, and will be treated as such!"
  755. >Discord slows down his laughter, as he wipes a tear from his eye.
  756. >With a snap of his own fingers, he suits up Fluttershy in a suit of knight's armor, and switches my standard getup for a frilly girl's dress.
  757. "Oh, Discord, goddamm-"
  758. >"Oh, Anon, lighten up! You're the damsel in distress to Fluttershy's knight! She's saved you from the clutches of a Draconequus!"
  759. >Even with all the armor, you could see her blushing at the comment.
  760. >That didn't last long, as Fluttershy starts to giggle at your getup.
  761. >"Oh, Anon, you look ridiculous!"
  762. "Back at you, Knight Shy!"
  763. >Fluttershy laughs at your horrible pun, and soon, you join in.
  764. >Eventually, the laughter subsides, and you share a quick smile with Fluttershy.
  765. >Her smile is so contagious.
  766. >You reach you hand towards her, as you part her locks to see more of her face.
  767. >Of course, she's blushing at this.
  768. >She's not rejecting it.
  769. >That's always a good sign.
  770. >You retract your hands, and take a quick look at Discord.
  771. >Discord winks at you, as he offers you an understanding thumbs up.
  772. >That godly bastard.
  773. >Discord might be eccentric, but he sure knows how to be a wingman, that's for sure.
  774. >You'll have to take him out for a pint of cider or something if this all works out.
  775. >"GUYS!"
  776. >Aaand there's Mrs. Buzzkill.
  777. >Twilight slams her hoof on the table to catch the attention of all of you guys.
  778. >"I don't want to be a bother, but we came here for something much more serious than gossip and jokes."
  779. >She turns her head to look at you.
  780. >Her eyes said it all.
  781. >"Don't you have something to say, Anon?"
  782. >You nod, as you clear your throat to speak.
  783. >You wonder how Fluttershy will take the news.
  784. >You only hope that the slight sliver of hope convinces her to try try this crazy spell.
  785. "Guys... I might not be in this world much longer."
  786. >A silence befell before the table, as even Discord stops his antics for a second.
  787. >You never though Discord had a serious side.
  788. >Fluttershy looks at you in utter shock.
  789. >"A-anon? What do you mean?"
  790. >This was going to be hard.
  791. >"In two days, I'm to be sent to my home world. According to Princess Luna and Celestia, I've become a magical black hole."
  792. >Discord shakes his head in disapproval, as Fluttershy gasps in surprise.
  793. >"A-anon! You're leaving?!"
  794. >You could see her tear up a bit.
  795. "If we don't do anything by tommorow, then that is so."
  796. >Fluttershy pipes up, surprisingly.
  797. >"And what can we do?"
  798. "Twilight knows, apparently. We were taking a look at some historical documents back at her castle and we came across a very interesting piece of history."
  799. >The alicorn nods, and waits for you to continue speaking.
  800. >"I'm going to spare you the details and just say this: Someone else had this problem, and someone made a solution for it. However, the person that had this problem felt it was too risky."
  801. >Judging by his face, you could tell Discord was gaining interest in this.
  802. "Twilight can explain the spell better than I can."
  803. >You turn to Twilight, expecting her to catch up where you left off.
  804. >"Umm... well, the spell in itself is very high-level. It was created by one of the most famous unicorns in magical history; Starswirl the Bearded. He was a very-.
  805. >"Enough with the history, just get to the point!"
  806. >Discord, you're such a glorious thing.
  807. >You've got to thank him for saving you from another long-winded exposition.
  808. >Twilight wasn't as happy, however, as she shot an annoyed glance towards Discord.
  809. >Not like he cares.
  810. >"Alright, Discord. To put it short; this spell is called the speciation spell. It lets the caster transform a creature into any other species available."
  811. >Discords nods knowingly at the thought, and raises his hand.
  812. >"Twilight; changing Anon into a frog or a pony won't do anything. You know that. "
  813. >Twilight smirks, as she took a look at Discord.
  814. >"Maybe with just the power of a transformation spell, yes. But, we have access to a lot more resources now. Do you all remember the Tree of Harmony?"
  815. >All of you nod in unison; the Tree of Harmony is the central hub for the Everfree forest.
  816. >Not to mention the source of the Elements of Harmony.
  817. >"As you all know, the Tree of Harmony uses the Elements of Harmony as a power source. However, this power source alone isn't enough to cast a permanent speciation spell."
  818. >Wait, what?
  819. >Where the hell were you going to get more power than the Elements of Harmony?
  820. >"Of course, we have something that not even Starswirl the Bearded had."
  821. >Discord snaps his fingers, as a giant sign reading "ME" hovers over his head.
  822. "Discord, you're awesome. But I really want to listen to Twili-"
  823. >Twilight taps the table, interrupting you.
  824. >"Actually, Anon, he's right. He is the one we need."
  825. >The sign above Discord bursts into sparks, marking Discord's own surprise at the revelation.
  826. >"Me? You're asking the embodiment of chaos to help the elements of harmony?"
  827. >Twilight nods, as she gives a loud sigh.
  828. >Maybe she's also savouring the delicious irony of chaos and harmony working together.
  829. >Discord sure looks like he is, as he can barely hold back his laughter.
  830. >"This is glorious! Chaos and Harmony! It's like something out of a cheesy fanfic!"
  831. >You got that right, Discord.
  832. >Twilight, once again, taps the table to try and grab Discord's attention.
  833. >"So can you help us, Discord?"
  834. >Discord nods, still trying to hold back his laughter.
  835. >"Good friends help others, right?"
  836. >Fluttershy smiles, as she approves of Discord's statement.
  837. >"Right, Discord. And you'll always be a friend to all of us."
  838. >Discord smiles a bit, before turning to Twilight.
  839. >"So how exactly will this work, Twilight?"
  840. >Twilight sighs in relief, glad to be talking again.
  841. >"I thought you'd never ask. The only way I could think of stopping this magic hole is to turn Anon into one of us; a pony."
  842. >Fluttershy gasps, in complete surprise.
  843. >"You're saying h-he's going to be one of us?"
  844. >Twilight turns to Fluttershy.
  845. >"Precisely."
  846. >It was your turn to speak up.
  847. >You have to; it was you who was being turned into a completely different species.
  848. "Twilight, if you don't mind me asking; how exactly will turning me into a pony stop my magic sucking abilities?"
  849. >Discord belts out a loud guffaw, before snapping his fingers at me.
  850. >"That's what she said, Anon."
  851. >Oh, screw you, Discord.
  852. >Twilight was giggling as well, but it seems that Fluttershy was staring daggers into Discord.
  853. >It seems to work too, as he stops his laughter and returns to the conversation at hand.
  854. >Twilight stops as well, regaining her composure before speaking.
  855. >"Anon; the way this would work, at least in theory is simple. Using Discord's chaotic magic, we should be able to actually turn you into a pony. However, that alone isn't enough."
  856. >More confusion; great.
  857. "Ok; so what are the Elements of Harmony for?"
  858. >Twilight clears her throat, looking in Fluttershy's direction.
  859. >"Fluttershy, this is where you and all the gang come in. You learned in school that all ponies have a specific source of magic encoded in their DNA, correct?"
  860. >Fluttershy hesitantly nods, as she urges Twilight to continue.
  861. >"Good. Now, turning Anon into a pony won't solve the hole problem, pun not intended. There's still the matter of changing Anon's DNA so there's a source of magic that's assigned to him."
  862. >Huh; they're going to be playing around with your DNA.
  863. >That's pretty heavy stuff.
  864. >"Fluttershy, you and the rest of the gang have to use the Elements of Harmony to give me the power to rewrite Anon's DNA, so I could code in a source of magic for him to use while he's a pony. This will also make his transformation permanent."
  865. >Fluttershy nods, before raising her own hoof in response.
  866. >"B-but what would the source of magic be?"
  867. >"Why, the Tree of Harmony itself, of course. We'd be altering the tree so Anon could have the passive or active magic that any regular pony does."
  868. >Pony? How random.
  869. "Do I get to pick what kind of pony I turn into?"
  870. >Twilight thinks about this for a moment, as she places her hoof on her chin.
  871. >The optimum thinking position for ponies and humans everywhere.
  872. >"Well, in theory, I'm the one altering your DNA structure. So yes, you could be anything you'd like to be."
  873. >You're actually pretty excited for this.
  874. >If you draw your magic from the Tree of Harmony, doesn't that mean you'd be an honorary member of the Mane 6?
  875. >It's like a dream come true!
  876. >You could be helping the gang in so many ways!
  877. >If you chose to be a unicorn, then you could learn magic with Twilight and Rarity!
  878. >Turning into a pegasus would let you race around Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash!
  879. >Of course, being an earth pony would make you grow closer to Applejack and Pinkie!
  880. >However, what's the best one to be?
  881. >Asking Twilight about the pros and cons would be best.
  882. >She's the princess, after all.
  883. >Not to mention the fact that she's a complete and utter bookworm.
  884. "Twilight; can I get the good and bad parts of each type of pony?"
  885. >Twilight nods, as she takes a moment to gather up her thoughts.
  886. >"Alright, Anon. Earth ponies have passive magic. It's expressed by their strength. They're very adept on land, and have quite a bit of endurance. Of course, they can't fly or use active magic, so there are your cons."
  887. >"Pegasi can fly, of course. They can achieve quick bursts of speed in the air, but they're not very good on land. Their passive magic is expressed by their ability of flight."
  888. >"And finally, we have unicorns. As you already know, we possess active magic, not passive magic. We can cast spells, which specialize depending on what cutie mark we develop through time. Of course, you won't be able to use all of them from the start, but you can certainly train to use them."
  889. >You nod, understanding her words.
  890. >A great decision is to be made now.
  891. >Every race has their own ups and downs.
  892. >The choices you make here will cause a great impact for the rest of your life.
  893. >What race will you pick?
  894. "Twilight; do I really have to decide this now?"
  895. >Twilight shakes her head.
  896. >"We can't do this today, even if we wanted to. We need to gather all our friends at the Tree of Harmony to even attempt this. You have a night to decide your future form, Anon."
  897. >You nod understandingly, as you rise from your chair.
  898. >It seems you've already heard everything you needed.
  899. "Twilight; is there anything else that needs to be done?"
  900. >"Fluttershy, can you tell the others to gather at the Tree of harmony tomorrow evening?"
  901. >Fluttershy nods, as she looks to both you and Twilight.
  902. >"I won't let you down."
  903. "Perfect; thank you so much for your help, Fluttershy. I'll always be grateful for everything you've done."
  904. >Watching her blush is always nice to see.
  905. >"O-oh, anything to help you stay, Anon."
  906. >And there's your own blush.
  907. >Once again, the purple alicorn taps her hoof against the table to catch your attention.
  908. >"Alright, guys, break it up. Anon has lot to think about. I trust he'll be staying with you, Fluttershy?"
  909. >She nods, as she looks towards Discord.
  910. >"It was a fun tea party, wasn't it, Discord?"
  911. >Discord smirks, as he stands up from his chair.
  912. >"I'll be sure to bring wedding cake next time for you, Fluttershy. I'm sure you'll need it soon."
  913. >Of course, her face lights up in red once more.
  914. >Just like that, Discord snaps his fingers, disappearing in a puff of smoke.
  915. >Once again; Discord, you're such an awesome thing.
  916. >Twilight also made haste, as she steps out of her chair.
  917. >"Anon; good luck in your thinking. I'm sure you'll make the right decision."
  918. >She nods, as she begins to step out of Fluttershy's home.
  919. >"I'll see you tomorrow evening, Anon."
  920. "Good night, Twilight!"
  921. >"Good night, Anon."
  922. >And there she goes.
  923. >You walk towards the door, closing it behind her.
  924. >It was a very informative tea party, that's for sure.
  925. >You turn back, as Fluttershy was making herself busy by cleaning up the table.
  926. "Do you need some help there, Flutters?"
  927. >"I'd love that, Anon."
  928. >You approach the table, beginning to pick up the teacups left over.
  929. >As you pick up the silverware, you decide to make conversation.
  930. "What do you think about all this, Fluttershy?"
  931. >She stops picking up the dishes for a moment to answer you properly..
  932. >"Anon; when you said you'd be leaving forever, you nearly gave this mare a heart attack."
  933. "Sorry about that; it was sort of sudden."
  934. >Fluttershy nods understandingly, before clearing the rest of the table.
  935. >"However, when I heard you'd be staying as a pony, I wanted to start singing right there on the table."
  936. >Really, now?
  937. >You can't help but crack a smile at her statement.
  938. >She really does have a thing for you.
  939. >Still, you're curious to know some more.
  940. "Why's that, Fluttershy?"
  941. >Her reaction was priceless; at the mention of those words, she almost dropped the plates she was holding.
  942. >"O-o-oh! Well, erm... You're a nice guy, and you're warm and soft, like a teddy bear. I really enjoy being in your company, Anon."
  943. >You could feel your cheeks burning up; compliments from Fluttershy always made your day.
  944. "Are you going to miss me being a human?"
  945. >Fluttershy nods a bit, agreeing with your statement.
  946. >"Of course. But, what you lose in being a human, you'll gain in being a pony like us. That opens up a whole new world of possibilities..."
  947. "Like what, Fluttershy?"
  948. >Thankfully, she'd set the plates on the kitchen sink before she froze up at the question.
  949. >"You're throwing hardball questions tonight, huh, Anon?"
  950. >Chuckling, you approach Fluttershy, offering her a tight hug.
  951. >With no hesitation on her part, she leans into it, wrapping her wings and hooves around your torso, as you wrap your own hands around her soft, yellow body.
  952. "Yeah... It's just, this is all so surreal to me. I'll be a human one moment, and a pony the next. "
  953. >Fluttershy's face pops out from your chest, as she gives you a comforting smile.
  954. >"I'm sure everything will turn out alright, Anon. There's nothing to fear."
  955. >Damn, that mare's good.
  956. >Regardless of all the research you and Twilight did, you were still filled with dread at the thought of a complete transformation.
  957. >How the hell would you adapt?
  958. >Was a human mind strong enough to withstand such a transformation?
  959. >Could you survive being a pony?
  960. "Fluttershy... I'm so scared. Scared of things going wrong. Scared of the spell not working. Scared of not seeing you any more, or becoming something vile and atrocious that nobody would ever touch."
  961. >You could feel her wings pull you tighter, as you proceed to do the same with your own hands.
  962. >At this point, you were still looking down at her face, continuing to lock eyes with that yellow mare.
  963. >That didn't last long, as she presses against your chest, nuzzling it with her forehead.
  964. >The feeling of her soft, silk-like hair against you soothes you, as you let out a content sigh.
  965. >This was truly heaven.
  966. >For a moment, she ceases her nuzzling, as her wings part from behind you.
  967. >You follow suit, letting your arms fall back as she leaves your grasp.
  968. >It was nice while it lasted.
  969. >Quickly, she lands on the ground, relaxing her wings from the tight hug.
  970. >Her face turns to look at your own, as she lifts a hoof.
  971. >She's gesturing you to come down with her.
  972. >You're certainly curious, that's for sure.
  973. >Soon enough, you're kneeling down in such a manner that your face is level with her own.
  974. >As soon as you do this, she approaches you, laying a hoof on your shoulder.
  975. >"Anon. I know what it's like to be scared of the future. I'm scared of it every single day. Every day, I wonder if some thing's going to happen to my animals, my friends or myself."
  976. >She gives a smile, before beginning to run her hoof up and down your shoulder.
  977. >Her compassion was truly something to admire.
  978. >Nothing less from the Element of Harmony.
  979. >"If it makes you feel any better, I'm scared of what might happen to you. You're too important to me to even think about what could happen if... something goes wrong."
  980. >The fear was real; it was in all of us.
  981. >Never leaving.
  982. >Ever present.
  983. "Fluttershy. How do you handle your fear of me leaving?"
  984. >Her hoof stopped running up and down your shoulder; however, her grip on it tightened.
  985. >"By looking at the future. A future where you're like all of us. A future where people can say that me and you..."
  986. >Her voice trailed off to the point that you coudn't catch her words.
  987. >You could tell it was something personal, her cheeks lit back up into a nice shade of crimson.
  988. >You didn't really need to know what she was saying.
  989. >Your heart understood.
  990. "I'd like to see that future too. A future with me and you, without having to hide behind closed doors. A future where we can spend the day together without judgemental eyes. Maybe we could..."
  991. >You lean into her, drawing your face close to her own.
  992. >Her hair smells like nature's own perfume.
  993. >It was like heaven itself laced her body's scent with ambrosia.
  994. "Have a proper date together."
  995. >You never thought cheeks could turn so red.
  996. >However, she didn't back her head when you were coming in.
  997. >In fact, you swore she matched your movements.
  998. >"R-really, Anon? You mean it?"
  999. >You had to drive your point home.
  1000. >Her lips were tantalizingly close, and you could kiss those right now with no problem.
  1001. >However... now was not the time for that.
  1002. >You lean into her, planting your lips on her forehead.
  1003. >As soon as your lips were in contact with her, she jumps towards you, embracing you once more in a tight hug.
  1004. >Her wings enclosed you two together in a capsule of pure emotion.
  1005. >A capsule that no hatred could penetrate.
  1006. >A place where only love reigned true.
  1007. >You break the kiss, as you look down at her watering eyes.
  1008. >You could feel your eyes release some tears of joy as well, as you each contemplated your joy-filled expressions.
  1009. >Time for your answer.
  1010. "More than anything I could ever want."
  1011. >She smiles, as she wipes a tear from her eye.
  1012. >"Only in my wildest dreams, did I ever think this would happen."
  1013. ----
  1014. >That was a good night.
  1015. >Fluttershy's admission made you all the more confident in your decision.
  1016. >You had to become a pony.
  1017. >There was no other option; at least, nothing apparent.
  1018. >The only question is; would it truly stop the magic hole you've become?
  1019. >The spell might turn you into a pony, but would the link-up with the Tree of Harmony truly prove fruitful?
  1020. >Thinking about all the 'ifs' and 'buts' of this was really starting to screw with your head.
  1021. >Not even Fluttershy could help quell your insecurities.
  1022. >At least you have a bed to sleep on, that's for sure.
  1023. >You're glad Fluttershy has let you use the guest room for so long.
  1024. >Luna's moon shines brightly into the room, lighting up the few belongings you had.
  1025. >A small jewel-encrusted effigy of you makes it's home on the right side
  1026. >It was one of the first gifts you ever got from a pony.
  1027. >Other than Fluttershy, of course.
  1028. >Rarity carved it out for you, in gratitude for helping her move furniture around.
  1029. >Well, Rarity told Spike to carve it.
  1030. >Close enough.
  1031. >It would now serve as a reminder of what you once were; a human.
  1032. >Enough about that, though; you had sleep to get to.
  1033. >Maybe getting some rest will help your mind organize itself.
  1034. >You attempt to fit yourself on the pony-sized bed, just as you do every night.
  1035. >One thing's for sure; being a pony will stop your struggles with pony-sized objects.
  1036. >No more tiny tables and pony-sized walkways.
  1037. >Maybe you'll sleep without your feet sticking out of the bed for once in your life.
  1038. >You curl up into a fetal position, like you do every night.
  1039. >Just think about it, Anon.
  1040. >Tomorrow night, you'll start a whole new chapter of your life.
  1041. >Maybe you'll finally convince Fluttershy to go out with you.
  1042. >Hopefully, you can do more than just going out.
  1043. >Having a future with Flutters; wouldn't that be great?
  1044. >You close your eyes, wrapping the bedsheets over your body.
  1045. >Nothing more to do than head to sleep and hope for the best.
  1046. -----------
  1047. >Darkness.
  1048. >Never ending emptiness.
  1049. >That was the state you were in.
  1050. >Where are you?
  1051. >What is happening?
  1052. >Your eyes seem to fail at processing your whereabouts.
  1053. >All you manage to see if a singular white path at your feet, which seems to stretch out for
  1054. >An empty space where nobody dares to tread.
  1055. >Are you dreaming?
  1056. >You couldn't tell; you could only hope that was the answer.
  1057. "Hello? Anyone out there?"
  1058. >The voice echoed all around the empty space, only serving to heighten your paranoia.
  1059. >You feel alone; so hopelessly solitary.
  1060. "Anyone? Fluttershy? Twilight? Rainbow Dash? Can you hear me?"
  1061. >Nothing.
  1062. >Not a soul is present in this hell of a void.
  1063. >You call out every so often, attempting to grab the attention of something.
  1064. >Anything at all.
  1065. >You'd be satisfied with just hearing something again.
  1066. >Your eyes dart to the white path once more, studying its style of layout.
  1067. >It seemed like a single, continuous slab of some hard material.
  1068. >Where did it end?
  1069. >In the end, you wouldn't find anything unless you started walking.
  1070. >And walk you shall do; you turn towards the never ending path, beginning to take light steps towards wherever this may take you.
  1071. >It felt like minutes turn into hours with every step you take.
  1072. >Still, there was no change in what you saw.
  1073. >A white path splitting two identical black sections.
  1074. >Unsettling is an understatement.
  1075. >Down the path; another minute.
  1076. >Another hour.
  1077. >More empty space.
  1078. >Your steps seem resonate throughout the entirety of wherever you were.
  1079. >They were your only comfort in the silence that this place held.
  1080. >Your only companions.
  1081. >Your only comfort.
  1082. >Wait...
  1083. >You stop for a moment, as you take notice of something far off at the end of the white path.
  1084. >What is that?
  1085. >It seems to be... a green-colored man.
  1086. >From the looks of it, wearing a suit and tie.
  1087. >You couldn't tell very well from this distance, however.
  1088. >Another soul in this forsaken emptiness?
  1089. >You could only hope for the best.
  1090. ----------
  1091. >Your pace quickens, as you run towards this figure.
  1092. >You could see it clearer now.
  1093. >His face was devoid of feature.
  1094. >No eyes.
  1095. >No mouth.
  1096. >Just a blank slate on an elegant frame.
  1097. >What were you dealing with?
  1098. >Just a few more feet.
  1099. >Your arrival doesn't seem to perturb it in the slighest.
  1100. >It simply stays still; unmoving.
  1101. >Almost as if it's waiting.
  1102. >Waiting for what?
  1103. >Hopefully, not you.
  1104. >You stop, as you face this faceless creature.
  1105. >Might as well attempt to speak to it.
  1106. "Where am I?"
  1107. >The creature remains unmoving.
  1108. >Maybe it's not worth talking to.
  1109. >Best to ignore it and continue walking.
  1110. >You go around the thing, as you continue to proceed on your white path.
  1111. >However, you hear something.
  1112. >A chilling voice that pierces you to the bone.
  1113. >It's coming from behind; from the green-colored man.
  1114. >"Unicorn..."
  1115. >You turn around, as you jolt back in shock.
  1116. >There was no longer one figure; they had split into three identical copies.
  1117. >Each with no face.
  1118. >No mouth.
  1119. >No soul.
  1120. "What do you want from me?"
  1121. >They never answer.
  1122. >Even with no eyes, you could feel them staring deep within you.
  1123. >Deep into your mind.
  1124. >A silent judgement.
  1125. >You can't stay here; you're afraid of what might happen.
  1126. >Making great haste, you turn away from the three figures, only to find a more horrible sight still.
  1127. >The path was blocked by five creatures, all identical to the ones behind you.
  1128. >"Pegasi..."
  1129. >This can't be happening.
  1130. >It can't end like this.
  1131. >You turn towards the enveloping darkness that borders the white path.
  1132. >Nothing left to do than to run into the black.
  1133. >Away from these monsters.
  1134. >Away from their judging stares.
  1135. >Your steps plunge you into the veil of darkness, as you run through as fast as your feet could carry you.
  1136. >Maybe in the void, you'd find peace and solitude.
  1137. >Somewhere to sit and think about your escape.
  1138. >You must keep running.
  1139. >To escape this-
  1140. >SLAM!
  1141. >Please, don't let it be what you think it is...
  1142. >You look up.
  1143. >It is.
  1144. >Seven faceless figures, all standing straight and tall.
  1145. >Unmoving.
  1146. >Unyielding.
  1147. >Always judging.
  1148. >"Earth pony..."
  1149. >Oh, someone, please make it stop!
  1150. >You can't take this; you make futile attempts to get up, but only end up right back on the ground.
  1151. >This was going to be your demise.
  1152. >Spending the rest of eternity running from a seemingly infinite amount of green figures.
  1153. >You could see them draw closer.
  1154. >They weren't walking; just gravitating towards you.
  1155. >Your hands claw at the ground, attempting to get away.
  1156. >If they catch you, who knows what could happen....
  1157. >You could crawl all you want; but the figures were gaining on you.
  1158. >Silently moving.
  1159. >Ready to inflict unmentionable horrors to your person.
  1160. >You run back towards your original spot, hoping for the best.
  1161. >Unfortunately, as soon as you saw the path, you spot something that even you coudn't comprehend.
  1162. >Hundreds of green figures, in their unsettling stillness.
  1163. >All floating towards you.
  1164. >All demanding.
  1165. >All chanting.
  1166. >"Be a unicorn, Anon."
  1167. >"Turn into a pegasi, like Fluttershy."
  1168. >"Change into an earth pony!"
  1169. >Your decision was plaguing your mind more than you thought; it was too much pressure for you to handle.
  1170. >The figures have you surrounded.
  1171. >There's no way out.
  1172. >They just move closer and closer, and only Luna knows what they'll do to you.
  1173. >Wait a second.
  1174. >Luna could help you!
  1175. >With one final shout, you hope she'll hear you before you're crushed by the oncoming horde.
  1176. "Luna, please, help me!"
  1177. >And so something did save you.
  1178. >Your shout seems to have knocked over all the statues simultaneously, as their bodies hit the floor in a loud, echoing thud that resonated all across the void.
  1179. >Instantaneously, they turn into nothing more than silver dust.
  1180. >Truly, you are grateful for her aid.
  1181. >You scan around, looking for Luna amidst the darkness.
  1182. >Only you don't see Luna.
  1183. >You see one sole figure like the others.
  1184. >Only this one sports a blood red color.
  1185. >And it's walking towards you.
  1186. >What was that thing?
  1187. >This one, unlike the others, actually walks on it's own.
  1188. >It's footsteps are silent, though; like it wasn't actually touching the ground.
  1189. >The figure grows close enough for you to start taking notice at it's peculiar differences.
  1190. >For one, this one had small, almost cartoonishly sized horns on the sides of it's equally faceless head.
  1191. >It wore the same garb that all the other creatures wore; a fine, well pressed suit.
  1192. >This one was definitely different, however.
  1193. >"Good day, Anon."
  1194. >Did it just talk to you?
  1195. >With no mouth?
  1196. >You're done questioning the logic in your dreams.
  1197. "Hello. Thanks for saving me from all those things."
  1198. >"No problem. But I'm here for a much more serious matter."
  1199. >He waves his hand out in front of himself, as individual effigies of pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies appear floating before him.
  1200. >"You have a very hard decision to make. Something that will forever change your life. Have you decided?"
  1201. >You shake your head, as you look at the objects floating before you.
  1202. "I honestly have no idea which to pick. They all have their own pros and cons."
  1203. >He nods his head, as he steps back, rearing his arm back.
  1204. >Instinctively, you jump back.
  1205. >You never really know what things might happen in a dream like this.
  1206. >In one swoop, he swings his hand across the objects, shattering each one into tiny fragments.
  1207. >"All of them are a giant con, Anon. Don't kid yourself."
  1208. >A con? What does he mean by that?
  1209. >Being a pony would solve all your problems; there's no con there.
  1210. >Not to mention that it's the only way to stay in Ponyville.
  1211. >"Are you sure?"
  1212. >Did I say that aloud?
  1213. >I don't think so.
  1214. >"No, you're not crazy. I know what you're thinking, Anon. And you're wrong. There are other ways to stay in Ponyville while retaining human form."
  1215. >You shake your head in disapproval.
  1216. "Even if there were, I wouldn't take them."
  1217. >He seems to grow angry at this; it scared you a bit.
  1218. >What was this thing capable of?
  1219. >"Why? Don't be an idiot and lose your humanity, Anon! It's the one thing you should never take away!"
  1220. >Once again, you shake your head, remaining stoic in your decision.
  1221. "You can read minds. You should know why I'm doing this."
  1222. >"Fluttershy is worth shit, Anon. Your humanity is a much more valuable thing. Your fling with her might last for god knows how long, but you will always regret taking away your true self."
  1223. >How dare he talk like that about Fluttershy!
  1224. >She's stay by your side no matter what.
  1225. >Right?
  1226. >"You know she wouldn't, Anon. Relationships come and go. Just because it's a pony doesn't mean that it'll be exactly like your idealistic fantasy depicts it."
  1227. "I don't idealize Fluttershy! You don't know anything about me, you asshole!"
  1228. >His words stung like salt on a wound.
  1229. >Lies.
  1230. >All of his words were lies.
  1231. >"Oh, but I do, Anon. You should know better than to dismiss me."
  1232. "Tell it to someone who gives a shit."
  1233. >That really angered the thing; his hands were beginning to ball up into fists, as he took a deep breath.
  1234. >You decide not to ask yourself how he did that with no mouth.
  1235. >"Listen to me. Don't exchange your humanity for anything."
  1236. "Or what? You're bound to my head; you can't do shit to me."
  1237. >"You'll live to regret those words."
  1238. >You barely had time to utter a response, before a swift fist struck your chest.
  1239. >The air inside of you was swiftly knocked out of you, as you plummeted into the blank path.
  1240. >The being stood over you, his fists still clenched and ready for action.
  1241. >"Say you'll follow my words. Or else, I'll make you suffer more than you ever have in your miserable excuse of a life."
  1242. >What do you do, Anon?
  1243. >A rock and a hard place only begins to describe the predicament you've fallen into.
  1244. >You can't sacrifice a chance with Fluttershy, even if it means giving up your humanity.
  1245. >All the work you've put into trying to cultivate something with her would be for naught if you backed out at the last second.
  1246. >That settles it.
  1247. "I'll never do that."
  1248. >"Then suffer."
  1249. >And just like that, he cocked his arm back, ready to slam it into what was left of your body.
  1250. >Thankfully, you jumped out of the way in the nick of time, as his fist connected with the white path, missing you by mere inches.
  1251. >The path cracked open, but you didn't care at this point.
  1252. >You have to get away.
  1253. >Run!
  1254. >And run you did; your adrenaline surges through your body, as your feet take you as fast as they possibly can.
  1255. >You will not die by the hands of blood red humanoids!
  1256. >Hopefully, you've made some distance; you can't seem to hear him behind you.
  1257. >Maybe he's lagging behind.
  1258. >Promptly, you proceed to turn your head back, only to see nothing was chasing you.
  1259. >Did he give up?
  1260. >Were you safe from harm?
  1261. >Your pace slows down, as you stop running from whatever was chasing you.
  1262. >Was it finally over?
  1263. >The path behind you was devoid of life.
  1264. >Only the large fracture on the white path remained; a testament to the reality of this situation.
  1265. >What a relief.
  1266. >At least you could relax in this empty space for now.
  1267. >Until you figured out how to wake up, that is.
  1268. >"Anon..."
  1269. >That voice.
  1270. >How you dreaded that voice.
  1271. >It came from right behind you, that fucking thing.
  1272. >All you could do is helplessly turn around, only to find yourself face to face with that humanoid from hell.
  1273. >"I'm not leaving you, Anon. I will make you see that staying true to yourself is the only way you'll ever get anywhere in life."
  1274. >His hand shot out, grabbing your neck in a vice-like grip.
  1275. >The grip he had was tight already; you could barely breathe through your neck.
  1276. >And it was only getting tighter.
  1277. >"Even if I have to choke the answer out of you, I'll make sure you never go through with it."
  1278. >His grip got tighter; the lack of oxygen was beginning to play with your mind.
  1279. >"And so help me, if I learn you went through with it, I will make all your waking moments feel like hell on earth."
  1280. >With your last breath, you called out one last time.
  1281. "H-h-help me!"
  1282. >And someone did.
  1283. >"Anon! Wake up!"
  1284. >A blinding light began to shine on both you and the figure, as it pierced through the black.
  1285. >"Wake up! Anon, Please wake up!"
  1286. >The world around you starts to shake furiously, but the man's grip was unyielding.
  1287. >Not even the ground's might could stop his rampage.
  1288. >Another pulse of light shot through the black, but it was too late at this point.
  1289. >The figure's choke hold only grew in strength, as your grip on life started to slip.
  1290. >What a way to die.
  1291. >Being choked to death by a red horned figure.
  1292. >Was it worth it for Fluttershy?
  1293. >You could only hope.
  1294. "H-h-help me..."
  1295. >With your last utterance, you close your eyes, as your mind fades into black.
  1296. ///
  1297. >You open your eyes, as you finally reach reality.
  1298. >Fluttershy's hooves were on your shoulders, furiously shaking you.
  1299. >Her eyes are full of worry; they're right on the verge of tears.
  1300. >Upon locking eyes, she breathes out a sigh of relief, as she lets go of your shoulders.
  1301. >What in the world happened while you were dreaming, Anon?
  1302. >Fluttershy seems just as scared as you are.
  1303. >Hopefully, you didn't do anything too creepy.
  1304. >You don't want her thinking that you're fucked in the head.
  1305. >Enough of that was said back on Earth; you don't need a repeat of it.
  1306. >Regardless, you had a situation to defuse.
  1307. >You sit up in bed, as Fluttershy takes a step back to give you a little breathing room.
  1308. >"Anon, what happened? I heard a lot of mumbling and fidgeting, and I thought something was going on with you. I tried to wake you up, and, well... here we are."
  1309. >You nod, as you try to shake off the past events you've undergone.
  1310. >No use having those lingering about.
  1311. "I'm fine, Fluttershy. I just had a horrible nightmare."
  1312. >She nods understandingly, before taking a seat next to you.
  1313. >"A nightmare... It's probably because of the stress you're under, Anon. You must be really tense with all the pressure."
  1314. "I am, Fluttershy. I wish it were as easy as just picking what I want."
  1315. >"I understand."
  1316. >She leans her head on your arm, as she gives a slight yawn.
  1317. >It looks like you weren't the only one that wasn't getting any sleep.
  1318. >Speaking of which, why wasn't she in bed?
  1319. >One look out the window tells you that night is still reigning.
  1320. >A good time for snoozing.
  1321. >Looking back at Fluttershy, you notice her attempting to shake off her exhaustion.
  1322. >Better ask.
  1323. "Hey, Flutters? What are you doing up so late?"
  1324. >She shakes her head, probably to try and get the grogginess out of her eyes.
  1325. >"I can't sleep, Anon."
  1326. >Yeah, and pigs fly.
  1327. >If you left her alone, she would have probably fallen asleep by now.
  1328. >Though, that only makes you wonder what she's actually doing here.
  1329. "No, really, Fluttershy. Be serious with me. What're you doing up?"
  1330. >She chuckles, knowing she's been found out.
  1331. >"I was checking up on you, Anon. I'm... sorta scared for tomorrow night."
  1332. "You know I am too, Fluttershy."
  1333. >"I know. I can't sleep, knowing that tomorrow, everything changes."
  1334. >Your arm snakes around her waist, pulling her into a nice little side hug.
  1335. >Her pleasured squeak was enough evidence to know she enjoys your affection.
  1336. "Not everything will, Fluttershy. I'll always still be Anon at heart."
  1337. >She nods, as her wing wraps back around your own waist.
  1338. >"That's true. You'll always have that same quirky personality of yours, won't you?"
  1339. "Of course. And you know I'll still call you Flutters just as much as I always do."
  1340. >You emphasize your point by playfully bopping her nose with your fingertips, provoking a cute giggle.
  1341. >"I'm glad that won't change, Anon."
  1342. >You yawn a bit; you were just as sleepy as Fluttershy was.
  1343. >However, knowing that that thing could come back to haunt you only made you more adamant to stay up.
  1344. >"H-hey, Anon?"
  1345. "Yeah, Fluttershy?"
  1346. >Why did she get nervous all of a sudden?
  1347. >"Since none of us can fall sleep, you want to just... you know... cuddle in bed with you until we do?"
  1348. >Nobody needs to tell you twice, as you slide back in your bed, making room for the pegasus.
  1349. >With an eagerness beyond your comprehension, she slides into the space you provide, making herself comfortable.
  1350. >God, she's so warm and cuddly.
  1351. >It reminds you of a children's plush toy; meant to accompany you on those cold and lonely nights.
  1352. >You wrap your sheets around the pegasus, as your hands wrap around her small waist.
  1353. >The size difference between you two makes it awfully hard to spoon her.
  1354. >This fashion is the closest you can get; not to mention that her squeals of delight were indicative of her obvious enjoyment.
  1355. >Giving up your humanity to have a chance at moments like this?
  1356. >To spend every night in a proper embrace with your other half?
  1357. >You wouldn't think twice; no matter what that red thing says.
  1358. >Eventually, that thing would cease to exist in your mind.
  1359. >However, Fluttershy wouldn't leave your side.
  1360. >She'll always stay with you.
  1361. >You accommodate yourself with your new sleeping partner, as you begin to close your eyes.
  1362. >Hopefully, sleep would be much more peaceful this time around.
  1363. "Hey, Fluttershy?"
  1364. >"Yes, Anon?"
  1365. "Do you mind if I stay sleeping while you go get everypony for the spell? I might need a little more sleep this time around."
  1366. >Her head nods, as she nudges herself deeper into your arms.
  1367. >"Of course, Anon. I don't mind."
  1368. "Thanks; you're the best pony I could ever ask for."
  1369. >And soon, you'll be the best pony for me, too."
  1370. >Yeah...
  1371. >You would be the best pony in a few hours.
  1372. >The right pony for Fluttershy.
  1373. >For now, however, it was time to go to sleep.
  1374. >You gave Fluttershy one last kiss on the back of her neck, which made her shiver pleasantly.
  1375. >"W-what was that for, Anon?"
  1376. "For being there for me."
  1377. >One last blush from her was all you need to assure your sleep.
  1378. "I'll always be there."
  1379. >"I'm glad to hear that. Night, Anon."
  1380. "Night, Fluttershy."
  1382. >This time, sleep did well for your well being.
  1383. >Fluttershy's embrace is truly the next cure for any mental maladies.
  1384. >Your eyes slowly pop open, as you strain to push yourself awake.
  1385. >Of course, Fluttershy wasn't with you any more.
  1386. >Makes sense; she did say she was going to get the rest of the gang on board this entire fiasco.
  1387. >Might as well get up and stretch your legs a little.
  1388. >Hopping out of bed, you extend your arms as high as you can, trying to purge the sleep from your bones.
  1389. >Man, that feels good.
  1390. >Looking at your shelf, you look at the second belonging you possess.
  1391. >Right there, next to the human effigy, stood a small mechanical clock.
  1392. >Twilight had made it for you when you described its use in your world.
  1393. >It was actually a pretty damn good watch.
  1394. >However, the time was obscured by a small note stuck to its face.
  1395. >Did Fluttershy leave that there?
  1396. >Approaching the clock, you begin to make out the text on the note.
  1397. >"Anon,
  1399. >I went to go get the others. Meet us at the Tree of Harmony at seven. We'll all be there waiting for your arrival. The directions are on the back of the note if you have trouble finding it. I really hope you've decided what you're going to be.
  1401. >P.S: I've left you some food if you're hungry when you wake up. I made your favourite; a nice Caesar salad.
  1403. >Love, Fluttershy
  1404. >Below her parting words, she drew a cute little heart.
  1405. >That mare really knows how to make a man happy, that's for sure.
  1406. >It almost feels like you've already started something with her sometimes.
  1407. >You take the paper from the clock, and take a look at the time behind it.
  1408. >6:30 PM.
  1409. >Holy shit, how long were you sleeping?
  1410. >You shake the remainder of the sleep out of your eyes, as you quickly begin to dress yourself in whatever clothes you could find.
  1411. >It's time for the final step.
  1412. >Time for the spell that will forever change who you are.
  1413. >The spell that will close the gap between you and the rest of Ponyville.
  1414. >This time, sleep did well for your well being.
  1415. >Fluttershy's embrace is truly the next cure for any mental maladies.
  1416. >Your eyes slowly pop open, as you strain to push yourself awake.
  1417. >Of course, Fluttershy wasn't with you any more.
  1418. >Makes sense; she did say she was going to get the rest of the gang on board this entire fiasco.
  1419. >Might as well get up and stretch your legs a little.
  1420. >Hopping out of bed, you extend your arms as high as you can, trying to purge the sleep from your bones.
  1421. >Man, that feels good.
  1422. >Looking at your shelf, you look at the second belonging you possess.
  1423. >Right there, next to the human effigy, stood a small mechanical clock.
  1424. >Twilight had made it for you when you described its use in your world.
  1425. >It was actually a pretty damn good watch.
  1426. >However, the time was obscured by a small note stuck to its face.
  1427. >Did Fluttershy leave that there?
  1428. >Approaching the clock, you begin to make out the text on the note.
  1429. >"Anon,
  1431. >I went to go get the others. Meet us at the Tree of Harmony at seven. We'll all be there waiting for your arrival. The directions are on the back of the note if you have trouble finding it. I really hope you've decided what you're going to be.
  1433. >P.S: I've left you some food if you're hungry when you wake up. I made your favourite; a nice Caesar salad.
  1435. >Love, Fluttershy
  1436. >Below her parting words, she drew a cute little heart.
  1437. >That mare really knows how to make a man happy, that's for sure.
  1438. >It almost feels like you've already started something with her sometimes.
  1439. >You take the paper from the clock, and take a look at the time behind it.
  1440. >6:30 PM.
  1441. >Holy shit, how long were you sleeping?
  1442. >You shake the remainder of the sleep out of your eyes, as you quickly begin to dress yourself in whatever clothes you could find.
  1443. >It's time for the final step.
  1444. >Time for the spell that will forever change who you are.
  1445. >The spell that will close the gap between you and the rest of Ponyville.
  1446. >After some time eating and getting dressed, you could finally head out.
  1447. >You step out of Fluttershy's cottage, as you begin your final human walk towards the Tree of Harmony.
  1448. >As you walk, you give passing waves to all the acquaintances you've made in the past few months.
  1449. >Ponies don't look at you strangely any more.
  1450. >Instead, they smile at you just as much as they would to anyone else.
  1451. >You didn't need to be a pony to be accepted into Equestrian society.
  1452. >Acceptance was their motto; and they truly follow it to the tee.
  1453. >Derpy always gives you a big smile when she flies overhead.
  1454. >Vinyl Scratch always gives you a fist bump when she manages to spot you.
  1455. >The Cutie Mark Crusaders always run up to you and ask for a big hug, since you're one of the few things that can hold them all at once.
  1456. >You'd miss being a human, that's for sure.
  1457. >Lyra wouldn't be fascinated with your hands any more.
  1458. >Although, you kind of consider that a plus.
  1459. >You wouldn't be able to help Octavia string her bow any longer with your dexterous fingers.
  1460. >It was always refreshing to talk to her, that's for sure.
  1461. >However, you had a future ahead of you.
  1462. >There's no coming back from the rabbit hole you dove into.
  1463. >Celestia said you couldn't continue being a magical black hole.
  1464. >Together with Twilight, you two resurrected the idea of the speciation spell.
  1465. >With Discord's help, he would solidify your tranformation.
  1466. >Fluttershy would gather up the rest of the components.
  1467. >All your eggs were in this one basket; you only hope they don't break.
  1468. >Your feet begin to approach the edge of Ponyville, as you take a look at the map.
  1469. >Wait a second...
  1470. >The Tree of Harmony isn't this way.
  1471. >It's in the Everfree forest.
  1472. >And you just went the opposite way.
  1473. >Fuck.
  1474. >You should really get into the habit of reading the map before you start walking in a random direction.
  1475. >You turn around on your heel, as you dash off towards the Everfree forest.
  1476. >Hopefully, you're not too late as it is.
  1477. >"Anon! Where have you been?!"
  1478. >An annoyed Twilight stamps her foot, as she stands in front of the Tree of Harmony.
  1479. >Her friends flanked her sides; Fluttershy and Rarity on the left, and the rest of the lot on the right.
  1480. >"Oh, Twilight, Nonny's fine! He was just off by a few minutes, that's all! It can happen to anypony!"
  1481. "Thanks, Pinkie."
  1482. >You look around the room; even Discord was here.
  1483. >Discord was laying on one of the cave's walls, trying his best to create lewd sculptures.
  1484. "The important thing is that I'm here, Twilight."
  1485. >Twilight nods, as she urges you to come forward with her hoof.
  1486. >"Before we start, I need to make sure that everyone agrees with this. Altering the Tree of Harmony is no laughing matter. I will ask each of you one by one, and I want you all to be completely honest with me."
  1487. >They nod in unison, before Twilight turns to her right.
  1488. >"First off, Pinkie. Do you agree with Anon's transformation?"
  1489. >"Of course! Can you imagine what Nonny would be like as a pony? Think of the parties! The thrills! The more the merrier, like my gram-gram always said! Speaking of which-"
  1490. >"That's enough, Pinkie."
  1491. >Pinkie zips up her mouth, as she turns towards the next in line; Applejack.
  1492. >"Applejack; Do you agree with Anon's transformation?"
  1493. >"Well, shucks, Twilight. You should know the answer to that. Anon's a respectable guy; I sure don't see why not."
  1494. >Twilight nods, as she turns to Rainbow Dash.
  1495. >"Rainbow Dash; Do you-"
  1496. >"Yeah, yeah, I'm cool with it."
  1497. >Twilight isn't even fazed by her blatant interruption.
  1498. >It's Rainbow Dash being Rainbow Dash, anyway.
  1499. >Twilight turns to Fluttershy, as she chuckles softly.
  1500. >"I don't need to ask you, do I?"
  1501. >Fluttershy's cheeks redden a bit, as she nods in agreement.
  1502. >Finally, Twilight turns to Rarity; the last remaining pony.
  1503. >"Rarity; do you agree with Anon's transformation?"
  1504. >The white pony places her hoof on her chin, as if mulling it over intensely.
  1505. >What could she be thinking?
  1506. >"Anon, darling..."
  1507. >Oh, no, she's using that forgiving tone.
  1508. >"I thought about it for oh-so-long now, and this was not an easy decision to make, I assure you."
  1509. >You could see your future beginning to crumble.
  1510. >Fuck you, Rarity.
  1511. >With the wide end of a Minotaur's dick.
  1512. >Don't do this.
  1513. >She cracks a smile, as she turns towards Twilight.
  1514. >"Just kidding; I just wanted to tease Anon~. I'm in agreement."
  1515. >Phew; that's a relief.
  1516. >You'll have to get back at Rarity later for that.
  1517. >Maybe with a little pony creativity.
  1518. >Now's not the time, though. It seems that all the pieces are set in place.
  1519. >Twilight turns her head back towards you, as she gives a smile.
  1520. >"Well, Anon. It seems that all your friends want to keep you here. I'm glad to see that you're a wanted person here in Ponyville."
  1521. "You and me both, Twilight."
  1522. >A little tear escaped your eye, as the feeling of true acceptance washes over you.
  1523. >Finally; a place where you belong.
  1524. >A place where you don't have to be judged for your thoughts, quirks or anything at all.
  1525. >Instead, friendship reigns.
  1526. "I want to thank each one of you, personally. I feel that each of you has helped me in some way or form to adjust myself here."
  1527. >Pinkie's up first.
  1528. "Pinkie; when we first met, you didn't react like most ponies did. You made me feel right at peace when everybody else was scared of what I was. That cupcake you gave me as a welcoming gift was one of the sweetest things I've ever had; both literally and figuratively. I hope that someday, I will be able to throw you a party for once."
  1529. >You didn't even know Pinkie could blush; you figured the pink cheeks would conceal it.
  1530. >"Nonny, you're too kind! You were an awesome person when I met you, and now you're going to be an awesome pony friend! Just know that there's a welcome-to-ponyville-as-a-pony party waiting for you when this is all over!"
  1531. "I wouldn't expect anything less, Pinkie."
  1532. >Pinkie gave a big smile, as she jumps out at you, giving you a big, Pinkie-style bear hug.
  1533. >She smells of a just-baked vanilla cake.
  1534. >"Pinkie, let him finish. I'm sure he's got more to say."
  1535. >You nod to Twilight, thanking her silently.
  1536. >"Alright, Twilight. Next!"
  1537. >She lets go of you, as she trots back into her last position.
  1538. >Next pony; Applejack.
  1539. "Applejack; I've never seen so many apple-related dishes in my life before I met you."
  1540. >Applejack gives a slight chortle, as she flips her hair back.
  1541. >"Ya' ate 'em all, too."
  1542. "Yeah, that's for sure. But I'm not here to talk about your culinary ability. I'm here to talk about your willingness to help me make a living here in Ponyville."
  1543. >You clear your throat, as you prepare yourself to speak.
  1544. "When I arrived here, I had no job or anything to live off. I felt horrible mooching off other ponies to sustain my own lifestyle."
  1545. >A smile crept across my lips, as I remembered Applejack's kind gestures.
  1546. "Then you came along and offered me my first job; apple inspection. Sure, it wasn't elegant, but it sure helped get me off my feet."
  1547. >"Aw, shucks, Anon. I couldn't just leave you out there. It was the honourable thing to do."
  1548. "And I thank you, Applejack."
  1549. >She tips her hat in respect, as you move on to the next pony.
  1550. >Rainbow Dash.
  1551. >She notices the fact that she's next, and straightens up a bit.
  1552. "I don't have to tell you how awesome you've been to me, do I?"
  1553. >Rainbow Dash laughs a bit, as she smiles back.
  1554. >"It's always nice to hear it again."
  1555. >And now you're chuckling.
  1556. >Good old Rainbow Dash.
  1557. "Well, you've certainly kept me in tip-top shape, that's for sure. I'm in one of the best shapes of my life thanks to you."
  1558. >Dash gave an approving nod, as she took flight, getting up in your face.
  1559. >"And you'll stay that way when you're a pony; just because you're going to be a pony tomorrow doesn't mean that you can skip out on exercise!"
  1560. "Same time, same place?"
  1561. >Another nod.
  1562. >Another smile.
  1563. >You turn towards Twilight; the princess of friendship.
  1564. "You know, Twilight? The title you've been given is truly befitting of a pony such as yourself."
  1565. >Twilight nods, as a smile begins to creep onto her face.
  1566. >Not even royalty can resist smiling at uncontrolled amounts of praise.
  1567. "I still remember how we met; it was quite... a revealing scenario."
  1568. >Fluttershy seems to perk up at these words.
  1569. >Suddenly, you felt it wasn't such a good idea to bring that up.
  1570. >"You know all I did was for scientific purposes. You're a creature that's pretty unknown around these parts. I simply had to know more about you. Is that so wrong?"
  1571. "I guess now, Twilight. But I'm not here to talk about your questionable scientific methods."
  1572. >Fluttershy still seems to be staring daggers into Twilight.
  1573. >Obviously, she wasn't aware of what happened.
  1574. >However, that's a story for another time!
  1575. "I'm here to talk about how amazed I am with your acceptance of all this. I honestly thought that you'd refuse to go through with all this."
  1576. >Your grin remains constant, as you watch her fidget at all the praise.
  1577. "You proved me wrong, however. You're just as willing to do this for the sake of Ponyville as you are for anything else. A true princess knows how to take care of her subjects above all. I'm glad you haven't lost that."
  1578. >She nods, acknowledging your compliments.
  1579. >"I would do anything so that Equestria can grow and prosper further. This spell will hopefully do just that."
  1580. >It's strange; it feels like she's doing this more for the kingdom and her learning, rather than for your permanence in this world.
  1581. >At this point, you don't really care, to be honest.
  1582. >You're just happy she's following through.
  1583. "I'm sure it will. Won't it be a surprise for the other princesses when you show them this spell."
  1584. >"Oh, Anon, it won't be a surprise. They know about this."
  1585. >A look of surprise washes over your face.
  1586. >Well, that was unexpected.
  1587. "You told them about this, Twilight?"
  1588. >"Well, duh. Do you really think I'd hide something this big from them?"
  1589. >She makes a point; transforming a human into a pony isn't to be taken lightly.
  1590. "Did they agree to this?"
  1591. >Twilight giggles nervously, as she rubs her hoof against the back of her head.
  1592. >That doesn't seem like good news.
  1593. >"Eheheh... I don't know yet. They haven't answered."
  1594. >Just what you need; more uncertainty.
  1595. >This seriously throws a wrench in the gears.
  1596. >Twilight and the others were your friends, but the princesses were much more unbiased about helping you.
  1597. >Convincing them would be no laughing matter.
  1598. >At least you knew Twilight's love for learning, which really gave you an edge.
  1599. >However, Celestia and Luna would be pretty tough cookies to crack.
  1600. >You take a deep breath, trying to process these news in your head.
  1601. "Twilight. When will they make their decision?"
  1602. >Twilight points behind you, as she extends her head in the same direction.
  1603. >She's squinting her eyes, trying to make something out.
  1604. >"By the looks of it, that's them. So I guess they'll tell us in person."
  1605. >You turn around, looking into the forest behind the entrance to the Tree of Harmony.
  1606. >Sure enough, you could see the two regal figures emerge from the darkness.
  1607. >Not like it was hard to do so, with Celestia's eternally flowing mane.
  1608. >It seems they were discussing amongst themselves; rather loudly, at that.
  1609. >"...the speciation spell was denied once; what gives Anon the right to get our blessing?"
  1610. >"Your point is quite feasible, Luna. However, what's the harm in trying?"
  1611. >"Dost thou believe that Anon is more worthy of transformation than Scorpan?"
  1612. >"You know Scorpan refused to try that spell because of the risks involved."
  1613. >"Nonetheless, it does not reduce the risk of this spell. Thou are playing with fire, sister."
  1614. >Their conversation ceases, as they enter the cave.
  1615. >An air of finality fills the room, chilling you to the core.
  1616. >It all lies on them to give the final approval.
  1618. >Celestia and Luna are now preside over this ceremony, as you seem to find yourself in a very interesting bind.
  1619. >Your fate was now up to the great leaders of Equestria.
  1620. >In a show of respect, you bow to them; the rest of the ponies follow suit.
  1621. >Better to be in their favor for when their decision comes.
  1622. >The princesses smile, acknowledging your courtesy with a nod of their head.
  1623. >"Anon; you realize that we're very uncertain about this entire thing, correct?"
  1624. >You nod, as you prepare your mind for another argument.
  1625. >Convincing both Celestia and Luna wouldn't be an easy task.
  1626. >Between then, they have over 1000 years of wisdom.
  1627. >Not to mention they actually went through Scorpan and Starswirl personally.
  1628. >They must know the whole story.
  1629. >You clear your throat, as you prepare yourself.
  1630. "I realize what I'm doing, princesses. I understand the risks of what I'm understating."
  1631. >Luna's head shakes vehemently at this statement, as she locks eyes with your own.
  1632. >A doubting gaze is plastered across her face, but you don't allow it to break you down.
  1633. >"Thou are not aware of the reasoning why this spell has never been done."
  1634. >It's your turn to shake your head in disbelief.
  1635. "I'm plenty aware that Scorpan refused to do this spell, even if he didn't have the resources for it."
  1636. >Luna nods, in a show of respect. However, her expression doesn't falter.
  1637. >"You only believe you're aware of the entire picture, Anonymous. However, you should already know we were present for this ritual. We know a lot more about the situation than you do."
  1638. >This was definitely coming up; even Twilight was starting to perk up.
  1639. >Information on what actually happened straight from the horse's mouth.
  1640. >Literally.
  1641. >Twilight interjects for a moment, offering a very true statement.
  1642. >"Are you saying my books are incorrect, Princess Luna?"
  1643. >Luna shakes her head, as she momentarily focuses her attention on the purple alicorn.
  1644. >"It's not wrong; just simplified."
  1645. ---
  1646. >"Scorpen, as you already know, attempted to turn into a pony a millenia ago. However, Scorpan refused to attempt it, due to the risks involved and due to the fact that the energy wasn't available. This you should already know by your research, Anonymous."
  1647. >You nod; that was pretty much what the book said.
  1648. >Luna clears her throat a bit, before continuing.
  1649. >"However, we had already done some tests of our own. Both I and Celestia attempted the speciation spell a long time ago. However, the results were startling."
  1650. "What had you done, princess?"
  1651. >Celestia steps in, cutting off her sister for a moment.
  1652. >"Perhaps it is best I speak of this section, seeing as I was the one in charge of supervising that portion of the test."
  1653. >Luna nods, stepping back to allow her older sister to continue.
  1654. >"Anon; this spell underwent some use before. Before we even thought of Scorpan, we thought it would serve as a good way to turn parasprites and other pests into more worthwhile creatures."
  1655. >It figures they'd have the same mentality as Twilight; rulers wanting to make their kingdom better for everyone.
  1656. >It's actually very noble.
  1657. >"However, that plan only worked for a very short time. We transformed parasprites into various woodland critters, hoping they would live among us in harmony. That proved not to be the case."
  1658. "Then what did happen, Celestia?"
  1659. >Discovering more side effects would certainly be useful for your impending transformation.
  1660. >Hopefully, they aren't too drastic.
  1661. >"A few days after we cast the speciation spell on the parasprites, we started seeing strange incidents in the woods. Gruesome incidents."
  1662. >You tense up; something tells you that the real story is a lot more depressing.
  1663. >"We followed some of the transformed parasprites into the woods. Interestingly enough, even as different creatures, they exhibited the same actions parasprites would."
  1664. >Celestia's head droops, as she attempts to recollect her thoughts.
  1665. >Looks like this is going to be bad news.
  1666. >"I saw bunnies splattered onto the ground, all because the parasprites still thought they had wings. Beavers developed insatiable appetites for anything around them, like a parasprite would normally do."
  1667. >Celestia raises her head, now focusing on Twilight and the others.
  1668. >"The worst cases attempted to reconstruct their bodies into their original forms, with the help of handmade tools. As you can imagine, this had very gory results."
  1669. >Fluttershy seems to cringe at the thought of her woodland creatures going through such things; her face said it all.
  1670. >The rest of the gang was just as appalled by the imagery Celestia projected.
  1671. >This wasn't looking good.
  1672. >Luna takes notice of this, and steps forward to stop her sister.
  1673. "My dear sister; let me finish. Thy words are harsh and dreadful."
  1674. >Celestia nods, as she stops herself from continuing.
  1675. >"What my brethren is trying to say, Anonymous, is that things like this might happen to you. Or worse, seeing that your mind is much more complex than any woodland creature."
  1676. >Luna steps towards the six ponies, as she now refers to Twilight.
  1677. >"Twilight; doing this spell might cause Anon to exhibit these side effects. I will not impede you from attempting this. However, we feel that it is best that you know exactly what you're attempting."
  1678. >Her expression was a mixture of disgust and confusion; it mimicked most of the other ponies, with the exception of Fluttershy.
  1679. >Fluttershy had curled up into fetal position.
  1680. >Probably scarred by the mental images, that's for sure.
  1681. >However, that wasn't the worst part.
  1682. >The worst part of it all was that you couldn't argue with fact.
  1683. >Everything that the princesses spoke of was experienced first-hand. There's no inch of doubt in their words.
  1684. >Twilight knows this too; indecision was creeping in once more into her mind.
  1685. >The fear of a failure, or a mishap, or anything else that could go wrong.
  1686. >At this point, you were helpless.
  1687. >All you can do is wait.
  1688. >Eventually, Twilight spoke up, with a hint of confusion in her voice.
  1689. >"Anon; in light of this new information, do you really think this is the only way to do this?"
  1690. >Might as well have asked if the sky was blue.
  1691. "I believe the benefit involved outweighs any risks we might take."
  1692. >Twilight wasn't convinced of your argument, as evidenced by her unchanging face of fear.
  1693. >Hell, none of the ponies were convinced.
  1694. >Applejack was the first one to speak up; fitting, seeing as she was the element of honesty.
  1695. >"Sugarcube, don't ya' think that goin' through all this trouble just isn't worth it? Ah mean, going bonkers isn't a good thing."
  1696. "I'm sure nothing like that is going to happen."
  1697. >Rarity spoke up next; you were losing ground fast
  1698. >"Darling, anything would happen. However, if the sisters themselves think it's too risky, then heeding their warnings would be best, don't you think?"
  1699. "No, Rarity! You don't realize how hard me and Twilight have worked to get to this point! This needs to happen!"
  1700. >"Whoa, whoa, whoa; this doesn't NEED to happen, Anon. This is only happening for your benefit, not ours!"
  1701. >There's Rainbow Dash and her blunt, unforgiving opinions.
  1702. >Wrong opinions, that is.
  1703. "That's not true, Rainbow Dash! This would benefit all of us, not just me!"
  1704. >You turn to Twilight, hoping that she was still on your side.
  1705. "You agree with me, right, Twilight? The opportunity? The chance to learn? The possibility of learning a spell that has almost never been done? For a better Ponyville?"
  1706. >Just as you feared, she also chooses to heed the warnings of Celestia and Luna.
  1707. >"Anon; even you have to admit they make a good point. Maybe you should head back home; I'm sure you can find happiness there again."
  1708. >No.
  1709. >You can't head home.
  1710. >Going back into that grey, monotonous life you had was never on the table.
  1711. >Living wouldn't be an option if you return.
  1712. >After all, who would want to live after being kicked out of heaven?
  1713. ---
  1714. >It simply wasn't feasible.
  1715. >You look over at one of the two ponies who hasn't voiced her opinion on the matter.
  1716. >Pinkie's face is just as unsettling; a face that's unsure and pained in her thoughts.
  1717. >Inside, you wish she still had a little cheer to keep you calm.
  1718. >That was gone for now, however.
  1719. >The pressure on her was quite strong, seeing that she was the only one left capable of defending you at the moment.
  1720. >Fluttershy was still curled up on the floor, trying to push out the thought of gored animals.
  1721. >Honestly, you don't blame her.
  1722. >However, maybe Pinkie might be able to give you the necessary support so you could start an argument.
  1723. >Nothing left to do but ask.
  1724. "Pinkie; what do you think about all this?"
  1725. >Her attention shifts to you, as she shakes her head solemnly.
  1726. >"Nonny. You're a great friend, and you make me smile every-time you're around."
  1727. >She looks up at your eyes, as her expression doesn't change.
  1728. >"But sometimes a friend needs to take one for the team. Maybe this is you taking one for all of Equestria, Anon."
  1729. >At that moment, your heart drops.
  1730. >Five of the six ponies had changed their minds, based on the words of their rulers; Celestia and Luna.
  1731. >Even the sisters themselves were somewhat against the procedure.
  1732. >There's no use arguing with them, either; they know things you couldn't possibly comprehend.
  1733. >No better evidence than first-hand experience.
  1734. >You pause for a moment, attempting to keep yourself from showing emotion.
  1735. >However, the silence is broken, by Luna this time.
  1736. >"If there is no counterargument, then Anon shall be transported back when the sun rises. There is no point keeping him here another day if he'll simply drain more magic with every passing second."
  1737. >Luna steps forward, taking the reins from her older sister to finish sealing the rest of your hope in a place where nobody could find it.
  1738. >"Those who want to object at this time, the floor is now yours."
  1739. --------
  1740. >But there were no objections.
  1741. >The only sound that could be heard was the soft, paced breaths of the beings already present.
  1742. >Even Discord had stopped making lewd illustrations to listen to the conversation.
  1743. >Maybe he could help.
  1744. >At this point, what choice did you have?
  1745. "Discord... What do you think?"
  1746. >He simply shook his head, pointing to the princesses.
  1747. >"If it were by me, we would have had you transformed a long time ago. However, as wild as I may be, this is not my domain."
  1748. >Even Discord was being serious about this.
  1749. "What do you mean, this isn't your domain? You're helping us cast the spell!"
  1750. >He nods, acknowledging your statement.
  1751. >"That's true, Anon. However, I must side with the princesses, even if it may pain me to do so."
  1752. "This isn't like you, Discord! You do your own thing! Since when have you had qualms with going against Celestia and Luna?"
  1753. >Discord gave a loud sigh, as he turns to the duo.
  1754. >"My powers come from chaos, Anon. I'm unaffected by your magical black hole. Only innocent ponies are suffering from your malady. I'm not a victim, so I shouldn't even be participating in this discussion."
  1755. >The conversation you had with Twilight sprang to mind; she had mentioned that Discord's powers aren't like powers in ponies.
  1756. >It was true; he couldn't help you.
  1757. >Nobody would help you at this point.
  1758. >The words of the princesses had turned everyone back into non-believers, slapping them back into the grim reality of the entire situation.
  1759. >Was there really nobody who would stand up for you?
  1760. >Nobody at all?
  1761. >Luna takes one last look around, scanning for anybody else that might present a case.
  1762. >"If nobody will present a case, then I shall have no choice but to declare this ritual to be cancelled."
  1763. >No answer.
  1764. >"So be it."
  1765. >She raises her hoof, to point at the six ponies that had aligned themselves next to each other.
  1766. >"Then by the power invested in me, as one of the Princesses of Equestria, I declare that Anon shall-"
  1767. >"No."
  1771. >Please, tell me that was who you thought it was.
  1772. >The ponies all swung their heads towards the source of the sound.
  1773. >At this point, there was only one pony who hadn't voiced her opinion.
  1774. >One yellow pony with a love burning deep in her heart.
  1775. >Not just a love for fauna, but for Anon.
  1776. >"That's it! I have heard just about enough of all your arguments and lashes towards the one person who's been our friend ever since we got here!"
  1777. >Fluttershy stood up, with a renewed sense of purpose in the debate.
  1778. >To help Anon get the only thing he really wants right now.
  1779. >To save him.
  1780. >"How could you all desert him at a time like this!? Anon has been at our sides every step of the way, just like any friend would!"
  1781. >Her eyes burned with passion; her movement, fierce and charged with energy.
  1782. >She turns to Twilight; the leader of the group.
  1783. >"Anon's always helping you with your studies! He's helped you further your knowledge in so many things, and this is how you'd think of repaying him? By sending him back to the cold cruel world he comes from?"
  1784. >She shakes her head, as Twilight's mouth almost straight off her jaw.
  1785. >Was this really the shy pony everyone knew?
  1786. >"Not to mention that all this was preplanned! We had known all about these risks ever since the start, regardless of how gross or dangerous it was!"
  1787. >She steps back, to address all of the ponies at once.
  1788. >Even you could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins.
  1789. >She was being strong for your sake.
  1790. >Like a lover would.
  1791. >"I am deeply disappointed in all of you! There is nobody here who hasn't had help from Anon! And I mean it!"
  1792. >She takes flight, as she presses herself angrily into Rainbow Dash's face, causing her to jump back.
  1793. >"If it wasn't for Anon, you wouldn't have a training partner, now would you?"
  1794. >She backs off, as she hovers back down.
  1795. >"I don't know about you, but that's not the Element of Loyalty."
  1796. >Rainbow's expression said it all; a mix of guilt, shock and awe.
  1797. >"And I'm only just getting started."
  1801. >Her sights switched, right towards the white mare who was just a surprised as everyone else.
  1802. >"Rarity, I honestly expected more from you!"
  1803. >Rarity flinches, as she prepares for a verbal barrage.
  1804. >"D-dear, It's the righ-"
  1805. >"Don't you 'dear' me, sister! A few minutes ago, you teased Anon just enough to make him lose a little bit of hope! What kind of friend even does that!?"
  1806. >That shut the white mare right up, as her head droops down.
  1807. >"Anon's been nothing but a gentleman to you! He's posed for you so much, you might as well call him your mannequin! And what do you want to give him in return, Rarity?"
  1808. >The yellow mare stamps her hoof, as she presses her face straight into Rarity's, as Rarity gasps a bit.
  1809. >"He gets nothing more than the boot from Ponyville. Adiós. Sayonara. Not even a little parting gift before you send him back to the cold world he used to live in!"
  1810. >"B-but Flutt-"
  1811. >"No buts, Rarity! What you did is inexcusable, especially for a mare like you!"
  1812. >Rarity attempts to open up the gap between herself and the yellow mare, but Fluttershy quickly closes it once more, her passion now turning into pent-up anger.
  1813. >"If you're going to be the element of generosity, then at least play the part!"
  1814. >She steps back, as she opens up the space once more.
  1815. >Fluttershy takes a deep breath, as Rarity drops her head in shame.
  1816. >"Think about what you've done, now. Think about what it means to send him back."
  1817. >Once again, Fluttershy step back, to choose a new target for her unchecked rage.
  1818. >It doesn't take long to find the next pony.
  1819. >There was one pony who should have defended him over everybody else.
  1820. >Someone who's name is synonymous with the bonds ponies share when they like each other.
  1821. >A princess who embodies the very essence of camaraderie.
  1822. >"Twilight; you're the princess of friendship, so you should know exactly the decision you're making! Yet, I don't see any friendship magic in this at all!"
  1826. >Twilight jumps a bit, not expecting to be the target of Fluttershy's rage.
  1827. >"Fluttershy, it's for the good of the k-"
  1828. >"Oh, sure, that's how YOU see it! Now that you're a princess, any friend besides the six elements doesn't matter any more! It's all now for 'the good of the kingdom', because that's all you're caring about right now!"
  1829. >The purple alicorn stands still, as she gives her best attempts to keep a stoic appearance against her onslaught.
  1830. >"You heard what happened to those poor animals. Do you really want something like that to happen to Anon?"
  1831. >For a moment, the yellow mare is silenced.
  1832. >Twilight's comment seems to snap her out of her rage, as her eyes begin watering a bit at the thought of losing Anon.
  1833. >She takes this opportunity to counter-attack with her reasoning.
  1834. >"Anon is important to all of us. We never said the opposite. We simply can't find another way than to send him back."
  1835. >Fluttershy's eyes close momentarily, as a tear slides down her cheek, glinting off the soft glow of the Tree of Harmony.
  1836. >Almost in an instant, she snaps them open.
  1837. >The passion in her eyes has returned, and it's ready for a second round.
  1838. >"There is a way to send him back! We've all accepted the risks a few minutes before! The only difference now is that we have a little more detail on what they are!"
  1839. >However, you could see her serious façade start to loosen up a little, giving way to a tinge of shame.
  1840. >"It's true; the side effects might be horrible. But this is our only hope, Twilight. I don't need to tell you how bad Anon had it back on Earth."
  1841. >Twilight shakes her head, as she tries her best to maintain eye contact.
  1842. >"You don't need to tell me what it was like."
  1843. >"So what kind of friend would you be if you send him back there, knowing full well what it was like?"
  1844. >Twilight's head finally drops, as an admission of defeat.
  1845. >"Now, this is a moment where you can prove me wrong. Show me your title means something. Show me the Princess of Friendship."
  1848. >Twilight nods, even though her gaze remains fixated on the ground.
  1849. >Fluttershy's passion begins to fade, as she takes another deep breath in an attempt to calm herself.
  1850. >She steps back, addressing everyone in a much nicer tone.
  1851. >"The truth is, I feel we're being unfair towards Anon. It's not his fault he's sucking up the magic, nor is it our fault for wanting to protect Equestria."
  1852. >She walks over to you, as she lays a hand on your own.
  1853. >Her hoof seems to grip your fingers with certainty; a confidence that you've yet to see from her.
  1854. >"Anon's a person who got that second chance in life that we all wish we could have. Who are we to tell him that he can't do it?"
  1855. >At this point, you realize that the faces of the remaining ponies have finally changed into something pleasant to see.
  1856. >Glowing expressions of inspiration had reached every single one of these mares.
  1857. >They had lost their way for a moment; but Fluttershy had brought them right back.
  1858. >All of them were here to help you stay.
  1859. >So you could live a happy life.
  1860. >A life worth living.
  1861. >You can't begin to comprehend the amount of gratitude that you owe Fluttershy.
  1862. >It's exactly like Discord said at the tea party.
  1863. >She's your knight in shining armor, coming to save you from certain despair.
  1864. >Even though he was joking, that's exactly how you felt right now.
  1865. >She had vanquished the dragon of mental confusion, and saved you from certain defeat.
  1866. >You could only hope that someday, you'd be able to repay her.
  1867. >She clears her throat, as she finally seems to calm down completely.
  1868. >"I know I was harsh, and I'm sorry if I hurt any of your feelings. But sometimes, you have to stick up for someone that means a lot to you."
  1869. >The ponies nod, understanding her reasoning.
  1870. >Even Celestia and Luna were impressed, judging by their own expressions.
  1871. >"I just had to make you see that Anon is loved by everyone in Ponyville."
  1872. >Her face reddens, but her brave face remains, as she delivers her closing line.
  1873. >"Especially me."
  1874. >Fluttershy sidles up against you, as you feel her warm fur pressing against your leg.
  1875. >It was a nice feeling to have people who care for you, that's for sure.
  1876. >Luna clears her throat, as she moves in to try and take control.
  1877. >"In spite of current opinions, I will allow you to ask once again if you still wish to undergo through this procedure, in spite of our warnings."
  1878. >It didn't take a rocket scientist to know what their answer would end up being.
  1879. >Almost as if in sync, the six ponies nod their heads in agreement.
  1880. >"Then it is settled. We shall preside over the ceremony, just in case something goes awry. One can never be too careful."
  1881. >Twilight nods gratefully, as she steps forward towards you and Fluttershy.
  1882. >"As cute as you two seem, you still need to be with us for this to work, Fluttershy."
  1883. >She gasps, a little embarrassed to show this much affection to Anon.
  1884. >Quickly, she makes her way back to the line of ponies who would aid in your escape.
  1885. >It was time.
  1886. >All this work led up to your final transformation.
  1887. >That light at the end of the tunnel.
  1888. >Nothing else could stop it; everything that had gone wrong did.
  1889. >Murphy's law is truly universal; not even ponies can escape it's clutches.
  1890. >Twilight turns towards Discord,who wasn't really paying attention.
  1891. >"Discord, we need you!"
  1892. >He gives a big sigh, obviously relieved to finally be doing something.
  1893. >"Are we finally done with all this raging and exposition? I could have been imprisoned in stone for another thousand years and I still would have been early for this to happen!"
  1894. >"That's not the point, and you know it, Discord. I just need you to get near Anon."
  1895. >He nods, as he places himself opposite to the six ponies.
  1896. >"Let's just get this over with and turn Anon into a pony already."
  1897. >"Which reminds me, Anon. What kind of pony are you going to be?"
  1898. >Through all the arguing, you had been weighing everything out.
  1899. >You knew what you wanted to be.
  1900. "I'd like to be a Unicorn."
  1901. >Twilight nods, understanding what you're asking for.
  1902. >However, she puts on a sly grin rather quickly.
  1903. >"You'll have to train with me and Rarity on how to handle those powers, you know. We must find out your full potential as quickly as possible."
  1904. >You nod, knowing full well this was probably coming.
  1905. >Though, you wonder why finding your cutie mark is so important.
  1906. >Best to find out later.
  1907. "I understand. Let's just do this spell; we'll discuss the finer details later."
  1908. >Your impatience was quite apparent to Twilight, as she gives one final check to everyone's position.
  1909. >"Alright, Anon. I need you to keep completely still. This spell has never done this spell before, so I have no idea what will happen."
  1910. "That's fine. I'll stay still. Just do your things."
  1911. >Finally, she turns to the ponies beside her, as she finally explains the procedure.
  1912. >"Alright, girls. I'm going to open up the Tree of Harmony and extract the elements from it for a brief moment. We will use them to assign Anon a position at the Tree of Harmony."
  1913. >Quickly, Twilight is met with surprised gasps; not only from the ponies, but from you as well.
  1914. >Assign a position?
  1915. >At the Tree of Harmony?
  1916. >That's quite an interesting way of assigning magic, that's for sure.
  1917. >You don't know how any of this works though; you'll simply have to trust in her judgement.
  1918. >However, Rarity is a bit more inquisitive than you are.
  1919. >"Dearie; does that mean Anon will become an Element of Harmony?"
  1920. >"Yes, Rarity. Though we won't know what element he'll be, or what cutie mark he'll develop. That's something that we'll find out while we train him."
  1921. >A sudden moment of clarity overtakes Rarity, as she nods understandingly.
  1922. >"Thank you for clearing that up, Twilight."
  1923. >"No problem, Rarity. Now, get ready. I'm going to grab the elements of harmony for you all."
  1924. >They nod, as Twilight steps out towards the tree, facing the star emblazoned in it's crystal trunk.
  1925. >Her horn begins glowing, as a single ray of magic begins extending towards the marking on the tree.
  1926. >Her magic glows ominously, as it begins to reach the mark itself.
  1927. >Once the magic reaches the symbol, the tree lights up in a gorgeous royal blue, filling the cave with an almost holy light.
  1928. >Creaking could be heard from inside the tree; almost as if it's reacting to her magic.
  1929. >Magic is truly a wonderful thing.
  1930. >Who knows what you'll be able to do with the proper training?
  1931. >Your thought was cut short, as a grinding sound snaps you out of your own thoughts.
  1932. >The star-shaped symbol seems to be opening!
  1933. >You could make out a purple-colored jewel in it's center.
  1934. >It was shaped like a star; eerily similar to Twilight's cutie mark.
  1935. >Was this one of the elements?
  1936. >Soon enough, Twilight's purple magical aura surrounds the jewel, as she begins pulling it out of it's resting place.
  1937. >As soon as it's dislodged, bright blue lines shoot out from the center of the tree, each leading to one of the five colored jewels on the ends of each branch.
  1938. >Almost instantaneously, these branches open up a bit, allowing access to the jewels contained within.
  1939. >Were those the rest of the elements?
  1940. >Each jewel had a resemblance to the cutie marks of the other five ponies involved in this spell.
  1941. >The workmanship in the carvings is awe-inspiring; truly a work of functional art.
  1942. >Soon enough, Twilight's aura envelops all the crystals, as she extracts them from the tree simultaneously.
  1943. >Each of the jewels floats towards it's respective owner, as each of them take the jewel in their hooves.
  1944. >Twilight herself keeps her element nearby, as she turns back towards Discord.
  1945. >"Discord; remember the jewel I gave you to hold? I need it."
  1946. >Discord nods, as he quickly produces a blood-colored jewel from who knows where.
  1947. >Would this be the jewel that represents your element?
  1948. >Is this what would grant you the power to be one of them?
  1949. >To be one of the Mane 6?
  1950. >Twilight, using her magic, suspends the crystal above your head.
  1951. >"Anon. It's almost time for this to begin. This is the last chance you have to turn back."
  1952. >Even though you've heard the question so many times, it' always a valid inquiry.
  1953. >However, you know what you want.
  1954. >Fluttershy had bravely stood up to the princesses themselves for your sake.
  1955. >Twilight was putting her reputation on the line for your happiness.
  1956. >Everyone was risking something for you here.
  1957. >Things that true friends would do.
  1958. "There is nothing I would enjoy more than to stay here for the rest of my days, Twilight. Do what you need to do."
  1959. >You take a deep breath, as you take one last look at your hands.
  1960. >Soon, they would be gone; all of your body would change to something completely different.
  1961. >Toes and fingers would be replaced by hooves and manes.
  1962. >Opposable thumbs would be pushed out, in favor of a magical horn that gives you magical power.
  1963. >Who would have thought you'd ever get here?
  1964. >Certainly not you, that's for sure.
  1965. >Regardless, you choose to face your imminent change with as much grace as possible.
  1966. >You straighten yourself up as much as you can, as you face Twilight and your friends.
  1967. >Your faith in them will not be in vain.
  1968. >"Alright, Anon. Let's do this."
  1969. >She looks to her sides, as the other ponies look back at her.
  1970. >"Everypony; I need you to focus your elements on that crystal hanging above Anon. Use them to charge it up with as much power as you can."
  1971. >The ponies all respond in unison, as they each hold their element close to their bodies.
  1972. >"Right!"
  1973. >Twilight's head turns back to Discord, as he waits for her command.
  1974. >"Discord; I need you to use your shape shifting powers to kick start the transformation. Use as much as you can to turn Anon into a unicorn. Once you feel it's right, give me a sign."
  1975. >Discord nods, as he prepares himself to play the role he was brought here for.
  1976. >"Alright; is everyone ready?"
  1977. >"Yes, Twilight!"
  1978. >All at once, the ponies begin closing their eyes, as they extend their hooves to each other.
  1979. >Each one of them is holding the other's hoof, creating a chain of ponies with their elements.
  1980. >A representation of their friendship.
  1981. >An image of how close they truly were.
  1982. >This seems to induce a reaction from the elements themselves, which begin to glow brightly in response.
  1983. >Their glow begins filling the room, as they begin levitating towards their owner's necks.
  1984. >On contact, they form a necklace around each pony; a beautiful golden accessory that complements each pony's unique traits.
  1985. >Once this happens, the ponies themselves begin levitating, as the strength of the elements was beginning to make itself known.
  1986. >It was truly a sight to behold.
  1987. >You could stare at the ponies for what seems lik-
  1988. >AUGH!
  1989. >A shot of purple energy through your abdomen interrupts your thoughts, as it passes right through your body.
  1990. >Somehow, you're not dead from the blast; instead, the energy seems to be enveloping you with each passing second.
  1991. >You manage to turn your head, despite the pain, to see that Discord has already launched an energy blast at you.
  1992. "You could have warned me!"
  1993. >Discord chuckles a bit, as he continues flowing his energy towards you.
  1994. >The purple aura begins to seep into your skin, penetrating every inch of your body with it's ominous light.
  1995. >You look down at yourself, and are shocked to find that your lower half is beginning to grotesquely change shape.
  1996. >Your toes are slowly receding into your body, as the lower part of your foot begins to harden into a solid bone structure.
  1997. >The pain is intense; you have to bite your lip to prevent yourself from screaming out into the heavens.
  1998. >Inside, you could feel everything going on: bones shifting, organs moving and muscles being re-purposed like a sick jigsaw puzzle.
  1999. >A red-tinted fur began to sprout from your particularly-hairless legs, blanketing your skin with it's interesting color.
  2000. >Was this your fur coat?
  2001. >Soon enough, you could feel your legs weakening under your weight.
  2002. >Your fur-covered extremities refuse to hold you up, as you fall forward on your hands.
  2003. >The position you shifted into reminded you of a regular pony's idling pose.
  2004. >This would be your regular position for the rest of your life.
  2005. >You only wish this transformation wasn't so painful.
  2006. >Biting your lip might have silenced your sounds, but the pain remains regardless.
  2007. >The sight of losing your toes wasn't a pretty one either; it was inhumane.
  2008. >Nobody should see what you've seen today.
  2009. >Instead of mentally scarring yourself further by watching your legs contort into your new forms, you instead choose to take note of your still-untouched hands.
  2010. >Five fingers in each; a white, pastel skin tone.
  2011. >One should remember these feelings well; there's no way you'll ever be using them again.
  2012. >The purple cloud of energy soon begins to move up your body, as it begins to seep down your last two human extremities.
  2013. >Like flowing rivers, they descend down to your digits, forming a network of connections amongst themselves.
  2014. >There it is.
  2015. >Time's up.
  2016. >Another burst of pain shoots through your digits, as they slowly begin contracting into the palm of your hands.
  2017. >You could feel the bones fuse together, as your muscles break and reform to adapt to your new structure.
  2018. >The solid bone hoof was beginning to make itself visible, as your palm begins to turn into a sickly bone white color.
  2019. >At the same time, fur identical in color to your legs began growing all over your new front limbs.
  2020. >It would be much easier to appreciate the transformation, if it wasn't so thoroughly disgusting.
  2021. >Not to mention the agonizing pain that entailed breaking and reforming every single part of your human body.
  2022. >The concept of transformation might have been a dream, but living through it was a true nightmare beyond belief.
  2023. >You inhale deeply through your nose, since your mouth is almost sealed shut by your biting.
  2024. >Your hands were no longer hands.
  2025. >Instead, they had been replaced with the typical walking implements of every living pony in Equestria.
  2026. >Hooves.
  2027. >Strange, alien implements which you're not familiar with.
  2028. >You pray that this is the worst pain you're going to feel.
  2029. >However, you know full well that's not true.
  2030. >There's still one more place that hasn't changed.
  2031. >Your mouth and head was still fully intact, judging by the fact that you could still feel your nose and eyes where they belong.
  2032. >Unfortunately, that wouldn't last long.
  2033. >Discord might have finished with your hooves, but there was still one final transformation to undergo.
  2034. >The face was the only remaining human part of you left.
  2035. >For now, anyway.
  2036. >Purple was beginning to cloud your sight, as the energy began enveloping your sight like a blanket.
  2037. >It felt like you were staring at God himself, as he formed the first living creature.
  2038. >He himself was creating your new life out of the clay that was your own body.
  2039. >A reincarnation; to be born anew in his twisted image of perfection.
  2040. >He grips at your neck, pulling with all his might to lengthen it.
  2041. >Your eyes are pulled back, as you could feel them expand; they press against your eye sockets, as you felt the sting of a thousand needles shoot through your pupils.
  2042. >Your corneas scraped against the edges of your still-unformed orbital cavity; the space was much too small to fit this change.
  2043. >Thankfully, they soon expanded to accommodate your newly formed eyeballs.
  2044. >However, that didn't stop Discord from beginning to work on your mouth.
  2045. >Soon, you could feel your jawline break off, as your general mouth began to push forward to match proper horse anatomy.
  2046. >This was hell in Equestria, and you were the main victim.
  2047. >However, you still had one lingering doubt.
  2048. >Unicorn horns are made of pure bone.
  2049. >So how would you form one?
  2050. >Almost immediately, your question was answered, as you could feel a terrible stabbing pain around the top of your head.
  2051. >Gah, what the hell is going on!?
  2052. >Why does it feel like your skull is being ripped open!?
  2053. >You could feel a hard mass press itself against the skin of your forehead, stretching it out further than you ever thought possible.
  2054. >Was this your horn forming under your skin?
  2055. >Is this the implement with which you'll do all your magic?
  2056. >With every passing second, you could feel the skin stretch itself further and further, as your new horn grew in size and width.
  2057. >It would only be a matter of time until your skin rips itself open to expose the bone underneath.
  2058. >Your teeth had already bitten through your lips, causing you to shed blood through your mouth.
  2059. >Every drop stains the dirt underneath you, tinting the ground in a sickly dark red.
  2060. >Your vision begins blurring, as your mind refuses to withstand this level of pain anymore.
  2061. >You can't hold yourself up much longer.
  2062. >Agony is truly your reality.
  2063. >The thump of your body hitting the floor was loud, as the unforgiving stone floor bruises your newly-formed underbelly.
  2064. >This body was still tender and fragile, like a newborn foal.
  2065. >It wasn't used to abuse at this point in time.
  2066. >Nonetheless, you could barely hold yourself together.
  2067. >As you lie there on the ground in a crumpled heap, you could only hope for death to take you.
  2068. >It would be much more merciful, rather than face the upcoming reality.
  2069. >Your skin couldn't take much more of this.
  2070. >You could feel it start to crack and fracture itself, as the horn refused to stop it's growth.
  2071. >One more deep breath.
  2072. >One last scream for aid.
  2073. >Through your tears, you manage to eke out a single pathetic cry.
  2074. "H-h-h-he-elp me!"
  2075. >And right there, your forehead rips open like a paper bag, spilling out pints of blood all over the floor of the cavern.
  2076. >Your horn has arrived.
  2077. >And with that, you slam your head into the ground, passing out from the pain.
  2078. ------
  2079. >You had heard Anon's cry for help from inside Discord's spell.
  2080. >A soft, weakened plea; like a dying animal.
  2081. >Even now, as your Element of Kindness charges up, you couldn't help but to worry for Anon.
  2082. >Would Twilight be able to successfully complete the spell?
  2083. >Will he, dare you think, survive this?
  2084. >Only time could tell.
  2085. >All you could do was keep pushing yourself for him.
  2086. >Pushing yourself for Anon.
  2087. >As you float together with your friends, you manage to crack open your eye to see how his transformation is proceeding.
  2088. >Unfortunately, Discord's purple veil made it hard to see anything at all.
  2089. >All you could see was an ominous pillar of energy, with no discernible evidence of what Anon was going through.
  2090. >However, there was something that you could see.
  2091. >As you focus your sight at the pillar's base, you begin to make out some sort of liquid.
  2092. >A dark red, slightly viscous liquid.
  2093. >Blood.
  2094. >Was Anon wounded?
  2095. >Is he in pain?
  2096. >You had to know.
  2097. >Maybe you could signal the princesses for help.
  2098. >Hopefully, they could do something to help Anon.
  2099. >You scan the room, attempting to find them.
  2100. >However, you couldn't spot neither Celestia or Luna.
  2101. >Where had they gone?
  2102. >Were they even here?
  2103. >Guess not.
  2104. >They really do trust Twilight quite a lot.
  2105. >She's probably the only one who could help Anon right now.
  2106. >Since she's casting the spell, maybe she could also tell you what's happening.
  2107. >While keeping your energy focused on your element, you turn your head to Twilight.
  2108. >"Twilight, look at the bottom of the pillar! I think Anon's in pain!"
  2109. >She snaps her eyes open, as she darts them towards the growing puddle of blood.
  2110. >Her face is filled with dread, as she turns her head towards you.
  2111. >"I can't do anything. Once we start the spell, we can't stop it."
  2112. >That was the answer you feared.
  2113. >"Is there anything we can do?"
  2114. >She shakes her head, as she closes her eyes again to concentrate on her element.
  2115. >"All we can do is hope for the best."
  2116. ------
  2117. >You couldn't accept that; hoping wouldn't help Anon through this.
  2118. >However, that was all you could do right now.
  2119. >Once again, you close your eyes, focusing your energy on the crystal floating in front of you.
  2120. >If this is part of the ritual, then you'll put your all into it.
  2121. >Who knows?
  2122. >Maybe this will patch up whatever wound he may have sustained.
  2123. >As you continue concentrating, you hear another voice shout from the pillar.
  2124. >"Twilight! On three, use the elements!"
  2125. >It was Discord's signal!
  2126. >He was done with his part!
  2127. >Twilight opens here eyes, as she stares at the crystal.
  2128. >"Alright, girls! Just like I told you! Aim for the crystal, and I'll take care of the rest!"
  2129. >"Right!"
  2130. >Everyone agrees simultaneously, as you continue to put your all into powering the elements.
  2131. >"Discord! Count us down!"
  2132. >Your ears perk up, listening to Discord's countdown.
  2133. >"Three!"
  2134. >You tense your body, as you focus your gaze on the crystal.
  2135. >"Two!"
  2136. >With your guidance, the crystal prepares itself to fire at the floating gem.
  2137. >"One!"
  2138. >By giving one final push, you give the rest of your remaining energy for the blast.
  2139. >"Now!"
  2140. >Almost immediately, Discord drops the purple veil around Anon.
  2141. >You could finally take a good look at Anon for just a split second.
  2142. >It looks like he went through one hell of a ride.
  2143. >His horn was dripping with blood and bone fragmentation.
  2144. >An open wound surrounded the entire horn, giving you a gruesome shot inside his head.
  2145. >A sea of red, with white splotches every so often.
  2146. >Would he survive this?
  2147. >Like Twilight said; you can only hope for the best.
  2148. >With one push, your element shoots out a yellow beam of light, combining with the others to make the rainbow that you're oh-so-familiar with.
  2149. >The bright glow from the blast fills the cave with a multitude of colors.
  2150. >Truly a beautiful sight.
  2151. >Discord steps back quite a fair distance, probably to avoid being hit.
  2152. >The rainbow arcs over the cavern, as it strikes the crystal.
  2153. >A direct hit!
  2154. -----
  2155. >The rainbow's power began infusing itself into the crystal, making it glow a sickly dark red.
  2156. >Why did Twilight have to pick such a strange color?
  2157. >Why not something better, like white?
  2158. >Regardless, now was not the time to complain about Twilight's crystal preferences.
  2159. >Twilight seems to be using her own magic to manipulate the blast from the elements, given by the light - purple aura surrounding the crystal.
  2160. >Upon looking towards her, you notice her horn is brightly lit, which somewhat proves your theory.
  2161. >That begs the question, however.
  2162. >Why is she controlling the blast?
  2163. >What does she intend to do with it?
  2164. >Looking back at the crystal, your questions are answered, as the rainbow splits into two separate beams.
  2165. >One of them shoots straight down at Anon, enveloping him in the power of the elements.
  2166. >The ray barely allows you to see the newly-formed stallion, as it envelops him in yet another burst of magical energy.
  2167. >That couldn't be good for his body.
  2168. >How much more could he take?
  2169. >The other one strikes the tree in it's star shaped center, causing it to glow a bright shade of blue in response.
  2170. >Is this the link up Twilight was talking about?
  2171. >You turn your head back, only to see that the tree seems to be changing!
  2172. >From the bottom left, you could make out a small crystal jag slowly making it's way out of the center.
  2173. >Was the energy making it grow?
  2174. >The jag seems to grow continuously, eventually beginning to resemble the other five crystal branches,
  2175. >Soon enough, the branch stops growing.
  2176. >An exact copy of the other five branches.
  2177. >It's end was pointed with a pod like the others; presumably where Anon's element would go.
  2178. >There's no denying it now.
  2179. >Anon is now part of your little Equestria-saving group.
  2180. >He'll help us conquer all our new foes, and have just as much fun as we do.
  2181. >Whether it be Chrysalis, Tirek or anything else, you will all stand together against a common enemy.
  2182. >For we are all now Elements of Harmony.
  2183. ----
  2184. >With a large pulse, the crystal shot out towards the newly made hole, embedding itself deep inside the tree.
  2185. >Your element, along with all the others, left your side, beginning to float back towards the tree.
  2186. >To the sound of a satisfying clunk, each one affixes itself to it's predetermined spot in the tree.
  2187. >The lines on the tree reappeared, all pointing towards the center marking.
  2188. >The marking opens, granting passage to Twilight's element to affix itself to the core of the tree.
  2189. >Once inside, the tree closes up once more, sealing the elements in their original homes.
  2190. >The tree's elements have returned to it once again. Hopefully, there would be no need of them in the future.
  2191. >This only means one thing.
  2192. >The ritual is finally over.
  2193. >Now, the question remains?
  2194. >Did it work?
  2195. >If it did, did Anon survive?
  2196. >All of you begin to float back down, as the rainbows around you begin to fade out of existence.
  2197. >The only light remaining was the calming blue glow of the Tree, which allows you to faintly see Anon's outline.
  2198. >Everypony else is staring at the new pony as best as they could.
  2199. >You turn to Twilight, who has her eyes fixed intently on Anon.
  2200. >"Can you give us a little light, Twilight?"
  2201. >She nods, as she powers her horn up for some illumination.
  2202. >Like a bright lamp, her horn reveals what was once unclear.
  2203. >And with that, you could finally see Anon's new form.
  2204. >The prognosis; not good.
  2205. >The sores and wounds were still untreated.
  2206. >Not to mention that there was still exposed bone and muscle in several parts of his body.
  2207. >Almost like some sort of zombie pony.
  2208. >Part of you wants to curl up in a ball and cry at the horrifying sight.
  2209. >The other half wants to nurse Anon back to health.
  2210. >You're sure the other ponies are just as worried about him.
  2211. >Twilight in particular seems extremely frightened at what the spell had caused.
  2212. >Even Discord was looking over Anon, trying to see the extent of the damage.
  2213. >One thing's for sure.
  2214. >The transformation hadn't been good to him.
  2215. -----
  2216. >It was too much for you to handle.
  2217. >Discord steps back, allowing you and the other to approach Anon's body.
  2218. >His limp, unmoving body.
  2219. >You kneel down, sitting beside him.
  2220. >A little blood gets on your knees, but it doesn't matter right now.
  2221. >The important thing is to find out if he was still alive.
  2222. >Your hoof snakes under his body, attempting to feel his underbelly.
  2223. >Unmentionable liquids soak your hoof, but you could take a shower later.
  2224. >You press your hoof against his chest, and close your eyes.
  2225. >Hopefully, you could still feel his heartbeat.
  2226. >...
  2227. >...
  2228. >...
  2229. >Thump.
  2230. >The sound brought slight joy; he was alive!
  2231. >However, the time it took for you to hear it worries you.
  2232. >How long does it take for his heart to beat?
  2233. >Once again, you focus on listening intently, trying to catch his heart's rhythm.
  2234. >...
  2235. >...
  2236. >...
  2237. >Thump.
  2238. >...
  2239. >...
  2240. >...
  2241. >Thump.
  2242. >His heart's beating quite slow; probably from the fact that he's lost so much blood.
  2243. >This isn't a good sign.
  2244. >You guys need to move fast before he bleeds out.
  2245. >The quicker we get Anon the help he needs, the more likely it is he'll come out of this.
  2246. >As you slide your hoof out of Anon's underbelly, splotches of blood splash onto your coat, tinting parts of your own body with his own blood.
  2247. >There's no time to gag at the thought.
  2248. >Your head swings towards Twilight's with a hint of urgency in your voice.
  2249. >"We need to take him to the hospital, now!"
  2250. >Twilight and Rarity quickly lift up Anon with their magic, as the rest of the ponies move out in front to clear the path.
  2251. >With concern, Twilight begins to speak.
  2252. >"What's wrong with him, Fluttershy?"
  2253. >"He's lost a lot of blood. He needs to be patched up and given more."
  2254. >She nods, as she begins stepping out of the cave, travelling as fast as she could with a levitating body in tow.
  2255. >As for yourself, you fly beside the body, making sure to keep him company, even in his daze.
  2256. >Don't worry, Anon.
  2257. >We're right here by your side.
  2258. >We'll save you.
  2259. ---
  2260. >Darkness.
  2261. >It's this thing all over again, isn't it?
  2262. >You're laying face down, on a familiar white path.
  2263. >As you get up, you realize you're back where you were last time.
  2264. >A never-ending white path, with black on both sides.
  2265. >Fuck.
  2266. >This is the place you were in last time.
  2267. >With all the green-suited statues following you everywhere.
  2268. >Not to mention the red, demonic statue.
  2269. >At least that means you're alive.
  2270. >Your memory of the transformation was somewhat blurry at best.
  2271. >The last thing you remember was growing a horn out of your forehead.
  2272. >It felt like you were being stabbed from the inside, that's for sure.
  2273. >Not something you want to go through again.
  2274. >You prop yourself up, using your hands to push yourself into a standing position.
  2275. >Wait...
  2276. >Hands?
  2277. >Didn't you change yourself a few moments ago?
  2278. >Taking a look at yourself, it seems that you're still very much a human in your dreams.
  2279. >That's a bit sad; you'd like to try out your pony body as soon as you can.
  2280. >You could have gotten in some practice in your dreams.
  2281. >Not like it would have translated into the real world.
  2282. >Regardless, there's really nothing to do but walk.
  2283. >Eventually, you'd wake up and all would be well.
  2284. >You have so much to do.
  2285. >Practice magic with Twilight, work out with Rainbow, party pony-style with Pinkie...
  2286. >Not to mention snuggle up with Fluttershy at the end of the day.
  2287. >Nothing beats that.
  2288. >As long as you think positive thoughts, you'll be fine.
  2289. >Just keep looking forward, Anon.
  2290. >That's all you really need to do in life to get anywhere.
  2291. >Slowing down and dwelling on things will only lead to a life of misery.
  2292. >"Are you so sure about that, Anon?"
  2293. >Oh, fuck.
  2294. >That came from behind you.
  2295. >Turning on your heel, you immediately encounter that red man.
  2296. >The man that had threatened you if you attempted the transformation.
  2297. >"You know what happens to people who go too fast?"
  2298. >He punctuated his words with a stamp of his foot.
  2299. >"They tend to crash and burn."
  2300. ---
  2301. >Here we go again.
  2302. >You remain still, avoiding the primal instinct to run from this thing.
  2303. >Like before, it walks with a slow gait.
  2304. >Almost as if it's teasing you.
  2305. >"So I see you didn't take my advice. That's a damn shame."
  2306. >You shake your head, staring back defiantly at the figure.
  2307. "I did what I had to do to stay in Equestria."
  2308. >The thing throws it's hands up in the air, in a fit of exasperation.
  2309. >"Equestria this, Fluttershy that. Anon, don't you give a shit about yourself?"
  2310. "Of course I do. I care about myself plenty."
  2311. >You could hear the thing laughing in sheer disbelief.
  2312. >What the hell did this thing know?
  2313. >It's just a recurring figure in your dreams.
  2314. >"Riddle me this, Anon. Why did you undergo this transformation?"
  2315. "To stay in Equestria."
  2316. >"Why do you want to stay in Equestria?"
  2317. >Honestly, most of your reasoning was because you wanted to stay with Fluttershy.
  2318. >There was another reason, though.
  2319. >The one that Twilight and Fluttershy believe.
  2320. "Because there's no point in going back to my world. I hated my life, and I have a chance for a fresh start here."
  2321. >"Do you honestly think that reason still holds water, Anon?"
  2322. >It's true.
  2323. >Why would he doubt that?
  2324. >You nod hesitantly, as you refuse to break eye contact with the thing.
  2325. >"You know better than anyone that you fucked up your own life back home."
  2326. >Of course you didn't.
  2327. >Nobody understood you back there.
  2328. >Everyone was different and didn't like you.
  2329. >At least here, people will understand and appreciate all of you.
  2330. "Everyone back home was toxic. There was no point in even trying any more."
  2331. >Another laugh; this one hurt you a bit.
  2332. >Why would he laugh at your pain?
  2333. >All that you went through was very real; while everyone in the office back home hung out together, you were always left out.
  2334. >They'd laugh at the pony figures on your desk.
  2335. >Names like man-child, faggot and others were liberally launched in your direction.
  2336. >Fools; all of them.
  2337. >They couldn't understand ponies like you could.
  2338. ------
  2339. >"You just don't get it, do you, Anon?"
  2340. >Get what?
  2341. >There's nothing to get.
  2342. >What's past is past, and all that's left is to look forward to the future.
  2343. >"You fucked up your chances back home; what makes you think you won't fuck them up here?"
  2344. >That's easy.
  2345. >You're in a place where acceptance is everywhere.
  2346. >What kind of pony refuses friendship?
  2347. "I have great friends here. I have a mare that enjoys my company more than any other. Why do you insist on feeding me nothing but negativity?"
  2348. >Once again, a shake of the head from the figure.
  2349. >"I'm feeding you the truth, Anon. You can't deny it."
  2350. "No. That's not the truth; everypony here enjoys my company."
  2351. >You step towards the thing, attempting to show that you don't fear it.
  2352. "I own my body. I do what I think is best. You can't stop me from doing what I want to do."
  2353. >Apparently, you hit a sore spot in him, as he juts his hand towards your neck, gripping it tightly.
  2354. >"You don't realize what you've done to yourself, Anon. Being a pony will fuck with you in ways you can't even comprehend."
  2355. >You chuckle, as you attempt to get out of his tight grip.
  2356. >On your laugh, he tightens his grip, making you choke a bit.
  2357. >Maybe laughing at him wasn't the best idea now.
  2358. >"I guess you'll never see what I mean, Anon."
  2359. >He throws you down into the ground in a fit of rage.
  2360. >Your body slams against the white path, as you look up at the thing.
  2361. >"Remember what I said last time, Anon? What would happen if you went through with it?"
  2362. >You gulp.
  2363. >How could you forget?
  2364. >It was the first time you'd seen him.
  2365. >"If you went through with it, I would make every waking moment of yours a living hell."
  2366. >He steps towards you, as he balls up his fist.
  2367. >You crawl back, trying to get away, but his foot slams down on your leg, sending a surge of pain through your body.
  2368. >He takes one step, as he looms right over you.
  2369. >"Remember my name."
  2370. >He raises his hand, pulling it back as far as he can.
  2371. >"Satanon."
  2372. >Down it came.
  2373. >Crunch.
  2374. >Fade to black.
  2375. ------
  2378. >Ugh...
  2379. >Are you ok?
  2380. >That dream really knocked you out of whack.
  2381. >Not to mention all that pain of transforming into an entirely different species.
  2382. >You open your eyes, only to see nothing but black.
  2383. >Great; are you still dreaming?
  2384. >It doesn't feel like it.
  2385. >Your dreams would have probably already involved Satanon torturing you in some way.
  2386. >Maybe using your senses would be a better idea to figure out your whereabouts.
  2387. >You move your body a bit, only to find that it seems to be somewhat different than what you're used to.
  2388. >Probably the product of your transformation.
  2389. >You're lying down on something...soft.
  2390. >Is it a bed?
  2391. >The pleasant feeling of cloth makes you believe that it's probably that.
  2392. >Let's try smelling.
  2393. >As you take a big whiff of your surrounding, the smell of rubbing alcohol and sterile environments assaults your nostrils.
  2394. >Your ears pick up faint beeping sounds; a rhythmic beep that seems to match up to your heart.
  2395. >Were you in a hospital?
  2396. >Had the ponies taken you there after the end of the ritual?
  2397. >If they did, they're really good friends.
  2398. >However, you really need your eyes for this.
  2399. >Assuming you're in a hospital, it must mean you have a bandage over your eyes.
  2400. >Maybe you could take it out yourself.
  2401. >What could go wrong?
  2402. >You begin to lift your new limb, only to slam it back down.
  2403. >GAH!
  2404. >That really hurt!
  2405. >Guess your wounds are a lot more extensive than you initially thought they were.
  2406. >There has to be some way you can signal someone around.
  2407. >Maybe speaking out would help.
  2408. "Is someone there?"
  2409. >On your words, you could hear a thump.
  2410. >Did something hit the ground?
  2411. >"A-a-anon! You're awake!?"
  2412. >That voice.
  2413. >Her sweet, caring tone is unmistakeable.
  2414. >Fluttershy.
  2415. "Is that you, Flutters?"
  2416. >A hoof placed itself on your forehead, beginning to work at whatever covers your eyes.
  2417. >You could feel the light begin to penetrate your eyes.
  2418. >Born anew as a pony.
  2419. >No better first sight than Fluttershy's eyes.
  2420. ---
  2421. >"It's nice to see you're finally awake."
  2422. >She hovers directly in front of your face, admiring whatever was left of it.
  2423. >As you look down, you notice almost all your body is covered in white bandages.
  2424. >The only exposed parts were a few small sections of your hind legs, from where you could see your new red color.
  2425. >It reminds you of Big Mac's color; except a little darker.
  2426. >Quite fetching, you have to admit.
  2427. >However, all the bandages only raise more questions.
  2428. >Just how severe was the damage?
  2429. >Were you going to be alright?
  2430. >Maybe Fluttershy would know.
  2431. "I'm glad to be here too, Flutters."
  2432. >She smiles, as she approaches you, giving you a peck on your forehead.
  2433. >At her tender gesture, you could feel your cheeks turn a dark shade of red.
  2434. >Thank Celestia most of your face is bandaged up.
  2435. "How long have I been out, Fluttershy?"
  2436. >She returns to the ground, as she begins fluffing your pillows and sheets for you.
  2437. >"Not much, actually. It's only been a few hours since the transformation."
  2438. "Really? I'm glad I haven't been out for too long. I don't want to keep you guys worrying."
  2439. >Fluttershy chuckles, as she continues.
  2440. >"I'm going to go tell the the good news. The doctors told us that all you needed was some blood transfusions and some bed rest, and that you'd wake up soon enough."
  2441. >You attempt to raise your eyebrows curiously, only to find that it weighs a lot more than you thought it would.
  2442. >Oh, wait.
  2443. >You chose to be a unicorn.
  2444. >That means that there should be a horn right on your head.
  2445. >A somewhat heavy horn, actually.
  2446. >Attempting to move your head proves your point; it certainly has more heft than your human equivalent.
  2447. "Hey, Fluttershy?"
  2448. >"Yes, Anon?"
  2449. "Can I have a mirror? I want to know what I look like."
  2450. >Fluttershy nods, as she opens the nightstand besides the bed, pulling out the reflective surface.
  2451. >How oddly convenient.
  2452. >She holds it up to your face, so you could finally see your new form.
  2453. >How you'd look like for the rest of your life.
  2454. ------
  2455. >Most of your lower jaw was covered in bandages, preventing you from knowing what your neck and lower jaw looks like.
  2456. >Staring back at you, were two dark brown eyes, which were quite a bit larger than your human eyes.
  2457. >Your mane was a dark brown as well, matching your eye color.
  2458. >Red and brown; interesting color combination you have going on.
  2459. >Almost makes you wish you had put more thought into your color scheme.
  2460. >Too late for that now, though.
  2461. >For now, all you could do was admire your new form.
  2462. >Dark chocolate eyes stare back at you, amongst a red fur landscape.
  2463. >For now, that was all you could see.
  2464. >Eventually, you'd get a better view once you recover.
  2465. "Thanks, Fluttershy. You can put it away now."
  2466. >She pulls back the mirror, as she places it back on the night-stand.
  2467. >"No problem, Anon. I'm going to go get the others and take a shower."
  2468. "A shower? Why-"
  2469. >You stop yourself, as you proceed to examine her a little more intently.
  2470. >You didn't notice it before, but Fluttershy was a bit more disheveled than usual.
  2471. >Her usual mane was showing some knots here and there; not to mention that she still had a couple of spots on her hooves.
  2472. >Was that some of the blood you had shed?
  2473. >But more importantly, had she stayed here the entire time, waiting for you to wake up?
  2474. "How long have you been here?"
  2475. >"Like I said; it's only been a few hours."
  2476. "How much is a few hours?"
  2477. >"Let me check."
  2478. >For a moment, Fluttershy darts out into the hallway, looking for the time.
  2479. >Weird that there isn't a clock in this room.
  2480. >Quickly, she returns, as she seems a bit surprised.
  2481. >"It's roughly 10 AM, Anon."
  2482. >Putting two and two together, you ask your next question.
  2483. "So, if we started the ritual at night, then that's implying that you've been here for at least six hours."
  2484. >She nods once again; her smile refuses to waver.
  2485. >"That's probably right."
  2486. "And you waited for me for all that time?"
  2487. >With a surge of sudden glee, she answers your question.
  2488. >"Yep!"
  2489. -----
  2490. >Oh, Fluttershy; how are you so perfect?
  2491. >You really do appreciate all she does for you.
  2492. >All the effort she made in trying to make you as comfortable as possible when you arrived.
  2493. >It truly makes her element shine.
  2494. >As you continue looking at her, you give her a smile and a nod.
  2495. "I really appreciate what you're doing, Fluttershy."
  2496. >She waves a wing at you, dismissing your compliment.
  2497. >"Oh, it's nothing, Anon. Anypony would do the same."
  2498. "But you're not anypony, Fluttershy."
  2499. >A blush forms on her cheeks, as she shrinks down a little at your comment.
  2500. >"Oh, Anon... I'm sure you'd do the same for me."
  2501. >You nod in agreement.
  2502. >Of course you would.
  2503. >She probably needs to get ready, though.
  2504. >Being awake for such a long time would probably take a toll on anypony.
  2505. >Not to mention that she was probably worried sick thorough all this time.
  2506. >It's best to give her a little time to prepare; she's probably not at her best right now.
  2507. "I guess you're going to go get ready, then?"
  2508. >A nod proves your assumptions correct, as she begins walking towards the door.
  2509. >You couldn't help but to stare at her figure as she walks away from your own.
  2510. >Truly, a stunning mare.
  2511. >Which reminds you.
  2512. >There was still one more thing you want to know.
  2513. >Something a tad awkward to ask.
  2514. >Better to ask now than with five other ponies in the room, though.
  2515. "Hey, Fluttershy?"
  2516. >She turns her head for a moment to look in your direction.
  2517. >"Yes, Anon?"
  2518. >You clear your throat, as you look right back at her.
  2519. "Am I a good-looking stallion?"
  2520. >Her yelp was expected; the question caught her off guard.
  2521. >Soon, she steps back over to you, as she begins looking you over; almost like a cut of meat.
  2522. >You didn't mind it, since you did ask for her opinion.
  2523. >After a moment, she steps back towards the door, turning to face you for a moment.
  2524. >"You look handsome, Anon."
  2525. >And with that, she promptly leaves to get some well deserved rest.
  2526. >For you, there's' only one thing left.
  2527. >Wait for what the future holds.
  2529. --------
  2531. >Time's gone by a lot faster than you thought.
  2532. >The doctors here really have an advantage with magic and all that.
  2533. >With impressive skill and finesse, they patch up all your wounds in a surprising time frame.
  2534. >All it took was a week for everything to clear up nicely.
  2535. >With every passing day, you could see more of your new body.
  2536. >Your legs looked pretty thin to be horse legs.
  2537. >Maybe it's the fact that unicorns aren't that strong?
  2538. >Honestly, you're not sure about all this.
  2539. >After Fluttershy left, the gang came all together to visit you at the hospital.
  2540. >That is; minus Fluttershy.
  2541. >That mare is probably getting some sleep.
  2542. >She deserves it.
  2543. >When Rainbow Dash first came in, the first thing she took notice of were your hooves.
  2544. >Holy crap, they were scrawny.
  2545. >Rainbow Dash laughed at your physique, as he looked you up and down.
  2546. >Almost as if she were inspecting you.
  2547. >"I'll help you get into tip-top shape, Anon!"
  2548. >Those were her words as soon as she noticed.
  2549. >"And after that, you can cool of with cake and lemonade, Nonny~! We have to teach you how to bake like Pinkie!"
  2550. >"No, Pinkie! That'll ruin his training!"
  2551. >"Oh, Dashie, let him have some fun!"
  2552. >You tune out the argument between Pinkie and Rainbow, and turn to the two fellow unicorns.
  2553. >"Twilight. Rarity. Thank you so much for your help."
  2554. >They both nod courteously, as they focus their attention on your still-bandaged horn.
  2555. >Twilight spoke first.
  2556. >Probably best, since she is the expert at all things magic.
  2557. >"We really need you to be trained with that thing; we don't want you running around with untapped magic."
  2558. >You nod in agreement, as Rarity now begins to add to her statement.
  2559. >"That's very true, Anon. Your horn is no laughing matter. Of course, now that you're a pony..."
  2560. >Her eyes begin to light up; almost as if some sort of divine inspiration.
  2561. >Oh, no.
  2562. >She's not-
  2563. >"ANON!"
  2564. "Yes, Rarity?"
  2565. >"I have so many styles we could try! Right after you finish with Twilight, I am suiting you up!"
  2566. >Damn.
  2567. ----
  2568. >And so, everypony had a task for you to learn.
  2569. >You'd learn to bake a little with Pinkie.
  2570. >Rarity would suit you up in fancy clothing for galas, and things like that.
  2571. >Of course, she being the element of generosity, she wouldn't charge you.
  2572. >Twilight would train your magic to make sure you could hone it to the skill that all unicorns can do.
  2573. >Who better to learn it from than the master of magic herself?
  2574. >Rainbow Dash would help buff you up, so you're a little more buff and well-built.
  2575. >A little exercise never hurt.
  2576. >Even though she has a bit of an ego, she never fails to deliver on her promises.
  2577. >That's the element of loyalty for you.
  2578. >Regardless, you were just rambling at this point.
  2579. >Everypony had already left to their homes.
  2580. >Even Fluttershy went to sleep at her own house.
  2581. >You were to remain alone in the hospital for the night.
  2582. >After this, you'd be released.
  2583. >Released into your new world.
  2584. >Equestria.
  2585. >The thought flows into your mind, filling you with a new-found sense of satisfaction.
  2586. >Lying back on your hospital bed, you take the time to lift your right hoof.
  2587. >It feels heavy; probably because of the bone on the end of it.
  2588. >You let it drop to the bed, as you attempt to keep yourself up.
  2589. >Sleep wasn't an option.
  2590. >Not with Satanon roaming around your mind.
  2591. >He had been coming back every night, with a different torture method every time.
  2592. >Whips, racks, prods, you name it.
  2593. >It was really starting to wear on your day-to-day.
  2594. >Thankfully, he's been staying in your dreams for now.
  2595. >Hopefully, he'll stay there and you'll find a way to get rid of him.
  2596. >Maybe Twilight could help.
  2597. >But for now, you had to find something to do.
  2598. >Rainbow Dash had told you about the Daring Do series; she got into it when she was in the hospital.
  2599. >That sounds like a plan.
  2600. >You lift your hoof again, as you press the "Call Nurse" button next to you.
  2601. >Awfully convenient, isn't it?
  2602. >Reading is actually quite interesting.
  2603. >Especially when you're reading a blatant Indiana Jones clone.
  2604. >It was actually pretty good.
  2605. >Ahuizotl's traps were always no match for Daring Do's wits.
  2606. >You could totally see why you'd get into this series.
  2607. >However, you'd have to put that on hold.
  2608. >Today is the day you'd finally walk the path like everyone would.
  2609. >Do the things that everyone does.
  2610. >Have the life that everyone has.
  2611. >Normalcy; a thing that once seemed so appalling back home.
  2612. >It's almost ironic how bad you wanted it; to the point where you'd change everything that makes you human.
  2613. >To the chagrin of a certain horned individual.
  2614. >That's not something you really want to think about, though.
  2615. >Right now, you just have to focus--
  2616. >"HEY, NOONY!"
  2617. >Ack!
  2618. >The sound of a particularly high pitched voice broke your line of thinking, as you almost jump out of your hospital bed.
  2619. >That voice could only come from one mare.
  2620. >Pinkie.
  2621. >Effectively, you raise your head to find the excitable little thing skipping through the door frame, closely followed by the rest of the gang.
  2622. "Hey, guys! What's up, Pinkie?"
  2623. >With all the happiness she infuses into the room, it almost seems like the entire place would be puking up rainbows or something.
  2624. >Not like that's something you want happening.
  2625. >Regardless of your strange thought process, Pinkie continues to jump around like a filly who's had too many candy bars in one sitting.
  2626. >"You'll be up, silly! You will!"
  2627. >Interesting; was she being serious, or was this just Pinkie being Pinkie?"
  2628. >As the rest of the gang settles into your room, Twilight interrupts Pinkie's frolicking with something a little more useful.
  2629. >"Pinkie, can you let me give him the news for a second? It's kind of better if I explain it."
  2630. >For a moment, Pinkie Pie ceases her skipping to turn towards the purple mare, as she nods in agreement.
  2631. >"What Pinkie means is, you're getting discharged today; you're going to be able to head back into Ponyville."
  2632. ------
  2633. >True to Twilight's words, the doctors soon arrived not long after the Mane six made their appearance.
  2634. >With clipboards and charts in hand, they walk towards Twilight, she being the princess and all.
  2635. >"Princess; Anon is a perfectly healthy stallion. His wounds are all recovered, and his bones have all healed up from the process."
  2636. >As they continue speaking, they approach you, removing the remaining bandages from your body to reveal your complete recovered form.
  2637. >The IV's placed on your hooves were also removed, seeing as you had no more need of them.
  2638. >All the tubing and medical implements that you had grown used to were finally coming off.
  2639. >Even the familiar sound of the EKG had ceased, as there was no more need to monitor your heart rate.
  2640. >"Anon should be out by tonight."
  2641. >Twilight nods, acknowledging their words.
  2642. >"That's great to hear. Thank you for your help."
  2643. >With a courteous bow, they accept the compliments of the princess.
  2644. >They nod their heads at you in acknowledgement, and with a swift turn, the doctors leave the room.
  2645. >Twilight turns to leave the room, dragging along Rarity and Applejack with her.
  2646. >"We'll be right back; we just need to get some paperwork done for your release."
  2647. >Fair enough.
  2648. >You turn to the remaining ponies; Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
  2649. "So, guys? Think I'll do fine in the real world?"
  2650. >"I'm certain you'll do just fine."
  2651. >Fluttershy was always a source of positive thoughts.
  2652. >Rainbow Dash quickly interjects, as she flies up in your face as she usually does.
  2653. >"Ya gotta get out of that bed first, lazybones! Nopony ever got their start by just staying in bed all day!"
  2654. >You're unfazed, as your mouth curls into a smile.
  2655. >"You're probably right."
  2656. >Following Dash's advice, you slide your hoof out of your bed, ready to take your first step.
  2657. >You swing your body weight forward, hoping that your outstretched hoof would support youir weight.
  2658. >Instead, you unceremoniously plop down on the sterile hospital floor.
  2659. ----
  2660. >Strange; the fact that you fell down didn't really make Dash laugh heartily for once.
  2661. >Instead, she and Fluttershy quickly rushed to your side, kneeling down to look at you.
  2662. >"Hey, Anon? You all right there, man?"
  2663. >"Anon, my goodness! That was a nasty fall!"
  2664. >You manage to prop yourself up a little on your front hooves; just enough to lift your front a few inches from the floort.
  2665. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's going to be a pain to get used to walking with hooves, though."
  2666. >For once, Rainbow Dash seems to be genuinely concerned.
  2667. >She quickly grabs at your forehoof, feeling the new muscle underneath.
  2668. >Thankfully, at this point, it didn't hurt to touch.
  2669. >"Dang, Anon. You're pretty limp. No wonder you can't walk well. The fact that you were in bed so long hasn't done you any favors."
  2670. >Fluttershy looks over at Rainbow Dash perplexedly.
  2671. >"What do you mean, Rainbow?"
  2672. >Dash helps you back onto the bed, as she takes a step back to explain her thoughts to both you and Fluttershy.
  2673. >"You see, guys; when anypony remains without using their muscles for too long, they tend to kind of wean away from a lack of use."
  2674. >Makes sense; people need to use their muscles to keep them.
  2675. >"Maybe the fact that you've been in bed for so long, combined with the fact that you aren't used to your new muscles, could be the reason why you can't walk very well."
  2676. >She raises her right wing for a moment, flapping it loudly to grab your attention.
  2677. >"I went to the hospital once when I hurt this wing; I really wanted to get out as quick as I could to avoid losing any gains from a lack of exercise."
  2678. >Fluttershy interjects for a second, as she turns to Dash.
  2679. >"I thought you wanted to stay because of Daring Do, though. You snuck into the hospital and everything."
  2680. >She chuckles, as she remembers her little escapade.
  2681. >"You could say the book was just that good."
  2682. >This was all well and good, but you still had a problem here.
  2683. "So how am I going to walk out of here? And will I be able to walk at all?"
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