
The Bucket

Apr 7th, 2012
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  1. >Your unicorn fluffy pony is pregnant.
  2. >The father was a feral earth pony.
  3. >The typical litter is three to five fluffy ponies.
  4. >You believe you could stand to have two more.
  5. >You take every precaution to make sure your fluffy pony is not a victim of the dreaded fluffsplosion.
  6. >You buy five copies of the Sunday paper, a paint bucket, and a very large bottle of whiskey.
  7. >On the night you believe she will have her children, you lay out paper on your kitchen floor.
  8. >You fill up the paint bucket with water.
  9. >You cook your fluffy pony a plate of spaghetti that you hide in the refrigerator.
  10. >You gently carry the very pregnant fluffy pony to the kitchen.
  11. >Your apartment only has a shower and if it were big enough you would have done this process there.
  12. >You set her down so that she is looking out of the kitchen and not towards the bucket.
  13. >You then get very, very drunk.
  14. >It doesn’t help that your fluffy pony has a vague idea that it is an expecting mother.
  15. >Just as you’re about to finish off the bottle, it begins.
  16. >”Uh-oh! Hafta poopies! Can’ get to wita box!”
  17. >She squeaks as she tries to hold it in.
  18. >You spring from your seat and take out the bowl of spaghetti from the refrigerator and immediately set it down in front of her.
  19. >”Sketties!” she exclaims.
  20. >Although it is impossible for her to move in her current state, she still tries to crawl toward the food, which is out of reach.
  21. >Sparks shoot from her horn as she manages to levitate one noodle a fraction of an inch.
  22. >While she does this, the first child pops out.
  23. >You forgot to put on gloves, but it’s too late for that now.
  24. >You quickly sex the defenseless baby.
  25. >It’s a male Pegasus.
  26. >Fluffies are an incestuous lot.
  27. >You can only put up with two more.
  28. >Before the fluffy pony can squeak, you drop it into the bucket of water where it drowns.
  29. >Monster.
  30. >Killer.
  31. >It’s better than releasing it into the wild or giving it up for adoption.
  32. >”Wan sketty!” your fluffy pony exclaims as she continues to try and move even though she is completely flat on her belly.
  33. >The second baby pops out.
  34. >A male earth pony.
  35. >In the bucket he goes.
  36. >Morality hits you as you imagine them drowning.
  37. >Perhaps this is a bad idea.
  38. >Then again, maybe it is not.
  39. >If you give the extra fluffy ponies up for adoption, the people who claim them might do worse things to them than what you are doing to yours.
  40. >”Tummy huwt,” she groans, giving up on her midnight snack.
  41. >She mewls a little as the third pony shoots out.
  42. >You’re going to need a new pair of jeans after this.
  43. >The newborn is another male earth pony.
  44. >Maybe this male earth pony will cause another owner to do this exact same thing if it survives long enough in the wild.
  45. >You almost vomit as you toss it into the bucket, but not before it squeaks.
  46. >”Wat dat? Dat baybeh?”
  47. >She tries to turn around, but it’s no use.
  48. >The fourth and fifth ponies squirt out together.
  49. >One male Pegasus.
  50. >One male earth pony.
  51. >Splish splash they be takin’ a bath.
  52. >”Baybeh?” she asks, still trying to turn.
  53. >Five male ponies.
  54. >What were the odds?
  55. >Well, your luck has always been pretty poor anyway.
  56. >”Just. . .just hold still, okay?” you say to your fluffy pony, swallowing hard.
  57. >You don’t know how you’re going to explain this to her.
  58. >You might have to reset her memory, which seems just about as kind as what you have just done.
  59. >You’ll bury the dead babies in the backyard after you finish off that bottle.
  60. >”Wan see baybeh! Momma fwuff wan see baybeh!”
  61. >You pass out.
  62. >Several hours later, you wake up covered in what you wish was spaghetti.
  63. >Your fluffy pony is on her side.
  64. >Something is pressing into her stomach.
  65. >Your mouth is incredibly dry and your head hurts worse than it ever has before.
  66. >Thankfully, your fluffy pony is fast asleep while its baby nurses.
  67. >You pick up the hairless fluffy pony, which rouses the mother.
  68. >It’s a unicorn.
  69. >You flip it over.
  70. >A girl.
  71. >”Dat mah baybeh!” your fluffy unicorn, who trusts you completely, proudly declares. “Pwease no huwt baybeh.”
  72. >You grin and put the eyeless turd on the ground where it searches blindly for its mother’s nipple for a moment before it finally finds it.
  73. >”Yay, baybeh no huwt!” she exclaims because she’s always excited about something.
  74. >You carefully stand up and then vomit into the sink, glad that the nightmare is finally over.
  75. >But the memory sticks with you for the rest of your life.
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