
trolled and kicked by Khaytsus

Jul 18th, 2016
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  1. Jul 17 19:10:59 <SpaceInvaders> Hey, anyone know why this works for dhcp but fails on dns?
  2. Jul 17 19:15:43 * Groan ( has joined #fedora
  3. Jul 17 19:15:45 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, How are you testing? And are you sure its just ipv4 ?
  4. Jul 17 19:16:21 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, And can we use fpaste ?
  5. Jul 17 19:17:01 <SpaceInvaders> let me check fpaste
  6. Jul 17 19:17:59 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, I mean use fpaste instead of pastebin :)
  7. Jul 17 19:18:12 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, So how are you testing?
  8. Jul 17 19:18:27 * Josh3 (~Thunderbi@ has joined #fedora
  9. Jul 17 19:18:31 * Josh2 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  10. Jul 17 19:18:31 * Josh3 is now known as Josh2
  11. Jul 17 19:18:33 <SpaceInvaders> fpaste doesn't work
  12. Jul 17 19:18:50 <SpaceInvaders> I was a big fan of fpaste until it stopped working
  13. Jul 17 19:19:17 <SpaceInvaders> I'm testing from the client just using ping to watch hostname resolution
  14. Jul 17 19:19:44 <mutk> what ?
  15. Jul 17 19:19:45 <SpaceInvaders> from -- once the firewall rules are changed here's what happens
  16. Jul 17 19:19:50 * _0bitcount has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  17. Jul 17 19:20:19 <SpaceInvaders> dhcp assign of ip address works as expected
  18. Jul 17 19:20:21 <satellit>
  19. Jul 17 19:20:28 <SpaceInvaders> ping fails as expected this is the firewall and it now only allows dhcp
  20. Jul 17 19:21:05 <SpaceInvaders> ping by name fails immediately (it worked before the rule change)
  21. Jul 17 19:21:21 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, Fine. Why don't you make an explicite query to the DNS?
  22. Jul 17 19:22:00 <SpaceInvaders> like host [name]?
  23. Jul 17 19:22:04 <SpaceInvaders> 1 sec I'll do that now
  24. Jul 17 19:22:25 <SpaceInvaders> ok I'm confused
  25. Jul 17 19:22:25 <mutk> No. dig @the.ip
  26. Jul 17 19:22:28 <SpaceInvaders> that worked
  27. Jul 17 19:22:45 <SpaceInvaders> why would the host command return the correct ip address from the name but ping fail to resolve?
  28. Jul 17 19:22:59 <Almoullim> SpaceInvaders: is awesome paste service, Hate pastebin :P
  29. Jul 17 19:23:14 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, Not sure yet.
  30. Jul 17 19:23:22 <SpaceInvaders> and what do yo umean by dig @the.ip?
  31. Jul 17 19:23:31 <SpaceInvaders> I'll do that but don't understand
  32. Jul 17 19:24:01 * mohamedation (~mohamedat@unaffiliated/mohamedation) has joined #fedora
  33. Jul 17 19:24:54 <SpaceInvaders> ok mutk after that host [name] worked now dns is working......
  34. Jul 17 19:24:54 * Almoullim has quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
  35. Jul 17 19:24:54 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, 'dig' is a command. So use it to look up a name using the IP of the name server the system uses.
  36. Jul 17 19:25:32 * notadrop (~notadrop@unaffiliated/notadrop) has joined #fedora
  37. Jul 17 19:25:54 * larstobi has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  38. Jul 17 19:26:05 <notadrop> Hi. I'd like to completely disable and/or remove KDE's Klipper clipboard manager. There's no installed package with this name. Should I just rename/remove the binary/binaries?
  39. Jul 17 19:26:30 <Khaytsus> notadrop: rpm -qf /path/to/file
  40. Jul 17 19:26:36 <Khaytsus> notadrop: And _no_ do not remove binaries.
  41. Jul 17 19:26:47 <notadrop> Okay. I thought it was a risky idea.
  42. Jul 17 19:26:50 <notadrop> One sec, I'll run that
  43. Jul 17 19:27:14 <SpaceInvaders> mutk -
  44. Jul 17 19:27:22 * larstobi ( has joined #fedora
  45. Jul 17 19:27:27 <notadrop> It's a part of plasma workspace.
  46. Jul 17 19:27:28 * notadrop sighs
  47. Jul 17 19:27:57 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, Looks like it works
  48. Jul 17 19:27:59 <notadrop> I'd rather it be removed completely, but I'll look into disabling the plasmoid or whatever this thing is
  49. Jul 17 19:28:13 <Khaytsus> Huh, it does look like it's kinda of..... just part of plasma
  50. Jul 17 19:28:25 <notadrop> Yeah. Which concerns me a little
  51. Jul 17 19:28:44 <notadrop> I mean, it's not the end of the world. But I see it as a slight invasion of my privacy
  52. Jul 17 19:28:54 <fenrus02> how so?
  53. Jul 17 19:29:00 <Khaytsus> $paranoia
  54. Jul 17 19:29:12 * masterzorag has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  55. Jul 17 19:29:13 <fenrus02> xorg has a clipboard already. always has. multiple ones actually.
  56. Jul 17 19:29:18 <notadrop> I can't tell it to stop recording my clipboard history. There's no option in the app or whatever
  57. Jul 17 19:29:20 <notadrop> ah right
  58. Jul 17 19:29:28 <SpaceInvaders> mutk it started working after I issued the host command. weird
  59. Jul 17 19:29:31 <notadrop> the most it lets me get away with is keeping my history to one
  60. Jul 17 19:29:37 * c0mrad3 has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  61. Jul 17 19:29:38 * Josh3 (~Thunderbi@ has joined #fedora
  62. Jul 17 19:29:58 <notadrop> OH, I found out how to disable it. Completely by accident,
  63. Jul 17 19:29:59 <notadrop> . Cool.
  64. Jul 17 19:30:20 <SpaceInvaders> OK for everyone that likes fpaste (and I used to *love* it) here's why I don't any more --
  65. Jul 17 19:30:37 <notadrop> sprunge is my goto
  66. Jul 17 19:30:44 <Khaytsus> SpaceInvaders: waht?
  67. Jul 17 19:30:50 * notadrop (~notadrop@unaffiliated/notadrop) has left #fedora ("Ex-chat")
  68. Jul 17 19:30:54 * Josh2 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  69. Jul 17 19:30:55 * Josh3 is now known as Josh2
  70. Jul 17 19:30:57 <SpaceInvaders> try using that in fpaste ;-)
  71. Jul 17 19:31:09 <Khaytsus> Using...what?
  72. Jul 17 19:31:22 <SpaceInvaders> you have to click the link
  73. Jul 17 19:31:32 <Khaytsus> A list of rediculous hosts file entries?
  74. Jul 17 19:31:34 <Khaytsus> What's your point
  75. Jul 17 19:31:47 <SpaceInvaders> I guess that you aren't thinking or don't want to :P
  76. Jul 17 19:31:57 * anu1 (~anu0@unaffiliated/anu0) has joined #fedora
  77. Jul 17 19:32:16 <SpaceInvaders> or simply didnt read what I wrote
  78. Jul 17 19:32:42 <mutk> SpaceInvaders, It is not making any sense to me.
  79. Jul 17 19:32:52 <Khaytsus> Besides being an idiot and blocking fedoraproject, then commenting it out............... no I don't see your point.
  80. Jul 17 19:33:17 <kk4ewt> SpaceInvaders, still dont understand what that has to do with fpaste
  81. Jul 17 19:33:18 <SpaceInvaders> ok I'll say it again. Try using that in fpaste
  82. Jul 17 19:33:19 <Khaytsus> Nobody forces you to use fpaste, but don't troll about it either. It's a very useful tool.
  83. Jul 17 19:33:22 * anass has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  84. Jul 17 19:33:25 * augiekk (~august@ has joined #fedora
  85. Jul 17 19:33:33 <mutk> What ? USING what in fpaste?
  86. Jul 17 19:33:35 <SpaceInvaders> khaytsus i was answering a question and you trolled me
  87. Jul 17 19:33:44 <kk4ewt> we ask for fpaste because its in fedora and has no ads
  88. Jul 17 19:33:52 <Khaytsus> Meh.
  89. Jul 17 19:34:10 <SpaceInvaders> yep and I used to use fpaste until it stopped working
  90. Jul 17 19:34:18 <kk4ewt> and the people in here that help people worked to make it so we woudnt have to play 50 questions all the time
  91. Jul 17 19:34:24 <SpaceInvaders> mutk take that link ( ) and try using it in fpaste - it won't work
  92. Jul 17 19:34:24 <mutk> You still fail to make sense
  93. Jul 17 19:34:27 * flatstuff ( has joined #fedora
  94. Jul 17 19:34:40 <kk4ewt> the fail to wowrk is the issue i have at the moment
  95. Jul 17 19:34:43 <kk4ewt> it works here
  96. Jul 17 19:34:51 * anu0 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  97. Jul 17 19:35:03 <SpaceInvaders> show me the fpaste link. If you got it to work then I'm doing something wrong
  98. Jul 17 19:35:30 * notadrop (~notadrop@unaffiliated/notadrop) has joined #fedora
  99. Jul 17 19:35:57 * jpetersen has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  100. Jul 17 19:35:58 <kk4ewt>
  101. Jul 17 19:36:11 <Khaytsus> kk4ewt: He's talking about hte fact that fpaste censors
  102. Jul 17 19:36:22 <Khaytsus> All of the nonsense sex related BS he has in there.
  103. Jul 17 19:36:35 <notadrop> oh, the humanity </sarcasm>
  104. Jul 17 19:36:36 <SpaceInvaders> wow and still trolling
  105. Jul 17 19:36:39 <notadrop> Klipper pewhich packages should I install to get some of the standard 'cross platform' fonts, the ones that aren't copyrighted anyway?
  106. Jul 17 19:36:40 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Khaytsus
  107. Jul 17 19:36:40 * Khaytsus sets mode +q #fedora *!*
  108. Jul 17 19:36:40 * You have been kicked from #fedora by Khaytsus (Take a time out...)
  109. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jul 17 19:36:40 2016
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