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a guest
Apr 21st, 2015
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  1. Greed and Ling joined the room.
  2. Lime the Pug joined the room.
  3. Zeykler joined the room.
  4. DocGlorien joined the room.
  5. Carrie Krueger joined the room.
  6. ARAMarklar: ez
  7. Zeykler: report me for wut?
  8. Greed and Ling: report shaco =negative attitude
  9. Zeykler: killing yi so he doesnt get PENTA?1
  10. Greed and Ling: you kept flaming azir the entire match
  11. Zeykler: ur so dumb kat
  12. Carrie Krueger: whiny shaco
  13. Greed and Ling: yeah
  14. Greed and Ling: like just toxic
  15. Zeykler: im whining
  16. Zeykler: azir was feeding 0-9
  17. Greed and Ling: you were lol
  18. Greed and Ling: i'm honoring azir
  19. Greed and Ling: becuase of you
  20. Greed and Ling: xoxo
  21. Zeykler: plz do u random
  22. Greed and Ling: ;) sexy
  23. Carrie Krueger: lol
  24. Carrie Krueger: we're all random
  25. Greed and Ling: hope you get that thorn out your ass
  26. Carrie Krueger: you idiot
  27. Zeykler: kid
  28. Greed and Ling: kid
  29. Zeykler: ur a 10 year old
  30. Zeykler: saying im criyng lol
  31. Greed and Ling: ur a 5 yera old
  32. Zeykler: ur arguing when u could be finding another game
  33. Greed and Ling: damn
  34. Greed and Ling: u got me
  35. Zeykler: thats how ik ur a kid
  36. Greed and Ling: no i'm sleeping
  37. Greed and Ling: dumbass
  38. Zeykler: ok kid
  39. Greed and Ling: great assumption
  40. Zeykler: w.e u say
  41. Greed and Ling: just kidding
  42. Greed and Ling: ;)
  43. Zeykler: still arguing with me lol
  44. Greed and Ling: have fun being toxic
  45. Carrie Krueger: you're doing all those same exact things lol
  46. Greed and Ling: yeah lol
  47. Zeykler: lool ur still crying
  48. Zeykler: LOL UR BOTH FIGHT ME
  49. Zeykler: LOOOOOL
  50. Greed and Ling: kk
  51. Zeykler: L0000000000000L
  52. Greed and Ling: going ap shaco with this comp
  53. Carrie Krueger: he's not handling it well
  54. Zeykler: bunch of 10 year olds randoms
  55. Greed and Ling: honestly the most genuis
  56. Zeykler: arguing over league
  57. Greed and Ling: lol yeah u got me
  58. Greed and Ling: call me 10 again
  59. Zeykler: LOOOOL
  60. Zeykler: hahahahaha
  61. Zeykler: ur 10 year olds lol
  62. Greed and Ling: im 10
  63. Zeykler: so bad
  64. Greed and Ling: u got me
  65. Greed and Ling: so bad
  66. Greed and Ling: damn
  67. Carrie Krueger: wait why the hell would you build ap shaco
  68. Zeykler: have fun arguing in the next game kid
  69. Greed and Ling: im 10 shit damn
  70. Carrie Krueger: are you new to league?
  71. Zeykler: ur still fighting lol
  72. Zeykler: for the 10th time
  73. Greed and Ling: ur still whining lol
  74. Zeykler: listen to u guys
  75. Greed and Ling: i'm 10 for the 10th time
  76. Zeykler: ur fighting still when u could be playing another game
  77. Carrie Krueger: are you new to league?
  78. Greed and Ling: astounding retorts by shaco age 6
  79. Zeykler: thats how ik ur an arrogant kid
  80. Zeykler: grow up hahahaha
  81. Greed and Ling: wow u solved the mystery
  82. Zeykler: so pathetic
  83. Carrie Krueger: do you understand shaco's q passive
  85. Please remember that Riot employees will never ask for your password when assisting you.
  86. [1:27] Zeykler: GL REPORTING ME NIGGER
  87. [1:27] Greed and Ling: u wanna fite m8
  88. [1:27] Zeykler: GET BLOCKED
  90. [1:27] Greed and Ling: LOL
  91. OKAY <3
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