
CCC: Episode 1.12

Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. Conglomeration of Patrician Dynasty
  2. Rogue Trader: Collaborative Campaign
  4. Episode 1.12
  7. Start of #ruangdadu0 buffer: Wed Jul 01 08:55:05 2015
  8. [19:01] * NiveumArgenteus ( has joined #ruangdadu0
  9. [19:02] * _Farrowding_ ( has joined #ruangdadu0
  10. [19:02] * _kol (cgiirc@AB8C7DEF.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP) has joined #ruangdadu0
  11. [19:06] * _ClarisClicking_ ( has joined #ruangdadu0
  12. [19:07] <NiveumArgenteus> [ Ready. ]
  13. [19:08] * _Farrowding_ is now known as Farrow
  14. [19:08] * _registeringna is now known as Regina
  15. [19:08] <Farrow> [bloodclaw]
  16. [19:08] * _load_Ann_ ( has joined #ruangdadu0
  17. [19:09] * _concoctingMarjan (~somnia@135034BC.26BBC0BD.F3135F2D.IP) has joined #ruangdadu0
  18. [19:09] <_StoreeTellah> Silakan ganti nama dan tes warna
  19. [19:09] * _ClarisClicking_ is now known as Clarissia
  20. [19:09] <Clarissia> [test]
  21. [19:09] * _load_Ann_ is now known as Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  22. [19:09] * _concoctingMarjan is now known as MiriPardis
  23. [19:09] <Regina> (tes oranye)
  24. [19:09] <MiriPardis> [test]
  25. [19:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ["taking this color" ( TAT)y-ooOO]
  26. [19:09] <NiveumArgenteus> [ Mint Tea ]
  27. [19:10] <_StoreeTellah> Oke
  28. [19:10] <_StoreeTellah> ===Session Warning===
  29. [19:11] <_StoreeTellah> ===Pick your own soundtrack, scene mood may or may not be provided===
  30. [19:11] <_StoreeTellah> ===No combat, pure RP rules===
  31. [19:11] <_StoreeTellah> ===Combat will be resolved by RP/cinematic===
  32. [19:11] <_StoreeTellah> ===Insanity/corruption may or may not present===
  33. [19:13] <_StoreeTellah> ===Objective for this session is set in stone===
  34. [19:13] <_StoreeTellah> ===Session start===
  35. [19:14] <_StoreeTellah> ===Shining Phalanx===
  36. [19:14] <_StoreeTellah> ===Mood: Busy, Bustling, Full of people
  37. [19:16] <_StoreeTellah> ===What do you do?===
  38. [19:16] <Regina> *looks for recently captured ship*
  39. [19:16] <NiveumArgenteus> *in Shining Phalanx* *re-checking the after-Xenos quarantine*
  40. [19:17] <_StoreeTellah> Regina: the captured ship is inaccessible as for now, you may want to check it on a later time
  41. [19:17] <Regina> "damn."
  42. [19:18] <Regina> *sigh*
  43. [19:18] <Farrow> *shining phalanx, reading ims from Ann* O_O)
  44. [19:18] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: the quarantine is going well, 1 km radius of the area is now a restricted area
  45. [19:18] <Clarissia> *lagi jalan ke ShiP Tavern* "Mmmm, I need a break it seems. Taking care of kids is not as easy as I thought it would be."
  46. [19:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (boleh ke under hive world yg kmrn? @ _StoreeTellah)
  47. [19:18] <_StoreeTellah> (silakan Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver )
  48. [19:18] <NiveumArgenteus> *re-check logistics of the previous settlers*
  49. [19:19] <_StoreeTellah> Clarissia: Shining Phalanx: dock is busy as usual
  50. [19:19] <Regina> *goes to arboretum tavern to play with xenos*
  51. [19:19] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: the redistribution of the logistic is going well
  52. [19:19] <Farrow> *in tavern*
  53. [19:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *jalan ke under hive-world* *sambil tenteng pack of cookies dari Nemo kemaren* *humming* ( TwT)~ (si anak2 dah balik kan? @ _StoreeTellah)
  54. [19:19] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: You check on the rationing system and find that it's more organized now
  55. [19:20] <_StoreeTellah> Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: some of the less-affected kids are already back in their homes
  56. [19:20] <MiriPardis> *reading archives*
  57. [19:20] <_StoreeTellah> Farrow: the tavern is full of people, heck it's even more full than usual
  58. [19:20] <Clarissia> "Packed as usual. I might not be able to drink in peace, but oh well."
  59. [19:20] <_StoreeTellah> Farrow: it seems that the newly captured ship bring a lot of new jobs in the dock
  60. [19:20] <Clarissia> *nyampe di Tavern*
  61. [19:20] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *yg kmaren muntah2 udah balik?* *celingukan nyariiin anak yg itu* (TAT ) ( TAT) "Excuse me.. Do you see [deskripsi anak yg muntah2 kmrn]"
  62. [19:21] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> @siapapun di under hive world
  63. [19:21] <_StoreeTellah> Clarissia: you meet Farrow
  64. [19:21] <NiveumArgenteus> *find a nondescript but comfortable place to read the data from Mirakel again*
  65. [19:21] <Farrow> "hmm.." *read2*
  66. [19:21] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: the archives are extensive
  67. [19:21] <Regina> *waves @ Clarissia * "Clariiiss~~"
  68. [19:21] <Clarissia> "Hmm? Oh, Mister Achasse. Good day to you." @Farrow
  69. [19:21] <_StoreeTellah> Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: someone told you that the kid is back in their home
  70. [19:21] <Regina> *from far awayy*
  71. [19:22] <Farrow> "Good day Clarissia, and.." *nengok Regina*
  72. [19:22] <Clarissia> *nengok ke yang manggil* "Oh, Captain." *jalan ke Regina yang melambai-lambai*
  73. [19:22] <_StoreeTellah> Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: the place is more organized as you pass several home and workers trying to clean the place
  74. [19:22] <MiriPardis> "..." *mutters to himself, might have sighed. discreet. walking along the corridors*
  75. [19:22] <Farrow> *salutes* "Good day Captain!"
  76. [19:23] <Regina> *walks to Clarissia* *while saluting back to Farrow*
  77. [19:23] <Regina> "Claris you sent me an IMS, whats it about?"
  78. [19:24] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: you walk on the long corridor...
  79. [19:24] <_StoreeTellah> discreetly
  80. [19:24] <Farrow> "and.. How are the kids doing Clarissia?"
  81. [19:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm~hmmm.." *nods nods* *sambil humming* "Nice nice" (TwT )"~~~~
  82. [19:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *jalan ke rumah si anak* *ketok2 pintunya*
  83. [19:24] <_StoreeTellah> Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: there are a lot of unused empty spaces now that they are more organized
  84. [19:24] <Clarissia> "Good day, captain. Ah, the IMS is about our investigation mission before here in Shining Phalanx. Apparently there was a Heretic Cult slipping around here." @Regina
  85. [19:24] <Regina> *Gasp* "Oh my god!!" *looks at Clarissia and Farrow *
  86. [19:25] <MiriPardis> (do I notice other people/ denizens/ crew of the Ship? ))
  87. [19:25] <_StoreeTellah> In one of the planned public park, you can see NiveumArgenteus is sitting in one of the bench
  88. [19:25] <Clarissia> "The kids are doing much better now, some of them are already back to the their homes." @Farrow
  89. [19:25] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: you can see that there are a lot more crews around
  90. [19:25] <Regina> "You two already have kids?!? Why , tell me sooner Claris!"
  91. [19:25] <MiriPardis> "...?"
  92. [19:25] <Farrow> O_O
  93. [19:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ho?" *sambil nengok* "NIVEAAAA~~~!" *wave2 ke NiveumArgenteus* """\(TwT )
  94. [19:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil masih nunggu di depan rumah si anak*
  95. [19:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> 'rumah'
  96. [19:26] <_StoreeTellah> after a while, the door is opened
  97. [19:26] <MiriPardis> ( _StoreeTellah: uncommonly so?)
  98. [19:26] <NiveumArgenteus> *looks up*
  99. [19:26] <NiveumArgenteus> *salute at Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver * *and approaches Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  100. [19:26] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: more than you remember a week ago
  101. [19:26] <Regina> "Claris when is the wedding? where's the invitation?" @ Clarissia
  102. [19:26] <Clarissia> "Erm... no captain... not our kids. They're the ones from the investigation mission that we did before." @Regina
  103. [19:26] <Regina> *hype*
  104. [19:26] <Farrow> "Uh.. Captain, there were some kids that need attention at the medicae bay" O_O
  105. [19:26] <_StoreeTellah> From the home, comes out a young couple with obviously new clothes, smiling at you
  106. [19:27] <MiriPardis> "...." *swiped a record in his data slate, noting he increase in crew*
  107. [19:27] <_StoreeTellah> "Ah, the imperial rogue trader!" *smiles*
  108. [19:27] <Clarissia> "No wedding captain.... so no invitation....."
  109. [19:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ello!" ( TwT) *liat pintu kebuka* " *smiles* "Good day, mam, sir. Is your son in house currently?"
  110. [19:27] <_StoreeTellah> "Thank you for coming to our humble home!"
  111. [19:27] <Regina> "mission? what mission?"
  112. [19:27] <_StoreeTellah> "Yes, he is currently resting at his room."
  113. [19:28] <Clarissia> "Investigation mission about the Heretics Cult, Captain. The details are in my report."
  114. [19:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *smiles* "Ah. Good to hear that. Mind if I come in? There's a packet from someone for your son" *smiles* @ couple
  115. [19:28] <Farrow> "The last mission, we investigate some rumors"
  116. [19:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (nivea mendekat? @ NiveumArgenteus)
  117. [19:28] <NiveumArgenteus> *approaches Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  118. [19:28] <Regina> "boo." *duduk* (ada kursi kan ya?)
  119. [19:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Yo, Nivea" *grins* *sambil small wave*
  120. [19:29] <_StoreeTellah> "Oh, sure. Please do." *mempersilakan masuk*
  121. [19:29] <_StoreeTellah> (adalah Regina)
  122. [19:29] <Clarissia> ".... Sorry to disappoint you, Capt..."
  123. [19:29] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods* *standby dulu di depan*
  124. [19:30] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: after a while, you arrived in front of the tavern Regina often visit at her free time
  125. [19:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah, thank you, mam, sir." *smiles* "Nivea, I'm going to see the kid earlier. Want to check his condition. You wanna join?" @ NiveumArgenteus *grins*
  126. [19:30] <Regina> *whispers* "but to be honest, you two could make a great pair" @ Clarissia
  127. [19:30] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh awa bareng ann, _StoreeTellah )
  128. [19:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (wut.. nivea bukan di bawah? OAO||| @ _StoreeTellah )
  129. [19:30] <_StoreeTellah> (eh salah)
  130. [19:30] <_StoreeTellah> (harusnya MiriPardis )
  131. [19:30] <NiveumArgenteus> ( m kali? )
  132. [19:30] <_StoreeTellah> (hahaha)
  133. [19:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (wkwkwkwkwk pelan2 _StoreeTellah =w=/)
  134. [19:31] <_StoreeTellah> (kepeleset)
  135. [19:31] <Regina> "So whats the rumor is?" @ Farrow
  136. [19:31] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: after a while, you arrived in front of the tavern Regina often visit at her free time
  137. [19:31] <MiriPardis> (
  138. [19:32] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: kamu juga dipersilakan masuk bila mau
  139. [19:32] <Farrow> "Heretic cults.. and it turns out ShiP's supplies have been compromised. We found.. disturbing things.. Clarissia has the data."
  140. [19:32] <MiriPardis> *looks into the tavern, as if just noticing that he walked there* "Right,"
  141. [19:33] <MiriPardis> (bisa liat regina?)
  142. [19:33] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods* *lepas topi dan ikut masuk*
  143. [19:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *masuk ke dalam rumah* *sambil liat2 sekeliling* ~~~~~"( TwT)
  144. [19:33] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: you noticed Regina's flaming red hair in between the tavern patrons
  145. [19:34] <_StoreeTellah> The home is simple, newly built, but with proper furnitures and all
  146. [19:34] <NiveumArgenteus> *standby looking over Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  147. [19:34] <_StoreeTellah> all basic needs seems to be fulfilled
  148. [19:34] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: and Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver were brought to one room
  149. [19:34] <Regina> "has it been concluded already?" @ Farrow
  150. [19:35] <_StoreeTellah> The mother opened the door and you see a simple kid's bedroom
  151. [19:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah..." *smiles* "It seems the condition is getting better around here, mam? sir?" *sambil jalan ke kamar yg ditunjukin*
  152. [19:35] <_StoreeTellah> with one kid eating some porridge
  153. [19:35] <_StoreeTellah> Mam "Yes, the supplies rationed to us were more than we ever recieved in our lives..."
  154. [19:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Glad to here that, mam" *smiles* (TwT )
  155. [19:36] <Farrow> "We.. killed the culprit because he was too aggressive.."
  156. [19:36] <Clarissia> *duduk di kursi seberang Regina sambil mendengarkan*
  157. [19:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *grins* "Ello kiddo!" *masuk ke dalam kamar* "Feelin' better now?" *jalan deketin si anak kecil*
  158. [19:36] <_StoreeTellah> *anaknya nengok
  159. [19:36] <_StoreeTellah> "Cookie lady!"
  160. [19:36] <MiriPardis> *turned the screen of his data slate to standby* *walks to Regina*
  161. [19:36] <_StoreeTellah> "Sorry I can't eat cookie yet." OwO
  162. [19:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *chuckles* "Can eat better now?" *grins*
  163. [19:37] <_StoreeTellah> Clarissia: and Farrow noticed MiriPardis approaches
  164. [19:37] <_StoreeTellah> "Aye!"
  165. [19:37] <_StoreeTellah> @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  166. [19:37] <MiriPardis> "Captain,"
  167. [19:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well.. Too bad.. Although there's someone asked me to bring this for you.." *sambil naro kantong cookie di tempat tidur si anak*
  168. [19:37] <MiriPardis> "Miss Dersand--"
  169. [19:37] <Regina> "any dat- Oh it's Miri!"
  170. [19:38] <Farrow> "Nivea has the details regarding the-- oh hello MiriPardis!"
  171. [19:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Eat it when you're feeling better already, 'Kay?" *sambil pats2 kpala si anak kecil*
  172. [19:38] <Clarissia> "Oh, Mister Pardis. Good day." *nods to MiriPardis*
  173. [19:38] <_StoreeTellah> "Cookies! Oh- maybe I can eat a bit..." *liat ibunya*
  174. [19:38] <_StoreeTellah> Ibunya menggeleng
  175. [19:38] <Regina> "Ni..vea? who?"
  176. [19:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *chuckles* "Listen to your mother, kiddo" (TwT )
  177. [19:38] <_StoreeTellah> "Okay..."
  178. [19:39] <Farrow> "My name is Farrow, HF of the Holy Grail" @ MiriPardis
  179. [19:39] <Clarissia> "Miss Nivea from the Holy Grail. I don't think you ever met her yet, Captain."
  180. [19:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Alright. If your condition getting better, come play to my ship. I'll take you for a nice meal" *pats2 kepala si anak* "That's why, you better get healthy fast, kiddo" *grins*
  181. [19:40] <MiriPardis> "Ah, I'm Mirijan of Pardis," *offers hand* "I had not the honor of knowing your name," *smiles*
  182. [19:40] <Farrow> "She is our First Officer" @Regina
  183. [19:40] <Farrow> *shakes hand*
  184. [19:40] <Regina> "perhaps" @ Clarissia, "oh so Farrow is a High Factotum? Miri here is HF too"
  185. [19:41] <Farrow> "Oh well we have so much to discuss then MiriPardis."
  186. [19:41] <MiriPardis> (sambil duduk boleh _StoreeTellah?)
  187. [19:41] <_StoreeTellah> Silakan MiriPardis
  188. [19:41] <Farrow> *ikut duduk*
  189. [19:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Alright then, I better going. Still got a lot of things to do. Get well soon, kiddo" *pats2 kepala si anak kecil* "Then, I shall take my leave mam" *nengok ke si ibu* *smiles* ( TwT)
  190. [19:42] <_StoreeTellah> Si anak mengangguk dan lanjut makan porridge
  191. [19:42] <Regina> "first officer? did she come to the banquet too? I might remember if I met her in person"
  192. [19:42] <_StoreeTellah> Si ibu dan bapaknya tersenyum dan mengantar Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver serta NiveumArgenteus keluar
  193. [19:43] <NiveumArgenteus> *setelah di luar* "Capt'Ann, any order, or plan?"
  194. [19:43] <Clarissia> "Well, anyway, Captain... since you haven't read my IMS, one of my contacts said something about the triangulars stuff from our exploration before."
  195. [19:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well then, if there's any problem again, don't hesitate to tell us, mam, sir. We will try to help as hard as we can" *smiles* @ bapak ibu *nods* *dan jalan *
  196. [19:43] <Farrow> "Wow, is there anything new?" @Clarissia
  197. [19:43] <Clarissia> "He advised me not to dwell on it further... Since it's related to the Heretics in one way or another." @Regina
  198. [19:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmm? Actually I don't have any specific plans at the moment, Nivea." @ NiveumArgenteus
  199. [19:44] <MiriPardis> *takes a seat* @Farrow *smiles* "Well. I hope you wouldn't mind me learning from you,"
  200. [19:44] <NiveumArgenteus> @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: "If we have time, we can check the coordinate from the.. Xenos."
  201. [19:44] <MiriPardis> (farrow keliatan dr tampang military backgroundnya?)
  202. [19:44] <Regina> "how about the gemstones? we still have it kept, y know'
  203. [19:45] <Farrow> (yup)
  204. [19:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmm? Ah, the one from before. We might as well do that" *nods nods* @ NiveumArgenteus *sambil jalan* "How about you? Your job here is done? Why not get some drink after this. My treat"
  205. [19:45] <Farrow> (Pardis itu military jg?)
  206. [19:45] <NiveumArgenteus> @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: "There might be something lurking, and might be threatening us." *nods* "I was just checking the after-effect and impacts of previous event; it seems manageable."
  207. [19:45] <MiriPardis> (nggak, tp kaya'nya punya siblings yg di military/jadi navy navis.. )
  208. [19:46] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods nods* "At least the pigs from before are finished by Nemo, I guess.." (TAT )
  209. [19:47] <Farrow> "Oh, i experienced only in battles, but exploring the unknown is a different thing Mr Pardis."
  210. [19:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil jalan ke arah tavern Ship* (T_T )"~~~~
  211. [19:48] <Clarissia> "Gemstone... can't remember if they said something about it, but let me check again first." @Regina
  212. [19:48] <NiveumArgenteus> *follows Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  213. [19:48] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *jalan ke arah tavern nunggu cue _StoreeTellah =w=b*
  214. [19:48] <_StoreeTellah> Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: dan NiveumArgenteus sampai di tavern
  215. [19:48] <NiveumArgenteus> *rapihkan rambut dan pakai topi lagi*
  216. [19:48] <_StoreeTellah> and noticed the others
  217. [19:49] <NiveumArgenteus> ( mode ajudan dulu )
  218. [19:49] <Clarissia> *buka data-slate* *ngecek kontak*
  219. [19:49] <Regina> (yah ajudan saya ga ikut)
  220. [19:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *liat2 sekeliling* "Well.. this place is always full of people.." *sambil jalan ke bartender dulu* *kalo Farrow ngeliat Ann, Ann simple wave aja* ~~~~"( TwT)
  221. [19:50] <Regina> "I'm waiitiing~"
  222. [19:50] <NiveumArgenteus> *following Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  223. [19:50] <MiriPardis> @Farrow "Still, I imagine that only in the thickest of battle someone's command of their resources truly can be separated out the chaff,"
  224. [19:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *cari tempat duduk kosong*
  225. [19:50] <Clarissia> "..... My mistake, Captain. Not Heretics... but probably Chaos. They said that it might be tainted with Chaos. Although they didn't specify whether it was the things on the planet or the gemstones themselves..."
  226. [19:50] <Clarissia> @Regina
  227. [19:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *oh, ngga lupa nods aja kalo ada yg lain yg liat Ann* *sambil masih cari kursi kosong d deket bartender* ~~~~~"( T_T)
  228. [19:51] <_StoreeTellah> Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: duduk di bar stool
  229. [19:52] <Regina> ".. next time we're on Jotunheim, remind me to bombard the hell of that place"
  230. [19:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *duduk di bar stool* "BARTENDER! A GLASS OF WINE AND A CUP OF MINT TEA PLEASE!" ( TAT)/ *wave2 ke bartender*
  231. [19:52] <_StoreeTellah> *brak brak*
  232. [19:52] <Regina> ( MiriPardis duduk kan? )
  233. [19:52] <Farrow> "Good words, but i prefer action " =w=b
  234. [19:52] <_StoreeTellah> !roll 1d100
  235. [19:52] <NiveumArgenteus> ( ack bentar )
  236. [19:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) *kaget liat heboh*
  237. [19:53] <_StoreeTellah> a glass of mint tea and a cup of wine
  238. [19:53] <NiveumArgenteus> ( pakai dtest dulu saja )
  239. [19:53] <MiriPardis> ( Regina iya duduk)
  240. * DiceRoll has been enabled.
  241. * DiceRoll global flood protection is already enabled. [4 time(s) in 2 second(s)]
  242. * DiceRoll flood protection is already enabled. [1 time(s) in 2 second(s)]
  243. [19:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..." ( TAT) *liat minuman*
  244. [19:53] <Farrow> *astonished by a sudden appearance of Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver* 0_0
  245. [19:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...." ( TAT) *lirik NiveumArgenteus* "...You're ok with glass?"
  246. [19:53] <MiriPardis> @Farrow *smiles, then caught the mention of Chaos*
  247. [19:54] <Clarissia> "... Yes, captain, absolutely." @Regina
  248. [19:54] <_StoreeTellah> *kelihatan cup nya baru beli*
  249. [19:54] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Maybe."
  250. [19:54] <Regina> *leans on MiriPardis* "sigh chaos this chaos that"
  251. [19:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..." *liatin cup* "I remember they said during the last time, the cup was broken.. I guess they just bought this one.." *poke2 cup* ( TAT)o-
  252. [19:54] <Farrow> "Ann!" *waves at Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver*
  253. [19:55] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, Captain Farrow Achasse is calling."
  254. [19:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nengok* "Yo Farrow" """\(TwT ) *wave* *grins*
  255. [19:55] <NiveumArgenteus> ( punten tes dadu )
  256. [19:55] <NiveumArgenteus> !roll 1d100
  257. [19:55] * _TZEENTCH_ "What 1d100? NiveumArgenteus [29] = 29"
  258. [19:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil nods ke yg lain kalo ada yg liat* (T_T )
  259. [19:55] <MiriPardis> @Regina "Is there a concern of chaos taint?"
  260. [19:55] <Farrow> "excuse me Mr Pardis, Captain" *berdiri dan jalan menuju Ann dan Nivea*
  261. [19:56] <Clarissia> "Oh, Ann is here it seems." *nengok sekilas ke arah Ann*
  262. [19:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *grins ke Clarissia* *sambil small wave* ""\(TwT )
  263. [19:56] <NiveumArgenteus> *still standby*
  264. [19:56] <Farrow> "So.. that message you sent me.. I haven't had time to--" ( ._.)
  265. [19:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm? Don't worry, Farrow" *chuckles*
  266. [19:57] <Regina> "might be" @ MiriPardis
  267. [19:57] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Besides, I might invite you three into a small meeting. I want to hear all of you three's opinions" *grins* (TwT )
  268. [19:57] <Clarissia> *balas lambaian Ann sambil small nods*
  269. [19:58] <Farrow> "Have you got any leads on the Cults again Nivea?" NiveumArgenteus
  270. [19:58] <NiveumArgenteus> "The only hint is about a coordinate from the data Master Mirakel provided, Captain Farrow Achasse." @Farrow 
  271. [19:59] <NiveumArgenteus> "I was thinking on proposing to investigate the coordinate" *sambil lihat Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver juga*
  272. [19:59] <Regina> "Hey, hey, Miri" @ MiriPardis
  273. [19:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Any plans on what to do right now? I'm thinking of checking to investigate this coordinate" (TAT ) @ Farrow
  274. [19:59] <NiveumArgenteus> *still standby*
  275. [19:59] <Farrow> "I think that is a good idea, now that Captain Regina is also here" *points at Lapak's crew on the other side*
  276. [19:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah..." *nods* (TwT )
  277. [20:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well.. We can try to check it out." (TwT )
  278. [20:00] <NiveumArgenteus> "I see. This is also a chance to have more training together."
  279. [20:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods nods* (TwT )
  280. [20:00] <MiriPardis> @Regina "Yes?" *reactivated the data slate screen, looking for archives about recent missions*
  281. [20:01] <Regina> "what would happen if you.." *whisper* " your 'eye' here?"
  282. [20:01] <MiriPardis> "....."
  283. [20:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "So... Let's go for an adventure?" *grins* (TwT )
  284. [20:02] <MiriPardis> "I am quite certain it'd be largely illegal, atleast-- frowned upon,"
  285. [20:02] <Farrow> "I have also met with their HF, we can discuss about sharing Imperial Guard regiment if needed be"
  286. [20:03] <Farrow> @ NiveumArgenteus
  287. [20:03] <NiveumArgenteus> "… with all due respect, Captain Farrow Achasse, sharing Imperial Guard regiment would prove to be more troublesome than it seems."
  288. [20:03] <NiveumArgenteus> "… however, coordinated operations, are possible."
  289. [20:03] <MiriPardis> @Regina *a slight raise of eyebrow* "Why?"
  290. [20:03] <Clarissia> *celingak celinguk* "Waiter, can I have something to drink here? Something mild, please."
  291. [20:04] <Farrow> "Ah that is what I meant Nivea" =w=
  292. [20:04] <Regina> "hihi, nothing, just asking."@ MiriPardis
  293. [20:04] <_StoreeTellah> Clarissia: dikasih segelas mild
  294. [20:04] <Regina> "eeh, I want some drinks too" @ waiter
  295. [20:04] <NiveumArgenteus> "… If it is Magni 23rd Blood Salamander, I assume they are fully under your jurisdiction, Captain Farrow Achasse."
  296. [20:04] <_StoreeTellah> (a dark beer)
  297. [20:05] <MiriPardis> *looks at Regina for a moment* *then smiled and returned to his data slate*
  298. [20:05] <NiveumArgenteus> "… while Magni 17th Desert Wolves, I assume they are fully under Captain Kamal Angelo's jurisdiction."
  299. [20:05] <NiveumArgenteus> "… and I do not recall there are other regiments that we can… access, at this place; I might look further for this information."
  300. [20:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Agree with Nivea, Farrow' (TAT )
  301. [20:06] <_StoreeTellah> Regina: dikasih air putih dingin
  302. [20:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Question. Sharing regiment during what?" L(TAT )
  303. [20:06] <Farrow> "Agreed."
  304. [20:07] <Regina> "..." *tuker ama punya Clarissia*
  305. [20:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "During mission or always..?" L(TAT )
  306. [20:07] <Regina> "thank you" *smiles, then drinks mild*
  307. [20:08] <Farrow> "I can propose to Kamal as well to discuss this kind of coordination"
  308. [20:08] <Clarissia> *mau ngambil gelas* *nyadar kalo itu air putih* "...... Captain!" *pouting*
  309. [20:09] <MiriPardis> *finds the archive for latest endeavors*
  310. [20:09] <Regina> *tahan di mulut* "Mmmm, mm" *tunjuk bibir*
  311. [20:09] <MiriPardis> "....."
  312. [20:10] <Farrow> "I remember that one time the Crazy Gauls need our supports.."
  313. [20:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...You mean, stationed in Le Parque, Farrow?"
  314. [20:10] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Ah, I remember I have read about it too. I think such coordinated operations can be done quite easily."
  315. [20:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *muka bingung* (TAT )
  316. [20:11] <Regina> @ Clarissia
  317. [20:11] <NiveumArgenteus> "… but for sharing as in, to be stationed at other vessel, I strongly object."
  318. [20:11] <MiriPardis> @Regina "...the latest mission involved ..pigs?"
  319. [20:11] <Regina> *telan* "pigs?"
  320. [20:11] <Clarissia> "......" *ngeliatin bibirnya Regina* "......" *agak blushing dan cepet-cepet minum air putih dengan agak terpaksa* *masih agak pouting*
  321. [20:12] <Regina> *lihat Clarissia "xeno pigs?" @ Clarissia
  322. [20:12] <NiveumArgenteus> "… not only it would be difficult to maintain discipline and chain of command, I am afraid it will be… against Capt'Ann's agreement with Astra Militarus" *lihat Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  323. [20:12] <MiriPardis> "The--" *straight face* "Mission summary didn't extensively elaborate,"
  324. [20:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Yes." (TAT ) "Sorry, Farrow. They only agreed in my proposal for asking the Regiments to be stationed in Holy Grail. Not on other ship" <(TAT ) *muka merasa bersalah*
  325. [20:13] <Clarissia> *jadi agak serius lagi* "It seems so. They might be under the influence of unknown chemical that we found there."
  326. [20:13] <Farrow> "The chain of command will have to be divided, I propose for a coordinated action on mission"
  327. [20:13] <Farrow> O_O
  328. [20:13] <MiriPardis> *makes a note to as Vv later on*
  329. [20:13] <Regina> "whats the influence effects?"
  330. [20:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah, if it's only during mission, it might be ok" (TAT ) *nods nods*
  331. [20:13] <MiriPardis> ( *ask )
  332. [20:14] <Clarissia> "Not sure yet, but it seems to be making they.... lose their mind. It feels like they lost their human dignity." @Regina
  333. [20:15] <Regina> "and then? what for?"
  334. [20:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Alright, I leave that to you then, Farrow. Is that okay?" (TAT )
  335. [20:16] <Clarissia> "If you're interested, you want to read the report of that mission that I wrote, Mister Pardis? It was written for Captain and Miss Victrix, but I think it's okay if you read it." @MiriPardis
  336. [20:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Since, you're the one handling the regiments" (TAT )
  337. [20:16] <Farrow> "Will do, Let us talk about this coordinate to Captain Regina." @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  338. [20:16] <Clarissia> "That's where we stuck. No further information." @Regina
  339. [20:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "But one request"
  340. [20:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "If I see the other ship using abuse this coordination, I will request to take them back asap" (TAT )
  341. [20:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I don't want Blood Salamander being abused by anyone." (TAT )
  342. [20:18] <NiveumArgenteus> "… I still strongly object if any of the Guards are stationed at other vessel; except during shore leaves, where they are stationed at Shining Phalanx."
  343. [20:19] <NiveumArgenteus> "… unless, the commander are there, to ensure their safety."
  344. [20:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "And that as well. No stationed at other vessel. I give the Astra Militarus my words"
  345. [20:19] <Regina> "that spells another job, right?" @ Clarissia
  346. [20:19] <MiriPardis> @Claris "Thank you, it would cost too much to allow the threat of corruption leeway,"
  347. [20:19] <Farrow> "Of course, I am still hold responsible for our men."
  348. [20:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I hope you understand"
  349. [20:19] <Farrow> *nods*
  350. [20:20] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Capt'Ann, about the coordinate.." @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver 
  351. [20:20] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm?" *nengok ke NiveumArgenteus*
  352. [20:20] <Clarissia> "Yes, it is. I'm waiting for more info from Miss Nivea and Mister Achasse about it to be honest." @Regina
  353. [20:21] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Maybe we can discuss about it with Le Parque."
  354. [20:21] <Regina> *nengok ke arah Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver dkk*
  355. [20:21] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* *muka mikir* (T_T )
  356. [20:21] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "One more thing.. Just remembered something..."
  357. [20:21] <Farrow> *nods* *nengok ke Regina dkk*
  358. [20:21] <NiveumArgenteus> "… It seems they are idle." *lirik crews of Le Parque*
  359. [20:21] <Regina> *cie nengok bareng*
  360. [20:22] <Regina> "wait? let's ask them"
  361. [20:22] <Regina> *berdiri*
  362. [20:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "During the coordinate.. If the troops from the regiment find anything. I repeat, anything, they must report to us immediately"
  363. [20:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "No delay"
  364. [20:22] <NiveumArgenteus> "…"
  365. [20:22] <Clarissia> "I've sent you my version of the report, Mister Pardis."
  366. [20:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Anything as in anything suspicious.." (T_T )
  367. [20:23] <Regina> "Miri, Claris, let's go ask them"
  368. [20:23] <Clarissia> "Okay then." *berdiri ngikutin Regina*
  369. [20:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *suara agak pelan bagian itu*
  370. [20:23] <Farrow> "Yes Captain!" =w=)7
  371. [20:23] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Actually that is what I fear, Capt'Ann. If we find anything not right…" *agak pelan jg*
  372. [20:23] <MiriPardis> *nod* *buka data slate* "...?"
  373. [20:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "I trust your decission, Farrow"
  374. [20:23] <NiveumArgenteus> "…"
  375. [20:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "That's one of my worst fear, Nivea" *smiles sadly* ( TwT)
  376. [20:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "My cousin is there" *smiles* *nyaris bisik*
  377. [20:24] <Regina> "you can read data slate later, Miri, c'mon" *gandeng tangan miri, jalan ke Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver dkk*
  378. [20:24] <MiriPardis> *checks if the report is in, then put the screen back on standby* *follows Regina and Claris*
  379. [20:24] <MiriPardis> (oh digandeng)
  380. [20:24] <NiveumArgenteus> "they are approaching." @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver 
  381. [20:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* *berdiri* (TwT )
  382. [20:24] <NiveumArgenteus> *standby nearby Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  383. [20:25] <Regina> *walks *
  384. [20:25] <Farrow> *standby near Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver*
  385. [20:25] <Clarissia> *jalan di belakang Regina*
  386. [20:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Good day, Cap'n Dell'Amore" *smiles* ( TwT)
  387. [20:26] <Regina> "good mornin, Captain Ann"
  388. [20:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Good day, Lord Pardis, Clarissia" *smiles* ( TwT)
  389. [20:27] <Regina> "And Farrow and.. Nivea?"
  390. [20:27] <Clarissia> "Good day, Ann. Miss Nivea as well." *nods*
  391. [20:27] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods at Regina and Clarissia *
  392. [20:27] <Regina> "so wheres the Xenos?"
  393. [20:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah, you haven't met the First Mate of Holy Grail?" *smiles* *sambil gesture ke NiveumArgenteus*
  394. [20:28] <Farrow> "We already talked just before Captain" @Regina
  395. [20:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Eh? Xenos?" (TAT)
  396. [20:28] <Regina> "or.. whatever made the human pigs. that thing"
  397. [20:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "What do you mean, Cap'n Dell'Amore?" *muka bingung*
  398. [20:28] <Regina> *lirik Clarissia*
  399. [20:28] <NiveumArgenteus> "..."
  400. [20:28] <Farrow> *lirik Nivea*
  401. [20:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *liat ke Clarissia* ( T_T) "?"
  402. [20:29] <NiveumArgenteus> *still standby*
  403. [20:29] <Clarissia> "She's talking about the pigs that we found before, Ann."
  404. [20:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods nods* ( TAT) "But isn't the Xenos during that time already finished?"
  405. [20:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "We haven't found the other xenos right? Just some unknown coordinates"
  406. [20:30] <Clarissia> "Yes. But who knows if there might be more. It's the cult that worships the Xenos, anyway."
  407. [20:30] <Regina> "Well, duh, thats where the other Xenos are hiding. the coordinates"
  408. [20:30] <NiveumArgenteus> "…"
  409. [20:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Are you sure?"
  410. [20:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Can you guarantee that?" *smiles*
  411. [20:31] <Regina> "No I cant guarantee. I aint no heretics"
  412. [20:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I agree that it's the cult that worships Xenos."
  413. [20:31] <Regina> "Do we have another options, though?
  414. [20:32] <Farrow> "Perhaps our First officer has some idea" *lirik NiveumArgenteus*
  415. [20:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Then that coordinate might or might not the hiding place"
  416. [20:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *smiles* "I'm just questioning the words, Cap'n Dell'Amore"
  417. [20:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Taking decision too early might bring trouble" *smiles*
  418. [20:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "But indeed we have to check the coordinates"
  419. [20:32] <NiveumArgenteus> *still standby politely*
  420. [20:33] <Regina> "so does taking decision too late."
  421. [20:33] <MiriPardis> *listens*
  422. [20:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well, but jump into conclusions isn't a good choice as well" *smiles*
  423. [20:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "We already decide to check it"
  424. [20:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "And preparing for whatever found later on"
  425. [20:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *smiles*
  426. [20:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Nivea, please explain what you found regarding the coordinates" @ NiveumArgenteus
  427. [20:35] <NiveumArgenteus> "Yes."
  428. [20:35] <Regina> *memiringkan kepala*
  429. [20:35] <NiveumArgenteus> "As a matter of fact, we have prepared to depart by now."
  430. [20:35] <NiveumArgenteus> "And would like to invite Le Parque for this mission; Master Mirakel obtained the data, and we work together to deciphered it."
  431. [20:36] <NiveumArgenteus> "The problem is, this is a lead. Not a Xenos hiding place. Possibility is very high that we are running into a trap"
  432. [20:36] <NiveumArgenteus> "However, this is the only thing that we can do right now: to investigate it."
  433. [20:37] <Regina> "Invite accepted. Any plans then?"
  434. [20:37] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods*
  435. [20:37] <NiveumArgenteus> "We go there, scan the area, and be prepared for the worst."
  436. [20:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *mendengarkan saja* ( T_T)
  437. [20:38] <NiveumArgenteus> ( _StoreeTellah waktu itu bentukannya, ship tag ya? )
  438. [20:38] <_StoreeTellah> (iya, ship tag)
  439. [20:39] <NiveumArgenteus> "we might be facing an abandoned ship, a running vessel, or a space hulk."
  440. [20:39] <MiriPardis> "...."
  441. [20:39] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods at Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  442. [20:39] <NiveumArgenteus> *step back a bit*
  443. [20:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *chuckles* "space hulk" ( TwT) "..sorry.. just remembered last mission" *tutup mulut*
  444. [20:39] <Regina> *still listening*
  445. [20:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well, that is all I guess, Nivea?" *liat NiveumArgenteus*
  446. [20:40] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods*
  447. [20:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "We planned to depart as fast as we can" ( TwT) *smiles*
  448. [20:41] <NiveumArgenteus> "I shall prepare Holy Grail. Please excuse me." @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver 
  449. [20:41] <Regina> "yes, great plan. Special preparations?"
  450. [20:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Please" *nods @ NiveumArgenteus*
  451. [20:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Prepare for the worst." ( TwT)
  452. [20:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "That's what I can say" *smiles*
  453. [20:43] <NiveumArgenteus> *salute @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver * *nods at Farrow * *nods at others* *goes to prepare Holy Grail*
  454. [20:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Any other comments, Farrow?" *nengok ke Farrow*
  455. [20:44] <Regina> *folds hands*
  456. [20:44] <Farrow> ".. No Captain, we will just need to be careful."
  457. [20:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Alright then" *nods* "Well then, shall we proceed?" *smiles* ( TwT)
  458. [20:45] <_StoreeTellah> (FF?)
  459. [20:45] <Farrow> "I will prepare as well" *prepare at holy grail*
  460. [20:45] <Regina> "Miri, Claris get, to Le Parque"
  461. [20:45] <Farrow> (ff)
  462. [20:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  463. [20:45] <Clarissia> "Got it, Capt."
  464. [20:45] <Regina> "yes, ciao" @ Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  465. [20:45] <Clarissia> (FF)
  466. [20:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well then, I shall excuse myself" *smiles*
  467. [20:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil jalan ke HG menuju FF*
  468. [20:45] <Regina> *ke le parque*
  469. [20:45] <NiveumArgenteus> (FF.. soalnya Nivea asumsi data mereka jg udah punya karena udah di-share ke Mirakel )
  470. [20:45] <Regina> *setela jalan* "they sure likes to talk alot"
  471. [20:46] <MiriPardis> *pamit ke HG*
  472. [20:46] <Clarissia> "Well, yes. I can't disagree with that one."
  473. [20:46] <Regina> (FF)
  474. [20:47] <MiriPardis> @Regina "...." *thin smile while reading the report on slate*
  475. [20:47] <_StoreeTellah> ===Void===
  476. [20:47] <_StoreeTellah> Mood: Quiet, Unknown
  477. [20:47] <_StoreeTellah> LP and HG departed from the ShiP
  478. [20:47] <_StoreeTellah> following the ship tag
  479. [20:48] <_StoreeTellah> silakan masing-masing roll silent manuever dan scru+dec
  480. [20:48] <_StoreeTellah> kalau gak ada pilot kaptennya
  481. [20:48] <_StoreeTellah> roll pake roll kru maksudnya
  482. [20:48] <Regina> (ok)
  483. [20:48] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( oke =3=/)
  484. [20:49] <NiveumArgenteus> ( silent maneuver? )
  485. [20:49] <NiveumArgenteus> ( lol )
  486. [20:49] <Regina> !dtest 45
  487. [20:49] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Regina and Result is 69 / 45
  488. [20:49] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, Regina Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  489. [20:49] <NiveumArgenteus> *aid crew for piloting*
  490. [20:49] <Regina> (itu scrut)
  491. [20:49] <Regina> (silent roll apaan?)
  492. [20:49] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann?"
  493. [20:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil cek d bridge* "You know what to do guys"
  494. [20:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  495. [20:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (roll biasa kan? @ NiveumArgenteus O_O)
  496. [20:50] <NiveumArgenteus> ( HG -40 for Silent Run )
  497. [20:50] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 60 - 40 + 20 +10 )
  498. [20:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ah ok)
  499. [20:50] <NiveumArgenteus> ( Scrutiny, 60+20 )
  500. [20:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtest 50
  501. [20:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 75 / 50
  502. [20:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  503. [20:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (lol mana mau silent)
  504. [20:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtest 80
  505. [20:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 30 / 80
  506. [20:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver Succeed with 5 Degree of Success
  507. [20:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  508. [20:50] <NiveumArgenteus> ( makanya )
  509. [20:50] <_StoreeTellah> ...
  510. [20:50] <Regina> *crew aid machine spirit *
  511. [20:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (scrutiny 30, 5 degree success; silent Holy Grail anti silent)
  512. [20:50] <Regina> !dtest 30
  513. [20:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Regina and Result is 59 / 30
  514. [20:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, Regina Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  515. [20:51] <Regina> (dasar tzeentch)
  516. [20:51] <_StoreeTellah> Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: the HG crew noticed an imperial ship in the radar
  517. [20:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Keep on the pace" ( TAT)o-
  518. [20:51] <Regina> !dtest 40
  519. [20:51] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Regina and Result is 75 / 40
  520. [20:51] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, Regina Failed with 3 Degree of Failure
  521. [20:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm? Imperial Ship? Nivea, check on the ship!" ( TAT)o-
  522. [20:51] <Regina> (failed both lol)
  523. [20:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> @ NiveumArgenteus
  524. [20:51] <NiveumArgenteus> *coba coordinate crew for Augury*
  525. [20:52] <NiveumArgenteus> ( lupa yg buat cek detail kapal )
  526. [20:52] <Farrow> "Oh no.."
  527. [20:52] <Regina> ( eh ini dua kapal kesambung vox kah? )
  528. [20:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Make sure you didn't miss a thing" ( TAT)o-
  529. [20:52] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, should we inform Le Parque as well?"
  530. [20:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( +10 )
  531. [20:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah, yes, please inform them, Nivea"
  532. [20:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (augury bisa? @ _StoreeTellah =3=/)
  533. [20:53] <MiriPardis> (kl bisa augury/ active mau juga)
  534. [20:53] <NiveumArgenteus> @Le Parque: "Le Parque, this is Holy Grail. We detected Imperial ship nearby."
  535. [20:53] <_StoreeTellah> (bisa)
  536. [20:53] <_StoreeTellah> silakan
  537. [20:53] <NiveumArgenteus> ( berarti 90 Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver )
  538. [20:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ok)
  539. [20:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtest 90
  540. [20:53] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 20 / 90
  541. [20:53] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver Succeed with 7 Degree of Success
  542. [20:53] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  543. [20:53] <_StoreeTellah> !dtest 50
  544. [20:53] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for _StoreeTellah and Result is 82 / 50
  545. [20:53] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, _StoreeTellah Failed with 3 Degree of Failure
  546. [20:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (7 degree =3=/)
  547. [20:53] <_StoreeTellah> !dtest 50
  548. [20:53] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for _StoreeTellah and Result is 44 / 50
  549. [20:53] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, _StoreeTellah Succeed with 0 Degree of Success
  550. [20:53] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  551. [20:53] <_StoreeTellah> oke
  552. [20:53] <_StoreeTellah> so...
  553. [20:53] <_StoreeTellah> Kalian bisa melihat dengan jelas dan memperkirakan
  554. [20:54] <_StoreeTellah> It's an Ambition-class cruiser
  555. [20:54] <_StoreeTellah> dan begitu kalian sampai di jarak tertentu...
  556. [20:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ambition-class cruiser?" ( TAT) "The hell is that?"
  557. [20:54] <_StoreeTellah> a few other smaller objects, possibly escape pods
  558. [20:55] <_StoreeTellah> ejected from the ship
  559. [20:55] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, suggesting Evasive Maneuver for Holy Grail."
  560. [20:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "You're the navy. You handle the tactics" *grins* ( TwT)
  561. [20:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> @ NiveumArgenteus
  562. [20:55] <_StoreeTellah> *ping*
  563. [20:55] <_StoreeTellah> *ping*
  564. [20:55] <_StoreeTellah> *ping*
  565. [20:55] <_StoreeTellah> perlahan
  566. [20:55] <_StoreeTellah> makin banyak escape pod bertebaran
  567. [20:56] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  568. [20:56] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 60 / 60
  569. [20:56] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, MiriPardis Succeed with 0 Degree of Success
  570. [20:56] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  571. [20:56] <_StoreeTellah> tapi sinyal kehidupan di cruiser masih lebih banyak
  572. [20:56] <MiriPardis> (..)
  573. [20:56] <MiriPardis> (active augury)
  574. [20:56] <_StoreeTellah> ribuan orang masih di cruiser
  575. [20:56] <_StoreeTellah> (bah)
  576. [20:56] * _popdogafk (~hahaha@974B2C6D.5091C710.457E35C5.IP) has joined #ruangdadu0
  577. [20:57] <_StoreeTellah> Kemudian...
  578. [20:57] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: mending active augury reroll aja
  579. [20:57] <_StoreeTellah> ( '_')
  580. [20:58] <MiriPardis> (..ok)
  581. [20:58] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  582. [20:58] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 97 / 60
  583. [20:58] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 3 Degree of Failure
  584. [20:58] <MiriPardis> (...)
  585. [20:58] <_StoreeTellah> oh oke sama aja
  586. [20:58] <_StoreeTellah> Mood: dark, chill
  587. [20:58] <_StoreeTellah> Suddenly
  588. [20:59] <_StoreeTellah> Weirdly
  589. [20:59] <_StoreeTellah> although life signs in the ship is still in the thousands
  590. [20:59] <_StoreeTellah> you detected the engine... stopped
  591. [20:59] <_StoreeTellah> What do you do?
  592. [20:59] <MiriPardis> "....."
  593. [20:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "wut?" ( TAT) "The hell is that?"
  594. [21:00] <MiriPardis> (active augury?)
  595. [21:00] <_StoreeTellah> si...lakan
  596. [21:00] <NiveumArgenteus> ( life support-nya nyala? )
  597. [21:00] <Farrow> "Somebody is still there" *tunjuk escape pod*
  598. [21:00] <MiriPardis> *in the navi room, only marginally neater than the usual mess*
  599. [21:00] <_StoreeTellah> (you can't say for sure)
  600. [21:00] <NiveumArgenteus> "Checking the Escape Pods"
  601. [21:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "GUYS! ACTIVE AUGURY! NOW!" ( TAT)o- @ crews "Nivea help them!"
  602. [21:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Check the condition on the escape pod!" ( TAT)o-
  603. [21:01] <NiveumArgenteus> ( Checking the Escape Pods, and Active Augury, pakai apa, _StoreeTellah ? )
  604. [21:01] <MiriPardis> !dtest 55
  605. [21:01] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 59 / 55
  606. [21:01] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 0 Degree of Failure
  607. [21:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (bisa dicek gimana, _StoreeTellah? =3=a)
  608. [21:01] <MiriPardis> (reroll)
  609. [21:01] <_StoreeTellah> (roll biasa aja dulu)
  610. [21:01] <NiveumArgenteus> ( scrutiny + det ya? )
  611. [21:01] <MiriPardis> !dtest 55
  612. [21:01] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 92 / 55
  613. [21:01] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 3 Degree of Failure
  614. [21:02] <MiriPardis> (...ini tzeentch)
  615. [21:02] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 90 for Scrutiny + Detection (Holy Grail)
  616. [21:02] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 89 / 90
  617. [21:02] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, NiveumArgenteus Succeed with 0 Degree of Success
  618. [21:02] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Left Leg (then Left Leg, Body, Left Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  619. [21:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ok)
  620. [21:02] <_StoreeTellah> (kasihan MiriPardis )
  621. [21:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (hoh)
  622. [21:02] <_StoreeTellah> anyway
  623. [21:02] <_StoreeTellah> the escape pods...
  624. [21:02] <_StoreeTellah> most of them are scattered
  625. [21:03] <_StoreeTellah> but there are two general directions
  626. [21:03] <_StoreeTellah> and there are lives in it...
  627. [21:03] <_StoreeTellah> and you can't detect much more because it quickly went away
  628. [21:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) " condition?"
  629. [21:03] <MiriPardis> ( Clarissia mo nyoba focused augury?)
  630. [21:03] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, there might be survivors inside the Pods. They went to two general directions. Plotting directions."
  631. [21:04] <Clarissia> (focused augury? bisa ya Claris?)
  632. [21:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Check their direction!" ( TAT)o-
  633. [21:04] <_StoreeTellah> (silakan kalau mau focused augury ke cruiser atau escape pods)
  634. [21:04] <MiriPardis> (ada scrutiny?)
  635. [21:04] <MiriPardis> ( detection lapak + scrutiny )
  636. [21:04] <Clarissia> (ndak ada sayangnya)
  637. [21:04] <_StoreeTellah> (kalau per gede nekat aja)
  638. [21:04] <NiveumArgenteus> *organize crews to predict the directions*
  639. [21:05] <Clarissia> (Claris agak useless kalo part ini)
  640. [21:05] <Farrow> (bisa launch shuttle untuk mengejar escape pod?)
  641. [21:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "And don't forget to check the cruiser as well" (TAT )
  642. [21:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *ke crew*
  643. [21:05] <_StoreeTellah> (kalau nekat bisa aja Farrow )
  644. [21:05] <_StoreeTellah> (saya advise sih siap mental kalau mau ngejar pake shuttle)
  645. [21:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (...)
  646. [21:05] <Farrow> (...)
  647. [21:06] <Clarissia> (wah wah...)
  648. [21:06] <MiriPardis> (..bring a missionary with you)
  649. [21:06] <NiveumArgenteus> "Focused Auger to the Cruiser as well. And still Plotting for both destinations."
  650. [21:06] <_StoreeTellah> *plotting*
  651. [21:06] <NiveumArgenteus> *organize crews to predict the directions, and to focused augury to Cruiser*
  652. [21:06] <_StoreeTellah> *in progress*
  653. [21:06] <_StoreeTellah> silakan roll
  654. [21:07] <NiveumArgenteus> ( Scru+Det? )
  655. [21:07] <_StoreeTellah> (iya)
  656. [21:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (sila roll =3=/ @ NiveumArgenteus +10 ya dr ann *plak*)
  657. [21:07] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 90
  658. [21:07] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 45 / 90
  659. [21:07] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, NiveumArgenteus Succeed with 4 Degree of Success
  660. [21:07] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  661. [21:07] <_StoreeTellah> The engine is dead
  662. [21:07] <_StoreeTellah> life support is held by emergency generators
  663. [21:07] <MiriPardis> (boleh psynisience buat cek apa ada warp breach?)
  664. [21:07] <_StoreeTellah> thousands of life signals
  665. [21:07] <_StoreeTellah> ...
  666. [21:07] <_StoreeTellah> slowly
  667. [21:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Farrow, Nivea any suggestion?"
  668. [21:07] <_StoreeTellah> like candles being blown by the wind
  669. [21:07] <_StoreeTellah> disappeared one by one
  670. [21:08] <_StoreeTellah> and...
  671. [21:08] <_StoreeTellah> a weird signal
  672. [21:08] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (TAT ) ( TAT)
  673. [21:08] <_StoreeTellah> a life signal... different from others...
  674. [21:08] <_StoreeTellah> but not much is known
  675. [21:08] <Farrow> "Somethings odd.. People are dying inside.."
  676. [21:08] <_StoreeTellah> (boleh MiriPardis )
  677. [21:08] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Could it be...?" ( TAT)
  678. [21:09] <NiveumArgenteus> "Pods usually escaped from something terrible. Or towards something. Another life signal."
  679. [21:09] <NiveumArgenteus> (belum ada hasil prediksi target?)
  680. [21:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "The engines are dead right? People are dying. And there's another life signal..."
  681. [21:09] <_StoreeTellah> (belum)
  682. [21:09] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  683. [21:09] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 39 / 60
  684. [21:09] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, MiriPardis Succeed with 2 Degree of Success
  685. [21:09] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Left Leg (then Left Leg, Body, Left Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  686. [21:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Could be there's something kills them?" ( TAT)
  687. [21:09] <_StoreeTellah> *predicting direction, speed, checking map*
  688. [21:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *could it be
  689. [21:10] <MiriPardis> (psynisience)
  690. [21:10] <Farrow> "We need to act fast!"
  691. [21:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "But prepare for the worst guys!" ( TAT)
  692. [21:10] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: there's a really small warp power... like a really really tiny black hole
  693. [21:10] <NiveumArgenteus> "Suggesting destroying the cruiser."
  694. [21:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "And don't forget to report to Le Parque as well" ( TAT)
  695. [21:10] <MiriPardis> "..."
  696. [21:10] <_StoreeTellah> (analogi not a literal black hole)
  697. [21:10] <Farrow> "Do they have any means of communication?"
  698. [21:10] <MiriPardis> [vox to HG]
  699. [21:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Can't we contact to the cruiser?"
  700. [21:11] <MiriPardis> (anggep udah diijinin Regina gpp?)
  701. [21:11] <_StoreeTellah> (anggap sudah)
  702. [21:11] <NiveumArgenteus> "We cannot risk communicating with the cruiser, due to Chaos possibility." "Incoming vox from Le Parque."
  703. [21:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Argh... You're right.." ( TAT)
  704. [21:11] <MiriPardis> "Lady Chamaver,"
  705. [21:11] <NiveumArgenteus> *pantau plot*
  706. [21:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ergh.. I hate that name.. Yeah?" *nerima vox*
  707. [21:12] <MiriPardis> "I must inform-- the cruiser have a warp breah in it,"
  708. [21:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox dipasang biar smua bisa denger*
  709. [21:12] <MiriPardis> *breach )
  710. [21:12] <_StoreeTellah> *plotted*
  711. [21:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Warp breach?" ( TAT)
  712. [21:12] <NiveumArgenteus> *cek plot* *call Farrow to check too*
  713. [21:12] <_StoreeTellah> *one to a system just outside broken bifrost*
  714. [21:12] <MiriPardis> "As if a prick of warp,"
  715. [21:13] <_StoreeTellah> *one to an uncharted area in ygdrasil*
  716. [21:13] <Farrow> *checking plot*
  717. [21:13] <MiriPardis> "There might-- be.. a leak,"
  718. [21:13] <_StoreeTellah> *predicted coordinated get*
  719. [21:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "The hell that supposed to mean?" ( TAT)
  720. [21:13] <NiveumArgenteus> "…"
  721. [21:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *liat NiveumArgenteus dan Farrow*
  722. [21:14] <Farrow> "What should we do captain?"
  723. [21:14] <Farrow> "Evacuate people or, chase this pods.."
  724. [21:14] <NiveumArgenteus> *secure a private connection to Cruiser, but separate from Holy Grail* (bisa?)
  725. [21:14] <NiveumArgenteus> *coba hail tapi biar Nivea sendiri yg ngomong/atau denger*
  726. [21:14] <_StoreeTellah> (tech-use)
  727. [21:15] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 18
  728. [21:15] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 61 / 18
  729. [21:15] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, NiveumArgenteus Failed with 4 Degree of Failure
  730. [21:15] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *muka mikir* ( T_T)
  731. [21:15] <NiveumArgenteus> ( lol )
  732. [21:15] <_StoreeTellah> *bzzz*
  733. [21:15] <_StoreeTellah> *failed*
  734. [21:15] <MiriPardis> *matiin access vox ke sebelah a moment*
  735. [21:15] <NiveumArgenteus> @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: "Ask for sugg---"
  736. [21:15] <_StoreeTellah> *kru pada bingung*
  737. [21:15] <NiveumArgenteus> "..."
  738. [21:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "1 warp thingy problem over there" *points kapal*
  739. [21:16] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, requesting permission to cutting loss."
  740. [21:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "2 destination pod"
  741. [21:16] <_StoreeTellah> Kru Le Parque "So... are we using the torpedo or the teleporter this time?"
  742. [21:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Cutting loss?" @ NiveumArgenteus "Explain
  743. [21:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *please explain
  744. [21:16] <NiveumArgenteus> "Yes, the Cruiser might be too dangerous for the area."
  745. [21:16] <NiveumArgenteus> "And the life are already lost over there."
  746. [21:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Last scan please. Please make sure there are no humans on the ship" @ NiveumArgenteus
  747. [21:17] <MiriPardis> vox ke Clarissia "There might be-- chaos corruption ahead,"
  748. [21:17] <Farrow> O_O
  749. [21:17] <NiveumArgenteus> "Loss of life, with a warp breach, and new unknown life pattern--- Scanning for human life form at Cruiser"
  750. [21:17] <NiveumArgenteus> *organize crew for final scan for human*
  751. [21:17] <_StoreeTellah> *scan*
  752. [21:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *+10 ya =3=/ @ NiveumArgenteus*
  753. [21:17] <Clarissia> *nerima Vox* "Wait, chaos corruption? Really?" @MiriPardis
  754. [21:17] <_StoreeTellah> *anggap pake yang tadi*
  755. [21:17] <_StoreeTellah> *....*
  756. [21:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Farrow, any comment?"
  757. [21:17] <_StoreeTellah> *calculating*
  758. [21:18] <NiveumArgenteus> ( oh ok )
  759. [21:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *masih mikir*
  760. [21:18] <_StoreeTellah> *9000 human lives*
  761. [21:18] <MiriPardis> @Claris "Might,"
  762. [21:18] <_StoreeTellah> *steadily decreasing by the second*
  763. [21:18] <MiriPardis> "The Holy Grail might have better access for scan,"
  764. [21:18] <NiveumArgenteus> "expected 9000 human, decreasing steadily. Capt'Ann, do you remember Magni?"
  765. [21:18] <Farrow> "Magni?"
  766. [21:18] <NiveumArgenteus> ( homeworld )
  767. [21:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...." *terdiam sesaat* *nods pelan* "Homeworld..."
  768. [21:18] <Farrow> (oh)
  769. [21:19] <Clarissia> ".... Have you contact them" @MiriPardis
  770. [21:19] <NiveumArgenteus> "We can try to contact them, but risking Holy Grail to be infected as well."
  771. [21:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *tarik napas pelan* *hembusin*
  772. [21:19] <MiriPardis> "I've informed the warp breach,"
  773. [21:20] <NiveumArgenteus> "The destinations of the Escape Pods are known. We can check them after this."
  774. [21:20] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Contact Le Parque and explain the situation please" @ NiveumArgenteus
  775. [21:20] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox to Le Parque*
  776. [21:20] <MiriPardis> (boleh active augury lg? like, ada tempat for the pods to go ga?)
  777. [21:20] <MiriPardis> (ada planet deket2 gt)
  778. [21:20] <_StoreeTellah> (oke)
  779. [21:20] <_StoreeTellah> Silakan MiriPardis
  780. [21:20] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  781. [21:20] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 53 / 60
  782. [21:20] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, MiriPardis Succeed with 0 Degree of Success
  783. [21:20] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  784. [21:21] <_StoreeTellah> *vox to all Le Parque officer*
  785. [21:21] <NiveumArgenteus> "Le Parque, this is Holy Grail. We have plotted the destinations of the pods"
  786. [21:21] <_StoreeTellah> *nyala*
  787. [21:21] <_StoreeTellah> hum...
  788. [21:21] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "....." *mikir sebentar*
  789. [21:21] <_StoreeTellah> a wasteland planet with breathable atmosphere is nearby
  790. [21:22] <MiriPardis> "The nearby planet?"
  791. [21:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Nivea voted for cutting loss. Farrow, your vote?" *liat ke Farrow* ( TAT)
  792. [21:22] <MiriPardis> [vox]
  793. [21:22] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh wait, ini bukan destination yg didapat sama HG tadi? yg dua sistem? )
  794. [21:22] <MiriPardis> (..ngga.. tau)
  795. [21:22] <NiveumArgenteus> ( oh.. beda target scan )
  796. [21:22] <NiveumArgenteus> ( maaf )
  797. [21:22] <_StoreeTellah> (beda target scan)
  798. [21:22] <NiveumArgenteus> ( sip )
  799. [21:23] <NiveumArgenteus> "Le Parque, please elaborate the dangers of Warp Breach."
  800. [21:23] <Farrow> "You mean... destroy them?"
  801. [21:23] <MiriPardis> "I have scanned a wasteland nearby. Breathable atmosphere,"
  802. [21:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  803. [21:23] <Farrow> "..."
  804. [21:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Like..." *tertahan* "Magni..."
  805. [21:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *grit teeth* ( T~T)
  806. [21:23] <Clarissia> (bisa nyamperin MiriPardis gak di ruangannya?)
  807. [21:23] <_StoreeTellah> (kalau nggak dikunci bisa aja Clarissia )
  808. [21:24] <MiriPardis> (monggo aja, ati2 nginjek parchments)
  809. [21:24] <MiriPardis> (kapal pecah)
  810. [21:24] <NiveumArgenteus> "It might not be related, Le Parque. The destinations of the pods are: to a system just outside broken bifrost, and to an uncharted area in Yggdrassil "
  811. [21:24] <Clarissia> *jalan ke ruangannya MiriPardis dengan cepat*
  812. [21:24] <NiveumArgenteus> "Le Parque, please elaborate the dangers of Warp Breach."
  813. [21:25] <NiveumArgenteus> *di luar vox* "I only hope that the cruiser is not breeding Warp creature as we speak."
  814. [21:25] <Clarissia> "Mister Pardis, can I come in?" *ketok ruangannya*
  815. [21:25] <NiveumArgenteus> @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver , Farrow 
  816. [21:25] <MiriPardis> "Come in,"
  817. [21:26] <NiveumArgenteus> *di luar vox* "And Le Parque seemed to be not cooperating by not answering."
  818. [21:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* @ NiveumArgenteus
  819. [21:26] <NiveumArgenteus> @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver , Farrow 
  820. [21:26] <Clarissia> "Excuse me then...." *ngeliat banyak parchments di lantai* "Oh... I'll be careful then."
  821. [21:26] <MiriPardis> [vox] "A moment,"
  822. [21:26] <MiriPardis> (er.. psynisience lg?)
  823. [21:27] <_StoreeTellah> (silakan...)
  824. [21:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "FOR EMPEROR'S SAKE WE DON'T HAVE A MOMENT" (JTAT)J *di luar vox*
  825. [21:27] <Farrow> "We should destroy the ship before everything gets worst.."
  826. [21:27] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  827. [21:27] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 37 / 60
  828. [21:27] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, MiriPardis Succeed with 2 Degree of Success
  829. [21:27] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  830. [21:27] <Clarissia> *jalan ati-ati* *berdiri di belakang MiriPardis* "So, what's the situation now?"
  831. [21:27] <_StoreeTellah> It's still really small
  832. [21:27] <_StoreeTellah> and not increasing in size at the moment
  833. [21:27] <MiriPardis> "The warp breach is still very small," [vox]
  834. [21:27] <MiriPardis> (membesar gak?)
  835. [21:28] <_StoreeTellah> not at the moment
  836. [21:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Alright, vote for cutting loss."
  837. [21:28] <_StoreeTellah> but who knows
  838. [21:28] <MiriPardis> (dibanding tadi)
  839. [21:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Destroy the ship" ( TAT)o-
  840. [21:28] <NiveumArgenteus> *outside vox* "Cutting loss."
  841. [21:28] <_StoreeTellah> (nope)
  842. [21:29] <MiriPardis> [vox] "It is not expanding from earlier,"
  843. [21:29] <NiveumArgenteus> *Vox* "Le Parque, we cannot risk the warp intrusion. We will destroy the ship."
  844. [21:29] <_StoreeTellah> Kru Le Parque "..." *siap-siapin torpedo*
  845. [21:29] <NiveumArgenteus> ( persiapan shuttle, jalan ke sana, sampai, dkk… 2 jam )
  846. [21:29] <MiriPardis> [vox] "..Acknowledged,"
  847. [21:29] <Clarissia> "..... Good choice, I would say."
  848. [21:30] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox* "over-and-out."
  849. [21:30] <_StoreeTellah> *cek kapten*
  850. [21:30] * _kol (cgiirc@AB8C7DEF.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  851. [21:30] <NiveumArgenteus> *turn vox off*
  852. [21:30] <_StoreeTellah> *gak jadi, siapin senjata biasa*
  853. [21:30] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, cut losses?"
  854. [21:30] <Farrow> *waits for Ann's order*
  855. [21:30] <MiriPardis> *matiin vox juga*
  856. [21:31] <NiveumArgenteus> *scan for ship's data for reports*
  857. [21:31] <NiveumArgenteus> ( nama kapal, nama kapten, afiliasi, dkk )
  858. [21:31] <MiriPardis> @Claris "...."
  859. [21:32] <MiriPardis> "Would you like some recaf..?" *watches the screens*
  860. [21:32] <_StoreeTellah> (*it's a merchant ship (not Rogue Trader) *)
  861. [21:32] <_StoreeTellah> (ah
  862. [21:32] <Clarissia> "....." @MiriPardis "... Well, any further info regarding the Chaos?"
  863. [21:32] <_StoreeTellah> (saya asumsi lore master lol)
  864. [21:32] <Clarissia> "Ah, yes, thank you."
  865. [21:32] <NiveumArgenteus> ( oh oke buat dicatat saja buat report )
  866. [21:33] <_StoreeTellah> (oke, itu aja yang diketahui so far)
  867. [21:33] <NiveumArgenteus> ( bahwa.. kapal ini dihancurkan karena warp breach, dengan escape pods ke dua destination )
  868. [21:33] <NiveumArgenteus> ( ok )
  869. [21:33] <NiveumArgenteus> ( nama kapal ada? )
  870. [21:33] <NiveumArgenteus> ( or the same Ship Tag? )
  871. [21:33] <MiriPardis> *walks to recaf machine, keeping an ear on the sounds from the screens*
  872. [21:33] <NiveumArgenteus> ( with the data? )
  873. [21:33] <_StoreeTellah> (same ship tag with the data)
  874. [21:33] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, this is the ship."
  875. [21:34] <_StoreeTellah> Le Parque Crews "Reporting, all weapons ready!"
  876. [21:34] <NiveumArgenteus> "Same one with the Xenos recording."
  877. [21:34] <NiveumArgenteus> "Awaiting order." @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver 
  878. [21:35] <MiriPardis> *pours a cup of recaf for Claris, brings it back, apparently unhindered by the half strewn parchments*
  879. [21:35] <MiriPardis> *gives the cup*
  880. [21:35] <Clarissia> *accepts the cup* "Thank you."
  881. [21:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Cut loss" ( TAT)
  882. [21:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods ke crew*
  883. [21:36] <MiriPardis> "..."
  884. [21:36] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods* "Holy Grail, initiate barrage to the cruiser."
  885. [21:36] <MiriPardis> "......"
  886. [21:36] <_StoreeTellah> Le Parque Crews "Weapon! Fire!"
  887. [21:36] <_StoreeTellah> Stop soundtrack
  888. [21:37] <_StoreeTellah> Mood: Silence
  889. [21:37] <_StoreeTellah> A barrage of shots and weapon
  890. [21:37] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh le parque? )
  891. [21:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *grit teeth* *liat prosesi* ( T~T) "..."
  892. [21:37] <_StoreeTellah> (Le Parque ikut nembak)
  893. [21:37] <Farrow> (torpedo?)
  894. [21:37] <Clarissia> "....."
  895. [21:37] <_StoreeTellah> (nggak, biasa)
  896. [21:37] <MiriPardis> *nonton upcoming destruction dr layar sambil minum kopi*
  897. [21:38] <_StoreeTellah> From both of the ships
  898. [21:38] <_StoreeTellah> Hitting all over the cruiser
  899. [21:38] <Farrow> "..."
  900. [21:38] <_StoreeTellah> Explosion, destruction, machinery, and human flesh all around...
  901. [21:39] <_StoreeTellah> After an hour or so...
  902. [21:39] <_StoreeTellah> Finally... total destruction
  903. [21:39] <Clarissia> ".... That's quite a sight....."
  904. [21:40] <MiriPardis> *sambil baca data slate*
  905. [21:40] <NiveumArgenteus> *prepares a quick report to Imperial Navy and Administratum of the incidents*
  906. [21:40] <_StoreeTellah> (ada yang mau active augury, maybe? Cari sesuatu?)
  907. [21:40] <_StoreeTellah> (*shrugs*)
  908. [21:40] <NiveumArgenteus> ( boleh )
  909. [21:41] <_StoreeTellah> (roll)
  910. [21:41] <NiveumArgenteus> ( jangan2 warp nyisa wkwk )
  911. [21:41] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 80
  912. [21:41] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 29 / 80
  913. [21:41] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, NiveumArgenteus Succeed with 5 Degree of Success
  914. [21:41] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Left Leg (then Left Leg, Body, Left Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  915. [21:41] <MiriPardis> *nengok ke layar* "..Indeed,"
  916. [21:41] * _just_back_home_ is now known as Ambrosia_Ann
  917. [21:41] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  918. [21:41] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 15 / 60
  919. [21:41] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, MiriPardis Succeed with 4 Degree of Success
  920. [21:41] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  921. [21:41] * Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  922. [21:41] <NiveumArgenteus> *organizes crew for checking aftermath*
  923. [21:41] <MiriPardis> (psyniscience lagi)
  924. [21:42] <MiriPardis> (kl boleh)
  925. [21:42] <Ambrosia_Ann> ( T_T)
  926. [21:42] <_StoreeTellah> (silakan)
  927. [21:42] <MiriPardis> itu td 60 ))
  928. [21:42] <MiriPardis> (
  929. [21:42] <_StoreeTellah> (oh)
  930. [21:42] <_StoreeTellah> (psyscience...)
  931. [21:42] <_StoreeTellah> (psyscience...)
  932. [21:42] <_StoreeTellah> (oh...)
  933. [21:42] <_StoreeTellah> (it's gone)
  934. [21:42] * _popdogafk (~hahaha@974B2C6D.5091C710.457E35C5.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  935. [21:43] <MiriPardis> @Claris "... the breach is gone, however,"
  936. [21:43] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: hum...
  937. [21:43] <_StoreeTellah> weird
  938. [21:43] <MiriPardis> *opens vox to HG*
  939. [21:43] <_StoreeTellah> all human flesh
  940. [21:43] <Clarissia> "... That's good to hear, at the very least."
  941. [21:43] <_StoreeTellah> augury can't detect anything other than machine and human flesh
  942. [21:44] <MiriPardis> [vox] "Holy Grail, the breach is no longer,"
  943. [21:44] <MiriPardis> "....."
  944. [21:44] <_StoreeTellah> Now what do you do?
  945. [21:45] <MiriPardis> (daerah sini bagian yg udah ada starchartnya?)
  946. [21:45] <Farrow> "We need to catch the pods now Captain" @Ambrosia_Ann
  947. [21:45] <Ambrosia_Ann> "...." *diem aja liat layar* ( T_T)
  948. [21:45] <Clarissia> "....." *masih ngeliatin layar di ruangannya MiriPardis*
  949. [21:46] <NiveumArgenteus> "I agree with Captain Farrow Achasse."
  950. [21:46] <Farrow> "..."
  951. [21:46] <Ambrosia_Ann> *nods* "focus on the closest one" ( TAT)
  952. [21:46] <Ambrosia_Ann> "We better hurry" *nods* ( TAT)
  953. [21:46] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox to LeParque* "Le Parque, this is Holy Grail. We are going to intercept the pods." *vox out*
  954. [21:46] <_StoreeTellah> (daerah sini masih ada starchart)
  955. [21:47] <NiveumArgenteus> *organize crews for intercepting the pods to their destination*
  956. [21:47] <NiveumArgenteus> ( yg deket dulu )
  957. [21:47] <_StoreeTellah> (oke yang di pinggir bifrost ya)
  958. [21:47] <_StoreeTellah> (FF?)
  959. [21:47] <NiveumArgenteus> ( FF )
  960. [21:47] <Clarissia> "They're chasing the pod, eh."
  961. [21:47] <Clarissia> @MiriPardis
  962. [21:47] <Farrow> "How about the other pod?"
  963. [21:47] <Ambrosia_Ann> "Make sure we catch them" ( TAT)o- *menuju FF*
  964. [21:47] <_StoreeTellah> *whoosh*
  965. [21:47] <_StoreeTellah> langsung aja
  966. [21:48] <_StoreeTellah> kalian menemukan...
  967. [21:48] <_StoreeTellah> asteroid belt
  968. [21:48] <_StoreeTellah> in a dying star system
  969. [21:48] <_StoreeTellah> active augury
  970. [21:48] <Clarissia> (eh ini lapak ngikut kejar juga kan?)
  971. [21:48] <MiriPardis> (lapak ngapain nih)
  972. [21:49] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 80
  973. [21:49] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 2 / 80
  974. [21:49] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, NiveumArgenteus Succeed with 7 Degree of Success
  975. [21:49] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Right Arm (then Right Arm, Body, Head, Body, furthers are Right Arm)
  976. [21:49] <Ambrosia_Ann> "search for the pod!!" @crews ( TAT)o-
  977. [21:49] <_StoreeTellah> (lapak ikut ngejar bener juga)
  978. [21:49] <NiveumArgenteus> ( augury: 2/80 )
  979. [21:49] <_StoreeTellah> sok MiriPardis atau Clarissia kalau mau active augury juga
  980. [21:50] <Clarissia> (silahkan MiriPardis *gak punya scru/detection*)
  981. [21:50] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  982. [21:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 89 / 60
  983. [21:50] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  984. [21:50] <MiriPardis> (...)
  985. [21:50] <MiriPardis> (reroll?)
  986. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> oke anyway
  987. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: found...
  988. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> oh silakan
  989. [21:51] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  990. [21:51] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 96 / 60
  991. [21:51] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 3 Degree of Failure
  992. [21:51] <MiriPardis> (...nasib, emang gak peduli)
  993. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> ( '_')
  994. [21:51] <Clarissia> (makjan)
  995. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> anyway
  996. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: found
  997. [21:51] <MiriPardis> "...Lady Dersand,"
  998. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> a black market trading post
  999. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> in one of the asteroid
  1000. [21:51] <MiriPardis> "Do you think you'd rather wait in Holy Grail?"
  1001. [21:51] <_StoreeTellah> It's an unregistered trading post
  1002. [21:52] <_StoreeTellah> so you can safely assume it's a black market trading post
  1003. [21:52] <MiriPardis> "They have a Medicae Bay, and --the survivors.. might need to be attended to,"
  1004. [21:52] <Clarissia> "I'm thinking about that, but...."
  1005. [21:52] <Clarissia> (_StoreeTellah disini Regina dianggep lagi apa?)
  1006. [21:53] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, we found something that might be a trading post, hidden in asteroid. Possibility of black market is high."
  1007. [21:53] <Ambrosia_Ann> "hmmmmm..." *grins*
  1008. [21:53] <Ambrosia_Ann> ( TwT)
  1009. [21:53] <_StoreeTellah> (dianggap sedang tidur karena mabuk)
  1010. [21:53] <Ambrosia_Ann> "eh wait. The pods goes there?"
  1011. [21:53] <NiveumArgenteus> "Searching for the pods."
  1012. [21:53] <NiveumArgenteus> *search the pods*
  1013. [21:53] <_StoreeTellah> *piip*
  1014. [21:54] <_StoreeTellah> found like 40% of the pods here
  1015. [21:54] <NiveumArgenteus> *displaying the results to Holy Grail*
  1016. [21:54] <Ambrosia_Ann> *ngeliat hasil*
  1017. [21:54] <Farrow> "Is there any sign of life?"
  1018. [21:55] <_StoreeTellah> ( a lot )
  1019. [21:55] <Clarissia> "... Can you ask them for permission then?"
  1020. [21:55] <Clarissia> @MiriPardis
  1021. [21:55] <Farrow> (inside the pods i mean)
  1022. [21:55] <Farrow> (not in black market)
  1023. [21:55] <_StoreeTellah> (not anymore)
  1024. [21:55] <Ambrosia_Ann> (wkwkwk)
  1025. [21:56] <Ambrosia_Ann> "Hmmmm..." ( T_T)
  1026. [21:56] <NiveumArgenteus> "Checking whether the pods are empty due the survivors went away."
  1027. [21:56] <NiveumArgenteus> ( bisa? )
  1028. [21:56] <Ambrosia_Ann> "So we should check the black market?"
  1029. [21:56] <Farrow> "Are we too late? We should check this illegal market.."
  1030. [21:57] <_StoreeTellah> (possibly NiveumArgenteus )
  1031. [21:57] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, we might need to inform Le Parque as well."
  1032. [21:57] <MiriPardis> "..." *finish sipping recaf* [vox] "Holy Grail, would you allow Lady Dersand to teleport there? She might be of help with the survivors--"
  1033. [21:57] <Ambrosia_Ann> *nods* @ NiveumArgenteus n Farrow
  1034. [21:57] <NiveumArgenteus> "…" *lirik Ambrosia_Ann seputar vox terbaru*
  1035. [21:57] <Ambrosia_Ann> "Teleport..?" ( TAT)
  1036. [21:58] <Ambrosia_Ann> *sakit kpala* *pegang kpala* *mikir*
  1037. [21:58] <NiveumArgenteus> "So they have such ancient technology. No wonder there are two adeptus mechanicus registered there."
  1038. [21:58] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, should we inform the latest information instead? That way we do not have to deal with the request."
  1039. [21:59] <Clarissia> *menanti jawaban*
  1040. [21:59] <Ambrosia_Ann> *nods* "Please do so" @ NiveumArgenteus
  1041. [21:59] <Farrow> "Yes i think so, we should go directly to this market."
  1042. [21:59] <Ambrosia_Ann> "No time to waste." *nods @ Farrow
  1043. [21:59] <NiveumArgenteus> *Vox* "Le Parque, this is Holy Grail. We found that the Pods are landing at the Asteroid; might be Black Market, and the survivors possibly blended there."
  1044. [22:00] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox* "We will land to the Asteroid and investigate."
  1045. [22:00] <Ambrosia_Ann> "Farrow, you've been dealing a lot with scouting right?"
  1046. [22:00] <Farrow> "Yes, Captain."
  1047. [22:00] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox* "The Survivors might be over there as well, let us rendezvous at the Asteroid."
  1048. [22:00] <Ambrosia_Ann> "Is it safe to use armors and uniform to go there?"
  1049. [22:00] <MiriPardis> [vox] "...Understood,"
  1050. [22:00] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox* "over-and-out."
  1051. [22:00] <Ambrosia_Ann> *point blackmarket*
  1052. [22:01] <NiveumArgenteus> "It will bring too much attention, Capt'Ann. For uniforms."
  1053. [22:01] <Clarissia> "So, that's how it is. Should we go there now then?" @MiriPardis
  1054. [22:01] <Farrow> "Yes probably not good to draw attention,"
  1055. [22:02] <Ambrosia_Ann> "Hmmm.. So we should.cover it with other clothes.." *nods nods*
  1056. [22:02] <_StoreeTellah> begitu denger black market Regina dan beberapa kru yang dia culik langsung pergi
  1057. [22:02] <MiriPardis> (claris bawa aja)
  1058. [22:02] <Ambrosia_Ann> (wut)
  1059. [22:02] <Clarissia> (saya, sayaaaa)
  1060. [22:02] <MiriPardis> (miri masih mager)
  1061. [22:02] <MiriPardis> "..You should accompany the captain,"
  1062. [22:02] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh berarti ke sana harus pakai Shuttle juga kan? )
  1063. [22:03] <Farrow> "We should mark this location, so that we can track their activities later.."
  1064. [22:03] <Clarissia> "... yes, I should."
  1065. [22:03] <_StoreeTellah> (iya)
  1066. [22:03] <Clarissia> *bisa ngejar dan ngikut bareng Regina kan?*
  1067. [22:03] <NiveumArgenteus> ( siapin.. Shuttle no.4, the most plain and non-descript )
  1068. [22:03] <_StoreeTellah> (clarissia loncat ke shuttle?)
  1069. [22:03] <Ambrosia_Ann> *nods* "Guys, mark this place in the chart" @crews
  1070. [22:03] <NiveumArgenteus> ( *plak* )
  1071. [22:03] <Clarissia> (kalo bisa _StoreeTellah)
  1072. [22:03] <Ambrosia_Ann> "so we check this place another time"
  1073. [22:03] <_StoreeTellah> (oke bisa)
  1074. [22:04] <Ambrosia_Ann> *we can check
  1075. [22:04] <Clarissia> (oke)
  1076. [22:04] <_StoreeTellah> Mood: Mysterious, dirty
  1077. [22:04] <NiveumArgenteus> "Let me change first, Capt'Ann" *sambil prepare shuttle*
  1078. [22:04] <Clarissia> *lari dan just in time sebelum shuttle nya berangkat*
  1079. [22:04] <Ambrosia_Ann> *nods*
  1080. [22:04] * _kol (cgiirc@AB8C7DEF.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP) has joined #ruangdadu0
  1081. [22:04] <Ambrosia_Ann> "I'll change as well"
  1082. [22:04] <NiveumArgenteus> *pakai battle mode* *sambil ambil.. Assault Lasgun*
  1083. [22:05] <Ambrosia_Ann> *nengok k Farrow* "Is it possible if Blood Salamandee regiment do some scouting in this area as well?"
  1084. [22:05] <Ambrosia_Ann> *Salamander
  1085. [22:05] <MiriPardis> "....." *watches the door closes as Claris departed* "Well then," *puts down the recaf cup*
  1086. [22:05] <MiriPardis> *reseats himself in navigator chair*
  1087. [22:05] <_StoreeTellah> kedua kapal bersiap berangkat
  1088. [22:05] <Farrow> "I can have scouts to ask around and secure perimeter"
  1089. [22:05] <_StoreeTellah> *shuttle
  1090. [22:06] <Ambrosia_Ann> *nods* "please then"
  1091. [22:06] <MiriPardis> *opens third eye*
  1092. [22:07] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  1093. [22:07] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 56 / 60
  1094. [22:07] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, MiriPardis Succeed with 0 Degree of Success
  1095. [22:07] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1096. [22:07] <Ambrosia_Ann> *siap2 ganti pake armor yg dilapis coat / cloak biar ga kliatan* *dan standby d shuttle*
  1097. [22:07] <Farrow> *Inform scouts about the mission*
  1098. [22:07] <Ambrosia_Ann> (bisa? @ _StoreeTellah )
  1099. [22:07] * _popdogafk (~hahaha@974B2C6D.5091C710.457E35C5.IP) has joined #ruangdadu0
  1100. [22:08] <NiveumArgenteus> *kalau beres ganti battlemode + assaultlasgun, ke shuttle*
  1101. [22:08] <_StoreeTellah> (oke)
  1102. [22:08] * Ambrosia_Ann is now known as Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  1103. [22:08] <MiriPardis> *playing with the waters di tepian warp*
  1104. [22:08] <_StoreeTellah> shuttle berangkat?
  1105. [22:08] <Farrow> *Mainly to gather information and staying separately from explorers*
  1106. [22:09] <Farrow> (berangkat)
  1107. [22:09] <NiveumArgenteus> *standby guarding Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  1108. [22:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *ga lupa bawa barang2 standart*
  1109. [22:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *siap brangkat*
  1110. [22:10] <_StoreeTellah> shuttle berangkat
  1111. [22:10] <_StoreeTellah> ketika mendekati asteroid
  1112. [22:10] <_StoreeTellah> ada suatu message encrypted dikirim ke shuttle
  1113. [22:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm?"
  1114. [22:11] <MiriPardis> "... I see." *notes in the data slate*
  1115. [22:11] <_StoreeTellah> harus cukup berpengetahuan soal underworld
  1116. [22:11] <_StoreeTellah> atau punya cipher
  1117. [22:11] <NiveumArgenteus> ( Fate Point, auto success )
  1118. [22:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (culas..)
  1119. [22:11] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 2/4 )
  1120. [22:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( T_T)y-ooOO *ngerokok dl*
  1121. [22:12] <_popdogafk> (im from the underworld)
  1122. [22:12] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: itu kode masuk supaya shuttle aman mendarat di asteroid
  1123. [22:12] <NiveumArgenteus> *share the message* *and act accordingly*
  1124. [22:12] <_StoreeTellah> _popdogafk: oke... dapet juga deh
  1125. [22:12] <_StoreeTellah> (cocok ama bg)
  1126. [22:12] * _popdogafk is now known as Regina_d
  1127. [22:12] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: your shuttle went through the exact procedure
  1128. [22:13] <_StoreeTellah> and landed safely
  1129. [22:13] <Regina_d> *go thru procedures
  1130. [22:13] <_StoreeTellah> Regina_d: too
  1131. [22:13] <_StoreeTellah> As you both landed
  1132. [22:13] <_StoreeTellah> you see a lot Ratling...
  1133. [22:13] <_StoreeTellah> some humans...
  1134. [22:13] <_StoreeTellah> and... Orks
  1135. [22:14] <NiveumArgenteus> "..."
  1136. [22:14] <_StoreeTellah> (shuttle belum dibuka ya)
  1137. [22:14] <Clarissia> "...."
  1138. [22:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...."
  1139. [22:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *tahan Farrow*
  1140. [22:14] <Farrow> *looked at orks, grips hand*
  1141. [22:15] <Regina_d> "interesting.."
  1142. [22:15] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *tahan jg cm tepuk pelan.tangan Farrow*
  1143. [22:15] <_StoreeTellah> Some Ratling, obviously porters approached your shuttles
  1144. [22:15] <NiveumArgenteus> "Captai Farrow Achasse, please consider this is a good chance for learn more about them, and their hiding places."
  1145. [22:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "next time, we'll return" @farrow
  1146. [22:16] <Farrow> *nods at Nivea and Ann*
  1147. [22:16] <_StoreeTellah> One knocked on your shuttle door
  1148. [22:16] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh shuttle misah kan? )
  1149. [22:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Nivea can you?" *point ke door*
  1150. [22:17] <_StoreeTellah> (misah)
  1151. [22:17] <_StoreeTellah> (masing-masing shuttle diketuk)
  1152. [22:17] <NiveumArgenteus> *open the shuttle door*
  1153. [22:17] <_StoreeTellah> Hive Dialect "Need porter?"
  1154. [22:18] <NiveumArgenteus> *sambil pamer lasgun* "Hmm?"
  1155. [22:18] <NiveumArgenteus> "Move away."
  1156. [22:18] <_StoreeTellah> "..."
  1157. [22:18] <Regina_d> "no thanks"
  1158. [22:18] <_StoreeTellah> *menjauh aja*
  1159. [22:19] <_StoreeTellah> HD "cheapstakes everywhere"
  1160. [22:19] <_StoreeTellah> porter bubar
  1161. [22:19] <Farrow> *follow nivea*
  1162. [22:19] <_StoreeTellah> The landing space isn't that big
  1163. [22:19] * _Just_Ann_ ( has joined #ruangdadu0
  1164. [22:19] <NiveumArgenteus> @Farrow: "Farrow, please allocate some guards here, too"
  1165. [22:19] <_StoreeTellah> as you stepped outside of the shuttle, you can quickly notice LP/HG shuttle
  1166. [22:20] <_Just_Ann_> *ikut jalan*
  1167. [22:20] <Farrow> "Very well" *ask some of the scout to guard the shutle*
  1168. [22:20] <Clarissia> "There they are."
  1169. [22:20] <Farrow> *shuttle*
  1170. [22:20] <_StoreeTellah> *scout nods*
  1171. [22:20] <NiveumArgenteus> *standby near _Just_Ann_ *
  1172. [22:21] <NiveumArgenteus> *looks around for the escape pods*
  1173. [22:22] * Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver is now known as _just_ann
  1174. [22:22] <Regina_d> *suruh shuttle pulang trus standby teleporter
  1175. [22:22] <_StoreeTellah> some of the escape pods are there in the hangar
  1176. [22:22] * _Just_Ann_ is now known as Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  1177. [22:22] <Farrow> *and ask for the others to spread out, blend in with the others*
  1178. [22:22] <_StoreeTellah> *shuttle pulang*
  1179. [22:23] <_StoreeTellah> *blend with people*
  1180. [22:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *liatin escape pod* ( T_T)
  1181. [22:23] <NiveumArgenteus> "Ann, should we meet and greet the others?"
  1182. [22:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "I guess that should be it" ( TAT)
  1183. [22:24] <NiveumArgenteus> *follows Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  1184. [22:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *jalan ke arah Clarissia dan Regina* ~~~~"( T_T)
  1185. [22:25] <Clarissia> "Captain, the Holy Grail's crews are coming here." @Regina_d
  1186. [22:25] <Farrow> *microbeads* "any rumors, contact me immediately" @ scouts
  1187. [22:25] <_StoreeTellah> microbeads "affirmative*
  1188. [22:25] <Regina_d> "leave the talking to them, we secure and search infos about locale"
  1189. [22:26] <Clarissia> "Okay, got it."
  1190. [22:27] <Regina_d> "pretend you dont know them." *whisper
  1191. [22:27] <_StoreeTellah> you're in one group now
  1192. [22:27] <_StoreeTellah> at least face to face
  1193. [22:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nengok ke NiveumArgenteus* "Which area should we check?" ( TAT)
  1194. [22:27] <Regina_d> *sambil ngobrol2 ama orang bm*
  1195. [22:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Yo" ( TAT)/ @ Clarissia dan Regina
  1196. [22:27] <NiveumArgenteus> *do I see that they pretend for not knowing us?*
  1197. [22:27] <_StoreeTellah> Regina_d: Inquiry
  1198. [22:27] <Regina_d> *kalo ada barang murah, beli sambil basa basi cari info locale
  1199. [22:28] <_StoreeTellah> peer nambah +10 kalau gak salah ya
  1200. [22:28] <_StoreeTellah> <_<
  1201. [22:28] <NiveumArgenteus> ( +10 )
  1202. [22:28] <Regina_d> !dtest 52
  1203. [22:28] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Regina_d and Result is 6 / 52
  1204. [22:28] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Regina_d Succeed with 4 Degree of Success
  1205. [22:28] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1206. [22:28] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh jadi bener lagak ga kenal? )
  1207. [22:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (itu disapa ga berbalas kan? =3=)b)
  1208. [22:28] <Regina_d> (iya)
  1209. [22:28] <NiveumArgenteus> "Ah, Ann, my bad, wrong person it seems."
  1210. [22:29] <Clarissia> "....." *nyuekin Ann atas instruksi kapten*
  1211. [22:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmm? Is that so..?"
  1212. [22:29] <NiveumArgenteus> "Let us check at the other side"
  1213. [22:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *lirik* *cm be2 kan? tanpa miri?*
  1214. [22:29] <_StoreeTellah> (yup)
  1215. [22:30] <NiveumArgenteus> *sambil nanya2 seputar latest event, specialty setempat, hal menarik*
  1216. [22:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Alright, Nivea" ( TAT) "C'mon Farrow."
  1217. [22:30] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: inquiry
  1218. [22:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil keliling liat2* (TAT ) ( TAT)
  1219. [22:30] <NiveumArgenteus> *sesekali nanya Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver dan Farrow *
  1220. [22:30] <NiveumArgenteus> ( maksudnya minta assist )
  1221. [22:30] <Farrow> *go and ask for some rumors and recent news*
  1222. [22:30] <NiveumArgenteus> *subliminal inquiry about the pods*
  1223. [22:30] <Farrow> (oh wkwkw)
  1224. [22:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *cari tempat minum* *dan ikutan ngobrol sambil minum2*
  1225. [22:30] <_StoreeTellah> Regina_d: dapet beberapa obat-obatan average ke bawah
  1226. [22:30] <Clarissia> *ngikutin Regina*
  1227. [22:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *bantu NiveumArgenteus =3=b*
  1228. [22:31] <NiveumArgenteus> ( dapet assist dua? )
  1229. [22:31] <_StoreeTellah> dapet
  1230. [22:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (diassist +10 jg =3=/ @ NiveumArgenteus)
  1231. [22:31] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 105
  1232. [22:31] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 54 / 105
  1233. [22:31] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, NiveumArgenteus Succeed with 5 Degree of Success
  1234. [22:31] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1235. [22:31] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 8 degree of success )
  1236. [22:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil minum2* "Really?" *ngobrol2* ( TwT)
  1237. [22:31] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 1 seneschal, 2 aid )
  1238. [22:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (+10 jgn lupa ya @ NiveumArgenteus =3=/)
  1239. [22:32] <NiveumArgenteus> ( sudah kok )
  1240. [22:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ok)
  1241. [22:33] <MiriPardis> [di lapak navi room] ".. that would explain the Shining Phalanx change in crew," *is finishing reading Clarissia's report*
  1242. [22:34] <NiveumArgenteus> *sambil update info ke Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Farrow sesekali*
  1243. [22:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (TwT ) ( TwT) *grins*
  1244. [22:35] <Farrow> "Hmm, that's right.." O_O
  1245. [22:35] <NiveumArgenteus> *sambil jaga Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver biar ga kebanyakan minum, sesekali ambil gelasnya*
  1246. [22:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ho?" ( TAT)
  1247. [22:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *oh mastiin minum jg ga banyak2 dan pesen cm yg paling ringan*
  1248. [22:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Aaah.. Nivea.. You're no fuuun~" ( TwT)-o *begaya mabok pundung poke2 NiveumArgenteus*
  1249. [22:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "anywaaayzzz..."
  1250. [22:37] <Farrow> "..."
  1251. [22:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "keep an eye" (TAT ) *bisik ke Farrow dan NiveumArgenteus*
  1252. [22:37] <_StoreeTellah> *BRAK*
  1253. [22:37] <NiveumArgenteus> *sesekali bisik ke Farrow and Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  1254. [22:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nengok ke suara brak* ( TAT)
  1255. [22:38] <Regina_d> *nengok ke brak
  1256. [22:38] <NiveumArgenteus> *lihat ke brak*
  1257. [22:38] <Clarissia> *nengok ke brak juga*
  1258. [22:38] <_StoreeTellah> Terjadi keributan di salah satu tunnel di asteroid
  1259. [22:38] <_StoreeTellah> Terlihat Ork teriak-teriak pake bahasa yang kalian tidak mengerti
  1260. [22:38] <_StoreeTellah> terus salah satu Ratling kelihatan minta maaf
  1261. [22:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ohoho! A bar brawl?" *grins* ( TwT)
  1262. [22:38] <_StoreeTellah> lalu si Ork di antar ke tunnel lain
  1263. [22:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *lirik Farrow dan NiveumArgenteus* *gesture point Ratling dan Ork*
  1264. [22:39] <Farrow> "hmm.."
  1265. [22:39] <NiveumArgenteus> *jalan santai ke arah tunnel, casually curiously peeking*
  1266. [22:40] <_StoreeTellah> it's dark
  1267. [22:40] <NiveumArgenteus> *turunin helmet* *dark sight*
  1268. [22:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil liat sekeliling*
  1269. [22:40] <Farrow> *preysense*
  1270. [22:40] <_StoreeTellah> a long corridor with several stairs deep into the asteroid
  1271. [22:41] <NiveumArgenteus> *while whispering reports to Farrow and Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver through micro-beads*
  1272. [22:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *what's the situation @ _StoreeTellah*
  1273. [22:41] <Regina_d> *sewa Porter dong
  1274. [22:41] <_StoreeTellah> Beberapa melihat kalian dan tunnel
  1275. [22:41] <NiveumArgenteus> *casually asked nearby what happened*
  1276. [22:42] <Clarissia> (buset Regina beli apa aja)
  1277. [22:42] <Regina_d> *trus tanyain porternya itu apa yang terjadi
  1278. [22:42] <_StoreeTellah> "Maybe they want to buy some of the emergency goods"
  1279. [22:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ngobrol ke sekeliling* *nanya si ork itu siapa knapa marah2* ( TwT)~
  1280. [22:42] <_StoreeTellah> Porter bantu ngangkat
  1281. [22:42] <_StoreeTellah> belanjaan Regina
  1282. [22:42] <Farrow> "..." *just looking at ork*
  1283. [22:42] <_StoreeTellah> "Dey're Orks, they mad at anything."
  1284. [22:42] <Regina_d> *beli obat tidur dan minum2an
  1285. [22:42] <_StoreeTellah> "We got no Ork wanted goods."
  1286. [22:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *chuckles* "Indeed 'ey" @ yg ngomong
  1287. [22:43] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh itu jawab ke siapa _StoreeTellah ? )
  1288. [22:43] <NiveumArgenteus> ( yg emergency goods )
  1289. [22:43] <_StoreeTellah> ke yang nanya
  1290. [22:43] <_StoreeTellah> ( '_')
  1291. [22:43] <Clarissia> (eh bentar ini yg ngomong siapa? porter nya Regina?)
  1292. [22:43] <_StoreeTellah> jawabannya macem macem tapi kurang lebih sama
  1293. [22:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (oh iya jawab ke siapa OAO)/)
  1294. [22:43] <NiveumArgenteus> "Emergency goods? What's good with Emergency goods?" @nearby
  1295. [22:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Wanted goods? Whazisit? Interesting stuffs?" ( TwT) *muka tertarik*
  1296. [22:44] <Clarissia> "Emergency goods?" *tanya ke porternya Regina*
  1297. [22:44] <_StoreeTellah> "Dunno, trade bznz. If you know, you just know."
  1298. [22:44] <_StoreeTellah> @all
  1299. [22:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ahahaha.. Is that so.." *chuckles*
  1300. [22:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sesekali tepuk pelan bahu Farrow biar ngga ngeliatin terus* ( TwT) *dan casually ngobrol lagi*
  1301. [22:45] <NiveumArgenteus> *balik tanya2 seputar.. PM @_StoreeTellah *
  1302. [22:46] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *bisik ke Farrow* "you ok?" (TAT )
  1303. [22:46] <NiveumArgenteus> *back to Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Farrow * *whisper a bit*
  1304. [22:47] <Farrow> "yes Ann, I just don't like to deal with Orks.."
  1305. [22:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..Sorry.." *bisik* @ Farrow
  1306. [22:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *terdiam sesaat denger penjelasan NiveumArgenteus* " you know where this thing is..?" *bisik @ NiveumArgenteus
  1307. [22:48] <Regina_d> !dtest 52
  1308. [22:48] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Regina_d and Result is 67 / 52
  1309. [22:48] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, Regina_d Failed with 1 Degree of Failure
  1310. [22:48] <NiveumArgenteus> *shakes head*
  1311. [22:48] <Regina_d> reroll
  1312. [22:48] <_StoreeTellah> lol
  1313. [22:48] <Regina_d> !dtest 52
  1314. [22:48] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Regina_d and Result is 84 / 52
  1315. [22:48] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, Regina_d Failed with 3 Degree of Failure
  1316. [22:48] <_StoreeTellah> lolol
  1317. [22:48] <Clarissia> (wut)
  1318. [22:48] <NiveumArgenteus> *whispers again to Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Farrow *
  1319. [22:48] <NiveumArgenteus> "So, any idea, Ann, Farrow?"
  1320. [22:49] <NiveumArgenteus> *sambil memeriksa assault lasgun*
  1321. [22:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...actually if you ask me, i prefer to just blow this place away..." *bisik* "..but it won't finish the problem.."
  1322. [22:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil liat yg lain*
  1323. [22:50] <NiveumArgenteus> "Want to check the tunnel?"
  1324. [22:50] <Regina_d> *whisper "claris, you bring weapon?"
  1325. [22:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* ( TAT) "let's check it out.."
  1326. [22:50] <Farrow> "Lets go.."
  1327. [22:51] <Farrow> *asking scouts to join into tunnel discreetly*
  1328. [22:51] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods* *goes to tunnel*
  1329. [22:51] <_StoreeTellah> ketika kalian mendekati tunnel itu
  1330. [22:51] <_StoreeTellah> beberapa orang bersenjata mendadak mendekati kalian
  1331. [22:51] <_StoreeTellah> "Ye can't go ere"
  1332. [22:51] <Clarissia> "Yes, captain." *whisper to Regina_d*
  1333. [22:52] <NiveumArgenteus> ( berapa orang dan dimana? )
  1334. [22:52] <_StoreeTellah> awalnya beberapa
  1335. [22:52] <_StoreeTellah> makin lama nambah
  1336. [22:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmm..?" ( T_T) *liatin org2 yg mendekat*
  1337. [22:52] <_StoreeTellah> "Move along, dis place is for high buyer only."
  1338. [22:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Oho?" ( TwT) *smiles*
  1339. [22:53] <_StoreeTellah> "And de orks, ye ain't orks aren't ye?"
  1340. [22:53] <Regina_d> *whisper "claris, aid me"
  1341. [22:54] <Clarissia> "Okay, captain."
  1342. [22:54] <Regina_d> (biar +
  1343. [22:54] <Regina_d> (biar +10 maksudnya)
  1344. [22:54] <Clarissia> (oke)
  1345. [22:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well well.. How can you know we're no high buyers?" @ yg ngehalangin
  1346. [22:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TwT) *smiles*
  1347. [22:55] <Farrow> "We are high buyers.." 0w0
  1348. [22:55] <NiveumArgenteus> "Not me."
  1349. [22:55] <NiveumArgenteus> "I want to see the goods first."
  1350. [22:55] <NiveumArgenteus> "What if they're -- unsatisfactory."
  1351. [22:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "High buyers or no, it depends on the quality of the goods, no?" *grins* ( TwT)
  1352. [22:55] <_StoreeTellah> Hm
  1353. [22:55] <_StoreeTellah> roll apa ya ini
  1354. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> ( '_')
  1355. [22:56] <NiveumArgenteus> (emboh wkwk )
  1356. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> commerce deh
  1357. [22:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (nah itu apa ya ( '_') )
  1358. [22:56] <Farrow> (deceive?)
  1359. [22:56] <NiveumArgenteus> ( wat )
  1360. [22:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (oke ( ._. ) )
  1361. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> decieve
  1362. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> benar juga
  1363. [22:56] <Farrow> (PF 14 kaya? wkwkw)
  1364. [22:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (deceive OAO||| pake apa itu, ai ndak punya)
  1365. [22:56] <NiveumArgenteus> ( Fellowship. Farrow ada? )
  1366. [22:56] <Farrow> (nivea?)
  1367. [22:56] <Farrow> (ada)
  1368. [22:56] <NiveumArgenteus> ( lol anak jujur saya )
  1369. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> Seneschal punya gak?
  1370. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> <_<
  1371. [22:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ada yg punya deceive?)
  1372. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> lol anak jujur
  1373. [22:56] <NiveumArgenteus> ( Farrow )
  1374. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> tuh farrow
  1375. [22:56] <Regina_d> (ada ada)
  1376. [22:56] <_StoreeTellah> sok
  1377. [22:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (aid saja kalo gitu +10 lagi)
  1378. [22:57] <Farrow> !dtest 51
  1379. [22:57] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Farrow and Result is 9 / 51
  1380. [22:57] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, Farrow Succeed with 4 Degree of Success
  1381. [22:57] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Left Leg (then Left Leg, Body, Left Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  1382. [22:57] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (eh +20 dr ann ya jadinya?)
  1383. [22:57] <Clarissia> (wuih)
  1384. [22:57] <NiveumArgenteus> ( +10 aja , Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver ga trained kan )
  1385. [22:57] <_StoreeTellah> "Oh, okay..."
  1386. [22:57] <_StoreeTellah> *menatap curiga*
  1387. [22:57] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (oh iya =3=/ @ NiveumArgenteus sankyu maaf lupa terus)
  1388. [22:57] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *smiles* ( TwT)
  1389. [22:57] <_StoreeTellah> "But only two person can enter."
  1390. [22:58] <_StoreeTellah> "You and one of your bodyguard."
  1391. [22:58] <_StoreeTellah> *tunjuk Farrow*
  1392. [22:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm?" ( T_T)
  1393. [22:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (yg disuru nentuin Farrow?)
  1394. [22:58] <_StoreeTellah> (iya)
  1395. [22:58] <NiveumArgenteus> "Hn. Fair enough. Tell me the results later."
  1396. [22:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( silahkan Farrow =w=)
  1397. [22:59] <NiveumArgenteus> ( oh ngasih ke Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver )
  1398. [22:59] <Farrow> *tunjuk ann*
  1399. [22:59] <NiveumArgenteus> *balik badan* *menjauh*
  1400. [22:59] <_StoreeTellah> "Follow me."
  1401. [22:59] <_StoreeTellah> ke #ruangdadu6
  1402. [22:59] <NiveumArgenteus> *bisik micro* "we still can use this"
  1403. [22:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah.. Alright then. See ya later" @ NiveumArgenteus
  1404. [22:59] <Farrow> *follow*
  1405. [22:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *follows*
  1406. [22:59] <NiveumArgenteus> *lanjut meneror _StoreeTellah dengan Inquiry di sekitar*
  1407. [23:00] <Regina_d> *lanjut shopping *
  1408. [23:01] <Clarissia> "We're not doing anything, Capt?" *rogoh-rogoh senjata di backpack*
  1409. [23:02] <Regina_d> "we could always blow this place"
  1410. [23:02] <Regina_d> "take it easy, is there nothing you wanna buy?"
  1411. [23:02] <Clarissia> ".... I suppose we could."
  1412. [23:03] <Regina_d> "look, a rare drink"
  1413. [23:03] <Clarissia> "Hmm... well, I think I could use some meds and painkiller here."
  1414. [23:03] <Clarissia> (ada ndak _StoreeTellah?)
  1415. [23:03] <Clarissia> "A rare drink.. should we buy one for Mister Ziegler?"
  1416. [23:04] <Regina_d> "oh, yes yes, that too"
  1417. [23:04] <Regina_d> *tambah porter kalo perlu
  1418. [23:05] <Clarissia> *panggil porter lagi*
  1419. [23:05] <_StoreeTellah> ada
  1420. [23:06] <_StoreeTellah> average ada lah
  1421. [23:06] <_StoreeTellah> benda benda aneh
  1422. [23:06] <_StoreeTellah> average underworld
  1423. [23:08] <Regina_d> (average underworld itu scarce common world)
  1424. [23:09] <Regina_d> (bole)
  1425. [23:09] <Regina_d> (?)
  1426. [23:09] <Clarissia> (baru mau nanya average underworld itu apa aja kira-kira)
  1427. [23:09] <_StoreeTellah> (*lirik NiveumArgenteus )
  1428. [23:10] <NiveumArgenteus> ( kalau itu masih bisa, tapi 1 saja kan ya )
  1429. [23:10] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 1 scarce )
  1430. [23:10] <Regina_d> ( 1 per item / 1 item?)
  1431. [23:10] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 1 item )
  1432. [23:11] <Regina_d> (okeee)
  1433. [23:11] <Regina_d> *window shopping *
  1434. [23:12] <Regina_d> *btw asks miri to load torpedo just in case*
  1435. [23:12] <NiveumArgenteus> ( darn, baru mau minta hal sama ke atas )
  1436. [23:13] <NiveumArgenteus> ( owell sekalian ) *vox crew on Holy Grail, for.. just in case* *and crew on shuttle*
  1437. [23:13] <Clarissia> *nyari barang mumpung belom di torpedo*
  1438. [23:13] <MiriPardis> [dilapak, nth cup of recaf] "..? Of course,"
  1439. [23:13] <NiveumArgenteus> *lanjut tanya2*
  1440. [23:13] <MiriPardis> *tells the crew to load the torpedo*
  1441. [23:14] <_StoreeTellah> Le Parque Crews "I knew it, torpedo!"
  1442. [23:14] <MiriPardis> (..torpedo happy gini lapak)
  1443. [23:14] <Clarissia> (.....)
  1444. [23:14] <Clarissia> (maniak memang)
  1445. [23:14] <Clarissia> (no torpedo, no party)
  1446. [23:18] <Regina_d> (btw barang average boleh beli bebas?)
  1447. [23:20] <Regina_d> (atau barang common)
  1448. [23:20] <_StoreeTellah> (jumlah masuk akal bebas harusnya kan? O_O)
  1449. [23:20] <Regina_d> (selusin masuk akal ga?)
  1450. [23:21] <Clarissia> (selusin shotgun gitu misalnya)
  1451. [23:21] <_StoreeTellah> mungkin...?
  1452. [23:21] <NiveumArgenteus> ( no copy kl yg free2 )
  1453. [23:21] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 1 item only )
  1454. [23:22] <_StoreeTellah> (tuh)
  1455. [23:22] <NiveumArgenteus> ( no duplicate )
  1456. [23:22] <Regina_d> (oh beli granat 6 biji bole?)
  1457. [23:22] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 3 kl granat )
  1458. [23:22] <Regina_d> (atau 3 biji)
  1459. [23:22] <NiveumArgenteus> ( ammo and grenade kan kelipatan 3 )
  1460. [23:22] <NiveumArgenteus> ( well… 3 for good sih wkwk )
  1461. [23:22] <Regina> (jadi bawa 3, beli 3, total 6 bole?)
  1462. [23:22] <Clarissia> (oh jadi kalo beli senjata atau tools apa cuma bisa satu ya)
  1463. [23:22] <Clarissia> (mau average, plentiful atau semacamnya)
  1464. [23:23] <NiveumArgenteus> ( iya; tp kalau fluffwise beli setumpuk gpp; diitung tetep 1 aja tapi bisa dipakainya )
  1465. [23:23] <Regina> "hmm, this seller is kinda stubborn"
  1466. [23:23] <NiveumArgenteus> ( papasan? *plak* )
  1467. [23:23] <Clarissia> "What do you want to buy, Captain?"
  1468. [23:23] <Clarissia> *ngerasa sekilas kayak ada orang yang dikenal lewat*
  1469. [23:24] <Regina> *anyway, buys Voss-pattern grenade launcher and 3 frags*
  1470. [23:24] <NiveumArgenteus> ( scarce ya? )
  1471. [23:24] <Regina> *reloads* *ckrak* "damn nice"
  1472. [23:24] <Regina> (hooh)
  1473. [23:24] <Clarissia> "Already found what you're looking for? Mmm... I still can't decide mine..."
  1474. [23:25] <Regina> (eh weit weit boleh batal?)
  1475. [23:25] <Regina> (ngga jadi beli grenade launcer bole?)
  1476. [23:25] <Regina> "but..." *looks at grenade launcher*
  1477. [23:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *balik ke surface* *masih pegangan ke Farrow* (|||TwT) *still tries to smile*
  1478. [23:26] <Regina> (kalo gabole gapapa sih)
  1479. [23:26] <_StoreeTellah> Yak kalian semua
  1480. [23:26] <_StoreeTellah> by force of fate
  1481. [23:26] <_StoreeTellah> papasan
  1482. [23:26] <NiveumArgenteus> *approaches Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Farrow *
  1483. [23:26] <NiveumArgenteus> "Ann, Farrow, how was it?"
  1484. [23:26] <Farrow> "This is the place."
  1485. [23:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *masih pegangan* *agak gemeteran tangannya* (|||TwT) *masih mencoba senyum*
  1486. [23:27] <NiveumArgenteus> "And look who's shopping."
  1487. [23:27] <Regina> "oh well this will do"
  1488. [23:27] <Regina> *nguping Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver dkk btw*
  1489. [23:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..." *sadar* ", Farrow.." (|||TAT) *lepas pegangan dari Farrow*
  1490. [23:27] <NiveumArgenteus> "Should we return?"
  1491. [23:27] <Farrow> "We should go back to the ship-- oh.." *baru sadar masih pegangan*
  1492. [23:27] <NiveumArgenteus> "Who knows whether a rain of fire would come to this kind of place"
  1493. [23:28] <Regina> "I feel like blasting things now"
  1494. [23:28] <Regina> *looks at grenade launcher*
  1495. [23:28] <NiveumArgenteus> *lirik Regina *
  1496. [23:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods pelan ke NiveumArgenteus*
  1497. [23:28] <NiveumArgenteus> "Good stuff, but I prefer bigger ones."
  1498. [23:28] <Farrow> *microbeads* "lets go back" @crews
  1499. [23:28] <Regina> "hey c, let's get back to the ship"
  1500. [23:28] <NiveumArgenteus> "See ya stranger, and good luck." @Regina Clarissia 
  1501. [23:28] <Regina> "... indeed." @ NiveumArgenteus
  1502. [23:28] <NiveumArgenteus> *escort Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Farrow to the shuttle*
  1503. [23:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ngepal tangan* *jalan ke shuttle* (|||T_T)
  1504. [23:29] <Clarissia> "Wait, let me pay for my Red-Dot Laser Sight first, captain."
  1505. [23:29] <Regina> "ok ok"
  1506. [23:29] <Farrow> "Orks.." *mumbles*
  1507. [23:29] <Clarissia> "Wait, this much?? You gotta be kidding me.... Oh well, here take it. Damn it."
  1508. [23:30] <Clarissia> "...... Such a ripoff.... Anyway, I'm done, capt."
  1509. [23:30] <Regina> *thank porter, gave tip, lalu keluar ke tempat sepi bawa belanjaan tele ke kapal*
  1510. [23:30] <NiveumArgenteus> *ready to go back to ship after everyone boards the shuttle*
  1511. [23:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *naik shuttle dan langsung duduk*
  1512. [23:30] <Regina> *sebelum tele* "see you, market" *tembak jebum sekali*
  1513. [23:31] <Clarissia> (lels)
  1514. [23:31] <_StoreeTellah> *blar*
  1515. [23:31] <Farrow> (tembak?)
  1516. [23:31] <Regina> *tele ke atas*
  1517. [23:31] <_StoreeTellah> shuttle HG berangkat
  1518. [23:31] <_StoreeTellah> teleport
  1519. [23:31] <Clarissia> *tele di samping Regina*
  1520. [23:31] <_StoreeTellah> Orang-orang panik
  1521. [23:31] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, requesting permission to eradicate the place."
  1522. [23:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *grit teeth* "'re weak, must be stronger.." *wisper sambil pukul2 pelan paha*
  1523. [23:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* @ NiveumArgenteus
  1524. [23:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "do..what you have to do.. Nivea.."
  1525. [23:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> @ NiveumArgenteus
  1526. [23:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *dan Ann mojok*
  1527. [23:32] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox HG crews* "It seems Le Parque intended to destroy the place too. Synchronize the bombardments with them."
  1528. [23:32] <_StoreeTellah> Le Parque Crews "Welcome back, captain! When do we shoot the torpedo?"
  1529. [23:32] <NiveumArgenteus> "…"
  1530. [23:32] <NiveumArgenteus> *approaches Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  1531. [23:32] <Regina> "hm, wait for it"
  1532. [23:32] <MiriPardis> [vox] "Welcome back, Captain,"
  1533. [23:32] <Farrow> "hmm.."
  1534. [23:32] <Regina> "NOW!"
  1535. [23:32] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Capt'Ann?"
  1536. [23:32] <_StoreeTellah> *cklek*
  1537. [23:32] <Regina> "FIIIIIREEEEEEEE"
  1538. [23:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ""
  1539. [23:32] <Regina> *pose kongou*
  1540. [23:32] <_StoreeTellah> HG: you see that LP have shot their torpedo
  1541. [23:32] <_StoreeTellah> *psiuuuu*
  1542. [23:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "!!!" *kaget sesaat* *ngeliat ke NiveumArgenteus*
  1543. [23:33] <_StoreeTellah> *BLAM*
  1544. [23:33] <NiveumArgenteus> "…" *nunggu dan jaga jarak*
  1545. [23:33] <_StoreeTellah> A large chunk of the asteroid is blown away
  1546. [23:33] <NiveumArgenteus> *nutupin arah pandangan orang2 ke Ann*
  1547. [23:33] <Regina> "LASER TOO, FIREEEEEEEE"
  1548. [23:33] <_StoreeTellah> but unfortunately the hangar is intact
  1549. [23:33] <Farrow> "We lost so many people.." ( ._.)
  1550. [23:33] <_StoreeTellah> some people can be seen trying to escape
  1551. [23:33] <_StoreeTellah> by riding shuttle/escape pods/etc
  1552. [23:33] <_StoreeTellah> desperately
  1553. [23:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *tepok pipi kenceng2* "sorry.. I'm fine now Nivea.." ( T_T)
  1554. [23:33] <NiveumArgenteus> ( btw HG turret rating 2 buat nembak2in yg kabur )
  1555. [23:33] <_StoreeTellah> Imma firing ma lazer
  1556. [23:33] <NiveumArgenteus> ( *plak* )
  1557. [23:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *berdiri dari duduk*
  1558. [23:34] <Clarissia> ".... Such a shame that we need to destroy that place."
  1559. [23:34] <_StoreeTellah> *bsyuuu*
  1560. [23:34] <_StoreeTellah> HG tembak-tembakin yang kabur
  1561. [23:34] <_StoreeTellah> *blam blam blam*
  1562. [23:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sampai kapal* @crew "FINISH THEM ALL!!!" ( TAT)o-
  1563. [23:34] * Regina_d (~hahaha@974B2C6D.5091C710.457E35C5.IP) Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  1564. [23:34] <_StoreeTellah> HG crews "Aye aye!"
  1565. [23:34] <_StoreeTellah> *blam blam blam*
  1566. [23:35] <_StoreeTellah> It took quite some time
  1567. [23:35] <_StoreeTellah> longer than the ship
  1568. [23:35] <_StoreeTellah> but after 2 hours of one sided massacre
  1569. [23:35] <Regina> "well, we got some souvenirs, right?" @ Clarissia
  1570. [23:35] <_StoreeTellah> the trading post is now a literal space dust
  1571. [23:35] <Clarissia> "Yes, indeed. Just wish we could bring more before they turned to dust." *small smiles*
  1572. [23:36] <_StoreeTellah> Anyway
  1573. [23:36] <_StoreeTellah> What do you do now
  1574. [23:36] <_StoreeTellah> Basically
  1575. [23:36] <Regina> "well.. we did" *lirik setumpuk alcohol drinks dan drugs*
  1576. [23:36] <_StoreeTellah> I will tell you what to do
  1577. [23:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (siap =3=)7 @ _StoreeTellah)
  1578. [23:36] <_StoreeTellah> ===End game now, 2 sessions===
  1579. [23:37] <_StoreeTellah> ===Go back to ShiP and that's it for tonight===
  1580. [23:37] <_StoreeTellah> or
  1581. [23:37] <Clarissia> *lirik drinks and drugs* "Heh, that's right."
  1582. [23:37] <MiriPardis> (kl personal vox pake micro beads?)
  1583. [23:37] <_StoreeTellah> ===Pursue one more coordinate now, 3 scenes===
  1584. [23:37] <NiveumArgenteus> ( wkwk )
  1585. [23:37] <_StoreeTellah> ===ETA: 1 hour===
  1586. [23:37] <NiveumArgenteus> ( pengen pursue sih )
  1587. [23:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (oke =3=b pursue!)
  1588. [23:37] <Clarissia> (*lirik jam* Hmm.... masih bisa sih. Tapi si Farrow bisa ndak tuh?)
  1589. [23:37] <Farrow> (pursue!)
  1590. [23:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (wkwkwk dia yg smangat)
  1591. [23:37] <_StoreeTellah> (MiriPardis dan Regina )
  1592. [23:38] <_StoreeTellah> (?)
  1593. [23:38] <Clarissia> (lels dia gak jadi les kayaknya ini)
  1594. [23:38] <MiriPardis> (ngikut kapten)
  1595. [23:38] <Regina> (yuk yuk)
  1596. [23:38] <Farrow> (tinggal hari terakhir soalnya =w=)
  1597. [23:38] <NiveumArgenteus> "Should we investigate the other one?"
  1598. [23:38] <Regina> (kali2 shopping lagi *plak* )
  1599. [23:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  1600. [23:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Better make sure none left" (TAT )
  1601. [23:39] <Farrow> *nods*
  1602. [23:39] <Clarissia> (asik dapet rare lagi)
  1603. [23:39] <Clarissia> (eh scarce)
  1604. [23:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Farrow, sorry for earlier" @ Farrow <(T_T )
  1605. [23:39] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox to Le Parque* "Holy Grail to Le Parque, we would like to pursue the other one."
  1606. [23:40] <Clarissia> "What do we do now, Capt?" @Regina
  1607. [23:40] <Farrow> "I could almost not stand also.. don't worry Ann.."
  1608. [23:40] <NiveumArgenteus> ( sayangnya Scarce 1 per episode of.. underworld.. )
  1609. [23:40] <Regina> *vox HG* "such coincidence, we do too"
  1610. [23:41] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox* "Affirmative, and glad to hear that."
  1611. [23:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...can't stay this way always.. I must become stronger..." ( T_T) "..for this ship.. for everyone.." *mumbles*
  1612. [23:41] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox* "Over-and-out"
  1613. [23:41] <Regina> ( sudah puas dengan grened launcher kok, tenang )
  1614. [23:41] <_StoreeTellah> Okay
  1615. [23:41] <_StoreeTellah> You analysed the coordinate
  1616. [23:41] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: share temuan gak?
  1617. [23:41] <MiriPardis> (share ke captain dulu)
  1618. [23:42] <_StoreeTellah> (oke, silakan)
  1619. [23:42] <MiriPardis> (coordinatesnya dimasukin ke ship system?)
  1620. [23:42] <_StoreeTellah> Iya
  1621. [23:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Nivea, can you take care the bridge for a while. I'll be on my room for a while" @ NiveumArgenteus
  1622. [23:42] <_StoreeTellah> so after a while
  1623. [23:42] <_StoreeTellah> you find the escape pods
  1624. [23:43] <_StoreeTellah> however
  1625. [23:43] <_StoreeTellah> they are empty
  1626. [23:43] <Clarissia> (yahhhh *plak*)
  1627. [23:43] <NiveumArgenteus> "Yes, Capt'Ann" @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver 
  1628. [23:43] <_StoreeTellah> it seems that it is only a drop point
  1629. [23:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *jalan ke room* *di room doing something*
  1630. [23:43] <_StoreeTellah> someone or something must've picked them up
  1631. [23:43] <NiveumArgenteus> *scan around*
  1632. [23:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "If need anything, just vox me"
  1633. [23:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> @ NiveumArgenteus n Farrow
  1634. [23:44] <_StoreeTellah> You can see
  1635. [23:44] <_StoreeTellah> from your usually good scan result
  1636. [23:45] <_StoreeTellah> from the evidence
  1637. [23:45] <_StoreeTellah> these escape pods...
  1638. [23:45] <_StoreeTellah> the ones using it before must've been orks
  1639. [23:45] <MiriPardis> [personal vox to Regina] "Captain, there's something I found--"
  1640. [23:45] <MiriPardis> *sends data*
  1641. [23:45] <Regina> *receives*
  1642. [23:46] <Regina> *vox MiriPardis * "yet another land to claim <3 " , "thanks, miri"
  1643. [23:46] <Farrow> "So its true.. that cruiser was Ork's.."
  1644. [23:47] * _evawan_ is now known as _Hengroen_
  1645. [23:47] <Regina> *vox* "care for some Ork hunting?"
  1646. [23:47] <MiriPardis> [vox Regina] "Welcome back, Captain,"
  1647. [23:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *after a while* *balik ke bridge*
  1648. [23:48] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Sorry for taking so long.." ( TAT) "What's the situation?" @ NiveumArgenteus n Farrow
  1649. [23:48] <NiveumArgenteus> "The... Orks... should be around here, but someone or something picked them up."
  1650. [23:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Then we should chase them" *grins*
  1651. [23:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (oh iya _StoreeTellah buat recover wits gmana? O_O)
  1652. [23:50] <NiveumArgenteus> *scan around*
  1653. [23:51] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, should we consult with Le Parque?"
  1654. [23:51] <_StoreeTellah> (after a while udah kok)
  1655. [23:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (okeh =w=d @ _StoreeTellah)
  1656. [23:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I guess so?" *smiles* @ NiveumArgenteus
  1657. [23:51] <Regina> *scans for orks*
  1658. [23:52] <_StoreeTellah> roll scrut det
  1659. [23:52] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 80 scrutiny+detection for Holy Grail
  1660. [23:52] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 4 / 80
  1661. [23:52] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, NiveumArgenteus Succeed with 7 Degree of Success
  1662. [23:52] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1663. [23:52] <Regina> (aid dulu de)
  1664. [23:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Check the area!" ( TAT)o-
  1665. [23:52] <Regina> !dtest 30
  1666. [23:52] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Regina and Result is 55 / 30
  1667. [23:52] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, Regina Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  1668. [23:52] <Regina> !dtest45
  1669. [23:52] <_TZEENTCH_> Thou Shalt Use This Syntax: !dtest [Insert Modified Characteristics]
  1670. [23:52] <Regina> !dtest 45
  1671. [23:52] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for Regina and Result is 61 / 45
  1672. [23:52] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, Regina Failed with 1 Degree of Failure
  1673. [23:53] <Regina> (faill)
  1674. [23:53] <_StoreeTellah> oke
  1675. [23:53] <MiriPardis> (active augury?)
  1676. [23:54] <_StoreeTellah> (iya)
  1677. [23:54] <MiriPardis> (boleh coba juga?)
  1678. [23:54] <Regina> (oh kalo active augury dapet +30 miri)
  1679. [23:55] <Regina> "Mirii , care to join the hunt?"
  1680. [23:55] <_StoreeTellah> (silakan)
  1681. [23:55] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  1682. [23:55] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 35 / 60
  1683. [23:55] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, MiriPardis Succeed with 2 Degree of Success
  1684. [23:55] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1685. [23:55] <_StoreeTellah> Oke from the augury
  1686. [23:55] <_StoreeTellah> LP and HG
  1687. [23:55] <_StoreeTellah> are pretty sure
  1688. [23:55] <_StoreeTellah> that there was an ork spaceship here
  1689. [23:56] <MiriPardis> *sits crossed legs on the navigator seat* ".. greenskins,"
  1690. [23:56] <NiveumArgenteus> ( where did it go… )
  1691. [23:57] <_StoreeTellah> it seems
  1692. [23:57] <_StoreeTellah> they entered warp
  1693. [23:57] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...ork spaceship?" ( TAT)
  1694. [23:57] <_StoreeTellah> not long after picking up the survivors
  1695. [23:58] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox to Le Parque sharing updates*
  1696. [23:58] * Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1697. [23:58] * Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver ( has joined #ruangdadu0
  1698. [23:59] <NiveumArgenteus> @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: "Capt'Ann, they might've fled to Immaterium."
  1699. [23:59] <Regina> (warp beginian ada jejaknya kah?)
  1700. [23:59] <Farrow> "Can we detect any space anomalies near from here?"
  1701. [23:59] <Farrow> @Nivea
  1702. [23:59] <_StoreeTellah> (ya)
  1703. [23:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Hmmm...Can't we detect their destination?"
  1704. [00:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) *sambil liat layar*
  1705. [00:01] <Regina> "Miri, any traces like before?" @ MiriPardis
  1706. [00:01] * _kol (cgiirc@AB8C7DEF.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1707. [00:01] <MiriPardis> (noleh navi po--)
  1708. [00:01] <_StoreeTellah> (silakan)
  1709. [00:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil nengok ke NiveumArgenteus* (TAT ) "can we?"
  1710. [00:02] <MiriPardis> ".." *matiin layar magabut* *duduk beresan*
  1711. [00:02] <NiveumArgenteus> "Analyzing."
  1712. [00:02] <NiveumArgenteus> ( jadi bisa? buat cek mereka kemana/ngikutin? )
  1713. [00:02] <MiriPardis> !dtest 60
  1714. [00:02] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 43 / 60
  1715. [00:02] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, MiriPardis Succeed with 1 Degree of Success
  1716. [00:02] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1717. [00:02] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: the same as the one you found earlier
  1718. [00:02] <MiriPardis> "...Oh."
  1719. [00:03] <_StoreeTellah> NiveumArgenteus: it's hard to tel
  1720. [00:03] <NiveumArgenteus> "It is hard to tell."
  1721. [00:03] <MiriPardis> "Interesting." [vox] "These coordinates, Captain,"
  1722. [00:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Hmmm..." ( T_T)
  1723. [00:03] <Regina> "yees?" @ MiriPardis
  1724. [00:04] <MiriPardis> *masukin ke Lapak system*
  1725. [00:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Can't our navigators try to find it?" ( TAT) @ NiveumArgenteus "The crews..?"
  1726. [00:04] <NiveumArgenteus> ( btw kalau minta Navigator HG buat cek jg bisa? )
  1727. [00:04] <NiveumArgenteus> ( oh kepikiran sama )
  1728. [00:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (sama =3=)/ *tos*)
  1729. [00:04] <_StoreeTellah> (oh benar juga)
  1730. [00:04] <_StoreeTellah> (silakan)
  1731. [00:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (+10 kapten bsia di add kan?)
  1732. [00:05] <NiveumArgenteus> "I will contact them"
  1733. [00:05] <_StoreeTellah> (iya bisa)
  1734. [00:05] <NiveumArgenteus> ( pakai apa skill basic-nya? )
  1735. [00:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "Please do, Nivea"
  1736. [00:05] <NiveumArgenteus> ( Awareness? )
  1737. [00:05] <_StoreeTellah> (MiriPardis sih bisa pake tracing tapi kalau ini...)
  1738. [00:05] <NiveumArgenteus> ( tracing pakai? )
  1739. [00:05] <Regina> ( muncul apaan di lapak system MiriPardis ? )
  1740. [00:05] <_StoreeTellah> (perception)
  1741. [00:05] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 70
  1742. [00:05] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 78 / 70
  1743. [00:05] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, NiveumArgenteus Failed with 0 Degree of Failure
  1744. [00:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (lol)
  1745. [00:06] <NiveumArgenteus> ( bisa reroll? *plak* )
  1746. [00:06] <_StoreeTellah> (lol)
  1747. [00:06] <Farrow> (lol)
  1748. [00:06] <_StoreeTellah> (nggak bisa)
  1749. [00:06] <NiveumArgenteus> ( wkwk nasib NPC )
  1750. [00:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (wkwkwk nasib NPC =w=d)
  1751. [00:06] <_StoreeTellah> (wkwkwk)
  1752. [00:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Been wondering.."
  1753. [00:06] <Regina> *nunggu hasil dari MiriPardis *
  1754. [00:06] <NiveumArgenteus> "The traces are difficult to tell, Capt'Ann."
  1755. [00:07] <MiriPardis> (udah dikasih)
  1756. [00:08] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Is it just me or the information is a one way route here between the ships?" ( TAT)a *mumbling*
  1757. [00:08] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *shrugs* "maybe just my feeling" ( TAT) "It's Vivi's ship after all, they won't do weird things.." *nods nods* *mumbling*
  1758. [00:08] <NiveumArgenteus> "..."
  1759. [00:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil masih ngeliatin layar* ( T_T)q *mikir* "Now how the hell we should find the trace.."
  1760. [00:09] <Farrow> "We lost track of them..?"
  1761. [00:09] <Regina> *vox to HG* "Le Parque to Holy Grail, did you find the coordinates?"
  1762. [00:09] <NiveumArgenteus> "I will ask the Navigator to make another search."
  1763. [00:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* ( T_T)
  1764. [00:09] <NiveumArgenteus> *lirik Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver seputar vox*
  1765. [00:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah.. sorry.." (TAT )
  1766. [00:09] <NiveumArgenteus> "Should I?"
  1767. [00:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  1768. [00:09] <Farrow> (reroll with time)
  1769. [00:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> @ NiveumArgenteus
  1770. [00:10] <Regina> "wierd, they're not answering"
  1771. [00:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil balik konsen liatin layar* ( TAT) "..If there's only a way.."
  1772. [00:10] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Holy Grail to Le Parque, we did not find them."
  1773. [00:10] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Do you have any findings?"
  1774. [00:10] <Clarissia> "Do they- Oh, they're answering now."
  1775. [00:10] <NiveumArgenteus> *set to Bridge*
  1776. [00:10] <Regina> *vox HG* "in fact, we do"
  1777. [00:10] <Regina> *smug*
  1778. [00:11] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Splendid."
  1779. [00:11] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "And glad to hear that."
  1780. [00:11] <Regina> *vox HG* "but we gotta warp travel to get there"
  1781. [00:12] <Regina> *vox HG* "wanna check?"
  1782. [00:12] <NiveumArgenteus> *Vox LP* "Affirmative. We will follow your direction."
  1783. [00:13] <Regina> *inhale, exhale*
  1784. [00:13] <Regina> "ok, I can do this" *ke kursi pilot*
  1785. [00:13] <Regina> *vox MiriPardis * "Miri, prepare for a warp travel"
  1786. [00:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Another warp travel 'ey..?" ( TAT) *sambil point ke crew* "make sure we don't lost in warp, 'kay? Make sure we follow Le Parque"
  1787. [00:13] <MiriPardis> "...."
  1788. [00:14] <Clarissia> "Calm down a bit, Capt...."
  1789. [00:14] <NiveumArgenteus> *ready to aid the Pilot in steering the vessel in realspace*
  1790. [00:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Nivea, I leave the steer to you for now" ( TAT)
  1791. [00:14] * _ZuuChan ( has joined #ruangdadu0
  1792. [00:14] <_StoreeTellah> *kru bersiap*
  1793. [00:14] <_StoreeTellah> "Ready?"
  1794. [00:15] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I need a stick.." *ambil Lho Stick* *nyalain* ( TAT)y-ooOO *fuuuh*
  1795. [00:15] <MiriPardis> ( roll apa dulu _StoreeTellah ? )
  1796. [00:15] <_StoreeTellah> "Just say the word."
  1797. [00:15] <Regina> "aid us in travel, Clarissia"
  1798. [00:15] <NiveumArgenteus> ( Nivea assist Pilot )
  1799. [00:15] <_StoreeTellah> (duh lupa)
  1800. [00:15] <Clarissia> "Okay."
  1801. [00:15] <NiveumArgenteus> ( wkwk ngarang aja *plak* )
  1802. [00:16] <Regina> *keringet dingin*
  1803. [00:16] <Clarissia> (eh aid dalam hal apa nih Regina?)
  1804. [00:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Farrow, this time if we found the Ork Ship.." @ Farrow
  1805. [00:16] <MiriPardis> (uh.. ada 1 set sih kl warp navigation)
  1806. [00:16] <Regina> (bisa nambah +10 gitu ga sih? entahlah )
  1807. [00:16] <_StoreeTellah> Navigation warp
  1808. [00:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I won't stop you. Just do what you want" *grins*
  1809. [00:16] <NiveumArgenteus> ( harusnya bisa +10 dari kapten )
  1810. [00:16] <Regina> ( Clarissia pray atau apalah )
  1811. [00:16] <NiveumArgenteus> ( kalau yg assist, harus yg trained )
  1812. [00:16] <MiriPardis> ( 4 checks )
  1813. [00:16] <Regina> ( lha ini kaptennya yang nyetir sendiri, bole?)
  1814. [00:16] <MiriPardis> (ok)
  1815. [00:17] <Regina> (oh. Clarissia bisa nyetir starship? )
  1816. [00:17] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh, diminta Navi (Warp) sih )
  1817. [00:17] <Farrow> "Thank you Ann"
  1818. [00:17] <Clarissia> (ga bisa nambah +10 berarti)
  1819. [00:17] <Clarissia> (ndak bisa haha)
  1820. [00:17] <MiriPardis> (( dapet bonus ngga? ))
  1821. [00:17] <MiriPardis> (hore kl cuma 1)
  1822. [00:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well, thank you for earlier" *grins*
  1823. [00:17] <_StoreeTellah> (dapet +10 kapten)
  1824. [00:17] <MiriPardis> (masih bisa reroll)
  1825. [00:18] <Regina> "here goes nothin. Le Parque, Warp Drive, On!" *warps*
  1826. [00:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil balik ngerokok* ( TAT)y-ooOO "..I'm deffinitely will eat some steak after this.." *fuuuuhhh*
  1827. [00:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *smbl ngeliat layar*
  1828. [00:18] <_StoreeTellah> *whooosh*
  1829. [00:18] <MiriPardis> !dtest 64
  1830. [00:18] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 89 / 64
  1831. [00:18] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  1832. [00:18] <MiriPardis> (reroll)
  1833. [00:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (...)
  1834. [00:18] <_StoreeTellah> You entered the warp...
  1835. [00:18] <_StoreeTellah> O_O
  1836. [00:18] <_StoreeTellah> reroll...
  1837. [00:18] <MiriPardis> !dtest 64
  1838. [00:18] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 98 / 64
  1839. [00:18] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 3 Degree of Failure
  1840. [00:19] <Clarissia> (....)
  1841. [00:19] <MiriPardis> (....)
  1842. [00:19] <Regina> (astagah)
  1843. [00:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (...holy...)
  1844. [00:19] <Regina> ( @bye )
  1845. [00:19] <NiveumArgenteus> *organizes the crew to en--ter the warp*
  1846. [00:19] <Clarissia> (@Bye)
  1847. [00:19] <MiriPardis> (@bye)
  1848. [00:19] <Clarissia> (dadah semuanya)
  1849. [00:19] <Regina> ( senang mengenal kalian )
  1850. [00:19] <Farrow> (what will we do now?)
  1851. [00:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (seriusan?)
  1852. [00:19] <NiveumArgenteus> ( apakah bisa Navigator HG ada efek? )
  1853. [00:19] <Clarissia> (we got.... wrapped)
  1854. [00:19] <NiveumArgenteus> ( buat.. serep..)
  1855. [00:20] <Clarissia> (*maksa)
  1856. [00:20] <MiriPardis> (ini .. efeknya apa?)
  1857. [00:20] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (bisa dibantu navigator HG? =A=|||)/)
  1858. [00:20] <MiriPardis> (stage mana maksudnya)
  1859. [00:20] <_StoreeTellah> ...
  1860. [00:20] <_StoreeTellah> hahahaha
  1861. [00:20] <_StoreeTellah> HAHAHAHA
  1862. [00:20] <_StoreeTellah> oh my god
  1863. [00:20] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil masih ngerokok* ( TAT)y-ooOO *fuuuh*
  1864. [00:20] <_StoreeTellah> *bzzzz*
  1865. [00:20] <_StoreeTellah> Oh
  1866. [00:20] <_StoreeTellah> coba Navigator HG roll
  1867. [00:20] <_StoreeTellah> serep pembantu
  1868. [00:21] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 70
  1869. [00:21] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 33 / 70
  1870. [00:21] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, NiveumArgenteus Succeed with 3 Degree of Success
  1871. [00:21] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1872. [00:21] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( =3=b )
  1873. [00:21] <_StoreeTellah> ( ._.)
  1874. [00:21] <_StoreeTellah> !roll 1d100
  1875. [00:21] * _TZEENTCH_ "What 1d100? _StoreeTellah [49] = 49"
  1876. [00:21] <_StoreeTellah> *wooosh*
  1877. [00:21] <_StoreeTellah> It took you... 4 months in warp space...
  1878. [00:22] <MiriPardis> (hah serius)
  1879. [00:22] <_StoreeTellah> *blas*
  1880. [00:22] <_StoreeTellah> But you guys are safe
  1881. [00:23] <Regina> "I'll never, never never never ever driving a starship again without Dera" orz
  1882. [00:23] <NiveumArgenteus> "…" *check logistics*
  1883. [00:23] <NiveumArgenteus> @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: "Capt'Ann"
  1884. [00:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Yeah...?" (|||TAT)
  1885. [00:24] <Clarissia> "...... I... agree with that....." *berdiri gemeter di samping Regina sambil megangin bajunya* (kalo bisa)
  1886. [00:24] <Farrow> "..."
  1887. [00:24] <_StoreeTellah> "..."
  1888. [00:24] <NiveumArgenteus> "Holy Grail can survive in the void for another 8 months, since I organize the ration… but…"
  1889. [00:24] <Regina> @ crew "please take control for a while.."
  1890. [00:24] <_StoreeTellah> Kru "Wait look... at the..."
  1891. [00:24] <Regina> *beranjak*
  1892. [00:24] <_StoreeTellah> Roll Scru+detection
  1893. [00:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...seriously..."
  1894. [00:25] <Regina> *kasih kursi pilot*
  1895. [00:25] <NiveumArgenteus> "… If the Steward of Le Parque is not around, they only have logistics for another 2 months.."
  1896. [00:25] <Regina> ( MiriPardis silakan roll )
  1897. [00:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "who the hell navigate this thing..?" (|||TAT)
  1898. [00:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "CHECK THE AREA!!! NO TIME FOR LEISURING!" ( TAT)o-
  1899. [00:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> @ crews
  1900. [00:26] <MiriPardis> !dtest 43
  1901. [00:26] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 68 / 43
  1902. [00:26] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  1903. [00:26] <MiriPardis> (sudahlah)
  1904. [00:26] <_StoreeTellah> (sakit ya MiriPardis )
  1905. [00:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Nivea, check the area" ( TAT)
  1906. [00:27] <NiveumArgenteus> !dtest 90
  1907. [00:27] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for NiveumArgenteus and Result is 55 / 90
  1908. [00:27] <_TZEENTCH_> Too bad, NiveumArgenteus Succeed with 3 Degree of Success
  1909. [00:27] <_TZEENTCH_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1910. [00:27] <NiveumArgenteus> *Scrutiny+Detection 55/90*
  1911. [00:27] <_StoreeTellah> *beep
  1912. [00:27] <_StoreeTellah> *beep beep beep*
  1913. [00:27] <_StoreeTellah> *beep beep beep beep*
  1914. [00:27] <NiveumArgenteus> "…"
  1915. [00:27] <_StoreeTellah> You found...
  1916. [00:27] <_StoreeTellah> an Ork homeworld
  1917. [00:27] <MiriPardis> "..........."
  1918. [00:27] <Regina> *gandeng ajak Clarissia ke koridor*
  1919. [00:28] <_StoreeTellah> and 3 ork raider ships
  1920. [00:28] <Clarissia> *ngikut Regina*
  1921. [00:28] <_StoreeTellah> Mood: Battle, War, Life or Death
  1922. [00:28] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, Ork Homeworld, and 3 Raider Ships."
  1923. [00:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Well, well, well.." *lirik Farrow*
  1924. [00:28] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Ork Homeworld, 3 Raiders."
  1925. [00:28] <MiriPardis> *cuci muka*
  1926. [00:28] <_StoreeTellah> ===??? Section, Yggdrasil Expanse===
  1927. [00:28] <Farrow> "What have we here..?"
  1928. [00:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox ke kapal* "PREPARE FOR BATTLE GUYS!!!"
  1929. [00:28] <Regina> "Clar- what?!? Orks?!?"
  1930. [00:29] <Regina> *ke bridge lagi*
  1931. [00:29] <NiveumArgenteus> "Captain Farrow Achasse, we found Ork Homeworld, and three raider ships."
  1932. [00:29] <_StoreeTellah> ===Battle of the Ork Homeworld-1===
  1933. [00:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "AND PREPARE FOR ANYTHING!!!" ( TAT)
  1934. [00:29] <Clarissia> "What....?"
  1935. [00:29] <Clarissia> *ngikut balik ke bridge*
  1936. [00:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox ke dlam kapal sndr ya*
  1937. [00:30] <_StoreeTellah> It is a rare system
  1938. [00:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *salah maksudnya Vox dalam HG*
  1939. [00:30] <Farrow> "We want to attack them now?"
  1940. [00:30] <_StoreeTellah> twin star
  1941. [00:30] <_StoreeTellah> A seemingly untouched/unexplored section
  1942. [00:30] <_StoreeTellah> Three raider ships
  1943. [00:30] <_StoreeTellah> ready to wage war
  1944. [00:30] <_StoreeTellah> And a lot more Orks in the planet
  1945. [00:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Crews, make sure you chart this area in our ship system" ( TAT)o- @ crews
  1946. [00:31] <_StoreeTellah> Crews "Aye."
  1947. [00:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *crews -> guys
  1948. [00:31] <Regina> "Shit, where's Vens and Dera when we need em"
  1949. [00:31] <Clarissia> "... Such bad luck happening to us in this mission."
  1950. [00:31] <_StoreeTellah> ===Cinematic Encounter===
  1951. [00:31] <_StoreeTellah> ===What are you going to do?===
  1952. [00:31] <NiveumArgenteus> ( do they aware of us? )
  1953. [00:32] <Regina> *checks ork ships*
  1954. [00:32] <_StoreeTellah> (yes)
  1955. [00:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Boarding one of the ship will be to risky.. There's 2 other ships.." ( TAT)
  1956. [00:32] <Farrow> "I suppose we do not attack directly right...?"
  1957. [00:33] <_StoreeTellah> Kalau maniak kapal bisa melihat
  1958. [00:33] <Farrow> *preparing battle strategies*
  1959. [00:33] <_StoreeTellah> ketiga kapalnya
  1960. [00:33] <_StoreeTellah> Brute-class raider
  1961. [00:33] <_StoreeTellah> panjang: 1100 meter
  1962. [00:33] * _kol (cgiirc@86215238.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP) has joined #ruangdadu0
  1963. [00:34] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, I am thinking of outshoot them first; and see whether Le Parque would use torpedo attack to split them"
  1964. [00:34] <NiveumArgenteus> "In case there are two nearby, we can try to board them, and hoping the other would board us as well."
  1965. [00:34] <NiveumArgenteus> "Then I will need your help and Captain Farrow Achasse's help for the boarding."
  1966. [00:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "Alright" ( TAT)
  1967. [00:35] <Farrow> "Got it"
  1968. [00:35] <Regina> "hmm.." *pegang dagu*
  1969. [00:35] <NiveumArgenteus> ( berharap pas boarding adu dua kali dengan di-assist Ann sama Farrow demi +30 extra >_> )
  1970. [00:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( =3=/ roger that )
  1971. [00:35] <Farrow> *alerts men to prepare*
  1972. [00:35] <NiveumArgenteus> ( or.. just outshoot them )
  1973. [00:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Better inform the other ship, Nivea" ( TAT)
  1974. [00:36] <Regina> *smug* "time for some hide'n'seek"
  1975. [00:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I'll prepare the guys. I'll leave the bridge at you for a while" ( TAT)o- @ NiveumArgenteus
  1976. [00:36] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Holy Grail to Le Parque, do you have any strategy on hand?"
  1977. [00:36] <Farrow> *Blood Salamander Regiment* "Today we will KILL ALL ORKS!"
  1978. [00:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *dan jalan ke tempat crews nyiapin biar pada siap perang* (TAT )"~~~
  1979. [00:37] <Regina> *vox HG* "split the battle, we'll distract them near the planet!"
  1980. [00:37] <NiveumArgenteus> ( 3 pisah2 jauh atau gimana? )
  1981. [00:37] <_StoreeTellah> lumayan jauh
  1982. [00:37] <_StoreeTellah> di sekitar planetnya
  1983. [00:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "EVERYONE!! PREPARE FOR WAR SITUATION!!!" (TAT ) @ crews di HG "No one lazying around, no act funny, and prepare for the worse!!!"
  1984. [00:38] <_StoreeTellah> HG "AYE!"
  1986. [00:38] <_StoreeTellah> LP "BOTH YAY!"
  1987. [00:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil lari ke Captain's Lounge prepare armor*
  1988. [00:38] <MiriPardis> (boleh tactical positioning?)
  1989. [00:39] <NiveumArgenteus> *Raise Shield* *organize crews for defensive maneuvers*
  1990. [00:39] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: bagaimana memposisikannya?
  1991. [00:39] <NiveumArgenteus> ( cinematic encounter kan? )
  1992. [00:39] <_StoreeTellah> ( iya )
  1993. [00:39] <Regina> "Head for the planet! We're destroying them ships, AND THE PLANET"
  1994. [00:40] <_StoreeTellah> LP "We're going to destroy the planet?"
  1995. [00:40] <Regina> "..except if they can pay" *mumbles*
  1996. [00:40] <Regina> "YES!" @ crews
  1997. [00:41] <Clarissia> "We're going down to the planet, captain?" @Regina
  1998. [00:41] <Regina> "Open the vox! Let the greenskins' cry burn your hatred to them!"
  1999. [00:41] <NiveumArgenteus> (while the 'Anvil' splitting the battlefield, 'hammer' the unsuspecting)
  2000. [00:41] <Regina> "nah we're bombarding them from above" @ Clarissia
  2001. [00:42] <_StoreeTellah> *PING*
  2002. [00:42] <_StoreeTellah> The ships noticed you
  2003. [00:42] <_StoreeTellah> and quickly draw near
  2004. [00:42] <_StoreeTellah> *PING ENDS*
  2005. [00:42] <_StoreeTellah> ===What do you do?===
  2006. [00:42] <Farrow> *getting ready for boarding*
  2007. [00:42] <Clarissia> "I see. I hope we won't suffer casualties here." @Regina
  2008. [00:43] <NiveumArgenteus> *ready to board one of them, to reduce much casualties*
  2009. [00:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *preparing at the boarding place* *grins* *vox inside HG* "Nivea, I leave the steer to you. I'll be ready at the boarding place" ( TwT) *grins*
  2010. [00:43] <Regina> "GET the Plasma Drive WORKING!! It ain't Archeotech for nothing!"
  2011. [00:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil panggilin crews buat board*
  2012. [00:43] <NiveumArgenteus> ( @_StoreeTellah kalau bisa sih, nunggu di-split dulu battlefield-nya, lalu HG kejar yg dua buat boarding )
  2013. [00:43] <_StoreeTellah> Le Parque blast offs
  2014. [00:43] <_StoreeTellah> Directly at the planet
  2015. [00:44] <Regina> "And Prepare the torpedoes, on my count!"
  2016. [00:44] <_StoreeTellah> Two tried to intercept LP
  2017. [00:44] <NiveumArgenteus> *ganti baju battlemode*
  2018. [00:44] <_StoreeTellah> One charges at HG
  2019. [00:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "TONIGHT! WE KILL GREENSKINS!!!" ( TAT)/
  2020. [00:44] <_StoreeTellah> THEY ARE FIRING THEIR LAZER
  2021. [00:44] <_StoreeTellah> *psiuu psiuu*
  2022. [00:45] <_StoreeTellah> LP "Torpedo ready!"
  2023. [00:45] <Regina> "tHREE!"
  2024. [00:45] <Regina> "TWO"
  2025. [00:45] <_StoreeTellah> The ship chrges at HG and draw near
  2026. [00:45] <Regina> *braces*
  2027. [00:45] <_StoreeTellah> Growing nearer
  2028. [00:45] <Regina> "ONE!"
  2029. [00:45] <Regina> "FIREEEEEEEEEE"
  2030. [00:45] <NiveumArgenteus> *counter-board*
  2031. [00:45] <Farrow> "Bloodclaw" *ZzZzZzZ* (ready chainsword)
  2032. [00:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "BOAAARD!!!!!"
  2033. [00:45] <_StoreeTellah> The two other ships went to LP
  2034. [00:45] <_StoreeTellah> Torpedo away!
  2035. [00:46] <_StoreeTellah> An explosion at the surface, vaguely seen from the space
  2036. [00:46] <_StoreeTellah> through the vox, the greenskin screams
  2037. [00:46] <_StoreeTellah> however the scream were muffled when the HG crews board them
  2038. [00:46] <Regina> "Claris! if you're free, help the Laser Batteries! We have no Vens here!"
  2039. [00:46] <_StoreeTellah> Spewing bloodbath battle
  2040. [00:47] <Clarissia> "Okay, I'll do my best there!"
  2041. [00:47] <NiveumArgenteus> *maintain vox-command of all boarding units*
  2042. [00:47] <Clarissia> (pdhl ga punya skill yg related orz)
  2043. [00:47] <Clarissia> *lari ke Laser Batteries anyway*
  2044. [00:47] <NiveumArgenteus> *delegating scouts and pincers to Farrow *
  2045. [00:47] <Regina> (bisa put your backs apa itu kan)
  2046. [00:47] <NiveumArgenteus> *and baits are entrusted to Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  2047. [00:48] <NiveumArgenteus> *fill Kamal's position*
  2048. [00:48] <_StoreeTellah> !roll 2d100
  2049. [00:48] * _TZEENTCH_ "What 2d100? _StoreeTellah [58+100=158] = 158"
  2050. [00:48] <Regina> "Miri! Navigate us through!"
  2051. [00:48] <_StoreeTellah> hua hua hua
  2052. [00:48] <Clarissia> (iya sih)
  2053. [00:48] <MiriPardis> (..tactical positioning?)
  2054. [00:48] <_StoreeTellah> The boarding is... a xenocide
  2055. [00:48] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *board dan jadi bait buat smua orks* "AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" ( TwT) *punch everywhere*
  2056. [00:48] <_StoreeTellah> in a sweep of ruthless battle strategy
  2057. [00:49] <_StoreeTellah> every single one of orks in the ship HG boarded were dead
  2058. [00:49] <MiriPardis> [vox] "--Understood,"
  2059. [00:49] <Farrow> *zZzZRRRRRRzZzZ*
  2060. [00:49] <_StoreeTellah> meanwhile MiriPardis positioned the ship smartly
  2061. [00:49] <Regina> *jebum jebum jebler jebler*
  2062. [00:49] <_StoreeTellah> with Clarissia supported the shooting crews
  2063. [00:49] <_StoreeTellah> 58% of the opposing ship fell apart
  2064. [00:49] <Clarissia> "Come on, crews! Do not drop your performance! Fire, fire, fire!"
  2065. [00:50] <_StoreeTellah> Their homeworld torn, their ship on fire, their friends massacred
  2066. [00:50] <Farrow> *takes up Orks head, droppedit, stomp*
  2067. [00:50] <_StoreeTellah> One ship that is relatively intact run away from the battle
  2068. [00:50] <Clarissia> *lari kesana kesini sambil ngasih semangat*
  2069. [00:50] <NiveumArgenteus> "Let us take another ship" *run to the bridge, ordering HG to shoot the fleeing*
  2070. [00:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" *ketawa2 sambil gebuk smua orks*
  2071. [00:51] <_StoreeTellah> After cleaning one ship
  2072. [00:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "KILL ALL THE GREENSKINS!!!"
  2073. [00:51] <_StoreeTellah> HG shoot the other running ship
  2074. [00:51] <_StoreeTellah> *pew pew pew*
  2075. [00:51] <_StoreeTellah> !roll 1d100
  2076. [00:51] * _TZEENTCH_ "What 1d100? _StoreeTellah [97] = 97"
  2077. [00:51] <_StoreeTellah> *BLAM*
  2078. [00:51] <Regina> "RUnning away?!"
  2079. [00:51] <_StoreeTellah> It hit one of the engine
  2080. [00:51] <_StoreeTellah> and it fell to the planet's surface
  2081. [00:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "DON'T LET ANY LEFT!!!" ( TAT)/
  2082. [00:52] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox* "Le Parque, it's yours to-- oh sorry"
  2083. [00:52] <NiveumArgenteus> ( kirain ngambang )
  2084. [00:52] <_StoreeTellah> kan LP battle deket planet
  2085. [00:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *lanjut gebuk sana sini*
  2086. [00:52] <_StoreeTellah> pas engine mati dia ketarik gravitasi langsung
  2087. [00:52] <_StoreeTellah> And in no time
  2089. [00:53] <_StoreeTellah> the only Orks left were the one still on the planet's surface
  2090. [00:53] <Regina> *jebum jebum orbital bombardment*
  2091. [00:53] <_StoreeTellah> Le Parque started their orbital bombardment
  2092. [00:54] <_StoreeTellah> Lands burning, oceans turning
  2093. [00:54] <_StoreeTellah> Mountains destroyed
  2094. [00:54] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, Captain Farrow Achasse? Should we also provide orbital bombardment?"
  2095. [00:54] <Regina> "Oh gosh, if only Venser could see these"
  2096. [00:54] <Clarissia> "..... I have a feeling that Mister Venser would be loving this sight."
  2097. [00:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "PROVIDE!!!" @ NiveumArgenteus
  2098. [00:54] <MiriPardis> "..."
  2099. [00:55] <_StoreeTellah> And then Holy Grail joined the fray
  2100. [00:55] <Farrow> "I would like to go down and kill them myself but.."
  2101. [00:55] <_StoreeTellah> !roll 2d24
  2102. [00:55] * _TZEENTCH_ "What 2d24? _StoreeTellah [5+8=13] = 13"
  2103. [00:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "oops.. Sorry, Farrow"
  2104. [00:55] <_StoreeTellah> and in just 13 hours...
  2105. [00:55] <Farrow> "Go ahead Nivea!"
  2106. [00:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "FINISH THEM ALL!!!" ( TAT)/
  2107. [00:55] <NiveumArgenteus> "Captain Farrow Achasse, there might be some remaining Orks hiding in the raider."
  2108. [00:55] <_StoreeTellah> the Ork homeland have been turned into a bloody wasteland...
  2109. [00:55] <NiveumArgenteus> "Have you checked under their weird engines?"
  2110. [00:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "OHOHO~ C'MON FARROW!!!" *langsung cek ke tpt yg dibilang ama NiveumArgenteus*
  2111. [00:56] <Farrow> O_O
  2112. [00:56] <Farrow> *zZzZzZ*
  2113. [00:57] <NiveumArgenteus> *maintain both Dorsal Sunsear Laser to assault the planet*
  2114. [00:57] <_StoreeTellah> 13 hours of bloodbath and adrenaline heavy battle
  2115. [00:57] <_StoreeTellah> And it's finally over...
  2116. [00:57] <_StoreeTellah> 3 destroyed ork spaceship
  2117. [00:57] <_StoreeTellah> and a wasteland of a planet
  2118. [00:57] <_StoreeTellah> in this relatively unknown sector
  2119. [00:57] <_StoreeTellah> ===Cinematic ends===
  2120. [00:57] <_StoreeTellah> ===What do you do?===
  2121. [00:58] <NiveumArgenteus> *Scan the Perimeter*
  2122. [00:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *beres balik kapal langsung gedubrak di lantai kapal* "...Freaking.. Tired.." ( -A-)
  2123. [00:58] <_StoreeTellah> Nothing is left
  2124. [00:58] <Regina> "... and there goes a new planet to claim"
  2125. [00:58] <NiveumArgenteus> *scan the Planet*
  2126. [00:58] <_StoreeTellah> You can see some human remains and other xenos with the ork remains
  2127. [00:58] <_StoreeTellah> but everything is destroyed
  2128. [00:58] <Regina> ".. and a chance to acquire a fun drug"
  2129. [00:58] <_StoreeTellah> the environment too
  2130. [00:58] <Clarissia> "Good job, lads. Mister Venser would be proud of you." *taps on every shoulder in the room*
  2131. [00:58] <NiveumArgenteus> *how long or what does it need to fully restored, without orks*
  2132. [00:59] <_StoreeTellah> nothing live in this planet anymore
  2133. [00:59] <_StoreeTellah> but you can see...
  2134. [00:59] <Farrow> "Good.."
  2135. [00:59] <_StoreeTellah> that this planet is rich in natural mineral
  2136. [00:59] <MiriPardis> "....."
  2137. [00:59] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann?"
  2138. [00:59] <Regina> "ah, whatever. "
  2139. [00:59] <_StoreeTellah> the one that the Orks used to trade in the black market
  2140. [00:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *tiduran di lantai kapal aja* "....Wake me up when you nee--DAMN.."
  2141. [00:59] <Regina> *vox* "LE PARQUE!"
  2142. [00:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *langsung duduk dan jalan ke bridge*
  2143. [00:59] <Farrow> "I can sleep peacefuly tonight Ann."
  2144. [00:59] <Regina> *vox* "ONCE AGAIN WE PREVAIL!"
  2145. [00:59] <NiveumArgenteus> "The Planet is rich in minerals."
  2146. [00:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm? Good for you, Farrow" *chuckles*
  2147. [01:00] <MiriPardis> "!"
  2148. [01:00] <NiveumArgenteus> "Should we inform the Le Parque as well?"
  2149. [01:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil lanjut ke bridge* *vox* "Is it not claimed yet?" @ NiveumArgenteus
  2150. [01:00] <NiveumArgenteus> *masih scanning*
  2151. [01:00] <Farrow> "lho sticks?" =w=)y--o0000
  2152. [01:00] <_StoreeTellah> (yah, scanning auto success for now)
  2153. [01:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "Inform them too. They deserve to know as well." @ NiveumArgenteus
  2154. [01:00] <NiveumArgenteus> *checking archives, sudah ada yg klaim? *
  2155. [01:00] <MiriPardis> *starts to clean up navigator room, which managed to be messier while on the long warp*
  2156. [01:00] <_StoreeTellah> (nope)
  2157. [01:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ambil lho stick* *ngerokok* ( TAT)y-ooOO
  2158. [01:00] <_StoreeTellah> (nobody have claimed this area)
  2159. [01:01] <_StoreeTellah> (and this sector is unnamed as well)
  2160. [01:01] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP "Holy Grail to Le Parque, good job. And we found a planet rich in minerals."
  2161. [01:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox @ NiveumArgenteus* "It's twin planet right? Why not claim each planet?"
  2162. [01:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ngerokok* ( TAT)y-ooOO *fuuuh*
  2163. [01:01] <Regina> *vox to own ship* "let this battle reminds you how strong Le Parque is. Goodjob, Well-fought."
  2164. [01:01] <NiveumArgenteus> ( request sub-sector berupa nama world di Yggdrassil ya _StoreeTellah )
  2165. [01:01] <Farrow> (twin star/twin planet?)
  2166. [01:01] <NiveumArgenteus> (twin star)
  2167. [01:01] <NiveumArgenteus> ( kan? )
  2168. [01:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (twin star y? O_O)
  2169. [01:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ups salah =w=)> *tehe*)
  2170. [01:02] <Regina> *vox HG* "minerals?! Nice, let's claim it"
  2171. [01:02] <_StoreeTellah> (twin star single planet three moons)
  2172. [01:02] <_StoreeTellah> (mineral di bulan juga ada, walau gak sebanyak di planetnya)
  2173. [01:02] <NiveumArgenteus> "I will arrange for the administration, meanwhile would you like to claim the planet too, Capt'Ann?"
  2174. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox ke seluruh kapal* "TODAY WE FINISHED ONE BIG GROUPS OF ORKS! WE GAVE THEM WHAT THEY DESERVE!!! GOOD JOB GUYS!!!"
  2175. [01:03] <_StoreeTellah> (kalau dicek ada tanda-tanda merkuri dan helium)
  2176. [01:03] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Affirmative, I have checked that --- *suara nembus* "
  2177. [01:03] <_StoreeTellah> (di bulan-bulannya)
  2178. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> @ NiveumArgenteus "Hmm... should we claimed it as well?" ( TAT) "It's up to you, Nivea. You know what's more profitable and not troublesome.."
  2179. [01:04] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Excuse us, I have checked that it is unclaimed too. Please prepare for claiming, but also prepare for dangerous environments."
  2180. [01:04] <Clarissia> "You heard the captain, congratulations. Enjoy the victory."
  2181. [01:04] <Clarissia> *balik ke bridge*
  2182. [01:04] <NiveumArgenteus> "Organizing a colony is lucrative, but I personally not into such ventures, Capt'Ann."
  2183. [01:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil balik ngaso nyantai dan ngerokok* ( -w-)y-ooOO "..this is nice.. I could take another hot water bath after this.."
  2184. [01:04] <MiriPardis> *catet warp path/coordinates*
  2185. [01:04] <Clarissia> *di bridge* "Well done, captain. Our job here is done, no?" @Regina
  2186. [01:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well don't then, Nivea. Just make sure we have this area written on our starchart" ( -w-)y-ooOO *fuuuh*
  2187. [01:05] <NiveumArgenteus> "I am raised for service to the Throne. Defeating these Xenos are the best gift already." @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver 
  2188. [01:05] <Regina> *leans back on seat* "fuah, yes, it's done"
  2189. [01:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *chuckles* "Is that so? Good then" @ NiveumArgenteus
  2190. [01:05] <NiveumArgenteus> "Understood." *mark everything and prepare records to be shared on the Company*
  2191. [01:06] <Regina> "Id prefer a planet full of cute Xenos like the ones on arboretum, though"
  2192. [01:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Just claim few stuffs. Don't take what we can't take care of" @ NiveumArgenteus
  2193. [01:06] <NiveumArgenteus> "Of course, Capt'Ann. And the favor of many adeptus too, are more precious than simple wealth." *smiles*
  2194. [01:06] <NiveumArgenteus> *siapin banyak report ke Adeptus2 seputar claimed territory, under the name of Company*
  2195. [01:07] <Clarissia> *chuckles* "Well, cute is better they said." @Regina
  2196. [01:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I guess Farrow is also smiling right now, aren't you Farrow???" @ Farrow *chuckles*
  2197. [01:07] <Farrow> *duduk di kursi bridge*
  2198. [01:07] <NiveumArgenteus> "Oh he's…" *terdiam*
  2199. [01:07] <Regina> "at least, we got a new source of wealth. Isnt that nice, claris?"
  2200. [01:07] <Farrow> "Phew.. I just need some rest.." =w=
  2201. [01:07] <NiveumArgenteus> "Captain Farrow Achasse, that seat… is still new… and was unstained.."
  2202. [01:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ngerokok nyantai* ( TwT)y-ooOO *chuckles*
  2203. [01:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..."
  2204. [01:07] <Farrow> "and.. bath"
  2205. [01:08] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "BWAHAHAHAHAHA.." *ngakak liatin muka NiveumArgenteus ngeliat Farrow duduk di kursi*
  2206. [01:08] <Farrow> "we can buy a new one c'mon.."
  2207. [01:08] <MiriPardis> (ini daerah udah ada starcharnya?)
  2208. [01:08] <_StoreeTellah> *ehem*
  2209. [01:08] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "That make my day" *chuckles*
  2210. [01:08] <_StoreeTellah> (belum ada MiriPardis )
  2211. [01:08] <NiveumArgenteus> "Oh, is it alright if we allow Le Parque to have claiming ceremony of the planet by themselves?"
  2212. [01:08] <_StoreeTellah> (jadi yang kamu buat starchart baru)
  2213. [01:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods nods* "Let them do it, Nivea"
  2214. [01:09] <NiveumArgenteus> ( tadi dimasukin semua ya kalau bisa )
  2215. [01:09] <NiveumArgenteus> ( dan di-share ke Company nantinya )
  2216. [01:09] <Clarissia> "That is true. If we can exploit it well, we'll be richer, way richer." @Regina
  2217. [01:09] <MiriPardis> (alright)
  2218. [01:09] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Holy Grail to Le Parque, we are sorry to inform that we cannot attend the claiming ceremony."
  2219. [01:09] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Do you mind to claim the planet by yourselves?"
  2220. [01:10] <Regina> *vox HG* "ooh of course I do not mind at all"
  2221. [01:10] <Regina> ".. damn, had I known this, shouldnt have blasted the trading post before"
  2222. [01:11] <Regina> "we could get so much more toys"
  2223. [01:11] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "Good luck, over-and-out"
  2224. [01:11] <Clarissia> "What's done is done, capt."
  2225. [01:11] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox LP* "We'd be observing the moons"
  2226. [01:12] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, would you like to check the three moons? They possess some wealth as well, and might be not-contaminated at all"
  2227. [01:12] <Regina> ( claiming-nya ff ae lah )
  2228. [01:12] <NiveumArgenteus> ( wkwk FF )
  2229. [01:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Of course" *grins @ NiveumArgenteus*
  2230. [01:12] <Clarissia> (saya ngikut kapten aja >_>)
  2231. [01:13] <NiveumArgenteus> *dorong Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver buat claiming the Moons*
  2232. [01:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "So.. Well claim the moons. Any objections?" @ Farrow n NiveumArgenteus
  2233. [01:13] <Farrow> "Well that is probably good."
  2234. [01:14] <NiveumArgenteus> "Affirmative. The moons are smaller and might be easier to manage."
  2235. [01:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox LP* "Cap'n Dell'Amore, if it's alright, we'll claim the Moons. I'll leave the others to Le Parque" *smiles* ( TwT)
  2236. [01:14] <Farrow> "We are not claiming it together Nivea?"
  2237. [01:14] <_StoreeTellah> oke
  2238. [01:14] <_StoreeTellah> usil aja
  2239. [01:14] <_StoreeTellah> MiriPardis: silakan roll warp
  2240. [01:14] <MiriPardis> (...)
  2241. [01:14] <_StoreeTellah> buat baliknya
  2242. [01:14] <NiveumArgenteus> ( .. )
  2243. [01:14] <Clarissia> (.....)
  2244. [01:15] <Clarissia> (Tzeentch have mercy)
  2245. [01:15] <Regina> (+10 dari kapten)
  2246. [01:15] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann, returning trip."
  2247. [01:15] <Farrow> (reroll aja klo gagal)
  2248. [01:15] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Alrighty" *nods*
  2249. [01:15] <Farrow> *nods*
  2250. [01:15] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Oh, we could offer Le Parque if you do not mind."
  2251. [01:15] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Prepare for returning home guys" *vox dalem kapal*
  2252. [01:15] <MiriPardis> !dtest 64
  2253. [01:15] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 88 / 64
  2254. [01:15] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  2255. [01:15] <MiriPardis> (see)
  2256. [01:16] <Clarissia> (...)
  2257. [01:16] <NiveumArgenteus> *vox--- eh sempat ngga? )
  2258. [01:16] <MiriPardis> (reroll)
  2259. [01:16] <_StoreeTellah> reroll...
  2260. [01:16] <NiveumArgenteus> ( mau offer share logistik dulu >_> )
  2261. [01:16] <_StoreeTellah> *silangkan jari*
  2262. [01:16] <Regina> "... warp travel again.." *bergidik*
  2263. [01:16] <NiveumArgenteus> ( daripada 4-8, mending 6-6 )
  2264. [01:16] <Clarissia> ".... Hope for the best this time...." *gemeteran*
  2265. [01:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ngerokok* ( TAT)y-ooOO
  2266. [01:16] <Farrow> (setahun nih kyknya)
  2267. [01:16] <Regina> ( 6_6 )
  2268. [01:16] <NiveumArgenteus> ( eh 2-8 , mending 5-5 )
  2269. [01:16] <MiriPardis> !dtest 64
  2270. [01:16] <_TZEENTCH_> Made a Test for MiriPardis and Result is 82 / 64
  2271. [01:16] <_TZEENTCH_> Oh nice, MiriPardis Failed with 1 Degree of Failure
  2272. [01:16] <_StoreeTellah> oh
  2273. [01:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (...)
  2274. [01:16] <_StoreeTellah> ya
  2275. [01:16] <Clarissia> (....)
  2276. [01:16] <MiriPardis> ( percaya)
  2277. [01:16] <_StoreeTellah> 10 hari di warpspace
  2278. [01:17] <_StoreeTellah> !roll 1d100
  2279. [01:17] * _TZEENTCH_ "What 1d100? _StoreeTellah [76] = 76"
  2280. [01:17] <NiveumArgenteus> ( oh )
  2281. [01:17] <Clarissia> (see you guys)
  2282. [01:17] <_StoreeTellah> mesin keganggu sedikit di tengah jalan
  2283. [01:17] <_StoreeTellah> tapi habis didoain sembuh lagi
  2284. [01:17] <_StoreeTellah> *byush*
  2285. [01:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (mesin mana? OAO|||)
  2286. [01:17] <_StoreeTellah> kalian pun kembali...
  2287. [01:17] <_StoreeTellah> ke dekat ShiP
  2288. [01:17] <_StoreeTellah> (mesin yang mana pun) ( '_')
  2289. [01:18] <_StoreeTellah> Your long journey...
  2290. [01:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Seriously.. Who's navigating this warp thingy...." ( TAT)y-ooOO *fuuuh*
  2291. [01:18] <_StoreeTellah> is finally over...
  2292. [01:18] <_StoreeTellah> ===Session ends===
  2293. [01:18] <_StoreeTellah> ===600 EXP===
  2294. [01:18] <_StoreeTellah> ===700 AP===
  2295. [01:18] * _kol (cgiirc@86215238.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  2296. [01:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (MAKASIH _StoreeTellah \(=w=)/)
  2297. [01:18] <Regina> (gg tq _StoreeTellah )
  2298. [01:18] <_StoreeTellah> ===Thank you for playing, have a good night/day===
  2299. [01:18] <Clarissia> ".... I think I have enough of warp travel for now... Ugh....." *masih gemeteran*
  2300. [01:18] * _TZEENTCH_ is now known as _SLAANESH_
  2301. [01:18] <_StoreeTellah> ===Open Roleplay Optional===
  2302. [01:18] <Clarissia> (gg tq _StoreeTellah!)
  2303. [01:19] <Farrow> (thx and farrow over and out!)
  2304. [01:19] <NiveumArgenteus> (thank you _StoreeTellah thx all )
  2305. [01:19] * Farrow ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2306. [01:20] <NiveumArgenteus> "Capt'Ann?"
  2307. [01:21] <Regina> ".. never. never... never again.."
  2308. [01:21] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "yea?"
  2309. [01:21] <Regina> ".. rest.." *arahkan pulang ke ShiP , lalu istirahat di kamar*
  2310. [01:21] <NiveumArgenteus> "When should we have the meeting?"
  2311. [01:22] <Regina> *taruh grenade launcher di bawah kasur*
  2312. [01:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "we'll see when everyone's have some time" *smiles*
  2313. [01:22] <Regina> *minum obat tidur baru beli*
  2314. [01:22] <Regina> *minum alcoholic drink dikit, coba tidur*
  2315. [01:23] <NiveumArgenteus> "I see."
  2316. [01:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "for now I guess we better take some time of resting.." *grins*
  2317. [01:23] <NiveumArgenteus> "Good idea."
  2318. [01:23] <NiveumArgenteus> "…" *nods*
  2319. [01:23] <Clarissia> ".... I think I'm in need of some rest...." *jalan ke kamar dengan lemes*
  2320. [01:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Anyways.. Good work, Nivea" *thumbs up* ( TwT)b
  2321. [01:24] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Ah. Thank you."
  2322. [01:25] <NiveumArgenteus> "… You too."
  2323. [01:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "And good work Fa--" *liat Farrow dah kabur atau tidur* *chuckles*
  2324. [01:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Well.. Still gotta lot to learn.."
  2325. [01:25] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Now I need to change the seat cover."
  2326. [01:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Can't stay weak forever.." (TAT )
  2327. [01:25] <NiveumArgenteus> *lihat kursi*
  2328. [01:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *lirik seat cover* *chuckles* *ngakak lagi*
  2329. [01:25] <Regina> (.. papasan ama Clarissia ? )
  2330. [01:25] <NiveumArgenteus> "… If… if you ever need anything, let me know."
  2331. [01:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "You should see your face, Nivea" *ngakak*
  2332. [01:25] <Clarissia> (.. boleh)
  2333. [01:25] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Ah?"
  2334. [01:26] <Regina> *keluar kamar muka lusuh*
  2335. [01:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "AHAHAHAHAHA... That makes my day.." *ngakak*
  2336. [01:26] <Regina> "Claris..." *poke poke*
  2337. [01:26] <Clarissia> "Hmm...? Oh.. captain..." *balas dengan agak lemes*
  2338. [01:26] <Regina> ".. I cant sleep.."
  2339. [01:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I'm glad all of you join this ship" *chuckles*
  2340. [01:26] <NiveumArgenteus> "… Ah." *nods saja*
  2341. [01:27] <NiveumArgenteus> "… The pleasure is mine." *smiles*
  2342. [01:27] <Clarissia> "Really....? Have you tried the drugs that you bought before?"
  2343. [01:27] <Regina> *nods*
  2344. [01:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Anyways, I better take some bath first.." *chuckles* "See you later, Nivea." ( TwT)/"""
  2345. [01:27] <NiveumArgenteus> *nods*
  2346. [01:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil wave2 ke NiveumArgenteus sambil jalan santai ke Captain's Lounge sambil humming* (TwT )"~~~~
  2347. [01:27] <Clarissia> "And no effect? At all?"
  2348. [01:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> -Ann over n out-
  2349. [01:27] <NiveumArgenteus> *looks at Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver * *then return to the duty*
  2350. [01:27] <NiveumArgenteus> -- Nivea over-and-out --
  2351. [01:28] <Regina> *tarik Clarissia masuk ke kamar*
  2352. [01:28] <Regina> "..sleep with me.." *muka ngantuk*
  2353. [01:28] <Regina> *jalan ke kasur, bobok*
  2354. [01:28] <Clarissia> "... all right, capt. Got it."
  2355. [01:29] <Clarissia> *tidur di.... sebelahnya Regina*
  2356. [01:29] <Regina> *senderan dikit ke Clarissia, lalu tertidur*
  2357. [01:29] <Regina> - Regina over n out -
  2358. [01:30] <Clarissia> *ngeliatin Regina sebentar* *senyum kecil sambil agak memerah* *elus elus rambut Regina* *ikutan tidur*
  2359. [01:30] <Clarissia> -Clarissia Over and Out-
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