
Some mech suit

Dec 22nd, 2014
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  1. A 10 foot tall bulky and strong looking mech suit. It's painted black and heavily armored (and weaponized), with an opening mechanism going vertically down it's chest and a helmeted head sticking out the top. The helmet is average sized for a human, and consists of a long tinted visor that stretches down from the forehead to the mouth, with a slim (sort of xenomorph-like, but without the large protrusion of the cranium) shape to it. On it's right hand there is a large fist outfitted with pistons, and on it's left instead of a hand, there's a large cannon; it's base is about 3 feet wide, and it has a long large barrel. It's covered with a layer of tightly wound coils, and has a large magazine slot on the right of it (the mech suit's right). There are spare magazines on it's waist, a launcher of some sort on it's right shoulder, a heavy machine gun on it's left shoulder, and another launcher on it's back. Wow. Anyway, it also has very large legs that have massive calves. It walks at about the same pace as the average human, but it's clearly much heaver (those who stand next to it as it walks may feel vibrations in the ground). Finally, it has a while skull decal on it's left leg and right shoulder.
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